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And residents will find out whether they can return to their homes. Tackling the counterfeit alcohol trade how an artificial tongue could help taste subtle differences between whiskies. Good morning. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. Iam i am rebecca jones. The European Union has rejected holding further brexit talks with the uk, while borisjohnsons government insists on changing the Withdrawal Agreement to scrap the irish border backstop. Eu negotiators told european diplomats such changes which the new uk government is demanding were unacceptable. But downing street says the Prime Minister will enter into any fresh brexit talks with the greatest energy and the spirit of friendship. Adam fleming reports from brussels. The eu is inching closer to accepting that the most likely outcome of the Brexit Process is the uk departing without a deal on october 31st. After discussions last week with the Prime Minister, his europe adviser david frost and the brexit secretary stephen barclay, brussels negotiators have concluded the only way to avoid a no deal brexit is with major changes to the Withdrawal Agreement, changes that the eu finds unacceptable, such as the removal of the irish backstop. And official told a meeting of european diplomats yesterday that with only a few weeks to go, were back where we were three years ago. They havent given up completely, though. Further talks with the uk havent been ruled out and the moment of truth may not come until a meeting of g7 leaders in france towards the end of this month. The government also rejected the eus assessment that there may be no point talking at all, with a downing street spokesman saying the uk would throw itself into further negotiations with the greatest energy and a spirit of friendship. Adam fleming, bbc news, brussels. Our brussls correspondent adam fleming says theres little sign of movement on the european side. At the moment there is no sign of any blinking on either side. And this is one of those moments where you step back and realise for there to be a deal and the uk to leave with a deal on the 31st of october, it will require an almighty climb down by one side or the other. This has all come about because there was a meeting yesterday here in brussels, held by the eus brexit negotiators with the updated officials from the 27 National Governments on the other side about some conversations that have been had with the Prime Minister, with the brexit secretary and with the Prime Ministers new brexit adviser, david frost, who was here in brussels last week meeting his opposite numbers. And the eu has concluded that the only way a deal will get through the cabinet, the government and the parliament is if there is some major changes to the Withdrawal Agreement. Notjust taking out the irish backstop, but the uk has also raised concerns about the financial settlement and the role of the European Court ofjustice. And at the moment, the eu doesnt see a way you can negotiate on that basis because all those things are unacceptable to the eu. So, they are inching closer and closer to the idea that the only outcome is going to be one where the uk leaves without a deal on the 31st of october. But as i was saying in that piece there, they havent given up hope yet, lots of officials looking to the g7 summit of leaders that borisjohnson will attend in biarritz in france towards the end of august. Will that be the moment of truth where it becomes clear whether or no where it becomes clear whether a no deal is inevitable or not . Other Officials Saying actually, it will be a few weeks after that that really matters, because that will be the time when the British Parliament reconvenes and mps assess what they think of what has or hasnt happened over the summer holidays. But yes, a pretty downbeat assessment from the eu about the prospect of future talks. Although i should say, they are not ruling out more more talks in future, theyjust dont think theres much of a basis for them at the moment. Drjennifer cassidy is a politics lecturer at the university of oxford and former political attache to the eu and ireland. Shejoins me now from dublin. Thank you and good morning to you. How do you gauge the state of talks between the European Union and the uk . Well, they are pretty stagnant at the moment and i say stagnant, not ina at the moment and i say stagnant, not in a negative manner. But it is still continuously shocking to me that the narrative of that ideal needs to be made or a deal wont be made in time for october the 31st. This is still being played and rehearsed. The deal has been made and the resources of the 27 Member States have been drained for the last three years on this issue and a 590 page Withdrawal Agreement was concluded and negotiated with the uk. Soa concluded and negotiated with the uk. So a deal has been made. This com shift concept of the eu is now blinking, we have done everything in our power and it is now up to westminster and the house of commons to pass the deal and negotiate if they want to leave with the deal, they have the deal sitting in front of them. The eu must be aware the deal has failed to pass Parliament Three times. There is nothing to suggest it will pass for a fourth time, so therefore further talks are required . Further talks are certainly required and as the eu has repeatedly stated, there are talks regarding you know, possible rewording of the political declaration. But as we all know, its only recently now that issues of the ecj and the financial settlement, these other kind of red herrings, if you will, have been thrown in from the uk side. But it has all landed on the backstop up to now. That is something that the eu and ireland is not going to back down on. Personally, from a diplomatic experience and now, simply engaging with the subject every day on an academic level and asa every day on an academic level and as a citizen of ireland, i do not see why the eu would jeopardise peace in ireland over the uk simply wanting a demanding of the removal of the backstop. That raises an interesting question i suppose, who at the end of the day has more to lose from a no deal brexit, as you have just suggested . Is lose from a no deal brexit, as you havejust suggested . Is it lose from a no deal brexit, as you have just suggested . Is it the lose from a no deal brexit, as you havejust suggested . Is it the uk, oi havejust suggested . Is it the uk, or is it in fact the European Union . Everyone loses in a no deal. Everyone loses in a no deal. Everyone loses. Ireland loses, the uk loses and the eu loses. There is absolutely no winners in a no deal scenario. However, it comes down to the scenario of well, what do you value more . Do you value peace on the island of ireland . Do you Value International Peace Agreement you have signed, made and agreed to previously . Or are you willing to sacrifice or possibly, not possibly, very much likely head into a recession . But unfortunately, many people in the ruling elite of the uk andi people in the ruling elite of the uk and i say this on the personal level, i dont think understand the consequences of what would happen if the backstop was removed. There are no winners in a no deal brexit and no winners in a no deal brexit and no one wants this. Of course talks wa nt to no one wants this. Of course talks want to be made, but at the expense of the backstop being removed, i cannot see that happening. Lets think of it a different way in the spirit of trying to get everything moving again, you dont remove the backstop, but is there any room for manoeuvre around negotiating it . The uk is suggesting there could be technical answers to the border, the polish government i think this morning, has suggested the backstop stays in place for five years. Morning, has suggested the backstop stays in place forfive years. In the spirit of reconciliation, if you like, is there anyway of this moving . So the backstop itself allows for alternative arrangements. That is a failure of perhaps the prevailing narrative of what the backstop is. The backstop says, if there are proper alternative arrangements to be made, or that are satisfactory to the good friday agreement and the peace process, then ireland and the eu and the regional bloc as a whole are more than happy to implement them. But we have seen no detail, and a strategy, no one has brought anything to the table, hence the backstop was introduced in the first place. The backstop was introduced because it was almost impossible to find a solution at that very moment once article 50 was triggered, in the timespan it will take to leave the eu, in order to solve the issue of the border. As we know with the good friday agreement, that ended 30 yea rs of extreme friday agreement, that ended 30 years of extreme violence in the north, not to mention the hundreds of years of ireland beforehand. You know, to say that something could so quickly be developed and another solution could be developed, is, in my opinion, somewhat ludicrous. But with that said, if there was one, if there was another solution, ireland and the eu, everyone has openly said so many times, we are happy to accept that what you need to give us detail, you need to give us a strategy. All it is hearing is this proper sizing of this technical solution or they could be this, could be that. There is no detail of strategy, it is very hard to deal with. We must leave it there, thank you very much for talking to us. Thank you very much. And tomorrow we will have a special day of coverage looking at the consequences of a no deal brexit we want you you to get in touch with your questions on all subjects including politics, health, business, economy, security or anything else. Throughout the day our correspondents and experts will answer your questions with a number of of bbc ask this question and answer sections. Contact details are on the screen now please do get in touch with whatever questions you might have. A teenager has appeared in court charged with attempted murder after a child was allegedly thrown from the tenth floor of the tate modern art gallery on sunday. The six year old, who was found on the fifth floor roof, is in a critical but stable condition. He was visiting london with his family from france. A 17 year old has been remanded into youth detention jane Francis Kelly is outside Bromley Youth court. Bring us up today with what happened in court . He was in a grey tracksuit and confirmed his name, his age and his address, but he cannot be identified for legal reasons. He was arrested on sunday by Police Responding to reports that a small boy had been allegedly thrown from a tenth floor, from the tate moderns extension. Now, this small boy who is a French National was visiting london with his parents, fell onto a flat roof. He sustained life threatening injuries, he was airlifted to hospital. He is critical, but stable. Police say there is no link between the two boys. The 17 year old was remanded into youth custody. He will appear at the old bailey this thursday. Thank you very much for that update. Holidaymakers have been speaking of theirfear after smoke filled the cabin on a flight from heathrow to spain. Three people were taken to hospital after passengers on board the flight to valencia had to use emergency exits to leave the plane once it had landed. British airways has blamed a technical issue. Our reporter Michael Cowan has more. The final minutes of a British Airways flight to valencia. One passenger described it as being like a scene from a horror film. Ba flight 422 took off from london heathrow yesterday morning, but 10 minutes before landing in valencia, passengers were surrounded by an acrid smoke. Very quickly, you couldnt see the passenger two seats down from you. It became very thick. We were descending quite quickly at that point. There wasnt an official announcement about what was happening. People were saying, get down, get down as we were trying to breathe in the cleaner air towards the floor of the cabin. Its being reported the cockpit was so smoky the pilots also wore oxygen masks. Another flyer told the bbc, as the plane came into land, some passengers were crying. Fire crews greeted the flight on the runway in valencia, where all the passengers were helped to safety. British airways says three customers were taken to hospital as a precaution but have since been discharged. But the airline has drawn criticism from those travelling with one passenger saying to social media, plane full of smoke, no oxygen, no announcements on the plane and the staff dealing with anything in the airport. Ba has apologised saying the safety of our customers and crew is always our highest priority. In addition to the team on site, British Airways team members have arrived in valencia to help our customers and local airport partners with anything they need. Michael cowan, bbc news. Lets speak now to joanne kay and her son josh. They were on the flight and join us from the city of denia, on the east coast of spain. You are both smiling now, so i am assuming you are ok, butjoanne, if i start with you, talk us through what happened . I start with you, talk us through what happened . We were coming into land and the cabin crew were already in their seats and strapped in. There seem to be quite allowed bang which came from sort of about five or six rows behind us. Then the cabin started to fill with, it looked like either white gas or smoke and it filled very, very quickly actually invisibility disappeared. It disappeared within about a minute. From then on, you couldnt see anything. Remarkably, the plane was still on its descent and was going quite smoothly. So people were scared and quite panicked, but i think the fact that the plane was descending steadily still gave us quite a sense of optimism we were going to get on the ground. Josh, from what your mum is saying, you couldnt see anything, can you tell us a bit about what you could perhaps hear and even smell . guess it wasjust could perhaps hear and even smell . guess it was just like thick smoke, but there was a lot of light, towards when we were landing, when we landed there was a lot of cheering for the pilot. After that there was lots of panic from people wanting to get off the plane as the doors were not opening for a good five minutes, may be a bit more. Thats the case is it, joanne . You landed and then you are still in this thick smoke but you werent hearing what was happening . No, there wasnt any communication from there wasnt any communication from the cockpit. This was an emergency situation and nobody knows exactly what to expect. We werent hearing anything from the cockpit but we we re anything from the cockpit but we were in front of a Flight Attendant who was on the cabin telephone and she was clearly talking to the pilot, or one of the crew. She wasnt really telling anybody what wasnt really telling anybody what was going on and the people behind us didnt have that visibility of the Flight Attendant. So they had no visibility, it was much thicker smoke behind us and people were really panicking because they didnt know what to do. Once we got on the ground, everybody jumped out know what to do. Once we got on the ground, everybodyjumped out of their seats expecting the doors to just sort of fling open and it was a good three orfour just sort of fling open and it was a good three or four minutes before the doors opened and people were shouting, open the doors. Why arent you opening the doors . There was a lot of speculation in the terminal and they didnt open the doors because they thought it was a fire and they thought they would be a back draft. How easy was it to get off the plane, josh . We have seen the safety video is about taking your high heels off, i assume you are not wearing high heels, but taking them off and leaving everything behind, what happens . was lucky because i was close to the exit but people were trying to get their bags off so there was a lot of crowded, bags in the aisles and people are getting off quite quickly, but it was orderly, but a lot of people bringing bags and stuff. People were generally quite good, they were helping each other, they were getting off the plane. My husband helped an elderly woman down the chute. We were down, people registered they were safe and then they made split second decisions to grab their bags and take them with. We didnt take our bags and eventually after three hours we were taken back to the aeroplane in groups of 20 and allowed to go onto the plane five at a time to retrieve our hand baggage. the plane five at a time to retrieve our hand baggage. I know you are out in spain visiting family, but presumably you have got to return to the uk at some point and i wondered how you are both feeling about that thought of getting back on the plane, josh . I am feeling like it is scary, but i am feeling fine because i have been flying in plaintiff quite a lot and i have known people who have flown quite a lot in all of that time and i havent had one bad thing. I guess it is frightening, but it is maybe just a one off. Joanne, have you heard anything from British Airways, have they offered any kind of explanation or indeed compensation . We got an email this morning saying they dont underestimate the impact this has had on us and they will be in touch with us today. I believe, well actually we left the airport without our luggage and i believe the luggage is being returned to us today. We filed a missing baggage report and it seems to be on its way. We havent directly heard from anybody apart from an e mail. There was a lot of confusion. When we got off the plane and into the terminal, it was just the valencia Ground Transportation crew. It took a while for someone from ba to get to the airport and start assisting passengers. In that time people were understandably becoming a rate. They we re understandably becoming a rate. They were hungry, they didnt know what was going on and there was little information. But i have to say, the pilot did an amazing job getting us down safely. If he had the same visibility as i did, then he really isa visibility as i did, then he really is a hero. 0k, joanne and josh, it has been great to talk to and i hope you can both enjoy your time in spain. The headlines on bbc news eu Officials Say they currently have no reason to hold any further brexit talks, insisting the uks demand that the irish backstop be scrapped is unacceptable. Holidaymakers speak of their fear after smoke filled the cabin on a British Airways flight from heathrow to spain. It happened ten minutes before landing. A teenager is charged with attempted murder after a six year old boy was allegedly thrown from the top of the tate hell appear in court later today and in Sport England bowlerjimmy anderson is out of the second test match due to an injury sustained in the ashes opener. Arsenal have agreed a deal to sell koscielny for a fee of £5 million. Carl frampton has had to pull out of this weekends bout against Emmanuel Dominguez after breaking bones in his hand when an ornament fell on him. Ill be back with more on those stories later. North korea is threatening further weapons tests after firing two unidentified projectiles. Its the fourth such test in just two weeks. The tests are in retaliation to the combined us south korea annual military exercises which are currently under way. South koreas military puts the site of the latest launch as South Hwanghae province, so the projectiles had to fly across the peninsula before landing in the east sea, which is also known as the sea of japan. The increasing tension on the peninsula threatens to derail negotiations between pyongyang and washington. For more on the latest tests, heres our correspondent laura bicker. Pyongyang appears to be piling on the pressure. It has launched two missiles from its west coast, flew over the peninsula and landed in the sea over the peninsula and landed in the sea of the japan and south korea. These missiles are certainly, pyongyang must have some confidence in them if they are prepared to fire them over their own peninsula. It comes at the same time as the North Korean Foreign Ministry released a statement saying that they believe thejoint us south statement saying that they believe the joint us south korean statement saying that they believe thejoint us south Korean Military exercises which started yesterday where a violation of the agreements that kim jong un had where a violation of the agreements that kimjong un had reached where a violation of the agreements that kim jong un had reached with washington and seoul. This is a stern warning. Pyongyang appears to wa nt to stern warning. Pyongyang appears to want to put pressure on seoul and washington to do a deal. Meanwhile, donald trump continues to say hes in no rush. He continues to save the short range missile tests are not in violation of the promise between him and kim jong un. The violation of the promise between him and kimjong un. The question for the United States and people here in seoul is how long does north korea continue this sort of pressure and will kim jong un be continue this sort of pressure and will kimjong un be prepared to continue this sort of pressure and will kim jong un be prepared to step up will kim jong un be prepared to step up these missile tests and fire Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles to try to get the attention of the United States . Students across scotland have been receiving their exam results. Around 133,000 candidates are hearing how they did in their highers, advanced highers and the national fives. This year, there were exams taken in a63 schools and colleges across scotland. Our scotland correspondent james shaw is in paisley for us this morning. A big day for students there, james . Thats right, a ten state, an anxious day, a really important day that my and perhaps with heartache or with relief that peoples have got the results they need. We do have a sense of that across scotland this morning, nationalfive, the national exa m morning, nationalfive, the National Exam ta ken morning, nationalfive, the National Exam taken in fourth year. The pass rate was up 0. 7 . But in highers, taken in the 58 was down 1. 1 for advanced highers and those are the exams you need to get to get into university in scotland. A mixed picture in terms of the pass rates, but lets talk to the head teacher here. This is lisa chalmers. Looking at those figures we have just talked about, what do you make of that . At those figures we have just talked about, what do you make of that7m is positive to see an increase in national five passes for fourth year pupils. It shows they are challenged at an appropriate level and the syste m at an appropriate level and the system is working well. For the higher peoples, there will be disappointed peoples who didnt achieve the grades they were expecting. It shows there is an integrity in the examination system that you dont continue to pass everything at an increasing rate everything at an increasing rate every year. So for those who havent achieve the results they hoped, first of all well done for putting the effort in and everything they have had to do over the course of the year and have had to do over the course of the yearand rememberthe have had to do over the course of the year and remember the schools will be there to support you. Staff will be there to support you. Staff will support you across the country in the coming days. Does it tell us anything about the system, there have been changes in the system and the rate has gone down at the key higher and advanced level which is how pupils will get places at university, does it tell us how things have changed . There are changes to the higher qualifications, we removed internal unit assessments on the structure of some of the final course exams has changed slightly. Until we see what the complete pass rate looks like for young people, it is too early to make any judgment at for young people, it is too early to make anyjudgment at this stage to see if it has made an impact on peoples attainment. If you have done well or particularly badly there are stresses and emotions to cope with right now . We have been fortunate that a lot of the young peoples here have been positive. Some will be disappointed with one may be more of their results today, however it is important to note this is not an end point, there are pathways, there are opportunities to continue. Repeats and even change the pathway as they go through the re st of the pathway as they go through the rest of their education. Thank you so much, that gives a sense of the picture in scotland. Peoples in the rest of the uk will be getting their exa m rest of the uk will be getting their exam results in a few days time, but at least in scotland, we know more or less what the picture is now. Mcdonalds has admitted that its new paper straws which were introduced last year to cut down on Plastic Waste cant be recycled. The straws had been strengthened because customers complained they quickly became soggy. Our Business Correspondent victoria fritz has been at a recyclying plant this morning to find out more. Here at one of the most technologically advanced recycling sites in the country, all sorts of things come in here. Household appliances, we have batteries, cardboard, books, scrap metal, b i cycles, cardboard, books, scrap metal, bicycles, you name it. They are in the spotlight at the moment over single use plastic and whether the likes of mcdonalds, for example, our right to be banning Plastic Straws and swap to paper. They have now admitted, mcdonalds, their paper straws end up in general waste, which means they end up in landfill and incinerated. Was mcdonalds doing the wrong thing . Lets bring in julia mcdonalds doing the wrong thing . Lets bring injulia kirby from friends of the earth. What is the problem with Plastic Straws because Plastic Straws, which are technically recyclable . Plastic pollution, straws and other items causes a huge amount of harm to wildlife. We have seen pictures of the turtles with the straws up their noses and so on. Plastic is a considerable contribution to the Climate Emergency and it requires a lot of energy to make plastic and it often ends up getting burned and it isa often ends up getting burned and it is a way of making fossil fuels. The problem isntjust is a way of making fossil fuels. The problem isnt just the is a way of making fossil fuels. The problem isntjust the plastic, the material, it is the single use, throwaway culture and that is what is causing so much harm to the environment. The problem is we are using straws are not the material they are made from . Thats right, those Plastic Straws mcdonalds has moved on from, chances are very few of those were recycled. The paper straws, is it going to be easy to re cycle straws, is it going to be easy to recycle those or not . That is the debate. We need to shift on from the debate. We need to shift on from the debate as to whether something is re cycla ble debate as to whether something is recyclable or not and ask ourselves can we reduce that material in the first place . Thanks very much. The new law coming in in 2020 in england will be a ban on the things like Plastic Straws and things like cotton buds as well, but the question is whether we know what to replace them with. Lets catch up with all the brother now. We have got some sunshine, but also some really quite heavy showers. And big downpours. Just like this in port talbot. A complete soaking with that drain, and those heavy showers have been quite widespread across wales, Northern England and across scotland. We will continue with some heavy showers and thunder across scotla nd heavy showers and thunder across scotland and Northern Ireland. Further south, showers moving from the south west to the north east. Sunny spells and between those showers. A maximum temperature of 19 to 23, but also breezy across england and wales. That will push the showers through quickly, but overnight, flashes of lightning up in scotland, and parts of Northern England. Heavy showers and southern areas tonight. Temperatures is 11 to 14 degrees. More showers on guidance for scotland, Northern Ireland, Northern England. Further south, for scotland, Northern Ireland, Northern England. Furthersouth, it should be a little bit drier. Maximum temperature is about 21 to 23 degrees. Hello this is bbc newsroom live. The headlines eu Officials Say they currently have no reason to hold any further brexit talks, insisting the uks demand that the irish backstop be scrapped is unacceptable. Holidaymakers describe a terrifying experience after smoke filled the cabin on a British Airways flight from heathrow to spain. A 17 year old is remanded into youth detention accused of the attempted murder of a six year old boy at the tate modern art gallery. Residents of Whaley Bridge in derbyshire are hoping to find out when they can return to their homes following an inspection of the damaged dam later. Sport now, and time for a full round up from the bbc sport centre. Good morning. We are still talking about the ashes after that loss in the opener this morning. Just a day after losing the ashes opener, england have announced bowlerjimmy anderson has withdrawn from the second test at lords next week. The 37 year old was passed fit for the edgbaston test despite hurting the same calf he had injured while playing for lancashire last month. Anderson managed just four overs on the opening morning, before aggravating that old injury and did not bowl again, as australia won by 251 runs. His absence is a blow for england. It is frustrating that we have not started in the manner they want, but we still fully believe we are well in this series, and things can turn down very quickly off the back of one win. Seeing emotionally how things are throughout that mark up, i think, actually, thats probably a good example to the group. The star with the bat was undoubtedly steve smith, who made a total of 286 runs playing in his first test match since being banned for ball tampering last year. Steve smith was unbelievable. There is no doubt about that. He is the best player in the world for test cricket at the moment. He is probably the best ever, statistically. And while he is at the crease, i think our team has real confidence. I thought digging in with him was crystal, and then i thought for the majority of the game, we bowled pretty well. Arsenal have agreed a deal to selll Laurent Koscielny to bordeaux for a fee that could be worth £5 million. The 33 year old centre back, who had a year left on his contract at arsenal but refused to travel on the pre season tour to the usa, is undergoing a medical in france this morning. England defender Harry Maguire has signed for Manchester United for a world record fee for a defender. The 26 year old joins from leicester, for £80 million, and has agreed a six Year Contract with the option for a further year. Maguire is now the second most expensive signing in english top flight history after his new teammate paul pogba joined united for 89 million, from juventus in 2016. So, no pressure there for the worlds most expensive defender but according to his mum zoe, hes always dreamed of playing for Manchester United. She posted on twitter saying how proud she is of her son. Huddersfield town started their campaign back in the championship after their relegation from the premier league with a home defeat to derby county. Tom lawrence scored twice for the visitors in the first half including this superb finish from outside the box. Karlan grant did pull one back for huddersfield, but it wasnt enough as derby saw the game out, winning 2 1. And staying with derby, former Manchester United and England International wayne rooney is in talks to become player coach at pride park. Rooney still has more than two seasons left on the contract he signed with Major League Soccer outfit dc united last summer but derby feel rooney could provide the impetus required to get the rams back into the premier league. Rooney is in london for talks today, and is due to fly back to washington tomorrow. Johanna konta has lost in the first round of the rogers cup in toronto. The british number one was beaten in straight sets by the ukrainian teenager dayana yastremska. It was the world number 14s first match since wimbledon. Carl frampton has had to pull out of this weekends bout against Emmanuel Dominguez in philadelphia. Frampton has reportedly suffered a freak injury, dropping an ornament on his hand, breaking two bones. He tweeted pictures of the offending item this morning. The northern irishman has not fought since his defeat tojosh warrington in december last year. Thats all the sport for now. Ill have more for you in the next hour. Residents in Whaley Bridge will find out later whether they can return to their homes this evening. Toddbrook reservoirs dam, which has been packed with over 530 tonnes of aggregate, is due to be inspected. Our correspondent fiona trott is in Whaley Bridge. Bring us up to date with what is happening. So quite positive news from the site this morning, because the latest that we had from the fire service a couple of hours ago was that the water level was 7. 8 metres lower than the normal level. We know that it has to be at eight metres before experts can get in there and have a proper look at the damage. And of course, once they do that, then another meeting can take place, and somebody makes that crunch decision can residents get back into their homes . Because 1500 people have had to move out. They are wanting to get back in. Take a look at this. This is what the raf are doing to assist with the work here. They have been doing it as you know for the past five days now. They have been taken off and landing, so excuse the noise at the site. They have been dropping that aggregate on the day damage part of the dam wall, about 513 tonnes. That work is continuing with the fire service here on site. As you can see, they have pumps, miles and miles of pumps, and they have had to build too much extra roads to make sure that they can get that water out as quickly as possible. And it has been dropping out quite a good rate, hasnt it, overthe has been dropping out quite a good rate, hasnt it, over the past couple of days, which is why they are in this good situation at the moment, where we think that hopefully this afternoon we should find out that those experts can get in and take a look at the damage. Also, the canals and rivers trust and involved. They owned the dam, and involved. They owned the dam, and it had been explaining that they carry out weekly inspections, to mark per week, and all 72 of their dam hit across england and wales, so they are constantly monitoring the reservoir, places like this topic, and they say they also have an independent ten year review, and that one year review. Back in november, a report was signed off saying they were very happy with the reservoir, the dam here, how it is being retained. There were no issues raised are cause for concern. That is the latest from the canals and rivers trust explaining how they maintain areas like this. But certainly, as i explained earlier, work continuing here. We are expecting to find out if those experts can get in, take a look at that damage, and of course, very important for residents, because all of them want to get back into their homes as soon as possible. There will be another residence meeting tonight at 5pm. We will no doubt talk to you later. For now, thank you. President trump has condemned hatred and White Supremacy following two Mass Shootings that left 31 people dead this weekend. Mr trump has called for Mental Health and gun control reforms. Meanwhile the former president barack obama has called on americans to reject language that feeds a climate of fear. Our north america correspondent peter bowes reports. Another vigil. Mourners remember the attack at the weekend in the shopping hall. Donald trump has responded in a sombre address from the white house. The president condemned what he called the monstrous evil behind the killings. The shooter in el paso posted a ma nifesto the shooter in el paso posted a manifesto online consumed by racist hate. In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and White Supremacy. While the president condemned White Supremacy, his opponents have argued that his use of racist language in the past could be partly to blame for attacks like the shooting in el paso. In a rare public statement, the former president barack obama has issued a thinly veiled attack on his successor. We should soundly reject language coming out of the mouths of any of early leaders that feeds a climate of fear and hatred, or normalises racist sentiments. Coming to terms with their overwhelming grief is the immediate concern of el pasos residents. President trump well visit el paso on wednesday. His actions in the coming weeks will be closely watched, with the majority of americans looking for action rather than words to tackle the scourge rather than words to tackle the scourge of gun violence. An extensive search continues in malaysia for a 15 year old british girl who has disappeared whilst on holiday with her family. Nora quoirin, who has special needs, was reported missing by her parents on sunday morning, when they woke to find her hotel room empty. Local police say they are treating the incident as a missing persons case and not an abduction. An artificial tongue which can detect subtle differences between whisky types could be the latest weapon against the counterfeit trade of the beverage. Researchers from the university of glasgow claim the tiny taster theyve developed can tell the difference between whiskies based on age, with a 99 degree of accuracy. Earlier i asked dr alasdair clark, the lead engineer behind the study, how the tongue works and why whisky was the chosen test subject. Millions of little taste buds that are about a thousand times smaller than the width of a human hair, and we make them out of gold and aluminium. And when you shrink metals down to these tiny little sizes, they start to exhibit really strange optical properties, and effectively look coloured, in a way. And we can track the colour of these things when they dont have whiskey on them and when they do have whiskey on them, and effectively they build up a statistical map of the taste of the whiskey. Why did you decide to test it with whiskey . We could have tested it with anything, and it could be useful in identifying lots of different chemical mixtures. We decided to use whiskeyjust because it was an excuse to buy lots of whiskey laughter. Not really, no, not really. While youre doing your very important scientific experiments, im sure, could you use this with other types of drinks and liquids, could you . Yes. I mean, the serious answer it the counterfeit whiskey industry is a problem, and we thought we could address it, but the fact we use whisky is almost an arbitrary choice, it could be any soft drink. You could also put it into a river, and monitor environmental changes in the river. Anything where youre trying to look for patterns in complex chemical mixtures, thais can be useful. Thats interesting. You mention that the market in counterfeit whiskey is particularly bad. Tell us about that. Its particularly bad when you start to look at the ancient whiskey market, whiskey going for tens of thousands of pounds per bottle. Quite a lot of those turn out to be fake. I believe there is also probably more damaging market in more run of the mill whiskies, that Enter International markets that are being passed off as coming from scotland but are not coming from scotland. We now have pictures, actually, of you holding the. Well, im saying tongue. It looks more like. It looks like a very small glass specimen. Tell us about what the tongue can be used for you mentioned rivers and other drinks. But maybe we shouldnt be calling it a tongue, maybe thats where we are being misled, slightly, because it clearly has all sorts of potential. We call it a tongue rather than a sensor, because when you build a sensor, youre typically looking for one chemical in particular, or maybe a family of chemicals in particular. This is more analagous to taste because we are not looking for anything in particular, itjust builds up a profile of the chemical mixture, much like your tongue does. If you or i drink coffee or apple juice or whisky. I couldnt tell you what chemicals are in the applejuice but i can certainly tell it is apple juice, and our system works ina similarway. Whenever we want to monitor the quality of a drink on a production line, possibly in a factory, or monitor the Water Quality in a river, or look for counterfeit whisky, this would be a good way to do that. As a final question, has your research been paid for by whiskey manufacturers . No, it is funded through uk Research Funded councils. In a moment, well have all the Business News, but first the headlines on bbc news. Eu Officials Say they currently have no reason to hold any further brexit talks, insisting the uks demand that the irish backstop be scrapped is unacceptable. Holidaymakers describe a terrifying experience after smoke filled the cabin on a British Airways flight from heathrow to spain. A teenager is remanded in custody charged with attempted murder after a six year old boy was allegedly thrown from the top of the tate modern. In the Business News the us has officially named china as a currency manipulator, a statement which will intensify tensions between the worlds two largest economies. The announcement by the us treasury follows a sharp fall in the value of the chinese yuan against the dollar. The move has been enough to unnerve Global Stock Markets with large falls seen around the world. Chinese tech group tencent, has bought a 10 stake in universal music group. Universal the worlds biggest Music Company already has its content streamed by tencent in china as the result of a deal struck in 2017. Lady gaga, taylor swift, drake, Kendrick Lamar and 50 cent are among the artists on the universal label. Julys hot weather failed to boost Consumer Spending in the uk, which fell to a new low amid brexit uncertainty and slow real wage growth. Average retail sales over the year tojuly rose by 0. 5 according to the british retail consortium. It said the challenging retail environment was taking its toll on both the high street and online. We start with yet another major escalation in the us china trade war. The United States has done something that President Trump has been threatening for years its officialy labelled china a currency manipulator. The largely symobilc moves come after the Chinese Government let its currency fall below the critical level of seven to a us dollar. The Us Government said treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin will now discuss ways to eliminate the unfair competitive advantage created by chinas latest actions with the International Monetary fund. That fall in the chinese currency was widely seen as retaliation for President Trump announcing new tariffs on 300 billion of chinese goods. That was the latest round of tariffs in a trade war started because of what mr trump says are unfair trade practices from china. Jane foley is head of fx strategy for rabobank. Just explain this for us, because it is sort of symbolic. The idea that President Trump finally naming china asa President Trump finally naming china as a currency manipulator. What does it mean in reality . Well, it is very politically motivated, this very strong language. They will ask the imfto strong language. They will ask the imf to look at this, but it is unlikely we think that the will agree that china at this point in time isa agree that china at this point in time is a currency manipulator. If you consider what china does, it doesnt have a freely Floating Exchange rate, it is managed, and they have allowed that Exchange Rate to weaken. But the point here is that china intervenes in the currency market every day to its currency. If it steps away, it would fall currency. If it steps away, it would fa ll very currency. If it steps away, it would fall very ha rd currency. If it steps away, it would fall very hard indeed, as investors drag their money out of china. So, yes it does manipulate the currency, but it manipulated to keep it from, and what we have seen in recent days as we have seen them allow the currency to slip below that seven level, allowing some weakness in there, but you could argue that china perhaps deserves a weaker currency. After all, the economy has slowed quite significantly this year, and that is of course partly a function of the impact on the economy of the trademark. If you see an economy slowing, an economy with lots of Monetary Policy stimulus, as we have seen in china, tax breaks would say to you that the currency should slip. Again, very aggressive language from the us, very aggressive language back. China accusing the us of disturbing the world order. So, definitely an escalation on the tread crisis on both sides. They wins and who loses . As you said, it may be even lower if dating didnt step in. I wonder who stands to benefit from it being either weaker or stronger, and therefore manipulated as a result. You can find a few winners if you look abound in those whole trade law saga. For instance, countries like vietnam have seen some additional us producers move their outfit from china to vietnam. Those sorts of countries, there will be some producers. There is speculation four and since that china hold over the rare earth market could be used in the trademark, and therefore the shareholders of those companies have seen a shareholders of those companies have seen a benefit. But i think globally if we look back, but we have seen as a function or a consequence of the tread was its Global Growth has slowed. So, ithink, generally speaking, there are lots of losers here. If you consider the trip was, we consider the currency spat between us and china at this point too, there are lots of companies and countries which will be put under stress by this. Chinas the World Largest importer of commodities, so anybody that exports commodities will be hard by a weaker chinese economy. Anybody exporting to china will be really quite worried about their currency if it china does continue to weaken its currency. There is an awful lot to lose and an awful lot of global consequences to what we say right now between the us and china. Jen, as always, nice to talk to you. Thank you so much. In other Business News, Online Fashion retailer boohoo has confirmed that it has made a bid for british brand karen millen, which was put up for sale in june. But it warned the London Stock Exchange that, these discussions may or may not result in agreement. Dominos pizza is getting a new boss. David wild is to step down and a hunt for his successor is already under way. For the first half of the year, dominos reported a 5. 5 jump in sales. Scotland has replaced london as the fastest place for a seller to find a buyerfor their home thats according to rightmove. In 2014, it took 36 days in london on average to secure a buyer, but this rose to 60 days by last year. A quick look at the numbers for you. Those are on the board. The ftse 100 those are on the board. The ftse100 barely moving despite some of the concerns we may have about the global currency manipulation issue, and therefore the impact that might have around the world. Remember, when we talk about that trade war between the United States and china, it is very easy to think aboutjust those two economies, but the other two bought largest economies, and therefore what happens in your endeavour to affect everyone else. Tesco down on the day those jobs is because my job losses tesco down on the day those jobs is because myjob losses were announced yesterday. It is of course a rather strange bedfellow for mike ashley at sports direct. You know has stakes in all sorts of things. He now has its hands on a jack wales. Investors like that. But by more than 2 . More from us a little later. Footage revealing the secret lives of basking sharks in uk waters has been captured off the coast of scotland. An underwater robot named sharkcam has been used in the inner hebrides to capture movements and behaviours of the worlds second largest shark. Despite their prevalence in scottish waters, little is known about the species. It is hoped the footage will reinforce a case for conservation in the area. Residents in villages close to a military base in siberia have been evacuated after a fire broke out in the ammunition store which sparked a series of explosions. This video shows the huge ball of fire which led to thousands of people being asked to leave their homes, while russian soldiers at the base were forced to hide in bomb shelters. Its thought eight people have been injured. Now its time for a look at the weather with. I have the forecast indeed. We have got changeable weather at the moment. Some sunny spells and showers. I think these cows have got the right idea in dorset. Lying down, because there will be some showers moving through here. You can see where we have had the showers. Across Northern England and scotland, Northern Ireland. But also moving through parts of wales and are tracking their way further east. That is what is going to continue for the rest of the day. Sunny spells and between these showers, as they move through fairly quickly across england and wales. One or two heavy downpours. More persistent showers and slow moving showers are for those lighter winds across scotla nd for those lighter winds across scotland and Northern Ireland. Thunderstorms expected during this afternoon. Maximum temperatures across the uk round about the average for the time of year, 19 to 24 average for the time of year, 19 to 2a degrees. Tonight, a few flashes of lightning across scotland, through the northern parts of england and Northern Ireland. A few showers across southern areas overnight. It is going to be relatively clear, and temperatures will get round to be around 11 to 14. Will get round to be around 11 to 1a. Showers across the northern half of the uk during wednesday. I they will be slow moving, heavy, thundery across scotland, Northern Ireland. A few showers across england and wales, but not as many as today. Some lengthier drier spells, and again some sunshine. Maximum temperatures of 19 to 24. Very similarto temperatures of 19 to 24. Very similar to today. During thursday, that area of low pressure will melt away. Things will feel quieter on thursday. Lighter winds for england and wales, and again for most of us, it should be a dry day on thursday. A few showers across the north east of scotland. One or two she was developing across england and wales, pppin9 developing across england and wales, ppping up developing across england and wales, popping up anywhere. But for most of us, we will stay dry, and temperatures around 19 to 24. As we go into thursday night and friday, we have an area of low pressure. That will move north. Look at the heavy rain spreading through friday. This area of low pressure will stick around into the weekend, wetting it with us without bringing unseasonal ones. It is going to bring us some really quite heavy rain at times, particularly north wales are North Western parts of england. And it will be windy for england. And it will be windy for england and wales. Gusts of up to 50 mph. Well worth staying attuned to the forecast. Youre watching bbc newsroom live. Its midday and these are the main stories this morning eu Officials Say they currently have no reason to hold any further brexit talks, insisting the uks demand that the irish backstop be scrapped is unacceptable. Passengers on a British Airways flight to spain describe their fear as the plane filled with smoke ten minutes before landing. The cabin started to fill with, it looked like either white gas or smoke and it filled very, very quickly actually and visibility disappeared within about a minute. And from then on you couldnt see a thing. A teenager is remanded in custody charged with attempted murder after a six year old boy was allegedly thrown from the tate modern art gallery. Residents of Whaley Bridge hope to find out if they can return to their homes when the damaged dam is inspected later. Tackling the counterfeit alcohol trade how an artificial tongue could help taste subtle differences between whiskies. Good morning. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. Im rebecca jones. The European Union has rejected holding further brexit talks with the uk, while borisjohnsons government insists on changing the Withdrawal Agreement to scrap the irish border backstop. Eu negotiators told european diplomats such changes, which the new uk government is demanding, were unacceptable. But downing street says the Prime Minister will enter into any fresh brexit talks with the greatest energy and the spirit of friendship. Adam fleming reports from brussels. The eu is inching closer to accepting that the most likely outcome of the Brexit Process is the uk departing without a deal on october 31st. After discussions last week with the Prime Minister, his europe adviser david frost and the brexit secretary stephen barclay, brussels negotiators have concluded the only way to avoid a no deal brexit is with major changes to the Withdrawal Agreement, changes that the eu finds unacceptable, such as the removal of the irish backstop. And official told a meeting of european diplomats yesterday that an official told a meeting of european diplomats yesterday that with only a few weeks to go, were back where we were three years ago. They havent given up completely, though. Further talks with the uk havent been ruled out and the moment of truth may not come until a meeting of g7 leaders in france towards the end of this month. The government also rejected the eus assessment that there may be no point talking at all, with a downing street spokesman saying the uk would throw itself into further negotiations with the greatest energy and a spirit of friendship. Adam fleming, bbc news, brussels. Our brussls correspondent adam fleming says theres little sign of movement on the european side. At the moment there is no sign of any blinking on either side. And this is one of those moments where you step back and realise for there to be a deal and the uk to leave with a deal on the 31st october, it will require an almighty climb down by one side or the other. This has all come about because there was a meeting yesterday here in brussels, held by the eus brexit negotiators with the updated officials from the 27 National Governments on the other side about some conversations that have been had with the Prime Minister, with the brexit secretary and with the Prime Ministers new brexit adviser, david frost, who was here in brussels last week meeting his opposite numbers. And the eu has concluded that the only way a deal will get through the cabinet, the government and the parliament is if there is some major changes to the Withdrawal Agreement. Notjust taking out the irish backstop, but the uk has also raised concerns about the financial settlement and the role of the European Court ofjustice. And at the moment, the eu doesnt see a way you can negotiate on that basis because all those things are unacceptable to the eu. So, they are inching closer and closer to the idea that the only outcome is going to be one where the uk leaves without a deal on the 31st of october. But as i was saying in that piece there, they havent given up hope yet, lots of officials looking to the g7 summit of leaders that borisjohnson will attend in biarritz in france towards the end of august. Will that be the moment of truth where it becomes clear whether or no where it becomes clear whether a no deal is inevitable or not . Other Officials Saying actually, it will be a few weeks after that that really matters, because that will be the time when the British Parliament reconvenes and mps assess what they think of what has or hasnt happened over the summer holidays. But yes, a pretty downbeat assessment from the eu about the prospect of future talks. Although i should say, they are not ruling out more more talks in future, theyjust dont think theres much of a basis for them at the moment. Our Political Correspondent in westminster is mark lobel. This seems to be a game of political chicken, but what further talks are you hearing . People are asking the question is, why isnt borisjohnson in brussels. They welcomed the estonian Prime Minister, and it underlines the fact he is getting on with business here in westminster. They met an hour ago in downing street. The no deal Planning Committee chaired by michael gove, was meeting. This afternoon Boris Johnson will chair an exit strategy meeting. So the attention here is preparing for a no deal and deciding what the uk wants to do but not engaging in what appears to be a stand off between the eu and the uk. An eu spokesperson has said in the last hour, the Eu Commission is still willing to negotiate, no deal is their least preferred option there as well. But it is difficult to see where the breakthrough is going to come. It is clear the British Government seems to be preparing for no deal but with no sign yet ofjoining that negotiation table again unless the eu, they say, signal changes to the Withdrawal Agreements are possible. Mark, in westminster, thanks very much. Anthony smallwood is a former british and european diplomat and was also the eu spokesman in washington. Hejoins me now. We are grateful for your time, thank you. What is your assessment of the state of the talks between the European Union and the uk . suppose, pretty grim, to be honest. I should say it is a long time since i have been professionally involved in the eu. I am now retired, but obviously i have followed the issue very carefully indeed. I am extremely upset, firstly that we are leaving under the conditions we appear to be leaving with and secondly, extremely worried that the way things developed. But my view is, there is actually very little scope for the reopening of talks on the withdrawal, they have gone on for two years. There was an agreement reached. The eu has consistently said that it is an agreement which cannot be bettered. So any attempt to reopen the negotiations i think is doomed to failure unless there is a clear willingness on the british side to understand the facts of the case and also the situation in which britain now globally finds itself. Which is a desperately weak one. You know as well as i do, the eu knows as well, the current deal has failed to be passed by Parliament Three times. It is unlikely to be passed by the house of commons a fourth time. That must be playing on the minds of eu diplomats, it is notjust the british side being intransigence, is it . I think it is the british side which is being intransigence in the sense that we have a Prime Minister who said he wont talk himself, to the european counterparts on the deal, he wont even talk to the taoiseach of the republic of ireland. And given that the irish border question is one of the key issues and an issue that is at least as serious, and i would say more serious than many people in the press have said. It is extraordinary. Maybe it is posturing, maybe it is not. But if it is just posturing, it is very dangerous posturing. If it is not posturing, what is the eu supposed to make of a British Government which cannot stick to deals or understand some of the key issues that make it impossible for the eu to change the deal in the way that some members of the British Government think should happen. know you said you have retired, but you have a lot of experience in this area and therefore high would be interested to know about this kind of diplomacy. This brinkmanship that we seem of diplomacy. This brinkmanship that we seem to be seen at the moment, is this actually just we seem to be seen at the moment, is this actuallyjust par for the course and that these deals do get done, but at the very last minute . No, ithink done, but at the very last minute . No, i think it is a mistake to assume that what happens in europe is everything gets taken to the brink, sometimes the clock is stopped and then miraculously ideal emerges. One must understand that when one is dealing with the basics of the European Union and the success that holds it together, it isa success that holds it together, it is a success because it is based on rules, its based on law. The assumption that you can just wave away fundamental tenants of the European Union is absurd. One thing we fail to understand is one of the keyissues we fail to understand is one of the key issues in european integration is the whole concept, in the sense, standing upfor is the whole concept, in the sense, standing up for the whole. Europe stands for its members, europe stands for its members, europe stands up and always has done. It did so for britain during the falklands crisis. It will do so for the republic of ireland if britain makes a crisis on the border. Anthony smallwood, we must leave it there but it is good to hear your thoughts and insights. there but it is good to hear your thoughts and insights. I wish those that hope for a better outcome managed to get it, good luck to you all. And tomorrow we will have a special day of coverage looking at the consequences of a no deal brexit we want you you to get in touch with your questions on all subjects including politics, health, business, economy, security or anything else. Throughout the day our correspondents and experts will answer your questions with a number of of bbc ask this question and answer sections. Contact details are on the screen now please do get in touch with whatever questions you might have. A teenager has appeared in court charged with attempted murder after a child was allegedly thrown from the tenth floor of the tate modern art gallery on sunday. The six year old, who was found on the fifth floor roof, is in a critical but stable condition. Our correspondent Jane Frances Kelly is outside Bromley Youth court, in south east london. Bring us up to date with what happened in court . The 17yearold was wearing a grey tracksuit. He confirmed his name, his age and address, but he cannot be publicly identified for legal reasons. He was arrested on sunday by police. They we re arrested on sunday by police. They were responding to reports that a young child, a young boy had been allegedly thrown from the tenth floor of an extension to the tate modern. The young boy fell about 100 feet onto a flat roof, this is the main part of the gallery. He sustained life threatening injuries. He was airlifted to hospital, but luckily staff were able to stabilise him but he does remain in a critical condition. He is a six year old national visiting london with his pa rents. National visiting london with his parents. The police say there is no link between the six year old and the 17 year old. The 17 year old was remanded into youth custody and will appear at the old bailey on thursday. Jane Francis Kelly, thank you for the update. Holidaymakers have been speaking of theirfear after smoke filled the cabin on a flight from heathrow to spain. Three people were taken to hospital after passengers on board the flight to valencia had to use emergency exits to leave the plane once it had landed. British airways has blamed a technical issue. Our reporter Michael Cowan has more. The final minutes of a British Airways flight to valencia. One passenger described it as being like a scene from a horror film. Ba flight 422 took off from london heathrow yesterday morning, but 10 minutes before landing in valencia, passengers were surrounded by an acrid smoke. Very quickly, you couldnt see the passenger two seats down from you. It became very thick. We were descending quite quickly at that point. There wasnt an official announcement about what was happening. People were saying, get down, get down as we were trying to breathe in the cleaner air towards the floor of the cabin. Its being reported the cockpit was so smoky the pilots also wore oxygen masks. Another flyer told the bbc, as the plane came into land, some passengers were crying. Fire crews greeted the flight on the runway in valencia, where all the passengers were helped to safety. British airways says three customers were taken to hospital as a precaution but have since been discharged. But the airline has drawn criticism from those travelling, with one passenger taking to social media. Plane full of smoke, no oxygen, no announcements on the plane and no staff dealing with anything in the airport. Ba has apologised saying. Michael cowan, bbc news. Lets speak now to james fernie, who was on that flight along with his wife and two sons, aged eight and ten. James is an e commerce director from east horsley, in england, and is on holiday near alicante in spain. Thank you forjoining us, james and hello to you in the background. It sounds frightening, can you talk us through what happens while you were on board . It was pretty terrifying actually. I am on board . It was pretty terrifying actually. Iam not on board . It was pretty terrifying actually. I am not a good flyer at the best of times. We heard a sort ofa snap the best of times. We heard a sort of a snap about ten minutes before landing. We smelt a bit of a plastic smell, which then went away. I was watching the end of a film and my wife tapped me on the shoulder across the aisle and i could see the smoke starting. Itjust came in really, really quickly. As the flight really, really quickly. As the flight was descending, it was rising quickly and before long, you couldnt see the seat in front of you, really quickly. Just because the plane was coming down to land, it felt like we had a better chance it felt like we had a better chance it would be ok, but it is proper Worst Nightmare stuff. Awful for you, especially if you are a nervous flyer, but what about your children, how they react . They were brilliant actually. I had a few people talking about the fact it wasnt pandemonium, it fell, than it should have been, especially with me being nervous about it. I thought i would be petrified but i think you go into some sort of survival mode and just get on with it. I knew it would be over and wed be on the ground in a couple of minutes. But then the doors were shut for another or five minutes. They said in the report before, the ba crew were useless, they were not announcing anything and nothing was happening and it took an off duty crew man and his wife to take charge of the situation. They were telling people to leave everything behind and jump out of the exits. I spoke to him afterwards and he said in 32 years of flying he never witnessed it. But he was older, he was a really level headed guy, but the other crew we re level headed guy, but the other crew were nowhere to be seen. What have you heard from British Airways since you heard from British Airways since you landed . You heard from British Airways since you landed . We got a carbon copy you know, mail merge e mail saying, we are sorry and we will be in touch and get your luggage to you and they have set up a special team. Really disgraceful. Briefly, james, how are you feeling about getting on a plane to go home . Not great, but it is one of them, two weeks in the sun will probably make us more relaxed. I know we will be fine. Enjoy your holiday, thank you for talking to us. Thank you. Thank you. The headlines on bbc news. Eu Officials Say they currently have no reason to hold any further brexit talks, insisting the uks demand that the irish backstop be scrapped is unacceptable. Holidaymakers describe a terrifying experience after smoke filled the cabin on a British Airways flight from heathrow to spain. A teenager is remanded in custody charged with attempted murder after a six year old boy was allegedly thrown from the top of the tate modern. Sport now, here is sarah. Just a day after losing the ashes opener, england have announced bowlerjimmy anderson has withdrawn from the second test at lords next week. The 37 year old was passed fit for the edgbaston test despite hurting the same calf he had injured while playing for lancashire last month. Anderson managed just four overs on the opening morning, before aggravating that old injury and did not bowl again, as australia won by 251 runs. His absence is a blow for england. It is frustrating we have not started in the manner we want but still fully believe we are still in the series and things can turn around very quickly off the back of one win. Seeing emotionally how things change throughout that world cup andi things change throughout that world cup and i think actually, thats probably a good example to the group. Arsenal have agreed a deal to sell defender Laurent Koscielny to bordeaux for a fee that could be worth £5 million. The 33 year old centre back, who had a year left on his contract at arsenal, refused to travel on their pre season tour to the usa and is undergoing a medical in france this morning. Huddersfield town started their campaign back in the championship after their relegation from the premier league with a home defeat to derby county. Tom lawrence scored twice for the visitors in the first half, including a superb finish from outside the box. Karlan grant did pull one back for huddersfield, but it wasnt enough as derby saw the game out, winning 2 1. Staying with derby, former Manchester United and England International wayne rooney is in talks to become a player coach at pride park. Rooney still has more than two seasons left on the contract he signed with Major League Soccer side, dc united, last summer, but derby feel rooney could provide the impetus required to get the rams back into the premier league. Rooney is in london for talks today, and is due to fly back to washington tomorrow. Carl frampton has had to pull out of this weekends bout against Emmanuel Dominguez in philadelphia after suffering a freak injury. He says this large ornament was knocked over and damaged his hand, breaking two bones. He tweeted pictures of the offending item this morning. The northern irishman has not fought since his defeat tojosh warrington in december last year. Thats all the sport for now. Ill have more for you in the next hour. It isa it is a large ornament, isnt it, it looks like a massive wicked. It is a large ornament, isnt it, it looks like a massive wickedm it is a large ornament, isnt it, it looks like a massive wicked. It is bizarre. Residents in Whaley Bridge will find out later whether they can return to their homes this evening. Toddbrook reservoirs dam is due to be inspected. Our correspondent fiona trott is in Whaley Bridge and she spoke to me earlier. Quite positive news from the site this money because the latest we had from the fire service a couple of hours ago is the water level was 7. 8 metres lower than the normal level. We know it has to be at eight metres before experts can get in there and have a proper look at the damage. Once they do that, under meeting can ta ke once they do that, under meeting can take place and somebody makes the crunch decision, can residents get back into their homes. Because of course 1500 people have had to move out. They are very keen to get back in. Takea out. They are very keen to get back in. Take a look at this, this is what the raf are doing to assist with the work here. They have been doing it, as you know for the past five days now. They have been taking off and landing, so excuse the noise we have, they are dropping the aggregate on the damaged part of the dam wall, about 530 tonnes. So that work continuing with the fire service here on site. As you can see, they have pumps, miles and miles of pumps and they have had to build two extra roads to make sure they can get that water out as quickly as possible and it has been dropping a quite a good rate over the past couple of days, which is why they are in this good situation at the moment, where we think that hopefully this afternoon, we should find out that those experts can get in and take a look at the damage. Also, the canals and rivers trust are involved in this work. They owned the dam and what they have been explaining to us, they carry out two inspections a week on all 72 of their dams across england and wales, so they are constantly monitoring the reservoir and places like this at todd brooke. They say they also have an independent ten yearly review and also their own yearly review and also their own yearly review and back in november, there was a report that was signed off saying they were very happy with the reservoir, that im here, how it was being maintained. There are no issues that were raised that were cause for concern. That is the latest from the canals and rivers trust, explaining how they maintain areas like this. But certainly, as i explained earlier, like very much continuing here, they are expecting in the next few hours to find out if there was experts can get in, take a look at the damage and of course, very important for residents, because all of them want to get back into their homes as soon as possible and they will be another residents meeting tonight at 5pm. Fiona trott in Whaley Bridge. Stock markets in asia have dropped sharply overnight in response to losses on wall street and europe yesterday. The falls come amid an intensifying trade war between the us and china. Our Business Correspondent, Dominic Oconnell has been explaining whats been going on. The size of the fall is about 2 , most of the big asian markets overnight. 3 in the states and here yesterday. This morning, the ftse100 hasnt done too badly, only down about 0. 5 , so it seems to have stabilised a bit. But this new front is all about currency. Now china has defended the yuan, kept it artificially high for quite a long time at this quite symbolic level of 1 being worth seven yuan. But yesterday it let it fall below that, it allowed its currency to devalue, which is good for chinese exporters because it makes their products cheaper in the us. It was thought that china did this in response to a new set of us tariffs. So the tit for tat battle. But a currency war is whats got people spooked because that would be a completely new ball game in this whole china versus us trade battle. So what happens next . We dont know, it depends upon what china does in future in terms of setting the yuan price and whether it chooses to defend it again around that seven or whether it lets it slide. The us has now done this thing, its branded china a currency manipulator, which mayjust sound like a label, but it is an official thing because it allows the us authorities to take trade action against china, put more tariffs on, while they are already doing that, so it doesnt make much difference. But it does open this rather intriguing possibility that the us itself might try to devalue the dollar, then you get from a trade war into a currency war. In terms of the stock markets, well we are at the end of a very long, the longest in history, whats called a bull run. So markets will be going up pretty much relentlessly since the financial crisis, a lot of traders are looking for an excuse for that to end and this new currency war could well be it. North korea is threatening further weapons tests after firing two unidentified projectiles. Its the fourth such test in just two weeks. The tests are in retaliation to the combined us south korea annual military exercises which are currently under way. South koreas military puts the site of the latest launch as South Hwanghae province, so the projectiles had to fly across the peninsula before landing in the east sea, which is also known as the sea of japan. The increasing tension on the peninsula threatens to derail negotiations between pyongyang and washington. For more on the latest tests, heres our correspondent laura bicker. Pyongyang appears to be piling on the pressure. It has launched two missiles from its west coast, flew over the peninsula and landed in the sea of the japan and south korea. These missiles, certainly, pyongyang must have some confidence in them if they are prepared to fire them over their own peninsula. It comes at the same time as the North Korean Foreign Ministry released a statement saying that they believe the joint us south Korean Military exercises which started yesterday where a violation of the agreements that kimjong un had reached with washington and seoul. This is a stern warning. Pyongyang appears to want to put pressure on seoul and washington to do a deal. Meanwhile, donald trump continues to say hes in no rush. He continues to say the short range missile tests are not in violation of the promise between him and kim jong un. The question for the United States and people here in seoul is how long does north korea continue this sort of pressure and will kim jong un be prepared to step up these missile tests and fire Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles to try to get the attention of the United States . Now its time for a look at the weather, with alina jenkins. How is it looking . I mixture today, some of us have blue skies and sunshine and others have frequent showers bringing thunder and lightning, particularly across scotland. This is the main focus this afternoon. One or two into Northern Ireland, england and wales. If you get into east anglia and south east england. A breezy day and gusty winds for some Southern Coasts and in the sunshine, 23 celsius at the top temperature is the high teens and their showers keep going through this evening. They lose their energy but will keep some heavy ones across scotland. Turning dry across many central and southern and south east england. Temperatures for much of the uk between 11 and 14 celsius. Another day of sunshine and showers again tomorrow. Not so many across england and wales and Northern Ireland but still heavy ones and thundery across parts of scotla nd ones and thundery across parts of scotland and for many, we have the sunshine it should be a fine afternoon up to 23 or 24 celsius. Hello, this is bbc newsroom live. The headlines eu Officials Say they currently have no reason to hold any further brexit talks, insisting the uks demand that the irish backstop be scrapped is unacceptable. Holidaymakers describe a terrifying experience after smoke filled the cabin on a British Airways flight from heathrow to spain. Their flight from heathrow to spain. Cabin started to fee at their cabin started to feel with. At look like either white gas or smoke, and it filled very quickly, actually. Visibility disappeared within about a minute. And from then on, you couldnt see a thing. A 17 year old is remanded into youth detention accused of the attempted murder of a six year old boy at the tate modern art gallery. Residents of Whaley Bridge in derbyshire are hoping to find out when they can return to their homes following an inspection of the damaged dam later. President trump has condemned hatred and White Supremacy following two Mass Shootings that left 31 people dead this weekend. Mr trump has called for Mental Health and gun control reforms. Meanwhile, the former president barack obama has called on americans to reject language that feeds a climate of fear. Our north america correspondent peter bowes reports. Another vigil. Mourners in el paso remember the victims of saturdays attack at a shopping mall. It is a tragically familiar scene in the days following a mass shooting. The president condemned what he called the monstrous evil behind the killings. The shooter in el paso posted a manifesto online consumed by racist hate. In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and White Supremacy. While the president condemned White Supremacy, his opponents have argued his use of racist language in the past could be partly to blame for attacks like the shooting in el paso. In a rare public statement, the former president barack obama has issued a thinly veiled attack on his successor. Coming to terms with their overwhelming grief is the immediate concern of el pasos residents. President donald trump will visit el paso on wednesday. His actions in the coming weeks will be closely watched, with a majority of americans looking for action rather than words to tackle the scourge of gun violence. Peter bowes, bbc news. Ive got a little update for you on brexit. You will remember eu officials have said they currently have no reason to hold any further brexit talks, insisting the uks demand that the artist backstop is scrapped is unacceptable. Michael gough, who is the minister responsible for no deal planning, has been commenting on that, and has said that he is deeply saddened by the eu refusing to negotiate. He said at the alter deal struck between theresa may and the eu has failed to pass the house of commons are three times, therefore a new deal is needed, because we cant have a deal that doesnt command the support. And michael gove, the minister responsible for no deal planning, says that the uk stands ready to negotiate stop the ego seems to be saying its not interested , seems to be saying its not interested, and that is wrong and sad. He concluded by saying we want a deal, but are scaling our preparation so we are ready to leave. That is michael gove speaking just within the last few moments. Beijing has warned protestors in hong kong that those who play with fire will perish by it. In their sternest warning yet they said the pro democracy demonstrators shouldnt underestimate chinas immense power. Yesdterday, pro democracy demonstrators brought hong kong we are going to post because i want to ta ke we are going to post because i want to take you straight to ireland. Just had an opportunity to visit hillsborough castle, which is a royal palace and also a former government house, and i have to say, i truly recommend anyone who is visiting Northern Ireland to stop off here. We have loads of people who visit the titanic who dont know you can visit a royal palace on the island of ireland without having to get on a boat or plane, and we would love to see more people visit. Italy isa love to see more people visit. Italy is a wonderful to visit. It really is a wonderful place to visit. Going on to a number of other events today, going to have a lunch with the business community. After that, there is the interface of project for belfast and meeting some young people and people who are trying to work across the community to fight, which is something we are very committed to us, and after that, i am speaking and a multiparty debate. I am looking forward to all those engagements today. Unique negotiators quarter today saying they want open negotiations, and the demands to lose the backstop are unacceptable. I dont accept nodeal as unacceptable cuts are unavoidable. There are many ways it can be avoided, the ratification of the best agreement, a further extension, or revocation of article 50. There are a number of ways no deal can be avoided on the 31st of october, so im certainly not fatalistic about that. In terms of our position, it is that the Withdrawal Agreement, including the backstop, is close, but there is a lwa ys backstop, is close, but there is always room for talks and negotiations. Full example, we have said that we can certainly make changes to the political declaration, and we have demonstrated that we can make clarifications, as we have in the past. When i spoke to Prime Minister johnson last week, i advised him to come to dublin to talk about these issues, talk about brexit, Northern Ireland, bilateral arrangements, and idid so ireland, bilateral arrangements, and i did so on the basis that there should be no preconditions, and i certainly stand with that intention. Today it is much more fractured. There has of course been other tee shots here, and bertie ahern has been here, i dont think it would be unusual to be in this building. The agreement in 1985 was very significant in Northern Ireland politics and also in british irish relations. As it is often the case, before you come to an agreement, things can be a little bit difficult, but the end with agreement, and i think that is possible on this occasion. The symbolism of your being here is an is inescapable. Are you sending out a message . What is that message . And what you like to comment on the fact that. First of all, it is very kind ofjeffrey to greet me here today, it is his constituency, and i was in lisbon a few months ago, and we met there as well. It is always good to have lines of communication open, and while it may not always appearso, open, and while it may not always appear so, lines of communication are very appear so, lines of communication are very much open. I dont particularly have a message or in your message here today, i am here to listen and to engage and take pa rt to listen and to engage and take part in the various events that i agreed to take part in, many of which are long standing and petitions from months ago, and im very keen to partake in them. To a nswer very keen to partake in them. To answer your other question, in relation to the portraits, that is absolutely a matter for the relation to the portraits, that is absolutely a matterfor the Northern Ireland office, not one for me to make decisions on. The only thing i would say that in dublin castle, we do have portraits of british monarchs, and we havent taken them down, and we certainly dont intend to. We have been listening to the irish Prime Minister. He is in belfast. He has been meeting Business Leaders there, and he has been speaking at hillsborough castle. A couple of lines and comments that he made about brexit. He reiterated his position that the Withdrawal Agreement is closed, but he said no deal could be avoided. I am not fatalistic. And he also said he had invited borisjohnson to dublin. That is added by minister out there, the other actor. Lets return to that situation in hong kong. It was a threat that basing but not tolerate this and stability. At some point, it would get involved, and that means the army. Today, he was asked about that, and a spokesman for that ministry for the Central Government said that for now, they believe the Hong Kong Police can handle this. So, i dont know that it is imminent. However, he was asked would you rule it out, and then made it clear that people should be under no illusion that thatis should be under no illusion that that is not an option, because he said that these protesters shouldnt underestimate beatings resolve, nor the huge power that it can bring to bringing sure making sure the spaceis bringing sure making sure the space is returned to order. Beijings resort. The interesting thing is, he sang on the one hand that the government the police can handle it, however, we had a press conference from the police a short while ago, and one thing stood out for me. They mentioned lots of arrests yesterday, but another thing was until yesterday, from the 6th of june until yesterday, the police had fired 1000 rounds of tear gas. Now, yesterday, only yesterday, they fired 800 more. So, you can imagine the extent of the street battle, if you can put it that way, yesterday, and just how intense it was. Stephen mcdonalds in hong kong. Borisjohnson has welcomed his first world leader to downing street since becoming Prime Minister. He shook hands with his estonian counterpart juri ratas before heading in to number ten. The two men met for half an hour. An extensive search continues in malaysia for a 15 year old british girl who has disappeared whilst on holiday with her family. Nora quoirin, who has special needs, was reported missing by her parents on sunday morning, when they woke to find her hotel room empty. Local police say they are treating the incident as a missing persons case and not an abduction. Residents in villages close to a military base in siberia have been evacuated after a fire broke out in the ammunition store which sparked a series of explosions. This video shows the huge ball of fire which led to thousands of people being asked to leave their homes, while russian soldiers at the base were forced to hide in bomb shelters. Much more to come on newsroom live here on the bbc news channel, but now we say goodbye to viewers on bbc two. The headlines on bbc news eu Officials Say they currently have no reason to hold any further brexit talks, insisting the uks demand that the irish backstop be scrapped is unacceptable. Holidaymakers describe a terrifying experience after smoke filled the cabin on a British Airways flight from heathrow to spain. A teenager is remanded in custody charged with attempted murder after a six year old boy was allegedly thrown from the top of the tate modern. Dame Barbara Windsor has called on Prime Minister borisjohnson to sort out care for people who have dementia. The former eastenders star, who has alzheimers, launched an open letter with her husband Scott Mitchell to coincide with their appointment as ambassadors for Alzheimers Society. Ministers in england have been promising to publish plans on social care reforms since 2017. The difficult issues surrounding care for dementia patients was discussed on the Victoria Derbyshire programme this morning, lets take a look. When you have a diagnosis of dementia, and about 850,000 people across the uk have that diagnosis now, you are not actually entitled to any care as part of that diagnosis, because there isnt a medical intervention that can be made. So what happens is you are put at the mercies of the social care system, which is fantastically underfunded. Thats the crux of the problem. We have a helpline where everyday we hear from people who cant access care they need. When they do and manage to access some care, its not of the quality they need and at the end of all of that, theyve got to pay for it. Thats why we are just delighted that dame barbara and scott have put their names to this letter and are promoting it with us, because everybody watching can add their voices and stand alongside dame barbara and tell the new Prime Minister this really is the moment, those people have waited long enough to have adequate care or any care would be an improvement on what we have now. People often make the comparison with a cancer diagnosis, if you are diagnosed with cancer you immediately access urgent treatment, it is paid for, why is it not the same for dementia . Yes, thats exactly the comparison we would make. We are not wishing either disease on anybody, but thats exactly the comparison we would make, yes. Margaret, just remind our audience, you looked after your husband and your mum, both had dementia, you were the care . My husband, i looked after him, he had dementia for round about 12 years, and i looked after him until he died. He died at home. Did you want help, did you need help . I had help, you have to have help. Although for a number of years i didnt have any help in the home. Later on, when mobility deteriorates, you have to have help, you simply cant cope with somebody you cannot support while you carry out all the things that one needs to do. Was it easy to get the help . No, not easy at all. I think the care workers were very willing, but the whole system of them coming to different people across the district, the travelling, their payments, all these issues, and they are not trained to do the job sufficiently for people with dementia. Its a very complex illness as it progresses. Just for those who are not aware, you have been on our programme a number of times, including on our very First Programme back in 2015 to talk very candidly and courageously, some would say, about living with dementia. Let me ask how you are at the moment . Hello, victoria. Yes, i am coping at the moment, thank you. Thats probably the best word to use. The dementia is progressing and it is harder, and the word i used before is frustrating, and i guess all of what we are talking about today for people like me is immensely frustrating. What do you think of this call by dame barbara and her husband on the new Prime Minister to sort out Dementia Care funding, and the call from the Alzheimers Society for an immediate cash injection ofjust under three billion . I think its fabulous what they are doing. I support it totally, and its great barbara and her husband are using their position to help other people in the way they are. For too long, there has been great underfunding of social care and also, notjust underfunding but under respect for social care. Funding is important but there needs to be a greater understanding and a greater respect for people who are needing social care and those who are working in social care as well. An artificial tongue which can detect subtle differences between whisky types could be the latest weapon against the counterfeit trade of the beverage. Researchers from the university of glasgow claim the tiny taster theyve developed can tell the difference between whiskies based on age, with a 99 degree of accuracy. Earlier i asked dr alasdair clark, the lead engineer behind the study, how the tongue works and why whisky was the chosen test subject millions of little taste buds that are about a thousand times smaller than the width of a human hair, and we make them out of gold and aluminium. And when you shrink metals down to these tiny little sizes, they start to exhibit really strange optical properties, and effectively look coloured, in a way. And we can track the colour of these things when they dont have whiskey on them and when they do have whiskey on them, and effectively they build up a statistical map of the taste of the whiskey. Why did you decide to test it with whiskey . We could have tested it with anything, and it could be useful in identifying lots of different chemical mixtures. We decided to use whiskeyjust because it was an excuse to buy lots of whiskey laughter. Not really, no, not really. While youre doing your very important scientific experiments, im sure, could you use this with other types of drinks and liquids, could you . Yes. I mean, the serious answer is the counterfeit whiskey industry is a problem, and we thought we could address it, but the fact we use whisky is almost an arbitrary choice, it could be any soft drink. You could also put it into a river, and monitor environmental changes in the river. Anything where youre trying to look for patterns in complex chemical mixtures, this can be useful. Thats interesting. You mention that the market in counterfeit whiskey is particularly bad. Tell us about that. Its particularly bad when you start to look at the ancient whiskey market, whiskey going for tens of thousands of pounds per bottle. Quite a lot of those turn out to be fake. I believe there is also probably more damaging market in more run of the mill whiskies, that Enter International markets that are being passed off as coming from scotland but are not coming from scotland. We now have pictures, actually, of you holding the. Well, im saying tongue. It looks more like. It looks like a very small glass specimen. Tell us about what the tongue can be used for you mentioned rivers and other drinks. But maybe we shouldnt be calling it a tongue, maybe thats where we are being misled, slightly, because it clearly has all sorts of potential. We call it a tongue rather than a sensor because when you build a sensor, youre typically looking for one chemical in particular, or maybe a family of chemicals in particular. This is more analagous to taste because we are not looking for anything in particular, itjust builds up a profile of the chemical mixture, much like your tongue does. If you or i drink coffee or apple juice or whisky. I couldnt tell you what chemicals are in the applejuice but i can certainly tell it is apple juice, and our system works ina similarway. Whenever we want to monitor the quality of a drink on a production line, possibly, in a factory, or monitor the Water Quality in a river, or look for counterfeit whisky, this would be a good way to do that. As a final question, has your research been paid for by whiskey manufacturers . No, it is funded through uk Research Funding councils. In the last half an hour, michael gove and the minister charge with planning for a no deal brexit was as outside downing street about the governments plans for a no deal brexit. We have been absolutely clear that we need to change the Withdrawal Agreement, because it couldnt get through parliament. And we cant have a deal that doesnt command the confidence of the government, the parliament and the country. And that is why we have been clear with the European Union that we need a new approach, and we stand ready to engage with the European Union, to negotiate in good faith, to make sure we can have a friendly relationship in the future, and we will put all our energy into making sure we can secure that good deal, but at the moment, it is the eu that seems to be think they are not interest. Theyre simply sing, no, we dont want to talk. Well, i think that is wrong and sad. It is not in europe us interests. Footage revealing the secret lives of basking sharks in uk waters has been captured off the coast of scotland. An underwater robot named sharkcam has been used in the inner hebrides to capture movements and behaviours of the worlds second largest shark. Despite their prevalence in scottish waters, little is known about the species. It is hoped the footage will reinforce a case for conservation in the area. Now its time for a look at the weather. Low pressure as the dominant feature any days ahead. Initially bringing a fairly showery rating. Some of us but managed to stay dry, while others will see frequent showers, some torrential rain and places this afternoon, along with some thunder and lightning. Particularly but not exclusively across scotland. Its all driven by this slow moving area of low pressure. It is going nowhere fast. The main focus of the showers this afternoon across much of scotla nd this afternoon across much of scotland and Northern Ireland, Northern England, wales, south west england, some of them will filter further eastwards. Not so many of them in anglia and south east england. A breezy day for many, stronger gusts across southern coast, 30 to 40 gusts in areas. Temperatures around 22 or 23 celsius. We keep some of the showers going through this evening. Most of them will tend to lose energy overnight. So some heavy once continuing across parts of scotland. Tries to cross eastern england, and temperatures for most of the uk will be in double figures, 11 to 14 celsius. Still some showers around tomorrow, in similar places where we have seen them today. Much more scattered. So heavy once across scotland, thunder infosys, kitty 20 to 30 millimetres and some of the more torrential downpours. The temperature is more like the high teens but we have frequent travellers. On thursday, and between areas of low pressure, and this area approaches from the atlantic and will bring very unsettled conditions as we go into friday. For thirstier, fewer showers around. Most of them focus once again across scotland. Monitor scattered across england, wales and Northern Ireland. Many having a largely dry day, some spells of sunshine, temperatures up to 23 or 24 celsius. Cloud on 30 will be cruising ahead of this area of low pressure. Notice how the isobars are really close together. It sweeps across the uk through friday and saturday bringing some exceptionally windy weather and some heavy rain as well. So very disturbed by their potentially through friday and saturday, so disruption is possible. Catch up. The government rejects claims that it wants talks with the eu to fail in order to produce a no deal brexit. Downing street insists the eu needs to change its approach if a deal is to be struck by october. The old deal that was negotiated has failed to pass the house of commons three times now, so we do need a new approach. And whatever happens, while we remain ready and willing to negotiate, the eu must appreciate that we are leaving on october the 3ist, that we are leaving on october the 31st, deal or no deal. Well have the latest, and the view, live from brussels. Also this lunchtime a damning report finds that a chief scout who worked for Chelsea Football Club was a dangerous and prolific child abuser, and says some adults at the club must have known

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