Two goals In two and a half mInutes, waless blIsterIng start In montenegro gIves'>CraIg Bellamy hIs fIrst wIn as theIr new manager. Good'>Afternoon And Welcome to the'>Bbc News at one. More than 1,700 prIsoners In england and wales have started leavIng jaIl early, as part of a temporary scheme to ease pressure on the overcrowded and strugglIng'>PrIson System. Offenders whove served at least 40 of theIr sentences are beIng released, though that doesnt extend to Inmates beIng held for serIous vIolence or sexual offences. The'>JustIce Secretary says every avaIlable measure has been taken to protect the publIc, but there are concerns some people beIng freed may not have homes to go to, whIch could raIse the rIsk of reoffendIng. Our'>Uk Correspondent'>AdIna Campbell reports. Wandsworth jaIl In south london, as frIends and famIly waIt for prIsoners beIng released early. And Its a sImIlar pIcture outsIde'>NottIngham PrIson where we meet ben, convIcted for actual bodIly harm. I was homeless, I was lIvIng rough. BasIcally, I got Into the wrong crowd and I started fIghtIng. And I ended up assaultIng a'>PolIce OffIcer as well. I thInk Its good, they are gIvIng you a chance to get out to try and prove yourself and thats what I want to do. Im not comIng back. In an attempt to fIx a crImInal'>JustIce System at breakIng poInt, thousands of prIsoners In england and wales are now beIng released after servIng 40 of theIr sentence rather than the usual 50 . It was the only optIon on the table and that Is because the alternatIve to not makIng thIs change would have been to allow the'>PrIson System to collapse and therefore to allow'>Law And Order In thIs country to collapse. But these'>Emergency Measures are controversIal, wIth bIg concerns from some'>PrIson Staff and campaIgners about'>PublIc Safety and an Increase In reoffendIng. There Is a huge amount of work been goIng on by the'>ProbatIon ServIce In the last eIght weeks to ensure they are as well prepared as they can be, but they are also under huge pressure. Ithey have staffIng dIffIcultIes, I they need to get the InformatIon they need and the world Is far from a perfect place. Lots of people are released from prIson each year homeless. The'>PrIson PopulatIon In england and Is at a record hIgh wIth more than 88,000 people InjaIl, accordIng to the latest'>MInIstry OfjustIce data last month. Its estImated 4,000 extra male prIsoners and around 1,000 female Inmates wIll be released over the next 18 months under these new measures, wIth the government hopIng to free up 5,500 beds hold newly sentenced crImInals. Todays actIon Is the fIrst of two mass releases In england and wales, wIth another one happenIng next month. ThIs all on the day a new report by the'>ChIef Inspector of prIsons says the'>PrIson System Is goIng through desperate tImes, wIth wIdespread'>VIolence And Drug use. Those convIcted of the most serIous crImes such as murder, terrorIsm and domestIc abuse are excluded from thIs programme. But for rebecca, a vIctIm of domestIc abuse, shes fearIng the worst agaIn. She recently receIved a letter sayIng her'>Ex Partner who served tIme for domestIc abuse would now be released sIx days earlIer for a connected offence. It feels lIke hes just had a bIt of a slap on the wrIst and told not to be a naughty boy. Off you go. Whereas I have to deal wIth the damage that hes done to me. The conservatIves say the government should focus on buIldIng more prIsons to help ease overcrowdIng. And for those charged or convIcted of offences related to the recent rIots, more'>PrIson Places are expected to be quIckly fIlled In the comIng weeks. AdIna campbell,'>Bbc News. 0ver over the last few hours we have seen a staggered amount of people leavIng wormwood'>Scrubs PrIson here In'>West London greeted by some of theIr frIends and famIly. ThIs Is a sImIlar pIcture up and down the country. Todays'>Emergency Measures, as you would expect, have caused a huge reactIon wIth the government InsIstIng It had to go down thIs route In order to stop the'>PrIson System from total collapse. Lets not forget thIs Is about capacIty. The'>PrIson System has been operatIng at 99 for a very long tIme but there are real worrIes about the Impact of these measures. 0ne there are real worrIes about the Impact of these measures. One of them beIng homelessness, where are these people goIng to lIve. We know there Is a natIonal housIng crIsIs, a shortage of suItable and affordable homes, then factor In the cycle of crIme, some of these people wIll reoffend. Drug use, the Impact on'>PublIc Safety. All of thIs Is lIkely to contInue. AdIna campbell, thank you. And you can see more on thIs story In a new programme InsIde'>BrItaIns PrIson CrIsIs avaIlable to watch now on bbc Iplayer. Mps are preparIng to vote on the governments plan to remove th