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By coercion or intimidation. Mr crouch intimidated you into sole care of jacob crouch intimidated you into sole care ofjacob although he crouch intimidated you into sole care of jacob although he was unfit for that role. He accused you of lacking trust for him when he was bathing jacob. You did not have the confidence to confront him when he kicked the cot. I submit that the level of your culpability is very high with category one harm. That is unrealistic in the fact and difficult to apply if correct because the offence predatesjune 2022, yet the Sentencing Range for that category exceeds the maximum sentence. I believe the level of culpability is on the borderline between high level b and medium, level c. I will take seven years as the starting point. There are no statutory aggregating features. The Non Statutory aggregating features are not seeking medical help at the time of the assault or the ten hours that followed. Again, i bear in mind the danger of double counting. Jacob suffered grievously before his death, you joined in a deliberate cover up and told lies from the upset and up to and during the trial. Fourth, the offence was committed. Again we have had cameras suspended due to legal reasons. We will bring you back to the courtroom as quickly as we can. Lets jUst Listen In for as we can. Lets jUst Listen In for a bit. As we can. Lets Ust Listen In for a bit. , as we can. Lets Ust Listen In for a bit. , i. As we can. Lets Ust Listen In for abit. ,. , as we can. Lets Ust Listen In for abit. ,. ,. , a bit. You lost your only son and i acce t a bit. You lost your only son and i accept that a bit. You lost your only son and i accept that his a bit. You lost your only son and i accept that his substantial i accept that his substantial punishment, both for the loss and the shame you must endure for letting it happen. I do not count in yourfavour, mr crouchs letting it happen. I do not count in your favour, mr crouchs controlling behaviour towards you because i have already taken that factor into account in determining the level of your culpability. Balancing the mitigating features, i conclude that the former outweigh the letter and i would increase the sentence to eight years in prison, i will turn now. We are listening to the sentencing of gemma barton who was jacob crouchs mother. She was found guilty of allowing the death of her child. We are listening to the judges statements but for legal reasons the court has had to suspend their cameras but we will bring you back as quickly as possible. Stay with us. You can head to the bbc live page where ourjournalists in court are bringing you proceedings. We have already seen the sentencing of craig crouch, he has beenjailed for life for the murder of his stepson. He is due to serve a minimum term of 28 years. We are just hearing the sentencing of the babys mother, gemma barton. We will try to bring you back to that as quickly as we can. The judge saying that he is taking into account the psychiatric report which found a history of Mental Disorder and that she was susceptible to manipulation and coercion. Thejudge continued by saying that craig crouch manipulated gemma barton with controlling behaviour. He says there is ample evidence of that and he acknowledges that gemma bartons time in custody has been tougher due to being treated for breast cancer. We are trying to bring you back to that sentencing. Following on from the sentencing. Following on from the sentencing of craig crouchs stepson. Sentenced to 28 years. fix, stepson. Sentenced to 28 years. Starting point of three years with a maximum being ten years at the time i would elevate the starting point before considering the aggravating and mitigating features. Insofar as they have not been taken into account in taking into account the defence category. Again neither of the statutory aggregating features is featured. The Non Statutory aggravating features are as follows. Studio just a reminder, we are bringing you the coverage of the sentencing of the parents of little baby jacob crouch, who was murdered at ten months old. There are a number of reasons why we are having to cut away but we will bring you back to the court as quickly as possible. We willjUst Listen In and hopefully we can take you back there. You are watching bbc news with the sentencing of the family of ten month old baby murdered by her stepfather. Thejudge has described his killer, telling unbelievable lies. We are watching that sentencing taking place but we do have to keep cutting away due to legal reasons. This often happens in court cases. The judge listing some of the aggravating factors as he hands down a sentence to baby jacobs mother. find hands down a sentence to baby jacobs mother. Hands down a sentence to baby jacobs mother. And is specially also our jacobs mother. And is specially also your contrition, jacobs mother. And is specially also your contrition, shame jacobs mother. And is specially also your contrition, shame and remorse which may lay a foundation for future redeeming remorse which may lay a foundation Forfuture Redeeming Behaviour outweigh the aggravating factors and i would reduce your sentence from four to three years imprisonment. Joining the feds to the sentence on counts to be one of eight years, and the sentence on councilman. Would make a total of ii the sentence on councilman. Would make a total of 11 years. I am required to apply what is called the principle of totality, which means that i must impose an overall sentence which is proportionate to the seriousness of the offending overall. Applying that principle i will reduce each of the sentences by half a year, which makes the sentence on count to one of seven and a half years and the sentence on counts of on one of two and a half years. The overall sentence is therefore one of ten years in prison. I confirm that i have considered the statutory request of the dangerousness and whether to impose a extended sentence and have concluded that you are not dangerous within the meaning of the statutory provision and that an extended sentence is not necessary to protect the public given the length of your determinant sentence and the removal of the pernicious influence on you of the pernicious influence on you of mr crouch. Mr crouch, police stand. The sentence of the court is in prison of life for the murder of jacob crouch with a minimum term of 28 years, less lay time you have already spent in custody while on remand, which i am told is 395 days as of today. On six counts of cruelty to jacob during his lifetime, the sentence of. Studio just leaving proceedings in court. The video from the court has been suspended due to legal reasons. You may sit down. Ms martin please stand. The centres of the court in your case is one of seven years six months imprisonment on count two, allowing jacob to die. We months imprisonment on count two, allowing jacob to die. Allowing jacob to die. We are ust listenin allowing jacob to die. We are Ust Listening to allowing jacob to die. We are Ust Listening to that i allowing jacob to die. We are Ust Listening to that sentencing. H allowing jacob to die. We are jUst Listening to that sentencing. 28 listening to that sentencing. 28 years for craig crouch, the stepfather of baby jacob. The total sentence is stepfather of baby jacob. The total sentence is therefore stepfather of baby jacob. The total sentence is therefore one stepfather of baby jacob. The total sentence is therefore one of stepfather of baby jacob. The total sentence is therefore one of ten i sentence is therefore one of ten years imprisonment. The period you have spent in custody while on remand will count towards the ten years sentence. I am told that as at today that period is 395 days. You will serve have your sentence in custody and the remainder on licence. Any corrections to the time spent in custody on remand and any statutory surcharge may be dealt with administratively without further listing of the case. You may now both go down with the officers, please. Now both go down with the officers, lease. � ,. , now both go down with the officers, lease. � ,. ,. , ,. , please. Lets leave our coverage inside of court please. Lets leave our coverage inside of court as please. Lets leave our coverage inside of court as the please. Lets leave our coverage inside of court as the judge please. Lets leave our coverage inside of court as the judge just| inside of court as the judge just handed down a ten year sentence for baby jacobs mother, handed down a ten year sentence for babyjacobs mother, gemma barton, and a 28 year sentence for craig crouch, the stepfather of ten month old jacob crouch, for his murder. Lets cross to our correspondent fela mackie, who has been following this case and is outside Derby Crown Court for us. Some harrowing details there, just because through the sentences because through the sentences because the judge had to take on a lot of mitigating circumstances, didnt he . �. ,. ,. , didnt he . And aggravating factors as well and both didnt he . And aggravating factors as well and both of didnt he . And aggravating factors as well and both of those didnt he . And aggravating factors as well and both of those cases, i as well and both of those cases, although as well and both of those cases, although he leaned a little bit more sympathetically towards Gemma Barton Sympathetically towards gemma barton. She does not appear as she does on barton. She does not appear as she does on the barton. She does not appear as she does on the picture that we have been does on the picture that we have been showing with long blonde hair. She now been showing with long blonde hair. She now has her natural dark air which she now has her natural dark air which has she now has her natural dark air which has been cut very short. She sat in which has been cut very short. She sat in the which has been cut very short. She sat in the dock really looking up, occasionally sobbing with her legs shaking, occasionally sobbing with her legs shaking, her hands clasped. Sitting next to shaking, her hands clasped. Sitting next to her shaking, her hands clasped. Sitting next to her a short distance away was craig next to her a short distance away was craig crouch, whojust sat staring was craig crouch, whojust sat staring impassively ahead throughout todays staring impassively ahead throughout todays hearings. We have just heard justice todays hearings. We have just heard justice kerr todays hearings. We have just heard justice kerr sentence the pair of them, justice kerr sentence the pair of them, craig crouch for a life imprisonment. He will have to serve a minimum imprisonment. He will have to serve a minimum of 28 years inside before he is eligible for parole. Gemma barton, he is eligible for parole. Gemma barton, who was committed of causing and allowing the death of a child, her son, and allowing the death of a child, her son, was sentenced to 7. 5 years, plus 25 her son, was sentenced to 7. 5 years, plus 2. 5 years her son, was sentenced to 7. 5 years, plus 2. 5 years for Cruelty Charges to run plus 2. 5 years for Cruelty Charges to run concurrently, so ten years in prison, to run concurrently, so ten years in prison, and to run concurrently, so ten years in prison, and that means she will have to serve prison, and that means she will have to serve at prison, and that means she will have to serve at least five of the inside and at to serve at least five of the inside and at their to serve at least five of the inside and at their five on licence. A couple and at their five on licence. A couple of and at their five on licence. A couple of things are today by justice couple of things are today by justice kerr, he described jacob as a happy, justice kerr, he described jacob as a happy, smiling, bubbling baby, who often laughed and smiled in spite of his tormentors. It is nothing less than his tormentors. It is nothing less than tragic, his tormentors. It is nothing less than tragic, he said, that he will never than tragic, he said, that he will never become a boy and then a man. He talked never become a boy and then a man. He talked a never become a boy and then a man. He talked a lot about craig crouch, saying he talked a lot about craig crouch, saying that he talked a lot about craig crouch, saying that he was an unlikely murderer saying that he was an unlikely murderer because he was a previous good murderer because he was a previous good character, he held down a steady good character, he held down a steadyjob, he wasnt on drugs and didnt steadyjob, he wasnt on drugs and didnt have steadyjob, he wasnt on drugs and didnt have a chaotic lifestyle. But he talked didnt have a chaotic lifestyle. But he talked about the implausible bragging lies that he told, the story bragging lies that he told, the story that he was a much bigger Character Story that he was a much bigger character than in reality he was. It is unlikely character than in reality he was. It is unlikely that gemma barton believed is unlikely that gemma barton believed that he had a 6 figure salary. Believed that he had a 6 figure salary, that he met Prime Minister is, but salary, that he met Prime Minister is, but nonetheless this was the facade is, but nonetheless this was the facade that he liked to portray, as well as facade that he liked to portray, as well as he facade that he liked to portray, as well as he was a happy, Loving Fathen well as he was a happy, loving father. Clearly the Punishment Regime father. Clearly the Punishment Regime and that he inflicted and that gemma barton allowed to take place. That gemma barton allowed to take place. Ted that gemma barton allowed to take place, led to jacobs death. We had place, led tojacobs death. We had about place, led to jacobs death. We had about the place, led to jacobs death. We had about the 39 rib fractures, the Perforated Bowel that led to the infection Perforated Bowel that led to the infection that killed him. We heard that if infection that killed him. We heard that ifjacob had been admitted to hospital that ifjacob had been admitted to hospital in those dying days, he would hospital in those dying days, he would have been in so much pain that he would would have been in so much pain that he would have needed morphine, but there is he would have needed morphine, but there is no he would have needed morphine, but there is no chance he could have survived there is no chance he could have survived and been alive today. Jacob was a survived and been alive today. Jacob was a small survived and been alive today. Jacob was a small baby who couldnt defend himself. Was a small baby who couldnt defend himself, justice kerr said, and he said that himself, justice kerr said, and he said that your attack was of the grossest said that your attack was of the grossest kind and you did not seek medical grossest kind and you did not seek medical cap and tried to blame others medical cap and tried to blame others. Craig crouch will serve life imprisonment, a minimum of 28 years. That doesnt imprisonment, a minimum of 28 years. That doesnt mean he will come out on 27, that doesnt mean he will come out on 27, 28 that doesnt mean he will come out on 27, 28 years, that doesnt mean he will come out on 27,28 years, it isjust that doesnt mean he will come out on 27,28 years, it is just the on 27, 28 years, it is just the early on 27,28 years, it is just the early stage at which you would be eligible early stage at which you would be eligible for parole. He was also found eligible for parole. He was also found guilty of Cruelty Charges. Justice found guilty of Cruelty Charges. Justice found guilty of Cruelty Charges. Justice gemma barton was found guilty justice gemma barton was found guilty of justice gemma barton was found guilty of causing the death of a child guilty of causing the death of a child and guilty of causing the death of a child and Child Cruelty charges. Just before the sentencing we were hearing that personal statements being given from different people, including jacobs father. Can you tell us much more that . Including jacobs father. Can you tell us much more that . There were three victim tell us much more that . There were three Victim Statements tell us much more that . There were three Victim Statements read tell us much more that . There were three Victim Statements read out. Tell us much more that . There were three Victim Statements read out by| three Victim Statements read out by the prosecution

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