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And thanks so much for joining us ac30, 60 begins now tonight on three, 60 protesters to filing deadlines and facing academic sanctions and campuses across the country. The latest live on the propalestinian demonstrations, the Police Response to elements of antisemitism and the impact this all could have on president ial politics. Also tonight to look ahead at what to expect when the trump Hush Money Criminal Trial resumes tomorrow morning here in new york, and a report from haiti. Cnn exclusive for the country torn apart by gangs. Or david culver tracks down in interviews, one gang leader whos now and the fbis ten Most Wanted Fugitives list. Good evening. Thanks for joining us. We begin with propalestinian Campus Demonstrations entering their second week and growing it seems not going away. We Spring Commencement fast approaching University Officials nationwide are now taking action to confront them. That said in different ways with different degrees of success, theyre juggling a lot freedom of expression, students, safety, alumni pressure, and of course, all of it driven by one of the worlds truly intractable conflicts. Want to go first as cnns ed lavendera, the university of texas in austin. Were please just apparently using pepper spray on some in the crowd within the last hour. And whats the latest where you are just explain whats happening around you. Well, all of the protesters that were taken into custody or we dont have an official number yet and a number of people arrested. But what we witnessed was several dozen protesters taken into custody once those people were moved off campus. Law enforcement if it serves, have now moved away from the scene. And this is what his left of the massive Protest Scene there are still a few people here gathered in the exact same spot where much of this protest started earlier in the de and it was incredibly tense for some time We Saw State Troopers once again return here to the campus and circle. This area that had been taken over with tense and dozens of students, which they described anderson has a liberated in kanban zone in solidarity with what other campuses have been doing as well. And when that happened with the tense come up, University Officials say that they were not going to have any tolerance for any kind of occupation or a tense that would signify that this was going to grow into a larger protest, a permanent larger protest. Asked here on the ground, and thats when we saw the State Troopers and Law Enforcement come in and over the course of several hours systematically just pull protestors onebyone, taking them away from the scene here. This afternoon and then there were protesters, essentially following Law Enforcement officers and State Troopers trying to force them chanting at them to get off of campus, pushing them away. And that led to the altercation that you talked about, the pepper spray as the officers were trying to get those that were arrested on the buses and off of the campus, as well as State Troopers in riot here that had been brought on to the campus. So another tense day, but i must say very different from what we saw last week in attention and in the islands altered violent altercations that we saw take place between protesters and Law Enforcement last week, there were nearly 60 people arrested. All of those criminal charges were dismissed. So itd be interesting to see what happens with the protesters that were taken in too custody here today at Austin Anderson is it clear how many are actual students at ut well, University Officials told us this afternoon in a statement that they believe that the majority of the people who were involved in todays protests were not students. In fact, they said it was a group that started sending threats to University Officials over the weekend and theyre the ones that organized. It was really interesting how this developed. There had been what had been built as an educational event. There was poetry reading, there was artwork. Im making protest signs that sort of thing. And then over here on the steps of the main tower building, there was a Silent Digital By Probe by professors. And as that happened, all of this kind of quickly developed into an encampment zone. So it almost seemed like a very deliberate kind of strategy and a plan to create this particular moment that we saw on campus today and thats what University Officials say. They were not going to put up with. And they also believed that much of this was caused by people who are not students here university, ed lavendera. Thanks very much. Next to Columbia University, which has started suspending Student Protesters for defying an order to leave there in canvas this afternoon, the school has also closed the canvas to anyone but students and staff. Sudans Miguel Marquez is at a protest just outside one entryway to the campus. So what does it look like right now where you are and what . What do seeing yeah, these are the main gates. There was a onesixteenth and broadway, there was a big protest here earlier today, several dozen protesters, but now its maybe a dozen, maybe a bit more than that. Still chanting inside you can see about 300 yards from here are where the encampment is. Those protesters in that encampment area, some of them have already been suspended, as he said, that the school after about 2 00 p. M. Deadline starting to the proceedings to suspend the students it sounds like theyre trying to identify everybody in that encampment suspend them so theyre no longer a students. Then at some point the university clearly does not want to call nypd. And again, after when they did that two weeks ago, it kicked off this backlash across the country. So theyre trying to avoid that. But once there are no longer students of columbia, push is going to come to shove push is going to come to shove at some point. And the question is when anderson, so were Police Called in to campus today because were seeing images and police putting somebody in a van. Was that yeah. Ill assign the camp out. There were police there. There wasnt a large number, but outside the campus, there were police or are still some nypd officers and we saw that arrests there was a woman that was up on this poll actually, the light pole at 1 16 and broadway, she was putting up posters. Shes said that police were telling her to get down. She refused. Apparently and thats when they took her away and put her in the van. Its not clear she was arrested. They just took her away. Maybe maybe they let her go a short time later. Its not clear what she was issues facing the charges at all, but she wasnt following the police orders. And thats why they let her away. Its not clear how much bigger this protest is going to be. Ive walked around the university to see on the other side of his the protests, but its very quiet over there, so it looks like were in this stalemate between protesters and the university. And at some points, push is going to come to shove and their into finals now commencements in two weeks, the university clearly wants to get on with the business of being an educational institution. And they got marquez. Thanks very much joining us now from campus at columbia as a columbia student and cnn freelancer, John Towfighi im john. How would have you seen today . How are things right now on campus . Yeah. Thank you for having me on anderson. Today is a beautiful monday evening. In fact, its the last day of classes for students at Columbia College and the other other graduate schools. And we see a lot of students Walking Around campus. And of course notably, we see dozens of students still indian cabinet and anderson as your viewers, you would like to know today, University President Minouche Shafik put out a statement to the protesters and the encampment saying they had until 2 00 p. M. To disband. And like i said, there are dozens of students define the University Presence orders and still out on the lawns whats interesting to know is that this morning Minutiae Feeds sent an email to the Columbia Community at about 8 00 a. M. Notifying people that negotiations between the students and the administrators had indeed ended. However, what was not said in the email was that at about 10 00 a. M. The University Administration began to drop pamphlets in the encampment, notifying students of this 2 00 p. M. Deadline. As you can imagine, that drew a lot of people to campus to protect the students from potential eviction by the administration so that actually drew more people to the encampment. So at this point, you said, how large is the hammond right now to roughly do you know . Yeah. So since the encampment has been on the University Grounds since wednesday, april 17, there have been roughly 200 students coming going, sleeping overnight in the encampment. The number is hard to pin down. Show what i will say i was there on your laptop actually, is it behind you . I think im good luck. Show you here so im directly outside of the encampment. You can see there are tense as i spin around. You can see columbias butler library, which is the main library on campus. So the students are still out in force. And today, the students actually voted amongst themselves, whether they were going to adhere to the universitys demand to disband or whether they were going to stay i was here watching that vote and i tell you it was an overwhelming majority to stay with students raising their hands and cheering to stay on the encampment John Towfighi, i appreciate the report, john. Thank you very much thank you appreciate it. Joining us now is lawrence summers, former clinton treasury secretary and former president of harvard university, where hes now president and emiratis and the charles wlan university professor, secretary summers, thank you for being with its first. What is your reaction . To these protests, which we are now seeing on campuses at columbia and in texas. Weve seen the meta usc and other places these are very sad pictures. Students have a right to protest. They have a right to express themselves they dont have a right to disrupt. And its very clear that there are substantial disruption on many campuses and administrations have agonizingly difficult choices to me i wish they had made the decision not to allow these students to enter in the first place i wish that they had rapidly threatened escalating discipline and suspensions, inability to graduate, the inability to get credit for the semester. I wish they had been much stronger in responding to earlier provocations of which there have been many since october 7, i think if it had been managed right. We wouldnt be discussing Police Presences in the way that we are. I think its not difficult to respond to some things. For example, the John Harvard Statue at harvard has been defaced by a coffee in placed on it for four days and no one has even been removed that so i think these are very difficult issues. I think theres a lot you can do short of calling in the police, but it has to be completely clear sure. That you cannot disrupt with impunity. I also think that theres no reason why those who are not students who are disrupting Campus Activities should not be promptly arrested and charged with trespassing i think just as anybody on a university campus, when they get funding from the outside for their activities, is expected to be accountable. I think there needs to be close investigations of how these Protest Efforts are being funny so this is not about which side you are or how you think about antizionism versus emt semitism. This is about a basic concept of Academic Freedom which involves respect for order and too many campuses. Those values were not upheld with sufficient bigger over the last six months. Let me predict the consequences now, let me ask you, i mean, im wondering did you ever confronted situations like this when you were present in a harbor . I when i was at school, in the 1985 to 89, there were antiApartheid Protests on campus but it wasnt turning students against one another and students feeling threatened by other protesters who were screaming at them. Have you ever her face Something Like this i didnt there were not protests of this kind when i was at harvard, i think largely that was a function of the circumstance and what the particular moment was may also have had to do with the fact that there was a sense that there would be a strong when vigorous response. I agree with you that the thing thats most like this that i can remember is the events that took place during the vietnam war period where there were threats epithets hurled at people who were in the military or who supported the vietnam war and where there were active attempts to demonize people who were members of the community and you are seeing that in the acts that are taking place towards jewish and zionists students and that makes this a particularly repugnant form of speech in a way that was not the case in the Apartheid Protests or the living wage protest. It i have to say that ive got very little sympathy for these protesters and it seems to me that at a moral minimum, they want to recognize they feel what theyre doing is profoundly just but they should recognize as Martin Luther king did and as gandhi did, that, accepting punishment, even severe punishment was part of the act of Civil Disobedience rather than trying to rally rally allies to insert this that they will not be disciplined. It also seems that some of these, you know, theres professors on campus at columbia who are encouraging these protests. They have tenure. They cant be fired. The students can be kicked out. I was amazed to learn that one of the heads of the protests at columbia during a disciplinary committee, zoom call said that the zionist should be killed. It didnt deserve to live. And that wasnt grounds for expulsion. Its only now that that person has been expelled from the school months after that was already out there i dont im not going to comment on the facts of that situation because i dont precisely know it but yes, something i saw at harvard was a dean from the lead the title dean was busy feeding, passing food buried he goes into protesters who occupied one of our University Buildings and our administration did nothing about that. And now theyre surprised that protests have grown. And mushroom. So i think theres a real question about accountability for everyone. I think it is integral even though sometimes painful and problematic for faculty to have the right to express opinions in a very free thats Academic Freedom. But acting on those opinions with respect to Student Discipline having that freedom be extended to making statements on behalf of the university, having that freedom be extended to what they do when theyre supposed to be objective judges. Thats a much, much more problematic thing. I underneath its to be a lot of Soul Searching about way universities are governed and my own sense is that trustees who are the ultimate fiduciary, who make all these rules about tenure at Everything Else have been much too passive. R2d2, much of his seven lauren summers, i really appreciate it your time today. Thank you very much thank you. Joining us now is former fbi Deputy Director andrew mccabe, also charles ramsey, former Philadelphia Police commissioner, before that police chief for the district of columbia, andrew, how important is it in your view, four university of this kind of situation. I mean, how would you know the decision to actually bring in local Law Enforcement a columbia . I dont think that had been done really until since the 19 late 19, i think 1968 was the last time actually police nypd were called in on the campus yeah. Interesting. Its an incredibly impactful decision and its one that lawn or University Administrators should consider very closely before they do that, because once you bring Law Enforcement in, Law Enforcement is a very blunt tool, they are, theyre predominantly because the university has reached out and said, hey, we are the property owners. There are people here trespassing on our property in a way that we dont support and we need your help to remove those people. So thats basically what Law Enforcement thank can do, particularly in these private spaces, private universities, things like that. So theyre going to come in and try to help disperse the people who are no longer welcome in that space and theyre gonna do it by announcing that you have to leave and setting a deadline. But ultimately that removal of people becomes a very confrontational and hard to watch spectacle. But again, like Law Enforcement is very limited in the tools that they can bring to that conflict. And ultimately they bring those tools at the behest of University Administrators and chief ramsey. Im once a Law Enforcement is on the scene, what is the process of dealing with approach credit protests group thats been asked to disburse well, i mean hopefully, you always hope that people will do so peacefully. But clearly, in many of these instances, thats not taking place. So the officers will use a minimal amount of force but it doesnt look good and police are in the middle. I mean, you get asked to go to the university to deal with the situation but whats being shown on tv or the cops and the demonstrators and it just doesnt look good. So you do the best you can to try to resolve it peacefully. But the longer this goes, the more difficult is going to be in my opinion, many of these universities made a huge mistake by allowing these encampments to start in the first place. They only get larger and more difficult to get rid of so theyre really behind the curve right now. You have graduations coming up pretty soon Columbia University of texas. Those are the areas where the commencement is going to take place. And many of these kids that are graduating they they they didnt have a High School Graduation because of covid and now they may miss the opportunity to march in college. Its not fair for them and women cave charles ramsey. Thank you. Coming up next, what we can expect tomorrow on the stand when prosecution testimony, the former president s new york trial picks back up, also will hear from independent women voters in the key state of North Carolina from across the political spectrum. Would they have to say, but how the trial and a conviction would affect their decision during this fall Arthritis Pain, we say not today tylenol eight hour Arthritis Pain has two layers are really the first dispatch the second is longlasting. We give you your day back so you can give it everything. Tylenol. Number one, doctor recommended for arthritis here. 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But first cnns Kara Scannell joins us with what we can expect for tomorrow. So whos starting on the stand tomorrow . Do we know whos next so on the stand tomorrow will still be Michael Cohens banker. He started testifying on friday and he was beginning give the jury a sense of the documents in this case because he was he testified Michael Cohen was in a hurry to set up Bank Accounts for two shell companies. One of those companies, essential consultants, is the one that ultimately pay the 130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels, the hush money so tomorrow i expect the jury will see these wires air transfers, and it will give them a sense of how this happened all before Michael Cohen is even called to the witness stand, but setting up some of the documents in this case, there is a period in this trial. This is about falsified documents where were going to have to see some documents and not the sort of Narrative Testimony that we got from david pecker and the idea that this was rushed its important for the prosecution to kind of show that the urgency of it before the election exactly. The first one that Michael Cohen was setting up was to handle the reimbursement to ami for paying Karen Mcdougal ultimately, ami call that often said they didnt want to do the reimbursement. The second one was for the Stormy Daniels payment and weve seen the creation of these companies mr. The documents on friday and now well get the sense of the money trial from here. I want to bring in also former federal prosecutor, cnn, senior legal analyst elie honig, and bestselling author, Geoffrey Tube and jeff, who would you expect take the stand next. There are working up to Michael Cohen. I dont know if he will be next, but he will be soon, but these this testimony its not the most thrilling stuff in the world to see the czechs and the Financial Transactions put in into evidence. But this is going to corroborate Michael Cohen. Its going to be very important testimony that the prosecution is going to say, look, Michael Cohen didnt invent these transactions its here are the money that pet changed hands. Here is how it was done here it was when it was done so its very important that this testimony come before Michael Cohen because it will corroborate him, at least in part, when he does take this and thats important, ally, youve given his Credibility Problems. Yeah. Look the goal of prosecutors, the task that prosecutors have to to deal with is they have to support Michael Cohen every possible way they can. Checks financial documents, ledgers, other witnesses, because they understand Michael Cohen is a rickety witness. Hes got he has major Credibility Problems and what they want to be able to do is stand in front of the jury, however many weeks were now and say, you dont have to take Michael Cohens word at face value on any of with this because every important thing he said to you is backed up by some document or some other witness thats the whole ballgame here in my view, theres also another Gag Order Hearing scheduled for later this week, on thursday. Theres a Gag Order Hearing for four new violations are alleged violations that prosecutors have already brought up i mean, we could get a ruling on the initial gag order violations. Those are the ten violations that were argued before the judge last week in that case. The judge said that trumps lawyers werent really giving them anything to hang his hat on. He seemed really skeptical of their arguments why trump didnt violate the gag order. So one thing well be looking for tomorrow is does the judge rule on that before the hearing on thursday, which is a separate set that if statements one thing i find somewhat strange is that he hasnt ruled on the first set of gag order alleged gag order violations yeah. Because i mean, part of the reason you have a gag order is you want to stop any sort of bad behavior on the part of the people who were gagged there is a good case that trump has already violated it, but the judge hasnt ruled on it yet. Now, its like a perpetual motion machine. He keeps violating the gag order more according to the prosecution. So they keep extending more hearings there should be a ruling very soon. Im mystified by this. I mean, im officially retired from the art of predicting when this judge is going to rule on this because i think ive said every day it has to be today and i think hes leaving the door open. I wasnt judge merchan is doing a good job so far. Hes the kind of judge i would like to appear in front of as a prosecutor, hes keeping order and efficiency in that courtroom. But this is a blind spot for him. I dont get what the delay is in terms. I mean, is it likely Stormy Daniels would be called as a likely Karen Mcdougal would be cool, i think, yes. On both probably, i think because theyre necessarily helpful. Lets say not not necessarily necessary, but helpful to the prosecution in sort of playing out but this case and showing the jury who the human beings, were here. But the thing to keep in mind, im really looking for how is the defense can cross examine them because neither of them has testimony that goes to the heart of the crime, the heart of the crime has jeff was saying before, its not the alleged affairs, its not its the hush money its not the national enquirer, its the way that those Financial Transactions were structured and accounted for. And an effective cross of Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougal, both of whom, i mean, youve met anderson, i think seem likable and personable enough and effective cross would just be to go, you dont have the first idea how these payments to you. Were accounted for in the bucks. Do you . So now when you go thats it. Fine, but thats that would be an effective cross. I agree. But were not going to do it, but yeah theyre not gonna do it because the Defense Lawyers here have to please their client and their client wants them wants him to fight once theyre his lawyers to fight on every issue, even if a short cross like that might be more effective. Elie honig, jeffrey tube and Kara Scannell. Thanks so much. Well stay on the topic obviously with a look at how women voters all undecided in North Carolina from across the political spectrum, are reacting to this trial. Part of a continuing series by our randy k. 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I can only pay for what you need million say, i use splenda when the jinx came out, i thought, oh, my god when bob has a friend, he expects Blind Loyalty prizes and surprise how women voters reaction the former president is Hush Money Trial will be a particular interest to a campaign thats lost that vote by doubledigits the past two president ial elections are randy k. Recently sat down with undecided republican, democratic, and independent women voters in North Carolina, which the former president narrowly won in 2020 its part of three, 60 is continuing series that 53 , which is the average proportion of women voters and president ial elections since 2000 randys report don would you like a plate again its not the catch and kill thats the issue its the cover up. Thats the worst part. Its the devils in the cover up. Well the Accountant Numbers dont add up not math he completely sees himself as teflon, like he does nothing sticks to him. And im really nervous that hes starting to look like hes right. One of these is going to have to take him down. I just cant see how you slither out of 90 plus charges how many of you believe that trumps should be on trial for this . Raise your hand. All of you there is not only smoke, there is fire. How many times can you say its a witch on im personally tired of hearing it. So if hes misappropriating Campaign Funds or election funds, then yeah, he needs to be prosecuted if we have one person who is above the law then what is the purpose of the law . Sure. Counting wrote it down right. Recorded it. You got witnesses who said you did it its what hes paying for it even in the store for you because the porn star that were characterizing in castigated the women. They were doing a job. So prosecutors say that trump has violated his gag order, attacking prosecutors, witnesses, jurors, does any of this surprise you . This person has something more powerful than money. He has an audience, he has rabid audience that is very willing to do whatever they want. So then does even 1,000 per violation or going to jail for any period of time. Is that enough, given his influence . So hes gonna have to go to solitary because Secret Service cannot write, cannot protect that came in general population. I dont put him under the jail we do not shriek from putting other inmates in solitary confined, right . Thats fine. There and shut up. He could talk to the walls. He can talk to i dont care when it comes to your president , do Ethics Matter . The leadership of the free world . Yeah, Ethics Matter, of course they matter here about it. It doesnt he doesnt care about anyone except himself. Some of those stories might have deterred some of that electorate from actually voting for him, especially for the far right side of the republican party. None of trumps family has been in court with them to show your work including his wife, melania she did her duty when she served for years and that was her serving four years . Yeah. Yeah. She did not sono deserve no trial. So shes going to be criticized for not showing up. Shes going to be criticized for showing up. And if it were me, i take the bullet on not showing up when he was in office. She had no choice but to be present now, she has a choice to say, i dont need to be part of it. If trump is convicted in this hush money case, would any of you still consider voting for him convicted . No. No, no. Not if convicted, how do you allow them . To have somebody do an Executive Order when the thing convicted of a crime, right. If you break the law and its been proven, how can you dig take . You break the laws and attorney your licenses . Second ultimately is a Public Servant so you are going to be paying people hush money, tell me how we can trust you with the highest office in this country. But aside from that is how do you enforce any punishment that hes given if the punishment is jail, the argument is going to be butterfly of alcatraz. I look we have one okay. Them all back could go and then could we have a sitting president whos technically supposed to be sitting in jail like that also worries me. Im praying for third party at this point. Did the women in your group have thoughts on the witnesses in the trial so far yeah, they did anderson we talked to them about david pecker, the former publisher of the national enquirer. And hes the one who took the immunity deal, as you know, and then was the first Witness For The Prosecution and they felt that even though he had taken the immunity deal, he was a credible witness and we didnt of two women who are lawyers in our group. I also talked to them, anderson about their concerns about what might happen if donald trump is convicted in this case. And they do have real concerns that it would just ignite his base reignite his base really, and that they would see this as a baseless conviction. If that does happen, and then that would just be another reason but they would say that was another attempt at stealing the legend. So they have real concerns about that anderson, but you could hear how really disgusted they are with donald trump. And there were two women in our group who had voted for donald trump so they are undecided, but certainly very turned off by donald trump and very concerned about what might happen in this, in this trial. If hes convicted and also concerned about his role in this whole scheme, anderson. All right. Randy, thanks so much coming up next to cnn exclusive of gangs in haiti controlling whole neighborhoods and uk capital or david culver made a dangerous journey into one gangs territory to interview their leader. Hes on the fbis ten Most Wanted Fugitives list. Davids report is you can see, a lot of hits high Fred Pleitgen in tech wrong. And this is cnn everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. They want that Hollywood White smile, new sensor in clinical white provides two shades but her teeth and 24 7 sensitive your production. I think its a great product. Its going to help a lot of patients if youre 50 or over, you can be taking advantage of everything. Aarp has to offer right now, join aarp for 12 for one year and youre saying get membership is free, get instant access to discounts on everyday purchases. I care in prescriptions and tools and tips to help manage your money and maximize your health. Plus aar carpi fights to protect your social security. 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Turned shipping to your advantage with low cost grounds, shipping from the United States Postal Service now weve seen an exclusive a new report from inside haiti and youre about to hear from a gang leader there whos on the fbis most wanted list are david culver got to him. And as you may know, theres chaos, lawlessness in haiti and its been like this for months. Gangland killings and kidnappings have terrorize the country just last week, haitis Prime Minister officially announce his resignation, giving power to a Transitional Council that will try to restore order the ganglion or who spoke was seen as david culver is one of many accused of helping destabilise the caribbean nation. As i mentioned, hes one of the fbis ten Most Wanted Fugitives. Heres what david found in his exclusive report this war torn intersection in portauprince is the blurred bedroom signaling. We are now in gang territory. This is an area where you have never been to before were told to drive to this road and someone will meet us hes assured us that hes sending somebody and so we are to just wait for that person it looks like a vehicle here, truck the armed me and in the front seat. Motion for us to follow. So we do over rocky and flooded streets were venturing deeper into land that for months, Haitian Security experts have warned stay away from it. But wed been assured by this gangs leader that will be safe we only hope his messaging reached all the checkpoints. Four guys in the car behind this as well. So fully s 40 and now theyve added a motorbike with two guys after 45 minutes. And theyre asking us to move several dozen masked Men And Women, most carrying guns, direct us towards a driveway. All right. This guy in front of us now seeming to be leading us to some sort of house good were about to step out and meet veto loam innocent, considered by both us and haitian authorities to be a violent criminal and leader of the crossbar be gang. Hes one of the fbis ten most wanted with a bounty of up to 2 accused and the kidnapping of american missionaries death. Of. Another american hostage. It alone rarely seeks media attention. Yet given he commands what some us Officials Say is the largest gang in portauprince. And his domain includes the us embassy. We wanted to better understand his motives feet alone agrees to meet us. Hi there. On his turf. Im david flanked by his followers. He leads us inside this flashing mansion and so is this your home . In a room filled with gold rimmed furniture and stuffed animals. I asked him about the crisis engulfing haiti weeks up to our dream is to rid the country of the Corrupt Oligarchy in politicians who are holding us back. He says, we need to get rid of the system and returned stability to haiti he speaks with intention and calls for greater dialogue what if its the same system thats been in power then as armed groups, we will never put down our weapons. He says and so do you have regular communications with as you say, the other armed groups . We fall yes. Were united. He tells me the gangs have formed a coalition known as Vivan Psalm For Living Together and collectively they push back on foreign intervention, Holding Tight their grips over a fraction should state some using Terror Tactics like kidnapping, rape, and murder to sustain control. Is that something you participated in an ordering . Your Men And Women to kidnap he says he hopes to defend themselves against those allegations. And while not denying his followers have kidnapped people. He deflects blame to outside forces for creating a state of corruption as he sees it, he is eager to show us other parts of his home and territory and introduces us to his top command tender for your his cousin Security Experts suggest crossbar ea has more than 1,000 armed gang members, including recently escaped inmates. As you can see, a lot of his armed soldiers and followers are around us and he suggested that we follow in dr. With them he brings us to the edge of his territory we notice his guards, normally curious and watching us are instead looking outward cautiously toward another gangs territory. A reminder that the coalition of gangs might be more fragile than portrayed in the midst of our tour and disturbing videos starts circulating on whatsapp. It reportedly shows the devastating and deadly aftermath of an allied gang attack on a community a few miles from where we are the destruction, the violence, the deaths that have played out. Do you take any responsibility for that . Will susan mosfet on qtip lives reverb. He only says he made mistakes and is not perfect politicians were interrupted. Something nearby puts his guards on edge we pick up the conversation a short distance away. In your editor, caitlin hu further pressing for an explanation to the weve seen in haiti but we have also met in hospitals, women, children, innocent people who have been burned. Course leave their homes who had been shot, who have been raped why are innocent people suffering in this struggle simple sensibility is awestruck if he does not clearly answer instead, he frames the months of deadly Street Violence as collateral damage. He points the finger at police saying they refuse to engage in dialogue and instead, recklessly opened fire police say theyre desperately trying to keep the gangs from gaining more ground the alarm claims to be a man of faith to vout in practicing voodoo a common religion here in haiti ive heard rumors and i dont know how through there. So i asked you that you have voodoo protection. Do you feel that protection yes. He tells me confidently adding that he prays daily for his fellow haitians ultimately, what is it going to take to bring stability and of calm to this country . Moody shot. Plus 0k he says he and the other armed groups need to be included in discussions of haitis future. Thats the only way he sees convincing gang members to drop their guns in exchange for a future outside of violence of it as curfew nears, we head back the way we came, pete alone, stopping several times along the way, mingling with locals and in our food, smiling on a Campaign Trail he wants us, to meet these two men blind refugees. They tell us veto long took them in, but it leaves us wondering why help these men enforced so many others out of their homes . Look at actions over words. He tells me as we near the edge of his territory and the end of our fivehour visit hi thats not hang around here be the alarm gets out of his Motorcade Waves for us to move forward. And strolls to the desolate Street Corner he then comes to our door and shakes each of our hands his actions intentional and symbolic here we are just blocked in yosemite admits clearly demonstration of how competent he is the many he has around him as play they show of force a flexing of strength in a lawless nation where today at least gangs hold the power and david joins us now, what, whats the latest with the Kenyan Police force thats supposed to one day come and this Transitional Council, did they i mean, is there any hope . Ahead for haiti in terms of regaining control of the streets right . So this is the mss, the Multinational Security support that youre referring to, andersen. And as of now, its on hold until the Transitional Council so its able to vote for an acting Prime Minister or somebody to take charge. Thats what the kenyans were asking for, and thats why they held off because they said, right now, nobody is really in charge. All right. So we dont want to send them into total dysfunction. But now it seems like with this Transitional Council now in place, they are moving towards some sort of stability in trying to establish them mss to come in. Whats really interesting is last week, there was a breaking of the seal, if you will, at the portauprince airport, its been shut down to commercial flights for several weeks. Weve had to go in through various other means, including helical doctors to figure out how to tell the story but the breaking of the ceo came when a us fixedwing aircraft touchdown and it was quite symbolic there because its bringing in officially some added supplies for the us embassy in portauprince, which happens to be in vitro, lumps territory, but it also suggests that theres more to come all right. David culver. Thank you very much. Coming up. Well return to our Breaking News that student protests, standoffs have led to more arrests and Columbia Universitys among schools of his begun suspending Student Protester there take allergy relief works fast and last a full 24 hours. So dave can be deliverer, dance okay. Dave lets be more than our allergies seize the day with zach i thought i knew a lot about are irish roots. I was surprised to learn so many more things. The family name 91892. Wow that one. Heres the boat. They came over on. Yes. Wow water would help with this dry spots. Thats long disease scotts healthy plus will cure its lung disease going around. So like other people have it and its not pick up a bag of the newest got start build to help you plus lomb through today. Smile you found it the feeling of findings, dariuss cant filter out the real you. 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Neighborhood hubs that provide everything from mental Health Services to food pantries. Academic tutoring to prom dresses. Healthcare to after care. Community schools can wrap so much around public schools. And through meaningful partnerships with families, they become centers of their communities. Real solutions for kids and communities at aft. Org healthier, with the oraa ring the trump Hush Money Trial gavel to gavel coverage, the way only cnn can bring it to you, legal insight, expert analysis, and realtime updates live from the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony, follows cnn attorney here are Breaking News. Arrested College Campuses across the country during student propalestinian demonstrations just moments ago, the University Of Florida In Gainesville Set At arrested nine demonstrators. Columbia university began to students earlier today after some of the divided deadline to leave are joined by jonathan greenblatt, ceo and National Director of the antidefamation league. Youve gone to columbia, youve gone to a lot of campuses across the country. What did you say . What are you hearing . I mean, the scenes are quite amazing its almost kind of sad. So you really have a very small number of protestors. I mean, take colombia, colombia is nearly 30,000 students. Write about a couple of hundred people at ucla. I was at ucla yesterday. They there have 48,000 students. And again, were talking about a couple of hundred less than 1 . And how many of them are actually students . A lot of them are not students, so they conceal their faces entirely. So you cant even tell whos outside agitator and whos an actual student. But its sad the way that like all the kids deserve to be able to study all the kids deserve a commencement. All the kids is over graduation and a small minority are disrupting disrupting the opportunity for everyone and just violating the rules. What would you like to see universities . Doing that they are not currently yeah. I mean, its really, its sort of bizarre the way the president s are stumbling, i think, but theres some simple things to do. Number they do need to re Institute Law and order like president s sommer said earlier, not with excessive force, but you need to make sure the students understand they got to play by the rules. Number when you need to make sure all the students are safe. Ive talked enough jewish students to know they feel intimidated and men, its done there, havent been consequences. So thats under two. If you violate the rules administration shouldnt make concessions to you. As we saw happen at columbia in northwestern, there needs to be consequences. Again, if you violate the rules, you should be suspended like anyone else. Then number three, no full face masking again, i just dont think its appropriate and it doesnt impinge upon your freedom of speech. You that you shouldnt dress up like an isis fighter, right . Like theres no rule that says the school needs to tolerate students. Oregon at outside activists dressing factor in alqaeda. We also had an incident where one of the Student Leaders at columbia talked openly to administrators about the anxiety, shouldnt live, and they didnt do anything it is hard to understand why theyre making concessions rather than consequences. But youre right, like kill the zionists threatening their other classmates. This is not just dangerous for jewish students, although it is, its also dangerous for all of us like this isnt normal. This isnt what college is supposed to be. And we need to finally get to diminish to remember a small fringe shouldnt ruin the experience for everyone even as we do that, ill just say, lets keep in mind, weve gotta have fears, hope for these hostages were still being held in gaza, as well as deep compassion for the Palestinian Civilians who are suffering. Jonathan greenblatt appreciate you being with us. Thank thank you. The news continues. The source with Kaitlan Collins starts now saban, the source tonight. No holds barred. The aftershocks from our extraordinary

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