Transcripts For BBCNEWS Signed 20240911 :

BBCNEWS Signed September 11, 2024

Two goals In two and a half mInutes, waless blIsterIng start In montenegro gIves CraIg Bellamy hIs fIrst wIn as theIr new manager. Good Afternoon And Welcome to the Bbc News at one. More than 1,700 prIsoners In england and wales have started leavIng jaIl early, as part of a temporary scheme to ease pressure on the overcrowded and strugglIng PrIson System. Offenders whove served at least 40 of theIr sentences are beIng released, though that doesnt extend to Inmates beIng held for serIous vIolence or sexual offences. The JustIce Secretary says every avaIlable measure has been taken to protect the publIc, but there are concerns some people beIng freed may not have homes to go to, whIch could raIse the rIsk of reoffendIng. Our Uk Correspondent AdIna Campbell reports. Wandsworth jaIl In south london, as frIends and famIly waIt for prIsoners beIng released early. And Its a sImIlar pIcture outsIde NottIngham PrIson where we meet ben, convIcted for actual bodIly harm. I was homeless, I was lIvIng rough. BasIcally, I got Into the wrong crowd and I started fIghtIng. And I ended up assaultIng a PolIce OffIcer as well. I thInk Its good, they are gIvIng you a chance to get out to try and prove yourself and thats what I want to do. Im not comIng back. In an attempt to fIx a crImInal JustIce System at breakIng poInt, thousands of prIsoners In england and wales are now beIng released after servIng 40 of theIr sentence rather than the usual 50 . It was the only optIon on the table and that Is because the alternatIve to not makIng thIs change would have been to allow the PrIson System to collapse and therefore to allow Law And Order In thIs country to collapse. But these Emergency Measures are controversIal, wIth bIg concerns from some PrIson Staff and campaIgners about PublIc Safety and an Increase In reoffendIng. There Is a huge amount of work been goIng on by the ProbatIon ServIce In the last eIght weeks to ensure they are as well prepared as they can be, but they are also under huge pressure. Ithey have staffIng dIffIcultIes, I they need to get the InformatIon they need and the world Is far from a perfect place. Lots of people are released from prIson each year homeless. The PrIson PopulatIon In england and Is at a record hIgh wIth more than 88,000 people InjaIl, accordIng to the latest MInIstry OfjustIce data last month. Its estImated 4,000 extra male prIsoners and around 1,000 female Inmates wIll be released over the next 18 months under these new measures, wIth the government hopIng to free up 5,500 beds hold newly sentenced crImInals. Todays actIon Is the fIrst of two mass releases In england and wales, wIth another one happenIng next month. ThIs all on the day a new report by the ChIef Inspector of prIsons says the PrIson System Is goIng through desperate tImes, wIth wIdespread VIolence And Drug use. Those convIcted of the most serIous crImes such as murder, terrorIsm and domestIc abuse are excluded from thIs programme. But for rebecca, a vIctIm of domestIc abuse, shes fearIng the worst agaIn. She recently receIved a letter sayIng her Ex Partner who served tIme for domestIc abuse would now be released sIx days earlIer for a connected offence. It feels lIke hes just had a bIt of a slap on the wrIst and told not to be a naughty boy. Off you go. Whereas I have to deal wIth the damage that hes done to me. The conservatIves say the government should focus on buIldIng more prIsons to help ease overcrowdIng. And for those charged or convIcted of offences related to the recent rIots, more PrIson Places are expected to be quIckly fIlled In the comIng weeks. AdIna campbell, Bbc News. 0ver over the last few hours we have seen a staggered amount of people leavIng wormwood Scrubs PrIson here In West London greeted by some of theIr frIends and famIly. ThIs Is a sImIlar pIcture up and down the country. Todays Emergency Measures, as you would expect, have caused a huge reactIon wIth the government InsIstIng It had to go down thIs route In order to stop the PrIson System from total collapse. Lets not forget thIs Is about capacIty. The PrIson System has been operatIng at 99 for a very long tIme but there are real worrIes about the Impact of these measures. 0ne there are real worrIes about the Impact of these measures. One of them beIng homelessness, where are these people goIng to lIve. We know there Is a natIonal housIng crIsIs, a shortage of suItable and affordable homes, then factor In the cycle of crIme, some of these people wIll reoffend. Drug use, the Impact on PublIc Safety. All of thIs Is lIkely to contInue. AdIna campbell, thank you. And you can see more on thIs story In a new programme InsIde BrItaIns PrIson CrIsIs avaIlable to watch now on bbc Iplayer. Mps are preparIng to vote on the governments plan to remove the WInter Fuel Payment from around 10 MIllIon pensIoners. Theyll no longer be elIgIble to receIve up to 300 thIs wInter, followIng the decIsIon to start mea Ns TestIng the allowance. Dozens of Labour Mps are expected to abstaIn rather than votIng to back the government. 0ur polItIcal correspondent DamIan GrammatIcas reports. Its the fIrst tIme thIs has happened In a decade and a half, a labour PrIme MInIster turnIng up to address a unIon congress, and easy audIence, you would thInk. But many here are not convInced by some of the fIrst bIg decIsIon Is thIs PrIme MInIster has made. SIr KeIr Starmer says the conservatIves left a Black Hole In PublIc FInances and he has to tackle that fIrst. The hole In PublIc FInances and he has to tackle that fIrst. To tackle that fIrst. The bIll for that performance to tackle that fIrst. The bIll for that performance Is to tackle that fIrst. The bIll for that performance Is now to tackle that fIrst. The bIll for that performance Is now In to tackle that fIrst. The bIll for that performance Is now In command Im afraId If we dont take actIon Its a cheque that wIll bounce. BrItaIn left wIth a socIal backhaul and a fInancIal one. And no one In thIs room wants to hear such a gloomy forecast. I get that. I dont want to be sayIng It eIther. Its not how any government would want to begIn Its work. He not how any government would want to begIn Its work begIn Its work. He was heckled, tax the rIch, someone begIn Its work. He was heckled, tax the rIch, someone saId. BegIn Its work. He was heckled, tax the rIch, someone saId. But begIn Its work. He was heckled, tax the rIch, someone saId. But the the rIch, someone saId. But the Government Wont change Its plan. IndIe Government Wont change Its plan. We wIll Government Wont change Its plan. WIll keep to the course of change, reject the Snake OIl of the easy answer, fIx the foundatIons of our economy and buIld a new brItaIn, more secure, more prosperous, more dynamIc and faIrer. More secure, more prosperous, more dynamIc and faIrer. Many Labour Mps, thou~h, dynamIc and faIrer. Many Labour Mps, though. Are dynamIc and faIrer. Many Labour Mps, though, are unconvInced dynamIc and faIrer. Many Labour Mps, though, are unconvInced that dynamIc and faIrer. Many Labour Mps, though, are unconvInced that Money L though, are unconvInced that money should be saved by cuttIng WInter Fuel Support from all but the poorest pensIoners. They are nervous about the Impact thIs wInter. IndIe about the Impact thIs wInter. We have all had the e maIls, the handwrItten letters and people queueIng up cleanIng. I certaInly have queueIng up cleanIng. I certaInly have. These pensIoners have worked hard all have. These pensIoners have worked hard all theIr lIves, some have put a lIttle hard all theIr lIves, some have put a lIttle asIde, some have not. WInter a lIttle asIde, some have not. WInter Is a lIttle asIde, some have not. WInter Is always a challenge. ThIs government must have the capacIty to fInd another way. They put theIr hope fInd another way. They put theIr hope In fInd another way. They put theIr hope In labour because, lIke me, we belIeve hope In labour because, lIke me, we belIeve that hope In labour because, lIke me, we belIeve that we exIst to fIght for WorkIng BelIeve that we exIst to fIght for workIng people, to protect the poor, and to workIng people, to protect the poor, and to seek workIng people, to protect the poor, and to seekjustIce, EqualIty And FaIrness and to seek ustIce, EqualIty And FaIrness.. and to seek ustIce, EqualIty And FaIrness. faIrness. The government says energy rIces wIll faIrness. The government says Energy PrIces wIll be faIrness. The government says Energy PrIces wIll be lower faIrness. The government says Energy PrIces wIll be lower thIs faIrness. The government says Energy PrIces wIll be lower thIs WInter PrIces wIll be lower thIs wInter than last. The State PensIon Is goIng up by Hundreds Of Pounds next year and they wIll be hardshIp funds. There are warnIngs that may not be enough. ThIs Is takIng away that addItIonal payment that, as I say, hundreds of thousands, for example, not payment that, as I say, hundreds of thousands, for example, thousands, for example, not on ensIon thousands, for example, not on PensIon CredIt thousands, for example, not on PensIon CredIt wIll thousands, for example, not on PensIon CredIt wIll lose, thousands, for example, not on PensIon CredIt wIll lose, havIng | thousands, for example, not on. PensIon credIt wIll lose, havIng had It In the past, and they wIll have to face that choIce thIs wInter between eatIng or heatIng. Its as bad as that. And thats why the government needs to U Turn on thIs polIcy. Its notjust us sayIng thIs. In polIcy. Its not ust us sayIng thIs.. thIs. In parlIament today, the ruestIon thIs. In parlIament today, the questIon Is thIs. In parlIament today, the questIon Is how thIs. In parlIament today, the questIon Is how many thIs. In parlIament today, the questIon Is how many labour| thIs. In parlIament today, the questIon Is how many Labour Mps wIll regIster theIr dIsapproval by abstaInIng rather than votIng agaInst the plan, despIte appeals from mInIsters for unIty . I wIll acknowledge from mInIsters for unIty . I wIll acknowledge openly from mInIsters for unIty . I wIll acknowledge openly the from mInIsters for unIty . In II. Acknowledge openly the kInd of decIsIon that thIs represents comes agaIn from a place you wouldnt want to be. The Black Hole In the PublIc FInances Is real, and that means beIng frank wIth the publIc about what we have InherIted, dIffIcult decIsIons early on, but fIxIng the foundatIons Isntjust about decIsIons early on, but fIxIng the foundatIons Isnt just about the dIffIcult news or fIxIng a problem today, Its about a better foundatIon for the future. Enoy the rest of congress, foundatIon for the future. Enoy the rest of congress, thank foundatIon for the future. Enjoy the rest of congress, thank you. FoundatIon for the future. Enjoy the rest of congress, thank you. SIr rest of congress, thank you. SIr KeIr Rest of congress, thank you. KeIr Starmer Rest of congress, thank you. 5 KeIr Starmer WIll Push rest of congress, thank you. S KeIr Starmer WIll Push hIs cuts through today but he may have lIngerIng concerns of the dIsquIet In hIs ranks over a key polIcy so early In hIs tenure. DamIan grammatIcas, Bbc News, westmInster. 0ur polItIcal correspondent IaIn Watson Is at the Tuc Conference In brIghton what was the reactIon lIke there to the prIme MInIsters Speech . To be honest It was mIxed. Some of It he was cheered to the rafters, he saId he would do the bIggest uplIft In workers rIghts In a generatIon, that went down well, he saId would scrap some conservatIve Trade UnIon laws, that went down IncredIbly well, but gIven there was a vocal crItIcIsm here over the WInter Fuel PolIcy It was InterestIng he dIdnt mentIon the Words WInter or a fuel at all In hIs speech but he talked about takIng dIffIcult decIsIons and those dIffIcult decIsIons In future, he suggested, could also be about pat he suggested, could also be about pay. AgaIn, that was somethIng whIch was not cheered to the rafters by many of the Trade UnIonIsts here. There are some wIder dIfferences between, If you lIke, the polItIcal and IndustrIal wIngs of the labour movement, for example some trade Trade UnIon leaders say they should take dIfferent choIces, sayIng there should be a Wealth Tax to fIll PublIc FInance holes rather than cuttIng payments to pensIoners. Although he was cheered at The End of hIs speech, some tensIons wIth some of the bIg unIons are goIng to remaIn. ~ some of the bIg unIons are goIng to remaIn.. the full State PensIon Is expected to Increase by up to 160 a yearfrom aprIl. Its after new fIgures from the OffIce For NatIonal StatIstIcs showed average earnIngs In the uk, for the three months tojuly, were 4 hIgher than the prevIous year. People who reached State PensIon age before 2016 wIll not receIve the full amount. 0ur chIef economIcs correspondent, DharshInI DavId has been lookIng at the Impact for pensIoners who are set to lose the WInter Fuel Payment. Youve been lookIng at the Impact for pensIoners who were set to lose the wInter payment. That for pensIoners who were set to lose the wInter payment. The wInter payment. That frIend a trIplelock. The wInter payment. That frIend a trIplelock, that the wInter payment. That frIend a trIplelock, that we the wInter payment. That frIend a trIplelock, that we talked the wInter payment. That frIend a trIplelock, that we talked about| the wInter payment. That frIend a I trIplelock, that we talked about In TrIple Lock, that we talked about In the Run Up to the electIon. A remInder It Is the formula by whIch the pensIon can Increase by the hIghest of 2. 5 , InflatIon or EarnIngs Growth and Its the last fIgure we had out thIs mornIng. How much you may actually get wIll depend on how long you have worked, whether you have retIred. It wIll be dIfferent for dIfferent people. What does It mean In the face of the proposed changes to WInter Fuel Payments . It depends on who you are agaIn. The poorest pensIoners, for example, get over 8 out of every ten of theIr Income from benefIts. They wIll gaIn In net terms. The rIcher ones, however, wIll lose out In net terms, despIte thIs Increase because they are more lIkely to have to pay hIgher Tax BIlls and Indeed face the Impact of InflatIon as well. So In some ways thIs narrows the gap between the rIchest and poorest pensIoners but we wIll learn more about exactly how much It Is due to go up by In that budget, at whIch poInt we wIll fInd out more about all those dIffIcult decIsIons that wIll affect many people. Thanks, DharshInI DavId. Jeffrey donaldson has pleaded not guIlty to 18 charges of hIstorIc sexual offences. Hes accused of rape, Gross Indecency and sexual assault. HIs WIfe Lady Donaldson appeared alongsIde hIm, charged wIth AIdIng And AbettIng and also pleaded not guIlty. A TrIal Date was set for march next year. Hundreds of thousands of publIc sector workers In wales are set for above InflatIon Pay awards. The welsh government has announced. Nhs staff, teachers and publIc sector workers In many devolved servIces wIll receIve pay rIses of between 5 and 6 after the welsh government accepted the recommendatIons from Independent Pay RevIew Body In full. Around 16,000 people were not able to vote Injuly s general electIon because of the new Photo Id requIrements. The Electoral CommIssIon saId the vast majorIty of voters were able to cast theIr ballot and two thIrds of people who were InItIally turned away returned to a PollIng StatIon later wIth the necessary documents. The PublIc InquIry Into the crImes commItted by serIal kIller Lucy Letby, who murdered seven babIes and trIed to kIll seven more, has opened In lIverpool. Itll examIne the cIrcumstances around the kIllIngs at the countess of Chester HospItal In 2015 and 2016, and how HospItal Managers responded to doctors who raIsed concerns about the neonatal nurse. Graham satchell reports. Lucy letby Is servIng 15 whole LIfe Orders after beIng found guIlty of murderIng seven babIes and attemptIng to murder seven more. She Is brItaIns most prolIfIc Baby KIller In modern tImes. Her trIal raIsed serIous questIons about the hospItal where she worked, the countess of chester. How was Lucy Letby able to repeatedly kIll and harm babIes . What were her colleagues and managers doIng . Was there a wIder faIlure In the culture of the nhs . The PublIc InquIry headed by LadyjustIce ThIrlwall was set up to answer those and other questIons. At the heart of thIs InquIry are the babIes who dIed, who were Injured, and theIr parents. The InquIry bears my surname so that the parents do not see, repeatedly, the name of the person who has been convIcted of kIllIng and maImIng theIr chIldren. The InquIry WIll Hearfrom doctors, nurses and managers who worked wIth Lucy Letby at the countess of Chester HospItal. The purpose of thIs InquIry Is to reduce the rIsk of thIs happenIng agaIn. None of those gIvIng evIdence to you can change the past, but they can have an Impact on the future. In the comIng weeks the InquIry wIll also hearfrom the parents of the BabIes Letby was convIcted of attackIng. Fundamentally, the famIlIes I represent want two thIngs from thIs InquIry. They want to understand how It was possIble for these crImes to be commItted. And secondly, they want to understand why they were kept In the dark about It for so long. In recent months a number of crItIcs have questIoned letby s guIlty verdIct, raIsIng doubts about the evIdence presented at her trIal. ThIs mornIng, Lady ThIrlwall took the unusual step of addressIng that crItIcIsm. She saId the Court Of Appeal had looked thoroughly at the case and the convIctIons stand. All of thIs noIse has caused enormous addItIonal dIstress to the parents who have already suffered far too much. ThIs InquIry Is expected to last untIl at least The End of the year. Graham satchell, Bbc News. 0ur North of England CorrespondentjudIth MorItz Is at the InquIry. JudIth, whats been saId thIs mornIng . The InquIry began, as you just heard, wIth that statement by the chaIr, LadyjustIce ThIrlwall, whIch Included what I would class as an unusual step In comIng forwards and addressIng some of the speculatIon, the sceptIcIsm, about the Letby Case whIch has been ragIng onlIne and In some parts of the medIa In recent weeks. And she saId at The End of that address that Its tIme to get on wIth thIs InquIry, she made It clear that Its the parents of the babIes who are at the heart of thIs and they have been waItIng for many years for answers. We have heard a lot of detaIl thIs mornIng. Of course you wIll know there was a very long runnIng crImInal trIal of Lucy Letby, It ran for the best part of a year. ThIs InquIry has a very dIfferent purpose but already we are startIng to see the OpenIng Statement of the cancer to the InquIry that there Is a bIt of new InformatIon we wIll be gettIng throughout the fIrst back to the InquIry. The InformatIon from managers about what was happenIng whIle Lucy Letby was on the ward at the countess of Chester HospItal. We have heard that those managers were told she was present for nIne out of the ten deaths of babIes and they knew about that as early as february 2016. More InformatIon thIs afternoo

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