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Bloc walking: Abilenians likely to vote for one trio over th
Bloc walking: Abilenians likely to vote for one trio over th
Bloc walking: Abilenians likely to vote for one trio over the other
Hurt-Regan-Yates lineup contests with Goodwin-Sargent-Beard pairing as early voting begins
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India ,
Brad Hill ,
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Donna Albus ,
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Jud Beall ,
Laura Donaway ,
Bryan Goodwin ,
Chad Clark ,
Megan Stephenson ,
Blaise Regan ,
Travis Craver ,
Shawnte Fleming ,
Kathy Webster ,
Paul Fabrizio ,
Blaise Herberg ,
Anthony Williams ,
Cynthia Alvidrez Shawnte Fleming ,
Cynthia Alvidrez ,
Abilene Chamber ,
Facebook ,
Mcmurry University ,
Abilene City Council ,
Development Corporation Of Abilene ,
City Council ,
Steve Savage ,
Councilman Weldon Hurt ,
Norm Archibald ,
Pest Patrol ,
Air Force ,
Development Corporation ,
Scott Beard ,
Fountaingate Fellowship ,
Murry University ,
Stevenson Park ,
Abilene High ,
Abilene City ,
Dasi Reddy ,
Weldon Hurt ,