wuh since they have been stealing the creative work of children sitting CXC for decades, selling it out for millions of dollars, don’t give the children recognition or a dime of the money received for their work, you really believe they are going to give a Black man recognition, let alone a dime for his concept for helping save their sorry, uncreative, no nothing, nobody useless lives…dream on.
PLT will always be remembered for saving the island in 2020, while they will ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED AS THIEVES..and LIARS…
this is proof how they operate with anyone of African ancestry, they don’t believeryou deserve to have anything even if it’s yours, they don’t value Black lives and believe you should sit and take the discrimination, disenfranchisement and human rights violation they dish out and have for decades, they are the lowest form of life, and RABID anti black negros.

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