Its Sunday September 8. Our maIn story a damnIng report on the state of the nhs In england due later thIs week wIll hIghlIght severe problems for chIldren and young People gettIng access to care. PrIme MInIster SIr KeIr starmer blamed prevIous Governments for leavIng the nhs broken, but the conservatIves accused hIm of ChasIng HeadlInes and saId they left the Health ServIce wIth more doctors, more nurses and more fundIng In real terms. Our Health EdItor Hugh pym has the story. WIthIn Hugh Pym has the story. Hours of formIng the new Government wIthIn hours of formIng the new Government MInIsters were sayIng the nhs was broken and the problems could not be fIxed overnIght. The medIcal Expert Lord Darcy asked to carry out a rapId revIew of the state of the nhs and england, a dIagnosIs as one source put It hIghlIghtIng whIch areas needed fIxIng. HIs full report due out later In the week, now the fIrst fIndIngs have been released IncludIng more than 100,000 Infants have waIted more than sIx hours In A E Departments Last have waIted more than sIx hours In A E Departments Last Year. Have waIted more than sIx hours In A E Departments Last Year. 800,000 chIldren and young People are on waItIng lIsts for hospItal treatment, 175,000 waItIng between sIx and 12 months. He won 60,000 waItIng more than a Year for mental health support. The lord says It was a relatIvely bIgger reductIon In routIne Lhs OperatIons In the pandemIc than other health systems, the prImus to puttIng the blame on the prImus to puttIng the blame on the conservatIve Government. He has been reall broken but not beaten. The reason he IdentIfIes Is because of the money taken out of the nhs especIally In the early Years of the coalItIon 2010 onwards, the Land SlIng reforms whIch were hopelessly mIsconceIved, took a lot of money and had to be then reversed. And then CovId 19 on top of all that whIch has put us In thIs awful posItIon for the nhs. x, thIs awful posItIon for the nhs. A separate report warns plans by the Labour Government to Increase Nhs Treatment wIll only make a small contrIbutIon to hIttIng the target. Labour promIsed to delIver 40,000 appoIntments each week but the Nhs FederatIon represent representIng employers says a lot would need to be done to hIt 18 target for People to be seen or get treatment. The sIze of waItIng to be seen or get treatment. The sIze of WaItIng A to be seen or get treatment. Tue sIze of WaItIng A 7. 5 to be seen or get treatment. Tte sIze of WaItIng A 7. 5 MIllIon People and the growth In demand means that what the Secretary Of State has announced wIll only Go a very small way to meetIng hIs target. We are GoIng to have to do a lot of other thIngs as well. The GoIng to have to do a lot of other thIngs as well. ThIngs as well. The conservatIve saId after tIme thIngs as well. The conservatIve saId after tIme In thIngs as well. The conservatIve saId after tIme In opposItIon thIngs as well. The conservatIve saId after tIme In opposItIon to l saId after tIme In opposItIon to thInk about the Issues, Labours InstInct was to polItIcIse ChIldrens Health, other than chIld ren s health, other than provIde ChIldrens Health, other than provIde solutIons and reform of the nhs. Hugh pym, Bbc News. We wIll talk to a leadIng ChIldrens Doctor who wIlljoIn us Before nIne oclock. PolItIcal eyes on brIghton thIs week. The Trades UnIon Congress Is meetIng In brIghton for The Start of Its annual conference, the fIrst one to take place under the new Government. The tuc represents 48 unIons wIth 5. 5 MIllIon members. 0ur polItIcal Correspondent LeIla Nathoo saId the unIons have made some Important gaIns In recent weeks, but wIll want to make more progress. Trade unIon delegates and members wIll gather over the next few days and have wIll gather over the next few days and have a wIll gather over the next few days and have a few reasons to be FeelIng ChaIn and have a few reasons to be feelIng ChaIn It and have a few reasons to be feelIng chaIr. It after 14 Years they have a sympathetIc Government In power to work wIth. SympathetIc Government In power to work wIth, PublIc Sector unIons have been work wIth, PublIc Sector unIons have been gIven work wIth, PublIc Sector unIons have been gIven an above InflatIon Pay rIses, been gIven an above InflatIon Pay rIses, laws been gIven an above InflatIon Pay rIses, laws Introduced by the conservatIve Government to lImIt strIkes conservatIve Government to lImIt strIkes are conservatIve Government to lImIt strIkes are beIng repealed and the bIggest strIkes are beIng repealed and the bIggest change to workers rIghts In a generatIon Is comIng soon, It Is somethIng a generatIon Is comIng soon, It Is somethIng that has long been promIsed by the Labour Party. But I thInk promIsed by the Labour Party. But I thInk you promIsed by the Labour Party. But I thInk you wIll see In comIng days a sense thInk you wIll see In comIng days a sense there thInk you wIll see In comIng days a sense there mIght be some flashpoInts comIng down the track. The Government says publIc fInances repeatedly they saId thIs publIc fInances repeatedly they saId thIs publIc fInances are In a dIre state, but You WIII fInances are In a dIre state, but you wIll expect to see a vote at the Tuc Congress to campaIgn for above InflatIon Tuc Congress to campaIgn for above InflatIon Pay rIses In the Years to come InflatIon Pay rIses In the Years to come In InflatIon Pay rIses In the Years to come In the InflatIon Pay rIses In the Years to come In the PublIc Sector. Some unIons come In the PublIc Sector. Some unIons are come In the PublIc Sector. Some unIons are nervous that workers rIghts unIons are nervous that workers RIghts Reforms are GoIng to be watered RIghts Reforms are GoIng to be watered down, there Is also concern about watered down, there Is also concern aboutjobs watered down, there Is also concern aboutjobs In the OIl And Gas Industry aboutjobs In the OIl And Gas Industry as a result of Labours Green Industry as a result of labours green transItIon. Tomorrow we expect to hear green transItIon. Tomorrow we expect to hear some green transItIon. Tomorrow we expect to hear some crItIcIsm from the unIon to hear some crItIcIsm from the unIon unIte to hear some crItIcIsm from the unIon unIte about Labours PosItIon to means unIon unIte about Labours PosItIon to means test the WInter Fuel Payment. There wIll be a debate on that later payment. There wIll be a debate on that tater In payment. There wIll be a debate on that later In the week. I thInk In the longer that later In the week. I thInk In the longer term the Government s commItment to publIc Sector Reform and Its commItment to publIc Sector Reform and Its desIre to be seen to be aIIgned and Its desIre to be seen to be alIgned wIth busIness, may also cause alIgned wIth busIness, may also cause some stress on NeIghbours RelatIonshIp wIth the unIons. AuthorItIes In kenya are InvestIgatIng the cause of a fIre at a gIrls boardIng school, whIch came just two days after 21 boys dIed In a blaze at a dIfferent school. The fIre was reported at IsIolo GIrls HIgh School In Central Kenya at around 8pm local tIme. It was just 90 mIles from the HIllsIde Endarasha Academy where the boys dIed In a dormItory. The former fIrst mInIster of wales, vaughan gethIng, has saId he wIll not be seekIng Re ElectIon to the welsh parlIament In 2026. Mr gethIng resIgned earlIer thIs Year after facIng repeated questIons about a number of Issues, IncludIng a CampaIgn DonatIon from a busInessman convIcted of envIronmental offences. He denIes any wrongdoIng. PolIce In the us state of kentucky are huntIng a gunman who fIred on vehIcles as they drove along a hIghway near the town of london. Several People were Injured, some by gunshots and some In the resultIng traffIc chaos, but nobody Is reported to have dIed. The PrIme MInIster has defended hIs decIsIon to wIthdraw the WInter Fuel Allowance from all but the poorest pensIoners as mps prepare to vote on the measure on tuesday. The plan has been crItIcIsed by charItIes, OpposItIon PartIes and some Labour Mps, but SIr KeIr Starmer saId the party Is wIllIng to make tough choIces to help the country. Lam I am absolutely convInced we wIll only delIver that change Im determIned we wIll, If we do the dIffIcult determIned we wIll, If we do the dIffIcult thIngs now. I know they are unpopular because they are top choIces are unpopular because they are top choIces I are unpopular because they are top choIces. ~... are unpopular because they are top choIces. ~.. choIces. I know that you say It Is unppuIar choIces. I know that you say It Is unppuIar are choIces. I know that you say It Is unpopular are you choIces. I know that you say It Is unpopular are you wIllIng choIces. I know that you say It Is unpopular are you wIllIng to choIces. I know that you say It Is unpopular are you wIllIng to be I unpopular are you wIllIng to be unpopular . Brute unpopular are you wIllIng to be unppuIar . Unpopular . We wIll have to be unppuIar unpopular . We wIll have to be unpopular. When unpopular . We wIll have to be unpopular. When we unpopular . We wIll have to be unpopular. When we talk unpopular . We wIll have to be | unpopular. When we talk about unpopular . We wIll have to be unpopular. When we talk about tough decIsIons unpopular. When we talk about tough decIsIons Im talkIng about tough decIsIons decIsIons Im talkIng about tough decIsIons the last Government ran Away DecIsIons the last Government ran away from decIsIons the last Government ran away from I am convInced because they have away from I am convInced because they have run away from dIffIcult decIsIons, they have run away from dIffIcult decIsIons, we have not Got the change decIsIons, we have not Got the change we need for the country. The kIng wIll attend a Church ServIce near balmoral thIs mornIng on the second annIversary of the death of hIs Mother Queen ElIzabeth II. Charles wIll head to CrathIe KIrk for prIvate prayer and reflectIon. The late queen, who worshIpped at the same church, was stayIng at her HIghland Estate when she dIed, aged 96, two Years aGo. BrItaIns Jack Draper has been reflectIng on hIs gruellIng match In the Us Open semIfInals. He lost In straIght sets to the World Number one, Italys jannIck sInner, puttIng In so much effort that he vomIted On Court three tImes. Hes been talkIng to our Sports News Correspondent laura scott. Its been a bIg breakthrough In the BIg Apple forJack Draper. HavIng had some tIme to reflect after hIs semI fInal defeat. Ive had a better tIme to rest. He told me he woke up determIned to put hImself further. I wanted to gIve more, but It was tough In that sItuatIon last nIght. But overall from last two weeks, Ive taken a lot of confIdence. It seems lIke Mount Everest when you are GoIng through all the lower levels. When I Got Injured last Year for a whIle I took a look at myself and, began tojust for a whIle I took a look at myself and, began to just really lock In on everythIng I needed to do, whether off court, On Court and sInce then my consIstency has been great. HavIng the InjurIes I had, and havIng the tIme I had away from the court, really helped me to gaIn perspectIve and realIse If you put the work In and work hard Good thIngs can happen quIckly. Its been a Good example that hard work does play off. FacIng the World Number one In the most Important match of hIs lIfe, draperfound It hard to keep thIngs calm down. He vomIted three tImes. How keen are you to focus on addressIng that . Im defInItely GoIng to Go home, thIs has happened a few tImes now In dIfferent sItuatIons for me. I wIll look Into the Issues I have, mentally and I have to work on that and understand and make myself better In order to compete at these hIghest levels. ThIs season has bought hIs fIrst Atp Tour TItle a vIctory over wImbledon to champIon carlos alcaraz, the brItIsh Number One mantle and, now, thIs one In New York. He has been compared a lot wIth andy murray, hIs Idol. ObvIously a lot of narratIve around me beIng the next andy murray, the next whatever, I just want to be Jack Draper, I want to achIeve what I can achIeve. My Number One Goal Is to reach my potentIal as a player whatever that looks lIke. After a fortnIght that has both energIsed and exhausted hIm, draperflIes home, belIevIng hIs career Is onlyjust taken off. Laura scott, Bbc News, New York. It Is amazIng that he talks so openly about It. 11 mInutes past sIx. You wIll recognIse thIs man. The former Sub Postmaster who led a CampaIgn ForjustIce over the faulty horIzon It Scandal has Got marrIed on SIr RIchard bransons prIvate Island. SIr Alan Bates tIed the knot wIth hIs long Term Partner Suzanne on Necker Island last month. They were InvIted after SIr Alan dropped a very publIc hInt to SIr RIchard In a sunday tImes IntervIew, sayIng hed love a holIday. RIchard Branson RIchard Bra nson obvIously RIchard Branson obvIously read the artIcle and InvIted them and there they are. The happy couple. Tt artIcle and InvIted them and there they are. The happy couple. If you dont ask you they are. The happy couple. If you dont ask you dont they are. The happy couple. If you dont ask you dont get. They are. The happy couple. If you dont ask you dont get. They they are. The happy couple. If you dont ask you dont get. They looked very happy and congratulatIons to them. Lets check In wIth sarah and a look at the weather. Them. Lets check In wIth sarah and a look at the weather. Good mornIng to ou at a look at the weather. Good mornIng to you at home a look at the weather. Good mornIng to you at home and a look at the weather. Good mornIng to you at Home And NIna a look at the weather. Good mornIng to you at Home And NIna and a look at the weather. Good mornIng to you at Home And NIna and roger. | to you at Home And NIna and roger. You may have been woken up across parts of Southern England and london thIs Is what the sky look lIke, some bIg showers and thunderstorms rattlIng theIr way gradually northwards through the southern half of the uk over recent hours and through the course of today a cool and cloudy day than we have seen recently, some heavy downpours InItIally across parts of england and wales but scotland and Northern Ireland have the best of the dry unsettled weather. Low pressure shIftIng Its way gradually northwards across england and wales, brIngIng raIn at tImes, thIs Is where we have seen the raIn and thunderstorms trackIng across Southern England across the mIdlands quIte a bIg area of Cloud And RaIn to start the day across england and wales. MIst, fog and low cloud across scotland and Northern Ireland, not as warm as recent days. SunshIne and scattered showers and thunderstorms developed over central and southeastern parts of england and southeastern parts of england and wales especIally the far southeast In the area of cooler and wetter weather between Northern England, wales towards the Southwest Copy top temperatures around 14 22. Through thIs EvenIng A LIne of Cloud And RaIn, most of the thunderstorms wIll ease away eIther evenIng but that raIn pushes Its way eastward overnIght easIng away and lIngerIng close to the east coast. A call afresh tonIght across parts of scotland and Northern Ireland, mIld aIr In the south, temperatures holdIng on to 13 or 14. Through the Day Tomorrow Is low pressure clear to the east parts of Eastern Scotland and Eastern England keep cloud, If few spots of DrIzzly RaIn, rIghteous guys from the west turnIng fresher Before the next Weather System brIngs raIn to the North West late In the day. HIghs between 14 and 18, feelIng fresher and more autumnal than It has been, the theme through thIs week. Low pressure movIng Its way In from the weak overnIght Into tuesday, some of that raIn could be InItIally heavy, went pIckIng up as well. Could even see some snow over the hIghest ground In scotland by tuesday. Blustery showers, cloud and patchy RaIn ClearIng slowly from the south coast. Gusts of wInd 30 40 mIles an hour 50 mIles an hour In the North West feelIng dIfferent, we have lost the Heat And HumIdIty back Into the autumnal blustery showers. HIghs 11 degrees for the north of scotland, 18 to the far southeast. Further head Into next week thIngs wIll turn colder stIll. The blue colour Is a cold AIr Mass DIvIng Its way In from the North West. The outlook for next week thIngs feelIng more autumnal, sunshIne and charles most showers In the North West but for All Of Us temperatures are GoIng to be droppIng next week. Weve all heard the sayIng cheap as chIps, but prIces for the humble potato could be on the rIse. Farmers say Its due to extreme weather and hIgh productIon costs. In east kent, the last remaInIng Potato Grower Is callIng for more support, as JadzIa Samuel reports. It Is day two of the Potato Harvest of thIs farm In east kent. So far, theIr crop Is lookIng pretty Good. WIth 0lIver s farm only one of a few left growIng potatoes In the area. He Is one of many hopIng for more support In the Industry. Thea;r he Is one of many hopIng for more support In the Industry. Support In the Industry. They are doInu support In the Industry. They are doIng some support In the Industry. They are doIng some grants support In the Industry. They are doIng some grants towards support In the Industry. They are doIng some grants towards solarj doIng some grants towards solar and other schemes, just thIngs that can help mItIgate some of the rIsIng cost, and also to try to help the Impact of clImate change. The actual Potatoes Cost In the regIon of 3000 Potatoes Cost In the regIon of e3000 and a car to grow pre covId, and now they are up to three tImes that amount. It Is faIrly challengIng wIth the weather we now seem to get, and the fInancIal ImplIcatIons, If It Goes wrong, are faIrly huge. ThIs fIeld Is around It Goes wrong, are faIrly huge. ThIs fIeld Is around one In around 370 acres of land all growIng potatoes here on thIs farm. 0n Acres of land all growIng potatoes here on thIs farm. On a hot and dry day to Day Comment makes a pretty Good condItIons when It comes to harvestIng, but weather Is unpredIctable. Usually 0lIver would be hopIng for sIx to 7000 tons of potatoes. Heavy raInfall In Autumn And SprIng made for late plantIng so these crops havent been on the ground for all that long. But It Is stIll a race agaInst tIme to get potatoes out of the ground Before the weather turns to wet agaIn. Some busInesses fear the potentIal Impact of a tough crop thIs Year. T trr;r busInesses fear the potentIal Impact of a tough crop thIs Year. Of a tough crop thIs Year. I try not to re of a tough crop thIs Year. I try not to pretty tough. Of a tough crop thIs Year. I try not to pretty tough, but of a tough crop thIs Year. I try not to pretty tough, but we of a tough crop thIs Year. I try not to pretty tough, but we have of a tough crop thIs Year. I try not to pretty tough, but we have no l to pretty tough, but we have no choIce, my customers. I have the best customers so they are wantIng me to put the prIces up. It Is not just potatoes, generally everythIng has Gone up. We just potatoes, generally everythIng has Gone un has Gone up. We are stIll eatIng a lot of potatoes, has Gone up. We are stIll eatIng a lot of potatoes, we has Gone up. We are stIll eatIng a lot of potatoes, we love has Gone up. We are stIll eatIng a lot of potatoes, we love our has Gone up. We are stIll eatIng a I lot of potatoes, we love o