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Good evening. Demonstrations are taking place across the uk in protest at Boris Johnsons decision to suspend parliament for five weeks in the run up to brexit. The government insists its acting properly, but critics say its an attempt to by pass democracy. Tens of thousands have taken to the streets from sheffield to swansea, belfast to london. Heres our home editor, mark easton. We will shut down the streets calls for direct action from protesters outside downing street. Several thousand people gathered in whitehall, many to voice their opposition to borisjohnsons move to shut down parliament ahead of britains scheduled exit from the European Union on october 31. Stop brexit the crowds were diverse cutting across class, age, ethnicity and Traditional Party politics. Todays protest is a reminder of how arguments over brexit represent a reshaping of political discourse in britain. Bankers and corporations. Who get richer while the workers get poorer. As well as london, there were similar demonstrations in towns and cities across the country. From yorkshire to belfast to bangor. In london, the apparent unity of the crowd disguised divisions over what they were opposed to. The governments suspension of parliament orjust the government . Opposed to a no deal brexit or leaving the eu at all . Is this about proroguing or brexit or conservatives . A bit of both, really. Mainly proroguing and brexit, but both. Are you a supporter of the European Union . I am not in support of a bosses club, i am in support of the european workers of greece, spain and italy, but i dont support a bosses club in europe. Youre anti eu . I am anti the eu, yes. I am opposed to a no deal brexit. Brexit with a deal would be ok . I would prefer we would remain, but i could live with a brexit with a decent deal. You are a french national. Why are you here . Why am i here today . Because i am one of the eu 27 who has been living for decades here. It is about a no deal brexit and hatred and it is about hindering democratic processes. Deeply held feelings are on display as thousands take to the streets. But it is worth reflecting on the people who are not here, people with equally passionate views on the other side of the brexit debate. Public opinion and the country are riven as to what democracy should mean. The organisers of todays demonstration say it should be seen as the beginning of a campaign of civil disobedience against the governments treatment of parliament. Mark easton, bbc news, whitehall. Our Political Correspondent Jessica Parker is in westminster. One wonders given what mark was saying about the profile of the people who were there and the message they were trying to deliver, what Boris Johnson message they were trying to deliver, what borisjohnson would make of what borisjohnson would make of what he was hearing. what borisjohnson would make of what he was hearing. I think Boris Johnson and his administration have at least so far shown that they are not necessarily ones to shy away from confrontation. No suggestion yet from downing street that these protests today have it lead to Boris Johnson looking out of the window and being worried by what he is seeing and thinking of making a u turn, having second thoughts. But of course there are those, whether it is through Court Battles or whether it is through legislation, who do very much want to take on borisjohnson who do very much want to take on Boris Johnson and who do very much want to take on borisjohnson and these protests lead up to what is going to be a very dramatic week in westminster where we will see this issue of prorogation played out in the courts and we will as well see a group of across party mps including likely a number of conservative backbenchers trying to seize control of the order paper in westminster and legislate against the possibility of a no deal brexit. And some of those opposition politicians obviously getting involved in todays rallies in various places. Absolutely. I think for those mps who are trying to make this legislation have been through a very tight window, today wanting to show that in their view they have a lot of support from the public and they want a morale boost for their campaign and may be a bit of an injection of energy ahead of what might bea injection of energy ahead of what might be a pretty exhausting fight next week. Will they win that fight . That is a very difficult question to answer. Two things i probably would point out there, one i alluded to already in the fact there is little time to seize control of the order paper which is not necessarily a simple thing to do and then get legislation through the house of commons and through the house of lords as well before that prorogation from the suspension of parliament is due to happen at some point the week after between the ninth and 12th of september. The other issue, numbers. The last time mps to something a bit like this when they mandated then theresa may to seek an extension to article 50, that vote passed by one. Now Boris Johnson famously or infamously has a very small majority, a working majority of indeed one vote. One thing is for sure the numbers are going to be incredibly tight. Anyone who tries to predict what is going to happen in westminster next week could be in for a surprise. Thank you very much indeed, Jessica Parker there. And well find out how this story and many others are covered in tomorrows front pages at 10 1i0pm and 11 30pm this evening in the papers. Our guests joining me tonight are rachel cunliffe, comment and features editor for city am, and the journalist and author Yasmin Alibhai brown. A formula 2 driver, Anthoine Hubert, has been killed in a crash at the belgian grand prix. Our reporterjennie gow is in spa. What more can you tell us . It has been a long time really since we have had a death in motorsport. The last one, the accident happening in 2014 and he succumbed the following year to his injuries. This is very different. Anthoine hubert was racing in a formula 2 feature race, sprint race today and there was a big accident at high speed it, 170 mph, lack two of the race. It involved three drivers. Anthoine hubert, one american and a french racer and unfortunately, the accident was so big that Anthoine Hubert succumbed to his injuries at 6 35pm this evening local time. Other drivers, the american taken via airambulance to other drivers, the american taken via air ambulance to a hospital where he is said to be in stable condition. And the frenchman checked at the medical centre here and then released without too much drama. But it isa released without too much drama. But it is a shocking day really for everybody in the paddock and it will be very hard for the drivers to come back to formula 1 tomorrow. He has a different category but still they have to go in their cars and drive around the same track as the incident that happened today. Anthoine hubert considered very promising. Any reactions from the paddock . He was an academy driver. Team mates of george russell, the british formula 1 driver a couple of years ago, at the art team it when they we re ago, at the art team it when they were both competing. George russell has tweeted today saying i cannot believe it, rest in peace my friend and there is a lovely picture of him with Anthoine Hubert. Lewis hamilton has also taken to instagram saying this is devastating, god rest your soul. My prayers and thoughts are with you and the family today. He then went on to actually give a bit more detail about the risks that driver take and says if you think this is easy, then think again. The mood here is one that is very sombre and it surprised. I think it will be very difficult for drivers. The fia, the organising body for formula 1, says it is providing support to organisers and relevant authorities and is commencing an investigation into the incident. Thank you very much indeed. Tens of thousands of pro democracy demonstrators have taken to the streets in hong kong in defiance of a police ban. Petrol bombs were thrown at officers who responded with tear gas and water cannon. Its five years since beijing ruled out allowing fully democratic elections in the territory. From hong kong, John Sudworth has more. Tear gas from the roof of the Hong Kong Government offices met with utter defiance. The political deadlock here is growing increasingly violent. The only way some believe to defend this citys freedoms under chinese rule. By nightfall, this giant fire was raging in the Central Business district. But with scenes like these, china is also in no mood to compromise. This man is editor of one of beijings ultra loyal communist party run papers. Translation america and britain are interfering in hong kongs affairs. Youre inflaming the situation. These irrational emotions dont come from this society. A large part has come from foreign support. Despite the risk of arrest, this peaceful, unauthorised march was joined by tens of thousands. As well as one british mp here to observe, he says. Big changes are happening in the world, and we need to understand them. I know were all obsessed about brexit, but we have the growing power of china and a growing authoritarian china as well. Are you meddling . No. If one mp gets blamed for this, thats simply nonsense. This is an indigenous protest coming from the people here. Within a few hours, though, hong kong seemed to be on the brink again. For the first time, police used water cannon with coloured dye to make identifying suspects easier. Even a few weeks ago, in a city once famed for its stability, this level of violence would have seemed unimaginable. This is the very centre of hong kong, and look at it. They warned them not to protest today. The government buildings under siege, and its complete mayhem. The day ended with running battles and a number of arrests. A fight for democracy, a global clash of values playing out on the streets. As always, they were finally brought back under the control of the police. But no one doubts the protesters will be back. John sudworth, bbc news, hong kong. Dr wang leung ting is a Teaching Fellow at the London School of economics and joins us from east london. It seems the mood of these protests are becoming increasingly hostile. What did you make of what you have seen today . I think the size of the crowd today was a bit smaller than what we saw the last two weeks but i think when you put into context, because despite what the police threatened yesterday in the press conference where they basically banned the planned protest today and threatened anybody who went on the street would be arrested. But despite all that, we still saw quite a substantial amount of protesters, practically shut down the Central Business district. It shows that there is no sign from the side of there is no sign from the side of the protesters that they are actually backing down. And the violence it seems is ramping up. Yes, but i think it is mostly a response to police escalating their use of force and also the mass arrests of activists and pro democracy that we saw yesterday. Do you sense that these protests are having any impact . It seems the chinese position is merely a hard thing. Can you see than any of the sides will be starting to think of backing down . There is no concrete signs that the government is going to back down from or allow the five main demands from the protesters because the government still refuses to withdraw the bill that trigger the protests injune and also they continue to refuse the major demand from protesters, and that is an independent inquiry into the conduct of police and government for the last two months. So i do not see the government backing down intentionally. We are five years on from the start of the so called Umbrella Movement. At the time then, it essentially petered out. And i wonder whether the demonstrators this time have learned lessons and taken anything from the way that movement failed, essentially, and how that will inform what they are doing now . I think one difference between the Umbrella Movement five yea rs between the Umbrella Movement five years ago and what we saw in the last two months is that there is a genuine mobilisation within the society that are coming from sectors not very politically engaged in the past. We saw bystanders, we saw people basically living in the community rushed the street when the police tried to on protest, when police tried to on protest, when police tried to arrest the protesters. So it is a genuinely mobilisation of a much larger sector of the society and what we saw five yea rs of the society and what we saw five years ago. And of course the eyes of the International Community are on events they are in hong kong, particularly of the british but the warning has been quite clear from china that it is not for the british to interfere here. Do you think there is a double medic role for the government to play though . Definitely. The uk is a signing party in thejoint definitely. The uk is a signing party in the joint declaration that guaranteed the autonomy, freedom and rights of hong kong. And i think that you can government have a duty to hold the other party in the joint declaration, the Chinese Government, to account to make sure that they do respect the autonomy, the freedom and rights of people in hong kong and rights of people in hong kong and also allow hong kongs democratic protests to proceed as promised both in thejoint declaration to the uk and people of hong kong when the Chinese Government wrote the basic law. 0k, thank you very much indeed for giving us your thoughts this evening. A 16 year old boy has been charged with murdering a teaching assistant whose body was found in a cemetery. Lindsay birbeck, a mother to two children, went missing from her home in lancashire on the 12th of august. Her body was found in accrington cemetery 12 days later. A postmortem examination showed she had been strangled. The teenager, who cannot be named because of his age, is due to appear at Blackburn Magistrates Court on monday. The headlines on bbc news thousands take to the streets across the uk to condemn borisjohnsons decision to suspend parliament. Theres been renewed violence in hong kong, with pro democracy protesters defying a ban on rallying. More than 50 migrants have been detained as they tried to cross the English Channel to reach kent. Several boats have been intercepted. Scotlands first minister, nicola sturgeon, has condemned the violence overnight in glasgow. Trouble erupted when a planned march in support of a United Ireland was met by a counterprotest within the govan area of the city. Riot police and mounted officers dealt with the disturbance. Joining me now from the Scottish Borders is david scott from the anti sectarian charity nil by mouth. Thank you for being with us. People might have been surprised by what they saw last night. First of all, just for context, how common are these kind of marches . Marches in glasgow are somewhat rare because in recent yea rs glasgow are somewhat rare because in recent years we found more loyalists then we found back in belfast. They are part of the fabric of the city and with the apprentice boys in various opposition. In a smaller number of marches of republican groups between 20 and 30 a year. Quite an awful lot. So we dont have a marching season in glasgow but almost a march every weekend here. Given that, what is it you think that made last nights march go so badly wrong . Last night, it seemed very shocking, very disgraceful. They were part of a wider part of the city for quite a year now, we have had incidences after a Catholic Priest was spent on and verbally abused where someone was convicted. That really stoked a lot of resentment in the city. People protesting outside churches to protect the churches to my processions had to be re routed. Various marketing groups had to have changes in which to do things. There has been a whip of sulphur around these issues. Fast forward a couple of years later on and we have situations here where he have a republican march, and we have seen a counter protest but issues with that in some cases where we have had a band that was supposedly meant but supportive of dissident paramilitaries and supportive of dissident pa ramilitaries and that supportive of dissident paramilitaries and that has stuck things on social media and things that come with it. So what we had less tha n that come with it. So what we had less than four people turning up and going into cause problems. They were not there to gather peacefully. They we re not there to gather peacefully. They were going to be aggressive and cause trouble. But we did see was people frightened. We had to shut down part of public transport here in glasgow and people frightened and people looking back scratching their heads and thinking what century are we living in . Interestingly, Glasgow City Council to leading after the events saying the of a majority of glass we just want nothing to do with these marches or counter protests. What do you think is the way forward here . Always very delicate because i think you are reticent to ban all marches and parade because he will have to have freedom of expression. What we see in glasgow is approving parades and i think city council made that statement that there will be fewer parades in the city and we want to protect them of expression but really a case where you want to go to the City Council Website and look pretty much every week with a procession. The impasse we were wanting to come and spend money in the city and impacts on attendance and we have to do is get people involved in these demonstrations and people involved in counter protests ina room people involved in counter protests in a room together and rather than taunting each other or walking past each other or tweeting at people and sitting down and saying there has to be some ground rules here. We have a right to protest and do things but this is also costing the taxpayer hundreds of thousands of pounds every year. People say it is about their right to freedom of expression, we have to go back to the classic thing of what about your responsibilities . Some march organisers have to think about if you processions bringing this down, had do we take steps and how do we fix this . Also make sure those involved less and are pursued fully in the courts and given proper sentences for the things they have done. Thank you very much indeed. From the charity nil by mouth. More than 50 people have been detained after several migrant boats were intercepted in the English Channel. It comes a day after the home secretary, priti patel, said urgent action was needed to stem the flow of illegal immigrants. The latest arrivals came ashore at kingsdown, near dover, with search and rescue missions in operation along the kent coast. So far this year, more than 1000 migrants have been detained by the uk border force, with 590 picked up by the french authorities on their way to britain. This month, two people have died trying to cross the channel. There are no figures for migrants arriving in the uk stowed in lorries, the main form of illegal entry. Earlier, our correspondent leigh milner, gave this update. So, what weve been told is that 50 migrants were actually spotted in kent this morning by coastguards trying to cross the English Channel. What we dont know is where theyve come from. But what weve been told by officials is that theyve currently been detained. And also, in fact, several other boats have actually been intercepted. As you can imagine, search and rescue operations will be taking place in that area. So, if you are living in kent today, just expect some activity there. And as you mentioned before, you know, the home secretary said urgent action had to be taken to tackle the migrant crisis. Particularly migrants using small boats trying to cross the channel, because that is, as we can see, its extremely dangerous, extremely choppy waters there. And to be fair, following that announcement, british and french ministers have agreed to Work Together to try and tackle this problem. And speaking to french officials, they say they have seen a rise, particularly over the past couple of months, possibly because of the warm and hot weather, and just looking here, weve got some figures. Since january, more than 1000 migrants have either been rescued by british or french coastguards. Thats more than double the number in comparison to the whole of last year. Police in france say a 19 year old man has died and six other people have been injured in a knife attack at a metro station near the city of lyon. One person armed with a knife has been arrested, but reports say police are hunting for another man carrying a metal spike, who fled the scene. The Us National Hurricane centre says a powerful storm threatening the bahamas and florida has gathered strength and is now expected to be the strongest weather system to hit the us coast in decades. Hurricane dorian now has winds of 140 miles an hour. This is how the bbc Weather Centre expects the hurricane to develop over the next few days. Its now marked as a category four storm, one that is considered to be extremely dangerous. Forecasters believe it could turn northwards and may make landfall in south carolina. Same sex couples could be allowed to compete on strictly come dancing from next year. The bbc said strictly come dancing is an inclusive show and would consider including same sex pairings should the opportunity arise. Robin windsor is a former professional dancer on the show. He told Lukwesa Burak he welcomes the move. Strictly has always been pitched as a family show, and in their own words a few years back, they said thats the reason they wouldnt include same sex couples. What did you make of that at the time . It was very disheartening at the time, but of course families are now made up very differently than they were, and i think its fantastic that they are open to have some more inclusivity on the show. What is your experience of same sex dancing . The first time i saw it, i found it strange, because growing up, you had never really seen that. Generally, its between a man and a woman, or two women dancing together, because theres never enough boys to go around, and of course, there are thousands of girls who dance with each other, and we always think of same sex partnerships, when we mention it for strictly, as two men, but it can of course be two women as well. How does strictly compare with other versions of the show around the world . In australia, its called dancing with the stars. We had an incredible drag act dancing with a man, and it was so well received by the australian public, they were the nations sweethearts at the time, and they embraced it, they went all the way to the final. It was done so perfectly. She did not always dance as a drag queen, sometimes it was as a male as well, it was absolutely fantastic. I was just going to say, does a drag act equate to a same sex dance . I think we sort of forgot that courtney was actually a man, so it was nice to see what they did with their tango. It was amazing, you can see that online. Because it was so well received, i think it would be fantastic to do that here. And of course, you do not need to be gay to dance with somebody of the same sex, either. Ballroom dancing is just about two people moving together in perfect unison across a floor. As long as you have a leader and a follower, it should not really matter who is who. How do you think itll go down with viewers . What do you think the bbc were afraid of . Us brits are very traditional when it comes to our ballrrom dancing, but of course, like anything in the world, it is evolving, and it moves on, and people need to see it to be able to embrace it. I think it is one of those things people are a bit scared to see, they think it is not quite right, but until you see something, look at the first lesbian kiss on air in brookside a few years ago caused an absolute uproar, but now its just the norm. We are looking at some shots on the screen, it is fun, isnt it, strictly come dancing . It is all about fun. It is. It is about two people dancing together. Im not sure that was dancing, but never mind its about two people learning skills together, especially celebrities. Its great for mental health, socialising, fitness, you name it. Are there classes or schools where same sex dancing does take place . Once a month, i go to a ballroom in south london, they have a same sex evening called the pinkjukebox. The first time i went, it was incredible, a jam packed studio full of same sex dancing. It is up, it is on the rise and i think everybody should embrace it. Now its time for a look at the weather with darren bett. Hello there. 25 across some parts of the country today towards the southeast of england but it will not be as warm as that for quite some time. We are seeing the weather changing but we have this band of cloud here which earlier on gave heavy rain across scotland and Northern Ireland. That band of cloud narrowed and swept southeastward and following on and we have had a northwesterly wind picking up. That is drawing down cooler air in time for the first day of the new month, the first day of meteorological autumn. At least we have some sunshine today after that band of cloud although it was quite windy earlier on here. Temperatures it did drop in the southeast of england once that cloud came in and gave a burst of rain. Not a great deal of rain. Very narrow line of rain that swept its way southeastward in more persistent rain eventually cleared the mainland of scotland and is heading up towards the northern aisles right now. No shower continuing to push them on that northwesterly wind which is quite windy earlier on here. Temperatures it did drop in the southeast of england once that cloud came in and gave a burst of rain. Not a great deal of rain. Very narrow line of rain that swept its way southeastward in more persistent rain eventually cleared the mainland of scotla nd rain eventually cleared the mainland of scotland and is heading up towards the northern aisles right now. No shower continuing to push them on that northwesterly wind which which sunshine to start the day and the heaviest pushing their way to eastern areas. Heavy infantry for northeastern part of england later towards an scattered showers for Northern Ireland and very few for Northern Ireland and very few for the midlands. Dry in the south abc highest temperatures and cooler than today pretty much across the board. Showers coming back in with that cloud for Northern Ireland during the evening and heavy ones clearing away to eastern scotland and northeast england and most places becoming dry tomorrow night. We start the week on a chillier note with northeastern scotland at two or three degrees. We change our wind direction to the northwesterly and pick up these west to southwest release in this area of High Pressure as well as those on the scene bringing some rain it. For many parts of england it will start drying quite sunny and cloud amounts will increasingly have apache ran for Northern Ireland and the bulk of the rain into scotland, especially over the hills of western scotland isa over the hills of western scotland is a quite heavy around here. These are the temperature is from a 50 in the central bell and a bit warmer than sunday across england and at 22 in the southeast. More rain to come i think on tuesday, especially for the western side of the uk spilling southeastward and the western side of the uk spilling southeastwa rd and then the western side of the uk spilling southeastward and then the northwesterly wind returns for the middle part of next week and that will drop temperatures and bring some sunshine and some showers. Hello this is bbc news. The headlines. Thousands take to the streets across the uk

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