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Borisjohnson is to meet the german and french leaders next week to make it clear that the uk is leaving the eu at the end of october. News of his first trip abroad as british Prime Minister comes as leaked government documents, published by the sunday times, warn that the uk could face problems such as medicine, food and fuel shortages in the event of a no deal brexit. A downing street source said the government did not expect such outcomes but was exploring scenarios as part of no deal planning. More now from our Political Correspondent nick eardley. This is a document called operation yellowhammer. It is the Civil Service looking at potentially what could happen if the uk leaves the European Union in a few weeks without a deal. And at its heart are some pretty stark warnings of long delays at ports, airports, at eurotunnel, of the potential for certain fresh foods running out or becoming scarce, at least not all foods running out, but potentially some fresh food running scarce, and overall, a picture of some significant hardships in the uk on the 31st of october. Now, these leaked documents also talk about the Northern Ireland border. Thats a very contentious subject when it involves brexit. What does it have to say about that . It warns that the uk government plan, which is not to have any new checks unless completely necessary between the republic and the north of ireland, that that plan is unsustainable. Now, it doesnt go into detail about what that will mean, but some will conclude that yes, that will lead to a hard border. The uk has always been adamant its not going to put up border infrastructure between the republic and the north. Likewise, the republic of ireland has said it wont do the same. But there is a suggestion that the plan the uk has to avoid that, for various economic and security reasons, just isnt viable. Now, do we have a government response on these leaks . We do. The government says officially that it doesnt comment on leaks, but number 10 have pointed out that this isnt what they expect to happen. This isnt the assumption of borisjohnson and his team. What it is is scenario planning, looking at various things that could happen, and the uk government is putting a lot of effort and money now into preparing for no deal. They say they dont expect this to happen, but its all part of the planning. Given these leaks, and given a lot of the concerns about no deal brexit, how will this be viewed by those who think that a no deal brexit will be ok, and those who do not want that . There are those who have always said that warnings like this are scaremongering. Now, this is a government document. This is something drawn up by civil servants, leaked to the sunday times, and many people will say its not even the worst case scenario. This is situation planning and warns things could be bad. Brexit supporters dont believe it. They dont think that no deal would be as calamitous as some people have made out. Borisjohnson is one of those optimistic in what no deal could look like. Hes off to europe in the next few days to speak to Angela Merkel and emmanuel macron. He is still out there looking for a new deal, but he is convinced britain can manage no deal, and is trying to get the country ready. Dozens of people are feared to have been killed after a bomb exploded at a wedding in afghanistan. Eyewitnesses say a suicide bomber detonated explosives in a packed reception hall in the capital, kabul. At least 20 people have been taken to hospital. No one has admitted carrying out the attack the latest in a recent series across the country. Our correspondent Shoaib Sharifi is following developments in kabul. The incident happened right at a climax of the party, right after dinner, at around 10 1i0pm local time. Although only 20 wounded have so far been confirmed by one hospital, but footage that we have received, a video from inside, shows many people looking for their missing loved ones. One video shows one young boy saying he has got five brothers missing, and one man says his 14 year old boy was killed in the incident. Inside, the decorated seats of the Wedding Party shows stained with blood. And its feared eyewitnesses say that there may be more deaths and injuries, as it is dark, and the hospitals are the incident happened west of kabul, and the main emergency hospitals are in north of kabul, so later, more figures will emerge. Lets get some of the days other news. A massive fire has swept through one of dhakas biggest slums, leaving more than 50,000 people homeless. Officials in the bangladeshi capital say at least 15,000 shanty homes were destroyed in the blaze. The fire service says many had polythene roofs which helped the fire to spread. Nearly 30 teenagers have been allowed to disembark on the italian island of lampedusa after more than two weeks at sea aboard the spanish rescue ship, open arms. More than 100 migrants are still on the vessel. The italian interior minister Matteo Salvini said he would not back down in his refusal to let them into italy. A rally organised by the Russian Communist Party has been held in moscow, calling for free and Fair Elections to the citys parliament next month. Meanwhile, opposition activists held small one man protests, in a move designed to circumvent restrictions by the authorities. Hundreds of far right supporters have beenholding a rally in the us city of portland in oregon. Anti fascist demonstrators held a counter protest. Although much of the city centre was brought to a standstill, no significant clashes have been reported. Lets hear from two protesters one from each side speaking a little earlier. We came in. We just did a march, peacefully. We went in, planted our flag, came back out. And theyre chasing us right now. It kind of shows you whos the thug and who isnt. Everyone hypes us up as these bad guys, but we came in and trolled the hell out of everyone. But we had a good time, said a prayer, sang the national anthem, and then rolled out. Its not free speech, it is hate speech, and the people of this city are not going to take it. We will make sure that they know that theyre going to get this response. But it will not be violent. Were going to march them out of this city every time it takes until they stop coming back, because we are not going to stand for it. Portland based journalist Alex Zielinski has more on who attended the protests. In this particular protest, there are a lot of protesters from across the country specifically to join in the far right protests, which were organised by a National Group called the proud boys. The man who organised it is actually based in florida. Hes not very familiar with portland or portland politics. Meanwhile, the left leaning groups and the anti facist groups the majority of them are from portland, and live in portland, and have been coming out to these protests to oppose our local alt right and far right groups for some time. Riot police have cleared roads in hong kong after a standoff with pro democracy protesters, as the political crisis in the city continues for an eleventh week. Earlier, thousands of teachers took to the streets in a peaceful show of solidarity. From hong kong, John Sudworth reports. Hong kongs summer rains have done nothing to dampen the fury, most of it directed at the police, now seen as agents of a hostile state by people who say they are fighting for this citys freedom. Just a short drive away, china has stationed Paramilitary Police in the border city of shenzhen, designed, it seems, as a very visible and ominous warning. Are you worried that china will send troops into hong kong . No, because if they do it, they have to pay for it. So we are not afraid for anything. On the other side of this deeply divided city, pro beijing groups were rallying. They reject the claim that china is eroding hong kongs special status. And they support the police, who by nightfall were once again facing off against the pro democracy protesters, and sweeping them from the streets. Well, what began as a provocation by a small group of hard core protesters has turned into this a massive show of force by dozens of riot police, clearing a busy shopping street. It is a clear illustration of the intractable nature of hong kongs political crisis, and of the breakdown of trust on all levels. Chanting. Bystanders, drawn in by the scenes, also hurled abuse at the police. A once confident, outward looking city trapped in a cycle of recrimination and bitterness. John sudworth, bbc news, hong kong. Isaac cheng is the vice chairperson of the pro Democracy Organisation demosisto. I began by asking him if he was worried that future protests in hong kong could be met with more violence from the police. Actually, Hong Kong Police force didnt put out the license of having a march today, and only gave a license of having an assembly today. So i think at least 500,000 people will be coming out on the street, so i think it must be over the places they provided license for the assembly. They will protest at the assembly. We urge that the Hong Kong Police force do not use violence towards the protesters, because most likely today will be Peaceful Assembly only. We have been seeing more violent scenes from the police, from protesters as well. Do you fear that, at some point in the near future, china may intervene . Actually, there is some chances that the chinese army are actually coming to hong kong, but i think for this stage its only a scare tactic from the communist party, who only want to fear hong kong people not to come out on the street again. But i think that actually, when the communist party are really sending the chinese troops to hong kong, it will become International News and also will get the attention of International Society. So, if they plan to do this, we urge the International Society to restrict the power of the chinese government. Its the 11th week of protests. As we have been saying, we are seeing more and more violent scenes. Are protesters worried that, such as yourself, that youre at risk of losing the freedoms you already have, should these violent scenes continue . I would say that our freedom has been lost slowly, when we are fighting against the government, and also we are fighting for the rights of having freedom. Actually, we are gaining the freedom, we are not losing them. But for us, for the protesters, we are more concerned about if there is a real universal suffrage in the visible future. Because at this stage, the stance of the Hong Kong Government are going firmer and firmer, so we have to try to use different strategies to make the Hong Kong Government really listen to the five demands of the hong kong people. Has there been any attempt by the Hong Kong Government to reach out to some more prominent figures of the protest movement, or have you yourself tried to reach out to the government to have a dialogue . I think at this stage there is no one can represent a whole protest or the whole movement. But the five demands a re really clear. Actually, if the government have the will to talk with the protesters, or they have the will to urge to finish this movement or finish this chaos, they can only at least accomplish a few of the five demands, and the hong kong people will feel that the government really want to solve the problem. But at this stage, none of the five demands have been achieved, so we will still keep on fighting. You talked about tactics a little bit earlier. Is there a new conversation amongst protesters about trying to avoid violence going forward, trying to change the way things are being done . You mean the violence coming from the police, army, or the violence coming from the protesters . The violence coming from the protesters. I think there is a strict mechanism inside the protest. Actually, there is a lot of communications and different groups that talk about the protest strategy like that, and there is some self restricting mechanisms inside, so i think they dont have to worry about the violence, therefore. But i think the most chaotic scenes are because of the police force, but not the hong kong protesters. Actually, the hong kong protesters, their emotions are checked by the forces used by the Hong Kong Police. Stay with us on bbc news, still to come a rare sea mammal made famous after it was rescued earlier this year in thailand has died after swallowing plastic. Washington, the worlds most political city, is today assessing the Political Health of the worlds most powerful man. Indeed i did have a relationship with ms lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong. In south africa, 97 people have been killed today, in one of the worst days of violence between rival black groups. Over the past ten days, 500 have died. Czechoslovakia must be free russia is observing a national day of mourning for the 118 submariners who died on board the kursk. We all with them now. With in our hearts. The pope has celebrated mass before a congregation of more than 2. 5 Million People in his hometown of krakow. Stay with us, stay with us, chanted this ocean of humanity. Well, well, joked the pope, so you want me to desert rome . This is bbc world news. The latest headlines a leaked government report has warned of shortages of fuel, food and medicines if britain leaves the eu without a deal on october 31st. A suicide bomber has targetted a wedding reception in kabul. Officials say a number of people have been killed and injured. More on sudan. Celebrations are continuing after military and civilian leaders signed a power sharing deal. It paves the way for a Transitional Government and, eventually, elections. It also marks the end of what has at times been a bloody process since the ousting of president omar el bashir. Zeinab badawi reports from khartoum. There can be no doubt that it is a historic day in sudan. There was a mood of optimism and hope amidst the celebrations. The ceremony, attended by visiting dignitaries, has taken months of closely fought negotiations between the military and leaders of the protest alliance. Can you guarantee. The man who signed the agreement on behalf of the military told me that theyre genuine about handing power to civilians. Translation well stick to every single letter weve agreed on. Even without this agreement, we have to work in this direction because its in the countrys interest, its not our interest. Therefore, well carry out the agreement, well stick to it and support it. But theres still suspicion and mistrust of the military. Todays deal comes after around 100 demonstrators were killed in khartoum injune when security supporters tried to disperse this sit in. The violence has been blamed on the Rapid Support forces led by general hemeti, who has been described as the most powerful man in sudan. He denies any involvement. On the streets today, some of the mistrust seemed to give way to hope. Translation we hope sudan can move forward so we can be proud of our country and forget about the guns and move towards peace. Translation protesters demanded civilian rule because they wanted a better life. Today is a historic day for sudan and hopefully this deal will meet the demands that the revolution was based on. The military and civilians make for uneasy bedfellows, but for now it seems the sudanese people are giving the military the benefit of the doubt and are working with them together to create a new sudan. Zeinab badawi, bbc news, khartoum. Hundreds of mostly female protesters have taken to the streets of mexico city to demand justice for two teenage girls they say were raped by police. A 17 Year Old Girl accused four policemen of raping her in their patrol car, and a 16 year old said a policeman raped her in a museum. During the protest a city Police Station was daubed in paint, glass doors were broken, and a fire started. The citys mayor said the cases needed to be investigated but condemned the protests. David agren is a journalist based in mexico city. He told us more about the protests. These protests often get going just spontaneously, they get going on social media and they tend to be very last minute. Especially the womens one, they often dont have a lot of advance planning. Part of that has to do with how these stories have unfolded. There tends to be multiple accusations and the responses from the authorities have really let a lot of people unsatisfied. In the sense that, even though there has been a change of administration in mexico city, a female mayor, a female prosecutor, the cases still arent being treated with the seriousness that they should be. What is the larger picture of sex Sexual Assault in mexico . Is it unusual for police to be accused of assaulting girls . No, you know, not at all. What tends to happen i see with the police that trust in police is very low in mexico. I believe its among the i believe its on the surveys of lowest trusted institutions in the country, its among the least. And there is often a saying in mexico that police jobs are given to people who cant get any other job. And so the training is alsojust dismal. So what tends to happen is police just arent the best, arent the most responsive. And you know, that its not unheard of that these Sexual Assaults committed by police occur. What tends to happen more often is that there are cases of Sexual Assaults that just are not treated properly, are not investigated at all and thatjust tends to be a question of culture, theres obviously in many places a machista culture, theres also the police just tend to be inept and they dont take these cases seriously. And then the larger authorities, when they can issue these alerts for what are called femicides femicising in their states. A lot of politicians here see it as a Public Relations problem, more than seeing it as some sort of crisis. These cases just go unsolved and i think that is what is really driving the protests this time. A freak rainstorm in istanbul has left one man dead, traffic stranded, and roads and businesses underwater. The deluge also affected the historic grand bazaar, and temporarily halted Ferry Services between the european and asian parts of the city. John mcmanus reports a massive rainstorm, and then the deluge. Istanbul struggled to cope with saturdays downpour, as rainwater inundated streets and shops. The citys drains overwhelmed by the amount of water, which brought traffic to a standstill. Businesses in this underpass were defenceless against the torrent, damage amounting to thousands of turkish lira done in the space of a few minutes. Now, these workers must begin to assess the financial cost. Traders in the ancient grand bazaar did not escape the water either. The only course of action sweep it away. Even structures adapted to water were vulnerable, like this sinking boat, transformed into a hazard by the floods. And, amidst the disruption, tragedy. The Authorities Say this homeless man was killed by the floodwaters. The rains have now stopped. Now, the clean up begins. John mcmanus, bbc news. An orphaned sea mammal that became famous after being rescued in thailand, has died. The rare marine dugong was one of only a few hundred left in the region. It died from complications after swallowing plastic. Kate harley reports. She was just a baby when she was rescued, orphaned and stranded on a beach in the south of thailand. Her rescuers named her marium, meaning lady of the sea. Incredible images of the rare dugong, a species of sea cow, went viral after she was seen nuzzling into marine biologists. She was nursed back to health before being released back into the sea. But last week marium was found sick and exhausted and couldnt be saved. Vets conducted an autopsy finding she had died due to an infection after ingesting a great deal of plastic, with pieces as large as 20 centimetres long found inside her stomach. The vets who looked after her say theyre devastated by the loss of the dugong who had been dubbed the nations sweetheart. Many have taken to social media to mourn the loss. Thailands department of Coastal Resources tweeting sleep well, little marium, the little angel. The countrys seaweed and Seagrass Research unit tweeting goodbye, Little Princess marium, you were a conservation superstar. Its heartbreaking to see you die by the peoples neglect towards the environment. We are all guilty as each thrown plastic bag, straw, and bottle is killing an animal somewhere. Her rescuers echoing that call, urging people to take responsibility for their waste and hoping mariums death wont be in vain. Kate harley, bbc news. Top kate harley, bbc news. Story before we go. Britaii top story before we go. Britain will face shortages of fuel and medicine, jamming ports and requiring hardboard in ireland. That is all according to an official government document the sunday times newspaper. Much more on our website. Including all the explanations. Stay with us. Hello there. Yes, some so as to the north west of the uk and today weve got more of the same. If anything the showers get even more widespread. Thats thanks to an area of low pressure sending the showers in across Northern Ireland and scotland. This wiggling waving weather front that is going to bring cloudy skies and the threat of a bit of rain over the next few hours, scraping into the southern parts of england and working into parts of the south eastern and maybe east anglia as well. So there could be a bit of rain for a time here but certainly some wet weather for scotland and Northern Ireland, so its becoming more widespread over the next few hours as well, into western parts of wales is of note is going to be a busy start to sunday, not particularly cold, temperatures around 12 14 celsius for many of us. Through the rest of sunday, Early Morning rain clears away really quickly across south east england and east anglia but showers getting into wales and the south west pushed the rain across wales and across england as well. So nowheres immune from seeing downpours, its just that the heaviest showers will be across across scotland, Northern Ireland, northern parts of england north of wales, that is whether showers are really going to be quite widespread. Some of them probably with a rumble or two of thunder. 16 in edinburgh, a cooler kind of day, still around 22 in southern england. In the best of any sunshine. Now to sunday night and into monday, showers continue to affect North Western areas, but the area of low pressure in charge is going to continue to slowly push its way eastwards and that means as we ate into monday itself, the low will be working and that means as we head into monday itself, the low will be working towards norway. Still got occlusions coming down and increasingly north westerly winds. After refinance only start on the day, the showers get going on monday, scotland and Northern Ireland have showers merging to give some lengthier spells of rain. Temperature is disappointing, 1a for stornoway and lerwick, getting cooler with 17 in belfast. But, that is the coolest of the weather, in the week ahead temperatures start to recover. The wind starts to turn into a more south westerly direction on tuesday, still some cloud and rain around, youll notice, but temperatures up to 21 in many areas. Just in lerwick, 12 degrees on tuesday. 20 in edinburgh, similar temperatures in belfast, we could reach 26 in london next weekend. This is bbc news. The headlines britain will face shortages of fuel, food and medicine if it leaves the European Union without a transition deal, jamming ports and requiring a hard border in ireland thats according to official government documents leaked to the sunday times newspaper. Theres been an explosion at a wedding reception in the afghan capital, kabul. Dozens of people are reported to have been killed. Eyewitnesses say the blast was caused by a suicide bomber inside the packed hall. No one has admitted carrying out the attack. Hundreds of far right supporters some of them wearing body armour and helmets have held a rally in the western us city of portland, while anti fascist protestors demonstrated against them. A line of police separated the two sides and no significant clashes have been reported

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