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Joe, its these mnuchin headlines getting something done in terms of stimulus by the election, he says, is tough. That caused a bit more of a selloff in stocks and it underscores why the nasdaq continues to have a bit under it yes, it does clearly and youre also seeing a little bit of a fallback in yield, scott. The tenyear is pushing back towards 70 basis points, somewhat troubling, i would think the market needs a little bit of some of the Forward Momentum that its been carrying in the last week or so to really cool off a little. I think we were getting a little too vertical in the way we were appreciating so the negative news that youre getting on the stimulus aligns with maybe a much needed little bit of pause in that rate of appreciation im not overly concerned by it. Yeah, rates are falling you see it there 71 basis points is where we are on the tenyear, an issue to deal with, tiffany, or perhaps the message in the fall. Everything is coming down on the mnuchin comments but its more broadly and lately where tiffany, tech, tech has got this bid but youre looking at what would be helped by stimulus. Jpmorgan, disney, fedex, u. P. S. , all things youve added to recently yeah, so weve definitely added to those positions and more Different Reasons ive spoken about jpmorgan, quite a bit on the show. We like their diversified revenue stream they had a really great earnings day yesterday. We expected that so we did buy ahead of the Earnings Announcement and so, you know, banks really kind of having an interesting week this week so, you know, we also like Goldman Sachs and own it they had, you know, favorable Earnings Report. But were kind of getting back to what you were saying, scott, were being very, very selective about what were purchasing. You know, fedex, disney, disney with that big announcement, i believe, yesterday, we do believe there are sen names well positioned to do well going forward, not just in a pandemic versus nonpandemic environment, but we really do believe that the world has changed with qods and we definitely have a new normal so who is going to be best positioned, what types of companies are going to be best positioned to take advantage of things going forward. Certainly, jim, we get the zooms and pelotons and crowdstrikes which peloton and crowdstrike hit new highs and recall have had a tremendous run in the month of october. Peloton is up 34 . Cloudflare, 44, i could go down the list but is it now that cut and dry for investors watching this program stimulus or apparently, you know, on a positive track towards stimulus means you buy the reopen stocks and as long as we remain at an impasse or with an inability to do anything before the election, you just continue to buy the stocks from tech, from high growth that have gotten us here in the first place . Well, yes, unfortunately is the short answer now, let me add to that the other fact which is weighing on the markets is the lack of progress on a vaccine and we had disappointing news from Johnson Johnson and eli lilly and the point is that the market is swinging back and forth. Scott, it was only 2 1 2 weeks ago we were in an actual correction down 10 from the high thats almost entirely been recovered and its been thats mostly been on the belief that stimulus would come dont lay all your bets on the pelotons of the world nor are you supposed to play them all on the Airlines Just at the other end of the spectrum. What you are supposed to do, believe that stimulus is going to come at some point in time probably not before the election but after the election, highly likely similarly a vaccine, nobody can time it, okay. We might not even get a vaccine. It might be a question of just getting suitable treatments. When does it come . Nobody knows, okay, but you should bet on science here that we are going to cure this thing in order to enact this in your portfolio, what you have to do is not trade on this weeks headlines, but trade on where the market is going to be six months from now. Six months from now it should be in a full recovery it doesnt mean sell all of your stay at home stocks but have a balance between some reopening names and a lot of the tech stalwarts that have brought us this far. John, as long as stimulus remains elusive, can you feel confident buying anything but growth tech . Hmm, the confidence level goes up with some sort of agreement, some sort of i dont even know, scott im so frustrated by the lack of this stimulus but lets focus on your questions about where we can actually make some money here fedex to tiffanys point is one of the best performing stocks, new 52week high she is exactly right im lucky to have it in my portfolio as well. Its even outperforming the likes of apple, scott. So this is a stock that will do well regardless of if we get that stimulus or if we dont now, certainly if we do, scott, obviously some we need a vaccine and stimulus to have the airlines and the consumer facing stocks, the direct facetoface where you walk into a restaurant, into a hotel, onto an airplane, onto a cruise ship. We need a vaccine as well as stimg to make those much more attractive, scott, but i think a stock like fedex is just going to continue to outperform even some of the best performers among the f. A. N. G. S quite frankly. Now youll have the netflixs and the teslas continue to do well as well, i believe, but fedex, that thing has just got a tremendous Balance Sheet and demand like crazy, scott. Joe, what is the big rebound in big tech tell you about the safety of the investor right now and where the best bets are going to be made was septembers pain is clearly octobers gain, okay amazon is down 9 or so in september and now its up 8 1 2 in october apple down 10 in september, now its up almost 5 in october facebook down 10. 5 gets half that back now, microsofts down 7 in september its up 6 in october clearly there is a willingness to buy the dip in these megacap names. Its called defensive exposure investors are seeking solutions that look like bond proxies, exactly what growth is its defensive in its nature, scott, and to answer your question without stimulus, you cant create the enthusiasm or the confidence that is needed to buy some of the value oriented return to work type of equity names. You have to stay with growth its 40 of the s p. Its whats working. Its got the Free Cash Flow generation its got double digit Revenue Growth and its got the compelling performance and its got the strength of liquidity so all of those conditions attract me as an investor. Whether or not you get stimulus and certainly if you tell me youre not getting stimulus, i want to remain defensive in my mauer nature and thats what growth is. To what end, tiffany . I get with it the meg cap names. Peloton, the positive call and 144 is where the price target goes from 115. Docusign, 290 price target, 20 upside from here its up 220 year to date. Peloton up 370 year to date i get all of the reasons why these continue to be favored by investors but to what end . Yeah, so i think were asking that were not asking the right questions. Again, the entire world has changed. So, you know, were not talking about a traditional recession, were not talking about like traditional were not talking about valuation in the traditional sense. Our world has completely changed so, you know, everything from how people work out and, you know, how people conduct business and people have to sign, you know, sign contract, thats all changed you know, prior to february 2020, we were able you know, we had choices now we dont have choices and even though, you know, i do believe were going to get a vaccine, all of that is positive news, but thats not the case right now and, you know, were not going to see any kind of a real, you know, measured progress and so not until pretty much the middle of 2021. Even in saying that what the pandemic has done is brought everyone into a space where you have to do everything virtually where your total way of life, way of doing business has changed and i again maintain that were not going to go back to where we were before so as were thinking about peloton and thinking abo thinking docusign, who are their competitors . Do they have the market . You know, there are a couple of companies coming out with pelotonlike bikes, but they werent first. Theyre copycats and peloton really just has the entire market and we saw, you know, really go ahead this is the debate, though, pardon me for interrupting this is the good debate we can have between you and jon is this idea of you say repeatedly the world has changed as if even when you get a vaccine, some of these trends that weve seen are not going to go back to the way they were whereas, jon, it sounds to me like youve been making the case and almost repeatedly yourself as when you do get a vaccine the world will go as close back to normal as it can. Will people still be interested in peloton, sure will they still work with zoom, yes. But some of the broad trend also start to work themselves out once you get a vaccine am i right, doc, or wrong . You are right, scott, and the issue there is, of course, does the vaccine start dribbling out if you will at towards the end of this year, 2020 or does it really wait until the middle of next year because given those time lines, i could give you a much better picture of when i think those other businesses will go back towards normal but when you see the dramatic drops in, you know, whether its the Airline Stocks in particular, of course, that bill was refused, the airline only part of the stimulus just recently, if we get that i think the tsa data already suggest, scott, that people are traveling much more already give than they dont have a vaccine and that they have some therapeutics perhaps but theres a lot more through the tsa when you look at that High Frequency data theres a lot more travel going on from right now, scott. I get you, jon. Lets be clear a lot more from zero. Yeah. Its still not a lot. I guess is what i want to say, ed bastian said. You have united with their earnings and youll hear from i believe the ceo on this network as well. A lot more than what was zero. Its still going to take a long time until sometime in 2021 at the earliest to get anywhere back towards and i hate to use the word normal because nobody knows what that means on the other side of covid. Right, to your point also, scott, when we do get back towards normal how many businesses will have made the decision that i dont need to have people moving around as much as they did because of costs and also because as these secure platforms become better and better, that instanteity, im making that up, lets jump on a zoom right now. Lets get on the meet with any of these teams with microsoft, i think all of those things do put a pressure on how much we need to be moving around which, of course, hurts a little bit the airlines which are going to be cutting capacity like crazy as well as some of these hotels which many of them will become basically rental properties for tenants rather than hotels. I mean by the way, phil lebeau says yesterday tsa passenger levels so were using the most accurate statistics, yesterday was down 71 i mean its been in the 65 to 70 down depending on the day says phil. It gives you a good perspective on exactly what were dealing with the point partly here too, joe, we need to be careful in, you know, i dont know if its recommending or urging our viewers and investors to continue to buy stocks like zoom and peloton and some of these others which are up 641 and 370 respectively i think thats correct. I do think you have to have some discipline in not owning them all. I have kind of pivoted from one name to the next there are times that i have owned zoom, there are other times that i even owned peloton and now docusign is the hyper growth stock that i am owning, i think that, scott, back to the vaccine and what is the trade, i think unequivocally and this is my view the airlines on a vaccine are the Optimal Trade within the Capital Markets because i dont think theres any other industry that you could go out and gain exposure to on the other side of a vaccine where youll be rewarded like you will be you dont think so in hotels . I dont look, you used to love a marriott i did and in fact i was stopped out of marriott before we came on the show today. Very nervous and cautious with it protecting gains, i was up 20 , i had a line at 15 we went below it i was stopped out of the name but, no, i think airlines, that is the single most Optimal Trade on the other side of a vaccine but, scott, without a vaccine, without a stimulus, you know what all these Technology Companies dont have to do, they dont have to share a communications in an Earnings Report where theyre concern fundamental their low loss provisions are enough or if theyre too much and look at the earnings that were guiding from financials right now i think that tells you all you need to know about the value environment. Its just not ready yet. I mean, you know, you want to make the financials example, jim, even as a group its not like the earnings were horrendous but the stock moves are they were spectacular. Because they trade as a cohort it doesnt even you used to be able to differentiate, say, well, this bank is better than that bank or this bank is executing better than that bank but now no matter what theyre doing theyre seemingly trading as a cohort. As wilfred frost made good points when i was listening to his commentary, goldman for example is maybe better positioned than some others or Investment Banking as a whole is a better place to be than commercial banking because youre not as reliant on the Interest Rate environment. What do you make of that okay, thats a true statement. You know, its also true to state that, you know, maybe the investment banks are facing a risk from direct listings and specs and other things that are clearly going after one of their biggest money makers, not their only one but certainly in Investment Banking ipos are a huge moneymaker. The banks and i wont distinguish between retail or investment, they are trading as a group and trading on macroeconomics if they were trading on earnings you would see goldman, citi flying, youre not jpmorgan and citi were down. What it is telling you and it is telling you something, this market is looking for Macro Economic factors like stimulus and vaccine. Now, scott, i do want to compliment you because you bring in financials air and no longer talking about airlines and technology only. Theres a lot in the middle we can look at. Sure, financials but how about industrials. How about health care. You know if you take a look at the xli and xlv just to give you a Broad Spectrum of those industries theyre actually flying its interesting particularly the industrials, because they are looking forward into 2021 and looking for Infrastructure Spending and on shoring of supply chains. I like that i like that the industrials, theyre not trading on whats going to happen in the next week on stimulus. Theyre trading on 2021 and beyond thats a good sign for the industrials. Its interesting, speaking of, joe, that you sold verizon and bought caterpillar i did, scott. I gave caterpillar as my final trade on monday, clearly as it relates to the machinery capex cycle i think youve seen the trough, inventory levels for machinery are well below the fiveyear average, were coming into 2021, that i believe will be the bottom where youll see momentum gained for caterpillar and caterpillar in terms of its pricing is in trading incredibly well as it relates to verizon im disappointed im disappointed overall in 5g in the wake of the announcement from apple whether its tmobile or verizon, i dont know im somewhat suspicious about how impactful 5g is actually going to be as an investment thesis so out of verizon, into caterpillar. What of a nascent investment thesis Bigger Picture down the road, sure how could it not be but there are a lot of people who made the point, joe, going into the apple event yesterday that if there wasnt a reason 5g alone was not a reason to continue to buy apple shares you want to buy them for another reason, great. But its obviously going to take a while to get up to speed a lot of the networks arent ready for it maybe you wont get the biggest benefits you think you would have in this early stage it all depends on your time horizon not only as an investor but when you think the trend also pick up speed yeah, i would agree with that and i think thats somewhat benefits apple because i think it extends and lengthens consumers who are going to go out and be purchasing this new phone. 5g speed will slowly get faster and faster throughout 2021, so what normally could be a single quarter or a multiquarter tailwind for apple, i think you could be talking about the duration of 2021 where consumers will be stepping forward and purchasing this new phone. So specific to apple, im okay im comfortable with it but as it relates to 5g and the telecom trade i am disappointed. Well, titt, you bought more apple. Was that because of 5g absolutely not. So, you know, apple is kind of known for these events and i feel like five, ten years ago when they were having these it was really surrounding, you know, the new products, right . And so i think things have definitely shifted were weve seen a trend, you know, recently where apple has an event and the stock price goes down. I dont know why i think i would, you know, my guess is that theres a lot of hype around these events and then once the event happens, its not rocket science. Right, right, to sell the news but ill take that any day because, you know, im looking for opportunities to buy things when theyre on sale im buying we owned apple for awhile we bought more apple not because of 5g even though i think thats a good thing, but because, you know, were seeing a global shipment of pcs up to like the highest level its been in ten years, so, again, getting back to the fact that the world has changed, it used to be a luxury to have more than one laptop, computer in your house, now its a necessity so we have families with multiple kid that is all have to be on a laptop, a computer right now and theres nothing more annoying than, you know, utilizing a device that doesnt work, right . So this is thought only a shift to kind of increasing, you know, purchases but also a shift to quality in Premium Products which apple has. I hear you. I just want to let you know, the dow is down 200, a little shy of that nasdaq down a little more than 1 you see that as a third tablet there from your left the mnuchin comments about getting something done before the election being tough certainly took a little bit of wind out of the market maybe source the funds for nasdaq which has had a nice run lately and opened our program saying it was about 1 or so from a new alltime high, of course, were not naive to some of the selling that was existing today within technology. The overall market is trying to figure out where it wants to go. The dow is down about 3 4 of 1 and the interesting thing, jim, is going to be once the door is officially closed on stimulus before the election to see really how the market reacts and thats the thing we dont know weve all been on pulled by this string here of thinking, okay, well maybe we are going to get something before the election if the door is officially closed, nailed shut, then its going to be interesting to see what happens in the market which leads me to our last part of this conversation which is this new howard marks memo and says i referenced him being a notable investor, certainly one of the best, he says, the current market offer, quote, the lowest prospective returns in history. He mentions low rates. He has memos which come out periodically this is his latest low rates cut both ways. You know, got the market off the bottom, but they restrict returns going forward. The other bullet points i wanted to highlight for you, everything appears, he says, to be fairly valued back to a low return world after a foray into bargain land, he says in march, the only things cheap carry the highest rick, commercial real estate, energy not a time to be aggressive and od odds, he says, are not on investors side. Jon that jerian, najarian, you o take a stap . Its also a huge endorsement, scott, of the strategy that pete and i do all the time which is covered writing, in other words, selling calls because i dont disagree that after this earnings cycle, scott, that were likely to see maybe some sideways action at least into the election and then maybe for several weeks after that, even if we see elevated vol, we are still likely to see sidewaysings, i believe out of most of the market im Comfortable Holding what i own as i bet most of the panelists are, but im also aggressively heres an example. We got an upgrade for netflix, right . A price target i aggressively sold calls into that why . Because it protects me to another basically 8 or 9 downside juice by the collection of those november call peopremi against the stock because im taking in almost 50 against those against the stock so i think a lot of us will be focused in on that, scott. If you are looking at a sideways market, maybe like mr. Marks is saying theres not as much upside until we find out more about stimulus and or vaccine and sore forth, i think that really plays into our sweet spot which is selling calls, collecting that extra dividend, if you will, from those call sales. Joe, i got less than a minute look, maybe some of the downside is protected by the fed. I think we can find a way to agree on that but this idea that, you know, only things cheap are the thing that is carry the highest risk, weve talked about energy and this almost liquidation this some of the energy stocks, though, joe, it strikes me that most recently, i think, you were starting to, you know, nibble a little bit in energy, maybe thinking the worst was potentially over was that you i actually got out of energy about three or four weeks ago on a failed breakout for both natural gas and crude oil and i communicated that i would not be making a return any time soon even with the temptation of natural gas rising substantially recently i dont think the evidence is there 0 support it but real quickly, howard is aill rule mating the wealth of the Management Community three things you need to think about, financial behavior, spend less, save more, youre going to have to outsource to active management and have to seek alpha generation opportunities in emerging markets both debt equity and look at small and midcaps. Quick break when, we come back well talk about this mystery chart. Up nearly 15 since one of our Investment Committee members told you about it at the beginning of the month Goldman Sachs adds its to its own conviction list. Listen to us live on the go on the cnbc app back on the half after this. Welcome back. Heres your market picture, dow down 170 nasdaq down by more than 1 following headlines regarding stimulus another headline that is moving a stock right now. Yes, so take a look at navistar this is after a letter to the truck makers executive chairman in which it states it offered what its calling its best and final offer to acquire the outstanding shares of navistar it doesnt already own the same 43 per share offer the Company First floated in september. Thats well above the stocks current price and also above the original offer of 35 a share back in january. He says this offer will expire on october 16th if no action is made so watch that over the next few days you can see its down almost 21 . Watching it because carl icahn has a 17 stake. Hed like a higher bid beyond the 43, so well see what happens. That stock is obviously reacting to what, you know, rahel tells us at 43 a share. Well see where it goes and an uncertain environment. Sue, ill send it to you a tough environment in that business if not the Overall Economic environment too. Absolutely, you are right on target with that scott. Heres the other headlines at this hour, everybody we begin with amy cooper, the woman charged with making a false Police Report accusing a black man assaulting her in new yorks central park made a second 911 call during that encounter. The new call revealed in charges filedagainst her today also in new york, a sevenfoottall statue of medusa has been installed across the street from courts where a number of men were prosecuted for Sexual Assault during the height of the me too Movement Including harvey weinstein. In italy more than 7300 new coronavirus cases have been confirmed just since yesterday that is a new record for that country and up more than 20 since yesterday. Britain reporting nearly 20,000 new cases, the second highest daily tally for the country. This as new restrictions go into effect in Northern England and Northern Ireland you are up to date europe is in the heart of a second wave of this coronavirus pandemic, so were watching it all for you. I appreciate that sue, thank you thats sue herera. Goldman sachs making changes today to its conviction buy list rahel back with the details. Hello, again. Two changes to the list both in the painting and coating space adding axalta and removing sherwinwilliams so it jumped to 32. Consensus estimates for it has remained consistent. The company, scott, is more leveraged to the Auto Industry and does look to be improving. This is an area you and i have talked about as ford also saw significant upgrades this week as well. Price target for sherwin that, remains 750. Reiterated the buy so analysts think sherwin will continue to outperform but much of the positive outlook is already baked into the stock up about 20 year to date, 19 . Very different stories, very different stock performances while axalta is down, sherwin up almost 20 and, scott, it hit a new high as recently as september 159. Thank you again rahel solomon. Its on our radar because you brought it to us at the beginning of the month on october 1st with unusual activity. Yeah, and luckily, scott, it was around 23 a share then. And they were buying the 24 calls which have gone pretty deep in the money. So its been a good trade. I have a taken a little over half, scott, and given that these exfire in two days, it might not be by the end of the show that im taking off the rest but like the idea that goldman has embraced this trade. Yeah, stocks up 1. 5 . Sherwinwilliams, you own that, right . I do. A little bit of a valuation differential so sherwinwilliams has pulled away on the very obvious reason that theyre exposed to the housing market. What they sell is paint cans at home depot and lowes so a case to be made for axalta the auto manufacturers are doing a lot of production catchup from april and may so i like axalta but on sherwinwilliams ill stick with it i do think there is more juice to be squeezed from the orange. Coming up, jon has new trades for new unusual activity coming up next and as we go to break take a look at the s p sector today. S p right now is down, energy industrials, materials leading the way but looking at a 24 1 2point slide for the s p about 2 3 a much more than that. Well be back after this stay restless with the icon that does the same, the rx crafted by lexus. Lease the 2020 rx350 for 409 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Before we talk about taxsaudreys expecting. New . Twins lease the 2020 rx350 for 409 a month for 36 months. Wed be closer to the twins. Change in plans. At fidelity, a change in plans is always part of the plan. vo im a verizon engineer and today, were turning on 5g across the country. With the coverage of 5g nationwide. And, in more and more cities, the unprecedented performance of ultra wideband. The fastest 5g in the world. It will change your phone and how businesses do everything. Im proud, because we didnt build it the easy way, we built it right. This is the 5g americas been waiting for. Only from verizon. At morgan stanley, a global collective of thought leaders offers investors a broader view. We see companies protecting the bottom line by putting people first. We see a bright future, still hungry for the ingenuity of those ready for the next challenge. Today, we are translating decades of experience into strategies for the road ahead. We are morgan stanley. American Airlines Shares have been grounded all year. Options traders jumping into that name today. Jon najarian, that is on your list it is up even as we talk about stimulus and the prospects of even a standalone, something or other, for the others which there doesnt seem to be any agreement on that. Exactly, scott. And to your point with phil lebeau, the april data from tsa had us bottoming atabout 90,00 passengers a day, which is, you know, we used to be around 2. 25 million going through tsa back up to 900,000 thats certainly not great, but its obviously a big move up from when people were absolutely in a panic and wouldnt even get on a plane so american airlines, scott, to your point, they are buying calls, theyre buying at the 13 strike with that stock just in the 12 range. And these are options that expire next friday, scott. So i bought those during the day today and im crossing my fingers that this tsa data is a good sign that people are getting back on planes another quick one, scott, fastly this one we just added, top of the show i added it. It is december 135 calls in fsly since its all the way out to december ill probably be in them two months and quick update lee which is an ev play and that one, li, we cited it when it was an 18 stock it has burned all the way through 21, maybe 22 a share, nice trade, just like neo, theres a lot of focus on the space. We updated and took off a little over half right now im holding a little more into the end of the week. Interesting you mention fastly up 36 in the month of october and better than 530 year to date the other interesting part is your airline play is really short term obviously and seems to me to be more of a play on maybe an agreement of a standalone airline deal rather than any sort of incrementally improving traffic numbers from the airlines not going to improve that fast. Right exactly. But theyre giving Speaker Pelosi and mnuchin at least another week, scott, because theyre out there october 23rd expiration. Sure. No, i hear you on that all right, coming up our experts ready. Send your questions in by video and play them on the air ask halftime back after this. This is decision tech. Find a stock based on your interests or whats trending. Get realtime insights in your customized view of the market. Its smarter Trading Technology for smarter trading decisions. Fidelity. I paid off my credit cards and apand felt a weightnal loan. Come off my shoulders. Thank you sofi for a great experience and for helping me get my money right. Snhu lets you transfer up to 90 credits [announcer] if youve tried college but never finished, toward your bachelors degree. [woman] it doesnt matter how old you are, you can do it. You can finish. [announcer] finish your degree at snhu. Edu. All right. Welcome back answering your questions a video question for joe from connecticut or from joe in connecticut. Question for joe terranova, a couple weeks ago you said buy Seattle Genetics bought it at 1 of the. Its now over 200. Are you holding or do you recommend selling right now . Joe, for joe from joe i was right the first time should have just stayed with it. Well, joe, thank you for that question and, yes, i am holding, good job buying at 169. This is one of the leaders in biotechnology. They recently announced the collaboration with merck over the last three years growing revenue 30 on november 16th after an r d day so i think sh 5 is a stock that could go to 250. Cvs, he says im disappointed with cvs, should i hold or sell . Yeah, im disappointed in the share price too, frank, but i think youre supposed to stick with it and i am look, this company, i think its been laboring under the premise a Democratic Senate and president will really enact regulations that eat into their Business Model i dont think thats the case. This is a highly profitable business and, you know, theyve got cash flows that continue to allow them to pay down debt, pretty soon theyll start buying back shares right here at book value. They got a 3. 4 dividend yield i think youre supposed to stick with it. I have one for you, jon, from ross in minnesota. I want to buy target but hesitate pulling the trigger just want to be confident that momentum can continue. What are your thoughts i dont know if this is pete calling himself ross, but, jon, its for you thats petes middle name, in fact, scott. Im just kidding he and brian cornell, you know, those are two peas in a pod and they both love this company. And why not . They give 5 of what they earn away to the communities in which they live. Thats about 4 million a week, scott, so theyre doing a lot of the right things and theyre doing the right things with shipped and how they compete with amazon and walmart. I think this is one you hold on to today it was this close to hitting a new 52week high at 166 and then pulled back from that as the market sold off. I think you buy it on the dip. This thing goes to 175 around thanksgiving, scott. Shocking answer, thank you for that, doc. Tiffany, lastly to you, adam in ontario. When is a good time to buy j j now actually. Its at about 148 right now. The high is 157. Had a little bit of a dip with that news yesterday but we own j j for its Consumer Products and not necessarily the vaccine so id buy it now. Keep your video questions coming as well we will play them on the air send them to askhalftime cnbc. Com. The energy trade is coming back in futures. Back in two minutes. Missioned a show, dont sweat it the Halftime Report has a podcast. Market moving interviews, call of the day, unusual activity and, of course, ask halftime look for us on Apple Podcast or your favorite podcasting app and subscribe he hfte to talimpod today. Before we talk about taxsmart investing, whats new . Audreys expecting. Twins wed be closer to the twins. Change in plans. At fidelity, a change in plans is always part of the plan. 20 associate cart pusher. Urly the different positions ive had taught me how to be there for others. I started out as a cashier. I mean, the skys the limit with walmart. Its all up to you. Thats why i take osteo biflex, to keep me moving the way i was made to. It nourishes and strengthens my joints for the long term. While helping with occasional joint stiffness. Osteo biflex. Lets do the futures outlook. Natural gas getting hammered today on demand. Brian stutland has more on that move lower 2 lower, ouch. Yeah. It hurts today, but theres reason behind that because natural gas sass really interesting story. If you look at a chart of inventory builds and draws, what we saw right now is prices of nat gas are around the same levels that we saw in 2019, but that is when inventory was being drawn down now were seeing inventory continually build week over week and see an increase and build of inventory so i think the nat gas trade has gotten a little bit to the upside and traders are recognizing that with slightly warmer weather here in october youre seeing a selloff happen i would be a seller at 2. 69 and looking for that to trade down to 249 where i would buy it back id keep a stop up at 289 in case we go back to recent highs but i think the trade is lower because we continue to see the builds here. The economy is not back to normal yet, and for that im willing to bet to the downside so im risking 2,000 basically to make 2,000. Its 11 each. Each tick being. 19 of a tenney, 10, so im looking for downside trade and i think it pays off even though the risk roy reward indicates. Qualcomm and cintas and t. Rowe price numbers come up next. I didnt choose this job because it was easy. But i cant say i expected this. To fight these fires, we need funding plain and simple. For this crisis, and for the next one. Prop 15 closes tax loopholes so rich corporations pay their fair share of taxes. So firefighters like me, have what we need to do the job, and to do it right. The big corporations want to keep their tax loopholes. Its what they do. Well, i do what i do. If yould like to help, join me and vote yes on prop 15. Well, thousands of Airline Workers have already been laid off. Many more could soon be furloughed without a new round of relief money from washington. Tonight in a new cnbc documentary about the air travel industrys struggle with the pandemic, Shepard Smith talks to a pilot who is still waiting to hear heres a preview reporter laura woods is a pilot for a major carrier. She and her husband max, who flies for another airline, live in denver with their cut iter molly. They are expecting another baby in december. For laura and max, getting here has been a journey. Flight school typically takes a year or two. It usually takes a few years to get up to 1,500 hours which is required to go to a regional airline. Reporter is that expensive yes so Flight School can be very expensive. Usually runs about 80,000. Reporter just when they should be representing the fruits of all that work, the pandemic has thrown their industry and their lives into turmoil. You can hear more of laura woods story tonight on Shepard Smith reports, air travel in turmoil tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cnbc right after the wsitne wh Shepard Smith. Our final trades are next. When i was in high school, this was the theater i came to quite often. The support weve had over the last few months has been amazing. Its not just a work environment. Everyone here is family. If you are ready to open your heart and your home, check us out. We thought for sure that we were done. And this town said not today. Find a stock basedtech. On your interests and this town said not today. Or whats trending. Get realtime insights in your customized view of the market. Its smarter Trading Technology for smarter trading decisions. Fidelity. Working, parenting, problem solving. At new chapter vitamins weve been busy too. Innovating, sourcing organic ingredients, testing them and fermenting. Fermenting . Yeah like kombucha or yogurt. And we formulate everything so your body can really truly absorb the natural goodness. Thats what we do, so you can do you. New chapter wellness, well done. vo im a verizon engineer and today, were turning on 5g across the country. With the coverage of 5g nationwide. And, in more and more cities, the unprecedented performance of ultra wideband. The fastest 5g in the world. It will change your phone and how businesses do everything. Im proud, because we didnt build it the easy way, we built it right. This is the 5g americas been waiting for. Only from verizon. Welcome back well get to final trades in just a moment. However, i wanted to go over a couple of calls in the Software Space today. Salesforce, assumed by today, nice price target, 325 versus a prior one of 252. This is all coming from ubs today. Service now, assumed by 600 is the price target there it was 511 workday, assumed neutral versus a prior sell, so an incremental step higher. Target, 235 andtive anything, youve been buying more workday so this plays right into your final trade. Absolutely. We do love workday this is one of those other names that we believe are like perfectly positioned to kind of take advantage of our new normal they provide Enterprise Cloud for financial for finance and Human Resources across a multitude of Different Industries year to date its up 39 , and about 10 , almost 10 in the past three months so we like it and we added to it. All right who has got splunk thats not a good day. I do, scott whats up, doc yeah, its not a good day its selling off rather hard after hitting almost 220 yesterday. We saw unusual buying at about 206 level today. Im trying to get that thats my final trade, splunk. Goldman, a bank stock thats actually up. Jimmy, is that you yeah. Ive got goldman, not up much. Should be up much more citi and jpmorgan crush the earnings, crushed them in fact, stocks arent up more which says a lot more about the markets. Appreciate it everybody the exchange is now. Thank you, scott. Here is whats ahead on the exchange. Alphabet soup. Why some investors are missing the signs and two setbacks in one week in the battle to find a covid19 treatment should investors rethink the leaders in health care and who they are betting on . Well discuss. And hackers exploiting robinhood, walmart redefines black friday, and some ports are busier than ever thats all ahead today, but lets start with the markets this hour. Dom u

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