The'>PrIme MInIster says he wont allow'>Health-unIons'>Health UnIons to block nhs reform. One of brItaIns hIghest'>Level Trade UnIon leader Is here. WIll'>MIck Lynch and hIs colleagues play ball wIth labour reforms . Also tonIght, In an exclusIve IntervIew,'>John Legend on hIs wIfes abortIon,'>Elon Musk and'>Donald Trumps claIms that mIgrants eat your pets. He 5 read that mIgrants eat your pets. He spread vIcIous rumours that mIgrants eat your pets. He spread vIcIous rumours about them eatIng cats and dogs, playIng to bIgotry, lIke he always does. Welcome to newsnIght lIve each'>Week NIght for IntervIews and InsIght. Our exclsuIve IntervIew wIth pop'>John Legend In a lIttle whIle. Your'>InsIght TonIght comes from the general secretary of the'>Rmt UnIon MIck lynch. Ex'>Snp Mp Hannah bardell. And'>Lbc Presenter and conservatIve commentator'>IaIn Dale. And our polItIcal'>EdItor NIck Watt Is here as always. We have had'>KeIr Starmer talkIng about reform of the publIc servIces, partIcularly the nhs In england and then he says money wIll come, as a'>UnIon Leader when you hear a'>Labour Leader say there wIll be no extra money for the nhs wIthout reforms how do you take that . I money for the nhs wIthout reforms how do you take that . How do you take that . I would be surrIsed how do you take that . I would be surprIsed If how do you take that . I would be surprIsed If they how do you take that . I would be surprIsed If they dont how do you take that . I would be surprIsed If they dont put how do you take that . I would be surprIsed If they dont put any surprIsed If they dont put any money In. They have the'>WInter Challenge. He money In. They have the'>WInter Challenge money In. They have the'>WInter Challenge. We money In. They have the'>WInter Challenge. We wIlll money In. They have the'>WInter Challenge. We wIll see, challenge. He saId no. We wIll see, he has been challenge. He saId no. We wIll see, he has been brave challenge. He saId no. We wIll see, he has been brave In challenge. He saId no. We wIll see, he has been brave In hIs challenge. He saId no. We wIll see, he has been brave In hIs terms challenge. He saId no. We wIll see, l he has been brave In hIs terms about the wInter fuel allowance. But you need to know where youre goIng to target the money, If reform Is successful and he brIngs the staff wIth hIm, he may get the results that he wanted. There Is a need for change. I thInk the unIons wIll look at the proposals and see If they can work wIth hIm. But It wIll be a robust conversatIon and from what the bma has saId and other colleagues, there wIll be partnershIps to some extent, but there wIll be push back where there needs to be. Here Is what'>KeIr Starmer saId. Reporter professor'>John Bell saId thIs mornIng that doctors and the bma have been a major drag on reformIng'>Health care. Do you predIct that the bma wIll now embrace'>ProductIvIty Reform wIth open arms . Well, look, I have saId well do thIs wIth the staff and we wIll. But I know from my old job runnIng the'>Crown ProsecutIon ServIce that whenever you try to reform anythIng, there wIll be some people, Im afraId, who wIll say, dont do that, It Is better as It Is. I know In my heart of hearts that we wIll meet pockets of people who wIll say, dont do It, slow down, go over there, not over there, leave thIngs as they are. We have to take that on and we wIll take that on. Thats'>Part And Parcel of the change. So nIck from what he saId, what does It tell us about he he wIll approach publIc sector reform. He It tell us about he he wIll approach publIc sector reform. PublIc sector reform. He belIeves that he Is on publIc sector reform. He belIeves that he Is on a publIc sector reform. He belIeves that he Is on a hIstorIc publIc sector reform. He belIeves that he Is on a hIstorIc mIssIon I publIc sector reform. He belIeves that he Is on a hIstorIc mIssIon to change the way the country Is run. There Is a polItIcal poInt. He belIeves It It 14 years of mIsrule, but he thInks there Is structural problems and westmInster Is out of touch. He belIeves the nhs Is broken and needs reform. In those remarks he was makIng clear that he Is wIllIng to be unpopular. He lIkens the mIssIon wIth the nhs to the mIssIon to reform the labour party. He talked of how there was resIstance, but he saId he drove the changes through. I do have to say It sounded ratherfamIlIar changes through. I do have to say It sounded rather famIlIar to another'>PrIme MInIster 25 years ago. Lets lIsten to'>Tony BlaIr In 1999. People In the publIc sector are more rooted In the concept that I