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Charting out the rupiah's exchange rate :
Charting out the rupiah's exchange rate :
Charting out the rupiah's exchange rate
The recent fluctuations of the rupiah against the US dollar can be likened to an intricate opera, reminiscent of Richard Wagner’s renowned works that blend poetry, visual art, music and melancholic drama into a beautiful symphony.
Related Keywords
Japan ,
Indonesia ,
Jakarta ,
Jakarta Raya ,
Indonesian ,
Richard Wagner ,
Jerome Powell ,
Fithra Faisal Hastiadi ,
University Of Indonesia School Economics ,
Bank Indonesia ,
Faisal Hastiadi ,
Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia ,
Commentary ,
Rupiahrollercoaster ,
Indonesianmonetarypolicy ,
Usdollarimpact ,
Federalreserve ,
Exportboost ,
Fxinterventions ,
Foreignreserves ,
Industrialisationpush ,