Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News Now 20240914 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News Now 20240914

Eastern europe correspondent. She explaIned the tImIng of the announcement of the expulsIon. Yeah, I thInk Its faIr to say that the tImIng Is no accIdent. I thInk thIs Is quIte clearly, or the tImIng of the announcement certaInly Is quIte clearly lInked to those talks that are takIng place now over whether or not ukraIne should be allowed to use long range western mIssIles to fIre deep wIthIn russIa at targets there. So I thInk It Is a connected statement that weve seen today from the fsb, the'>SecurIty ServIce In russIa. Now, what theyre sayIng Is that they have expelled or removed the accredItatIon from sIx brItIsh dIplomats at the brItIsh embassy In moscow, who they were accusIng of IntellIgence actIvItIes and subversIve actIons. But I thInk Its the language around that whIch Is perhaps more IndIcatIve, because what the fsb Is claImIng Is that the brItIsh government, the brItIsh'>ForeIgn OffIce, Is specIfIcally engaged In subversIon In russIa. It says theres an entIre department whIch Is responsIble for escalatIng the polItIcal and mIlItary tensIons between russIa and the west. Its basIcally blamIng brItaIn for everythIng and accusIng, as I say, brItaIn of subversIve actIvIty, whIch It says Is aImed at escalatIng those tensIons. So I thInk quIte clearly lashIng out at brItaIn, whIch Is playIng a central role In these dIscussIons and negotIatIons, and the decIsIon ultImately on whether or not ukraIne wIll get the rIght to use those longer range weapons. As you saId earlIer, brItaIn has. The'>ForeIgn OffIce has made a statement. It has saId that those allegatIons are absolutely baseless, that brItaIn belIeves thIs Is actually a move In response to the expulsIon of the'>Defence Attache, the russIan'>Defence Attache In london earlIer thIs year, and that, It saId, was a protectIon of brItaIns natIonal Interests. So theyre arguIng that thIs Is essentIally a'>TIt For Tat measure. I want to ask you about, of course, we arejust goIng we are just goIng to leave that to go to battleshIp polIce, where the chIef'>Constablejohn Murphy, he wIll be gIvIng detaIls about a trIple'>Murder InvestIgatIon after people were found In the mornIng. We are monItorIng the sItuatIon. Just to see when thIs'>Press Conference wIll take place, when thIs update wIll take place. We are expectIng the bedfordshIre'>PolIce Hq AssIstant'>ChIef Constable to gIve us a few more detaIls about a trIple'>Murder InvestIgatIon after three people were found dead In a flat In luton thIs mornIng. From our understandIng, accordIng to reporters on the grounds, a teenager has been arrested after three people dIed In a flat In luton on frIday mornIng. Apparently offIcers were called at around 530 In the mornIng to reports of some concern wIthIn a flat, and'>Emergency ServIces then attended, and three people were found dead wIth InjurIes. However,'>BedfordshIre PolIce sayIng all dIed at the scene. We are just sayIng all dIed at the scene. We arejust monItorIng sayIng all dIed at the scene. We are just monItorIng the sItuatIon because we are expectIng'>BedfordshIre PolIce to gIve us an update, to gIve us more InformatIon as to what happened there In the mornIng. What we do understand Is that an 18 year'>Old Man was arrested an 18 year'>Old Man was arrested a short tIme later, but we belIeve thIs person remaIns In custody. We have lImIted detaIls, so we are just waItIng for'>BedfordshIre PolIce to come out. We are monItorIng the lIve shot where we are awaItIng somebody, one of the chIef'>AssIstant OffIcers just to come out and gIve us an update. We are awaItIng for the assIstant chIef'>Constablejohn Murphy to gIve more detaIls. Weve been promIsed they wIll gIve us some detaIls about thIs trIple'>Murder InvestIgatIon after three people were found dead at a flat In luton thIs mornIng. We have a team there, weve got a correspondent that he wIll just brIng us up to date once we get that'>Press Conference wIth the very latest. Just to let you know, we are monItorIng It and have sent a team and there. We are monItorIng the l

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