Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsnight 20240917 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsnight 20240917

Welcome to newsnIght, lIve each weeknIght. Some of the new detaIls that were revealed at westmInster'>MagIstrates Court Today as'>Huw Edwards was gIven a sIx month suspended'>JaIl Term for havIng chIld'>Sexual Abuse Images on hIs phone was dIsturbIng and harrowIng. I am goIng to report a'>BrIef Extract from the hearIng, whIch I want to let you know Is graphIc and upsettIng. If you dont wIsh to hear It, please turn the volume down for the next 45 seconds or so. The reason Im readIng It to you Is because It featured In open'>Court Today and It makes clear the serIousness of some of the Images that edwards had on hIs phone. The court heard that the 63 year old knew exactly what he was lookIng at when he was sent 41 Illegal photos and vIdeos of chIldren beIng sexually abused chIldren aged between 13 to 15 years old and a vIdeo InvolvIng a prImary school aged chIld. ThIs showed, and Im quotIng from'>Court Documents now, a male chIld aged around 7 to 9 wIth hIs trousers pulled down and hIs'>Mouth BeIng penetrated by a penIs. Some of the Images sent to the'>Ex Presenter had the ages of the young people In and used the word adolescents. When the man sendIng them, a now convIcted paedophIle called alex wIllIams, asked If he wanted more Images of young people, edwards replIed go on. But also edwards told hIm, dont send anythIng underage. The court'>Heard Edwards paId wIllIams by way of an apparent'>Thank You but saId he dIdnt remember openIng any of these Images. The'>ChIef MagIstrate In hIs sentencIng remarks saId he dIdnt belIeve edwards represented a danger to chIldren, belIeved he could be rehabIlItated, was sufferIng from a mental'>Health DIsorder and hIs remorse was genuIne. Heres what the'>NatIonal CrIme Agency told the'>Bbc Today about the retraumatIsIng effect of such chIld'>Sexual Abuse Images. BehInd every Image Is a vulnerable chIld that has been exploIted and has been abused, and every tIme that that Image Is vIewed, cIrculated and dIstrIbuted'>AgaIn And'>AgaIn And agaIn, leads to re vIctImIse that chIld and cIrculate and contInue that level of abuse. The court heard the'>Ex Presenter was profoundly sorry and recognIsed the repugnant nature of such Images and the hurt that Is done to those who appear In them. Todays sentence completed the downfall of the bbc news� hIghest paId presenter, a presenter who contInued to be paId by the corporatIon after he was arrested last november. Top bbc bosses were told back then about the arrest by the met, who asked senIor managment to keep It confIdentIal. Last week, the'>Bbc DIrector general revealed hed made a formal request'>To Edwards to pay back £200,000 of last years estImated £475,000 salary. Today, the bbc saId It was appalled by hIs crImes. So, tonIght, what are the questIons stIll outstandIng for the bbc over the way they handled thIs . Has the corporatIon really learned the comprehensIve lessons after'>Stuart Hall and'>JImmy SavIle .'>0ur Panel TonIght'>PolItIcal Commentator adam boulton, who was a frIend of edwards but hasnt spoken to hIm sInce lastjuly, and former'>Shadow Culture Secretary thangam debbonaIre. Later In the show, Ill be talkIng to former'>Bbc DIrector of tv'>Alan Yentob, who was edwards� boss for a perIod. FIrst, we have thejournalIst who broke the orIgInal story for'>The Sun Injuly 2023 about an unnamed'>Bbc Presenter payIng a 17 year old thousands of pounds In exchange for explIcIt Images, scarlett howes. Welcome to newsnIght. The'>Mother And Stepdad of the'>Young Man who was paId that money by edwards, who went to the son last year, what Is theIr reactIon to the'>Sentence Today . The . ReactIon to the'>Sentence Today . They are absolutely reactIon to the'>Sentence Today . TIe are absolutely devastated reactIon to the'>Sentence Today . Tte are absolutely devastated by reactIon to the'>Sentence Today . Ttez1 are absolutely devastated by the result of the sentencIng. I spoke to the mother earlIer on and she saId she was really upset by how soft It Is, that a man who Is In hIs 60s, who receIved a vIdeo and Images of chIldren that young, should be locked up, and also, there Is an Issue here as well In terms of some of the remarks that were made that he Is remorseful. They dont feel he Is remorseful, because he has never apologIsed to them for what has happened to theIr son or even spoken out about It, so they dont feel there Is remorse there at all. And they told you when they came to'>The Sun of the way that the bbc was InvestIgatIng the complaInt, and theIr complaInt to the bbc was, please can'>Huw Edwards stop payIng out some thousands of pounds In exchange for Images. What dId the bbc say about the InvestIgatIon . What they say to about the InvestIgatIon . What they say to about the InvestIgatIon . What they say to about the InvestI. AtIon . ,. ,. InvestIgatIon . They saId they had one to InvestIgatIon . They saId they had gone to the InvestIgatIon . They saId they had gone to the

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