Paso in San Diego into ghost 00 01 01,802 4294966103 13 29,429 towns then ask equivalent american terms. Just imagine if terrorists turned El Paso in San Diego into Ghost Towns then ask yourself how long would the american government tolerate that . One day . Week . Government tolerate that . One da . Week . , day . Week . Month . I doubt they were tolerated day . Week . Month . I doubt they were tolerated even day . Week . Month . I doubt they were tolerated even for day . Week . Month . I doubt they were tolerated even for a were tolerated even for a single were tolerated even for a single day. Were tolerated even for a single day were tolerated even for a sinuleda.. single day. YEt Israel has been tolerating single day. YEt Israel has been tolerating this single day. YEt Israel has been tolerating this intolerable tolerating this intolerable situation for nearly a year while i have come here to say enough is enough. We will not rest until our citizens can return safely to their homes. We will not accept a return safely to their homes. We will not at on t a return safely to their homes. We will not at on our Northern Army perched on our northern border able to perpetrate another 0ctober Border able to perpetrate another October The 7th style massacre. For18 another October The 7th style massacre. For 18 years Hezbollah Brazenly refused to implement un Security Council Resolution 1701 which requires it to move its Forces Hezbollah chooses the path of war, israel has no Choice And Israel has every right to remove the threat and return our citizens to their homes safely and that is exactly what we are doing. Just this week, the idf destroyed large percentages of hezbollah s rockets built with Uranium Funding for three decades. We took out senior Military Commanders who not only shed is really blood but american and french blood as well. Then we took out their replacements and then the replacements of their replacements. And we will continue degrading hezbollah until all of our objectives are met. Ladies and gentlemen, we are committed to removing the curse of terrorism that threatens all civilised societies. But to truly realise the blessing of the new Middle East, we must continue the path we paved with the Abraham Accords four years ago. Above all, this means achieving a historic Peace Agreement between Israel And Saudi arabia. Having seen the blessings, that we have already brought with the Abraham Accords, the millions of israelis who have already flown Back And forth across the arabian peninsula, over the skies of Saudi Arabia, to the gulf countries, the Trade And Tourism, Thejoint Venture is, the piece, the piece. I would say to you, what blessing such peace with Saudi Arabia would bring. It would be a boon to the Security And Economy of ever two countries. It would boost Trade And Tourism across the region. It would help transform the Middle East into a globaljuggernaut. 0ur countries could cooperate on energy, water, agriculture, artificial intelligence, and many, many otherfields. Such peace would be a true pivot of history. It would usher in a historic reconciliation between the Arab World and israel, islam and judaism, mecca and jerusalem. While israel is committed to achieving such peace, iran and its Terror Proxies are committing to scuttling it. Thats why one of the best ways to foil irans nefarious designs is to achieve the peace. Such peace be the foundation of an even brought abraham at alliance including the united states, Saudi Arabia and others who choose the blessing of peace. It would advance Security And Prosperity across the Middle East and bring enormous benefits to the rest of the world. With american support and Leadership, i believe this vision can materialise and much sooner than people think. As the Prime Minister of israel i will do everything that in my power to make it happen. This is an opportunity that we underworld should not let go by. Ladies and gentlemen, israel has made its choice. We seek to move forward to a bright age of prosperity and peace. Iran and its proxies have also made their choice. They want to move back to a dark age of terror and war. Now i have a question. I pose that question to you. What choice will you make . Will urination stand with israel . Will you stand with israel . Will you stand with israel . Will you stand with Democracy And Peace . 0r Stand with Democracy And Peace . Or will you stand with iran . Neighbour to dictatorship that subjugate its own people, Exports Terrorism across the globe . In this battle between good and evil them must be no equivocation. When you stand with israel, you stand for your own values and your own interests. Yes, we are defending ourselves, but we are also defending you against the common enemy that through violence and terror, seeks to destroy our way of life. So there should be no confusion about this, but unfortunately, there is. A lot of it. In many countries. And in this very hall as i havejust heard. Good is portrayed as evil, and evil is portrayed as evil, and evil is portrayed as good. We see this confusion when israel is falsely a clue accused of genocide when we defend ourselves against enemies who tried to commit genocide against us. We see this too when israel is absurdly accused by the Icc Prosecutor of deliberately starving palestinians In Gaza. What an absurdity. We helped bring in 700,000 tonnes of food into gaza. That is more than 3000 calories a day for every man, Woman And Child In Gaza. We see this moral confusion when israel is falsely accused of deliberately targeting civilians. We dont want to see a single person, a single innocent person die. That is always a tragedy. That is why we do so much to minimise civilian casualties, even as our enemies use civilians as human shields. And no army has done what israel is doing. To minimise civilian casualties. We send text messages, drop flyers, make Phone Calls by the millions to ensure palestinian civilians get out of harms way. We spare no effort in this noble pursuit. We see yet another profound moral confusion when self described progresses march against the democracy of israel. Dont they realise they support the iranian backed goons in Tehran And Gaza . The goons who gunned down protesters, Murder Women not covering their hair, and having days in public squares . Some progressives. According to the us director of national intelligence, iran funds and fuels many of the protesters against israel. Maybe some of the protesters or many of them outside this building now. Ladies and gentlemen, King Solomon who reigned in our eternal capitaljerusalem 3000 years ago, proclaimed, he proclaimed something that is familiar to all of us. He said, there is nothing new under the sun. Well, in an age of space travel, Quantum Physics and artificial intelligence, some would argue that is a debatable statement. But one thing is undeniable. There is definitely nothing new at the United Nations. Take it from me, i first spoke from this podium as Israels Ambassador to the un in 1984. That is exactly 40 years ago and in my maiden speech, i think it is the same podium by the way, in my maiden speech, i spoke against the proposal to expel israel from this body. Four decades later, i find this body. Four decades later, ifind myself this body. Four decades later, i find myself defending this body. Four decades later, ifind myself defending israel against that same preposterous proposal. And who is leading the charge this time . Not hamas, but a bass. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud abbas who claims he wants peace with israel yet still is refuses to condemn the horrific massacre of October The 7th. He is still paying hundreds of millions to terrorists who murder israelis and americans. The more you murder the more you get paid. He still wages unremitting diplomatic warfare. Against israels right to exist and israels like to defend itself and they amount to the same thing. If you cannot defend yourself you cannot exist. Not in our neighbourhood and maybe not in years. Standing at this podium, 40 years ago, i told the sponsors of that outrageous resolution to expel israel, gentlemen, check your fanaticism at the door. Today, i tell president abbas and All Of You who would shamefully support that resolution, check your fanaticism at the door. The singling out of The One and onlyJewish State continues to be amoral stain on the United Nations for scratching. It made this once respectable institution contemptible in the eyes of decent people everywhere but for the Palestinians Issue House of darkness is home court. They know that in this swamp of anti semitic bile there is an automatic majority willing to Demonise Thejewish state and anything. In this anti israel flat earth society, any full charge, any outlandish allegation can muster a majority. In the last decade there have been more resolutions passed against israel in this hall, the us general assembly, then against the entire world combined. Actually, more than twice as many. Since 2014, this body condemned israel 174 times. It condemned israel 174 times. It condemned all the other countries in the world 73 times. That is more than 100 extra condemnations for the Jewish State. What hypocrisy, what a double standard, what a joke. The uns hostility. Families applaud all the speeches you heard today, all of the hostility directed at israel, this year, it is not about gaza, it is about israel. It has always been about israel. About israels very existence. I say to you until israel, until the Jewish State is treated like other nations, until this anti semitic swamp is drained, the un will be viewed by fair minded people everywhere as nothing more than a contemptuous force. Given the Anti Semitism with the un, it should surprise no one that the prosecutor of the icc, one of the unp was like affiliated organs, is considering Issuing Arrest Warrants against me and israels defenceman. The democratically elected Leaders of the democratic state of israel. The Icc Prosecutors rush to judgment. Israel. The Icc Prosecutors rush tojudgment. His refusal to treat israel with its independent courts the way other democracies are treated is hard to explain that anything other than pure Anti Semitism. Ladies and gentlemen, the real War Criminals are not in israel. They are in iran. Arn gaza, syria, lebanon, yemen. Those of you who stand without these War Criminals, with evil against good, curse against blessing, those who do so should be ashamed of yourselves. Families applaud. But i have a message for you. Applaud. But i have a message foryou. Israel will win applaud. But i have a message for you. Israel will win this battle. We will win this battle because we do not have a choice. After generations. After generations, in which our people were slaughtered, the remorselessly is butchered and no one raised a finger in every defence we have a state, we have a brave army, an army of incomparable courage. We are defending ourselves. As the Book Of Samuel says in the bible. The eternity of israel will not falter. Bible. The eternity of israel will not falter. Will not falter. Families applaud will not falter. Families applaud. In will not falter. Families applaud. In the will not falter. Families applaud. In the jewish| will not falter. Families applaud. In the jewish peoples eic applaud. In the jewish peoples epic journey applaud. In the jewish peoples epic journey from applaud. In the jewish Peoples Epicjourney from antiquity, epic journey from antiquity, the Appeals Epicjourney from antiquity, the appeals of modern time, that ancient promise has always been kept. And it will hold true for all time. To borrow a great poets phase, israel will not go gently into that good night. We will never, we will never need to rage against the dying of the light. Because the torch of israel will forever shine bright. To the people of israel, on the soldiers of israel, on the soldiers of israel, be strong and of good courage. The people of israel live now, tomorrow, forever. Thank you. Studio there you see a few people applauding, right at the start 2530 minutes ago, we saw some Leaders walking out before israels Prime Minister started to address the general assembly. He said he did not intend to come here. He said my country is at Work Fighting for its life and decided to set the record straight. He pointed his finger very directly at them and said if you strike us we will cite you. There is no place in iran which Israel Cannot reach. In terms of what we have seen In Gaza, Benjamin Netanyahu said the Work And End if hamas surrenders and lays down weapons. Hamas has got to 90, down weapons. Hamas has got to go, he said we are winning and repeated every key priority is to bring the hostages back. In terms of his comments, what were seeing happening the lebanese border, into Southern Lebanon and further afield, lebanons hezbollah, he had a message for them. Enough is enough. He said as long as hezbollah chooses the path of war, israel has no choice. We wont accept an enemy on our border. We will insist on all citizens being able to return to their homes in northern israel. Just towards The End before he finished, in terms of the icc and of course those Arrest Warrants that name him, he described that as pure Anti Semitism. Lets bring in Anna Foster in beirut listening to that. For a Fora Man for a man three weeks short of his 75th birthday, benjamin that a netanyahu is a very accomplished orator. I dont how much of that speech he wrote but he delivered it with gusto. He is only telling part of the story. The curse of October The 7th as he put it, the disastrous day for israel, last year when they got raided by hamas in that barbaric and sadistic rate, that happened on his watch. He was supposed to be mr security. There was a lot of antipathy towards and in israel for letting israels guard down at that point. He made no mention of this speech in the fact that israel carried out an Air Strike on April The 1st on a diplomatic mission, the iranian consulate in damascus which killed 12 people and that is what triggered the iranians response. I think it is important to remind our viewers here that yes, israel wants peace. And israel has been unfairly attacked in many cases and it is under constant threat from a lot of people, but Benjamin Netanyahu is seen by many including in the us state department, as an obstacle to the ultimate settling of the palestine is really question, namely giving the palestinians the state of their own. Every day that goes by, palestinians in the west bank, what he refers to as judaea and samaria, are being tormented, having their Olive Groves burnt down, Cars Set Fire to as settlers illegally trying to push them out of their ground. Trying to push them out of theirground. In trying to push them out of their ground. In the case of hezbollah, he is absolutely right, they attacked israel on october the eight, the day after the hamas raid. That is what launched this 11 month low Level Intensity Warfare which has now grown into something much bigger. He is absolutely right that there is a perfectly good new entries, 1701, which are supposed to push Hezbollah North of the river so it Cannot Sheu North of the river so it cannot shell northern israel. Hezbollah has not abided by that and the un has been spineless in trying to enforce it. But the fact is, sort out the ceasefire In Gaza, give the palestinians a homeland of their own, and a lot of these problems will go away. Let you brin problems will go away. Let you bring new problems will go away. Let you bring new end problems will go away. Let you bring new end because problems will go away. Let you bring new end because we problems will go away. Let you | bring new end because we were listening, nearly half an hour but absolutely no hint that Benjamin Netanyahu was considering in anyway any sort of ceasefire in those operations on the border with lebanon . Lebanon . Thats right, he did not mention lebanon . Thats right, he did not mention it lebanon . Thats right, he did not mention it at lebanon . Thats right, he did not mention it at all lebanon . Thats right, he did not mention it at all and lebanon . Thats right, he did not mention it at all and that| not mention it at all and that had not mention it at all and that had been not mention it at all and that had been the big focus on the last 24 had been the big focus on the last 24 hours or so. Remember when last 24 hours or so. Remember when that last 24 hours or so. Remember when that Ceasefire Proposal first came out from the un couple first came out from the un couple of days ago, his office responded very quickly and said he had responded very quickly and said he had not yet considered the pronosal he had not yet considered the proposal. They called it an American French proposal and actbelly American French proposal and actually his office then wrote Back Actually his office then wrote Back A actually his office then wrote Back A little bit on that. The us made Back A little bit on that. The us made it clear they had been talking us made it clear they had been talking to us made it clear they had been talking to israel al