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Find out, but we are getting out. We want to get out. We had good meetings with the taliban. We are going to be leaving, and we are going to be bringing our soldiers back home. Weve been there for almost 20 years. Its a long time. Weve done a great job in terms of getting rid of terrorists. Now it is up to other countries to get rid of those terrorists. Meet. Going to we have discussions to go, but weve made a lot of progress, ok . Thank you all very much. [indiscernible] press, lets go. Move lets go, press. Vonnie more of those comments from President Trump just a few moments ago. We talked a little bit about the peace signing. Very few comments on this killer occasion. He is meeting on this particular occasion. He is meeting with pharmaceutical executives today. We will hear more as the day progresses. We are monitoring gains on the s p 500. 1. 7 , nowas much down to 1. 2 . The retailers and the Food Companies are doing well. Consumer electronics, everything you might imagine would do well in an environment where people are quarantined. Detergent tight materials, personal hygiene, consumer electronics. Of course, we still have the Cruise Companies suffering, down once again after bouncing small on friday. In terms of the 10 year yield,. E got down as far as 1. 0286 we got a little bit of selling. Twostens spread is at 28 basis points, a Pretty Healthy curve, although not if you look at the actual levels. Crude oil is bouncing today by 3. 4 , still just at 46. 28 a barrel. Guy a couple of things probably worth sharing with everybody that it happened over the last few minutes. The first, looking at what is happening with the g7, i wonder whether this is what generated the bounce that we saw a few minutes ago, g7 finance minister s tuesday weighing some sort of fiscal coordinated response, and the way that Laurence Boone of the oecd was discussing with the Program Within the last hour. That is potentially providing a little bit of a catalyst for the financial markets. The other headline is the one we are watching right now, ryanair to cancel up to 25 of italian flights on coronavirus. Remember, these lowcost carriers have significant exposure to the italian markets at the moment. I am going to be speaking to Michael Oleary tomorrow. We will have that interview here on Bloomberg Television with the take on what is happening with this market. Right now, we are seeing the Airline Stocks in europe under a considerable amount of pressure. Just ryanair, but i ag easyjet, lufthansa under considerable pressure. Argue,l action, i would is at the front end of the curve, particularly in the united states. We are still six basis points lower when it comes to german ,enyear german twoyear 83. Lets get more of the impact of the coronavirus right now. We are joined for analysis by john hardy, Saxo Bank Head of fx strategy, joining us from copenhagen. We are looking at action on the monetary and fiscal front. We seen a bit of a bounce in stocks. If we do get coordinated response, how do you think different assets will react to it . Considering the almost record pace we saw in the selloff, especially in equity markets last week, the twoway risk is very much there. On the Monetary Policy side, i really wont be impressed with much. We are talking about a shutdown activity. Cutting rates is not going to increase Economic Activity or start considering a new loan or something. It is about the fiscal side. It is really difficult because it is not simply fiscal stimulus. It is about credit forbearance, and specifically, how does that forbearance propagate down to the smaller actors in the economy which are behind a lot of the jobs, etc. . Certainly there is a risk from where we have come of potentially a very sharp rally, but the devil could be in the details of how it actually shakes out and what form it takes. It is also politically difficult if you are talking about fiscal stimulus, especially in the u. S. , but also europe. Guy how does it actually work . How does it need to work properly . You talk about that granular level response that is required to make sure that small and Mediumsized Companies dont have a liquidity crunch. What does that actually look like in reality . John its a very good question. I am not sure what it looks like in reality, but that is what i will be focusing on more than simply where liquid instruments are reacting in the Immediate Response to that. We will also look at Corporate Credit to see how it is responding. We see a pretty big blowout for credit spreads coinciding with this move in equity markets. Something like the beat down Energy Sector are already things we are looking for. If we see filtering down to avoiding the natural credit cycle, and a case where we are seeing potentially a recession on this coronavirus follow coronavirus fallout. Vonnie how likely is it that we see some kind of emergency cut from the federal reserve, and how would that changed enough medics . Change the mathematics . John on the Monetary Policy side, i am sure we will see a bounce in the markets on an initial announcement. I think it would have to be 50 basis points immediately before the meeting to have any sustained impact beyond the immediate few minutes after the headline, and even then, considering we are priced for a fed funds rate of 50 basis points or so by the end of this are almost already pricing and that the fed is getting close to that zero or quarterpoint policy rate. The Monetary Policy side is not going to impress, especially the rest of the world. It is all about fiscal. It is about the feds willingness to blowout the Balance Sheet to absorb any fiscal impact that the government announces on the fiscal side, and whether we can have a political environment that allow something to proceed. It is a toxic political season. It is all a pretty heady cocktail for how this shakes out. Year, the far this new Zealand Dollar is down more than 7 versus the u. S. Dollar. So is the norwegian krone. How much of these are due to the coronavirus, and how much has to do with centralbank inaction . Well, before the Coronavirus Impact was shaking through the system, we had a set up where we were seeing a chase for yield. These economies are getting close to their effective lower bound. Enthusiasm for markets where there is still yield to be had. We are seeing those currencies of new zealand and australian dollars quite weak. That is effectively why we are seeing the negative dynamics there. Theres no real yield of holding these currencies, especially from the commodity angle and the asian demand angle from the coronavirus outbreak seeing more weakness there. I still see some potential Downside Risks as we look on the credit side and consumption side of these economies. They are experiencing quite significant private leveraging over the previous cycle, so theres a risk of a very weak outcome economically, and a bit of a down cycle before receiving turning up. Guy is the euro up because people are removing the euro as a funding currency . Is it the removal of shorts setting it up right now . Is that logical . John i think that is very logical. E. U. Is the biggest surplus economic bloc in the world. Theoretically, was a huge shock to the economy, it should be suffering. You had a market that was increasingly looking at the euro as a spectacular funding currency for this reach for yield and putting it on a short euro versus other trades, hedging Long Exposure in eu stocks to the short euro side. I definitely think that the vast majority of this upside is on a squeeze on positioning. You had the euro positioning in u. S. Futures reaching multiyear lows just ahead of this. Where it stops, it is hard to say. It is hard to say if we will get a very ugly market like we saw last week, but even if we have seen the bottom of the cycle in eurodollar, we are not going to go in one way higher given the other aspects of what the euro and the e. U. Economy, the risks it faces over this episode from the coronavirus. Guy on a more mediumterm basis, would you still be a seller . John i like to have some sort of optionality for some more euro weakness. Maybe eurosterling could be an interesting trade on that front. That is also positioning. Sterling was short the euro before this. We are seeing positions grow there. That is really tricky in these illiquid markets. Maybe consult a technician daytoday on patterns as this plays out in coming days and weeks, and who knows, months. Guy maybe months. John, stick around. John hardy, Saxo Bank Head of fx strategy. Vonnie lets check Global Markets now. Heres taylor riggs. Taylor one to take a look at where we stand on all the major averages. Pretty positive sentiment, up solidly 1. 5 . Trying to hold on to some earlier gains we had seen in the stocks. That had some positive momentum from china overnight. The csi 300 at one point at its best gain since may. I want to flip up the board and show the wild swings we have seen within the s p 500 and the last two days. Earlier bottomed out friday, youve now gone up about 5 or so. Earlier on the session, we had dropped down. Now going higher to 3000, holding on right around the 2990, 3000 or so on the major averages, despite some of the wild swings we have seen. I just came from san francisco, so i am still all about big tech. Some of the major market caps have been falling by 100 billion, 200 billion or so, but spinal he trying to reverse a lot of those losses. Up 2 , microsoft, apple 3 , 4 or so. They had lowered some Sales Forecast guidance for the next fiscal quarter as they look for further gains. Finally, it comes all the way about bonds. Earlier this morning, the twoyear and the tenure had been off, trying to rebound a little bit as yields fall. The tenure now still hovering at about 1. 07 . That is unchanged from earlier this morning. I keep hearing, though, that as long as yields keep falling, until those stable out and yields start to rise, the equity market rally may not have a lot of legs. We really need to see these yields start to bottom out before we can transition back to full risk on mode. Vonnie taylor, thank you, and good to have you back in new york. Some breaking news now on coordinated action. We are seeing the g7 finance ministers and central bankers will join a call on tuesday to weigh responses to the virus. Once again, finance ministers and central bankers. A very unusual pairing of the two, but exactly what has been called for by the oecd and many other political actors looking for a coordinated response, not just domestically, but globally, to the coronavirus. So there will be a call on tuesday of g7 finance ministers and Monetary Policy makers. Right now, the dow is up to percent. This is bloomberg. Vonnie live from new york, im vonnie quinn. Guy from london, im guy johnson. This is the european close on Bloomberg Markets. Lets catch up with bloomberg first word news. Heres courtney donohoe. The u. S. Supreme court will hear an appeal to reaffirm actsfordable care constitutionality. The administrations backing. Fforts by republican states the democratic partys best chance to stop Bernie Sanders from winning the president ial nomination comes tuesday, but his top challengers face huge obstacles. Joe biden is trying to capitalize on his we can win in south carolina, but he is low on cash, and his super tuesday operation is negotiable. Is the founder and majority owner of bloomberg lp, the Parent Company of bloomberg news. Americans are grappling with the possibility of a widening coronavirus epidemic. Caseork reported its first of the disease, a woman who contracted it while traveling in iran. President trump will meet with pharmaceutical executives today. Meanwhile, china says its total number of infections has risen above 80,000. South korea now has more than 4200 cases. Jack welch has died. Jack welch was the champion of corporate efficiency who built General Electric into one of the Worlds Largest companies, and influenced generations of business leaders. Ge stock rose almost 3000 over as ceo. Two decades welch was 84. Global news 24 hours a day, on air and on quicktake by bloomberg, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries. Im ritika gupta. This is bloomberg. Vonnie thank you. Ritika gupta on first word news. We are back with john hardy, Saxo Bank Head of fx strategy, from copenhagen. Where are the better carry trades right now . John [laughter] unafraid those are a little bit in absence. Businesst back down to with taking a reach for yield back. Certainly, we have seen an incredible beat down of these higheryielding currencies, although that yield is a lot less than what used to be. If you look at brazil, its not offering much yield premium like it used to, well below 5 , similar to russia, although the rate is higher there. Rates like mexico could be interesting with changing ,ourcing of supply chains, etc. On the longerterm arc, but as a trade, i am really not sniffing around here, i must admit. Vonnie so those carry trades that had to be unwound, what happened to them . Where did that all go . We didnt see the big fluctuations in currency markets that we did in treasury markets are equities, for example. Movessome pretty chunky if you look across the em space. Theres been some pretty decent marking down of these currencies. One of the interesting things is on the credit side, emerging markets have not experienced the kind of credit spread writing you would experience in past cycles. In a lot of cases, the currency has taken more of the hit. If that lay of the land changes and we see the credit spread blowing out more significantly to new wide levels, that could be a concern, and then you start to see a policy response of em banks halting their chopping cycles, and you need to go into defensive mode and defend against further currency weakness. Guy given the chinese pmi over the weekend, we got dollar cny trading at 6. 19. How big a 10 tatian do you think there will be for the chinese authorities to weaken the currency how big a temptation do you think there will be for the chinese authorities to weaken the currency . John i really dont know. I think they keep it in the range. If you look at the euro against the basket, the move is less impressive than what you have seen in dollarcny. Certainly pressure on the confidence weaken if isnt returning. I dont really have any visibility on their intentions with the currency, assuming relative stability. Guy but using the trade deal done with washington, do you think that removes that letter removes that lever . Do you think that deal removed it is an option for the pboc . Risk i think there is a that, given the stresses of this situation, and maybe an ill inability,maybe an the chinese feeling the trade deal is maybe no longer fair, we could see more hostilities break out and china wanting to walk away from the deal because it feels like the u. S. Side is being unreasonable. Under that scenario, yes, but as long as it tries to get back to stability and keeping things where they want it to go through the u. S. Election, unless we are seeing a pretty chaotic ,ituation across Global Markets that china wants to see anything but stability in the Exchange Rate. Vonnie a word about sterling and the euro, sterling trading weaker versus the u. S. Dollar. 1. 1149. stronger at where does the balance of power lie between britain and europe these days . John we could have a period of the two sides playing chicken over the shape of the trade deal after the transition at the end of the year, but i think locally, this last move taking euro versus sterling well above 87 is more about position squaring. If you are going to tell me we are going to see another wave of deleveraging, that eurosterling Exchange Rate could move another on ae of percent resquaring of positions. I still like sterling for the longer haul, but the levels are very difficult in the shortterm, for sure. Guy john, a great pleasure having you with us today. Thank you werner at thank you for your analysis. John hardy, Saxo Bank Head of fx strategy, joining us from copenhagen. Youve got the s p now up over 2 . Europe pretty firm as well. This is bloomberg. Vonnie checking u. S. Markets now, it appears that sentiment has improved since that headline suggesting the g7 finance ministers and centralbank policy makers will all jump on a call together to discuss a cord made it response to the coronavirus. We have the dow up 2. 1 , the s p as well, and the nasdaq. Guy we are getting into the story here in europe. The dax is back to flat. We are probably a little oversold, as well, pushing against an open door. Ftse 100 now positive. The dax just going positive as well, or at least unchanged, but it does seem the coordinated action seems to be helping right now. This is bloomberg. Guy european stocks wrapping up the monday session, most has not been positive. In the last half hour to 45 minutes, the story has turned around with more green on this green. On the screen. Europe, flights down to italy. The story out of asia was good and we started more positively and then faded to the early rally perhaps sideways and now moving up. Coordinated action happening tomorrow or at least a coordinated meeting happening. We will discuss that in more detail. We are up by. 2 . Also worth bearing in mind, a lot of indicators point to markets being a little oversold. Without much information, hard to make those calculations accurately in terms of where the markets go. The ftse hundred and Health Care Stocks bouncing back. Dax is under pressure. Aviation sector under pressure. This is a Health Crisis but secondly is a travel crisis. We dont have a medical way of dealing with the coronavirus at this point in a meaningful way. Stocks and Health Care Stocks bouncing back. We are seeing aviation sector under pressure. Beaten up last week despite the big move into bond markets around the world. That feels logical today. Travel stocks down to put 62 . Deal with the coronavirus is to restrict travel. Let me show you travel stocks today. Lufthansa, easyjet, iag all under pressure. 7 . France down by lufthansa down by 4. 5 . Ryanair, the biggest travel company down very hard. A big meeting in russells tomorrow. We will see the ceos in brussels tomorrow. The ceos of these companies will be talking to them. We are looking like we make it some coordinated action. That is the european close. Vonnie in the u. S. , we had an up and down overnight session and a bounce at the beginning this morning, but a small bounce. Since the policymakers are going to try to Work Together and talk to each other, we have seen that increase. Major indices up more than 2 period dog got up to 2. 5 higher. The 10 year yield back to 2. 09. Move. A big the spread is wide because of the move in the yield curve which was quite substantial. 4. 3 and still below 47 a barrel. That tells you how big the selloff was in those assets. Here are individual movers. Andter was higher all day we will be talking about twitter and the ramifications to where the company and maybe for the president ial election. Cosco costco and some of the. Ther food doors doing well cbs and Colgate Palmolive doing well. Pulley palmolive doing well. Live nation organizers might be having to cancel. Guy lets get more analysis on the markets. Our Senior Editor for markets, john authers in new york. It looks like we are going to get a meeting tomorrow, mainly to coordinate possibly monetary action. What kinds of things do we need to hear to make the market convinced this will have any effect . Obviously need to hear the Central Banks are on the same page with each other. One of the other things that will dominate the discussion is the way that the dollar has completely reversed and started to weaken very dramatically in the last couple of weeks. One suspects that has something to do with a coordination and would make a lot of people happier if the dollar kept weakening. Beyond that, many of us have been discussing over the last couple of weeks nothing that money can do to cure any of us , but monetary action can deal with the potential for a secondary crisis. We have had an asset class shock and that creates the risk that plenty of leveraged players could get into danger. Central banks can attempt to address that, and they probably should. That is what the markets will want to hear. Vonnie is the effect of the mitigation that are impacting Small Businesses and confidences so what was a supply problem was a demand problem as well as a m . Nancial proble will we see fulltime frenzy from these players . The most recent example of the shanghai record which was never made public as such in early 2016 after the. Hinese devaluation crisis this was the last time our own bloomberg natural index Bloomberg Financial index was this tight. I am not sure it matters too much exactly how transparent they are fighting the message getting across to be honest. The critical thing, and we are talking about shortterm trading conditions and averting the risk of a peer financial crisis now theer than about coronavirus and what it could do to human beings. All they need to know is Central Banks are on the same page and will not allow a true financial accident to happen as a result of these very scary developments. Guy what do you think of the u. S. 10 year at 1 . John it has not cot quite gotten there. Guy pretty close. John i did check in the markets last night and saw it got to 1. 03 something in my tweet that i wrote in response did go along the lines of good grief. 1 is a level we have never been below. It is startling to happen that way, given that we actually have improvement isms and manufacturing numbers in the euro zone and a number still above 50 here in the states. Testimony toly a how worried people are about what has happened with the coronavirus. I would assume, since we are going to have more tests of that 1 level and it will be quite difficult to go through 1 , this has nothing to do with how that rate should be or anything like that. It is purely about trade psychology and the gains trade has played. It takes a lot of conviction to really say that you are prepared to lend money to the u. S. Government for 10 years and get less than 1 in return for it. Vonnie writes, how funny that it is something the coronavirus would put us into right, how funny that it is Something Like the coronavirus that would put us into this and not something else. John we have to be careful about what we are discussing. Risk of a domino effect within the financial market, it helps if central markets get aggressive. In terms of the longterm economic damage that could be because by the worst effects we are talking about from the coronavirus, it doesnt help at all. The big question you need to be worried about from the point of view of what we were talking about last week is again period. The fed has ammunition and positive interest rates, not compared,ly but substantially positive interest rate. It runs the risk if it doesnt cut enough of looking in adequate and as such, it runs the risk of overdoing it and leaving itself without ammunition for what could still recession and a bear market. That is difficult. I dont know anything as much about Monetary Policy but going to 0 would not be a good idea, at least at this stage. We are all feeling a little smaller than we used to in the face of a threat that none of us have experienced reacting to. Vonnie great stuff. While you were talking, the dow rose further and is now up 2. 5 . Next to our senior partner john authers. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson warns the coronavirus outbreak will become more significant was the u. K. In the next days. Tomorrow, his government will publish a plan to fight the disease. New york expecting more cases after identifying its first one. Iran and south korea reported a jump in infections. Bernie sanders dominating the democratic president ial race in california, one day before the primary. He is leading runnerup joe biden. Sanders has been boosted by californias crisis over income inequality and housing affordability. This is one of 14 holding primaries tomorrow and super tuesday. In india, the death toll from riots between indusind muslims has climbed to 46 hindus and muslims has climbed to 46. Hundreds injured. Schools and vehicle set on fire. Except for one tweet, president modi has been silent on the violence. President erdogan has triggered a border crisis in the european union. Greece declared a state of emergency and quit accepting applications for asylum. They told millions of Asylum Seekers they would not stand in the way if they want to leave. Thousands flocked toward the greek border. Greek forces trying to hold them back. Global news 24 hours a day, online and at quicktake on bloomberg, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. This is bloomberg. Guy thank you very much. European orchids settled in closed settled and closed. Upswing. On an the ftse 100 while positive was not matched what we saw in germany, which was down by. 3 . Oil stocks and health care car andid better and travel stocks were certainly under pressure. Big losses for the likes of iag, ryanair and those kinds of names at the bottom and of the story here in europe today. Not much action during the auction, but we left things on an upward trajectory. We will continue at the top of the hour with the cable show in the london area. We have some great guests lined up. This is bloomberg. Vonnie live from new york, im vonnie quinn. Guy live from london, im guy johnson. This is the european close on Bloomberg Markets. Taylor stock of the hour, shares of American Airlines at a low as they cut more service to your. Travelers deciding not to risk flying during the coronavirus. In the past 20 days or so, this is when the wuhan virus started, shares down 32 or so. Deutsche bank cutting u. S. Airlines to a hold from Buckingham Research saying they could drop additional 15 to 20 . It happened similarly during 9 11. I want to take a look at the latest drop from sending suspending flights to italy. 10 flights suspended. Italy is the sixth most visited country and they expect 13 of gdp. I want to highlight one of the biggest problems and that is that we are getting into the spring and Summer Holiday travel season. U. S. And europe usually have fares above fares 60 above the normal. A lot of analysts highlighting that Corporate Travel is restricted and that demand is pressuring the shares of American Airlines. That is your stock of the hour. Vonnie that is taylor riggs, back in new york city. Warning of the potential for a massive influx of migrants from turkey. Border clashes between police and migrants reported over the weekend. Brussels has called an emergency meeting. We are joined outside the commission. What can you tell us about this meeting and how your respond . E. U. Is determined to avoid a situation like the one we saw in 2015, just a huge migration crisis that became a political crisis. Angela merkel under pressure. Ae europeans want to avoid rerun of a situation but also telling us the situation on the ground is very different. They believe what we have seen over the weekend has to do with president erdogan and a power play. President erdogan not happy about the fact that he suffered a military lost in syria but also unhappy that nato and the eu did not amount exclusively in his support. They believe this is more about turkey and erdogan. We have seen greek authorities playing hardball this week and sing everyone who tries to come into the country will be sent back. The european borders rrs and we will take a tough stance. It is very politically ours and we will take a tough stance. It is very politically invaded. Vonnie it seems as though they are taking ace tough stance. Maria the delegation has to go through security because they are not a member state. What is distinct is we know that the two sides have been well documented and the u. K. Saying they will not be a role taker and we will want a trade down deal here we want guarantees. Also fishing rights into u. K. Waters. It is interesting the timeline. We were always told june would be the deadline paired the Prime Minister said he is ready to walk out if there is no trade deal deadline. The Prime Minister said he is ready to walk out if there is no trade deal by the deadline. That is the month where he would have to make a decision whether or not to extend the transition period. Tadeo in is maria brussels. Thank you very much. Vonnie lets check the markets because we are moving. S p 500 up 2. 3 . The dow up 2. 5 . It is the companies you might anticipate leading things higher, walmart, costco, twitter, and clorox. The vix down to 33. This is bloomberg. Guy live from london, im guy johnson. Vonnie im vonnie quinn. Vonnie this is the european close on Bloomberg Markets. Shares of twitter is surging today and the best performer in the s p 500. Bloomberg reporting that Elliott Management is pushing for changes after taking a 1 million stake in the company. That includes possibly replacing jack dorsey. Elliott has nominated some directors. Lets get the details. Candidatetter a good for elliott, which doesnt tend to invest in Companies Like this . Scott it is the perfect company, because Tech Companies typically have a control shareholder or founder who has control over the company. Twitter is different. They have a single stock, which means that anybody can accumulate a certain amount of shares and affect change, which is what elliott does. Guy what role will dorsey play in the whole process . He was not in the meeting over the past few days. Can we assume that he will exit gracefully or will he go with a fight . Scott that is assuming he does go. I would say that meeting that happened between elliott and put her on friday evening that we reported on this morning, it was between the chairman and the lead director from elliott. Especially uncommon, when there is a ceo question. You dont really want to have jack dorsey in the room when you are talking about all of the things he has done or not done. Vonnie what can he do to defend his role . Boardst is the decision and if they feel he is doing a good job, they can stand behind him. This may move into a proxy fight because elliott has nominated directors to the board. Has twitter evolved . Elliott, haveist, a point here . You have seen the changes taking place at other Tech Companies. It doesnt feel like it has evolved the same way. Scott that has been a criticism of twitter is that it stuck to its core platform while others like instagram, have introduced more client friendly features like stories and filters. The biggest innovation pitter has had over the decade twitter has had over the decade is doubling the size of tweets. Vonnie i want to ask very specifically about the election, because whether it is true or not, there will be the suggestion that elliott is doing this because he is strongly gop and may have an interest in the outcome, which he does have a personal interest would he ever bring that to twitter and is that one of the reasons why . Scott that is probably left for all the people to talk about on twitter. I dont think that is why elliott is here. Singer likes to make money and feels there is money to be made here. Vonnie thank you. Looking for more exclusives on the elliott stake in twitter. In the u. S. , balance of power is coming up. He will look at that story and looking forward to super tuesday. Lets look at how we are looking in the united states. Up 3 on the dow. Gains are coming fast. The s p up two point 8 . The 10 year u. S. Treasury yield is also higher. This is bloomberg. David for our radio audiences worldwide, im david westin. Welcome to Bloomberg Markets balance of power, with a focus on the intersection of politics and the economy. We will talk about what the bar out break means for the viral outbreak means for the economy and also talk about the 14 states gearing up for super tuesday. The big question is, do we know how many cases we have of coronavirus in the united states. It is said we have thousands we dont know about. The cdc got the tests together but there turned out to be issues with reagents. They are now testing independently but it will be a long time for we can test as broadly as we would like to. Ideally you test with anyone who comes in with symptoms and doesnt have the flu. It will be

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