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Newly released images from cold war era satellites reveal the dramatic melting of ice in the himalayas. And getting rid of diesel for good the uk is trialling its First Hydrogen powered train. Hello, good afternoon and welcome to bbc newsroom live. Voting hasjust closed in the latest ballot to decide the conservative leadership, as mps decide which candidates will good morning. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. Face a members vote. Former foreign secretary Boris Johnson face a members vote. Former foreign secretary borisjohnson looks black cab Rapistjohn Worboys, certain to make the final pair, now known asjohn radford, after topping the ballot in the who was almost freed from jail last year, first three rounds, but the race to has pleaded guilty to four join him remains too close to call, further offences in which he drugged women with the intention with jeremy hunt, michael gove of sexually assaulting them. Join him remains too close to call, withjeremy hunt, michael gove and sajid javid fighting to remain in the contest. Lets look at how the process works. The latest round of he was jailed in 2009 for a series voting will whittle down the remaining candidates to three, with of sexual assaults. The decision two results expected from an hours time. They will vote again this yea rs of sexual assaults. The decision two years ago to release and was afternoon to take it down to the reversed after a public outcry. Lets go to the old bailey. Final two, with results expected just after 6pm, and we will bring you both sets of results live. Those what happened in court was thatjohn worboys, orjohn radford, as he was final two candidates will begin referred to in the old bailey, trying to win the support of appeared via video link from conservative members, of which there are around 160,000. The first wakefield prison and he answered guilty four times when the new hustings will take place on saturday charges were put to him. He pleaded guilty to these four counts of june the 22nd. Conservative members will receive their postal ballots in supplying drugs to women with the earlyjuly and will receive their postal ballots in early july and vote will receive their postal ballots in earlyjuly and vote for who they think should be the next party intention of sexually assaulting leader and, of course, them. The offences took place think should be the next party leaderand, of course, Prime Minister. The result of that will be announced in the week beginning july between 2000 and 2008, so quite a the 22nd. Lets get the latest from broad period, and thats norman smith. As we were saying, significant, because previouslyjohn worboys has said his offending was widely expected that borisjohnson limited to a short 18 month period, will be in the final two, based on and it was on that basis that the the first few rounds of voting, but pa role any hint as to who might be and it was on that basis that the parole board decided it was safe for him to be released, back at the end alongside him . Not a clue is the of 2017, because they said he had honest answer, and its notjust me saying that, but i talk to the main admitted his offending, taken responsibility and being open and teams of michael gove and jeremy honest. What the convictions huntand teams of michael gove and jeremy hunt and they genuinely dont know. Demonstrate today is that he had not mps may say they are going to support their man and then do been honest, because this offending something entirely different in the predates that 18 month period, at privacy of the voting booth, so we dont know. What we can say it is least some of it does. In terms of incredibly close, with only three sentencing, that has been adjourned votes between jeremy until the beginning of september, incredibly close, with only three votes betweenjeremy hunt incredibly close, with only three votes between jeremy hunt and because thejudge until the beginning of september, because the judge was clear that she michael gove. It would take a minor wa nted because the judge was clear that she wanted a probation report to be miracle for sajid javid to leap up from the back of the pack and get compiled that would take into account much of the material the pa role account much of the material the parole board has accumulated over ahead, and from the back of the pack and get ahead, and i think people know the years aboutjohn worboys. In the thats not going to happen. They regret the fact they didnt get out meantime, he remains at wakefield of the blocks sooner, but they think prison. The key question for the they did well to stop but it looks like a knife edge tussle between judge in sentencing, i suppose, is whether or not this term of imprisonment he has at the moment, michael gove and jeremy hunt, and the calculation is simple for tory an indefinite term, should be mps. Who is best placed to take on substituted for one of life imprisonment, a life sentence, and borisjohnson . Mps. Who is best placed to take on whether the minimum term that was Boris Johnson . Four Michael Goves backers, the arguments are straightforward, he is a brexiteer, imposed, eight years, should be extended, but those are questions so straightforward, he is a brexiteer, so he will go down much better with for thejudge in extended, but those are questions the party faithful, and jeremy hunt is seen, if you like, is a bit more for the judge in september. Ofa is seen, if you like, is a bit more of a soft touch, and Boris Johnsons people have been pretty open in campaigners have won a legal saying theyd prefer to take on challenge against the government jeremy hunt, who they have dubbed over british arms sales to saudi arabia. The appeal court said the government hadnt done enough to theresa in trousers. Jeremy hunt argues, if it is michael gove assess whether the saudi authorities against borisjohnson, had breached International Law by argues, if it is michael gove against Boris Johnson, it argues, if it is michael gove against borisjohnson, it turns into their military campaign in yemen. The old blood feud of the past, and if you want to avoid that, better to the ruling has temporarily blocked go withjeremy future licenses from being granted but said current sales can be if you want to avoid that, better to go with jeremy hunt, if you want to avoid that, better to go withjeremy hunt, added to which, he adds that he has the depth of continued. 0ur correspondent is outside the court of appeal. Before we get into the detail of this ruling, give us the context for this experience in negotiating with foreign leaders to actually get brexit delivered, but genuinely its case. Going to be incredibly close between well, uk export policy is very clear. It says, arms sales are the two. Beyond that, when it comes to the hustings and the membership illegal if there is, quote, a clear risk that that equipment might be vote, norman, isuppose to the hustings and the membership vote, norman, i suppose the big question, or one of the big used in the serious violations of questions is, are they thinking International Humanitarian law. This about the person best placed to secure the position of the party in case looked at whether the uk government was properly taking into terms of a general election, or are account what was going on on the they thinking more broadly . Its ground in yemen. Theres been lots ha rd to they thinking more broadly . Its hard to say, really. Id guess that of criticism that saudi arabia has been persecuting air strikes without one of the big strengths which boris properly checking that civilians are johnson will deploy and which his not going to be in the line of fire. Supporters are already talking about is his ability to engender a thejudges said that, not going to be in the line of fire. The judges said that, although the feel good factor, to make people uk government had taken some of that into account, they hadnt actually just feel a little bit more upbeat launched a proper, systematic and optimistic, because, lets be assessment of past violations of honest, the past few years, weve been trawling through a salt mine. Humanitarian law by the saudis in its not been the happiest of times. Yemen and, because they didnt go about it in the right way, with the i think perhaps there is a sense that people just want a little bit right process, these three court of more sunlight. Boris johnson appealjudges have ruled that the that people just want a little bit more sunlight. Borisjohnson is probably best equipped to give them current export licensing regime is, that, so that undoubtedly plays in his favour. The big weakness is, indeed, illegal. I dont know if you have just heard, faced with the enormity of brexit, the department for trade has said it the complexity of the challenge, whether he has the grasp of detail, is seeking leave to appeal the the focus to actually hammer down a decision. Indeed, they have made the point that this is about the process, deal and get it through parliament. That isnt borisjohnsons skill essentially, and they will try and set, so i think tory members will seek leave to appeal against it. Sort of be torn between two sort of its worth pointing out what will happen now. There can be no future export licences now issued by the opposing arguments, one, they want somebody who can deliver brexit but department for trade, because the two, they surely want an end to this process has been proved to be illegal, but existing licences can is slow, long, hard slog and a bit of son sunshine on the horizon. Continue. However, the secretary of state is now going to have to look at all of those past licences, so a as we get close to the result of the review of existing and past licences latest ballot, stay with us on the bbc news channel for all the latest and future licences put on hold for on the tory leadership race. Well 110w. Bring you live coverage of the final thank you for that update from the court of appeal. Rounds of voting, with results expected at 1pm and then later at the tory race to become the next Prime Minister continues today, as mps decide which two candidates 6pm. Will face a members vote. Former foreign secretary boris the leader of the Roman Catholic johnson looks certain to make the final pair. Church in england and wales, he topped the ballot in the First Cardinal Vincent Nichols, has been three rounds of voting. Accused of defending the reputation last night, he secured the support of the Church Rather than focusing of 143 out of 313 conservative mps. On the impact of child sexual abuse but the race to join him on the impact of child sexual abuse on victims. The accusation comes remains too close to call. Jeremy hunt, michael gove and sajid javid are all from the independent inquiry into in the contest after fellow child sexual abuse, following an candidate rory stewart was knocked investigation into the archdiocese out last night. Of birmingham, where the cardinal was archbishop from 2000 to 2009. Lets look at how the process works. Lets get more from sarah walton, conservative mps are currently who is outside the enquiry, the building where it is taking place. Voting for who they wish to be the next Prime Minister, with here is the damning line, children the results expected at about 1pm. The candidate with the fewest could have been saved from abuse if votes is knocked out, the church had not been so leaving three candidates remaining. Determined to protect its own there will then be a further reputation above all else. Tell us vote this afternoon, more about whats been said. One of where the candidate with the fewest votes is again knocked out, leaving the final two. The result of this last parliamentary ballot the findings made in this report, is expected at 6pm. Published this lunchtime, and it essentially says that, since the mid the final two candidates will then begin trying to win the support of conservative members, 19305, essentially says that, since the mid 1930s, over 130 allegations of child of which there are around 160,000. Sexual abuse were made against 78 saturdayjune 22nd sees the first individuals associated with the hustings take place in birmingham. Archdiocese of birmingham. It also finds failings in the churchs the party aims to hold hustings in all 12 regions of the uk response to allegations against several priests, including one through june and july priest who was helped to flee the to allow tory members to see country and evade prosecution for 25 the candidates in action. Yea rs. Country and evade prosecution for 25 years. Cardinal Vincent Nichols is conservative members now the archbishop of westminster, will receive their postal the most seniorfigure in ballots in early july, now the archbishop of westminster, the most senior figure in the and vote for who should be the next Catholic Church in england and party leader and Prime Minister. Wales, but in 2009 he was the the result will be announced archbishop of westminster, and the report says, in his time there, you in the week beginning july 22nd. Focus too much on the reputation of lets get the latest the Church Rather than the welfare from our assistant political of children and the impact of child editor, norman smith. Sexual abuse on victims and hello again. Tell us a bit more survivors. It says the archdiocese is still failing in its child about how today is going to unfold, safeguarding arrangements. The chair because, based on the first three rounds of voting, it seems the real of the enquiry, professor alexis jay, was scathing in his remarks, contest at the moment is for who can saying it is clear the church could secure the second spot in the final have stopped children being abused if it hadnt been so determined to two. Protect its own reputation. Weve talking to all sides, genuinely, had no response from cardinal nobody has any real sense of who is nicholls, but this is more strong going to get second place. Its criticism today of the catholic entirely up for grabs betweenjeremy church, which has already faced huntand entirely up for grabs betweenjeremy hunt and michael gove stop neither allegations of serious failings in recent yea rs. Side are sure whether theyve just got the numbers to get a head. 0n allegations of serious failings in recent years. Thank you, sarah walton. The black cab rapist, john jeremy hunts side, i suppose the hope will be that he doesnt carry worboys, has pleaded guilty to dropping four more women, so he with him the baggage of michael could sexually assault them. He now gove, who last time was involved in goes by the name ofjohn radford, that bitter bunfight with boris and he was jailed in 2009 for a johnson, and i think there hope is series of sexual assaults, and a that maybe tory mps will be anxious decision to release him two years to avoid that kind ofs on bali ago was reversed after public outcry. It is danny shaw, from bloodbath again. That might help outside the old bailey. John him. Against that, its clear that mrjohnsons team seem to prefer the worboys, orjohn radford, as he was idea of a jeremy hunt against boris referred to at court, appeared by video link from wakefield prison, and he answered guilty four times johnson showdown, because he is a remainer and so it will be easy for when the new charges were put to boris, and so some of boris him. He pleaded guilty to these four accou nts him. He pleaded guilty to these four a ccou nts of him. He pleaded guilty to these four accounts of supplying drugs to women johnsons supporters are already labelling jeremy hunt as theresa may with the intention of sexually in trousers. That might be why assaulted them. The offences took jeremy hunt has tweeted saying hes going to put his heart and soul into place between 2000 and 2008, so giving borisjohnson the contest of quite a broad period of offending, his life, so he isnt going to be a and that is significant, because rollover. This morning, again, previouslyjohn worboys has said is making the case weve heard him offending was limited to a short, 18 making the case weve heard him making throughout the contest, that he is the man to negotiate a deal month period, and it was on that with brussels. Basis that the parole board decided weve got to put someone forward as Prime Minister it was safe for him to be released who the European Union are actually prepared to talk to. Back, at the end of 2017, because that is the only way get a better brexit deal and solve they said he had admitted his the crisis that we are in. Offending, hed taken responsibility and being open and honest. What lets not forget sajid javid. He was these convictions demonstrate today the first contender to arrive this is that he hadnt been honest, morning, and they all stood like because this offending predates that 18 month period, certainly some of that in the Committee Corridor to it does. In terms of sentencing, have a good photo before they all walked in. And he came out, he said that has been adjourned until the was quietly confident, but its an beginning of september, because the judge was quite clear she wanted a uphill task. He is trailing quite a probation report to be compiled that would take into account much of the way behind, but his team say that sajid javid has defied predictions material of the parole board has throughout this contest. 0ther over the years aboutjohn worboys. People said hed never make it through the first round, but he did, in the meantime, he remains at and he still in there. This morning, wakefield prison. The key question, he sounded upbeat. I want to go for it and try my very i suppose, for the judge wakefield prison. The key question, i suppose, for thejudge in sentencing, is whether or not this best and, by the end of the day, term of imprisonment he has at the we will have two candidates for the leadership election. Moment, an indefinite term, should one of them will certainly be borisjohnson. Be substituted for one of life i think i have the strongest case imprisonment, a life sentence, and for being the other one, being a change candidate that can whether the minimum term that was win over the nation eventually in a general election imposed, eight years, should be withJeremy Corbyn, because we must keep our sights set on that. Extended, those are questions for thejudge in we must keepJeremy Corbyn extended, those are questions for out of government. The judge in september. Crucial in the result will be what campaigners have won a legal challenge against the government happens to Rory Stewarts vote, over british arms sales to saudi where will they go . There are 27 arabia. The appeal court said the votes to be sprayed around. Rory government hadnt done enough to stewart himself is not saying, but i assess whether the saudi authorities had breached International Law by their military campaign in yemen. Think there is a calculation that, because rory stewart was involved in the ruling has temporarily blocked talks with michael gove yesterday future licenses from being granted, about a possible dream ticket but said current sales could packed, they came to nothing, but continue. Theresa may said she is disappointed with the judgment and they did talk to each other, there that the government is seeking leave may be a slab of Rory Stewarts votes that could go to michael gove. To appeal. 0ur correspond was so that could potentiallyjust nudge outside the court. Uk export policy him ahead ofjeremy hunt. This is clear, and it says arms sales are morning, well, michael gove looking on the sunny side. Illegal if there is, quote, a clear yes, im feeling very risk that that equipment might be confident today. I had a wonderful level of support yesterday used in the serious violations of from my parliamentary colleagues. Im looking forward to making it International Humanitarian law. This through to the final two and looking forward to a civilised debate case looked at whether the uk of ideas in order to ensure that we can make government was properly taking into account what was going on on the this country better. Ground in yemen. 0f account what was going on on the ground in yemen. Of course, there has been lots of criticism that norman, i dont know whether the saudi arabia has been persecuting candidates are paying much attention to what the chancellor, lippe air strikes without properly hammond, is going to be saying checking that civilians are not going to be in the line of fire. The tonight. Top lines from that speech already being reported, but hes judges said, although the uk making some pretty stern warnings government had taken into account about the future for the uk in the some of that, they hadnt actually event of a no deal brexit. Launched a proper, systematic striking. Anybody think of a no assessment of past violations of deal, they can forget the idea theyre going to have any cash to humanitarian law by the saudis in spray around for Public Services or yemen, and because they didnt go even tax cuts. Sort £28 million about it in the right way, with the reserve hes built up will have to right process, these three court of appealjudges have ruled that the go into trying to protect the current export licensing regime is, economy from no deal. So, if you are indeed, illegal. I dont know if you thinking of no deal, its also no have just heard, the cash. But as interesting, i thought, indeed, illegal. I dont know if you havejust heard, the department indeed, illegal. I dont know if you have just heard, the department for trade has said it is seeking leave was his assessment, that basically to appeal. Indeed, theyve made the nothing has changed. The parliamentary arithmetic hasnt changed, the eu unlikely to have point this is about the process, essentially, and they will try and changed, the eu unlikely to have changed its negotiating position, and the Northern Ireland border seek leave to appeal against it. Hasnt disappeared either, so its worth pointing out what will everything remains the same, so his view is that all the candidates have happen now. There can be no future to come up with a plan b. His view, export licences now issued by the department for trade, because the the most plausible plan b is what he process has been proved to be illegal, but existing licences can calls some sort of mechanism, some sort of electoral mechanism. I continue. However, the secretary of presume by that he means a state is now going to have to look referendum. Whats striking about at all of those past licences, so a thatisit referendum. Whats striking about that is it wasnt so long ago that review of existing past licences and for any top tory to talk about a referendum was in pleat no no, but future licences put on hold for now. Now we have the chancellor, albeit on his way out, but a chance limiting the idea that perhaps the staying with the courts, a man found guilty of killing a woman in a speed only way we resolve the situation is boat crash has lost his appeal with another referendum. Stay with us on the bbc news channel against conviction for manslaughter. For all the latest on the tory jack shepherds lawyers argued the conviction was unsafe as he wasnt leadership race. Cautioned or offered a solicitor by well be bringing you coverage of the final two rounds of voting throughout the day, police. He was jailed for six years with the results for the death of charlotte brown, expected at 1pm and 6pm. Who was thrown from his boat when it capsized on the river thames in december 2015. The dutch Prime Minister has told an age check scheme designed to stop the bbc that the uks economy and place in the world will be under 18s viewing pornographic seriously diminished after brexit. Websites has been delayed for six he was talking to our europe months due to an administrative editor, katya adler, on the eve of the eu council error. Controversial changes, which summit in brussels. They began by talking about require users to verify their age the challenges of brexit facing using personal identification, were the new british Prime Minister due to come into effect next month after already being delayed from whoever that may be. Last april. The culture secretary, jeremy wright, has told the commons, when the new Prime Minister comes in and asks for an extension, we have due to an oversight, the eu to learn about his plan, in terms of commission hadnt been notified correctly. New elections, a new referendum, the rate at which himalayan glaciers making changes to any red lines the are melting has doubled in recent yea rs. Are melting has doubled in recent years. Scientists from Columbia University in new york used spy uk currently holds. If nothing is satellite pictures from the cold war happening, if it means after the era to show that ice loss in the 3ist happening, if it means after the 31st of october again, can we make region has doubled over the last a0 changes, no, we cant, because you wa nt to changes, no, we cant, because you yea rs. Want to change the red lines, there region has doubled over the last a0 years. They compared those images to is no point in an extension. 50 more recent images. The research is is no point in an extension. So youd be prepared to have a no deal published in the journal science brexit in october . No, i hate it advances. Ice loss from glaciers is from every angle. I have to work on the assumption brexit will take important, because it contributes to rising sea levels. Place, and we have to avoid a hard brexit, so we have to work towards a voting in the conservative leadership race has closed and the negotiated brexit, and i hope its possible by the end of october. Results are expected in the next hour. Lets cross to a special again, with brexit, be it hard or edition of politics live with andrew not, the impact on the uk economy, society, everything, is huge. Its neil. Society, everything, is huge. Its by the end of today, it will be so much bigger than so many people anticipate. That is my worry about narrowed to the final two. Borisjohnson looks set the uk. I am so saddened you are to cruise onto the shortlist and is the favourite to win doing this, because this impact is when Party Members have their say. The race to decide huge, and many people are who will challenge him underestimating it. You will have a looks too close to call. Diminished role on the world stage, its thursday, its 12 15, your economy will suffer and it will have a huge impact on society. The and were live in westminster. Populist eurosceptic threat for those who believe in the eu hasnt gone away, is it . Its something you deal with here, that youve recently faced in your general election. How does the eu navigate its way through . We are in a period of new politics. I have this discussion many times with david cameron. The direction of the uk wanted to take, we took, so from, lets say, 2012, 2013 onwards, the idea of an effortless union, the unavailability of history, this unavoidable march toa of history, this unavoidable march to a european superstate is all gone. Nobody in a senior position in the eu is pleading for that now. We have moved in the direction of the uk wanted, the paradox is that, when we did, the european coal and complaining there isnt enough for them to do. The European Parliament complaining. Im happy about that, i want them not to be enough legislation on their plate, its good, it means the eu is focusing on Core Essentials and moving away from the idea of being everything to everyone. Adam fleming is in brussels for us. Before we talk about the business of the council, lets reflect on that interview, because here we have one of the uks biggest fans in the eu talking about the difficulties of brexit, as he sees it. The reality he is talking about is very different from the reality that candidates for the conservative leadership are talking about. Yes, a leadership are talking about. Yes, a leader of a quite like minded country that is politically and and economically close, and which will suffer in a no deal brexit, but deciding his interests lie with the rest of the eu and defending and protecting the single market, one of the important components of why we have ended up where we are in the brexit process. Also in that interview, catch adler said, what about Boris Johnsons idea interview, catch adler said, what about borisjohnsons idea that you could have a standstill transitional period after six day where things we re period after six day where things were broadly the same, even with a no deal brexit, and he said that was not an option that was available. He isa not an option that was available. He is a liberal Prime Minister and will probably be arriving on the red carpet at any minute, because its a meeting of other Prime Ministers of the eu, and all the political groups and families have these pre summit meetings to agree their positions. This is the liberal one, with the other one happening elsewhere. There are so many meetings in brussels right now, because there was a huge amount of horse trading going on, because tonight at dinner the leaders will be talking about how to d ivvy leaders will be talking about how to divvy up the eus top jobs, because there will soon be vacancies for president of the commission, president of the council, who hosts the summit, president of the European Parliament, the central bank, and the eus foreign minister. So the business of brexit, as far as the Councils Summit is concerned, is well down the agenda . Yes, brexit has been relegated to a five minute slot at the end of the summit tomorrow lunchtime, where i think all we going to get is an update on the latest situation from donald tusk and a bit more about the eus to contingency plans for a no deal brexit from jean claude juncker, the european president. The big moment is tomorrow night, the dinner, where we see all of that divvying up. The new personalities that will dominate the eu for the next five years. This afternoon, the summit will be dominated by discussion about Climate Change and whether all 28 eu countries will sign up to a pledge to be Carbon Neutral by 2050. The vast majority, including the uk, have given it the thumbs up, but there are still big holdouts, and there are still big holdouts, and there is a big question about whether the eu can sign up that target collectively or whether it will be an ambition, or talk of trajectory or aspiration, and that matters, because the eu will have a position to take to a big un Climate Summit ina position to take to a big un Climate Summit in a few months. Thank you, adam, you can get back to grabbing a word with the top people. Iran and the United States say that an american surveillance drone has been shot down over the strait of hormuz, the vital shipping line between iran and the arab gulf states. Irans revolutionary guards say they brought down the Unmanned Aircraft when it entered iranian airspace. Pentagon sources deny this, saying their Us Navy Drone was flying in international airspace. Tension remains high in the region following a number of attacks on oil tankers, which washington and its allies have blamed on tehran. More now from the port city of fujairah in the uae. It seems clear that a drone was set down. Neither side denies that. This was a High Altitude american surveillance drone, very powerful, which can fly for hours on end and to scoop up images of what it says below it. The key issue is where exactly the drone was when it was downed. The iranian revolution regard says it had flown this morning into iranian airspace, and thats when its air defences brought the drone down, but the americans at first had no comment, other than to say there was no drain no drone over iranian territory, but they since said, an official at the pentagon, that an american drone was shot down, but they say it was in international airspace, but it wasnt in iranian airspace, so thats a crucial detail. The iranians yesterday said that breaching of its airspace would be a red line and, in the last hour or so, the command of the iranian revolution regard, general hosein salami, has been live on Iranian Television saying this shooting down is meant to sent a clear message to the americans, saying they do not desire war with the United States but they will be ready for it if it comes. An age check scheme designed to stop under 18s viewing pornographic websites is expected to be delayed for a second time. The controversial changes, which require users to verify their age using personal identification, was due to come into effect next month after already being delayed from april 2018. The reason for the delay is not clear. With me now isjim killock from the open rights group, who campaign to protect privacy and free speech online. Thank you for coming along. What is your take on why this is being delayed for a second time . M your take on why this is being delayed for a second time . It seems to bea delayed for a second time . It seems to be a combination of things, primarily bureaucratic error. They didnt tell the eu about the details, and thats a legal requirement, if they dont do it, they have to go through that process before they can get on with it. They having a number of age Verification Companies complaining about the volu nta ry companies complaining about the voluntary privacy standards and refusing to comply. 0thers voluntary privacy standards and refusing to comply. Others are saying it is too costly. They are saying it is too costly. They are saying the standard is useless and needs to be essentially rewritten. Everyone is complaining. So there needs to be a delay. Government needs to be a delay. Government needs make the privacy requirements compulsory so that companies cant just decide to ignore them, which is what is happening at the moment. Lets try and understand more about what youve been saying, in terms of your concerns, which have been consistent throughout this process. You are worried about the privacy of people using this age verification system, because effectively they would be handing over their details, documentation etc, to companies behind these pornographic websites. Thats right, and even worse you get tracked by default in these systems, because its like a login, and the website is a note each time has to know each time you go to the website but its still you, so there isa website but its still you, so there is a list of all the pages somebody is a list of all the pages somebody is viewing, and that is sensitive data. If that leaked, somebody got hold of it, it could be used for blackmail. This routinely happens now, people are blackmailed for a p pa re ntly now, people are blackmailed for apparently pornographic viewing habits. It could destroy peoples careers, it could out people. The devastation could be enormous, and that means the standards of privacy need to be extraordinarily high because of those consequences, and thats why there needs to be a compulsory standard, which they refused to do. To protect privacy and, at the same time, stop under 18 is gaining access to pornographic websites, how is progress going to be made on this issue, in your opinion . The simple solution, which the government could have done at any point, would be to change the law and to say that the age verification schemes that are going to be used must comply with the standard which is set by the regulator. If they said that, and there was a Public Consultation on that standard, it would be possible to have a very high level of protection of privacy and make these products trustworthy. Its kind of staggering that hasnt happened. How many of the companies or the people behind these pornographic websites are objecting to that standard . Trade association is objecting, saying it is to own risk, and one these companies, called 18 plus app, says it wont comply because it wa nts to says it wont comply because it wants to monetise the user data, so its a mess. Thank you very much. President xijinping is beginning his first visit to north korea. Its the first time any chinese leader has visited in 1a years. 0ur china correspondent, robin brant, told us what president xis arrival was like. There was a massive red carpet to greet him, adoring crowds, according to Chinese State media, waving flags and flowers as he journeyed to pyongyang, and then also there have been the beginning of some talks between the two leaders. Its the first time, as you say, in 1a years a chinese leader has been. Firstly, there is reciprocity here, because xijinping has hosted kimjong un in china on four occasions over the past year or so. Most of that has been for the north Korean Leader to brief president xi over those failed talks with donald trump over north Koreas Nuclear weapons programme. So president xi is going. I think hes going for two reasons. Firstly, to continue to cement the relationship between these two countries. It hasnt been good over recent yea rs. Thats mainly because china has supported tougher un sanctions to try and force north koreas hand over its nuclear weapons. Its also because he is trying to send message to donald trump, china and the us, of course, are in the midst of a trade war that shows no sign of improving and, if president xi jinping can show the white house that maybe, maybe china is the one who retains some kind of ability to influence north korea then thats a message he wants to send. For kim jong un, well, this is a real moment to go turbo on the propaganda. He has the hugely important neighbour, the leader of the hugely important neighbour coming to town, so to speak, and through state controlled media he can say, xijinping is here, willing to show his support in a very demonstrable way, and also willing to show the world that china, at the moment, certainly, has north koreas back. The rate at which himalayan glaciers are melting has doubled in recent years. Scientists from Columbia University in new york used Spy Satellite pictures from the cold war to show that ice loss in the region has accelerated dramatically over the last a0 years. 0ur science correspondent Rebecca Morelle has more. Covert images snapped from space. These were taken by us Spy Satellites in the 1970s. Recently declassified, they reveal how the himalayas once looked. Now scientists have compared them with modern satellite images and theyve been able to see how the himalayan glaciers have changed. Since 2000, the height of the glaciers has shrunk by an average of half a metre every year. That means theyre losing eight billion tonnes of water annually. Scientists say that Climate Change is the main cause of this rapid melt, leaving the area dramatically altered. The concern is that there are millions of people who rely on the glaciers for water. Researchers are continuing to track the vanishing ice, but they warn, if the climate continues to warm, the melt will be hard to stop. Rebecca morelle, bbc news. Now its time for a look at the weather. Hi, simon. Lots of sunshine across the country at the moment. It is dry for many of us, but we have got a few showers around. That is the scene few showers around. That is the scene in leicestershire at the moment, some lovely blue skies, and thatis moment, some lovely blue skies, and that is the same in many areas. The weather is settling down over the next few days, but we have put a few showers in northern parts of england, the midlands and wales, and by the afternoon there could be scattered showers in the south, and are still some showers in scotland and Northern Ireland. Maximum temperatures, 18 to 20, bit fresher than yesterday. Weve lost the humidity, and temperatures down a bit, but they are set to rise in the next few days. Tonight, the showers disappear apart from the far north west of scotland, where it could turn quite chilly for friday morning. Throughout friday, apart from a few showers in the far north of scotland, a dry day for all of us. Of scotland, a dry day for all of us. There will be some sunshine and it will feel a bit warmer. Hello, this is bbc newsroom live. The headlines black cab Rapistjohn Worboys pleads guilty to drugging four more women in order to sexually abuse them. Four become two conservative mps are choosing the final candidates for Prime Minister, then its up to the Party Membership to decide. Theresa may will attend her final eu summit as prime minster later, as her dutch counterpart issues a warning about the impact of brexit. The impact is huge and many people underestimate it. You will have a diminished role in the world stage, your economy will suffer and it will have a huge impact on society. An age check scheme designed to stop under 18s viewing pornographic websites, is expected to be delayed for a second time. And the uk tests its First Hydrogen powered train. But will the rest of that network come on board . Lets catch up with sport and join 0lly foster. Scotla nd 0lly foster. Scotland head coach shelley kerr was quick to point the finger at what she called appalling decisions and poor officiating after they were knocked out of the womens world cup last night. They needed to win against argentina to have any chance of reaching the last 15 and at 3 0 up of reaching the last 15 and at 3 0 up there was every chance they would do it. Lee alexander thought she had saved that injury time penalty but she stepped off the line before the ball was kicked. 3 3, a heartbreak for scotland, the result left a bad taste in the mouth for the coach. We are all feeling hard done by. That spells in the game i thought we were great and we showed we were capable of doing ourfirst great and we showed we were capable of doing our first world cup great and we showed we were capable of doing ourfirst world cup but right now we are feeling a bit hard done by. Decisions havent gone in our favour through the tournament and we need to be mentally strong now. England were already through to the last 16, with three wins out of three, victory over japan the last 16, with three wins out of three, victory overjapan who beat them in the semifinals last time out, which should give them a favourable draw in the knockout round. They will find out later today who they will face next after that last round of group games. I think we keep growing and growing as this tournament goes on to our Main Objective was to get out of this group top and we look forward to the round of 16, however we face, so to the round of 16, however we face, so its exciting and we just need to recover and look forward to whoever we play next. The objective was to win the game, finished top of the group, ithink win the game, finished top of the group, i think we needed the game, and extra test and we got that, we managed to rotate seven changes. It was absolutely fantastic. We had to defend well. There were a couple of bits of plate where i thought a bit of tiredness came in butjob done and we are looking forward to the la st and we are looking forward to the last 16. Todays cricket at trent bridge, australia won the toss and are batting against bangladesh. David warner is going to get to the half ce ntu ry david warner is going to get to the half century first. Australia will go top of the standings with the win. Commentary on five live sports extra and on the bbc sport website. Andy murray makes his competitive return to tennis at queens today. Hes playing alongside feliciano lopez, having been off for five months. Kyle edmund is also in action, he lost the first set before plate came toa lost the first set before plate came to a close yesterday because of bad light and to a close yesterday because of bad lightand rain to a close yesterday because of bad light and rain and they will resume at 33 light and rain and they will resume at 3 3 in the second. You can watch all the action on the bbc sport website, they are already under way, marron challenge is facing Diego Schwartz brun right now. Edmund is on after that match but thats all your support for now. Jack shepherd has lost a court of appeal challenge against his conviction for the manslaughter of charlotte brown. He was jailed for six years over the death of miss brown, who was thrown from a speedboat when it capsized on the river thames in december 2015. Our correspondent lee milner is at the court of appealfor us. Correspondent lee milner is at the court of appeal for us. There were two appeals today, lets start with manslaughter. We heard that straight after the incident shepherd was interviewed by police but wasnt cautioned or offered a lawyer, so his barrister claimed that made the conviction unsafe. The crown argued that was dealt with within the trial and even if it wasnt fair, evidence that was submitted was valid so that appeal was dismissed. Jack shepherd is currently serving six years for killing 24 year old charlotte brown, who was thrown from the high powered speedboat when it capsized on the river thames during their first date in december 2015. Hes also serving a further four years after admitting a further four years after admitting a drink fuelled attack on a barman during his bail. Earlier today we saw katie brown, charlotte browns sister, and i asked her what she thought of this decision. We are relieved that shepherds appeal has been thrown out and justice has prevailed. My sister charlie is not here with us because of his negligent and reckless actions. He has not once shown any remorse or respect to our family or to the legal system or to charlie. |j respect to our family or to the legal system or to charlie. I told you there were two appeals today here at the court ofjustice, the first was dismissed regarding manslaughter, the second regarding the conviction for jumping manslaughter, the second regarding the conviction forjumping bail, he got six months after he went on the run to georgia straight after that incident. He missed his trial because of that and then had to be extradited back to the uk. That appeal has now been quashed and its been left to the authorities to decide what happens next. Thank you for that update. Lets get more under tory leadership race and conservative mps are currently voting on which two candidates will face at is about. Borisjohnson topped the ballot in the first three rounds but it is too close to call on who willjoin him members vote. Jeremy hunt, michael gove and sajid javid are the other candidates. Lets get the latest from norman smith. Much of the focus has been onjeremy hunt and michael gove but sajid javid still in the contest, clung on last time, just getting 33 votes, he is still there and his supporters say its not over. Stephen crabbjoins me now, it could be an astonishing comeback if he gets to final two. Sajid has been written of so many times, we got the campaign off to a slow start, and people saying it is not firing for him but he has proved his critics wrong. Sajid javid is a fighter and he is still in this race. People have been impressed by his back story but what about his front story, what will he do it for the country . A lot of people started this race thinking all he has to offer is an interesting back story can the more they have heard of him and seen of him, the more they have been impressed and a number of colleagues who have come up to me, one said this morning i didnt know all this about him, hes a really attractive guy and should be leading our party so we go about our business quietly with humility, making the case for sajid and the more people see of him, the more they like him. Where does he now get his votes from . Jeremy hunt and Michael Goves teams will be trying to lock down there voters and his only springboard into the final round is if borisjohnson decides on the quad to give sajid javid some votes to knockout michael gove. There are all kinds of stories swirling around these corridors of the dark arts, people landing votes, but im sceptical, in this day and age you get found out trying to be too clever. Late last night and through the night we have been talking to colleagues from all different camps to encourage them to give sajid javid a second look, look at how well he conducts himself during tv debates, he can hold his head up high. What about his brexit plan . It seems it is almost to give the irish a whole lot of money to hope they go easy on the border. He isa hope they go easy on the border. He is a realist, he understands the irish question is at the heart of the parliamentary problem so we want to start a new conversation with the Irish Government but he understands the irish will not be treated as a bilateral negotiation, they will say the eu is leading this so he will wa nt the eu is leading this so he will want to have a new conversation with them, but in his life before politics he was a deal maker, hes a good negotiator and that is why he understands this. Let me tell you one tale of the dark arts which an mp was telling me, he said he knew mps who voted for all different candidates in each round so at the end of the process they could say they voted for the Prime Minister. Dark arts in politics . Never, norman we will see more from norman smith later. Lives could be at greater risk if manchester is targeted by terrorists because a Specialist Fire Service unit has shut thats according to a government watchdog. Her majestys inspectorate of constabulary and fire and rescue services said manchester fire and rescue services has not had the capability to respond to some terror related incidents since before christmas. This is due to a manpower dispute that sparked the closure of the specialist unit. With me is inspector of fire and rescue services zoe billingham. Thank you for coming along today. Explain first of all what exactly it is the specially trained firefighters do. If there was an attack of the type we are talking about, they would have specialist ballistic protection and would be able to go into what we call the warm zone, which is where there arent active terrorist shooters are around but its still a dangerous place, to help with casualty extraction, to help with putting out fires, to help the Ambulance Services comic to triage people who have been injured so its a vitally Important Role for the fire service to provide and the interesting thing about this issue is all the other Fire Services that are required to have this capability have it, its only manchester that doesnt have it and we are concerned about that. |j appreciate and we are concerned about that. appreciate you dont want to get into the industrial relations aspect of this too much but can you see why other areas have successfully had an retained these types of services and in Greater Manchester that hasnt happened . The reason why we have expressed so much concern is that other places have overcome those issues and put in place that specialist ability so firefighters have been trained and are ready and waiting for the dreadful eventuality but this is a foreseeable threat and its one that the fire service in manchester needs to be ready for. With firefighters coming down from merseyside there will inevitably be a delay and that will create further risk and put peoples lives at risk. A delay could cost lives. We know what is so important in incidents like this, its important people are reached and casualties are treated and brought out of danger zones and can have full medical treatment there and then, and without this facility being provided by manchester, there is a real issue for public safety. Youre talking about a type of terror attack known asa about a type of terror attack known as a marauding gun attack, the type we saw in the dubai hotel attacks. You want this team reinstated. Yes, its all very well having another fire service that can step in but that causes confusion, there was this issue around at marauding gun attack on firefighters were confused about what their role would be in any other type of attack so it is important this is resolved. Do you hope this clear statement of intent from you might bring the sides or at least push the sides in this dispute to find a resolution . We think its unacceptable the position we find in manchester and we call on those involved in the dispute to resolve it. Do you have any other powers beyond urging them to do this . Our job is to advise the public on whats going on, every other place has resolved this issue and there is no reason it shouldnt be resolved in manchester. Thank you for your time. In a moment well have all the Business News, but first, the headlines on bbc news black cab Rapistjohn Worboys pleads guilty to drugging four more women in order to sexually abuse them. Conservative mps are choosing the final candidates for Prime Minister, then its up to the Party Membership to decide. And theresa may will attend herfinal eu summit as prime minster later, as her dutch counterpart issues a warning about the impact of brexit. Im victoria fritz. In the Business News Carphone Warehouse profits fall by more than 20 as it admits the mobile phone market was changing more quickly than expected. It is the second profits warning since alex baldockjoined the company as chief executive just over a year ago. Cold weather in may prompted the biggest drop in british retail sales this year, with shoppers putting off buying summer clothes. Sales in Department Stores were particularly weak. The sector has not grown since september of last year. Just how well is britains economy faring . Well get the latest health check from the central bank, the bank of england, in ten minutes time as they reveal their decision on Interest Rates. A drop in transport costs has brought inflation back down to the bank of englands target, suggesting that the bank will choose to keep Interest Rates on hold today. You have heard of the credit crunch but how about the consumption crunch . This is whats happening to young adults according to the resolution foundation. Compare someone resolution foundation. Compare someone entering their 20s just after the year 2000, then someone who was between 18 and 29 now. Todays young adults are spending far less, spending more on basic things like rent and for less on leisure. Compare both these generations to the baby boomers and the picture is more stark. Those aged over 60 are on average spending more than ever before and there a growing gender divide can women in their 60s have half the wealth of their 60s have half the wealth of their male counterparts. Lets speak to lisa conway, a personalfinance expert who was somewhere in the room. We have been talking before we went on air about this extraordinary intergenerational audit and confirming what a lot of young adults have felt for some time, things are tough financially now so how has this come about . Will annuals are feeling the pinch. They are spending less on non property things but that means they are spending more on actual property, not things like investing or savings or pensions so they are being pushed into property. Millennials are known as generation rent, they are living in overcrowded poor quality Housing Stock and i worry about their standard of living. Its controversial the idea of measures to rebalance wealth between generations but should measures be taken . I think they have to be. I worry about the future of millennials and what they will do when it comes to retirement, may be balancing through tax relief, a flat rate that everyone can benefit would make that an easier playing field. We are all focused on who will be the next Prime Minister but lets turn our attention to who might be the next chancellor, thejob turn our attention to who might be the next chancellor, the job that i have on their hands and a demographic headwind is they are facing, a tax cut proposed by people who want to be Prime Minister will not resolve that . That might get some votes in the short term but how will we afford the pensions for that millennials now . Will they even exist, how will we afford health ca re exist, how will we afford health care and so on. We will leave it there, lisa conway hughes, thank you. Lets have a quick look at some other news. Whitbread, the group behind premier inn, have blamed deterioration of Business Travel on fa res deterioration of Business Travel on fares around brexit, they said the underperformance was due to a high proportion of business customers and ove rex posu re proportion of business customers and overexposure to the regions. Britains biggest bathroom specialist is facing the financial crunch, putting hundreds of high streetjobs at risk. An Advisory Firm has been lined up to handle administration after the group failed to find a buyer. The owner is unwilling to put in more cash to save the business. And three stripes may adorn the kit of Football Players in some of the most successful clu bs Football Players in some of the most successful clubs but a court has ruled that the adidas logo is not distinctive enough to be considered a trademark. The ruling as part of a long running between the sportswear manufacturer and a shoe Company Called shoe branding europe. The big story is the oil price because iran has shot down a us drone aircraft and the oil price is covered responding to these tensions. Two oil tankers were attacked in the gulf last week, the us and accused iran of being responsible, something which iran denies. The us has deployed more troops in the region and the oil price is spiking in response to these rising tensions in the strait of hormuz, a narrow sea passage between iran and 0man the strait of hormuz, a narrow sea passage between iran and oman and the only route to the open ocean from the persian gulf so its one of the most important shipping rates for oil in the world, so traders are worried that if anything happens to that straight it could restrict supply around the world so we now have oil prices up to 63 a barrel. Thats all the Business News. Plenty more on the website. To mark World Refugee day, the tate modern in london has teamed up with the International Rescue committee to highlight the work of artists who fled conflict and persecution. The collaboration comes as record breaking figures reveal 70. 8 million refugees and displaced people around the world. The former foreign secretary David Miliband is the president and ceo of the International Rescue committee. I spoke to him a little earlier from outside the tate modern. The fact that at the moment, only five or six refugees are admitted per parliamentary constituency, shows the minuscule level of entry at the moment that theresa mays government, they cancelled a commitment made by david cameron, to welcome 3,000 child refugees, the most innocent of all, and that is the second half of the coin that countries like britain should be playing. Unfortunately, the retreat of the uk is matched by a retreat in the us which has slashed by about three quarters the number of refugees allowed in the country. So significant challenges for organisations like yours, the International Rescue committee, to try and persuade major governments around the world to change policies. Which of the candidates standing to become the next Prime Minister of the uk do you think would most listen to you . Which of those four do you think would be the best Prime Minister . You have talked about borisjohnsons position on brexit, being, to quote you, straight out of never never land. Well, im not sure i want to damn any of the candidates by endorsing them, which is what you are inviting me to do. I dont want to get myself into the middle of that, it may raise all sorts of weird and wonderful questions. I think that the worrying thing for all of us who are british citizens is the extent to which the debate inside the conservative party is happening in a parallel universe. Its almost like they have deluded themselves, never mind wanting to delude the voters, that we can continue to have our cake and eat it on brexit. Brexit involves trade offs and it involves costs and we need a Prime Minister who is willing to face up to those costs. I havent seen that from any of those candidates so far and frankly the policy discussion has been very poor. You will be as frustrated as i am that borisjohnson is not putting himself forward for interviews, so hes not having the kind of cross examination that is a healthy part of democracy. Youve also said that the brexit now on offer is so different from what was envisaged at the time of the referendum that it would be undemocratic not to have a second vote and talk to us if you would about labours position in all of this, because you believe that Jeremy Corbyn has been trying to please both sides but actually satisfying no one. What do you think, as labour leader, he should be saying clearly to voters in the uk right now . Well, i think you have summed it up very well, which is that the labour leadership has been trying to please everyone and has, in the end, pleased no one. I think there is something very simple to say about this. Both major parties have been trying to calculate their brexit position to satisfy internal divisions. David miliband speaking to me earlier. The need to find greener ways of transport is greater than ever before, and Hydrogen Powered trains could be the answer. They already run regularly in germany and britain is looking to become one of the next countries to get them on the tracks. 0ur transport correspondent tom burridge has been getting on board the uks First Hydrogen train. Ok, so, robin, please fire us up. And we will be cooking. Horn blows. There we go, were cooking on hydrogen, off we go. Lets bring it back around. Lets try and talk to a couple of people, the masterminds behind this project. Helen simpson from porterbrook and alex burrows from the university of birmingham. Alex, what is the magic behind this train, why does this matter . This is the First Hydrogen train in the uk, which is obviously a huge achievement and the partnership between porterbrook and the university of birmingham has been absolutely fantastic, with industry and academia working together. You achieved this in nine months. Just nine months, yes, a fantastic achievement. Helen, how soon will these trains be out there . We were saying roughly two years, what other work needs to be done before we see these trains operating on a commercial sense . This is a test train, we are running it to trial the Hydrogen Fuel cell technology, learn about the technology and we will run it on the main line next for testing, so working with the university of birmingham with porterbrook, working to get this train tested on the mainline and from there, we will go out to building something for passenger service. And we need these trains in britain, dont we, because there are still diesel only trains out there, polluting, the sort of change you dont want to stand next to at the station . Yes, both local pollution and global warming, Climate Change issues, this is the train that can solve both of those things with only pure water emitted and it gives you an alternative. Tom burridge reporting there on hydrogen planes. Trains. Two beluga whales have been transported halfway around the world to begin a new life in the waters off iceland. They were taken from an ocean park in shanghai and were flown nearly 10,000km kilometres to keflavik airport in iceland, where they will be taken to a natural habitat. Lets look at the weather. Simon has the latest. We have some fine and dry weather, i havent said that for a long time, showers in scotland and Northern Ireland but many of us have some blue skies at the moment, i warm afternoon but fresher than yesterday, we have lost that humidity. You can see those scattered showers for england and wales, Northern Ireland and north west scotland but plenty of sunny weather in between there was. Maximum temperatures up to 20 degrees. Tonight we will continue with some showers are crossed and north west of scotland, elsewhere clear skies and it could turn quite chilly overnight tonight, during friday there will be plenty of dry weather again, a few showers affecting the far west of scotland, lots of sunshine affecting the uk and temperatures rising a little bit tomorrow and they will continue to 00 59 16,125 4294966103 13 29,430 rise over the weekend

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