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Where they want shoppers to boycott com pa nies they say are pro beijing. Cities around the world will close their streets to traffic for world car free day organisers want to promote greener travel alternatives. Three of the home nations begin their Rugby World Cup campaigns today ireland v scotland is has just got ireland v scotland has just got under way, and england play tonga later this morning. And our sunday morning edition of the papers is at 9. 35am this mornings reviewers are anne ashworth, the associate editor of the times and the business commentator josie cox. Good morning. After the first day of its Party Conference was dominated by infighting, labour will try to move the agenda back to policy today promising to abolish nhs prescription charges in england if it wins the next general election. Its also planning to scrap ofsted and replace it with a new School Inspection system. Yesterdays business was overshadowed by a failed bid to oust deputy leader tom watson and last night one of Jeremy Corbyns key aides who wrote labours last election manifesto announced he intends to resign. Our assistant Political Editor norman smith is in brighton. Notan not an ideal start to the Party Conference from the labour leaderships view, but we should be hearing from mr corbyn soon. He will be appearing on the andrew marr show. A key appearance from him. Can he say to theirs after a turbulent first day, to put it mildly, when we saw that so called drive by shooting failed drive by shooting of tom watson. His post is now means a secure because there is going to be a review of his position and there will be another go, i imagine, getting rid of him. We see the row over the move to disband labour stu d e nts over the move to disband labour students are because they were deemed not to be sufficiently enthusiastic about the carbon project. There is a living thundercloud of a Storm Brewing over brexit not to be sufficiently does ask about the corbyn project. Andy push to have mr corbyn back remain. This morning, we saw andrew fisher, one of mr corbyns closest aides, deciding that he has had enough, he is out of your, he is going to quit by the end of the year. In his resignation statement, he says that this is for family reasons. The sunday times has obtained members which suggest, actually, he is going because of what he regards as the lack of professionalism and competence emulators office and the lack of human decency. That points to the culture and religious office. A lot of people are highly difficult that points to the culture in the leaders office. The question now is can mr corbyn settle down this conference or can mr corbyn settle down this conference oi are we can mr corbyn settle down this conference or are we in for a week of blood letting and carnage . This morning done carding, the International Development secretary, was doing his best to say, mr corbyn, can you settle things any better dan carden. Corbyn, can you settle things any better dan carden. All these issues around accountability and democracy are feared to be debated by the nec and by others in the party. It was jeremy mack that stepped in in super quick time to say that we will have a review jeremy corbyn. To say that we will have a review allowed leadership positions and his role as a unifier this week. And we now need to Start Talking about policy issues. That is going to be a massive row, benny, over brexit at this conference, i suspect. It is going to dominate proceedings and there are suggestions that the party may try to sideline all these motions that had been tabled here by constituency parties demanding that mr corbyn campaigns for remain and, if that happens, there is going to be a huge iow happens, there is going to be a huge row on the conference floor. A medal that her mother, im sure the Party Leadership would focus on the policy announcements. Amidst all that iow. Announcements. Amidst all that row. A lot of chunky policy announcements as you might expect anyone up to an election. They are confirming that they scrap prescription charges in england only because they have been scrapped elsewhere. That would be a big cost, because prescription charges are 9p for each prescription and they will go. The Shadow Health secretaryjohn as hworth go. The Shadow Health secretaryjohn ashworth has had a big increase also in the number of gp training places. Each prescription costs £9. And Angela Trainor talking about getting rid of ofsted because she says it ta kes too rid of ofsted because she says it takes too little account of the background of pupils and tends to be unduly critical of skills that represent more diverse communities, shall we say. Critical of schools that represent more diverse communities. And by you forwarded it to 2030 rather in 2050 of a Carbon Neutral date. And it was also a move towards a four week, may be to get rid of private schools as well. A lot of policies are coming to four at this conference. The question is, well they really get much notice at the party carry some of the sort of bruising, blood letting that we have seen at the start of the conference. Thank you very much. The travel company, thomas cook, will meet with shareholders and creditors this morning in a final bid to piece together a rescue deal. The travel firm could fall into administration within days unless it finds an extra £200 million. There are reports that some holiday resorts are concerned about being paid. The company says all our Package Holidays continue to be fully atol protected and our Flight Operations continue to operate as normal. The British Travel association, abta, says thomas cook is operating as normal, and all Package Holidays are protected. Simonjones is outside where that crucial meeting is taking place, in Central London. Thousands of customers with a very firm eye on developments, whatever happens today. What are you expecting . Absolutely. A very uncertain time. The meeting is due to be getting under way anytime now. In the past half hour, weve seen people arrive and believe they represent investors. They have all remained pretty tight lipped as they have gone into the building behind me, but make no mistake, the stakes could be higher. Were told that the discussions are the most important that had ta ken discussions are the most important that had taken place in a 178 year history of thomas cook. Because, what the question is is that whether anyone is prepared to put their hand in their pocket and founder thomas cook to the tune of an extra £200 million. The firm is said to need that to cope, to be able to get through what is likely to be a difficult winter period. If the money is not forthcoming from any of the investors, then we could see the firm go into administration as early as tomorrow morning. If that were to happen, then potentially 150,000 appear to happen, then potentially 150,000 appearto happen, then potentially 150,000 appear to british holiday makers, who are currently abroad on Tomasz Kedziora packages, could be affected will stop on thomas cook packages. There were extraordinary reports of some customers being locked into a hotel by Hotel Managers and being asked to pay the bill again. In Tunisia Group of thomas cook holiday makers were checking out at the end of the holiday, expecting to head to the airport and they were told at that point the hotel but not let them leave. The hotel was saying that it needed assurances that it would be paid by thomas cook. The hotel a p pa re ntly paid by thomas cook. The hotel apparently started asking the passengers to stump up sums of around £2500 to be allowed out. The holiday makers said that the gates we re holiday makers said that the gates were locked and there were guards on the gates. They said that they were simply not allowed to leave. Eventually, after a stand off lasting if few hours, were told that the hotel were assured that they would get any money owed to them by thomas cook and at that point, the holiday makers were permitted to get on their buses and coaches heading toward the airport. I understand that the group flew into Manchester Airport in the early hours of this morning, but itjust gives you a sign of what uncertainty there is for the passage who are caught up in those overseas who can simply watch and wait to hear what is going on. Many more people, who have holidays booked with Thomas Cookin have holidays booked with thomas cook in the future, waiting to see whether the firm will survive long enough for them to take those holidays. I know you will keep us posted on that very, very important meeting this morning. Thank you very much. Hundreds of thousands of british tourists who have booked holidays with the company or are currently on holiday are anxiously waiting to find out what may happen. Sharon cook and Andrew Aitchison are due to get married in Las Vegas Sharon cook and Andrew Aitchison are due to get married in las vegas but are unsure if it wil happen or not. Yeah, so were travelling to las vegas to get married and theres going to be 19 of our closest friends and family, hopefully, there. Weve been planning it for a year. Yeah, thats our plan. Were getting married at Caesars Palace in the venus gardens. Its all been planned to the minute detail, wejust. We were really excited and looking forward to it. How do you feel about it, sharon . Is it the trip of a lifetime . Absolutely. I mean, its something that andrew planned, himself. Hes done all of this, not to do with me, total surprise. Always wanted to be married in vegas. Weve been together for a long time about 14 years now. So, yeah, and to have our closest friends and family coming. Weve got a red theme for the wedding, so everything planned for all of that. Weve got bridesmaids, everyone travelling. So, we have a party bus, a fabulous reception. We have all these fabulous hotel rooms but unfortunately, if everything goes bad. Mr cook, my name is cook, too, if that helps. You know, we dont know what were going to do. And i send a bit flippant, but obviously it is very emotional and it is emotional time for any bride, im sure. You have had a nightmare re ce ntly im sure. You have had a nightmare recently with me, havent you . But now it is becoming sort of real and really, ijust now it is becoming sort of real and really, i just want now it is becoming sort of real and really, ijust want to marry under and reference to be there and that is the whole thing. And how do you feel, andrew, when you heard about the news of what is potentially happening . What is going through your mind . Yesterday when we woke up, sharon was already up and she told me that something is happening with thomas cook and then we were straight on the website looking, trying to find out and, you know, the tone of the report is that it is not really looking good for such an old company. And then your heart sinks. Everything you have planned your planned it to the minute detail and then, all of a sudden, everything could come apart at the last minute. It is just a feeling of them at the moment and were not really sure what is going to happen and body. That is where we are at the moment. Just be me and you, might not it . Yeah. What is that uncertainty like for you . Might not it . Yeah. What is that uncertainty like for you . Just a note in your stomach. You also feel guilt that youre putting people like to come to your wedding. Instead of thinking that everyone is coming to celebrate with us, it is causing them all trouble as well. Well, i do. Just trying to keep focused on marrying andrew at the end of the day and just hope that everyone will be there. Were hopeful, but wedded. Read it, yeah and absolutely right. There are moments when i think, yeah, im with which my bottle of wine and just cry. But that is not going to help. Weve got tojust keep going. Cry. But that is not going to help. Weve got to just keep going. Just one couple affected by the crisis engulfing thomas cook at the moment. A Murder Investigation is under way after a 15 year old boy was stabbed to death at a skate park. Police were called to Salt Hill Park in slough, in berkshire last night. No arrests have been made. Officers are appealing for witnesses. Protesters in hong kong say theyll target the territorys main airport once again today. As the clashes continue into their 16th weekend, hong kongs government has announced new curbs on rail travel in a bid to subdue the movement. Our correspondent Stephen Mcdonell is in hong kong and joins us now live. Just tell us where you are and what is the scene behind your . These Shopping Centre rallies have now become a regular feature of the pro democracy movement. This is a main Shopping Centre and there are thousands of protesters here gather to chant, sing. They are putting posters up and holding these brightly coloured lights and flags. A moment ago, somebody came through with a bent chinese flag and what sort of waving it around too much applause with a burnt chinese flag. These would not be welcome to beijing these are scenes. They would say it has a sign of what is going wrong in hong kong over the past few months. Here they are renewing their calls now for universal suffrage, for an independent enquiry into these allegations that Certain Police officers have links to the underworld, to organised crime. Later this week, there are to be these Public Meetings that the government has instigated and, maybe, that will take some of the heat out of this, but as you can see, even though were now beyond our third month, people are still turning up. I should add, that the plan today was to block transport links to the airport, but the police have kind of worked out how they do this. And so they have been able to stop activists from doing from blocking trains and buses not of anyone who gathers at those transport areas is just sorta picked up transport areas is just sorta picked up straightaway, so tactical terms that has been a complete failure. Maybe for that reason, they have come to the Shopping Centre instead to make their voice heard. Crowd chants the hong kong authorities have withdrawn that exclusion bill which was the initial focus of anger for the demonstrators, but the protesters, they just the demonstrators, but the protesters, theyjust seem to be getting more and more emboldened . Especially when we are leading up to a very important anniversary, next week, just over a week, the 1st of october as the 70th anniversary of the formation of a modern china. Now, protesters here, some of them are sort of getting ready for that. I think they are going to. At the same time that beijing is having this big military parade, celebrations and the chinese capital, they will be trying to mark this with big protest here. That is the next day, if you like and people in hong kong are already building up to that. The protesters are planning what theyre going to do and the police are also planning how they are going to handle that. Thank you very much indeed forjoining us. The headlines on bbc news. Labour promises free prescriptions for all as it tries to put policy back in the spotlight at a Party Conference overshadowed by internal rows. Thomas cook is holding emergency talks this morning as it attempts to agree a rescue deal to prevent it from going bust. Protesters are gathering at a Shopping Mall in hong kong where they want shoppers to Boycott Companies they say are pro beijing. A cheshire woman who has two sons with a rare form of epilepsy is calling on the government to intervene after doctors at manchester Childrens Hospital refused to prescribe them with full plant Medicinal Cannabis. Angela norton says she is being forced to import the drugs from the netherlands because shes being refused by trust. Jacey normand reports. Daily life for the norton family is full of challenges. And getting sons reims and cayman ready for school is just one of them for single mum angela. Cayman hasnt slept for two days. Last night was eventful shouting, screaming, banging. Reims, he slept, but he had two seizures this morning quite significant seizures, so thats why hes a little bit worse for wear at the minute. Yeah. Good boy. 12 year old cayman and his older brother reims, who is 19, have a rare form of epilepsy which causes multiple seizures every day. Reims, look. Both boys have been treated with conventional drugs from an early age, but angela says these have not stopped their seizures. We go to bed at night not knowing, are they going to be there in the morning . That is the reality of it. Yeah. Every seizure is dangerous, every seizure causes damage. There is just no quality of life for the boys at all. Last year, angelas and thousands of other parents hopes were raised when the government amended the misuse of drugs act to allow the use of Medicinal Cannabis for specific health conditions, including intractable epilepsy. Its breaking my heart seeing him like this. Manchester child rens hospital has been treating youngest son cayman with a Medicinal Cannabis drug called epidiolex, but this has not stopped the seizures and angela believes it is not strong enough. She would like him to be prescribed with full plant Medicinal Cannabis, something the trust has so far refused. With a change in the law, many assumed that these medicines would become readily available on the nhs. In fact, since last year, there have beenjust 12 nhs prescriptions for unlicensed Medicinal Cannabis drugs in england. So how much of your work revolves around cannabis . Well, i do a lot of research. So, why the reluctance by doctors to prescribe Medicinal Cannabis . So, before a drug can be prescribed on the nhs, before doctors and consultants will feel confident about prescribing drugs for quite a serious conditions, about prescribing drugs for quite serious conditions, they need to be assured around the evidence for this. In order to do this, you need to undertake randomised controlled trials or other types of clinical research. Angela has now been forced to seek a private prescription to import the drugs from the netherlands. What needs to happen . I know, obviously, they do need to do the trials, but these children are really, really sick. They have no other options and, you know, they cannot spend their lives in hospital not knowing what to do. They cannot wait for the trials, they will not be here. Every seizure could be fatal. We have not got the time. Jacey normand, bbc news. A Memorial Service will take place in the swiss alps today to mark the disappearance of a glacier. The pizol glacier has been reduced to a few frozen lumps. Scientists warn that 80 of switzerlands 1,500 glaciers could disappear by the end of this century, if Global Warming continues. Today is world car free day with hundreds of cities around the world banning vehicles from their streets for a few hours. More than 16 miles of roads in Central London will be closed today, with cities across the uk taking part. Elsewhere, ethiopia has gone one step further the cities there go car free on the last sunday of every month, in order to encourage exercise and improve air qualiuty. Cystic fibrosis can be a devastating condition only around half the people diagnosed with it in the uk live to the age of a0. A new drug known as orkambi can dramatically improve some patients life chances but at a very high price around a quarter of a Million Dollars per year. But one group of parents have found a way to cut that cost by 90 by travelling to argentina, asjohn cuthill reports. tx next ten year old aidan has Cystic Fibrosis. Hes been on orkambi for a year bought privately at the list price of £104,000 and hes feeling the benefits. Before i had a orkambi, this. Breathes heavily. Is how i used to be. Aidans dad rob discovered vertex, which makes our orkambi had failed to patent it in argentina. Aidans dad rob discovered vertex, which makes our orkambi had failed to patent it in argentina. He found a company there making a much cheaper generic version lu caftor. It costs £24,000 for a years supply. It was a eureka moment. It gave us all hope. The governments been in negotiations for nearly four years now with the pharmaceutical company. They do not appear to be making any progress, so weve got to do something radical. And that something radical is a buyers club. Rob has taken a group of parents and people with Cystic Fibrosis to argentina to buy the cheaper version of the medicine. So there you see it a new day dawning. Flying over brazil at the moment. It isa it is a huge financial stretch to even afford a three month supply for pa rents even afford a three month supply for parents like paul whose sonjoseph also has Cystic Fibrosis. Any car nearly there and getting increasingly excited. See you any monitor with the box, i hope. Increasingly excited. See you any monitorwith the box, i hope. See any minute. That was not very straightforward and easy, but we got it. Campaigners and admirers clubs are not a long term solution. And that government is needed campaigners say that buyers clubs are not a long term solution. Vertex declined an interview and give us a statement saying that it is remaining in talks with nhs england and its price of the medicines reflect the significant cost of research and develop it. Strictly coming dancing is back. Snazzy outfits, big songs and brave moves. 15 couples did their thing for the first time, including breakfast presenter mike bushell and his partner katya jones. Mike proved he had rhythm with head judge Shirley Ballas saying his kick ball changes has week eight potential. Katya has been saying to me, give me five give me five in restaurants, when i was in bed next to my wife. She would say, give me five. Give me five, give me five i like the fact that your wife didnt say five what . But thats good. Earlier, you said to me im on the horse and im getting on it and i mean, the energy level was extraordinary. Thats the work of katya. The stamina, the hours. Just when i think were finished for the day, were going to do it four more times around the room. Come on mike, you can do it and well be taking an in depth look at the papers with our reviewers anne ashworth, the associate editor of the times, and the business commentatorjosie cox. Thats coming up after the latest headlines and a full sport update. A lot of discussion about the labour party, thomas cook and strictly. Lets return to our main story and the labour Party Conference. The party says it would scrap englands education watchdog ofsted because it is unfit for purpose and replace it with a new School Inspection system. Lets speak to dr mary bousted, one of the joint general secretaries of the National Education union the body which represents the majority of teachers and education professionals in the uk. Thank you for being with us. Why scrap ofsted . Thank you for being with us. Why scrap ofsted . Because the system justis scrap ofsted . Because the system just is not working any more. The state system. It does not inspect skills fairly and it does not give reliablejudgments skills fairly and it does not give reliable judgments it skills fairly and it does not give reliablejudgments it does not inspect schools fairly and it is a big driver of teachers leaving the profession. We now have a situation where half of our teachers leave within ten years of qualification and they say it is because of the Accountability Measures and the uncertainty of what else it will judge the school are to be. Quite a lot of parents like alstead, do they not . Like the reports i often find them useful. They find a lot of pa rents them useful. They find a lot of parents like them useful. They find a lot of pa rents like ofsted. Them useful. They find a lot of parents like ofsted. They might like them less if they knew that, actually, many of the judgments that ofsted co m e actually, many of the judgments that ofsted come to are simply not good judgments. It is impossible to give a Large Secondary School a single great because there will be variations in education quality within that skill. And by the fact of the matter is, no other country does it like this there will be variations in education quality in that school. No other country inspect skills like we do. And if it leaves teachers leaving, that is not good for parents or for children. Let mejust read good for parents or for children. Let me just read to you what the minister for schools is saying. Labour want to stop parents having it in the most basic information so that they can make informed choices about their childrens schools. That isa about their childrens schools. That is a point, is it not . Parents do wa nt is a point, is it not . Parents do want information. And they will get the information. What labour is proposing is a different Inspection System. So with her majestys inspectors, but one that will be really, really reliable. Ratherthan having a maths teacher going into inspect english lessons or an re teacher going into expect inspect physics lessons, you will get expert teachers inspecting lessons. You are not expect people who are not really qualified to do the inspections that they are doing to come to judgments and that is what is happening at the moment. There will be a new Inspection System and payments will be given valid, reliable and Accurate Information about their skills. And the system will be much more quickly dash might react much more quickly dash might react much more quickly dash might react much more quickly when there are issues in the schools and now is much better when things are starting to go wrong. So the reaction and the information to parents will be more informed and more rapid. What nick gibb says is simply untrue. Will skill still be right, then, by this new body . As outstanding or good or needing improvement . Will schools still be ranking . Those grades are simply inaccurate. Three quarters of the radiation and teaching quality happens within a school. Any school thatis happens within a school. Any school that is right in special measures, there will be some outstanding teaching. What payments did you know, what aspects of the school are doing well and which aspects need improvement. What payments need to know. If youre given a blanket standing, that masks and hides what could be real problems in the skill as has been the case when a school has been given outstanding and then find that there is massive safeguarding issues three months later. We need to get parents much better information about their skills than the current one size fits all and actually fits nothing system fits all and actually fits nothing syste m tha n fits all and actually fits nothing system than ofsted promotes they need to be given much better information about their schools. Thank you very much. Now its time for a look at the weather with helen willetts. Hello, although we had some time to start for some eastern parts of the uk, it has all changed today. We had a series of weather fronts sat across the uk. With thundery showers are followed across the uk. With thundery showers a re followed by across the uk. With thundery showers are followed by more persistent rain and yet more showers. At the far north east of scotland may skip mostly dry and fine, but there

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