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Shyama perera and dave wooding, the Political Editor of the sun on sunday. Hello, good morning. The royal family and senior politicians will join veterans in Central London this morning, as the uk marks remembrance day. There are two minutes silence at 11 oclock, as people up and down the land honour those who lost their lives in conflict. As part of the commemorations, the Royal British legion is trying to encourage young people to observe the silence by turning off their mobile phones. Robert hall reports. On the streets of birmingham an army of poppy sellers. The last big push before britains remembrance weekend. Millions of us wear the flower which grew on the battlefields of the first world war, but is it enough to inspire new generations . The world is going so much faster so its just about trying, for everybody, adults notjust children, to slow down, to think about everything and remember. Ra njit, volunteering for the first time, believes remembrance has to move online. The younger society is too heavily influenced with social media now. Its the technology that they have at their disposal. I think if they were to research it, it is probably the best platform to use. Lets break the silence on the two minute silence and pause. This campaign from the Royal British legion is a beginning with a simple message to all of us. So if we give them a second, or two minutes, is that really too much to ask . But will the initiative help to engage more of us with remembrance . Poppy seller helen joined me at Aston University to find out. Most people dont go out of the way to buy the poppy because itjust seems like effort to do so. Especially with my work with the students union, weve realised that its not necessarily collecting shrapnel in a box and going around knocking on doors, if we have more of an online presence. Ijust feel like the poppies are more aimed towards the older generation, maybe. Now they have started to go into other things that are notjust the poppy, wristbands and things like that. I think its a good idea. You can be silent and still be on your phone or texting, so by doing a cleanse for a few minutes to think about remembrance, i think thats a really good idea. Robert hall, bbc news, birmingham. Our correspondent Sarah Campbell is at the cenotaph in Central London. We can see the crowd starting to gather behind you. Yes, indeed. Every year, thousands of people come here to take part in the service of remembrance, lee barry is filling up now. A march past of 10,000 veterans after the two minute silence at 11am. There are many acting service personnel, it isa are many acting service personnel, it is a very important day for them. I have one that im here to say, you are from the royal navy, the first time you have been to the cenotaph. Why did you want to come . What does it mean for you to behave . why did you want to come . What does it mean for you to behave . A huge privilege. It is a Beautiful Day as well. To be able to remember friends and colleagues who ive lost and family members, and also to consider those who have been injured as well. Let me ask about your military career, you spent a significant amount of time in afghanistan. Yes, between 2011 and 2013, in a number of differentjobs. Between 2011 and 2013, in a number of different jobs. Primarily working dealing with casualties who were coming through a facility. Presumably you have seen how terrible war can be. Absolutely, i think anybody who has agonises the critical net of preventing future conflict. We train to prepare felt that as part of the service. One of the anniversaries is 75 years since d day, you have got a personal connection there. I was lucky to discover what my grandfathers role had ben early on this year. He was a captain ofa had ben early on this year. He was a captain of a minesweeper, i have got a picture. His ship was one of the ships responsibility for clearing juno beach on the night before the day. They then went out and swept the channels on the approach to antwerp. 0ut the channels on the approach to antwerp. Out to the far east and outwards. You were telling me when he was alive, you did not know much about it but you found a lot about his dad. So many questions he would have liked to ask him. Absolutely. He really did not talk about it very much. I was hugely privileged to meet somebody the month before last, a chap named jimmy lightfoot, he was part of the ships company, i met with him and his daughter. It was a huge privilege. Amazing to hear his personal connection. Do you get the senseis personal connection. Do you get the sense is a member of the armed forces now, is that the sense of respect, do you think, generations 110w respect, do you think, generations now think about the sacrifice that previous generations have given enough charisma can we do more . I think those personal stories, those personal connections makes it tangible. They are hugely important in understanding. It is something that we need to make sure we maintain that connection, especially as the numberof maintain that connection, especially as the number of merchants who are alive start to dwindle the number of veterans. The oldest one today is 104 years old. There are not many live from those days. Those personal stories and when i met with mr lightfoot, i recorded that well so actually i can share that with my family and other people as well, it was a huge privilege to hear him talking as that direct connection under fizz personal expenses well, which were significant. We are talking about their chance, we have to remember there are lots of operations going on at the moment. We are talking about vetera ns. Moment. We are talking about veterans. We cannot forget this is an ongoing, we need to remember what is happening at the moment as well as he past. Absolutely. It is different to what we saw a decade ago in afghanistan, our role as Health Professionals to mature way train and maintain the skill set so if we are called to deliver that, we are able to do so. You are working at the moment and portsmouth, civilians will be treated there, it is a way to get your skills up to date. Treated there, it is a way to get your skills uptodate. Absolutely. Lam in your skills uptodate. Absolutely. I am in plymouth. And we have 173 people down there at the moment, doctors, nurses, Health Care Professionals of all varieties here are working in the nhs and on the day to day basis to make sure that they maintain the skill sets and they maintain the skill sets and they are professionally ready as they are professionally ready as they can be when they go on operations. They treat the general public on a daily basis and the people have no recognition of that i think because it isjust the background. We are less than two hours away from the two minute silence. What will your thoughts be when they silence descends over Central London . your thoughts be when they silence descends over Central London . I will be thinking about friends, friends of colleagues i have lost, particularly some relatively recently. And also probably the people who dont have a marked grave, the people who are lost at sea, a variety of different reasons. Whether they were serving in the navy, the Merchant Navy or were treats in transit elsewhere. I think those people who do not have a grave somewhere in france, that is public you i will be thinking about. Thank you for talking to us. It was fascinating. The queen and the member at the relative and they will take their places just before 11am. It has been the case of the last couple of years, the queen will not lay the wreath, she will watch the service from the Foreign Office balcony and prince charles, the prince of wales, will lay the wreath on her behalf. He will bejoined by other senior members of the royal family in whitehall. Campaigning ceases to and the leader of the Political Parties will come together to show their respects for the many people who fought and died for this country over the years. Back to you. Sadly, many thanks, Sarah Campbell for us that at the cenotaph. Thousands of people are facing a third day of chaos from severe flooding in parts of england with damaged homes, disrupted businesses and travel disruption. Seven severe flood warnings are in place on the river don in yorkshire meaning theres a danger to life. Theres also concern that water levels are rising on sections of the river trent near newark. Andy moore reports. The village of fishlake on the lower reaches of the river don where almost the entire community, thats hundreds of people, have been forced to leave their homes. The waters here are showing little signs of receding and the levels could remain high for some time to come. Elsewhere, on other rivers like the lower reaches of the trent in nottinghamshire, water levels are still rising. The only way in or out of fishlake was by boat or on the back of a farm trailer. Were all right to get rescued, but we didnt expect it to be as deep as this. This is. Weve never seen anything like this before. I only moved in five weeks ago. For this woman, rescue couldnt come soon enough. I am waiting for a transplant. Absolutely devastating. And this was the view from inside one of the flooded homes, wading through the cold, dirty floodwater. This is my kitchen. Living room. A brand new kitchen. Derbyshire and the town of matlock have also been hit hard by the floods. The woman who died after being swept away by the water near darley dale has been named as the former high sheriff, annie hall. She was described as a special person and an inspirational force for good. For some, the flood levels are falling and the clean up can begin. For others, the misery is likely to continue for days to come. Andy moore, bbc news. 0ur correspondent luxmy gopaljoins us now from fishlake in south yorkshire. We can see blue skies, but the flooding has caused real problems. Absolutely, i am flooding has caused real problems. Absolutely, iam right flooding has caused real problems. Absolutely, i am right here by the river don, it is very near the village of fishla ke, river don, it is very near the village of fishlake, this is as close as we can get to it due to the flooding. The river levels here, the river don is flowing at such a high level that it is almost touching the top of the arch of that bridge there, that gives you a sense of just how high the water levels were. Asi just how high the water levels were. As i said, we cannot get any closer to fishlake as i said, we cannot get any closer to fishla ke because as i said, we cannot get any closer to fishlake because a lot of the roads are inaccessible because of flooding and that is why a lot of the people that i have had serious flooding in their homes, with hundreds of them evacuated. The water levels that do not show much signs of receding just yet. Elsewhere, water levels are rising, as you mentioned, in parts of nottingham, newark, the water levels are still rising and people there had to leave their homes with the red cross helping people out of their homes last night. They had to ta ke their homes last night. They had to take shelter in a Sports Centre overnight. The water levels that are still rising and one of seven places, here in fishlake, one of seven places that the Environment Agency have issued severe flood warnings and they are still in place because even though it looks like we have got clear weather, blue skies and sunshine, the water levels are still posing a problem and there is still posing a problem and there is still a potential risk to life. In a broader sense, it is affecting travel and transport, a lot of rail routes waterlogged and passages being advised by Northern Rail that they may not be able to travel until monday morning at the earliest. Thank you. She is very close to fishlake thank you. She is very close to fishla ke and we thank you. She is very close to fishlake and we can speak to someone now. Fishlakes luxury five star Truffle Lodge is one of the many businesses that has been forced to close due to the flooding. Pam webb is the owner of the spa and shejoins me now. Thank you forjoining us on a difficult weekend. What is the latest situation for you . Good morning. The situation isjust latest situation for you . Good morning. The situation is just you have reported, blue skies, picturesque until you actually get into the village and you see the devastation that has been caused to homes and businesses. It is com pletely homes and businesses. It is completely devastating, it is an easy well to use, but it is com pletely easy well to use, but it is completely devastating and heartbreaking. Tell us about your business and how that has been affected specifically. Yes, my business, its accommodation with spa facilities. We have a lot of people coming from all over the country and local people that have supported us since we began, four yea rs supported us since we began, four years ago, those people are extremely kind, they have seen it on social media, they have seen on the news, they want to come and help us, they want to do anything they can to help us get back on our feet. This is going to be a long journey. Look at the devastation outside the property and then within it, it is tremendous. That help has been significant from people within the village, from the farming community, from the voluntary flat wardens, Doncaster Council asked us to set up some time ago, flood wardens. That is when it is stopped. We have been felt on level of significant magnitude by Doncaster Council. The lack of communication to this village has been terrible and i do not know how they can possibly say that they have given us any support. The lack of communication is quite incredible. You are angry with them, obviously, ican you are angry with them, obviously, i can tell that. It is just the communication, or is it more in general that you think the authorities could have done to prevent this kind of flooding . Two weeks ago, we were on high alert. We had Text Messages from the Environment Agency warning that two weeks ago, the bridge was closed, they knew there were heightened levels. There is enough local knowledge of people who have lived in the community that are in the 90s, that have said they have never flooded. Fishlake will not flood, will be ok. We saw what was coming down from sheffield and the medical centre and that earlier as the don, we knew at some point it was going to come this way. What we did not know and what was not translated to us was know and what was not translated to us was how much came and how fast it came. This could be. This is my personal opinion but it is also supported by a number of people around this area who have got much more in depth knowledge than me, that something has given somewhere to sacrifice properly figure populated communities and therefore had taken the decision to flood fishlake. We do not have flood plains any more because of the new houses built around the area. A farmer was interviewed yesterday was saying, the ditches on trench like they are, that is not any investment in the animaland they are, that is not any investment in the animal and what consequently happens is what has happened over the last 24, 48 hours. But why has Doncaster Council not been in attendance to at least help with the evacuation of elderly and Vulnerable People . I was speaking to a search and rescue crew who attended on friday evening. They have no local knowledge. They did not even know the road outside my property, they did not know. Nobody from Doncaster Council was there to say to them, these people are vulnerable, these people are. This is how the land lies. They were from north wales, cumbria, some of the crew should have finish at 7am yesterday morning. Very briefly, how long do you think it will take you to restore your business to the way it was, and how long will it take and how much will it cost . That is the total devastating feeling at the moment. I do not know. I cannot a nswer moment. I do not know. I cannot answer that question until i contact my insurance company. I contacted them yesterday, they wanted to get into the village. The reporter was and they cannot. They are using baits at the moment, that is what the Emergency Services are using, they are using a bait to get in. You look at these incidents on tv but until you are part of it, it could be 12, 18 months. What i do want to say is, in the main delia smith to norwich united fans, where are you . Cannot appeal is to Doncaster Council. Come and help us. Tell us what we are expecting. Can we coordinate with the Environment Agency . Are the pumps going to be switched back on . How is this what are going to go . There is so much water around this area that you can see, never mind what you cant see. What is the Disaster Recovery plan . Please tell us. We will try and get hold of Doncaster Council and get some answers for you. For the moment, thank you very much for talking to us. Good luck to you and we hope that you are able to rebuild your business on your property. Thank you. Labour has criticised conservative attempts to unpick their Spending Plans as the Political Parties continue their general election campaigns. The conservatives say labours Spending Plans would cost the country an extra one point two trillion pounds over the next five years. But labour has dismissed the figures as fake news, calling them an incompetent mish mash of debunked estimates and bad maths. 0ur political correspondent, helen catt, is here. Never to be a case of bad mathematics. I am often accused labour and the tories trading insults over their Spending Plans. It is about how they have been put together. The conservatives have produced this estimate stays, this isa produced this estimate stays, this is a political document, it is not treasury figures. At base, what they have done is look at that labours 2017 manifesto and attach a cost to all of those policies. And they have led to policies and pledges they have announced nonsense and attach a cost to all of those, they come out at £600 billion each, according to the conservatives. The issue with thatis the conservatives. The issue with that is that labour, like all the other parties, has not published a ma nifesto other parties, has not published a manifesto yet for the selection. They have not decided which of these policies are going to go into it. There is no sing that all of those things have been costed into this would be put forward in this ma nifesto, would be put forward in this manifesto, and this plan for government. That is the first issue with it. There are couple of craze around some of the figures and some of the estimate is that the conservatives have used around this, for example, things like renationalising Services Like the railways, energy supply, water. They have used an estimate comes from the Business Group cbi have used an estimate comes from the Business Group cb and that has been criticised in the past as well. It is very difficult at this stage when you have not got a full list of campaign pledges to put an accurate exact figure on it. The campaign in full swing now, a slight pause today as Party Leaders go to the cenotaph to remember the fallen of wars over the last couple of centuries. There will be the apples what they do that and take that moment to pause on remembrance sunday. We are only into the First Official week of the campaign. If you think back away, this time last Week Parliament was still sitting, they chose the new on monday. It was wednesday, five official days into the campaign. We will see a lot more mmp the campaign. We will see a lot more ramp up overthe the campaign. We will see a lot more ramp up over the next week. And he very much indeed. Thank you. In the run up to polling day well be bringing you an essential guide to the various campaigns in a daily electioncast. Starting on monday night, adam fleming and the bbcs Politics Team providing you a round up of the days events and will look at the twists and turns of the campaign so far. Watch it here on the bbc news channel or listen to it on bbc sounds app. Australias Prime Minister Scott Morrison has dodged questions about Climate Change while visiting areas impacted by bushfires in new south wales. At least three people have been killed and authorities fear that number will rise. Forecasters say high temperatures and strong winds will make conditions dangerous while fire chiefs have warned the outskirts of sydney could face a catastrophic danger from wildfires. Freya cole reports. The scale of devastation is starting to emerge. Hundreds of homes have been burnt to the ground, all that is left is charcoal and ashes, skeletons of a family home which will never be the same again. Firefighters are making the most of a slight reprieve in conditions, but the end isnt insight. Forecasters say another burst of hot, windy weather is on the way, putting even more people at risk. We need people to obviously understand that when they do ask for assistance that a fire truck may not be able to turn up. The winds at those kind of strengths, we may not be able to get you aerial support. We are trying to encourage everybody to use this weekend to prepare. While the Prime Minister and his entourage are given a tour of an evacuation centre, he shares a moment with an elderly resident caught up in the middle of this bushfire crisis. For many, emotions are running high about the bigger issues at stake. We have been telling the politicians the same message for over ten years and they are not listening. This is real. Only on thursday, 11,000 scientists issued a very simple, four page statement saying, we have to declare a climate emergency. Speaking to the bbc, Scientists Say bushfires in australia are getting worse. I think there are obviously polarising views on some of these aspects. What is clear is that we are seeing conditions which we havent before. A frightening word of warning ahead of another stifling australian summer. Freya cole, bbc news. A cyclone has made landfall near the border of india and bangladesh. Its brought winds of up to a 135 kilometres an hour and heavy rain. Two deaths have been reported so far. Tim allman reports. In the city of khulna, the wait was over. The storm had finally arrived. Heavy rain and strong winds lashing much of this part of bangladesh and neighbouring india. The streets were mostly empty. A handful of cars, pedestrians and the odd lorry braving the weather. Most had fled. Anything up to two Million People have been moved into thousands of cyclone shelters. Volunteers and members of the army Going Village to village, door to door, telling everyone to leave. The wind and the rain are bad enough, but then theres the storm surge, expected to be as high as two metres. Already the damage was being done. Translation the waters taking away our shops, houses, roads and embankment. Since yesterday, a lot of our land has gone into the water. In the last 24 hours, this huge cyclone has moved across the bay of bengal, heading towards india and bangladesh. As it moves in a north easterly direction, it is expected to weaken. Only when the storm has passed will the people know if the preparations and precautions have worked and whether potentially thousands of lives will have been saved. Tim allman, bbc news. Spanish voters are returning to the polls for the countrys second general election injust over six months. The socialists, led by the acting Prime Minister, pedro sanchez, won the most seats in the last ballot in april but were unable to form a government. Spain has been struggling to put stable governments together since 2015. Tens of thousands of well wishers gathered in tokyo to congratulate japans Emperor Naruhito on his enthronement. The emperor officially began his reign in may after the abdication of his father. The ceremony was postponed so that the government could deal with the aftermath of recent typhoon hagibis. Naruhito and empress masako greeted crowds waving japanese rising sun flags. And well be taking an in depth look at the papers with our reviewers journalist and author Shyama Perera and dave wooding, the Political Editor of the sun on sunday. Thats coming up after the latest headlines and a full sport update. Now its time for a look at the weather with ben rich. Hello there. After all the rain weve had this week, today is giving us a chance to draw breath. It is mainly fine out there, dry for the most part this afternoon. And with that dry weather, we get to see some spells of sunshine. So this is how it looks on the map for the rest of the day. Some patches of cloud around. Yes, some areas of cloud perhaps drifting into the north sea coastal counties at times. Also the north of scotland. These areas could see one or two showers. More cloud generally arriving in Northern Ireland through the afternoon. The winds picking up here a little bit. But for most of us, light winds mean it wont feel too bad out there. Top temperatures of seven to 11 celsius with some blue skies overhead. Fine for this evening for most places as well. But we will see rain splashing in across Northern Ireland. And as that rain continues its journey eastwards, it will turn to snow, we suspect, over high ground in scotland. If youre above 250 metres elevation, you could get a covering of snow through the night. Some snow mixing it over high ground of the pennines. Further south, it will mostly be rain. Its going to be turning increasingly windy, though, through the night. These are the sorts of wind gusts you can expect quite widely, but some exposed places seeing gusts of 40 to maybe 50 mph. With the cloud, with the rain, with the stronger breeze is not going to be quite as cold as it has been on previous nights. Tomorrow morning there still this frontal system to clear away from eastern and northern parts. In fact, it will hang back across the Northern Isles for a good part of the day. So expect cloud and outbreaks of rain here at times. Elsewhere, it turns into a day of sunny spells and showers. Some of those showers will be heavy, with some hail and thunder mixed in. The showers likely to be wintry over high ground in the north. And top temperatures for monday afternoon between seven and 11 degrees. But factor in the strength of that north westerly wind, well, it might feel a little bit colder than those numbers suggest. As we look ahead to tuesday, low pressure still in charge of the scene. We will see outbreaks of rain and with the winds generally coming down from the north, still bringing cold air in our direction. Still the potential for some sleet and some snow across high ground, especially across the northern half of the country. Those are your temperatures, again, in single figures for most of us. And the temperatures dont climb very much further than that, actually, as we head through the middle towards the end of the week. There will be some outbreaks of rain at times, but not all the time. Some spells of sunshine as well. Bye for now. Hello this is bbc news. The headlines. Remembering the fallen after attending a concert last night, the royal family and senior politicians will be at the cenotaph

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