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There would be no need to worry about the countrys food security. For every woman, of course, in the first place is her family, children, well, then work, they forgot the glasses, but thats okay, from a jar, like earlier in childhood, everyone in the village knows that they drank pushina, kvass, milk from a can, we combine this, of course, we need to combine it, because children also need to Pay Attention, ask how they are doing, you need to talk to your husband, discuss everything, i didnt want to go at all, to be honest, i didnt want to go swimming at all. I didnt want to, they marked demobilization, somehow i got stuck at this point, he says , lets go, well, i persuaded him, well, it all somehow ended up, well, here irat just i said that she would just be mine, thats all i would achieve, well, well, thats how it turned out, with myself class, its from here from the whistle, at first, yes, by bus, if you come towards someone, well, back at 2 oclock, there s nothing going on there for, say, an hour, so 5 km at neversta sings, we passed normally, all this, well , you have to go there. The local me, so to speak, in our own way, in the usual way, i was born here, kindergarten, school, my mother worked at a poultry farm, she took us with her to work when we were little, we saw chickens, chicks, we had all this since childhood houses, pigs, cows, all this was laid down for us to work, to help parents from childhood, rural work its never been alien to us, its in our blood, or what . I lived with my mother in one apartment, three rooms, three families, four of us in one room, it was necessary to separate, well, thats it, but where does housing come from on our collective farms, well, everything worked out, the salary is good, now every Agricultural Cooperative is being created conditions for a person to come and work, social packages, housing is provided, there are also kindergartens and schools to make it convenient for young families. Raise children, in the countryside there is everything for people to live a full life, like people in the city, without needing anything in need, having everything at hand, and i dont need anything else, the village, you know, we all know each other, its easier for us to turn to someone if we suddenly need some help, people still treat each other differently in the city to a friend like in the village, even krelensky people, in public transport. Its even immediately noticeable, because its not whats out there in terms of clothes, but we often say, hello , when you and your child go to the city, theyre still small, i dont understand, they go with everyone, hello, hello, hello, well its us who are so rural, we all see each other, we are growing before our eyes and we are kinder, or something, probably sincerely, you go, walk with the dog, i understand that how beautiful it is here, its wonderful that people come to us to fish, and we here. We live, we see it all every day, we enjoy it, we breathe fresh air , i love my country because we can live peacefully, our children go to school calmly, there is nothing to be afraid of, that we have peace here, everything is wellgroomed, everything has been inspected, it is peaceful and the fact that our country is developing, does not stand still, that a lot has been done in the cities, when you come, you see that the city is blooming in its colors, that people there are also investing their full power so that people can live comfortably, conveniently and beautifully, an overview of the most. Main sporting events, the new head coach of the National Team carlos allas ferera named an expanded list of players for the september qualifying matches for the European Championship 2024. Two gold, silver and three bronze. This is the result of the belarusian wrestlers at the world youth championships, which was hosted by jordan. Exclusive interviews with athletes. Tell me, did you repeat and surpass this result, 10. 92, in the training process . Well, i was ready to show it in less than a second. Exactly there in athens . Yes, if it was one race, not four. Bright moments, real emotions. Thousands of fans came to celebrate the womens team. Spain, which won the world cup, has only positive impressions, one of the most spectacular, one of the most exciting sports, all this is in the sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. The cis is the oldest interstate formation in the postsoviet space, created back in 91. Time shows how the dialogue platform, the cis format, is in demand. The commonwealth summit held in bishke once again confirmed this. The time has come for serious consolidation within the commonwealth. After all, we have enough examples of successful work. And im glad we have something to look at today. They confirm that countries have common approaches to such pressing issues as freedom of religion, nondiscrimination on linguistic grounds, harmonization of Public Administration systems in the field of digital technologies. We will discuss the issues facing our cis country today with the participants of the Interparliamentary Assembly with sergei anatolyevich, well, the cis format is one of the oldest, probably in the postsoviet space, how strong is its potential today . There are different opinions about the effectiveness of this association, but nevertheless, it is the oldest, it allowed the Union Republics to disperse quite calmly in 1991, it is very important that here. After all, during these 30 years of stormy, quite turbulent, from a political point of view, from an International Point of view, from the point of view of world politics, this association has been preserved, this is already a very great asset, because of course, the collective west did Everything Possible and continues to do the impossible, in order to separate us, to separate us into the old in Different Directions , by the way about this. Our president spoke very clearly, in detail at the summit, perhaps, in my opinion, this is a very important issue, although there are a lot of other topics, topics on security and topics on the digital agenda, and the fight against crime, but this is the preservation of the cis, the preservation of unity within the cis, and we see whats happening, georgia, ukraine, unfortunately, largely ignores , they ignore, armenia now takes a slightly different position, so today this unity within, the preservation of the core , is extremely important for the modern geopolitical situation, the world order is changing, those who will be large. And united will win, and spoke about this, and Alexander Grigoryevich continues to speak, lukashenko, so i think that a lot of projects have been implemented within the commonwealth, and first of all, these are not only political projects, but also economic ones, the creation of a free trade zone, and today the economy is everything, this is the present and the future, therefore i would answer the critics of the cis that they will not wait, you , as a representative of the youth wing of the cis Interparliamentary Assembly, do you think are interesting to young people today. The cis issue is, of course, interesting, yes, the president so, seriously focused on the issue of youth its participation in the problems of the cis, and at our meetings of the youth Interparliamentary Assembly we raise many questions, here is one of the issues on which the president focused his attention this is the russian language, and as a language of interethnic communication, just in the spring we had a meeting of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the cis, one of the questions on it was the promotion of the russian language in every country that is a member of the cis. As the head of the youth delegation, i gave a report on this topic. Well, for belarus this is not a pressing issue, since russian is one from the state languages. But i remembered and quoted the words of our head of state, who back in 2014, when there was a message to the belarusian people at the national assembly, said that the russian language is the property, first of all, of fraternal peoples, and if we lose the russian language, we will be deprived. In my opinion, the main meaning here is in his words, he has been talking about this for many years, so of course, the russian language is important, the issue of multipolarity was raised at the summit, including by Alexander Lukashenko peace, yes, that it is necessary to move in this direction, can the cis also play a role here . Yes, indeed, the president s adopted a separate statement on this matter, on International Relations in a multipolar world, and alexander, lukashenko drew attention to a fair multipolar world, just a fair one, that is, we proceed from the fact that it is multipolarity that will allow interaction on an equal basis basis, to build a policy taking into account each others interests. If we talk about our partners about our potential partners, and we find Common Ground so that we really speak the same language. What are our values ​​and what do we not need, this understanding exists, it would seem, another topic that may seem, well, secondary to someone, but it has been brought to the forefront by our president , why, because without understanding each other, without communicating in one language, and this is not just a figurative expression, in one language, but in such a language, as the president did not say the russian language, and the russian language, the language of interethnic communication, it is very important that the russian language is preserved especially in the Central Asian republics, so that students from these republics come even more, in particular to the republic of belarus to study, i must say, we are now very good relations with uzbekistan are developing and it is no coincidence that the president s of belarus and uzbekistan met, held a separate meeting, within the framework of the cis summit, we now have about 3,000 uzbek students studying, and thanks to this, because they speak well russian language, so we hope that other countries of the commonwealth will preserve and develop this means of interethnic communication and will allow us, among other things , to implement economic projects and projects in the field of education, culture, and humanitarian cooperation, if we speak in common language, we will definitely understand each other well, we see Common Ground, we have them, there are many of them, yes, many, and the most important thing is that the problems are the same, after all, we must not forget that the ipa, cis. We raise problems this is youth unemployment, and in general the participation of youth in the economy, because the problem exists, it is not so relevant in our country, because we pay a lot of programs and a lot of attention to the employment of young people after they graduate from the institution education, but other states have voiced the problem, namely the problem at the age of 20, 24 years, when a young man graduates from a university , this is the moment of his employment, and we remembered, you know, its interesting. The moment about example in the soviet union, about the example of mentoring, how important it was, a lot of attention was paid to this, now in many states this has been lost, in our state, too , this issue of mentoring is not spelled out in the legal acts and we discussed this issue, perhaps develop some kind of model bill that will Pay Attention specifically to mentoring, the concept of what mentoring is and how we will further promote it in our states. Because we understand that for a young man it is very important when there is an experienced, professional nearby who will tell and, of course, show how you need to work for peace later, it is not becoming calmer now, we constantly see some kind of conflicts breaking out, to what extent is there an understanding among our partners in the cis that we really we cant stand it alone, we can stand shoulder to shoulder , there is this understanding, today the cis countries are led by very experienced politicians, of course, the most experienced politician is Alexander Grigoryevich lukashenko, i think, as the most experienced he constantly. Raises topics that some may not think are the most relevant, but he sees the root, because maintaining unity is the future, so i think there is an understanding, but you see, politics is a very complex thing, it is multifaceted, it multifaceted, a lot of interests, national interests, plus the interests of major players, which, if you dont need to respond, then they need to be taken into account. And of course, many cis participants understand this and do it in practice, another question is that today we need to decide, apparently, its time the time when it is necessary to decide and preserve the cis is very, very important, from the point of view of geopolitics and the prospects for world development, you see, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, brix, is being formed. Now many countries have even queued up to join brix, the collective west does not want to give up its positions, no matter how small, so to speak, the decisions of the g7 or the group of seven, the big seven were acceptable, but nevertheless they meet, they smile at each other, pat each other on the shoulder, but still make some decisions, from the point of view pr, global, use of the media people seem to absorb it, they are guided by it, but there is also a practical policy of this group, which is associated primarily with the introduction of sanctions, this is a very serious tool, this was discussed, by the way, at the cis summit, its very good that not only Alexander Grigoryevich lukashenko has already said, but it has also been said by other president s, that today it is necessary to unite from this point of view in pursuing a more balanced coordinated Economic Policy our countries within the cis, so it seems to me that this understanding of the importance of the cis, within countries, will grow. What do you think are the main directions within the cis now that we need to develop so that this format expands and grows, all aspects are important, we take any direction, someone thinks that the economy, for example, is the most important thing, well, the economy is generally the basis of the foundations, yes , because there will be no economy, in general, in principle, there will be no state, of course, the economy during the period of sanctions is generally very important, but we are already developing some other directions, not those that seemed to us before the sanctions period, these are the main ones, relevant and we, of course, we have always looked in Different Directions, it has always been important for us to develop. Some industries, but yes, yes, but now, this emphasis is on unity within the cis, this is very important, one of the striking examples is our union state, and we demonstrate this, and the heads of state also demonstrate this within cis platforms, they give an example of how russia and belarus cooperate, within the framework of this cooperation, i hope that in the near future there will still be close Cooperation Among the commonwealth countries, here is a striking example of uzbekistan. We are already beginning to actively promote cooperation within the framework of industry, industrial cooperation between the two countries, so i think that everything is still ahead, as correctly noted, the main thing is economics, especially for the common person, who may not live by some geopolitical realities, but lives by what with its natural needs and requirements, yes, but the cis is not only a truly negotiating platform, it is also a potentially large a format where we can improve the lives of people who live in our countries, thats right, that is, economic projects, they have Great Potential within the cis. Today it is very important for the cis to begin to position itself more actively in the international arena, and in interaction with other associations, first of all, of course, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and brix. An interesting question and aspect was raised by president Alexander Lukashenko during the summit, he. About what they should think about joining for example, brix, our association, or at least those countries that may be on. To this organization, should pull everyone else in the commonwealth, this is a very interesting, promising, important idea, and if it is implemented, then we will of course , we will be able to declare ourselves even more seriously in the international arena, well, this is, first of all, Economic Opportunities , economic potential, because the largest economies in the world are coming to brix, they are primarily interested in cooperation, this organization is not against anyone, like the us creates coalitions, they are usually against someone, they are not for someone or for something, they are against someone, and brix is ​​for developing cooperation and, above all , making life better for our people. Projects may be within the framework of the snsu, well, just recently we celebrated the seventyfifth anniversary of the celebration of the victory of the great patriotic war, we had a project that was initiated by the youth Interparliamentary Assembly, this is a media project of a line of memory, when parliamentarians, veterans, simply famous people of each state, of course and young people, they read the lines of the poems of our great famous ones. And in this way we showed about that, well, precisely in the great patriotic war, in this way we showed about what we remember, yes, we honor the memory, and we pass it on to the next generation, this pride that nazism did not win, the continuity of the generation, it can be traced, whats also wonderful is that every country that is part of the cis understands all this and passes it on to the next generation, that is, such projects , they are important, we have a lot of young people projects, another important point we raised, especially in the postcovid period, you remember, when everything was closed, we all sat at home and we talked all about tourism, and the emphasis was always on domestic tourism, because we wont go anywhere and how we will move inside, so we raised the topic specifically about tourism within the cis countries , not all of us know how we can have a wonderful time in, for example, armenia, azerbaijan, and we raised this question about how let us young people we will promote exactly tourism within the countries, members of the cis, and we focused on youth tourism, because you need to understand that tourism for youth and tourism for other age categories are different things, young people now care about some animated moments in tourism, maybe somewhere then extreme types of tourism, and i also gave a report on this topic at. Meetings of the Youth Assembly and talked about the experience of the republic of belarus, talked about ecoagrotourism, yes, this is our highlight, we always declare and talk about this, we have a lot done to promote agroecotourism, and also about such an ecological type of tourism as boloting, we have many swamps, one of the most famous swamps is yelnya and there are stupa swamps, when you can walk along certain paths, this aroused great interest among the cis countries , yes, yes, easy europeans, absolutely. I also talked about this , that is, we probably have the largest area of ​​forests in europe located in our country, i also voiced this topic, thats exactly what swamps are, what kind of swamping, what a stupa swamp, that is, we too we found such an understanding that not even among representatives of youth delegations on the parliamentary platform, we do not all know the subtleties, nuances and attractiveness of each country, and this also needs to be stated, that is, we are currently working on. Projects on youth tourism within the cis countries, one moment, the second moment some kind of launch of videos about the attractiveness of our countries, which will be duplicated in, well, one might say in the postsoviet space, and in order to to attract young people to travel in our countries. But in fact, how many positive examples we have, we have not given up many , we have transferred a lot of positive things from the soviet union, preserving and confirming over time that this is the right path, in the cis they are looking at our example, they are definitely looking at and looking at, first of all, probably to our strategic line of interaction with the russian federation, because the integration of russia and belarus is a driving force, not only in the eu, but in the cis, and of course, many countries are taking notice. They are trying to accept the best experience, put forward some of their own initiatives that go, say, in parallel or correspond to our approaches, and by the way, the president of the republic of belarus also spoke about this during the summit and he drew attention to the fact that not only in the cis they are looking closely at the experience of the republic of belarus , but the world sees him, and unfortunately, for some he causes a certain jealousy, envy, rejection and corresponding unfriendly actions in the relations of the republic of belarus, but this says that we on the right path, we are on the right path, and many countries in the cis have noticed this, i have already mentioned uzbekistan, tajikistan, and kazakhstan too, colleagues exchanged opinions and experiences with us, we have established excellent relations in the parliamentary line, just recently , the speaker of the senate of uzbekistan came to us, it was a very effective, productive visit, the visit of the speaker of the parliament of kyrgyzstan ended for several days, during which there was a very intensive exchange of experience and colleagues emphasized their interest in mastering the experience of the republic of belarus, including including in the parliamentary dimension, they are very interested, they always listen to our reports with such interest , they accept our experience, i also told one of the examples of how our naftan enterprise works, that is, they work with universities, they train future specialists for themselves, already collaborating with an Educational Institution located in polotsk, and this is a wonderful practice, that is, we are getting such education in the country, we are actively working on this practice oriented, that is, we are preparing those specialists who are already needed in the real sector of the economy, this point of connection is very important, then it turns out that a young person, when he chooses a specialty, he clearly understands that he will be employed, our state needs him in one industry or another. But the trend towards consolidation within the commonwealth of independent states will be heard by our partners, what do you think . I hope so, because our head of state is always very convincing and he always gives vivid examples, he doesnt just say some theses, he always gives vivid examples, life examples, and as a result. But by the way, today, what are the values ​​of young people who choose politics as their main field of activity . Im for everything. Youth i cant answer, yes, ill probably draw conclusions, because the kind of youth i communicate with is still the most important value, i think, for our youth, and this is family, this is homeland, that is, we are still preparing real patriots, to live in their homeland, to develop their homeland, to create family, traditional family, having children, these are the most important values, and of course, tranquility, peace, care and guarantees are sold by the state, our guarantee now provides many opportunities for active youth to develop, work and grow in the future , what is your number one question today . Implement some interesting project that will be initiated by the republic of belarus, because literally next month we will have a meeting of the youth Interparliamentary Assembly and yes, the cis, indeed, traditions, coordination will be transferred from the republic of armenia. Belarus, represented by parliamentarians, of course, showed it and it was implemented on the cis platform. Question number one, this is a question of peace, you see what is happening on our planet, i will say again that the president also touched upon the topic. Of the conflict, it would seem that this is somewhat far from us, but all this is interconnected, the conflict in ukraine, conflict in the middle east, so today the theme of peace, it is the dominant one, in order to win and ensure peace, it is necessary to be united, including in the commonwealth

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