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Damages for alleged abuse. And the dish in the australian outback that allowed the world to see the first steps on the moon. And coming up on bbc news. Jb holmes is the man to catch at the top of the leader board on day two of the open. But chasing close behind is englishman tommy fleetwood. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. Hundreds of thousands of Public Sector workers are set to get a pay rise above the rate of inflation. The treasury is expected to confirm the details on monday, but reports suggest that among those in line for rises are the armed forces, police in england and wales and teachers in england. The pay award represents one of theresa mays last Big Decisions as Prime Minister. But labour have dismissed it as insulting. Our Political Correspondent iain watson reports. Public sector unions have campaigned against pay caps and for higher wages during the years of austerity. Now an apparent victory for some of those on the government payroll. The treasury was going to announce an inflation busting increase next week. The figures were leaked to the Times Newspaper today. Teachers and school staff will get a 2. 75 increase, armed forces will get a 2. 596 increase, armed forces will get a 2. 5 rise across the board, although soldiers are expected to get a bit more and there is a 2. 5 rise for the police, dentists and nhs co nsulta nts. The police, dentists and nhs consultants. With inflation running at around 2 , this presents a real terms increase. But these pay increases come with a political sting in the tail. They have to be funded from existing departmental budgets, so is the chancellor Phillip Hammond trying to rein in the parade of theresa mays successoi, the parade of theresa mays successor, giving him this challenge. Is he prepared to cut elsewhere in the Public Services to fund the pay increases, or will he simply expand departmental budgets and with it government borrowing . Today, the home secretary maintained that the cash for Higher Police pay wouldnt come at the expense of other priorities. I know police forces, they can fund it from their budgets because when we set budgets we do try, certainly in my case, try to ta ke we do try, certainly in my case, try to take into account what might happen further down the line later in that financial year. But the unions say the increases should be fully funded by Central Government if cuts are not to be made elsewhere and the pay settle m e nt made elsewhere and the pay settlement is an equally generous to everyone. They will be no above inflation increase foot senior civil serva nts inflation increase foot senior Civil Servants and some Public Sector workers are still waiting for announcements on their pay. When George Osborne froze Public Sector pay he was creating a ticking time bomb for people whose pay was not keeping pace with inflation. bomb for people whose pay was not keeping pace with inflation. I can report to the british people that their hard work is paying off and their hard work is paying off and the era of austerity is finally coming to an end. George osbornes successor took a different approach. But some experts said not an overly generous one. I think we are seeing the end of austerity, spending beginning to rise. That said, this is not a terribly generous offer, this is the minimum one may have expected after 80 years of really severe pay restraint in the Public Sector. Is this really the end of austerity, chancellor . Philip hammond is expected to leave number 11 downing st for the last time next week. But he will also be leaving some big challenges for whoever succeeds him. Iain watson, bbc news, westminster. Our Business Correspondent katy austin is here. How significant are these pay rises . Public Sector Workers had previously been subject to a freeze on pay and then long standing cap of i . That did end, though, in late 2017 and then long standing cap of 1 . That did end, though, in late 2017 and we have already seen some announcements of pay rises since, for example, in the nhs or prison officers. This latest package will be welcomed by those who benefit from it, not least because most of the detail we have heard before was rises above inflation which is around 2 so wages would be going up faster than prices but it looks less generous when you compared to what has been going on in the private sector where wages had been struggling but picked up wages had been struggling but picked u p rece ntly wages had been struggling but picked up recently with 3. 4 growth on average in may according to the office for national statistics. This Public Sector pay rise wouldnt match that and wouldnt make up for yea rs of match that and wouldnt make up for years of being under a wage growth cap. There is also the question of whether it will definitely happen. A Spending Review is due. Willa new Prime Minister be willing to force departments to find this money from within their existing budget, effectively making them make cuts elsewhere . We will have to wait and see and this all comes at a time when the public finances are at very unpredictable. Business correspondent katie austin, thank you. The chancellor Philip Hammond has refused to rule out supporting a motion of no confidence in a possible borisjohnson government in order to block a no deal brexit. Speaking to two european newspapers just days before a new conservative leader is announced, mr hammond promised to do everything in his power to block no deal. Our Political Correspondent Jessica Parker is at westminster. Jessica, tell us more about what he has been saying. This is yet another warning shot from Philip Hammond aimed directly at borisjohnson. It is after yesterday the chancellor failed to support the government in opposing an amendment to the Northern Ireland bill. What does that amendment do . Well, it makes it much harderfor a future Prime Minister to suspend parliament in order to ram through a no deal brexit. That was aimed squarely at borisjohnson who the tory leadership candidate has so far refused to rule out suspending parliament in order to make sure that brexit does happen on october 31. Another warning shot from Philip Hammond, he has been giving an interview to french and german newspapers. I understand the interview took place on tuesday in paris as he was attending a g7 summit but in the context of preventing a new deal brexit, something Philip Hammond definitely wa nts to something Philip Hammond definitely wants to do, he was asked whether he would rule out supporting a no confidence motion in the government to which he responded i do not exclude anything for the moment. Two things to note here, you have an outgoing chancellor, few people expect Philip Hammond to be in thejob at people expect Philip Hammond to be in the job at the end of next week, not ruling out a no confidence motion in a government that will be comprised of his own conservative party. I also think it is another sign that boris johnson, party. I also think it is another sign that borisjohnson, if indeed it is mrjohnson who takes over at no 10, potentially faces some very fierce opposition on his back benches. Just another sign, i think of the passions, the deeply held views that brexit inspires. Jessica, thank you very much indeed. Jessica parker, our Political Correspondent. 17 people have been injured after a crash at a meeting of car enthusiasts in hertfordshire. Two of the cars collided and hit spectators in stevenage. Organisers say its an annual event to raise money for charity and simply designed for people to look at customised vehicles, which are meant to be parked rather than driven. Our correspondent Kathryn Stanczyszyn is in stevenage now. There is evidence of this collision on the road behind me. Yellow markers where police have mapped the path of these two vehicles. Eye witnesses have described watching on in horror as people were thrown physically in the air from the force. We know that the victims are being cared for in three separate hospitals in this area. Police say they will give an update on their condition later today. A split second, and then, disaster as this car pulls out of a junction, sending another head long into bystanders on a central reservation. Out of control, the original car also careers into people on the side of the road. 17 were injured, two of them described to be young. Just shock, panic. Everyone was obviously standing around trying to help. I am not first aid trained, i didnt want to get involved. You could see a lot of kids on the road distressed in agony, they had been run over and injured. It was shocking. You get there, you see it, whoa, what is going on. It was pretty horrific. Hundreds were there for something called a cruise meet where drivers gather to show off their vehicles. Organisers say the event was supposed to be restricted to a nearby car park. But footage clearly shows vehicles travelling at speed along the carriageway. Many have taken to social media to say they have raised concerns to police about similar gatherings that happen regularly in this area. Hertfordshire police say they were not aware in advance of anything specific happening last night although they know they do take place. We were not aware of this large scale gathering. What i would say is not to attend this type of event. What happened last night shows what could happen when you have such large numbers in the road, and cars perhaps committing offences. Police are now appealing for anyone with any footage of what happened to contact them urgently. Organisers say they are devastated and this Charity Event will not take place again. These organisers say they have held many of these meats without incident and they believe there may have been and they believe there may have been a rogue element here last night. But many locals say they are seeing reckless driving in this area very often, that the meets are an accident waiting to happen and they are questioning whether police are doing enough to make sure they dont. Many of these meets without incident. Kathryn stanczyszyn, thank you. The worlds biggest plane maker boeing is setting aside almost 5 billion to compensate airlines for the grounding of the 737 max. The aircraft was withdrawn from Service Worldwide in march after two crashes, in indonesia and ethiopia, in the space of five months. 346 people were killed. The Dutch Supreme Court has ruled that the netherlands is partly to blame for some of the killings in srebrenica in 1995. More than 300 muslim men and boys were murdered in the bosnian town after dutch soldiers at a un designated safe zone handed them over to serbian troops. The home secretary sajid javid says public figures should moderate their language to help stop the rise of extremism. It comes at the end of a week in which President Trump has faced accusations of racism after he said that four democratic congresswomen should go back to where they came from. Just yesterday, you may have heard, there were chants of, send her back. This is going on in the us today. Send her back. Imagine people were saying to me in britain, send him back. Now, i know how i would feel and i would like to think that most of society would think that is unthinkable in a modern, liberal society. Schools and colleges in england desperately need a multi billion pound injection of cash according to a Cross Party Group of mps. The Education Select Committee says that in recent years, funding for schools has not kept up with an increase in costs and pupil numbers. The government says it accepts schools are facing challenges. Heres our education correspondent frankie mccamley. Earlier this month, protests in westminster over school funding. In may, families take to the streets in cities across the country, demanding action on what they call a National Crisis in special needs funding. Two months before that, thousands of head teachers in england wrote to parents saying schools are facing a Funding Crisis following, their unprecedented march through westminster where hundreds gathered. Today, another call for action following an inquiry by a group of mps. We are calling for a ten year plan. Our argument is very simple. If the nhs can have a ten year plan and £20 billion extra long term funding settlement, why should education be the poor relation in terms of public funding . The inquiry recommends that all schools and colleges get the multi billion cash injection they desperately need, specifically calling for more funding for special needs pupils, increasing money for post 16 education, and extra funding for disadvantaged students up to the age of 19. But some head teachers say they are already at breaking point. The dfe and the government forgets to say that there is nearly 750,000 more children in our school since 2010. Schools have got to provide all sorts of complex services. We want to deliver on those but we need to be funded properly. The government says, while it is accurate to say funding is at its highest level, it does recognise schools are facing budgeting challenges. Frankie mccamley, bbc news. The time is 1 1lipm. Our top story this lunchtime. A pay rise above inflation for hundreds of thousands of Public Sector workers in one of theresa mays last Big Decisions as Prime Minister. 50 yea rs 50 years after the apollo 11 mission, the story of the british engineers and scientists who played their part in space history. Coming up on bbc news. A century for ellyse perry and australia are on course to retain the ashes. England are struggling. They need to win this test to have any chance of taking the urn. All week weve been marking the 50th anniversary of the mission that culminated in Neil Armstrong becoming the first man to walk on the moon. That historic moment was watched live on television by a global audience of 600 million people. The pictures were broadcast thanks to a Radio Telescope in rural australia, immortalised in the film the dish. Hywel griffith has been to meet one of the people who helped bring those unforgettable first images to the world. Theyve got the flag up now and you can see the stars stripes. It was the tv moment of the 20th century. Beautiful, just beautiful. The giant leap for mankind sent 384,000 kilometres through space and onto screens around the world. It was only possible thanks to this dish, the parkes observatory was one of three receiving the signal on earth. It produced the clearest pictures and so was the main source of the tv images. David cook was the senior receiver engineer. The enormity of the occasion didnt strike him until later. If we started to think about what a great thing we were doing we would likely have broken down and not done it properly. Only afterwards did i go down outside the telescope and look up and see the moon and realise that three people up there and two of them on the surface and we helped to put them there. Thats armstrong on the moon. Much of the story was captured in the dish, a film which told the observatorys history with a little dramatic licence. For example, there wasnt really a power cut as the moment approached. 0h, rats, everythings dead. But there was plenty of real drama here on the day. Just as the astronauts were landing on the moon, a storm arrived here in parke,s bringing wind gusts of over 100kph causing the tower to shake and sounding the safety alarms. Normally, they would have shut down the dish but they didnt want to miss their moment in history. Its one which has put parkes on the map and keeps bringing visitors out to this country town. I find it very cool because itsjust amazing how that big thing can, like, see or hear people out in space. I dont think they realise how much of an impact it had on history when it comes from such a small town and it is out in the middle of nowhere. And nowadays we have this equipment. The dish is still in use and is now 10,000 times more powerful than when it came into operation. One of their projects is to look for alien life. We scan the heavens, visible from here, looking for evidence of radio emissions from alien civilisations. We havent found anything yet. Butjust imagine if the signal is found from another civilisation elsewhere. I mean, that willjust. There is still so much we still dont know about the universe around us. But 50 years on this dish is helping humans to see and think beyond our own planet. Hywel griffith, bbc news, parkes. Well, behind the apollo 11 project were hundreds of thousands of engineers, scientists and technicians. Among them were dozens of britons, including people who trained Neil Armstrong and the designers of the fuel cells on the saturn 5 rocket. Duncan kennedy reports. They had the world behind them and the moon in front. Lift off. As easy as a, b, c for armstrong, buzz and collins well not really. It took 400,000 people to make this happen. Including british engineers. It consumes hydrogen and oxygen to water and produces electrical energy. Like francis tom bacon. At cambridge university, he developed the first Hydrogen Oxygen fuel cell that provided power, heat and clean water to apollo 11. His colleagues recall a gentleman engineer. He was always terribly polite. He would ask you what your interests were and if they had any bearing on the fuel cell, he was deeply interested. But if they didnt, he switched off. Britain had its own Rocket Programme from the 1950s. Missiles like blue streak and black arrow were tested here on the isle of wight. But when the blue streak and other projects were cancelled here, and the Arrow Programme cancelled in canada, that meant highly skilled british engineers had to go somewhere else and where did many of them end up . Well, its thought between 20 and 30 of them went to work for nasa on the moon space programme. With the laser reflector in the background. One of them was keith wright from dorset. He helped create the main experiments carried out on the moon. This is buzz aldrin carrying keiths equipment. The aim to measure vibrations on the lunar surface. What was it like to be, in effect, a part of history, apollo 11 . When we actually landed, we alljumped, we did it then again, as soon as we heard theyd deployed the experiments, it was great, it was our part done and it worked. Other british engineers on apollo 11 did everything from helping redesign this contraption after Neil Armstrong had to make this ejection from it during training, to creating the Mission Control centre itself. The giant leap to the moon may have been made wearing american boots, but some of the small steps had a british footprint as well. Duncan kennedy, bbc news. Hundreds of former members of a religious sect known as thejesus army are seeking damages for alleged abuse. The bbc has heard accounts of how people growing up in the churchs communal houses suffered sexual, physical and Emotional Abuse on a prolific scale. The claims date back to the 1970s, 80s and 90s. You may finds some parts of jon ironmongers report disturbing. From a tiny baptist sect to one of europes largest religious communities, thejesus army grew in wealth, membership and zeal. But behind its colourful brand of militant evangelism, we have heard claims that children were being harmed on a prolific scale communal houses throughout england by apparently dozens of individuals. Roses familyjoined the church when she was a baby. As a child, she said she was groomed and molested by an elder. Then aged 15, she said she was targeted by another prominent figure. He said, come around here, to a deserted place at the back of the building, and i had no idea what his intent was, but he proceeded to sexually assault me. Afterwards, he said i was to blame for leading him astray. The bbc has spoken exclusively to more than 20 people who grew up in the Church Community houses. Each of them claims to have experienced abuse including the brutal sexualised beating of boys by groups of men and the intense psychological control of young women. Ive heard some people questioning, you know, really was there something more sinister going on in terms of a group of paedophiles going, wahey, heres the sweet shop. God, here are my many, many sins. At the top of the church, one man pulled the strings. The late founder and firebrand preacher noel stanton. Now we give our genitals to jesus. We can reveal he is among 43 people who have been linked to reports of historic sexual and physical abuse. At least ten have been convicted, including these two men, now in their 50s, for indecent assaults on boys. Anotherformer member who was born into the church told us he was sexually assaulted by an adult in the grounds of a house when he was six years old while one of his brothers was raped repeatedly as a teenager. At least five of us had been abused in one way or another. I have anger for the church. I have anger because of what they have done to my family. In may, under new leadership, the church announced plans to dissolve, facing a renewed police enquiry, while an association of former members are preparing a group action against its trusts and charities. A spokesman for the church said. Thejesus army has accrued assets of around £50 million, but it may yet struggle to atone for its abusive past. And if youve been affected by issues in that report, there are a number of organisations and websites that can offer you advice and support. You can find them listed on the bbcs actionline website at bbc. Co. Uk actionline the bbc and itv have revealed more details about their plans for a joint video streaming service. Britbox will cost customers £5. 99 a month and be launched towards the end of the year. Its being seen as a uk rival to established services such as netflix, which this week saw its Share Price Fall after a slowdown in subscriber growth. Heres our entertainment correspondent lizo mzimba. Gavin and stacey, helping the bbc and itv begin their new online life together. Congratulations. Tidy. You just got married. That is disgusting. The intention is for britbox to be seen as the streaming home for quality british programming. Leave it out past shows like the office are expected to help convince viewers to subscribe to what is a significant and not entirely risk free venture for britains two biggest broadcasters. We are in potentially traumatic times, but they are exciting times, with the merger. Things move fast. There is, of course, a huge appetite for british programming, but even with his shows like happy volley on board comedy feature isnt guaranteed to be 100 for britbox. Nice classes. You look nice. Do i . It is going to be a challenge to compete with streaming giant netflix, which already has 11. 5 million uk subscribers. It is popular with programmes that viewers because of its programming and its easy to use interface. Because of its programming and its easytouse interface. Netflix has spent 5. 5 billion on its User Experience and that is why it is the best in the market and has the best compression algorithms and things download faster and it is why their suggestions work so well. Whereas britbox will be on the itv hub stack, which works pretty well for a free service, but if you are paying 599 per month and you are going to be comparing it with netflix and the experience will not be seamless. On top of that, the likes of disney will soon be launching their own service, with spin offs from their popular star wars and marvel universes, and the likes of Stephen Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey are involved in apples new service. So since several platforms will be looking for subscribers, with few able to afford them all. The Service Launches at the end of the year, aiming to showcase the very best of british, from broad church to love island. Im sorry, i really am. But like so many other landscapes, the media world too is ever changing and highly competitive. So while the bbc and itv are coupled up for now, who knows whether they will be together forever . Theres a huge task ahead for home favourite rory mcilroy as he battles to make it through to the last two rounds of the open Golf Championship at royal portrush. Mcilroy had a disastrous opening round yesterday finishing eight over par. Theres better news though for englands tommy fleetwood, whos currently the clubhouse leader on seven under par. Our Sports Correspondent andy swiss has the latest. A morning when portrush looked picture perfect. For the fans, a photo op with a giant claretjug. After waiting so long for the open to come to Northern Ireland, a chance to say, i was there. And the course was also looking its best, the early starters enjoying sunny skies and calm conditions. Great for watching and pretty good for scoring. So who could take advantage . Well, tiger woods certainly needed to. After struggling yesterday, he would have to find something special, so this was the perfect start. Beautiful. Is this the start of a tiger comeback . I hope so. The overnight leader was his compatriot, jb holmes, and he seemingly picked up where he left off. But others were also making their move. Among them, englands tommy fleetwood, still looking for his first major title. Could this be his chance . Steady on. Stay there. It was also a good start forjustin rose, a timely reminder of why he was recently world number one. But for sheer pinpoint precision, how about this from canadas adam hadwin . Making this tricky sport look oh so simple. A shot certainly worth celebrating. Well, the very latest i can tell you is that americas jb well, the very latest i can tell you is that americasjb holmes still leads the way. He is one shot clear of englands tommy fleetwood, who has completed an excellent round. He is right in contention. As for tiger woods, he is playing much better but he still has a lot of work to do if he still has a lot of work to do if he is going to make it through to the weekend. He is currently four over par. And then there is rory mcilroy, who had that terrible opening round yesterday. In fact, he was 150th out of the 156 players here. He starts his second round over the next couple of hours, and he has a lot of work to do if

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