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Iran is still a year away from eu ministers meet in brussels to try galloping a nuclear weapon. We think to save the Iran Nuclear Deal. There is still a closing but small foreign secretaryjeremy hunt remains cautiously optimistic about its future. Window to keep the deal alive. Also on the programme. Also on the programme. Another posthumous the crackdown on Illegal Immigrants seems not to have happened but fear honour for alan turing and confusion are not in short the face of britains new £50 note. Supply. The moment divers spot a jellyfish the size of a human. 50 yea rs ago man first walked on the moon only twelve people have ever done it there was little sign this weekend alan bean was the fourth, well hear from the family of the high profile round up of thousands of Illegal Immigrants that mr trump had promised. There was however a lot that he left back on earth. Of rumour and a lot of fear. And if the raids havent yet happened in big numbers, hello and welcome another effort to stop people coming across the border with mexico im katty kay in washington could be more radical. The white house plans to make it almost impossible for people and Christian Fraser is in london. Donald trump has to claim asylum in the us a long history of injecting race if they came here through another country. Into american politics in a way that divides the country but rallies were joined now byjohn sandweg, who served as acting ice director his core supporters. During the 0bama administration. If you are not happy here you can leave. As far as i am concerned if thank you for coming in to join us. You hit our country and youre not happy here you can leave and thats lets talk about the raids first of i say all the time if youre not all. What is the purpose of the white house saying we will have these raids, high profile raids on happy here and you hit our country. People in the country illegally and a lot of people love it by the way but if you are not happy in the usa then nothing happens . The whole way and if youre complaining all the of the thing played out as bizarre. Time, very simply you can leave ive never seen operations like that right now. Announced in advance. There is no reason to do that to put your office is in dangerand reason to do that to put your office is in danger and notify the people youre going to arrest that youre going to arrest them. I dont know the tweet from the weekend that why they were so aggressive in terms of promoting it in advance. And then called on Democratic Congresswomen for them not to materialise, it means a couple of things. I dont think the raids were designed to be as broad as the administration advertised. When the president talked about it he said 1 million apprehensions which is impossible for ice to do that because they dont have the manpower to that the number of individuals. The second thing is there were legitimate the tweets sparked outrage among democrats but have concerns that all this attention only got a muted response this generated about the operation from republicans who are increasingly wary was going to make it ineffective and of offending mr trumps base. They explicitly said to go home put the office is in danger and for that reason we are seeing it go on the question is, to where . But much lower profile. To be clear, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was born in the bronx, new york city a few miles down every american president oversees a the road from Mr Trump Department that does deport people who are in the country legally. Himself. The road from mr trump Rashida Tlaib was born president 0bama was known as the deport in chief because he deported in detroit. While ayanna a lot of people in the country pressley started out life illegally. Is this what house being more aggressive in deporting people in cincinnati. And ilhan omar who are in the country illegally or was born in in mogadishu, somalia but came is it just to the as a refugee us aged 12 who are in the country illegally or is itjust talking about it . Yes and and has been an american no. They are talking about it in a citizen ever since. Different way. The 0bama administration was defensive about he relies on racism because he does the immigration, we are very defensive about our immigration not have a vision for the future. Record. This administration is saying the opposite, overstating the this is a president who stood up in effectiveness of the agency. 0n the other hand you have to understand his inaugural address and has been a this administration is changing critic of things in america and what things dramatically and during the 0bama administration, we had clear people are saying is racist is just rules that the primary targets were because people are women of colour convicted criminals and people who posed a threat to Public Safety and does not mean they are not those who just cross the border and americans. It is an odd political strategy because last week we were had no legal claim to do that. This reporting that nancy pelosi, the administration has focused on a larger swathe of people which i think is bad policy, but in doing that it has rendered them less speaker has tensions with these women and into tweets he has united effective than the 0bama administration in terms of the the Democratic Caucus in the house. Overall number of people who are being deported. Can i talk to about for the moment this will have the the third country rule which becomes effect of uniting democrats and the question is how long it will last law tomorrow in the united states. Because there has been some migrants would have to claim asylum interesting polling just come out in the first country they arrive at. That shorts from moderate swing districts exactly what the problem for many of them, that would mean is with these democrats that they mexico or quater llama, not exactly safe countries. Its going to be may make it harder for is with these democrats that they may make it harderfor some is with these democrats that they may make it harder for some of the very interesting to see how this democrats to regain the house of plays out and i think your right to representatives. Compare it to that role. Under the and joining us now from new york is President Trumps statute, the agreement is an former Communications Director International Agreement that would anthony scaramucci. Need to be reached with mexico as the primary point of country by do you think the tweets by the which these people are transiting. President and what you said about the congresswoman going back to where they came from a racist . The Trump Administration was u nsuccessful the Trump Administration was unsuccessful in terms of striking that deal with mexico and it looks like it is an effort to go it alone by basically saying if you dont make a by basically saying if you dont makea claim by basically saying if you dont make a claim in mexico or whatever listen, they are certainly racially charged tweets and i wish the other country tra nsited through, president didnt do that but if you youre ineligible. This is ripe for ask me strategically why hes doing legal challenge, i think we will see that he is taking a no holds barred legal challenge, i think we will see legal action as soon as tomorrow or approach to re winning the certainly this week. Whether this presidency so he is trying to the survives or not is very interesting. Democratic party is that squad. And the other interesting thing is how he is hoping that he can put that mexico reacts. Right now mexico is label on the Democratic Party and push them as far to the left as relu cta nt to mexico reacts. Right now mexico is reluctant to sign on to the possible and so he becomes the agreement because they didnt want tens of thousands of Central Americans pushed back into mexico to a cce pta ble make asylum claims. They didnt mind possible and so he becomes the acceptable choice to moderate democrats. That is the reason he is doing it. I dont think it is them going through going into the president ial and i dont like it and usa but what theyre seeing now are if the president was in the room going to push them back into mexico with us and on tv with us he would and Central America so its interesting to see how these argue that sometimes being not countries react because we cant president ial was the key to him ta ke winning the presidency and in his countries react because we cant take people forcibly from Central America and deposit them in mexico. Mind it is the key to him sustaining 0k, thank you forjoining us. As you the presidency. But they are racially charged tweets and he is are suggesting, christian, this is an issue that has come up in europe better than that, he should not be as well where we had large numbers doing that, frankly and im of immigrants coming in from syria, and the question of where they were surprised there are not more people going to first claim asylum was a who are elected republicans coming out and culling that for what it is. Political issue. And there were certainly issues around that and lets have a quick look at that. Whether it worked in europe. I want to move on to talk about the climate republican senator Susan Collins has of fear that we were talking about just criticised the president in a in the introduction. You have the statement but she is a pretty lone tweets, and ive listened to muslim voice and most of the part leaders people today in america saying it is have been silent. I want to destroy creating tension and division and something that happened in 2016 when they are feeling nervous in the usa, mrtrump then you twin it with this, a focus something that happened in 2016 when mr trump insulted a judge of mexican on migrants in a crackdown on migrantand you on migrants in a crackdown on migrant and you get a very expressive environment, dont you . Heritage. This was the response from ive spoken to people here in the country and they dont have Mitch Mcconnell. He is saying he documentation, they are here illegally and they are constantly on cant be impartial because he is edge, which has been a constant hispanic. Is that not a racist situation since President Trump took statement . I could not disagree more over. They will text each other saying, dont go to this metro with the Statement Like that. I station, dont go to this place of couldnt disagree more with what he work, dont take your kids to school had to say. Do you think it is a today because there are raids in racist statement . I dont agree with your area. Whether they are happening or not, it is still having what he had to say. What is a big, and stabilising effect on happening to the Republican Party in people of the 12 Million People who the course of two years that you are in the country illegally, who have Mitch Mcconnell saying in 2016 are in the country illegally, who are worried about going about their he doesnt agree with it and in 2019 daily business because they are worried they could get picked up by pretty much silence from the Republican Leadership . The president ice agents. In a similar theme, Donald Trumps willingness to inject has a 94 Approval Rating among racial controversy into his dog to republicans. I dont know how deep make the reaction to the tweet about and real that is but it seems real Democratic Congress fell almost and real that is but it seems real andi and real that is but it seems real and i think they are scared to death entirely on party lines. Of him and if someone comes out and Say Something negative about him they are running the risk they will republican senator lindsey graham, one of president Donald Trumps strongest allies on capitol hill, get primary to the right or summon declined to condemn the president more trump than they are. In the over his racist tweets against several minority members of congress, instead calling them case of Mitch Mcconnell he is a very a bunch of communists. Cagey and smart guy and adapt we all know that aoc and this crowd politician and he is running free are a bunch of communists. They hate election so we are certainly not going to cross swords with the israel, they hate our country, they president. The problem with that is at the end of the day you have to called the guards along the border step back and look at it honestly concentration camp guards. They and say is that the essence of accuse people who support israel of america for the american president doing it for the to be tweeting that . And the answer accuse people who support israel of doing it forthe benjamin accuse people who support israel of doing it for the benjamin is. They to be tweeting that . And the answer to that is resoundingly no, it is are anti semitic. They are not the essence of america. So he anti american. Dont get that. Should not be doing that. Im are anti semitic. They are antiamerican. Dont get that. Aim higher. Lindsey graham there. So, surprised with the president because he has got such a great economy and what do his supporters make of his so he has got such a great economy and so many great things going for him comments . Policy wise. To go in that direction im joined from miami by the denise galvez, founder of latinas for trump. Youre going to turn off a lot of if spoken before and ijust people and so what he is doing, i if spoken before and i just wanted to get your reaction to what the president said about these congresswomen, the four of them of think people as relates to policy the saturday like it but how he is colour, telling them they had to go doing it, ithink back to their own countries, are you the saturday like it but how he is doing it, i think it is a very big issue. I have lived a good part of concerned about it . I find them to my life experiencing part of the be insensitive, just like many in American Dream and im from a family the mainstream and many in the media of immigrants and sure there is bias are reporting. But as candidates and discrimination in all societies trump, he should just ignore these but it should not be coming from the feuds and led the democrats feud president because at the end of the day he is the one person in our within their own party. That is better for his three Election Society that every Single Person campaign, which is looking good able to vote for has the opportunity right now. As President Trump, i to vote for and so he has to stand also acknowledge he is responding to for everybody. Like harry truman theirvery also acknowledge he is responding to their very insensitive views and once said he is the best lobbyist policies that are quite frankly very for all americans being president so this is a really bad example from the president and he should stop anti american. I also understand his perspective. And i think a lot agree doing it. You are right, it is the American Dream. I am not an elected with his perspective but dont force it out loud. We voted in support of trump because he was the official so i could care less. I anti politician, willing to say will tell you exactly what i think i things that many people feel, dont like it i can guarantee you willing to do things that people hadnt done in the past. I dont that our elected republicans dont like it but it is back tojohn think itll hurt him but id like for him to stay away from these no kennedy and profiles of courage. You feuds, bickering, and at the should wake up and call it for what Democratic Party drowned themselves so Democratic Party drowned themselves so he can be assured a win in 2020. It is because it is classically an just to be clear, then, dernies, you quintessentially un american dont have any concerns yourself behaviour. Ronald reagan said we personally about the content of what continually renew and admit shard he was saying . You dont think its nation from every country in every racist . Youre 0k he was saying . You dont think its racist . Youre ok with him telling corner of the world, we draw our people who are americans, most of people and our strength. Sitting whom were born in the united states, to go back to the countries they over here in europe, the point is came from . That doesnt bother you . When you look at the president speaking in this way that does i invite everybody on your programme to actually read the entire tweet fundamental damage to the american message around the world that if youre not white, if you are of because most of the media is only colour, you do not fit in america. Repeating the first few lines where he tells them to go back to their it does the damage and what you just country, their home country. You probably should have said the ancestral home countries. He then said is not true. Everybody fits in said and then come back here and fix and america. Im not saying we do whatever you are able to do in your not fight with each other and there are not racially charged moments country series responding to the under has certainly been a lot of anti american policies. Fix things social progress made in america in your ancestral country and come since the original sin of slavery. Back here. Hes not saying you have to stay there so theres things that it is not up Perfect Society but it isa have been taken out of context. I it is not up Perfect Society but it is a very welcoming society and you ta ke is a very welcoming society and you take a blue collar kid like me who dont find it racist at all and it grew up with pmc did not read much. Isa dont find it racist at all and it is a response to the way they speak my grew up with pmc did not read much. My dad was a blue collar worker, our and the way they position themselves only worker, and i was able to go to as very anti american. And that, to me, is way more important to the Harvard Law School and Goldman Sachs American People and us citizens in this country, regardless of whether and it was a short stay in the white house but i did get to the white you are born here, naturalised or house. Im not going to sit here and defend the remarks of the president you are born here, naturalised or you are born here, naturalised or you are a new citizen. Thats what but i will certainly defend the people care more about is this American Society which is an Inclusive Society and i would argue anti american views they espouse. It with the president all day long. It is not foreign policy. It is alienating our allies, the is your responsibility to bring israelites and the dues in this society together and youre win at country. How does it affect your all cost mentality is costing you campaign generally, though, down and the Republican Party and putting there in florida . You are hispanics and the Republican Party and putting a strain on the legacy of your presidency so you should really stop for trump. All the policies it doing it. I guess that is the targeted at the border, things like this he is tweeting, does it make question, does it cost the Republican Party . You have talked campaigning hard . Would it be harder to stay away for that and focus on about the elected members who feel they have to side with the president the economy . If im advising him on 01 they have to side with the president or at least a quiet and the president says Something Like this. His pre election campaign, id say we are looking at an election next stay out of it, dont bother, dont stoop to their level because there year. Do you think this helps in are moderates and independents that electoral terms, will it win the he won back in 2016 and we have to presidency again . It depends on your make sure we capture again in 2020. Timeframe. If youre looking at it i think for the people, luckily for the 2020 election and your those women also have very extreme thinking on those short term time units may be a doesnt. Mike may left leaning view is that most people dont agree with, and it looks more and more like one of them bea units may be a doesnt. Mike may be a does. Maybe that is the or one of their left leaning expedient choice. But if youre potential candidates, like elizabeth thinking about your principles and warren, if they turn out to be the your service to america as a public candidates for the Democratic Party, servant you should really step back and look at it and be more we wont have any problem. If we end principled and call it out for what up we wont have any problem. If we end up withjoe it is an wake up and say listen, we wont have any problem. If we end up with joe biden, we wont have any problem. If we end up withjoe biden, who was we wont have any problem. If we end up with joe biden, who was a moderate, may those comments would this sort of behaviour is totally sway somebody to vote for somebody who is more moderate. That is the unacceptable. Going after paul ryan over the weekend, i am also not a only way it bothers me. We have to leave it there. Thank you for big fan of that. Whatever your joining us from florida, from disagreements with paul ryan he helped you assent to the american latinas for trump. Presidency and you guys recorded Ronald Reagan area. He had an 11th a global study of the eating disorder anorexia suggests it may be more than just a mental illness. Commandment thou shalt not see that it could be physiological, too. Scientists showed changes bad thing about another republican. In peoples dna altered the way they processed fats and sugars, making it easier to say. Donald trump is doing things starve their bodies. The research led by Kings College london is being described outside the social norms of as groundbreaking by one eating disorder charity. Our Health Correspondent behaviour for the president but also for average american. Im a little Sophie Hutchinson reports. Shop people are not talking about it laura is in recovery from anorexia. Honestly and calling out on it. I she was diagnosed when she was 15. Ama she was diagnosed when she was 15. She was diagnosed when she was 15. Honestly and calling out on it. I am a little shocked. When he to be she was so sick, she had to be taken he isa am a little shocked. When he to be he is a very gregarious and out of school and cared for full conclusive guide. I would say mr time at home. President , read the tweets again. This sounds ridiculous and if this is who you really are you need therapy or Something Like that. The trauma seems never ending and i youve got to see a shrink. It is not acceptable. But on twitter you can see why people struggled to recover from it. Think he will win over a0 states and can see why people struggled to recoverfrom it. Anorexia is largely considered to be a psychiatric illness but a major new study 2020. Remember, you have to look at published in the journal nature the whole thing that i said. If they genetics suggests it might be linked to their metabolism, the way a put upa the whole thing that i said. If they put up a mad left leaning socialist he will when a0 state landslide. If person processes food and utilises you put up a moderate democrat it energy. The dna of almost 17,000 will be a very tight race. They sort patients across 17 countries was of clipped things sound bite wise analysed by scientists. The but the full sense of what i said is metabolic picture we see in anorexia, we dont fully understand someone but the full sense of what i said is someone like bernie sanders, he will yet. But it does seem people with when a a0 states landslide. They anorexia are genetically predisposed towards having a lower bmi, towards having lower body fat, towards will vote for President Trump because by and large the policies have been pretty moderate and very having lower body fat, towards having a decreased risk of type 2 good for the economy. President diabetes. And towards having higher donald trump. We seem to be at levels of good cholesterol. Anorexia has the highest mortality rate of growing peace and prosperity around the world and that is a natural thing for an incumbent president to any psychiatric illness. It is estimated to affect at least a3,500 one of those things and it is a style that is costing points and women and girls in the uk and 1a,500 popularity at the moment. Thank you very much. I appreciate being here, boys and men. A6 of those with the illness go on to recover, 33 thank you. Eventually see symptoms improve, but for 20 of patients treatments dont work and they remain chronically ill. This is a symbol for eating disorder recovery. Laura says she there have been tensions amongst makes a daily effort to stay well and this tattoo is her signal to do democrats. There is a problem for so. This research which sheds a light on why some people dont have some democrats in swing states. They internal signals warning them when feel those four women will become a they are dangerously malnourished defining factor in the 2020 race and may help develop new treatments and could lose them 7496 recognise and save lives. Sometimes in sport it feels like fate is written in the stars and so it was with the cricket world cup finals yesterday. 2296 could lose them 7496 recognise and 22 have a favourable view of her. Ricochets, is six in the last over bya but look at the whole issue of ricochets, is six in the last over by a matter of inches, lady luck played no small part but that isnt socialism. 18 say socialism is to undermine the heroic efforts of favourable and 69 socialism englands cricketers. Unfavourable. It is worth pointing all of them national at these are in swing districts, the heroes but all of them, who would kind of districts democrats need to believe that hed hit 15, and then when in order to keep control of the house of representatives and this is joss buttler another 15. Tonight they are guests of honour meeting what nancy pelosi is worried about. They are guests of honour meeting the Prime Minister who is herself a if the parties pull to the left even genuine cricket fan. She was there yesterday and dan johnson genuine cricket fan. She was there yesterday and danjohnson has been in image and perception, we played a outside number ten tonight watching sound bite of alexandria them go in. A short time ago eoin morgan led to 0casio cortez. She is the poster child today and when the president a day to make his team to ten talks about her she responds under downing street. He was clutching the democrats have to respond and a world cup, they lined up for a photograph, theresa may was right in mixer it make so the person there in the Front Holding up the cricket world cup, celebrating with people know and if youre a democrat her team. She hadnt had much to and a swing state you have to when celebrate in the last few months so White Working Class male votes to a nice evening for her and they are get elected and this is not making it any easier. All now inside injuring a reception. The england team looking very smart and disciplined, perhaps in contrast to the last occasion people remain that it might remember in 2005 when england won the ashes in people like Andrew Flintoff arrived in downing street for a reception looking a little bit worse for wear. He the British Government warned today that there is only a small admitted later there had been window left to keep the iran something of an unofficial downing nuclear deal alive. The comments came as eu foreign street lea k something of an unofficial downing street leak in the garden at the ministers met in brussels today back of downing street and he was to stave off conflict with the islamic republic. Found in tony blairs chair in the earlier this month iran breached the deals limit cabinet room with a bottle of beer on its stockpile of low enriched uranium. In his hand. The team here this europeans have been trying to keep the nuclear deal evening looked a little bit more alive ever since the us unilaterally serious but certainly they are pulled out of it in 2018. Entering the moment because what an jeremy hunt, the uks achievement it is from yesterday. So foreign secretary, was cautious much to celebrate after so much intense cricket final. People wonder we foreign secretary, was cautious are looking to pres if theres been enough excitement and exposure during the world cup which we are looking to preserve the deal which is the best way of keeping the because it hasnt been on free to middle east nuclear free. Air television until yesterdays final so the hope is people have been enthused by that gripping end to the world cup and there will be now a new generation of cricket fans and players who are inspired. Certainly there are questions about whether this world cup has made as much of an impact as it could have. Iran is still a year away those are the questions for the from galloping a nuclear weapon. Future but tonight we celebrate we think there is still a closing but small englands success after such an window to keep the deal alive. Amazing, incredible sporting final. And only 17 days until the ashes i can and only 17 days until the ashes i ca n attest and only 17 days until the ashes i can attest to what it is doing to british cricket. To young people. I the meeting comes a day after the mail on sunday splashed was in the park with my with further leaked memos seven year old, till about 10pm. From the uks ambassador to the us kim darroch, who resigned on wednesday. Catching, batting, bowling. According to the files the ambassador described President Trumps decision to axe 0h, catching, batting, bowling. Oh, the weight of expectations, you the Iran Nuclear Deal as an act of diplomatic vandalism, motivated out of spite for his predecessor teach him cricket just president 0bama. christian biv were oh, the weight of expectations, you teach him cricketjust as theyve were won the world cup this is beyond joined now by bbc persians rana rahimpour. 100 days. Watch where you swim. We i dont get the impression they are racing towards a bomb. Asjeremy will tell you about this incredible hunt said they are a way because creature spotted by divers off the coast of cornwall. Need 90 enriched uranium. Notice only a. 5 . We are talking about lets ta ke lets take a look about how much of a boosting victory will mean for the another 85 to go and that will take at least a year. So maximum pressure sport of cricket. Could a big boost with minimum action. Exactly, and for people to take up the game. Danny savage reports from ben stokes around made it clear these few steps they have taken can be taken back. And when he went to school. In years to come legend will have it that the cricket world cup was won on the fields of cockermouth school. It can be unit go sheeted if the this is where a young ben stokes United Nations is prepared to spent his formative years. We could negotiate. Can be negotiated. It be bowling the same end, the same crease as him and it shows we can is somewhat complicated but i think make it and play on to lords one we can strip it back and show you a simplified version. Day. Chris retires from a lifetime of teaching this week. Former pupil the system they are ben stokes was something special. Proposing to get around ben stokes was something special. These us sanctions is called instex. Ben will always be the standout instrument in support of trade exchanges. Person that i ever was associated it is a clearinghouse for trade with because of what he has gone on deals between iran and europe that to be. He is notjust a cricketer, would allow companies to avoid not just to be. He is notjust a cricketer, notjust an payment across borders. To be. He is notjust a cricketer, not just an england to be. He is notjust a cricketer, notjust an england cricketer but a world class cricketer and to be associated with a world class heres a simple explanation of how it works. So performer is special. A few miles in a normal trade scenarios a european exporter might send away, a Primary School tournament machinery to an iranian importer was being played this afternoon. And the iranian would pay for the goods through the International Financial system. 711 was being played this afternoon. 7 11 year olds who love their the same naturally happens cricket. Umpiring and encouraging in reverse, an Iranian Company wasjohn gibson. Cricket. Umpiring and encouraging selling pistachios to a european was john gibson. Six cricket. Umpiring and encouraging company is paid through a wire wasjohn gibson. Six notjust cricket. Umpiring and encouraging was john gibson. Six notjust a transfer. But under this system, cricket coach but a key figure in instex finds transactions that match those two transactions. Nurturing a young ben stokes. Before the european importer pays the game started i thought, youll for the pistachios by giving money to the european exporter. Either be out for a duck or hell the two Iranian Companies pay each other in rials. Win the game for us. I was worried this way there is no direct financial flow between iran all the way through, i didnt know and europe but commodities can we we re all the way through, i didnt know we were quite good enough but i knew there would be one person not still travel to and from worried and ben wouldnt give up iran. Evenif the chances of it worried and ben wouldnt give up even if he needed seven of the last ball, he thought, may he might bowl succeeding will depend a noble and hit a six. His parents on the uss reaction. Richard nephew, who helped negotiate the original deal while at the state department we re a noble and hit a six. His parents were impressed, too. Hejust doesnt and is now a Research Fellow at brookings stop. He was like that as a kid as said we us have clearly decided well. He just always wants to do that were going to make as inhospitable an environment for instex as we can. Well. He just always wants to do well. He just always wants to do well. He is a really, really big the europeans may want to keep this team man. He may be a cricket alive but there is no indication superstar now but here they dont forget where the boys started. With his position of maximum pressure that President Donald Trump is an interest in doing so. It seems youre is an interest in doing so. It seems you re really is an interest in doing so. It seems 50 years ago today, american youre really clean. But it seems astronauts neil armstrong, Michael Collins and edwin aldrin that they are really keen but instex were spending their last night on earth before blasting off to the moon. Its hard to imagine, half a century ita that they are really keen but instex it a state owned company and they cant force any businesses to work on, what the three men were feeling with iran. Until they can sell their in those final hours. And if the pressure was intense for them, it was no less so for their families whod be left oil it is worth staying in the deal on earth to watch, heart in mouth, and they are saying instex is like as the Historic Mission blasted off. Apollo 11 took those men to the moon. Being given a luxury car but with empty petrol so there is no way they apollo 12 followed shortly can use it and until the day we can after in november of 1969. On board that rocket get money for our oil is no point in using it. It is a was astronaut alan bean the fourth man to walk on the moon. His wife and daughter have spoken to the bbc about life glorified barter system, and as astronauts family. Applying that to a whole economy . Men were leaving the earth to land on the ocean of storms. My father is alan bean instex is design for a humanitarian and he was the lunar module pilot aid and stuff allowed under on apollo 12, the fourth man to walk sanctions and that is the problem on the moon. Because the majority of what to sail to europe is oil, 90 of their export, 11 and a half billion dollars per year is oil. Sell to he was not your typical astronaut. He was not your typical astronaut. He wasnt super match show, although the european union. They were hoping he was match oh. He was more instex would give them a lifeline to introverted and artistic. Annan was such a dedicated pilot. And a at least 2020 when they hope donald trump will not be elected but the way this looks now has not convinced dedicated astronaut, and a dedicated american. Anybody. The Iranian Foreign 0ur neighbourhood was very close to nasa. Everyone was either an engineer, minister in new york are trying to explain to people this is not going flight controller or physician. To work but he is very limited in 0ur neighbourhood had what you can do. He is limited in a very focused goal. We didnt really think about it that much. Where they can go. Here is a map of ijust knew he was training new york. To go into space. Launch date was very exciting. There Iranian Foreign minister can it was a rainy day. We huddled all altogether, my go about a quarter of a mile between mother, grandmother, brotherand i. The uranian mission and the United Nations. No touring round a shopping he trained seven and a half years. On fifth under new or visiting we were just excited that it was finally going to happen. We had been waiting for so long. People. Or shopping on fifth three, two, one, zero. All engines running, avenue are visiting people. That commit lift off. Indicates how tight leash the americans are keeping them on. And when it goes, the birds fly and its so much noise and the ground shakes. Roger, roger. Bye bye, see you on the other side. Have fun. Alan turing committed suicide we just went on to school after being convicted in 1952 for homosexuality. Because that was what we he also helped save britain were supposed to do. Mom tried to keep our from nazi occupation in world war 2 by breaking into german codes. Normal routine as kids. The scientist, once villified, and of course we were enjoying the moment in being there, but we still had to keep doing is now being honoured what we were supposed to do. That was important to my dad. As the new face of the uks £50 note. Alan turing was pardonned in 2013. But as was depicted in the 201a film you always have in the back of your the immitation game, mind that something could go wrong. He suffered enormously at a time when homosexuality he told me, remember, was considered a crime. I am doing what i always Benedict Cumberbatch starred loved, so dont worry. As turing in that film. And i did have great i spoke to him on the phone confidence in his skill. We would rather him do what he a little earlier. Loved, even if it had a big risk. I really dont know. I think he would have been flattered and i i cant believe it. Think he would have gone one with amazing his days work which was everything and go for landing. To him. We were as population rediscovering turing in the pivotal the day that he landed on the moon, role he played in the early it was about 12. 30 houston time. We were all sitting around watching the tv and hoping for the best. Computers and particularly the enigma machine. Do you think the film is contributed how he is no scene . Definitely, ithink no one else can tell film is contributed how he is no scene . Definitely, i think it film is contributed how he is no scene . Definitely, ithink it bought a mental focus he you i love you to the moon scene . Definitely, ithink it bought a mentalfocus he may didnt have and back and really mean it. Before. The turing machine and his and i know that that was true. Involvement at bletchley park. Less so often he would say or perhaps what he endured as a man how his thoughts would drift back to his family. When he was on the moon, he looked up and saw that earth and thought, persecuted for his sexuality so i gosh, everybody i think the combination of these three love is over there. Stories gave us a cultural window into a stories gave us a cultural window intoa man stories gave us a cultural window into a man and a door to ask more when alan first got home, questions and become more curious about him and his incredible he had lost a lot of weight. Achievements which we continue to he was a finicky eater and eating benefit from to this very day. You that space food was not his thing. He didnt talk about it are right to draw attention to the a lot when he came home, persecution he suffered. He was not because he wasnt proud or anything, but he kind ofjust wanted to be prosecuted in 1952 for homosexual acts. Do you think the with his family, you know . Rehabilitation of alan turing is now complete . Yes i think so with the when you see somebody who has been working so hard and has such a dream, well pardon and us honouring him in we just knew how hard hed work. And we had too, mostly my parents, £50 notes. Its incredible how far you know, they made we have come and yet we still live a lot of sacrifices. Ina we have come and yet we still live in a world where there is a huge amount of intolerance. I think the he really did love us lesson we can learn from the to the moon and back. Rehabilitation of his reputation as and, well, i think he is still up there thinking about us. Beyond any cultural reach of the film of this moment of the new cycle iam i am loving this anniversary. I am of the deep and longer understanding of the deep and longer understanding of who he was and what he achieved reading about apollo 11 which i stole from your office last week and because lest we forget gay men and it has amazing details. The first women are being persecuted and this is not something that has gone away. Space suit, which, essentially, is a for him though this is a great small spacecraft, it . It space suit, which, essentially, is a smallspacecraft, it . It was moment of validation and i hope that space suit, which, essentially, is a small spacecraft, it . It was stitch together by playtex who made bras by this we should move towards they were a Fledgling Company pitching for this work, and they had something that is enlightened in the expertise in the seams. They this moment and recognising that. We re the expertise in the seams. They were saying in this book thatjust and something more tolerant and imagine as they were bouncing around kind. We started in what he would the and everybody else was have made of it that the shame as he celebrating, if the seams had come does not know. That is the tragedy undone, and they were almost of it. He did live a very particular physically sick doing this moonwalk in case it unravelled. Who new life and it was from the perspective ofan life and it was from the perspective of an actor betraying in our story browse on the moon. It was inevitable america was going to get there and it was inevitable apollo deep wells of loneliness. This is a moment where we get to recognise him 11 was going to be a success in 11 date mac apollo 12 was a success but and thank him and show him our it wasnt inevitable and it could have gone wrong, it could have been the seams, it could have been 100 admiration and love and i think it other things that went wrong. Isa admiration and love and i think it is a wonderful and fitting tribute. President nixon knew that any to indeed it is a new played a large prepare for it and he actually asked pa rt indeed it is a new played a large part in that rehabilitation and we his speech Writer William safire to thank you for coming on the programme to talk about it. Prepare a speech which was incredibly moving if it had gone wrong and he urged americans to look up wrong and he urged americans to look up to the sky and say, looked at my my mother Left University in the 19505 and went to work at gchq and i they didnt have to give that remember her telling me as a child speech, luckily, they didnt have to about alan turing and this manhood call the wives, those family members just as weve heard from and say it went wrong and the president give his condolences but they had to watching Artificial Intelligence and prepare for it and it was a very in her eyes of the code breaker had beenin touching speech they would have in her eyes of the code breaker had been in the pantheon of gods of people to who we really owe the given about what could have been a continued liberty of the united colossal and tragic loss for the kingdom during the Second World War united states. Here we go. We need a andi kingdom during the Second World War and i think he would want to be random animal story, kind of an remembered for his work in animal anyway. I think it counts. There are a couple of things that no swimmer wants to chance upon when theyre in the sea. Artificial intelligence and code breaking rather than his one of them is a giantjellyfish. Homosexuality. You often ask me what this one is 1. 5 metres in length. Ive done in my a5 years an it is a barreljellyfish spotted off incredible that he died days before the coast of cornwall by biologist and wildlife presenter lizzie daly. His a7th birthday. She was swimming there this weekend. This is beyond 100 the barreljellyfish sometimes days from the bbc. Known as the dustbin lid jellyfish coming up for viewers on the bbc news channel and bbc world news is the largest species ofjellyfish to be found in british waters. President trumps repeated threats none too dangerous. To round up Illegal Immigrants surprisingly. If you swung into appear not to have come that, youd only get a small sting, to fruition over the weekend nothing like your portuguese man of war. But pretty unsettling. They we speak to former acting ice we re war. But pretty unsettling. They were filming down there and this thing emerged, it swam with them for directorjohn sandweg. Half an hour. I think its quite beautiful, actually. Im not sure i wouldnt have liked to see that, a for many parts of the uk it turned great thing to find diving off the into a Beautiful Day with blue skies overhead and this is how to look for coast of cornwall. Not bad. See you one of our weather watchers on the tomorrow. Post about potential. Dont get too used to the weather you had to start the week because there are changes good evening. For many parts of the on the way. After the dry and warm uk it turned into a Beautiful Day start things will turn increasingly wet and quite windy as the week with blue skies overhead. This is how to look for one of our weather wears on. You can see unsettled watchers on the coast of weather lying in wait in the atla ntic weather lying in wait in the aberdeenshire. But dont get too atlantic and these terms of cloud on used to the weather you had to start the satellite picture which have so the week because there are changes far been fended off by an area of on the way. After that dry and warm High Pressure. But as that high start, things to turn wet and windy retreats those frontal systems will make a bit more progress over the as the week wears on. You can see next couple of days. The first one the unsettled weather lying in wait working and from the west right now. In the atlantic, these clumps of we will see some cloud and some cloud on the satellite picture which outbreaks of rain perhaps across have, so far, been fended off by an Northern Ireland in western scotland through the night. But many spots area of High Pressure but as that high retreats, those frontal systems will be dry and the it could turn will make a bit more progress over the next couple of days. The first into a relatively cool night across one working its way in from the west rural spots in central and eastern right now, we see some cloud and outbreaks of rain but perhaps over england. For the west with extra cloud not as chilly. Into tomorrow Northern Ireland in western scotland through the night but many spots the frontal system will continue to will be dry with clay bob spells work eastwards. You can barely make with the odd mr patch here and there it out on the chart and just a bit more in the way of cloud and some and itll turn into a relatively extra moisture which could allow the cool night across some rural spots odd shower to break out as we get into the afternoon. For many it will in central and eastern england. Bea dry into the afternoon. For many it will be a dry day with lots of sunshine further east, not as chilly. And temperatures, particularly for tomorrow, that frontal system works central and eastern parts of the uk its way eastwards, you can barely a little higher than they wagering make it out on the chart, just a today. As we move from tuesday to little bit more cloud and some extra wednesday next frontal system. This moisture allowing the odd shower to will have a bit more like about it break out getting into the so we are likely to see some fairly afternoon. For many, dry day with heavy potentially thundery rain push lots of sunshine and temperatures, across Northern Ireland and the particular for central and eastern western side of scotland is the day parts, a little bit higher than they goes on. The winds will start to today. Moving into wednesday, he has pick up and further east in eastern another frontal system. This one scotla nd pick up and further east in eastern scotland and across england and will have a little bit more life wales we will see high cloud about it so likely to see some heavy streaming and but still spells of and thundery potentially rain sunshine and while North Western pushing its way across Northern Areas will turn cooler further south ireland and the western side of and east it will be another one day scotla nd ireland and the western side of scotland as the day wears on. With with highs of 25 or 26 degrees. For that the winds pick up as well but, the first front swings east and a further east, through eastern bit of that but we get into friday scotland, england and wales, we see more high cloud streaming in, spells this next developing weather system looks like bringing a dose of of wet of sunshine and while Western Areas weather but also some unseasonably turn cooler, further south and east, another warm day with highs of windy weather. Signs of things turning pretty unsettled for the end of the week and for a time at least 00 28 33,197 4294966103 13 29,430 they will turn a bit cooler as well. 2526. Another warm day with highs of 25 26. For thursday, this front swings eastwards, a bit of rain with that but as we get into friday, this next developing weather system looks like bringing a dose of white weather, yes, but also some unseasonably windy but by the bug. Signs of things turning unsettled for the end of the week and for a time at least, they will turn a bit cooler as well. This is bbc news. Im ben brown. The headlines at eight. Englands world cup winning cricketers are at downing street this evening as the sport looks to build on their momentous victory. When you see everybodys reaction, the following we had. You really start to understand what we did. Boris johnson and jeremy hunt go head to head in the second and final debate of the Leadership Campaign as the race for number the race for its debate of the Leadership Campaign as the race for its closing stages. President trump who has been accused of making racist remarks about four Democratic Congresswomen increases the row by accusing them of being anti american. And convicted of murdering

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