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Increased spending for italys health care sector, and moves to extraordinary layouts. Damage from the virus to the Nations Companies will be serious and widespread. A top olympic official says there is no way to cancel the Olympic Games in tokyo. As of now, they are set to begin in japan as scheduled. Official said a decision would be made at the end of a. May. Global news 24 hours a day, onair, and on quicktake by bloomberg, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. Im ritika gupta. This is bloomberg. 1 00 in new york, five 00 in london, 1 00 in hong kong. Im taylor riggs. Welcome to bloomberg markets. From bloomberg World Headquarters in new york, here are the top stories on the bloomberg and from around the world that we are following. The Federal Reserve going all in, slashing Interest Rates by a full percent, promising to boost its bondholders by at least 700 billion. But those moves failing to stop the run in global markets. Equities plunging the most since the 1987 crash, triggering Circuit Breakers at the open. Stocks now looking to rebound off of those lows. Turbulence ahead for airlines. One official says that they could be facing bankruptcy by may, if the government does not step in. Kailey leinz is here with the markets update. Not much improvement from this morning. Kailey we are off the lows but also still will session highs. Fear in thist of equity market about the spreading coronavirus. It was also spooked the emergency one percentage point rate cut. What does the fed know that we dont, is the central bank starting to panic . You starting to see that in the equity markets. The dow is now down to thousand points. If we look at how it has performed since its record high, it is down by roughly 30 from its record high. The biggest drag on that index dow, exxon, and boeing. Boeing is down 50 in the past month. Are under pressure, but it is really the entire travel complex. Take a look at gtv on the terminal at the coronavirus trade. Travel is not doing well. Index, cruise lines, that relative to the food industry. You can see with food stocks outperforming. As people rush into grocery stores, that is benefiting packaged foods, like conagra, which is the best performer in the s p 500 today. Take a look at apparel retailers. On pays for their worst day on record. This as Retail Locations and malls are closing. L brands down by 30 . Gap is down by more than a quarter. Simon Property Done by nearly 16 today. Taylor our thanks to kailey leinz. For more analysis on the market, i want to bring in john porter. Your take on the equity price action today. Is this because our in spite of the cuts by the fed . John i think it is despite the fed. Is a new reality that investors are starting to come to grips with. Been optimistic that this was going to pass relatively quickly. We were looking at past precedents of other viruses were the market absorbed the impact quite well, quickly recovered. This is sort of a new reality that this is a different situation than we have done what before. We see it in our everyday life. I am here in downtown boston, i went out for lunch, and there is nobody in the stores, even those that are takeout only. It is just a realization that ae economy has come to complete stop. We dont know when it will start to resume any kind of normal behavior again. Taylor our markets functioning property properly, is there liquidity . Equity side, we see no issues with liquidity. On the fixed income side, talking to my partner, there were some issues last week, but that is where the fed stepping in has largely resolved those issues. This is not a financial crisis. We are all looking back to 2008 as precedent. While there is some market behavior day today that is similar to 2008, the catalyst for those problems were very different than today. That was a financial crisis. We are in good shape financially. We are not at risk of losing major banks like we did 12 years ago, but consumer confidence, behavior has hit a wall. In some cases, has been forced to because of the actions we have seen governments take in the last 36 hours. Fall didntou bother analysis to your world of Equity Analysis i know you are talking to everyone cross asset. Take a look at the chart in my terminal. Bbb and the bb sector. 521 basis point spread over treasuries. Some are giving that needs to widen out to 750 before we see a bottoming. What level of spreads on the bond side makes you comfortable dipping your toes back in on the equity side . John great question. Now,f the things right Equity Investors are focused on liquidity of companies. In addition to being cio, im also the Portfolio Manager on smallcap growth strategies. In particular, we are sensitive to company liquidity, Balance Sheets. You have seen small caps in general outperform large caps, those with leverage have performed even worse. The question you are asking is important. I dont have a great answer. We are starting to see some signs where we are trying to bottom in some of the areas that went down the hardest initially. Lines,ike hotels, cruise any of the leisure sectors. On the margin and i am squinting here you see them behaving better today than they have been, so maybe that is a hope that we are reaching a morem for those operationallyleveraged companies. But it is impossible to call a bottom with any foresight. Taylor are you having to pull back and withdraw your earnings forecast . How can you even forecast what an earnings quarter could look like . John you really cannot, taylor. The question. No one has any idea. Great question. Nobody has any idea what the next few weeks holds for us. We are longterm, fundamental investors. Pms said it good. I have much better vision for my companies. It is a bit of a cliche. You try to take advantage of market dislocations like this to focus on where there is quality longterm Value Creation stories that maybe you have not been able to get comfortable with because of valuation or some other factor, that have now come into a price point that is much more attractive. You try to focus on that. You cannot spend all your time focusing on 2022. You have to be mindful of this mine field we are trying to navigate. You are really scrutinizing the company that you own that have financial and operating leverage. The next few weeks, potentially few months, could be incredibly challenging. Taylor a lot of the problems is the discount cash flow model does not work. When can you look and say that we are at peak panic . That will only be clear with the benefit of hindsight, taylor. There are some signs of panic in the market, some technical measures of how oversold the market is, that are indicating we haveear levels that rarely, if ever, reached before. Just look at how quickly we got here. You talked about the dow peaking on february 12, other indices peaking post to february 19. That is not even a full calendar month ago, and now we are talking about being down 30 from their record highs. We had never seen a move like that. Hopefully, that means the lows are closer, but calling that is something that, again, people that it ends call up being the right timing, but we are really guessing in terms of calling that. Taylor our thanks to john porter. Of course, its all about the markets right now. Taking a look at the vix, watching some of those signals. In the russell 2000, small caps bearing the brunt. They lack the Financial Flexibility that some of these International Companies have. Apple analysts more trouble could be on the horizon. And it is all about the safe havens. Aussie dollar yen. 2. 7 . Dont forget, bloomberg subscribers working from home, from the office, you can see us at home using the function tv. Conversations,r only if you are nice. This is bloomberg. Taylor this is bloomberg markets. Im taylor riggs. Airlines are shrinking Global Operations as they fight to preserve cash. Flights. Ashing are we talking about a 2001 type of bailout if they cannot survive another few months . Airline said a few minutes ago that they are going to the government, looking for a combination of new grants, billions in grants and loans, whetherrelief to help this unprecedented financial storm. How much cash to they have on their Balance Sheet, who is the strongest . The big airlines like united, southwest, they are caring shortterm cash in assets. They have hundreds of airplane they own out right that they can borrow against if needed. The issue is that they are not cash poor at this point, but there is really no demand. Fore is no money coming in all intents and purposes, so the cash burn is what everyone looks at. It will be weeks, ok, but they are looking for government help as quickly as possible. They are seeing is happening throughout april, may, june, and probably through the end of the summer. Similarly, within the world of oil and fuel prices, going over to exxon mobil, which has now cut to the malay from aa plus by s p, maintain the outlook will be negative. We knew that shares were falling. We will see how the bond prices are doing. Exxon mobil has been cut to aa s p, maintaining an outlook that is negative. Justin, let me come back to you on the airlines. What sort of consolidation do you think there could be . The big guys swallowing up the small guys . Jason for sure, we will see the big four survive. American, delta, united, southwest. The you get to airlines size of jetblue and smaller, like . Oes demand look are people going to fundamentally change the way to travel for work after this is over . Are they going to change the way they vacation, places they go . It really becomes a case of not knowing what the consumer will do, once the virus situation is dealt with. That is a lot of the concern for the longerterm investor, longerterm person looking at that industry. What is coming out of this that maybe we dont know about now, but could affect the business later . Taylor final one to you. Are they prepared for any closing of u. S. Borders, no longer doing international flights, relying only on a limited Domestic Service . Are they prepared for that . John i think they have gone prepared in the last few days because the Trump Administration has, in a lot of cases, shut down International Business. Asia was bad before. Last week, we had the eu situation, with that being closed for 30 days. For all intents and purposes, International Business has shut down. The question is what happens with domestic business. There are still questions floating around today about whether the cdc and other say, should there be flying domestically. That is why airlines are planning around how we could shut that down. Then you get into a whole new ballgame, as it were. International is largely gone, but domestic, people are still traveling. I think we need to find out if that is going to stay as it is. Taylor our thanks to justin bachman. At a chart we are showing on gtv. Financials are getting hit the hardest today, but its a reminder to avoid some of the peak panic. This is a medical issue, not a financial one. We are looking at the libor. Nearsis points, nowhere where we were with lehman brothers, when that widened out to about 3. 6 . Some panic, but nowhere lows that we the saw in the banking sector. All of these charts can be found on the terminal. This is bloomberg. Taylor this is bloomberg markets. Im taylor riggs. Infections outside china surpassing those on the mainland europe reporting more new cases every day than china did at its peak. The u. S. Surgeon general predicting the nation will need eight weeks to get over the worst of the outbreak. For more analysis, lets bring in dr. Joshua sharfstein. He joins us over skype from baltimore. In your opinion, when could we see a flattening out of the curve, which is so often talked about . We can hope within a couple of months. We dont know whether we will, until we can take the actions necessary to actually flatten the curve. Taylor is it actions necessary or can we also hope for some relief in the warmer weather . Dr. Sharfstein we should not rely on that hope. It would be a pleasant surprise at this point, but we know the virus has been spreading in some pretty warm locations right now, including in the southern hemisphere. I think that probably should not be top of mind. Top of mind should be everyone following really critical things to do in their own life to reduce the chance of spread. Taylor one of the criticisms has been the mortality rate feels inflated because the denominator of that statistic is too small. What is a realistic mortality rate, when can we see that denominator become a more realistic number, in your opinion . Dr. Sharfstein here is the challenge with the mortality rate and the denominator. Every Single Person is susceptible to the spire is. Unlike the flu, where some people have been vaccinated, some help from the previous flu season that carries over, all of us are susceptible to the new coronavirus. Even if the actual rate of death stays lower, there are so many more people that the actual number of people dead can be quite high. I think we will have a better sense as we get a different kind of test available. We understand how many were infected but did not get clinical symptoms. We will know more about that in probably a few weeks. But it is a very serious disease. You look at ed lee, its enough to swat the health care system. Given how we are all susceptible, really, the death rate is immaterial to the urgency that we need to take action. Taylor what is the urgency of developing a vaccine . Dr. Sharfstein maxine is probably our best way out of this. There is tremendous urgency but there is only so much that can be done in the short term. Even to do a vaccine faster than its ever been done before, we are hearing probably 18 months, two years, and that is assuming it works. There are many examples of vaccines that are tried but dont work. ,ne important thing to know even a partially effective vaccine can be very helpful. What are the chances this reappears in the fall . First for the reappear, it has to go away. The concern is, because we are all susceptible, it could sweep through the population relatively quickly and in fact so many people up front that it swaps the health care system. That is the battle we are fighting now. We can win that battle over the next couple of months, moderate the cases. Then we may be dealing with a worsening in the fall, we may not be. We have to see where we are. The essence of this is the fact that we have never dealt with this before. We will be dealing with new information. We know how things work, we know how every person can protect him or herself. In order to make that possible, everyone should be focused on what we know. Keep in mind, things that we are going to learn, like what may happen in the fall. Taylor our thanks to dr. Joshua sharfstein. Publicomberg school of health is supported by michael bloomberg, founder of bloomberg lp and bloomberg p. I want to get another check on the markets. Markets continuing to deteriorate after hitting a Circuit Breaker in the open. You have the 10year yield firmly down 20 basis points, 77 basis points. It is all about the safe havens as the vix goes up. That means the dollar goes up. Crude oil continuing to struggle, barely 30 a barrel. The vix gets my attention. Closing in on lehman brotherer a. An elevated vix on this monday. This is bloomberg. Lets get to first word news this afternoon. The white house is taking new steps to protect president s President Trump and his staff during the outbreak. That includes taking the temperature of anyone who enters the complex, including members of the press. Only those with a reading of 99. 6 degrees fair in height or less are being allowed inside. In the press briefing room, several seats are being left unoccupied to encourage social distancing. The has canceled a courtroom session because of a Public Health scare. The court has postponed a twoweak argument session that had been set to Begin Next Week because of the coronavirus outbreak. The cases that were on the docket include a billiondollar copyright clash between alphabet and oracle, as well as President Trumps challenge to have subpoenas for his financial records. Leaders will meet be a videoconference to discuss their efforts to contain the spread of the virus, with italy reporting the most cases and deaths anywhere in the world except china. Neighboring countries have moved to slow traffic but other nations including germany and poland have also introduced restrictions. The different approaches are raising concerns that vital medical equipment may be blocked. Global news 24 hours a day, onair, and on quicktake by bloomberg, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. Im ritika gupta. This is bloomberg. Shery live from bloomberg World Headquarters in new york, im shery ahn. Welcome to bloomberg markets. Here are the top stories we are following. The Federal Reserve slashing Interest Rates by a full percentage point to near zero, promising to boost its bond holding by at least 700 billion. Those moves going to stop the route in global markets. Plunging by the most since the 1987 crash, triggering Circuit Breakers before reopening, with losses of 10 . Stocks now looking to rebound off of those lows but we are still done more than 8 . And the response from Central Banks around the world. How global policymakers are reacting to the spread of the coronavirus and its Economic Impact. That conversation is ahead. Lets get a look at market action. Kailey leinz is with us. Obsession those but a pretty steep decline. Kailey good news and bad news but we are still down 9 on the major averages. This moving the equity market coming because of our in spite of the fed . That is the question. You are seeing Decisive Action in the bond market. The 10year yield now at 74 basis points. No surprise with them move lower in yields. We see that it is the financials that are lagging the most. 11. 25 . Ex down by energy under pressure, done more than 10 , with declines in oil. While all sectors are lower, the ones that are outperforming are classic dissents it defensives. A lot of those packaged food stocks doing well, as there is speculation that as people rushed to the grocery stores, those companies will be doing well. I want to look at a subsector, autos. They are under a lot of pressure today. See demand virtually flat because of the coronavirus. That has tesla down by 14 . General motors down by 11. 6 . Motorslyst says general will burn through about 3. 5 billion this year. It is not just cars but also claims that are under pressure. Airline stocks falling again today. Byted cutting their capacity half in april and may. The ceos saying things are bad and will get worse. In one month, the s p super composite Airline Index has lost nearly half of its value. Shery thank you for that. Just crossing the bloomberg, stocks of american and United Airlines have been halted for volatility. Just before the halt, American Airlines and gain some ground. But week, some more upside, that is not really being extended in this trading session. More volatility, with travel taking a huge hit with those restrictions on trips to europe. This volatility triggering a market wide trading halt for the third time in a week. Ceonasdaq president and stressing the importance of keeping markets open for trading. Its critically important the market stays open at this time, as opposed to taking breaks in the middle. That will just push off the situation a little bit, but actually could create other pentup issues, if you close the market. Shery joining us from baltimore is larry adam. What a day, what a week it has been. We have seen volatility all across the board. U. S. Stocks extending their declines with the s p 500 slumping more than 9 . When will we be able to get a sense of the bottom . Larry good question. I think that volatility will continue. What is happening is, as you are reading the had lines, everyone is reassessing where they think this economy can go. We originally thought you could see a decline of 1 , 2 in gdp. Now you could easily see doubled up because of all the social distancing that is taking place. I think its important to look at what is priced in. For investors, if they have a longer time horizon, looking at 12 months, now is a decent time to get into the markets. Once we get through this, the rebound will be rather strong. Shery the question is when we get through. Although we are seeing plenty of Central Bank Action and fiscal policies around the world, this is, after all, a Public Health crisis. Without this being in control, can we call a bottom . Larry i rely on our Health Care Policy analysts. He thinks there is a 70 possibility that we turn the corner by memorial day. That is pretty important. Even if we go into recession, the equity markets tend to bottom four months before the recession ends. If we get this done by memorial day, turned the corner, Economic Activity starts to pick up in july and august. We are about four months before that now, so we are getting close to when we could start to see some stabilization, at least from a bottoming for spec. United,arlier we had american halted because of trading volatility. The Airline Industry is asking for 50 billion in grants and loans. If you say that we are going to see a market bottom before the recession hits, are there any sections that you should stay away from because of the huge hit it would cause on earnings . Larry anything that is geared toward more discretionary consumers. Travel, leisure, transportation, those are the areas that will continue to get hit the most. I still think there is some good opportunities. For example, we still like the tech space, especially as more people do teleworking. Shery give us your expectations. How much are markets pricing in the coronavirus outbreak in terms of earnings, and where do you put that . Larry by our metrics, we think the market is pricing in about 125 in earnings this year. Is we will have 162 in earnings. Our worstcase is down to 130. That would mean recession plus a credit crisis. That truly is a worstcase scenario. If the market is pricing in 125, i still think valuations are attractive, because i dont think they will go that low. Shery when we had a press briefing from the fed and all the action by chairman powell, a lot of the action was on markets, getting a grip on this volatility, uncertainty across the markets. Not so much about economic stimulus, just to keep the peace in the investment community. Why didnt this work . Larry i think it is because of the reassessment that has taken effect over the weekend. Saw a lot less people at restaurants, people on the road. The fed morning to get ahead of that. Obviously, they are not trying to come up with a solution to the health crisis. They are trying to set up for when the rebound cons, they will have the ground floor set so that we can see a bigger rebound the second half of the year. Shery when the fed says they have the tools to deal with an economic slump, do you believe them . Larry i do. I actually have a professor at Loyola University im actually a professor at Loyola University as well. I give the fed an a. They have been able to navigate this longest economic expansion we have ever had in the u. S. I dont think their toolbox is empty yet. There are Different Things that they could add to the quantitative easing that could help to stabilize the markets as well. Shery the fed, at least for now, does not think negative rates is appropriate for the u. S. Economy. What do you think . Larry i dont think they are appropriate. Look at the experiment happening in europe. When you have negative rates, everyone thinks that is great, you can borrow. But when rates are negative, banks are not necessarily going to lend. When you look at things and they would be lending at mortgages that is a longterm asset on their Balance Sheet. Next 15, 30e in the years, that is a negative for those assets. When rates go negative, it actually contracts the incentive for banks to lend. Larry adam, thank you very much. We are going to a Live Press Conference by justin trudeau, the canadian Prime Minister. He is speaking in ottawa right now. [speaking in french] shery the Prime Minister saying canada has close the borders to , u. S. Citizens and aircrews will be allowed into canada. You are listening to a presser by justin trudeau. Self isolation for 14 days after his wife tested positive for the virus. Prime minister trudeau saying that u. S. Citizens and crews will be allowed into canada. As we continue to listen for more headlines, lets take a look at the markets. The bloomberg Commodity Index falling. 4 . And brent falling to the lowest level on record. We are talking about brent sinking below 30 for the First Time Since 2016, this as a price war continues in the oil markets with saudi aramco saying the company is very comfortable with oil at 30 a barrel. Also no respite for gold, falling for a fifth consecutive session, despite his rush to havens. Bloomberget, subscribers working from the office or from home can watch us at home using the function tv. Catch up on past interviews and join in our conversations. This is bloomberg. Shery this is bloomberg markets. Im shery ahn in new york. Breaking news. We are hearing mgm resorts is planning to draw down as much as 1. 5 billion in backup loans, according to people familiar with the matter. This Company Joining rivals such as wynn in seeking to shore up its Balance Sheet. Mgm has already been hurt. We are talking about the closure of their casinos in nevada and new jersey. For aboutbe closing 15 days, suspending all operations. Now we are hearing mgm resorts will draw down as much as 1. 5 billion in backup loans, according to sources talking to bloomberg. Lets continue our conversation on monetary policy. Central banks continue to take action to counter the coronavirus, including the fed, who cut rates on sunday. Here with us now is damien sassower. We have seen widespread central back action bank action. New zealand cut, then it was followed by the fed, followed by a raft of other Central Banks. Just today we have seen chile, vietnam, sri lanka. The bloomberg dollar index is up today. That means every dollar that is being stimulated injected offshore is not a dollar stimulus. The dollar is rising. That means it will be more difficult for these are emerging markets and developing markets offshore to stimulate their economies in dollar terms. Shery how difficult is it for countries like japan, where they are running out of ammunition, and that you have the japanese yen surging. Damian there is a lot of debate about what this is. This is really a liquidity issue, at least it was last week , before it became a Balance Sheet problem. It is definitely going to be something that you will need to see more of what you saw from the boj. Expanding its purchase program. I would not be surprised to see that here in the u. S. , Something Like a commercial paper program. Shery they did not touch the shortterm rate. Take a look at this chart on the bloomberg right now. Datalooking at chinese coming out last night. Look at that slide. This is historic. We have not seen such bad data coming out of china in years, or on record. Retail sales, industrial action coming from the pboc. They didnt really do that much. Damian the one data point that is not on that chart is on employment. Vix. 2 , a record high. If you take that forward into what we are seeing here in the u. S. , we expect claims to skyrocket here in the u. S. It becomes an employment issue, as long as this employment uncertainty continues in the markets. Remember, in the Global Financial crisis, it only took 18 months to see a doubling of the unemployment rate. I would not be surprised to see something similar here as well. Much moremeans so when it is china and you need a stability for the communist power to stay in power. Lets talk about what we could see next. Also surprising, the bank of korea, they didnt decide to hold rates this time around. They could not wait. Who is next . Damian we have brazil on wednesday, indonesia. There is a huge list. Taiwan. A lot of Central Banks on thursday. South africa. Russia on friday. What is being priced in may not necessarily be the way they move. Onlippines announcing thursday that they may go 50 as opposed to 25. You will see a lot more stimulus, but i cannot stress this enough, with the dollar appreciating, the stimulus does not carry the same weight. Shery damien sassower, always great to have you. Thank you. Lets get the latest on the currency markets. We are seeing dollar strength. That is being reflected across currencies. Dollar strength parent back from those threeyear highs, but the japanese yen, the swiss franc surging. We have seen the japanese yen strengthening 2 of past three weeks against the u. S. Dollar. I moved to the bottom of that panel, you can see who the biggest losers are. Dollar, kiwi dollar, commodity related currencies. Em fx could further sell down up to 30 . Plenty more coming up. This is bloomberg. You dont have to buy so much. Take it easy. Relax. We are doing great. They have asked me to say, could you buy a little bit less, please . Shery president Robert Mugabe go to keep calm in the face of the coronavirus. This as the virus relief bill makes its way to the senate. Lets bring in kevin cirilli. As we speak, Prime Minister trudeau saying that they are closing borders to all noncitizens. Canadian travel restrictions will not apply to commerce and trade, but the government will announce Additional Support measures soon. U. S. . S happening in the when are we going to see those Additional Support measures . In terms of the senate, they will likely have that vote, if not this evening, then the latest by wednesday. That would provide free coronavirus testing for all americans, as well as two weeks paid sick leave. The administration saying President Trump convened a teleconference with the g7 World Leaders today. Beyond that, Steven Mnuchin saying in the last 24 hours that he believes the economic stimulus is only in the second inning. Multiple conversations happening on the global, congressional, and administrative front. Willoronavirus task force provide a briefing this afternoon at around 3 30 p. M. New york time. Shery in the meantime, it seems the enemies of the United States trying to attack washington while they are down. A cyber attack on the health agency. What do we know . Kevin we just got a statement which they said there was that cyber breach, said on sunday, we became aware of a significant increase of activity on hhs infrastructure and are fully operational as we investigate the matter. They said they had originally bolster their security to deal with the outbreak. They are investigating the matter with federal Law Enforcement officials. Shery we are so focused on the coronavirus outbreak, but we know there are primaries happening right now as we get the nomination for the democratic candidate. Primaries on tuesday in ohio and arizona. How is this voting dynamic changing in the age of coronavirus . Kevin rapidly. Former Vice President joe biden and Bernie Sanders having a democratic president ial debate last night even there was no studio audience. Several of the primaries have delayed until later on this summer. Both campaigns really having to recalibrate. At a time when folks are being urged to stay home, a lot of those were early voting. We dont know how this will impact voters until tomorrow. Kevin cirilli, thank you for the latest from d. C. Lets continue to watch the markets. We are off session lows but still done more than 9 for the dow and nasdaq. S p 500 also down more than 8. 9 . Amountinging losses to about 30 for the dow since its peak. We have seen moves to the downside even after the fed and other Central Banks have dramatically stepped up efforts to stabilize capital markets. Mention, the imf pledging a trillion dollars in lending capacity. We are seeing this volatility spiking, the vix moving to levels that we have not seen since the financial crisis. Treasury yields plunging all across the curve. We continue to watch the markets. Stay with bloomberg as the historic week, when it comes to these market moves. This is bloomberg. Good morning oh no, here comes the neighbor probably to brag about how amazing his Xfinity Customer Service is. Im mike, im so busy. Good thing xfinity has twohour appointment windows. They have night and weekend appointments too. Hes here. Bill . Karolyn . Nope no, just a couple of rocks. Download the my account app to manage your appointments making todays Xfinity Customer Service simple, easy, awesome. Ill pass. Lets get the first word. Millions of americans began their work week at home today. The escalating coronavirus outbreak is shifting daily routines in ways never seen before in u. S. History. The wheels of justice slowed as the u. S. Supreme court put oral arguments on hold, including fights for subpoenas of President Trumps financial records. 2 3e have been 70 deaths, in washington state. The senate is under pressure to deliver the coronavirus bill passed by the house. It could be delayed a few days. It provides free testing and paid sick leave for many workers. Italys government has approved a package to support its Strained Health system while helping businesses and families counter the Economic Impact of the coronavirus outbreak. Covers layoffs and mortgage relief. Global news 24 hours a

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