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So call me or tweet m me jimcramer. With christmas and hanukkah right around the corner, how about we do this, dow closed down s p closed up. These are a little bit odd ball and some of them frankly sappy but i mean it, i want you to have these presents, too first, i wanted another yearly average higher so that the people who own stocks make money. Now i know that sounds simplistic, but given the longterm track record of the market and the pitiful returns youre really getting from bonds and the fact that so many people seem to not even want to be in stocks anymore, i think investing is important some candidates dont seem to think the stock market isnt that important they think what matters is putting food on the table. I get where theyre coming from. I think theyre making a mistake. First of all, theyre not mutually exclusive if you can afford to invest in the stock market, you should do it because the stock market is the greatest engine of Wealth Creation we should be making it easier for people to participate rather than resigning to a world where the world is a world of the already rich i save money and i invest it i found a way. It was small dollars but i did it thanks to the power of compound interest i did very well for myself. I want you to have the same opportunity. I dont want you to be disscouragdi discouraged. The results for 2019 prove it. Third, i wish the federal reserve, the chair, jay powell, will continue this new found policy of not raising Interest Rates when he doesnt have to and cutting them when its necessary. Powells become data dependent like his predecessor janet yellen used to be. Thats all you can ask for from the fed chief. Fourth, i Want Companies with Good Management and good growth aspects to be rewarded that kind of differentiation rewards individual stock picking and im a big believer in stock picking as long as you have put some money into an index fund. Fifth, i want people to own apple. Okay i dont want them to trade it. I want you to stop freaking out every time an analyst tries to scare you from this thing. As tony from bernstein did just today by saying that the someone in the accessories could do well this year and plummet next year. Six, i want millennials to keep investing. This is important. One of the most exciting and positive developments ive seen is that robin hood, the disrupted online brokerage app now has 10 million accounts most of which have been opened by millennials. Younger investors can afford to take risks older ones cant. If they get wiped out, they have their whole lives ahead of them to make that money back. Lets remember, you can buy fractional shares. Seventh, i want the arm ageddons to get their come uppings. They deny and denigrate every move up. They have given an outrageous free ride. I want that to stop. Eighth, i want to see many more mergers. There are way too many oil companies. Lets have chevron buy pioneer apache gave up already weve had too many retailers kohls should sell to amazon macys should merge with nordstroms we have too many semiconductor companies. Marvel please sell there are way too many Cyber Security companies palo alto buy cyber arc. Then there are too many drug companies. Merck, eli lilly, johnson johnson, surely theres got to be a deal there lurking. I could go on and on we have way too Many Companies that need to find ways to accelerate growth. Buy another business ninth, i want fewer ipos every time investors want some newly minted ipo, they need to sell something else. Thats how deals put pressure on the market it was too easy to become public until the wework debacle while Venture Capital is fine with financing rapidly growing companies that lose money, this market deserves a scintilla of property stop it with the bogus Chinese Companies that are clobbering the market ten, i want the Ten Companies i like to change their names so people can understand what they really do. Who needs a name change . How about opta, kupa, mongo, z scale, livendale and zen desk. All of these sound like they need to do that. My daughter took a walk with me she tells me, dad, i want to be the chief operating officer of, and she closes her eyes. She spins around she spots a building and said, octa i asked her, do you even know what octa does her response was priceless no nobody else does either so who cares shes kind of right. Need to change their name to something more significant the Chinese Government to Start Playing ball on trade this shouldnt be that hard. Right now chinas the highest pork prices in the world their herds are dieing from swine flu. We have the lowest market for hogs this should be an easy positive thing to do. Thats the easy part more difficult, i want them to let our companies do business over there without being forced into bogus joint ventures. I want them to stop stealing our intellectual property and while im at it could they adopt some sort of meaningful environmental policy 12th, i wish for boeing to fix the 737 max. I want them to get it certified and back in the air. Boeing is a Great American company. It should do what Great American companies do and get this done they should approach it with the same intensity as they did for world war ii i reiterate, get it done be open. Tell us what you did today tell us what youre going to do tomorrow open the logs. Tell us everything the current leadership isnt willing to go there and do that, the board should bring in someone else who will. Get some professionals in there and take away the mystery, thats what it is, a mystery i am a huge backer of boeing no, i am boeings biggest backer in the media bar none and theres not a day that goes by where i dont get the sense that theyre hiding something the bottom line, look, i know its an eclectic list. What can i say, its an eclecti guy. When i put on my mad money hat, i want to help you make money. David in ohio. David mr. Cramer, big Columbus Blue Jackets and Ohio State Buckeyes happy to you. I think thats good we had a guy that went to the other school, clemson the other day. Well go with you. Whats up. Caller wonderful i wanted to take a moment to express my sincerest gratitude to you after reading every book and reading voraciously the street ive been able to leave a traditional career at 30 holy cow. I wish my ma were alive. You are a good man thank you very much. I want to wish you a happy holidays and merry christmas. Youre a great man. My question today is about roku i own deep in the money vols, but unlike others, roku seems to be trading on multiples of revenue versus algorithmic trading. Right heres the way i feel about that i think rokus been moved too much i dont want you to buy it too much trade desk i feel better about that one so lets just be a little careful. I think the one has had a pretty darn big run all right. What am i asking for what are the 12 days of cramer well, here we go, right . This wish list is what i want to see most as we near 2020 mad money tonight, is this the season of giving and have they gifted you too much . Is it time to take the money and run . Ill give you my take. Teslas electric in the market moving to 2020, im going to give you the answer. What do paychecks indicate about the overall market and the stock . Im talking with the ceo so stay with cramer. Dont miss a second of mad money. Follow jimcramer on twitter have a question . Tweet cramer madtweets. Send jim an email to madmoney cnbc. Com or give us a call at 1800743cnbc as we approach the end of a terrific year for the averages, dont forget one of the most important rules in investing, paper gains dont count. A win is only a win when you ring the register. Thats why you always need to be willing to take profits while you still have them. Remember, it can go away let me give you a couple of examples of what im talking about. Two stocks that are recommended just a few months ago, Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals which people have talked about and inmode both of these stocks have been fabulous arrowhead, its more than double, up 112 since i recommended it in mid september and inmode has rallied 77 since i got behind it in mid october i want to thank michael and joe from new york who brought these stocks to my attention in phone calls. Michael and joe, you both had core sets first time all time. When you catch enormous moves, you have to take some. This is about logic. Letting your gains ride in speculative stocks is lunacy that is why i teach over and over again that bulls make money, that bears make money but that hogs, they get slaughtered. Dont be a greedy pig. However, arrowhead and inmode are both fantastic stories which is why you should only sell a portion of your position if you dont own either one, it would be good to come in and buy. I have the conviction theyre headed higher. When a stock doubles and you listen on the show and thats where you got it, i feel somewhat responsible, i shouldnt, its yours, you pull the trigger, but i dont want you to give it back. Why did these two names catch fire and why do i think its worth sticking with them lets take them by one by one, arrowhead. When michael asked me in july, stock was up 100 for the year i was circumspect. By the time i got behind it in october it was up 4 normally i hate chasing stocks but when i looked into arrowhead the story was so compelling that i had to recommend it. This is a Development Stage gene therapy play company with its own unique play on treating intractable gene disorders. Its called rna inference. Think of rna as the messenger and takes the blueprints of your genes and makes them the reality. Arrowheads technology shoots the messenger. No messenger, no problem the Company Believes they can use this to treat a wide variety of ailments and big pharma agrees with them they have partnerships with amgen and j j. The company kept putting up positive Clinical Trial data so i felt comfortable enough to give it my blessing. A month ratlater we checked in h the ceo right before the companys big r d day. He told a terrific story listen to this. I think what they saw was a powerful technology that as you say can silence genes. It is a hyper specific process whereby we can psy linsz a single jean. Weve got three of them in phase three trials as well as two partner programs in phase two. The stock caught fire and arrowhead made appearances at a series of Health Care Conferences always with bullish data and applauded by the Money Managers in the room they got attention by the Analyst Community and as they get discovered by wall street, they are roaring higher as one economic analyst gets behind them first one of arrowheads main competitors got bought by novartis while the actual numbers dont really matter for early stage biotech management, they confirmed theyd be putting two more drugs into Clinical Trials and that sent the stock up another 19 . Now arrowheads peaked at 73 not long after because earlier this month the Company Announced a secondary offer. That caused the stock to get hammered it priced at 58 its already bounced back to the mid 60s. I think it has more room to run. If you dont own arrowhead, you have a little more pull back, if you did buy this on my recommendation, think about how much youre up take some of the money out and let the rest run its the responsible thing to do right before the ipo window slammed shut thanks to the wework fiasco. It had run from the mid teens to the mid 20s. I told you it was worth speculating just like arrowhead. Why . Because inmode has a great concept. They make energy based systems that are used for face and body con touring, medical aesthetics and Womens Health it lets them use radio waves that penetrate your skin and remodel the fat tissue underneath so you can get the equivalent of a face lift or lipo suction without the Invasive Surgery you eat enough philly cheese stakes from ginos, you get this going. People are vain. Plus, inmode had terrific Financials Company growing at a 55 clip and its actually profitable a host of new products being rolled out in the near future. It was selling for 15 Times Service estimates. Seems pretty good to me. Hey, it was. Inmodes new product launches went off without a hitch when they reported this they shot the lights out. They posted higher than expected sales growth up 57 and acceleration versus the previous quarter we love that and on top of that they gave you a monster 12 earnings beat. Technology is as terrific as it sounds which is allowing these guys to take market share all over the world it was a picture perfect quarter. No wonder the stocks been a huge winner. Hey, even after this run inmode is still ridiculously cheap. Selling for 20 times its 2021 out years earnings estimates i can see growth oriented managers paying 40 times that. Long story short, inmode and arrowhead are looking better than ever. The stocks have made enormous moves. If you own them, i think you need to take something off the table. Given how much theyve run, i would sell even as much of half of your positions in arrowhead, 1 3 in inmode bottom line, when they catch fire, you need to ring the register after a gigantic gain if you dont own t feel free on any pull back to buy because arrowhead and inmode, they have a lot going for them and they may have a lot going for them for years and years ahead. Jim in florida, jim caller hi, jim, how are you. First of all, thank you for everything. Youre quite welcome. Caller im interested in Seattle Genetics has had a great run. They have so much good information coming down. Theyre up 102 . Yes yes. We met this company many years ago. They have many shots on goal which is why we like it. Its a really good Company Going up not on takeover, not on takeover talk, not on rumors but on substance brian in new york. Brian caller booyah, cramer yeah. Caller yesterday you were talking about the different ipos from 2019, lyft, uber, et cetera my question to you is about change health care chng. I wanted to know your i have met with these guys privately. I really like them ive seen them do a bunch these guys are very good i think it merged. The pe is not expensivexpensive. It merits a buy. I wish theyd come on the show theyre very good. When some of your spec stocks catch fire, please dont be greedy. Consider ringing the register. But dont go crazy and sell all of it, just sell some and if you dont own arrowhead and inmode, you should consider a position on a pullback. They are up quite a great deal much more on mad money ahead im going to sit down with the ceo of paychex and see what hes seeing on the labor market with the year growing to a close, im turning in my outstanding assignments. I havent done all of the homework i needed to do. Do not miss tonights homework, please you know what though, first thing may be my take on tesla. Dont make the move before having youve got to hear the tesla piece. Stay with cramer what the heck . What the heck is happening with the stock of tesla i mean, and where did the sellers go do you remember the sellers . They were there every day at every point for ages keeping us in the low 200s for ages they wouldnt let it lift. But suddenly when the stocks up huge, bursting through the 400 level theyre gone disappeared. No sellers the stock opens higher every morning like clockwork and theres no resistance. Hasnt had any since they reported a surprisingly strong set of figures since the end of october. What happened . Why did it change . Why did the sellers disappear . Why is there nothing but buyers . Lets go over the reasons. Okay, first, earnings. Thats right earnings there are now real earnings projections and they are spectacular. Analysts think theyre going to earn 5 per share next year, 10 in 2021. Thats growth. Real growth. These are consensus analysts many analysts have vetted them they actually may happen that means tesla, lets say its a heck of a lot better if you like Growth Stocks than a ford or a gm, all right profitable growth is what many of the Money Managers wants and thats what matters in the Auto Industry nobody else has it except for tesla. Second, ingenuity. Yes. So many automakers were supposed to roll out truly competitive products, genuine, well engineered partners with real cache by now they were supposed to be out there. Especially the germans looks like theyre a lot harder to make than people thought because the competition just simply isnt there so much for german engineering third, elon musk lets talk about him for a second hes gone quite frankly from being a liability to being an asset. Not long ago he seemed like he was constantly on the verge of either a nervous breakdown or perhaps some sort of like ego a manaicle trip. Thats no longer the case. We dont know if hes gotten his life together, i should hope so. As investors, what matters is hes not doing anything selfdestructive no longer teasing the sec which i hated. Hes no longer trashing the analysts which i thought was funny. Hes a normal ceo. He ran a good thorough conference call. October was fantastic. Gives occasional speeches. Otherwise, i never thought i would say this, noncontroversial. Elon musk, for lack of a better term, is like his peers, hes boring now that tesla is profitable and on track to rake in the earnings, its easy for them to raise all of the money they need for years i heard tesla could never turn a profit. Then i heard if they make a profit its mumbo jumbo. Bogus. Now i hear nothing if tesla earns even half of what the analysts are expecting next year, i have to tell you something, it will be no problem for them to raise blgs illions f dollars and put up factory after factory. Fifth, we used to hear all of these stories from the bears about how there was always an excess in inventory. Somehow tesla had made far too many cars and it didnt make any money on them anyway yeah, made cars and lost money each one the bears have now gone silent on that issue. As tesla, excellent. As teslas now an automaker that seems to have an endless demand and no extra supply. All the other guys you have to hear the proud price cut six, musk was actually able to build a gigantic factory in china in an astounding short six months as someone who is building a the smallest of factories, i can tell you thats astounding in fact, its better than intel which i always regarded as the single favorite manufacturer builder in america but they cant build new plants faster than tesla it takes about 18 months for theirs you might think its not a good comparison because they are a semiconductor company. Theyve long been the Gold Standard i think the Gold Standard is tesla. Seventh, the solar panel business, remember that one . They bought that seemed like it was a wrong idea. Gone from a negative to positive musk has reduced the cost of these panels to the point where the pay backs almost immediate. And their panels look like regular roof tiles theres no reason not to do it my wifes ordering them eight, the cars keep improving with each new iterations they have tremendous pizzaz. Even when a rockets thrown through the supposedly unbreakable window of the cyber truck. I thought that thing was hideous. Theres no accounting for taste. Millennials loved it i hate millennials ninth, charging stations have become ubiquitous. I found four right near me when i learned to google. I used the google box. It makes electric cars much more viable ten, it turns out many of the sellers, they were short sellers. They were not longs ringing the register these shorts have disappeared or theyre covering because its hard to short a red hot stock like tesla when you dont have a thesis i cant own stocks but i have to tell you, id like to say ever since they threw the rock through the window and i like it just as much today even as it nears the legendary 420 level that mr. Musk said could be a reality. Stay with cramer apple card. Is a new kind of credit card, created by apple, so its simple and transparent with a new level of privacy and security. It lives here and here on your iphone, and it will save you 6 on Holiday Gifts at apple; like iphone, apple watch, airpods pro and so much more. Apply in as little as a minute, right in the wallet app. We have got a booming economy with whats arguably the best job market in half a century. Yet the big payroll processors have spent the last six months trading sideways consider the case of paychex cramer choice. The stock is up more than 31 year to date, its pretty much flat lined since june even though the economy is in better shape. The fed cut Interest Rates that takes money out of their pocket the Company Reported a terrific quarter two days ago its a classic beat and raise with tremendous strength in the Human Resources division after rallying 2 bucks the stock closed down. Is the stock gaining strength before making it higher . As is usually the case or is there some other thing that is making them tread water . Lets check in with the president and ceo of paychex to get a better sense of the quarter and where the company is headed happy holidays and welcome back to mad money. Thanks, jim happy holidays great to be here. I go over this quarter and i said, thats it. Since oasis, whatever. We have to call this a Human Resources company that also issues paychecks and advises companies on how to handle complex issues involving payroll, benefits, insurance, hr isnt that the way i should think of it . Absolutely. I think the only thing you left out is its become much more of a tech company weve talked about it. Thats the way service has gone. Its technology and our innovation over the last five, six years in particular in the products weve introduced have positioned us to be an Hr Tech Company of the future for our clients. The reason i mentioned that, im glad you confirmed it, there are still analysts who say things about a Different Division the fed cut rates, theres something slowing in this peo division and theyre missing the point. You are becoming more cloud based and youre becoming less sensitive to the actual growth of the economy even though it does matter which is whythey dont understand stock goes down and then spends the next three months going higher. They dont understand it, marty. Is that something that you can change well, we try, jim we talk on the call very much the last few calls about the technology, the innovation that weve produced this month we put out pay on demand our clients, their employees can take out their pay as they earn it not only is it like some other companies where it will go in their banks but it will go on amazon, paypal, go direct deposit, pay card. We have a lot of Data Analytics that are being used by our clients to help them retain and hi hire people and engage in businesses its a lot more about tech which is exactly what the clients and their employees are looking for. At the same time there are mistakes that people are going to make without paychex. The paper was filled with articles, marty, about the significant changes coming to retirement plans frankly, i found them too difficult. I didnt understand whats going to happen with my 401k i didnt understand the ira cap. I didnt understand what to do and could easily make mistakes if i didnt have someone who would understand would i be able to go to paychex and say, what the heck does this mean well, absolutely. Retirement business has been one that weve been in for well over 20 years its very solid. Its one of the constant growers, 7 or 8 a year. The new secure act that is going to be passed here, completely passed, is something that gives tax benefits to clients who are not only participating but in initially for setting up a 401k and we think thats going to be a great help to retirement savings. Were going to help our clients, tax benefits are going to come to them. Not only that, jim, but i think i mentioned before our mobility app now being used by our clients employees, they can sign up and participate in a 1 401k with their employer with as little as four clicks. Thats making it a better plan for the employer as well i use paychex in many of my Different Companies and my employees say that they wish the login system was a little easier theyre not young and theyre not millennials, okay . They found it a little cumbersome they feel like its too hard employees in their 50s and 60s like me are still a little we need help. Can you make it a little more simple for us . Well, yeah, i think so. In fact, we now have automated answers to questions if you have any questions when you come on the app. And weve now introduced this month short videos so it may be that millennial generation that looks for that we can give you the answer a stepbystep to do that or a short video to show you if youre looking for your check stub, your w2 or if youre the client looking how to process overtime were getting a five star out of five on our mobile app so were feeling good were trying to make it simpler. Thats what paychex is about. That is great my employees will thank you especially about the video lets speak about the economy. I saw you were gets now more employees per company. Were not getting the really, the Company Formation that i certainly would feel in a more optimistic time. Im wondering whether the company is pessimistic even as the existing Companies Grow . Well, i do think, you know, what we saw in the Paychex Small Business index this month was the highest wage growth, 3. 1 that weve seen since 2011 and weve also seen the hours worked per week are up the highest in three years. So i think both of those are showing a stronger economy the wages are going up because i have the demand as a Small Business and i need the employees and the wages are up across all wage earners. It used to be minimum wage is driving it now every level of wages are seeing an increase that means theres demand and im paying more for my employees to hire and retain them because ive got the demand. I think that bodes well for a strong economy. Some of the candidates i dont think people can save. If you are getting that kind of increase and weve got all of these new rules that to me make it easier to do a 401k or ira, do you expect the savings rate to go up i do. I would think so youre getting the wage increase i think were seeing that retirement plans as we mentioned are going to be easier theyre easier to sign up for. Theyre easier to participate in you have much more flexibility i do think the savings are going to go up i think the consumers, the confidence is pretty solid and i do think businesses are feeling like the demand is there theyre going to continue to pay the wages. The job growth is flat but it increased but its still there so i do think its a good economy for consumers and for Small Businesses in particular. Im going to leave it like that because i like that optimistic note. Its actually empirically correct. Thank you so much. President and ceo of paychex good to see you, sir thanks, jim. The stock goes down every time for the same reason i told you, which is that the analysts dont get it and then it keeps rallying thats why it goes up 30 . Thats why i remain steadfast that its a buy and i felt that way since the stock was in the 30s. Mad money is back after the break. Do you have concerns about mild memory loss related to aging . Prevagen is the number one pharmacistrecommended memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Its how we care for our Cancer Patients like job. When he was diagnosed with cancer, his team at ctca created a Personalized Care plan to treat his cancer and side effects. So job could continue to work and stay strong for his family. This is how we inspire hope. This is how we heal. We love you, daddy. Good night. I love you guys. Cancer Treatment Centers of america. Appointments available now. Cancer Treatment Centers of america. Through the at t network, edgetoedge intelligence gives you the power to see every corner of your growing business. From managing inventory. To detecting and preventing threats. To scaling up your production. Giving you a nice big edge over your competition. Thats the power of edgetoedge intelligence. It is time time for the lightning round its got to be a fast one so are you ready skeedaddy time for the lightning round edwardo. Caller hi, jim my question is about enterprise. Its the only one of the pipeline companies. Bob in wisconsin. Bob. Caller booyah, jim, from the cheesehead state go packers your thoughts on jack henry and associates. I like fin tech master card is my fav. John in maryland, john. Caller thank you for taking my call. Youre welcome. Caller after watching john malone i jumped on discover communication. I think youre right. Malone made a good case. It was lower dennis. Caller dr. Cramer, dennis from Southern California id like to know your opinion about dropbox. Both dropbox and slack have become too hard because i believe Satya Nadella has it in for them hes the unbelievable ceo at microsoft. Steve in north dakota. Steve. Caller mr. Cramer, calling you from the home of carson wentz. Were all eagle fans my stock is aig. Dont put aig in the same sentence as Carson Wentz Carson Wentz is a winner. Caller jim, merry christmas. Happy holidays. Caller god bless you, jim, for all youre doing for us home gamers. Thank you very much. Caller youre great, jim we love you. Thank you. Caller whats going on with alderyx. Its replacing excel. I like it. Thats the conclusion of the lightning round. The lightning round is sponsored by t. D. Ameritrade apps except work. Rywhere. Why is that . Is it because people love filling out forms . Maybe they like checking with their supervisor to see how much Vacation Time they have. Or sending corporate their expense reports. Ill let you in on a little secret. They dont. By empowering employees to manage their own tasks, paycom frees you to focus on the business of business. Music before we go away for the holidays, i want to catch up on some homework. Every time i get a question about a stock i cant answer on the spot i always tell you im going to circle back to it later. I have to do more research sometimes we get unbelievably great ideas. Thats what well talk about today. For instance, we got arrowhead and we got inmode which i mentioned earlier. I have to tell you, these are pretty exceptional i got them from you. This is the most interactive show thats great on november 21st trudy in oregon called to ask about alacos, allk for you home gamers. This is a Development Stage biotech. That means it doesnt make any money. Focused on rare autoimmune diseases the lead drug is a monocolloidal antibo antibody it targets eosinophils and mast cells. When they have too many in one place it causes severe inflammation everywhere from your gi tract, eyes, skin, lungs. Many other organs. Alakos lead drug is in phase two trials, theres three trials eos eos eosinophilic gastritis it has a pipeline in a product a drug thatcould potentially treat a wide variety of Rare Diseases basically the data weve seen so far, it does a better job than what weve seen. At least if the data is to be believed on the other hand, theyve developed one drug they have one single shot on goal i dont like speculating on that one biotech with one shot on goal i like lots of eggs in one basket thats what its really like do i have my hockey stick . I should be using it i used this phrase quite often shots on goal. If you have a stock with multiple shots on goal, biotech, its much better than alakos i like this one even less when the stock in question is run up dramatically at the beginning of august alakos saw the stock double in a single day when we learned the phase 2 trial had met all of the secondary and primary end points over a period of three weeks, the stock surged from 31 to 90 then they gave them drug status which is what you want if youre making drugs for Rare Diseases and the stock got another lift the biggest news came less than three weeks ago when they reported that alakos was, and i quote, exploring Strategic Options including a potential sale that allowed the stock to surge 130 earlier this month. Were hitting a wall coming back to earth even after the stocks pulled back its still at 109 what sent the stock plummeting 29 bucks in the past three days . First on wednesday a prominent short selling outfit called sullivan investments published a scathing 250 page report on alakos arguing that what got the Company Rolling was suspicious they point out that alakos didnt hire an outside Research Organization to manage the Clinical Trial most companies do do that, not all of them. Instead they ran the trial themselves that is okay, but its not necessarily what lets just say is as rigorous doesnt mean they didnt do anything wrong means they had more opportunities to fudge the data, and thats a serious charge. Thats exactly though what sullivan says alakos did they hired scientists to screw with the data and one of them flat out said it looks to me like they manipulated these numbers to look good quote, the data is cheri picked and dishonest, end quote, adding, quote, im quoting this, pretty serious charges, its sketchy. You couldnt do this for a clinical publication this would not be publishable. Holy cow i have no idea whether theres any merit to the allegations do you really want to take a chance with a stock that has catapulted from 31 to 109 in less than five months and it only has one shot on goal . I mean, the stocks up substantially from where it was. Im pretty confident alakos wont be cashing a takeover bid until they put these to rest this stock has become a total unbelievable nauseating as far as im concerned battleground that i dont want you in unless youre a doctor who specializes in the rare autoimmune conditions, i dont see how you have the conviction to buy this one here if you own it, you know what i say . Its too hard. Ring the register. One shot on goal and a question. Thats a tough one next up, december 6th joe in new york asked about Global Blood Therapeutics that symbol is gbt a Biopharma Company focused on blood disorders. The lead drug is a once a day pill for sicklecell anemia. It just got approved by the fda. Sickle cell is a condition where your red blood cells bend out of shape, they cant carry as much oxygen as they should. This haase veer consequences global bloods drug inhibits the underlying cause of the disease. There are about 100,000 people with Sickle Cell Disease in the u. S. , most of them africanamerican millions more suffer from it worldwide. This is a huge underserved and in pain market and the data so far looks very, very promising over the past couple of months global stock has caught fire surging to 77 today. What happened . The fda approved the sickle cell drug a month ago this is the first ever drug for the root cause of the disease. This is a big deal yesterday jpmorgan had an overweight rating, meaning a buy. And a 90 price target theyre betting this will handily beat expectations next year it was a very compelling piece they made a strong argument for it even though Global Blood Therapeutics has run, i like it. I like it more than a pull back. Its already been approved, which means you dont have to worry about the fda yanking the rug out from underneath us i wouldnt be surprised if the stock market is underestimating the scale of a demand for a real sicklecell anemia treatment i grew up and never thought this was possible, maybe they got it. The fda says yes ideally maybe you wait for a pull back. Maybe put it on a small position right here like jpmorgan would argue. Great concept. Great product. But we hate to chase your mad money so proceed with caution if youre planning to buy it, but i think its the real deal stick with cramer. second man virtualize their operations. woman and build ai customer experiences. second woman we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. Like 5g. Almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. woman when it comes to digital transformation. Verizon keeps business ready. Everything your trip needs for everyone you love. Expedia. For everyone you love. Work day and night to end childhood cancer. Jude do they take naps . Only if their moms make them. Give thanks for the healthy kids in your life. Donate now at stjude. Org or shop wherever you see the st. Jude logo. Got two rivals, amd and nvidia both stocks are on fire. Amd is going to have better than expected numbers because of intels problems nvidia seeing a reacceleration which is terrific news for them. Theres tesla and you love tesla. For me, amd and nvidia is what you should buy i am jim cramer and i will see you monday welcome to the shark tank, where entrepreneurs seeking an investment will face these sharks. If they hear a great idea, theyll invest their own money or fight each other for a deal. This is shark tank. My name is nick romero. Im 30 years old, and i live in venice beach, california. Venice is such a creative place, and my store is completely based off creativity. My store is called the ave, and theres no place like it in the world. What we do is, we allow for people to come in and custom create any article of clothing

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