Transcripts For BLOOMBERG Charlie Rose 20240622 : vimarsana.

BLOOMBERG Charlie Rose June 22, 2024

Sen. Kaine i was with senator corker and others of this review act that we passed 981 in the senate. When a deal is done that touches on the congressional sanctions congress has the ability to weigh in and approve or disapprove the deal with respect to the sanctions. Now that the deal has been announced, the president wants to waive congressional sanctions for some time. The deal gets presented to congress and we take 60 days to review it, beginning in the Senate Foreign relations committee, the committee of jurisdiction. We have a set of hearings to prepare for this day educating ourselves about what is a good inspections regime, etc. Over the next 60 days, we will have a new set of hearings between now and recess. There is a chance we will work more during recess, certainly hearing from constituents, administration officials, allies around the globe, and others. Then congress can act and we can do one of three things. We can pass approval which approves the president ial actions. We can pass a resolution of disapproval which, if not vetoed or if its overridden that disapproves any relief under the congressional sanctions. Or we can take no action and thats defined as an approval allowing the congressional sanctions relief to go forward. We have a lot of hearings. We will decide as a Foreign Relations committee and as a Senate Whether we will approve disapproval, or take no action. Charlie and the role of the house . Sen. Kaine they will undertake the same steps. The reason for that, charlie, is this. If this were a treaty under the constitutional definition it would take a vote in the senate a two thirds margin and the house would have nothing to do it. This is not a treaty legally requiring two thirds vote and thats a good thing because it would not be right to cut the house out. The congressional sanctions that have brought iran to the table were constructed by the house, too. Both will be weighing in. I think a lot of people have just predicted the house, based on how its composed and since it has a simple majority vote requirement, that so many will come out right away and say they are against it. I think the resolution of disapproval has a higher likelihood in the house. In the senate, we set up a 60day review process for a reason. There is no reason to come out and immediately declare. Ask the tough questions and make the decision about whether this is in the best interest of America National security. Charlie there are lots of senators who have not announced what theyre going to do. Understandably they say they want to see the bill and hear the testimony. Principal among them is senator Chuck Schumer who is said to be a crucial vote in all of this because of his leadership of the senate. Sen. Kaine absolutely. Let me tell you the dynamic that i see right now and then i would love to maybe talk about the substance, things i see that i like and questions i have. On the dynamic, i think its important we take the time to dig into this and get it right. What was happening, and the reason we wrote the review act frankly congress was kind of blundering in writing threatening new sanctions in the middle of the negotiation which even is really leadership in military leadership said, hold on. Then it could blow up because of your bad faith rather than iranian action. The letter of 47 to the leader of iran theres a lot of things that are not the coming not becoming the body and our institutional role. We wrote this act to give us an expedited path 60 days is not long. Those who were giving a snap judgment i think are doing the wrong thing. Many issued a snap judgment that this is a historic mistake. Later, they concluded the interim negotiation was actually significantly better than the status quo. Charlie clearly the president feels strongly about this, that he has to make the case. You saw that in the way he introduced and announced it on tuesday or wednesday. You saw that yesterday when the president had his press conference. He seems to be very interested in explaining the deal. The president believes this is the deal, the only deal, that will prevent them from having a Nuclear Weapon other than military action. Sen. Kaine he does believe that. Let me state what i see in the deal thats positive and then tell you where i have questions. The positive, iran had nearly 20,000 centrifuges and they are disabling two thirds of them under this deal going to 6000. They had 10,000 kilograms of enriched uranium and they are degrading the enrichment percentage and knocking the quantity down to 300. They are giving up 97 of their stockpile. They had a plutonium reactor in iraq that they stop that and they will completely moth ball and dismantle it. And they were not allowing the community any inspections to determine what theyre doing under this deal they agreed to inspections for 10, 20 years. In some issues under this iaea wrote a call forever. If you look at where we were before diplomacy and after this deal, you see there is a significant change of the administration has been able to achieve. Charlie, even the critics kind of acknowledge this. The critics who were saying two and half years ago that iran was within months of becoming a Nuclear Threshold state now theyre complaining about the deal because they say under the deal iran might get a Nuclear Weapon in year 15. Even their criticism ackknowledges that the status quo ante. That is why i think the president feel so strongly about the deal. It has achieved these ends and no one else has advocated a plan that would have achieved those concessions. Over to the flipside, this is why we have the review. This whole thing depends upon whether the verification regime the inspections regime gives us the ability to determine if iran is meeting your obligations or if they are cheating and trying to move toward nuclear breakout. They have a history of trying to cheat and hide things from the International Community with respect to their nuclear program. You will probably see the main energy, the main spotlight in this 60 days are peoples efforts to really try to determine whether the inspections regime is sufficient enough to catch cheating or move toward a nuclear breakout. Charlie many people say the thing they worry about is not the inspection of existing sites but they worry about the covert. Sen. Kaine frankly, thats the worries. There are existing sites, the uranium sites. There was the heavywater plutonium reactor under construction. All of us believe look, if iran were going to break to a weapon, they would not do it at the existing sites being inspected. They will do this in a covert program. It was very important, as the white house said, to try to cut off a path under all of these uranium, plutonium, but especially the covert path. The inspections regime, as it is described in the talking points, we are going to the agreement to see if it matches. This is an inspections regime that can go anywhere. It will be the subject of a lot of analysis. No way will they go into Iranian Military facilities. If they kept that, the deal would have completely fallen apart because thats a nonstarter. Now there is the possibility to do inspections anywhere but you have to give advance notice. If the iranians object, theres a committee basically the p5 plus one saying we agree or do not agree. What is being reported is that process from we want to inspect to going in could take as much as 24 days. We need to ask what that means. Does that mean in 24 days they could clean up evidence that there was Nuclear Material and completely obscure . Or will they say Nuclear Material leaves a footprint with a halflife, so if they were using materials and you got in 24 days later, you would definitely know if they were doing something contrary to the agreement. These are the kinds of Technical Details we have to dig into on the committee. Again, the good agreement is still not good enough is the inspections regime if it is not robust enough. That is where a lot of the focus will be. Charlie heres what it sounds like to me. You heard what the administration said. You are in the process of reading it. If it delivers what the administration says, you would be inclined to support it. Sen. Kaine i will put one more caveat on it. You are close. When the april 2 framework was announced, it had many of these components and concessions of 98 enriched uranium and two thirds centrifuges. I said if theres a final deal that is an essential match of that framework and there is an inspections regime robust enough to make sure that those commitments can be verified, yes, i think that can be in the best interests of American National security. There are two things im doing right now. Im going through the 100 plus pages and appendices to see if the details match and im doing independent work, as are my colleagues, to determine whether the inspections regime is sufficient. Those are the two questions im digging into. Charlie do you believe there are members of congress now inclined not to support this but seeing the evidence as described by the president because the president firmly believes this will prevent iran from getting a Nuclear Weapon do you believe that people are prepared to listen to the testimony, listen to the administration, listen to the experts, and vote for this . Thats a possibility . Sen. Kaine very good question. My answer is i sure hope so. I would hate to think on a matter this important people made a snap judgment or pronouncement before they even read the deal and they are uninterested in the details. My one bit of evidence that gives me some hope that may be true is you saw a whole lot of members of Congress Come out against the interim negotiation when it started in november 2013. Iran got everything they wanted, america lost. A lot of statements were made out of the gate who have subsequently said, you know what . Actually the interim was significantly better than what he had before. We had a series of hearings in the Foreign Relations committee and ive asked every witness hawk, dove, everything in between has this in significantly better than the status quo ante before diplomacy started . Without exception everyone has said yes. Charlie because of the way the process was written, do you expect it to be an agreement that will go into effect . Sen. Kaine it is appropriately deferential to the white house. Remember the white house was taking the position we dont want to have any congressional review because these statutes themselves gave the president a unilateral ability to waive or suspend the sanctions. The president said, i dont need a vote of congress. Well, those of us who thought that was wrong said you might not under the existing sanctions statue, but we will pass a new law that gives you the ability to conduct diplomacy to get the best deal you can but sets up an appropriate congressional review if you decide you want to waive or suspend. We put a hurdle in the president s place that was not there before. If the president gets over that hurdle, the deal will go forward. Down the road, remember what iran wants is for the sanctions to be eliminated not just waived or suspended. For that happen, congress has to affirmatively vote in both houses to dismantle the statute. There are some provisions in the deal that iran does not have to implement for some years down the road as they test the compliance of the p5 plus one with respect to sanctions relief. Charlie senator tim kaine from virginia, thank you so much. Back in a moment. Stay with us. Charlie paul rudd is here, the star and cowriter of marvels new feature antman, following scott lange whose power comes in the form of a suit who can shrink him to microscopic size. Here is the trailer. Scott, ive been watching you for a while now. Youre different. Dont let anyone tell you that you have nothing to offer. Second chances dont come around all that often. I suggest you take a really close look at it. This is your chance to earn that look in your daughters eyes, to become the hero she already thinks you are. Its not about saving our world. Its about saving theirs. Scott, i need you to be the antman. Huh. One question is it too late to change the name . Charlie im pleased to have paul rudd back at the table. Is the guy who created Marvel Comics still alive . Paul stan lee. Yes, hes still alive and hes in the film. Charlie iron man, antman. Paul the avengers, thor captain america, hawkeye scarlet witch. Charlie are you a big fan of the comics . Paul i never grew up as a fan boy. I had some comics, but i didnt really get into it too much. Charlie im exactly where you are, but i have grown to appreciate what they mean to our culture. Paul absolutely. Also, the last couple of years ive played catchup and i really see the appeal. Charlie is it blackandwhite . Paul good versus evil, you know charlie blackandwhite. Paul the same thing as star wars and all of those epic tales. Charlie and interesting characters. Tell me about this one. Paul i play a guy named scott lange whose been in prison and winds up stealing the antman suit. Im not the original antman. The original antman is hank pym played by michael douglas. He creates a particle, the pym particle, that enables a person to shrink. Charlie taking advantage of being able to shrink . Paul you are able to shrink but still retaining the strength of a human being. And also the ability to talk to ants. It sounds silly when i describe it. [laughter] charlie yes, it does. Talking to ants is important. Paul you would never guess that it was, and they are everywhere. So no matter what, you have an army at your beck and call. Charlie could you make them larger than life . Theres also an adversary, a protagonist. Paul corey stoll. Charlie and he wants to take the ant suit and use it for nefarious ends . Paul he was hanks protege and he knew the dangers it could possess if it got into the wrong hands. Hes gone off the rails a little bit and has developed a similar kind of serum and is trying to sell it to the highest possible bidder. He comes up with a Yellow Jacket suit. Charlie peyton reed says hes more like George Clooneys character danny ocean. Hes trying to create a new life for himself and find redemption after a life of crime. Paul thats right. The great motivation in his life is his daughter. He has to pay Child Support and he wants to go straight and narrow. Its hard to find work with his record, even though hes a very bright guy and he stole from a corporation to pay back the people they were stealing from kind of a robin hood. Charlie you have no time off for the next five years. I read some of the things you have to do. [laughter] paul what are they . Please tell me. It depends on how this goes and i already shot some of captain america 3. I dont its really been done on this scale before the marvel universe. All of these movies do culminate in big things like avengers 3. Its called the marvel cinematic universe. The mcu. Charlie are you doing other things other than the marvel cinematic universe . Paul i am, i have always tried to go backandforth between smaller, interesting things. Hopefully, over the next few years i will have some time to do other things. Charlie when a director says get me paul rudd, what do they mean . Paul matt damon wasnt available. Charlie you get a writing credit. Do you want to direct . Paul seth rogen and some of those guys, jason segel, a lot of the guys ive worked with in the past, its something we are all very interested in. I could see directing down the road. Charlie what dont you do that you would like to do . Paul golf. Charlie you like golf . Paul i dont know. I dont play it. Charlie the people who play it seemed to be obsessed. Paul no matter where you go you can always do it. Charlie youve got a lifetime. Paul i always feel its like violin. Is it too late . Did i miss the boat . Charlie or like piano. Paul i look at a piano, guitar, violin and i say i know the sound its capable of making, but its just so frustrating. Charlie you can do drama, comedy, whatever they ask. Cant you . Paul i would like to attempt to do whatever they asked. I do think drama and comedy are not that different. A lot of what i focus on his character and whats happening to the character. Charlie is that true for you . Paul but Something Like anchorman, which is a cartoon you get a little bit more leeway. Im not trying to play it where the character thinks whats going on is funny. People describe me as a comedian but ive never done standup. I actually studied theater. This whole thing with a career in comedy came about around the time of anchorman. When we were shooting 40yearold virgin early on steve and i would have conversations. Hed say i would hope the studio is not regretting the decision because i dont plan on playing this like a zany jim carreytype performance. Its very different. I think thats why the production got shut down after the first week for a few days because they were concerned. Charlie because he was not jim carrey. Paul they said he seemed like a serial killer. We even put that in the movie later on. [laughter] charlie did they change anything . Paul they changed some of his wardrobe. I think it was just not what they were expecting. Then we got on the same page a little bit. There were a few days where we did not show up to set because it was very touch and go. He was playing the reality of it character and i relate to it. Charlie what are you doing on netflix . Paul theres eight episodes. There was a movie wet hot american summer, and this is a prequel. Charlie what happened before . Paul whats going on with andy . This was a movie about, gosh, 15 years ago or so amy poehler and bradley cooper, his first movie, elizabeth banks, a huge cast. It was not a hit at the time but it developed a cult following over the years. All of us have returned to do eight episodes. The movie took place on the last day of camp. Charlie amy, you, bradley . Paul elizabeth banks. Janeane garofalo, jon hamm. Charlie jon hamm . Where did you go to school in england . Paul i did a semester at the British American Drama Academy at oxford. I went to the American Academy of dramatic arts, and after i graduated from there i did this program all just shakespeare. Charlie what would you do if you wanted to be the greatest actor you could possibly be . Would you go to certain kinds of schools . Are schools important . Is it more important just to get work . Paul thats exactly what i

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