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1. 8 million undocumented immigrants brought into the u. S. As minors a path to citizenship. The measure was six votes shy of the 60 needed to advance. The bill was crafted by moderate republicans and democrats billing themselves as the common sense coalition. Health Officials Say the flu vaccine is not effectively protecting Older Americans and others against the bug that is causing most illnesses. The cdc said the vaccine is only 36 effective overall in preventing flu illness severe enough to send the patient to the doctors office. Global news 24 hours a day, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries. Im Alisa Parenti and this is bloomberg. Emily im emily chang and this is bloomberg technology. Coming up, peter thiels Silicon Valley retreat. Why the tech worlds most conservative billionaire and trump supporter is pulling the plug on the bay and setting up shop in l. A. Plus googles new plan to , limit popups. We will weigh in on the new default the defense mechanism on ads launching in chrome and the punishment for repeat offenders. And the ceo of the biggest supplier of Semiconductor Hardware expects the industry to keep booming. We will get perspective from Applied Materials Gary Dickerson later this hour. But first, to our lead. Billionaire peter thiel is calling it quits in san francisco. According to people familiar with the situation, thiel is relocating personal funds and their 50 member staff to los angeles. According to the wall street journal, the tech worlds bestknown conservative and trump supporter has discussed resigning from the facebook board. Joining us now for more, ellen huet. Of course peter thiel set off a firestorm when he supported President Donald Trump in the first place. There was a big question whether or not he should even remain on the facebook board and a zuckerberg defended him. We will talk about that, but first, what do we know about his move . It sounds like hes moving to l. A. Ff some of his other funds are staying in san francisco. They are already kind of set appear. He bought a house here a few years ago and is said to be just calling it quits. Emily a lot of people in Silicon Valley were not happy about his support of president trump. Is he leaving because he is not wellliked . Why is he doing this . Not according to what hes told some of the people we have talked to. Hes been saying that Silicon Valley is toxic, that there are Economic Conditions here that make it very expensive and just not a good place to start a business anymore. Another incentive is that we have heard he and others have reported he is starting a conservative news network. L. A. Is a pretty good place to start a media company. There are a lot of conservative news organizations based out of there like breitbart, drudge. Emily do we know anymore about his media plans . It still seems pretty early, but he is also looking to buy gawker, which is not necessarily related. He is looking to get into the media game. Emily ellen, the wall street journal also reported he considered resigning from the facebook board and at the least, there was a big tiff between netflix Ceo Reed Hastings and thiel himself about his support for trump. Ellen Reed Hastings had written a letter that said that he thought that because thiel supported trump that he was unfit to serve on the facebook board. There were other tensions. People reported Mark Zuckerberg asked hastings and thiel if they had leaked information. It just seems like there was a lot of friction on the board. Iel mayt know why th have wanted to leave. It could be related to one of his other complaints about Silicon Valley which is that its overrun by groupthink, everyone thinks the same and there really isnt an acceptance of other kinds of thinking and he might have felt that same way about the facebook board. Emily facebook is in an incredibly difficult position. They are under pressure to make dramatic changes. Obviously the accusations that meddling on facebook could have swayed the election. Mark zuckerberg came out when thiel supported donald trump and said, if you believe in diversity, why would we take on somebody who believes in this supports donald trump. Do you think any of this has to do with some of the struggles that facebook is facing right now . Mark the thing about thiel is that he seems to feed off of friction. Our reporting it doesnt seem to , reflect any plans for him to actually leave that board. Its just part of his personality to disagree with people. I think he feels especially like a pariah now after the election and is relocating to l. A. To have some distance. Ill think he will remove himself entirely from the valley scene. He will still be a partner in Founders Fund, which is his big investment vehicle. He will be constantly here talking to investors. Emily what does it mean for Founders Fund . Thiel is a big name there. Ellen it sounds like he will still be involved in the same way, has to have approve the same decisions. Founders fund is his marquee. This is the one people in the valley are most familiar with and think most frequently of when they hear the name peter thiel. Emily houston is this happening, his move to l. A. . Mark he already has a house there so he is essentially moving now. The relocation of the two investment firms is happening in the next few months, i think. Its all pretty imminent. The news network, it remains to be seen when that actually happens. But its definitely something he is thinking about. Emily thank you both. According to the e. U. , facebook and twitter have not done enough to change restrictive user agreements. That is what the European Union is saying calling for stronger , rules to punish companies that flout the law. The statement said, they need to remove terms that curb content, acknowledge and create a way for a user to challenge the removal of content. Facebook needs to clarify limits of liability and explain how and why it will remove such content. Both should allow users to appeal when their accounts are removed. Coming up, google is launching a builtin ad blocker for its chrome web browser. Will it impact their domination in the online ad market . And if you like bloomberg news, check us out on the radio. This is bloomberg. Emily bitcoin continues its comeback. The cryptocurrency hit 10,000 again after a selloff in january send bitcoin plunging from its record highs of almost 20,000. Optimism for cryptocurrencies is increasing as a flood of news on regulatory crackdowns has been replaced with more positive headlines. Popups, autoplay videos with the sound on that or ads that follow you as you scroll on the site, nearly everyone has been annoyed by an ad on a web browser, and now google is making some changes to fix this on its own web browser. The Vice President of Google Chrome had this to say in a blog post. It is clear that annoying ads degrade what we love about the web. Starting february 15, chrome will stop all ads on sites that have obstructive ads. For more i want to bring in the ceo of source point and the former head of google marketplace. What is your reaction to this . I think theyre coming from a good place and people are really looking at google to clean up the web. That being said, it is relatively heavyhanded and its making it more difficult for publishers to drive revenues in order to keep their business sustainable. Many publishers are in a bad state in it is just getting harder. Emily from the user perspective, though, these pop up ads are a pain and it is hard to get rid of them. It certainly is and advertising has gotten very aggressive. The real future of online publishing is asking for user choice. Emily who would say, yes, i want a popup . Say, i amwould happily going to consume a popup in order to be able to consume bloomberg news. Theres only very few people that can drive subscription revenues, so there needs to be that idea of free in terms of what is the value exchange. Emily what about other ad formats instead . Theres plenty of other options, arent there . There certainly are other options. That being said, beauty is in the eye of the boulder. Google is sort of almost singlehandedly painting a brush of where these particular ad formats are bad. There may be plenty of instances where they are not bad. Emily how does it compare to policies on other web browsers . Mozilla in private mode takes out all the advertising, others take out all the advertising. The largest browser in asia also takes all of the advertising out. Emily what about safari . Safari has things like itp, intelligent tracking prevention. In a stealth mode, they take away advertising. Everyone is trying to find the balance between being harsh and keeping users safe. Emily talk to me about it from the publishers perspective. You have something you want to advertise. What are publishers deciding between behind the scenes at one and what are the costs and benefits . The benefit from a publisher perspective is revenue. They have to choose the User Experience that will monetize that particular user while at the same time, keep them coming back. That is the balance that publishers have to weigh every day, every article, every page view. Emily unilever wants to make what do you make of unilever . Unilever wants to make sure they are in well lit environments. They want credibility to their products. They want to have those clear programs and forms of articles it just makes sense for them. Emily is it realistic, or just a threat . Of course, this is where billions and billions of seat businesses are. One ceo yesterday was talking about setting those policies and procedures and getting people into reviewing as much content as possible. There are trying to do a good job. It is not realistic to have every piece of content reviewed by a human. We have to do some combination of machines as well as humans in order to review that content. Do you think of these right now it is just a threat but this kind of concern of the content on facebook or youtube will actually hit the bottom line of facebook . Ben sure, until they get systems and processes and procedures clearly in place, or and may be a small hit. But they will work hard in making these good environments for advertisers. Emily where do you see Online Advertising going . What are the trends that will surprise us ben surprises . Ben i think you will see a resurgence in Subscription Services. You will also see choice and transparency in the transactions that happened between content creators and consumers and we will see a wide variety of unique pieces of technology that will offer users to be in control of their data, be in control of their attention and actually compensate publishers for that content in a much more innovative way. Emily what is coming in terms of the hierarchy of these platforms . Some have suggested that amazon could actually surpass facebook. Google is clearly in the league in the lead right now. But amazon could decide they could surpass facebook as Online Advertising. And advertising juggernaut. But they are also superstrong in Subscription Services. You yourself probably subscribe to prime, its not only the next day shipping service, but you can watch tons of content and you can read tons of content included in that subscription. So they are really out ahead of you. I think you will see more Subscription Services both with micropayments as well as macro payments into the future and it will balance advertising and subscription in terms of making publishing sustainable longterm. Emily thanks for stopping by. Cisco shares jumping out to a 17 year high on thursday after a bullish forecast. Cisco is promising increases in revenue after sales rose for the first time in eight quarters to almost 12 billion. The company is reducing its reliance on the shrinking market for highpriced hardware and pivoting to software and services. Coming up, we speak to the ceo of Hotel Tonight. What they are doing to stay out of competition in the battle for your bookings, next. And we are Live Streaming on twitter, check us out. This is bloomberg. Emily the fcc chair said to be the subject of an internal probe that is investigating whether or not he acted improperly to help Sinclair Broadcasting purchased purchase a tribute station. The push for policy changes to benefit the marylandbased broadcaster. Sinclair is trying to buy 42 tribune stations in 32 markets. Its being reviewed by the fcc and boj. An sec spokesman called the accusation absurd. In the increasingly crowded marketplace for online Hotel Booking, one company was an early entrant in the space. Hotel tonight, a lastminute Hotel Booking app. Alex barinka caught up with the ceo at the tech conference to get the latest on how they are continuing to rise above the competition. Take a listen. We are different because we are mobile only and we initially focused on the mobile only use case of lastminute rooms. That is how we got in the marketing got a foothold in got a lot of Customers Using us. We have expanded since then to take on more and more cases. Our customers are now using us for all of their Hotel Booking. They can book way far in advance. We make it so easy to book at the last minute and give you the best deals because we use mobile to target the deals at the right customers. I remember a few months back i was interviewing the ceo of travelocity and it struck me how similar a lot of these companies are. I hear you on the mobile differentiation and i hear you on the lastminute booking, but it seems like a very crowded space. As you continue to mature how do , you take market share from the bookings. Com, travelocity, hotels. Com, as you go forward . To focus onegy is product execution in Product Innovation in bringing something new to customers every time they open the app, so it is better and better every day. A lot of small improvements and big improvements. Like our loyalty and Perks Program that we revamped at the end of last year. Thats how we are going to win. When you look at the incumbents and the desktop players, most of their r d efforts have gone into improving the Conversion Rate of their marketing and marketing efficiency. But it does not slow down to greatting in providing a experience for the customer. And that is where we are going to win. When you talk about expanding across all of customer booking needs, bookings come to mind. The likes of airbnb, theyve been targeting business customers as well. They spend more. What are you doing to grab that Business Share . Is it just because consumers love your site . How is that changing customer appetite going . We did not know what kind of use case we would get. But we found out of the gate a Solid Product market fit with Business Travelers. They travel at the last minute, they like to save money and time. You can book a hotel in just 10 seconds and know youre going to have a great place to stay. We will continue to invest in that and tools to make it easier for Business Travelers to book, share their itineraries with coworkers. You will see a lot of new things coming with us pretty soon. Does airbnb keep you up at night . No i love airbnb. , its a very complementary product and business to us. When you look at them, its going to be a longer length of stay further in advance. , for us, its a lot of Business Travel and weekend getaways at the last minute. It is a big market there are , going to be many winners in this market. We will be one of the winners. Geographically, where have you had the most success and what is next for Hotel Tonight . We are operational in 30 countries. The u. S. Is where we started and is our largest market, followed by europe, which is growing nicely for us. We are also in latin america. Mexico is one of our fastestgrowing countries and we are putting resources into that. When you think of where you are in terms of business maturity, in terms of your capital needs, you say you are investing in r d. Are you going to need more cash on the Balance Sheet . Where are you in the stage of the Hotel Tonight lifecycle . We are profitable as a business. We are fortunate to have some Great Investors support us and continue to support us. Right now it is about focusing on deploying that capital into delighting the customer and making a unique, differentiated and superior product experience. Will mobile be the heart and home of Hotel Tonight . It will mobile allows us to , have the best customer experience. We can have a onetoone conversation with our customers. We can provide eight second bookings. We can use all the Technology Going into the mobile platforms. Because we are only mobile, we can do locationbased targeting. Our unique geo rates that other guys on desktops can do. So you are throwing out a bunch of things that i know a lot of your competitors would be jealous of. Being a player on mobile, profitability. You yourself have sold two companies in the past. What is next for Hotel Tonight . Do you want to stay independent . Do you think someone like google could come along and gobble you up for their portfolio . Timedont spend much thinking about that. I am focused on providing a great experience for our customers. It is really important for us to deliver incremental revenue to them which is different than our , competitors, who are more in competition with them. We work hard to provide the targeting, the tools and services so they can feel it feel very good about every booking being incremental from Hotel Tonight. And that is how you are getting them onto the platform, by keeping them with you . That is right. And or loyalty of Hotel Partners is incredible. Emily that was Hotel Tonight ceo sam shank. Coming up, the ceo of the biggest supplier of Semiconductor Hardware expects the industry to keep blooming. We will get perspective from Gary Dickerson, next. This is bloomberg. Andt is 11 30 in hong kong 12 30 p. M. In tokyo. I am ramy inocencio. Prime minister shinzo abe hasnt for a secondoda term as boj governor. He was seen as a favorite to stay on, to maintain the banks unprecedented monetary stimulus. He said he is no in no position to talk about unwinding the program. But he said japan has beaten the inflation and are recovering. A rift between the australian Prime Minister and his deputy is widening, saying Malcolm Turnbulls comments about his extramarital affair were inept and the necessary. He said joyce made a shocking error of judgment that caused the breakup of his marriage. Banned sexual relations with the junior staff. As. Regulators have rejected china takeover of the chicago stock exchange. The boards had been in talks with an enterprise over a deal worth 27 million. But the company has no apparent experience running a stock exchange. The bid it did not meet requirements. Chicago handles lessons are. 5 of u. S. Stocks rates. They have named a second in command to maintain group policy. The board decision is subject to a shareholder vote in june. The decision and the weeks of ultslation about rena future. Twitter, google, facebook and other social media platforms could face tougher rules on the political advertising under proposals to be considered by the federal election commission. That would require online ads to carry the same disclaimers from sponsors as broadcast and trade messages do now. They have been examining how russia allegedly used media to influence the 2016 u. S. Election. Global news 24 hours a day, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries. This is bloomberg. Many markets in asia are closed for the lunar new year. Lets check out what is happening in japan. The topix is up 1. 1 . The nikkei, up 1. 2 . Often their session highs. Cross,ok at the u. S. Jpy down 0. 5 . Also, some comments about how boj policies weigh. Crossing the bloomberg terminal, we are seeing this strengthening of the japanese yen. We will have the top stories in 30 minutes again. This is bloomberg. Emily this is bloomberg technology. I am emily chang. Applied materials reported firstquarter earnings yesterday. They beat the highest analyst estimates and get a Sales Forecast that shows the Electronics Industry remains bullish about future demands. Earlier i spoke with Applied Materials ceo Gary Dickerson and asked how long the companys sales run can continue. Take a listen. This is really the most exciting time in the history of Electronics Industry. Technology is transforming Major Industries. Transportation, health care, entertainment, retail, all those different areas. Really it is the foundation of those major industry transformations that will generate trillions of dollars of economic value, materials innovation and Applied Materials. Andsemiconductor business applied business, they are firing on all cylinders and it has never been a better time to be a shareholder of Applied Materials. Emily you have almost doubled sales since how long do you 2013. Think you can keep up that kind of growth . If you look at the Technology Transformations that are happening, over the last three years, for autonomous vehicles, there has been 80 billion invested in changing transportation. All the Major Industries will change in fundamental ways. You see smart devices. Ai natural language processing, all the smart hubs in our homes, eight chips in every one of those devices. So the silicon content is increasing as we go through these transformations. Really our business is fundamentally stronger than it has ever been. If you look at these trillions of dollars of changes that are happening in these Major Industries, ive never been more optimistic about the future that than i am today. Emily sometimes investors looking at the longterm worry that when things are this good in the chip industry that there glut and crashes as there have been in the past. Should they be concerned . It comes down to fundamental changes in the drivers. Everybody remembers pc and enterprise back in 2000 and 2010. You have a computer on your desktop, everybody waiting for the upgrade of the operating system. Then we went to mobile social media. Every Holiday Season there is a war for mobility leadership. You have billions of users everyone is carrying a camera , in their pocket, they have a data center in their pocket. Now you are going to an even bigger disruption in the overall economy with transportation, health care, entertainment, retail, all these things changing in fundamental ways. Emily do you think supply will be a problem . I think the industry will continue to grow significantly over the next several years. Also what we are seeing emily no supply issues . Ben i think supply will be ok. Certainly the demand if you look at profitability of our customers, profitability has never been better. That is an indication that supply is tight. I really think the whole industry will remain very healthy. The other thing is i believe , that ai and big data are the biggest changes in our lifetime. That battle for leadership is the biggest battle of our lifetime. That will play out over the next several years. But no matter who wins in that ai war, Applied Materials is really at the foundation. We are providing the materials innovation for those new technologies. For us, the future has never been brighter. Emily investors look at your results as a dem as an indication of demand for electronics. The signs for smartphone demand just are not good. What is going on there . Units are not going up, but content is going up. If you look at the Electronics Industry as a whole, over the last four years, our percentage of total spending has doubled within Applied Materials. Content is increasing and our role in enabling those big inflections is also increasing. Emily lets talk about china, there is always talk about china playing catchup in the chip industry. How soon do you think Chinese Companies could become rivals to the current giants in the industry . Applied materials has been in china for over 30 years. We have a very long history. Our market share in china is very strong. Last year our revenue was around 3 billion. China has a strategic focus. They are the Largest Consumer of chips in the world. They want to have security in their data centers. So they will continue to invest. If you look at where they are investing, Domestic Companies in 2018, they are investing more in trailing edge geometries, not leading edge geometries. All of those smart devices, Sensor Technologies exploding thats where the majority of , domestic investment is going right now. If you look at leadingedge technology, i would look at the analogy of korea and japan back in the 1980s. In that transition, it took many, many years for korea to grow their memory business to the leading edge. I think it is many, many years before that happens in china. But we do think investment will continue to go up. We dont see any hockey stick happening anytime soon. Emily that was Applied Materials ceo Gary Dickerson. The Trump Administration joins at the u k in blaming russia for the most costly and dangerous cyber attack in history. It was launched by the russian mattel are military. It caused billions of dollars in damage across europe, asia and the americas. The White House Press secretary warned of International Consequences for such an attack. Coming up, more from our coverage of the Goldman Sachs tech conference this week. Well hear from george john about policing online content and investing in ai. If you have a bloomberg terminal you can check out tv , watch us online, check out our graphics. You can contact us on twitter. Tictoc, the first 24 hour Network Streaming live on twitter. This is bloomberg. Emily coinbase customers are expressing concerns with the Cryptocurrency Exchange after they with drew unauthorized money from their account. Explaineder on reddit how they purchased a number of currencies for 500 and were later charged 1500. We reached out to coinbase for a statement. The company responded, we are investigating an issue were some customers were incorrectly charged for purchases of digital currency. We will be reviewing all Card Transactions for the last few weeks to ensure all affected customers are notified. All customers can find updates. Coastal ventures partner george john built a successful career in marketing as cofounder of rocket fuel. What does he make of the current controversy about policing content . Selina wang caught up with george at the Goldman Sachs tech conference to discuss that and investing in ai. Take a listen. Looking at it, there are some thetary consequences, like google or facebook feed. There are a lot of goodnatured Computer Sciences who are trying to help people find content that they would like to read. Unfortunately, that creates a of these bubbles. Where you are extreme and all you see is more and more extreme content your view of the world , is different from someone else. It is partly that goodnatured, lets be helpful, then being gamed by bad actors in the system. There are a lot of areas in beenting where they have trying to keep the bad guys out. Everyone has intrusion detection and other forms of Computer Security. I think we just had not thought about these open forums and the extent to which we needed to be thinking about security, as well. Artificial intelligence has helped Companies Target in reach that consumer. What are some of the other unintended consequences of the technology . Stripre is a dilbert which says, the only reason it is not legal is because it works. Honestly, with some of these companies, with computer brains the size of the planet, that develop mastery in getting people to take actions. Buying cookies are shopping for things they might not be able to afford or even , getting interested in a political candidate. It is something we need to think about in terms of messages people receive and how they can be conceptualized. People understand that there is an ad in a rectangle they can be skeptical. But other forms are less understood. It feels reasonable to have protections for consumers. How should Companies Like facebook and google and twitter protect themselves from some of these negative side effects that you were just talking about . It is facebook and twitters job to keep people from committing information crimes . Or should we say, if you program pretends to be an extremist and communicates to hundreds of thousands of people, should we go find that guy and punish them in some way . I dont know the right way, honestly. It feels like some of these companies from the outside seem to move it slow. But you can see all these resources. These are hard problems and its a bit of cat and mouse. You put in filters and the bad guys figure out some way around it. On the Computer Security side, we have seen an evolution from rulesbased security to ai security. The ai can adapt with the bad guys. I want to get your take on the ethics of building these algorithms. How did these startups make sure they are not inherently building bias into their data with the algorithms they are writing . I think we have evolved from the days when they might just survey everyone in the office for facial recognition. It is understood that you need a sample of the population youre actually trying to work with. Whether thats gathering medical data for a Broad Community or otherwise. I think that is well understood. There was news in the last few weeks that someone was watching guys forcing her students to watch black mirror. It is very sobering as a technologist to see that kind of imagination. Thoughts on what the future of autonomous weaponry can be. Encouraging people to think about it and have limits on it. As an operating parter you worked with several Artificial Intelligence startups. Is this a catch phrase that a lot of startups are adding to their label to boost their valuation or are you seeing the , advancement of ai truly flourish at these companies . A gradt of hours, it is student and a professor coming out of stanford or m. I. T. Or Something Like that. Harvard is ok, i hear. But there is Real Technology and its actually quite exciting. We have a company that built a device that can take your ekg and detect Atrial Fibrillation on the spot. One company is a Mental Health company that helps therapists interact with patients in a way that the therapist can get alerts from the ai system saying the thing they just said is a likelihood of someone who is likely to have self harm in the future. And you should be careful, maybe escalate. There is a lot of Real Technology behind these things and real applications that fit in with them. Where do you see the most advanced applications of technology right now . You mentioned health care, but you are interested in finance as well as the agricultural sector. Agriculture and food food seem simple, you throw things together and cook it. But we have an foods, which is significant. By using this engineered plants proteins instead of actually growing a cow, you use only 10 of the water, space, and Greenhouse Gas emissions. There is a lot of science. They have a data plans team headed by a berkeley scientist. There trying to predict i like the areas that have real science in them. Emily that was george john of Coastal Ventures at the Goldman Sachs tech conference. Coming up, our continuing look at how big tech plays the influence game in washington. Just how airbnb won the right to operate in cuba. This is bloomberg. Emily nokia is monitoring the health of its fitness tracking division. They got into the Health Business two years after purchasing a friend start up for 212 million. The move allowed it to make and sell wearables connecting sleep trackers and more. Struggledit has a since, losing 176 million last year alone. The review could result in a sale of the division as nokia as it tightens its focus on networks and patent licensing. Now a story were following in the nations capital. We are looking at how airbnb uses the power of lobbying to win big in cuba. Back in 2014, then president obama began the process of restoring relations with cuba, but his successor has been calling for limits on American Travel there and restrictions on commercial ties with the nation. But airbnb won an exception to keep operating there. How did it happen . To answer that, i want to bring in ben brody. I remember when airbnb made this big splash in cuba and obviously its a quickly growing market for them. How did they pull this off, given the political headwinds . One of the things you do when you are doing a tech lobbying campaign is coming you hire some folks who can get a meeting and they go to the Relevant Bureau and basically say, look, here is why we think you should do something a little different, a little narrower than what you are planning and heres how maybe you can justify it. You can cut off relationships with hotels, but wouldnt it be great for the cuban people, they said, if americans could stay in their residences . We dont know who else could of been lobbying for this but it seems like thats how they pulled it off. Emily where does airbnb rank in tech lobbying . We know Tech Companies spend a lobbying in washington. How do they rank in the hierarchy . That is one of the Amazing Things about this. They did it with a relatively lowkey campaign. 500,000still spending dollars, 600,000. A lot of people might like that added to their Checking Account if they dont think that is a big deal. When youre looking at a company like google, they are spending 18 million last year on lobbying. This is a much smaller effort, a little sliver of influence that they went in seemingly and got done what they needed to do with relatively little effort. Emily talk about googles lobbying efforts. It has often been a point of contention given how much money , they are spending and the influence they have. When you are counting by spending, google is the winner. It is interesting, my colleague who covers google, and i, have been looking at these disclosures. It looks like they are going back to the house and senate. Congressional lobbying, that is the norm. Thats what a lot of companies do. You are always seeing lobbyists on the hill. Google is really doing that, backing away from lobbying it was doing at the federal trade commission when it was worried about the nanny trust case. And other communication things. It seems to be focusing on beating back some of those probes it is seeing in congress as well as locking in some Business Opportunities that come out of other experiments. Emily walk us through one of these meetings. How do they go . Ben absolutely. Very often it is someone who has a prior relationship with someone in the institution. You can often see Previous Campaign workers, chiefs of staff. They make a call. What they bring is not a stack of cash or a come or a campaign donation. What they bring is one of these education issues. Here is why you might not have realized it could affect us. They could be a slideshow, powerpoint, an informal conversation. We think you should do this other thing or just write this out. A lot of times it works, and a lot of times it doesnt. And a lot of times we dont know which way it went. Emily i know youre working on future stories about lobbying and tech. Talk to us about the trends you are following. Ben as these Companies Get more powerful, where can they go for influence . Can they go all the way to the top . It turns out they can. Just how much they are doing is what were looking at. Emily thanks so much, ben brody. That does it for this edition of bloomberg technology. Tune in this friday for our coverage of the nba Technology Summit in l. A. We will speak to Industry Leaders from sports, media, and tech ahead of nba allstar weekend. Watch for our interviews with l. A. Clippers owner, steve ballmer, and mark cuban, owner of the dallas mavericks. That does it for this edition of bloomberg technology. A reminder, we are Live Streaming on twitter. Thats all for now. This is bloomberg. Announcer the following is a paid presentation for the penrx relief with dr. Drew ske. If you are one of the millions of americans who suffer from muscle cramps in your legs and feet, relief is finally in sight. Today im here to shared news that got me excited. It is called theraworx relief. This lifechanging product is clinically proven to quickly relieve muscle cramps and prevent muscle cramps forth they before they start

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