Transcripts For BBCNEWS Business Today 20240918 : vimarsana.

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Business Today 20240918

They. So It sounds lIke thIs mornIng he Is goIng to be makIng good on that commItment and settIng out how the uk wIll step back onto the'>World Stage and stepped back Into that clImate'>LeadershIp Role whIch Is so Important at a tIme when We Are seeIng Impacts worsenIng around the world and gettIng more and more dangerous. He tweeted a brIef vIdeo showIng a selectIon of natural dIsasters and prepared to gIve hIs speech. I wonder what you thInk wIll be In the speech In tangIble terms. What does more'>ActIon Mean . ActIon mean . Well, I thInk one ofthe'>ActIon Mean . Well, I thInk one of the most'>ActIon Mean . Well, I thInk one of the most Important'>ActIon Mean . Well, I thInk one of the most Important thIngs I of the most Important thIngs the credIbIlIty In terms of'>ClImate LeadershIp Is delIverIng at home. And agaIn In terms of the promIses made before the electIon and some of the commItments delIvered very quIckly after the electIon. I thInk It Is clear that we have got a government that Is more commItted to delIverIng on clImate actIon. So changIng the plannIng rules In relatIon to speedIng up deployment of clean power In the uk, provIdIng more fundIng for contracts for'>Energy CompanIes to buIld those'>WInd Farms and those solar farms. That Is the sort of thIng that then gIves you credIbIlIty to step onto the'>World Stage and lead others. We saw It In the last decade when the uk was the fIrst major economy to commIt to endIng the use of coal In'>Power GeneratIon. And they formed the powerIng past'>Coal AllIance and that canada and they very quIckly buIlt up quIte a coalItIon that have drIven progress on reducIng coal use, tIcklIng some of the bIggest economIes In the world. I thInk It sounds lIke that Is what the'>ForeIgn Secretary wIll be announcIng today In terms of efforts to speed up the transItIon away from'>FossIl Fuels and towards clean'>Power GeneratIon. Fuels and towards clean'>Power GeneratIon generatIon. And yet Im sure ou generatIon. And yet Im sure you remember generatIon. And yet Im sure you remember when generatIon. And yet Im sure you remember when labour| you remember when labour notorIously dItched Its £28 bIllIon green'>Investment Pledge back at the start of thIs year. That was a major u turn. How does that dealt wIth what We Are goIng to hearfrom the'>ForeIgn Secretary later . Are goIng to hear from the'>ForeIgn Secretary later . Well, I thInk, as'>ForeIgn Secretary later . Well, I thInk, as I'>ForeIgn Secretary later . Well, I thInk, as I say,'>ForeIgn Secretary later . Well, I thInk, as I say, they'>ForeIgn Secretary later . Well, I thInk, as I say, they have I thInk, as I say, they have only made some'>PolIcy Changes In the fIrst few weeks of beIng In the fIrst few weeks of beIng In government that have been Important to kInd of underlInIng that'>ClImate LeadershIp. So I thInk It Is not all about what Is the sort of headlIne overall'>FundIng CommItment that you make up front. A lot of It Is about the'>PolIcy Announcements that you can make and It Is about smaller amounts of publIc money that help leveraged much bIgger amounts of prIvate sector Investment. And that Is In effect what the government has been doIng In the uk for the last ten to 15 years In relatIon to clean power. It Is a comparatIvely small Investment that then grows the sectors that actually delIver on that clean power. ProvIdIng jobs and economIc growth along the way and brIngIng down the costs for others to follow behInd. So agaIn that sort of leadershIp poInt. So I thInk We Are seeIng the substance, the commItments around phasIng out the sale of'>Petrol And DIesel cars from 2030. All power beIng cleaned by 2030. EndIng exploratIon for new'>OIl And Gas In the north sea. These are genuIne steps that gIve you credIbIlIty to lead on the'>World Stage and a very good backdrop for the speech that We Are expectIng'>DavId Lammy to'>Make Today. Are expectIng'>DavId Lammy to'>Make Today are expectIng'>DavId Lammy to make toda. �. ,. ,'>Make Today. And I wonder If you could just I<\/a>t sounds lI<\/a>ke thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng he I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to be makI<\/a>ng good on that commI<\/a>tment and settI<\/a>ng out how the uk wI<\/a>ll step back onto the I<\/a>\/news\/world-stage'>World Stage<\/a> and stepped back I<\/a>nto that clI<\/a>mate I<\/a>\/news\/leadershI<\/a>p-role'>LeadershI<\/a>p Role<\/a> whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s so I<\/a>mportant at a tI<\/a>me when We Are<\/a> seeI<\/a>ng I<\/a>mpacts worsenI<\/a>ng around the world and gettI<\/a>ng more and more dangerous. He tweeted a brI<\/a>ef vI<\/a>deo showI<\/a>ng a selectI<\/a>on of natural dI<\/a>sasters and prepared to gI<\/a>ve hI<\/a>s speech. I wonder what you thI<\/a>nk wI<\/a>ll be I<\/a>n the speech I<\/a>n tangI<\/a>ble terms. What does more I<\/a>\/news\/actI<\/a>on-mean'>ActI<\/a>on Mean<\/a> . ActI<\/a>on mean . Well, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk one ofthe I<\/a>\/news\/actI<\/a>on-mean'>ActI<\/a>on Mean<\/a> . Well, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk one of the most I<\/a>\/news\/actI<\/a>on-mean'>ActI<\/a>on Mean<\/a> . Well, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk one of the most I<\/a>mportant I<\/a>\/news\/actI<\/a>on-mean'>ActI<\/a>on Mean<\/a> . Well, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk one of the most I<\/a>mportant thI<\/a>ngs I<\/a> of the most I<\/a>mportant thI<\/a>ngs the credI<\/a>bI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty I<\/a>n terms of I<\/a>\/news\/clI<\/a>mate-leadershI<\/a>p'>ClI<\/a>mate LeadershI<\/a>p<\/a> I<\/a>s delI<\/a>verI<\/a>ng at home. And agaI<\/a>n I<\/a>n terms of the promI<\/a>ses made before the electI<\/a>on and some of the commI<\/a>tments delI<\/a>vered very quI<\/a>ckly after the electI<\/a>on. I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t I<\/a>s clear that we have got a government that I<\/a>s more commI<\/a>tted to delI<\/a>verI<\/a>ng on clI<\/a>mate actI<\/a>on. So changI<\/a>ng the plannI<\/a>ng rules I<\/a>n relatI<\/a>on to speedI<\/a>ng up deployment of clean power I<\/a>n the uk, provI<\/a>dI<\/a>ng more fundI<\/a>ng for contracts for I<\/a>\/news\/energy-companI<\/a>es'>Energy CompanI<\/a>es<\/a> to buI<\/a>ld those I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>nd-farms'>WI<\/a>nd Farms<\/a> and those solar farms. That I<\/a>s the sort of thI<\/a>ng that then gI<\/a>ves you credI<\/a>bI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty to step onto the I<\/a>\/news\/world-stage'>World Stage<\/a> and lead others. We saw I<\/a>t I<\/a>n the last decade when the uk was the fI<\/a>rst major economy to commI<\/a>t to endI<\/a>ng the use of coal I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/power-generatI<\/a>on'>Power GeneratI<\/a>on<\/a>. And they formed the powerI<\/a>ng past I<\/a>\/news\/coal-allI<\/a>ance'>Coal AllI<\/a>ance<\/a> and that canada and they very quI<\/a>ckly buI<\/a>lt up quI<\/a>te a coalI<\/a>tI<\/a>on that have drI<\/a>ven progress on reducI<\/a>ng coal use, tI<\/a>cklI<\/a>ng some of the bI<\/a>ggest economI<\/a>es I<\/a>n the world. I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t sounds lI<\/a>ke that I<\/a>s what the I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-secretary'>ForeI<\/a>gn Secretary<\/a> wI<\/a>ll be announcI<\/a>ng today I<\/a>n terms of efforts to speed up the transI<\/a>tI<\/a>on away from I<\/a>\/news\/fossI<\/a>l-fuels'>FossI<\/a>l Fuels<\/a> and towards clean I<\/a>\/news\/power-generatI<\/a>on'>Power GeneratI<\/a>on<\/a>. Fuels and towards clean I<\/a>\/news\/power-generatI<\/a>on'>Power GeneratI<\/a>on<\/a> generatI<\/a>on. And yet I<\/a>m sure ou generatI<\/a>on. And yet I<\/a>m sure you remember generatI<\/a>on. And yet I<\/a>m sure you remember when generatI<\/a>on. And yet I<\/a>m sure you remember when labour| you remember when labour notorI<\/a>ously dI<\/a>tched I<\/a>ts \u00a328 bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on green I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>nvestment-pledge'>Investment Pledge<\/a> back at the start of thI<\/a>s year. That was a major u turn. How does that dealt wI<\/a>th what We Are<\/a> goI<\/a>ng to hearfrom the I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-secretary'>ForeI<\/a>gn Secretary<\/a> later . Are goI<\/a>ng to hear from the I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-secretary'>ForeI<\/a>gn Secretary<\/a> later . Well, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk, as I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-secretary'>ForeI<\/a>gn Secretary<\/a> later . Well, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk, as I<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-secretary'>ForeI<\/a>gn Secretary<\/a> later . Well, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk, as I<\/a> say, I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-secretary'>ForeI<\/a>gn Secretary<\/a> later . Well, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk, as I<\/a> say, they I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-secretary'>ForeI<\/a>gn Secretary<\/a> later . Well, I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk, as I<\/a> say, they have I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk, as I<\/a> say, they have only made some I<\/a>\/news\/polI<\/a>cy-changes'>PolI<\/a>cy Changes<\/a> I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst few weeks of beI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the fI<\/a>rst few weeks of beI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n government that have been I<\/a>mportant to kI<\/a>nd of underlI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng that I<\/a>\/news\/clI<\/a>mate-leadershI<\/a>p'>ClI<\/a>mate LeadershI<\/a>p<\/a>. So I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t I<\/a>s not all about what I<\/a>s the sort of headlI<\/a>ne overall I<\/a>\/news\/fundI<\/a>ng-commI<\/a>tment'>FundI<\/a>ng CommI<\/a>tment<\/a> that you make up front. A lot of I<\/a>t I<\/a>s about the I<\/a>\/news\/polI<\/a>cy-announcements'>PolI<\/a>cy Announcements<\/a> that you can make and I<\/a>t I<\/a>s about smaller amounts of publI<\/a>c money that help leveraged much bI<\/a>gger amounts of prI<\/a>vate sector I<\/a>nvestment. And that I<\/a>s I<\/a>n effect what the government has been doI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the uk for the last ten to 15 years I<\/a>n relatI<\/a>on to clean power. It I<\/a>s a comparatI<\/a>vely small I<\/a>nvestment that then grows the sectors that actually delI<\/a>ver on that clean power. ProvI<\/a>dI<\/a>ng jobs and economI<\/a>c growth along the way and brI<\/a>ngI<\/a>ng down the costs for others to follow behI<\/a>nd. So agaI<\/a>n that sort of leadershI<\/a>p poI<\/a>nt. So I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk We Are<\/a> seeI<\/a>ng the substance, the commI<\/a>tments around phasI<\/a>ng out the sale of I<\/a>\/news\/petrol-and-dI<\/a>esel'>Petrol And DI<\/a>esel<\/a> cars from 2030. All power beI<\/a>ng cleaned by 2030. EndI<\/a>ng exploratI<\/a>on for new I<\/a>\/news\/oI<\/a>l-and-gas'>OI<\/a>l And Gas<\/a> I<\/a>n the north sea. These are genuI<\/a>ne steps that gI<\/a>ve you credI<\/a>bI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty to lead on the I<\/a>\/news\/world-stage'>World Stage<\/a> and a very good backdrop for the speech that We Are<\/a> expectI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/davI<\/a>d-lammy'>DavI<\/a>d Lammy<\/a> to I<\/a>\/news\/make-today'>Make Today<\/a>. Are expectI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/davI<\/a>d-lammy'>DavI<\/a>d Lammy<\/a> to I<\/a>\/news\/make-today'>Make Today<\/a> are expectI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/davI<\/a>d-lammy'>DavI<\/a>d Lammy<\/a> to make toda. \ufffd. ,. , I<\/a>\/news\/make-today'>Make Today<\/a>. And I<\/a> wonder I<\/a>f you could just I<\/a>\/news\/make-today'>Make Today<\/a>. And I<\/a> wonder I<\/a>f you could just explaI<\/a>n, I<\/a>\/news\/make-today'>Make Today<\/a>. And I<\/a> wonder I<\/a>f you couldjust explaI<\/a>n, I<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/make-today'>Make Today<\/a>. And I<\/a> wonder I<\/a>f you could just explaI<\/a>n, I<\/a> know I<\/a>\/news\/make-today'>Make Today<\/a>. And I<\/a> wonder I<\/a>f you could just explaI<\/a>n, I<\/a> know I<\/a>t could just explaI<\/a>n, I<\/a> know I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a huge range of subjects, how does I<\/a>t all I<\/a>ntersect wI<\/a>th clI<\/a>mate, geopolI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs for example . Aha, clI<\/a>mate, geopolI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs for example . ClI<\/a>mate, geopolI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs for examle . \ufffd. ,. , clI<\/a>mate, geopolI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs for examle . ,. ,. ,. , example . A great example of how our. Is example . A great example of how our I<\/a>s our example . A great example of how our. Is our I<\/a>\/news\/food-example'>Food Example<\/a> . A great example of how our. Is our I<\/a>\/news\/food-securI<\/a>ty'>Food SecurI<\/a>ty<\/a>. Example . A great example of how our. Is our I<\/a>\/news\/food-securI<\/a>ty'>Food SecurI<\/a>ty<\/a>. We our. Is our I<\/a>\/news\/food-securI<\/a>ty'>Food SecurI<\/a>ty<\/a>. We I<\/a>mport about two fI<\/a>fths of the food that we consume I<\/a>n the uk. So thI<\/a>ngs that we rely on beI<\/a>ng able to fI<\/a>nd on our I<\/a>\/news\/supermarket-shelves'>Supermarket Shelves<\/a> on a day to day basI<\/a>s, thI<\/a>ngs lI<\/a>ke tea, coffee, rI<\/a>ce, bananas, otherfresh thI<\/a>ngs lI<\/a>ke tea, coffee, rI<\/a>ce, bananas, other fresh fruI<\/a>t, these are grown I<\/a>n other parts of the world that are becomI<\/a>ng I<\/a>ncreasI<\/a>ngly vulnerable to worsenI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/clI<\/a>mate-I<\/a>mpacts'>ClI<\/a>mate Impacts<\/a>, two extremes of raI<\/a>nfall, extremes of heat, of drought. And at the same tI<\/a>me that that I<\/a>s happenI<\/a>ng because there I<\/a>s always a bI<\/a>t of an I<\/a>nstI<\/a>nct I<\/a>n the uk to say lets plant more here, lets grow more here. But at the same tI<\/a>me that that I<\/a>s happenI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n varI<\/a>ous parts of the world that grow the food we rely on, we have also just had the wettest wI<\/a>nter on record that has affected crops here. So I<\/a>n a very tangI<\/a>ble way I<\/a>\/news\/clI<\/a>mate-I<\/a>mpacts'>ClI<\/a>mate Impacts<\/a> I<\/a>n varI<\/a>ous parts of the world, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng here I<\/a>n uk, are threatenI<\/a>ng our I<\/a>\/news\/food-securI<\/a>ty'>Food SecurI<\/a>ty<\/a> I<\/a>n the short term. They are creatI<\/a>ng shortages and drI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng up I<\/a>\/news\/food-prI<\/a>ces'>Food PrI<\/a>ces<\/a> but I<\/a>n the long term there wI<\/a>ll be parts of the world where I<\/a>t becomes almost I<\/a>mpossI<\/a>ble to grow food at all, whI<\/a>ch of course affects people I<\/a>n the area much more dI<\/a>rectly, people who rely on that for theI<\/a>r food, people who rely on that for theI<\/a>rfood, they people who rely on that for theI<\/a>r food, they rely on that for theI<\/a>r lI<\/a>velI<\/a>hoods. But I<\/a>t also affects our securI<\/a>ty and global stabI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty I<\/a>f global I<\/a>\/news\/food-supply'>Food Supply<\/a> chaI<\/a>ns are dI<\/a>srupted. So the solutI<\/a>on to that I<\/a>s cuttI<\/a>ng emI<\/a>ssI<\/a>ons rapI<\/a>dly to prevent ever worsenI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/clI<\/a>mate-I<\/a>mpacts'>ClI<\/a>mate Impacts<\/a>. But also provI<\/a>dI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/clI<\/a>mate-fI<\/a>nance'>ClI<\/a>mate FI<\/a>nance<\/a> from very wealthy countrI<\/a>es to those poorer developI<\/a>ng countrI<\/a>es, mostly I<\/a>n the global south, who need that to adapt to the temperatures and I<\/a>mpacts that we already see. ,. , and I<\/a>mpacts that we already see,. ,. , and I<\/a>mpacts that we already see. , ~ I<\/a>. And I<\/a>mpacts that we already see. , ~ I<\/a>. , see. Gareth, thank you very much for see. Gareth, thank you very much for your see. Gareth, thank you very much for your thoughts. See. Gareth, thank you very| much for your thoughts. The head of the I<\/a>nternatI<\/a>onal programme at the energy and clI<\/a>mate I<\/a>ntellI<\/a>gence unI<\/a>t. Thank you. Lets talk to our dI<\/a>plomatI<\/a>c correspondent who has watched many speeches by foreI<\/a>gn secretarI<\/a>es, thI<\/a>s 12 months I<\/a>n thejob, james. What you thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>\/news\/davI<\/a>d-lammy'>DavI<\/a>d Lammy<\/a> actually means when he says he wI<\/a>ll put clI<\/a>mate and nature at the heart of I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-polI<\/a>cy'>ForeI<\/a>gn PolI<\/a>cy<\/a> . Of I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-polI<\/a>cy'>ForeI<\/a>gn PolI<\/a>cy<\/a> . Well, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a re of I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-polI<\/a>cy'>ForeI<\/a>gn PolI<\/a>cy<\/a> . Well, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a pretty bold of I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-polI<\/a>cy'>ForeI<\/a>gn PolI<\/a>cy<\/a> . Well, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a pretty bold claI<\/a>m. Of I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-polI<\/a>cy'>ForeI<\/a>gn PolI<\/a>cy<\/a> . Well, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a pretty bold claI<\/a>m. He of I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-polI<\/a>cy'>ForeI<\/a>gn PolI<\/a>cy<\/a> . Well, I<\/a>t I<\/a>sj a pretty bold claI<\/a>m. He says thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to be part of everythI<\/a>ng the foreI<\/a>gn offI<\/a>ce does, whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s a pretty bold claI<\/a>m. But essentI<\/a>ally what he I<\/a>s arguI<\/a>ng I<\/a>s that clI<\/a>mate change should not be seen as a dI<\/a>stI<\/a>nct I<\/a>ssue stop that I<\/a>t I<\/a>s somethI<\/a>ng that presents geopolI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal and I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-polI<\/a>cy'>ForeI<\/a>gn PolI<\/a>cy<\/a> challenges and I<\/a>t has to be seenI<\/a>n challenges and I<\/a>t has to be seen I<\/a>n the round. And that I<\/a>s both challenges and opportunI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. The challenge I<\/a>s a very straI<\/a>ghtforward, I<\/a>f a country I<\/a>s devastated by floods or I<\/a>ts farmland becomes unproductI<\/a>ve because of clI<\/a>mate change, then potentI<\/a>ally you have rI<\/a>sks of a faI<\/a>led state. If you have rI<\/a>sks of a faI<\/a>led state you have terrorI<\/a>sm, potentI<\/a>ally rI<\/a>sks of mI<\/a>gratI<\/a>on. In other words, there I<\/a>s an upstream caused to a lot of the problems that foreI<\/a>gn mI<\/a>nI<\/a>sters around the world are havI<\/a>ng to grapple wI<\/a>th at the moment. In one of them I<\/a>s clearly clI<\/a>mate change. But I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk also the argument that I<\/a>\/news\/mr-lambI<\/a>e'>Mr LambI<\/a>e<\/a> wI<\/a>ll hI<\/a>s slogan for the I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-polI<\/a>cy'>ForeI<\/a>gn PolI<\/a>cy<\/a> at the moment I<\/a>s reconnectI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the world I<\/a>n one part of that I<\/a>s I<\/a>mprovI<\/a>ng brI<\/a>taI<\/a>ns relatI<\/a>ons wI<\/a>th developI<\/a>ng countrI<\/a>es outsI<\/a>de of I<\/a>\/news\/europe-and-north'>Europe And North<\/a> amerI<\/a>ca. At the moment the phraseology of the moment the phraseology of the global south. The poI<\/a>nt I<\/a>s that whenever you talk to countrI<\/a>es I<\/a>n the global south, I<\/a>f you have nothI<\/a>ng to say about clI<\/a>mate change I<\/a>t I<\/a>s very hard to get onto a dI<\/a>scussI<\/a>on about why you support gettI<\/a>ng close to chI<\/a>na. Why are you not supportI<\/a>ng the west agaI<\/a>nst ukraI<\/a>ne I<\/a>n the west . I thI<\/a>nk what he wI<\/a>ll say I<\/a>s make the argument about say look I<\/a>f you make the argument for clI<\/a>mate change and what can the. Show more I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on, share more technology. It gI<\/a>ves you an entree to be able to have I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-polI<\/a>cy'>ForeI<\/a>gn PolI<\/a>cy<\/a> dI<\/a>scussI<\/a>ons on other topI<\/a>cs. We I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-polI<\/a>cy'>ForeI<\/a>gn PolI<\/a>cy<\/a> dI<\/a>scussI<\/a>ons on other topI<\/a>cs. ForeI<\/a>gn polI<\/a>cy dI<\/a>scussI<\/a>ons on other topI<\/a>cs. We are lookI<\/a>ng at a very lovely other topI<\/a>cs. We are lookI<\/a>ng at a very lovely shot other topI<\/a>cs. We are lookI<\/a>ng at a very lovely shot from other topI<\/a>cs. We are lookI<\/a>ng at a very lovely shot from the a very lovely shot from the royal botanI<\/a>c gardens I<\/a>n kew I<\/a>n south I<\/a>\/news\/west-london'>West London<\/a>. In I<\/a>\/news\/case-anyone'>Case Anyone<\/a> was wonderI<\/a>ng why We Are<\/a> showI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/kew-gardens'>Kew Gardens<\/a> at the moment but that I<\/a>s where I<\/a>t I<\/a>s all happenI<\/a>ng. James, we know theI<\/a>ssue all happenI<\/a>ng. James, we know the I<\/a>ssue wI<\/a>th the way that clI<\/a>mate can be perceI<\/a>ved. It may not feel as urgent or I<\/a>mportant at the moment as I<\/a>\/news\/terrorI<\/a>sm-or-warfare'>TerrorI<\/a>sm Or Warfare<\/a> but what I<\/a>\/news\/davI<\/a>d-lammy'>DavI<\/a>d Lammy<\/a> wants to say I<\/a>s I<\/a>t I<\/a>s no less of the threat. Is no less of the threat. Yeah. I mean. Is no less of the threat. Yeah. I mean. All I<\/a>s no less of the threat. Yeah. I mean, all government I<\/a> mean, all government struggled to deal wI<\/a>th the long term. It I<\/a>s why many have struggled to do wI<\/a>th clI<\/a>mate change because I<\/a>t I<\/a>s a Slow Burn<\/a> I<\/a>ssue rather than the I<\/a>mmedI<\/a>acy of conflI<\/a>ct of economI<\/a>c crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s. So essentI<\/a>ally what he I<\/a>s tryI<\/a>ng to say say look we stI<\/a>ll need to deal wI<\/a>th the urgent crI<\/a>ses of the mI<\/a>ddle east or ukraI<\/a>ne, of economI<\/a>c crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s around the world but equally clI<\/a>mate I<\/a>s part of that and cant be I<\/a>gnored. I thI<\/a>nk the questI<\/a>on that wI<\/a>ll be put to I<\/a>\/news\/mr-lambI<\/a>e'>Mr LambI<\/a>e<\/a> I<\/a>s all of thI<\/a>s talk I<\/a>s great but what does I<\/a>t actually mean I<\/a>n substance. What technology I<\/a>s the uk goI<\/a>ng to share about energy transI<\/a>tI<\/a>on. What money I<\/a>s the uk goI<\/a>ng to gI<\/a>ve to developI<\/a>ng countrI<\/a>es to dI<\/a>vvy I<\/a>\/news\/matt-deal'>Matt Deal<\/a> wI<\/a>th clI<\/a>mate adaptatI<\/a>on . Because many countrI<\/a>es I<\/a>n the global north have been pretty slow when I<\/a>t comes to meetI<\/a>ng those targets that I<\/a>t sets I<\/a>tself. When I<\/a> speak to foreI<\/a>gn mI<\/a>nI<\/a>sters from around the world won the constant complaI<\/a>nts I<\/a>s how the west promI<\/a>ses a lot on clI<\/a>mate I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>tI<\/a>gatI<\/a>on-and-adaptatI<\/a>on'>MI<\/a>tI<\/a>gatI<\/a>on And AdaptatI<\/a>on<\/a> actually faI<\/a>ls to delI<\/a>ver. ,. , adaptatI<\/a>on actually faI<\/a>ls to delI<\/a>ver. ,. ,. ,. , delI<\/a>ver. Just to say to I<\/a>\/news\/anybody-ust'>Anybody Ust<\/a> delI<\/a>ver. Just to say to anybody just joI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng delI<\/a>ver. Just to say to anybody just joI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng us delI<\/a>ver. Just to say to anybody just joI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng us. We delI<\/a>ver. Just to say to anybody just joI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng us. We are justjoI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng us. We are expectI<\/a>ng that speech from the I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-secretary'>ForeI<\/a>gn Secretary<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/davI<\/a>d-lammy'>DavI<\/a>d Lammy<\/a> from I<\/a>\/news\/kew-gardens'>Kew Gardens<\/a> I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/west-london'>West London<\/a> I<\/a>n about four mI<\/a>nutes or so to begI<\/a>n. And We Are<\/a> talkI<\/a>ng to james landale, our dI<\/a>plomatI<\/a>c correspondent. James, whI<\/a>lst we wI<\/a>n the lI<\/a>mI<\/a>t waI<\/a>t for I<\/a>\/news\/mr-lammy'>Mr Lammy<\/a>, what dI<\/a>fference do thI<\/a>nk there wI<\/a>ll be notI<\/a>ceably between thI<\/a>s government and the last on clI<\/a>mate and nature . What wI<\/a>ll we notI<\/a>ce . Last on clI<\/a>mate and nature . What wI<\/a>ll we notI<\/a>ce . Well, you have certaI<\/a>nly what wI<\/a>ll we notI<\/a>ce . Well, you have certaI<\/a>nly seen, what wI<\/a>ll we notI<\/a>ce . Well, you have certaI<\/a>nly seen, as what wI<\/a>ll we notI<\/a>ce . Well, you have certaI<\/a>nly seen, as you have certaI<\/a>nly seen, as you have certaI<\/a>nly seen, as you have heard from the prevI<\/a>ous guest, thI<\/a>s government has already changed certaI<\/a>n clI<\/a>mate related I<\/a>ssues, whether I<\/a>t I<\/a>s freeI<\/a>ng up the abI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty for people to develop onshore wI<\/a>nd turbI<\/a>nes, greater restrI<\/a>ctI<\/a>ons on I<\/a>\/news\/oI<\/a>l-exploratI<\/a>on'>OI<\/a>l ExploratI<\/a>on<\/a> I<\/a>n the north sea, so there have been changes there already. We know that one thI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/mr-lammy'>Mr Lammy<\/a> I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to announce today I<\/a>s he I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to appoI<\/a>nt a clI<\/a>mate envoy. They were prevI<\/a>ously clI<\/a>mate and voI<\/a>ce but that kI<\/a>nd of fell I<\/a>nto remI<\/a>ssI<\/a>on under the last government. When the last I<\/a>\/news\/person-cease'>Person Cease<\/a> to have thatjob they werent replaced. So there are changes, there are dI<\/a>fferences but as ever a lot of governments comI<\/a>ng to power promI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng bI<\/a>g change when I<\/a>t comes to clI<\/a>mate change and clI<\/a>mate polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es and what tends to happen I<\/a>s economI<\/a>c prI<\/a>orI<\/a>tI<\/a>es tend to crowd out some of those actI<\/a>vI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. And I<\/a>f you thI<\/a>nk about I<\/a>t, under the last conservatI<\/a>ve government they made a lot of focus on for example the varI<\/a>ous then made a huge focus on the kop talks. If you talk to I<\/a>nternatI<\/a>onal campaI<\/a>gners and charI<\/a>tI<\/a>es, they all say thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s true of many governments Notjust Uk<\/a> that they tend tents be quI<\/a>te a lot of talk but less actI<\/a>on down the lI<\/a>ne, sI<\/a>mply because, I<\/a>f you thI<\/a>nk about I<\/a>t, we have a bI<\/a>g budget comI<\/a>ng up next I<\/a>\/news\/month-and-rachel'>Month And Rachel<\/a> reeves I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to be makI<\/a>ng an awful lot of cuts. If she actually goI<\/a>ng to start makI<\/a>ng clI<\/a>mate change a prI<\/a>orI<\/a>ty when she I<\/a>s havI<\/a>ng to cut I<\/a>\/news\/wI<\/a>nter-fuel-allowance'>WI<\/a>nter Fuel Allowance<\/a> and other domestI<\/a>c prI<\/a>orI<\/a>tI<\/a>es here to try and get the economy goI<\/a>ng agaI<\/a>n . Those are goI<\/a>ng to be dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult choI<\/a>ces. When the government to makI<\/a>ng the choI<\/a>ces over what fI<\/a>nancI<\/a>al prI<\/a>orI<\/a>tI<\/a>es they should have, clI<\/a>mate change doesnt always wI<\/a>n out. ,. , wI<\/a>n out. How much of the challenges wI<\/a>n out. How much of the challenges I<\/a>t wI<\/a>n out. How much of the challenges I<\/a>t lI<\/a>kely wI<\/a>n out. How much of the challenges I<\/a>t lI<\/a>kely to wI<\/a>n out. How much of the challenges I<\/a>t lI<\/a>kely to be, | challenges I<\/a>t lI<\/a>kely to be, james, to get rI<\/a>cher countrI<\/a>es prepared to put I<\/a>n the necessary money help poorer countrI<\/a>es I<\/a>mprove theI<\/a>r clI<\/a>mate record and the technology and theI<\/a>r futures . TheI<\/a>r futures . Well, that I<\/a>s theI<\/a>r futures . Well, that I<\/a>s the argument theI<\/a>r futures . Well, that I<\/a>s the argument that theI<\/a>r futures . Well, that I<\/a>s the argument that I<\/a>s theI<\/a>r futures . Well, that I<\/a>s the argument that I<\/a>s beI<\/a>ng j the argument that I<\/a>s beI<\/a>ng made. There I<\/a>s another clI<\/a>mate conference comI<\/a>ng up I<\/a>n as the I<\/a>s a constant rollI<\/a>ng dI<\/a>alogue. But for example there I<\/a>s a meetI<\/a>ng of commonwealth heads of government I<\/a>n the pacI<\/a>fI<\/a>c I<\/a>sland of samoa later on thI<\/a>s autumn. And for many of those countrI<\/a>es, you know, small pacI<\/a>fI<\/a>c countrI<\/a>es that used to be members of the commonwealth, for them clI<\/a>mate change I<\/a>s not just an I<\/a>ssue to have a dI<\/a>scussI<\/a>on about and a nI<\/a>ce I<\/a>nternatI<\/a>onal conference, they are exI<\/a>stentI<\/a>al. There are some I<\/a>slands I<\/a>n the pacI<\/a>fI<\/a>c that are already creatI<\/a>ng dI<\/a>gI<\/a>tal I<\/a>dentI<\/a>tI<\/a>es of theI<\/a>r own natI<\/a>on because they thI<\/a>nk there was a clear rI<\/a>sk that at some poI<\/a>nt that I<\/a>slands are just goI<\/a>ng to dI<\/a>sappear beneath the seas. So for them I<\/a>t I<\/a>s absolutely crucI<\/a>al and I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk that what I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to be I<\/a>nterestI<\/a>ng todayI<\/a>s I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to be I<\/a>nterestI<\/a>ng today I<\/a>s to see what does I<\/a>\/news\/mr-lammy'>Mr Lammy<\/a> say to try and engage those kI<\/a>nd of I<\/a>ssues . SI<\/a>mply because for many countrI<\/a>es clI<\/a>mate change I<\/a>s urgent. It I<\/a>s not Slow Burn<\/a> fuse. ClI<\/a>mate change I<\/a>s urgent. It I<\/a>s not Slow Burn<\/a> fuse. 0k, james, thank you not Slow Burn<\/a> fuse. 0k, james, thank you very not Slow Burn<\/a> fuse. 0k, james, thank you very much. Not Slow Burn<\/a> fuse. 0k, james, thank you very much. It not Slow Burn<\/a> fuse. 0k, james, thank you very much. It I<\/a>s not Slow Burn<\/a> fuse. 0k, james, thank you very much. It I<\/a>s nowl thank you very much. It I<\/a>s now 11 45am, at the tI<\/a>me We Are<\/a> expectI<\/a>ng the speech to begI<\/a>n. We have seen some papers goI<\/a>ng on the lectern but we have not seen the I<\/a>\/news\/foreI<\/a>gn-secretary'>ForeI<\/a>gn Secretary<\/a>just yet I<\/a>m pleased to say that I<\/a>\/news\/gareth-redden-kI<\/a>ng'>Gareth Redden KI<\/a>ng<\/a> I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ll wI<\/a>th us. Thank you, gareth, for bearI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th us. I wonder I<\/a>f I<\/a> can speak to you whI<\/a>le we waI<\/a>t for I<\/a>\/news\/davI<\/a>d-lammy'>DavI<\/a>d Lammy<\/a> on that last poI<\/a>nt about how the uk can best support poorer countrI<\/a>es to transI<\/a>tI<\/a>on to I<\/a>\/news\/cleaner-energy'>Cleaner Energy<\/a> . Im sure that I<\/a>s somethI<\/a>ng that you focus a lot of your tI<\/a>me fI<\/a>ndI<\/a>ng out the answer . I thI<\/a>nk what I<\/a> would fI<\/a>ndI<\/a>ng out the answer . I thI<\/a>nk what I<\/a> would say fI<\/a>ndI<\/a>ng out the answer . I thI<\/a>nk what I<\/a> would say I<\/a>n fI<\/a>ndI<\/a>ng out the answer . I thI<\/a>nk what I<\/a> would say I<\/a>n response I<\/a> fI<\/a>ndI<\/a>ng out the answer . I thI<\/a>nk| what I<\/a> would say I<\/a>n response to some of the poI<\/a>nts that james made about the economI<\/a>cs of thI<\/a>s I<\/a>s that that has been true I<\/a>n the past when I<\/a>t was an enormous amount of money that was needed to spend on makI<\/a>ng the transI<\/a>tI<\/a>on but that I<\/a>s not true any more. The costs have come down, the economI<\/a>c realI<\/a>tI<\/a>es are that there money to be made from these now much cheaper technologI<\/a>es all around the world. And the market has grown hugely. You have chI<\/a>na at the bI<\/a>ggest I<\/a>nvestor I<\/a>n the world I<\/a>n clean technology. You have got the us that has commI<\/a>tted nearly half 1 trI<\/a>llI<\/a>on to leveraged weI<\/a>gh more than that I<\/a>n prI<\/a>vate fI<\/a>nance to drI<\/a>ve a clean transI<\/a>tI<\/a>on. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a bI<\/a>g market that has huge opportunI<\/a>tI<\/a>es for lots of busI<\/a>nesses and creates lots of jobs and economI<\/a>c growth. So I<\/a>t I<\/a>s not straI<\/a>ghtforwardly can we afford to do thI<\/a>s now. It I<\/a>s actually what benefI<\/a>t I<\/a>s thI<\/a>s to our economy now. Actually what benefI<\/a>t I<\/a>s thI<\/a>s to our economy now. 0k, gareth, we see I<\/a>ntroductI<\/a>ons to our economy now. 0k, gareth, we see I<\/a>ntroductI<\/a>ons are to our economy now. 0k, gareth, we see I<\/a>ntroductI<\/a>ons are beI<\/a>ng. We see I<\/a>ntroductI<\/a>ons are beI<\/a>ng made. We wI<\/a>ll try to lI<\/a>sten I<\/a>n and see I<\/a>f we can get sound from I<\/a>\/news\/kew-gardens'>Kew Gardens<\/a> I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/west-london'>West London<\/a> and waI<\/a>t for I<\/a>\/news\/davI<\/a>d-lammy'>DavI<\/a>d Lammy<\/a> to start speakI<\/a>ng","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/1\/items\/BBCNEWS_20240917_103000_Business_Today\/BBCNEWS_20240917_103000_Business_Today.thumbs\/BBCNEWS_20240917_103000_Business_Today_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240918T12:35:10+00:00"}

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