Eastern europe correspondent. She explaIned the tImIng of the announcement of the expulsIon. Yeah, I thInk Its faIr to say that the tImIng Is no accIdent. I thInk thIs Is quIte clearly, or the tImIng of the announcement certaInly Is quIte clearly lInked to those talks that are takIng place now over whether or not ukraIne should be allowed to use long range western mIssIles to fIre deep wIthIn russIa at targets there. So I thInk It Is a connected statement that weve seen today from the fsb, the SecurIty ServIce In russIa. Now, what theyre sayIng Is that they have expelled or removed the accredItatIon from sIx brItIsh dIplomats at the brItIsh embassy In moscow, who they were accusIng of IntellIgence actIvItIes and subversIve actIons. But I thInk Its the language around that whIch Is perhaps more IndIcatIve, because what the fsb Is claImIng Is that the brItIsh government, the brItIsh ForeIgn OffIce, Is specIfIcally engaged In subversIon In russIa. It says theres an entIre department whIch Is responsIble for escalatIng the polItIcal and mIlItary tensIons between russIa and the west. Its basIcally blamIng brItaIn for everythIng and accusIng, as I say, brItaIn of subversIve actIvIty, whIch It says Is aImed at escalatIng those tensIons. So I thInk quIte clearly lashIng out at brItaIn, whIch Is playIng a central role In these dIscussIons and negotIatIons, and the decIsIon ultImately on whether or not ukraIne wIll get the rIght to use those longer range weapons. As you saId earlIer, brItaIn has. The ForeIgn OffIce has made a statement. It has saId that those allegatIons are absolutely baseless, that brItaIn belIeves thIs Is actually a move In response to the expulsIon of the Defence Attache, the russIan Defence Attache In london earlIer thIs year, and that, It saId, was a protectIon of brItaIns natIonal Interests. So theyre arguIng that thIs Is essentIally a TIt For Tat measure. I want to ask you about, of course, we arejust goIng we are just goIng to leave that to go to battleshIp polIce, where the chIef Constablejohn Murphy, he wIll be gIvIng detaIls about a trIple Murder InvestIgatIon after people were found In the mornIng. We are monItorIng the sItuatIon. Just to see when thIs Press Conference wIll take place, when thIs update wIll take place. We are expectIng the bedfordshIre PolIce Hq AssIstant ChIef Constable to gIve us a few more detaIls about a trIple Murder InvestIgatIon after three people were found dead In a flat In luton thIs mornIng. From our understandIng, accordIng to reporters on the grounds, a teenager has been arrested after three people dIed In a flat In luton on frIday mornIng. Apparently offIcers were called at around 530 In the mornIng to reports of some concern wIthIn a flat, and Emergency ServIces then attended, and three people were found dead wIth InjurIes. However, BedfordshIre PolIce sayIng all dIed at the scene. We are just sayIng all dIed at the scene. We arejust monItorIng sayIng all dIed at the scene. We are just monItorIng the sItuatIon because we are expectIng BedfordshIre PolIce to gIve us an update, to gIve us more InformatIon as to what happened there In the mornIng. What we do understand Is that an 18 year Old Man was arrested an 18 year Old Man was arrested a short tIme later, but we belIeve thIs person remaIns In custody. We have lImIted detaIls, so we are just waItIng for BedfordshIre PolIce to come out. We are monItorIng the lIve shot where we are awaItIng somebody, one of the chIef AssIstant OffIcers just to come out and gIve us an update. We are awaItIng for the assIstant chIef Constablejohn Murphy to gIve more detaIls. Weve been promIsed they wIll gIve us some detaIls about thIs trIple Murder InvestIgatIon after three people were found dead at a flat In luton thIs mornIng. We have a team there, weve got a correspondent that he wIll just brIng us up to date once we get that Press Conference wIth the very latest. Just to let you know, we are monItorIng It and have sent a team and there. We are monItorIng the lIve shot, but we had some actIon there wIth somebody comIng out, but It wasnt the person we awaIt for, so we contInue to awaIt the lIve scene at bedfordshIre PolIce Hq after that arrest followIng that trIple murder, and an InvestIgatIon under way. We are just lettIng you know what we are monItorIng at bbc news, but we can take you to another bIg story the uk. CItIzens cheery on dIne has changed the law. 30 people spent eIght weeks lIstenIng to evIdence and they concluded It should only be an optIon for those termInally Ill and have the capacIty to make theIr own decIsIons. Our medIcal edItor has the detaIls. Away from the placards and the protest, the CItIzen Jury was Intended to produce a response to thIs hIghly sensItIve Issue. Cheery members were selected to be representatIve of the Make Up and the vIews of the populatIon, whIch meant most were already In favour of AssIstant DIne at the start. I3 to one, Thejury AssIstant dIne at the start. I3 to one, the jury voted AssIstant DIne at the start. I3 to one, thejury voted In favour of the law beIng changed to allow assIsted dyIng for those wIth a termInal condItIon who have the capacIty to make theIr own decIsIons. The labelled drug could be self admInIstered or gIven by a health professIonal. ThIs man was part of the jury and says they were gIven tIme to explore they were gIven tIme to explore theIssue they were gIven tIme to explore the Issue In depth. It they were gIven tIme to explore the Issue In depth. The Issue In depth. It was an amazIn the Issue In depth. It was an amazIng experIence the Issue In depth. It was an amazIng experIence and amazIng ExperIence And Nerve rackIng, sensItIve, It was lIke mIxed emotIons to be part of thIs. It was a sensItIve topIc to be delIverIng. OurJury Members delIverIng. Our Jury Members wanted delIverIng. OurJury Members wanted termInally Ill people not to suffer and prolong the agony, to have the optIon to choose to dIe In theIr own country rather than goIng abroad. x, country rather than goIng abroad. . abroad. A marIachI urors were concerned abroad. A MarIachI Jurors were concerned assIstant abroad. A MarIachI Jurors were concerned AssIstant DIne abroad. A MarIachI Jurors were concerned AssIstant DIne could be used wIthout safeguards a mInorIty. There was unIversal support for more fundIng for PolItIc Care. We support for more fundIng for PolItIc Care PolItIc Care. We know polIcymakers PolItIc Care. We know polIcymakers want I PolItIc Care. We know polIcymakers want to j PolItIc Care. We know polIcymakers want to have PolItIc Care. We know polIcymakers want to have more evIdence about what The PublIc thIng, they want to understand the rIchness, the detaIl of peoples vIews, and understand where people want to see safeguards around PolItIc Care. OpInIon polls have consIstently shown overwhelmIng publIc support for AssIstant DIne In the uk. The prIme MInIster KeIr Starmer says he Is commItted to gIvIng mps a free vote on the Issue at some poInt. PrIvate members bIlls have already been Introduced at westmInster and at the ScottIsh ParlIament holyrood. The Isle Of Man and jersey, whIch passed the only laws, are already on track to Introduce assIsted dyIng. But throughout the brItIsh Isles, the ImpassIoned debate on thIs keyIssue the ImpassIoned debate on thIs key Issue wIll contInue. Fergus walsh, bbc news. I wIll take you straIght back to BedfordshIre PolIce where we are awaItIng the Press Conference, and we can see the AssIstant ChIef Constable John Murphy the about to gIve some detaIls on a trIple Murder InvestIgatIon after three people were found dead at the flat In luton thIs mornIng. We are awaItIng hIm to gIve us hIs fIrst words about thIs InvestIgatIon, the latest on the InvestIgatIon. Good afternoon, everybody. My name IsJohn Murphy, AssIstant ChIef Constable of BedfordshIre PolIce. At approxImately 530 thIs mornIng, offIcers were called to an IncIdent In the North Area of luton In bedfordshIre. ThIs was In response to a report of a dIsturbance called Into a spIked member of The PublIc. OffIcers deployed to be addressed concerned ImmedIately and sadly upon arrIval we found three people very badly Injured. Sadly, all of those people were subsequently pronounced dead at the scene. We have launched a Murder InvestIgatIon, deployIng offIcers from our specIalIst CrIme Team In the crIme unIt. As a result of InquIrIes we completed thIs mornIng, at a very early Stage Weve IdentIfIed and arrested an IndIvIdual. The 18 man Is currently In custody at Luton PolIce statIon. Weve also been conductIng a number of searches In the area and the researchers have resulted In the recovery of a weapon. At thIs stage Im not In a posItIon to go Into the detaIl around the Age Or EthnIcIty or any further detaIls about the vIctIm whIlst we are In the process of contactIng the next of kIn. And our full focus at the moment Is on supportIng the famIlIes at thIs dIffIcult, sad, tragIc IncIdent that has happened. I would lIke to reassure the wIder communIty wIthIn luton that thIs does appear to be a very Isolated IncIdent. We dont belIeve theres any ongoIng rIsk to The PublIc, and thIs stage we are lookIng for anybody else In relatIon to the HomIcIde InvestIgatIon now under way. HomIcIde InvestIgatIon now under way HomIcIde InvestIgatIon now under way. Weve spoken to eole under way. Weve spoken to people InsIde under way. Weve spoken to people InsIde the under way. Weve spoken to people InsIde The Block under way. Weve spoken to people InsIde The Block of I people InsIde The Block of flats, and some of them have told me they are very scared, scared to leave the buIldIng, there Is a lot of PolIce Presence, a lot of polIce In the buIldIng. What words of assurance do you have for the neIghbours questIon yes, I can absently understand people beIng scared, Its an unusual eventIn beIng scared, Its an unusual event In any communIty. I would sa that event In any communIty. I would say that over event In any communIty. I would say that over the event In any communIty. I would say that over the comIng event In any communIty. I would say that over the comIng days, l say that over the comIng days, people can expect to see an Increased presence wIthIn the area of luton. I would encourage people to speak to our offIces and they wIll explaIn what Is happenIng. I reIterate It Is an Isolated threat we belIeve has been mItIgated by the arrest of an IndIvIdual. DId mItIgated by the arrest of an IndIvIdual. IndIvIdual. DId the IncIdent s read IndIvIdual. DId the IncIdent Spread outsIde IndIvIdual. DId the IncIdent Spread outsIde of IndIvIdual. DId the IncIdent Spread outsIde of the IndIvIdual. DId the IncIdent L Spread outsIde of The Block, because we know theres a polIce accordIng In a fIeld, theres a bIg PolIce Presence behInd The Blocks of flats In The FIeld . BehInd The Blocks of flats In The FIeld . The FIeld . The IncIdent Itself was contaIned The FIeld . The IncIdent Itself was contaIned wIthIn The FIeld . The IncIdent Itself was contaIned wIthIn the The FIeld . The IncIdent Itself l was contaIned wIthIn The Block of flats. There Is a slIghtly wIder search completed In order to locate and arrest the suspect. The area that has been cordoned off Is lIkely to be the place where the arrest was made.. the place where the arrest was made.. the place where the arrest was made. I.. made. Can you tell us anythIng about the made. Can you tell us anythIng about the man made. Can you tell us anythIng about the man hes made. Can you tell us anythIng about the man hes been about the man hes been arrested, confIrmIng It a trIple murder, and Is there any connectIon to the people who sadly dIed . st ConnectIon to the people who sadly dIed . Sadly dIed . At thIs Stage I Cant go sadly dIed . At thIs Stage I Cant go Into sadly dIed . At thIs Stage I Cant go Into detaIl. Sadly dIed . At thIs Stage I Cant go Into detaIl. We I sadly dIed . At thIs stage I I Cant go Into detaIl. We hope to fInd the InformatIon later, but our prIorIty now Is IdentIfyIng next of kIn and passIng them the news thIs mornIng. PassIng them the news thIs mornIng passIng them the news thIs mornInu. ~ ,. MornIng. Thank you very much. So we have mornIng. Thank you very much. So we have been mornIng. Thank you very much. So we have been watchIng mornIng. Thank you very much. So we have been watchIng a so we have been watchIng a Press Conference there from BedfordshIre PolIce over a very dIffIcult scenarIo there, a trIple Murder InvestIgatIon. And that was chIef assIstant Constablejohn Murphy and that was chIef AssIstant Constable John Murphy there just Constablejohn Murphy there just gIvIng us constable John Murphy there just gIvIng us the latest. ApologIes there, just somethIng In my throat. Very upsettIng sItuatIon that that happened. We found detaIls that when polIce arrIved there was a report of a dIsturbance at 530 In the mornIng. People. Up there was a call Into polIce. When offIcers arrIved, three people were found to be badly Injured, and then suddenly all three people were announced dead at the scene. There Is a Murder InvestIgatIon. Important to say one man has been arrested. That crossover because my colleague nIcola was at the Press Conference, lIstenIng In. FIll us In what you heard. LIstenIng In. FIll us In what you heard lIstenIng In. FIll us In what you heard. Yes, Ive been at The Block you heard. Yes, Ive been at The Block of you heard. Yes, Ive been at The Block of flats you heard. Yes, Ive been at The Block of flats In you heard. Yes, Ive been at The Block of flats In luton I you heard. Yes, Ive been at| The Block of flats In luton all mornIng. What we know Is that polIce were called at 530 thIs mornIng to an IncIdent whIch we understand to be on the eIghth floor of thIs block of flats. Ive spoken to neIghbours who told me thIs mornIng they were woken up by polIce sIrens goIng off at 530, and then when they went out of theIr flats there was a heavy, armed PolIce Presence In The Block of flats. Some of the people told me It Is a block of flats for famIlIes wIth young chIldren, they were takIng theIr chIldren out to nursery or school. When they got Into the lIves they were escorted by armed polIce out of the buIldIng. Into the lIft. PolIce have now confIrmed It was a trIple murder that has taken place on thIs eIghth floor flat. It Is part of the marsh farm estate, whIch In the past had a reputatIon for some trouble there, but recently the councIl has put a lot of effort Into regeneratIng the area. And the people I spoke to hItler here told us that now It Is a very safe place I spoke to people here who told us. What we now know Is an 18 year Old Man has been arrested on suspIcIon of murder, but we dont yet have any detaIls as to If there Is any detaIls as to If there Is any connectIon wIth the people who have sadly dIed. Absolutely very dIstressIng, who have sadly dIed. Absolutely very dIstressIng, as who have sadly dIed. Absolutely very dIstressIng, as you very dIstressIng, as you descrIbed, people beIng escorted wIth armed offIcers. That must be very dIffIcult, especIally wIth young chIldren on theIr way to school. Important we heard the BedfordshIre PolIce reassurIng the wIder communIty thIs Is an Isolated IncIdent, they dont belIeve theres any ongoIng rIsk to The PublIc. CrItIcal to stress that. Stress that. That Is rIght, because stress that. That Is rIght, because I stress that. That Is rIght, because I was stress that. That Is rIght, because I was speakIng L Stress that. That Is rIght, I because I was speakIng thIs mornIng to people leanIng out theIr balcony wIndows shoutIng down at me because they saId they were scared to leave theIr flats, they were scared to leave and come down and speak to me. And so I was callIng up to me. And so I was callIng up to them In theIr flats sayIng they hadnt had any InformatIon about what was goIng on, why was then armed polIce present outsIde theIr blocks of flats. Some neIghbours were movIng Into other flats because they dIdnt want to remaIn In theIr flats on theIr own. I was tryIng to talk to them the best they could, but they defInItely were feelIng scared about the sItuatIon. BedfordshIre polIce, hopefully those resIdents wIll be reassured the polIce have saId It Is an Isolated IncIdent, they have won 18 year Old Man In custody. And whIle there may be a bIg presence there, theres no threat to the wIder communIty. It Is good to keep stressIng that. Many thanks for beIng there and monItorIng the Press Conference from BedfordshIre PolIce, the latest of those detaIls on the trIple Murder InvestIgatIon. NIcola, thank you. We have a lIve page on our websIte, so we are monItorIng the ongoIng story. As nIcolette was sayIng, no rIsk to the wIder communIty, accordIng to BedfordshIre PolIce. Here In the uk two men have been charged wIth burglary after a paIntIng by banksy was stolen from a gallery In Central London at the weekend. PolIce say the paIntIng, called gIrl wIth balloon, has been recovered and returned to the gallery. WIth more, heres nIckjohnson. BangIng. A gallery In Central London on sunday nIght. Nearly 2 mIllIon worth of Banksy Artwork on dIsplay, but It only takes about 30 seconds before someone makes off wIth one of the artIsts most IconIc prInts. ThIs Is the banksy exhIbItIon In full swIng. The gIrl wIth balloon takIng prIde of place. The orIgInal was partIally shredded after goIng under the hammerfor more than 1 mIllIon In 2018. Just over two weeks after gIrl wIth balloon arrIved at the Grove Gallery here In Central London, It had been taken. Someone came and smashed the glass here, came Into the gallery and removed the pIcture from Its space here on the wall. All the other banksys In the gallery have sInce been removed and moved to storage for safekeepIng. Butjust days after the theft, gIrl wIth balloon had been recovered by the polIce and Is now back safely here In the gallery. Wrapped In an evIdence bag, the prInt, whIch was once voted the natIons favourIte artwork, was returned by the PolIce Yesterday much to the delIght of the Gallery Owner who dIscovered the theft. ThIs Is It, so here we have 72 out of 150, whIch Is a lImIted edItIon, sIgned prInt by the artIst hImself. Really IconIc pIece. Very much In demand and, of course, now, wIth the robbery and the PolIce EvIdence that we have here, weve notIced some scuffs on the framework whIch Is not great, but certaInly adds to the story and dImensIons of the artwork, thats for sure. And how dId you feel when the polIce saId, hey, weve got It back, and then how dId you feel when It returned to the gallery . So, that was remarkable. I mean, I could not belIeve my eyes. ThIs was unbelIevable. The metropolItan polIce have charged two men wIth burglary. 47 year old Larry Fraser from essex and 53 year old James Love from East London have both been baIled to appear at KIngston Crown court next month. Banksy Is renowned for anonymIty and elusIveness, but has the artIst been In touch wIth the gallery followIng the theft . My lIps are sealed. NIckjohnson, bbc news, at the Grove Gallery, In Central London. A ban on Junk Food adverts beIng shown on tv before 9pm wIll come Into Force On October Next year. The government says the watershed wIll help tackle one of the bIggest Health Problems facIng the uk but campaIgners say they could go further. Our Reporterjayne MccubbIn has the story. ChIldhood obesIty Is a natIonwIde problem. More t