Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703 :

CNNW CNN July 3, 2024

Right. Thank you all for being with us this morning. A lot cnn Breaking News youre following Breaking News out of madison wisconsin. This is the scene at the University Of Wisconsin right now where police are clashing with protesters alleged show you what happened there just moments ago all right. Lets bring in chief Law Enforcement and Intelligence Analyst john miller. John, your reaction to what were looking at right now, we should show our viewers or point out to our viewers. Youre looking at live pictures of what looks like protesters sort of locking arms outside the Campus Library there at the campus of the University Of Wisconsin, madison, john, your sense of things as youre looking at all of this . Well, i think the theme of the de seems to be emerging as the University Fights back. We saw the Police Action last night in New York City, the retaking of a season hes building at Columbia University a couple of hundred arrests there and city college. And when you look at whats happening in madison, its a contrast to what occurred in los angeles, where students clashed with outsiders who came onto the campus this seems to be colleges across the country saying, as we get closer to graduation, and we have people controlling different areas of our campuses. Were taking those back and some of these pictures that were seeing today, obviously they dont look pretty. And this is part of the process where police have to plan what are we going to do . How are we going to do it . And how do we minimize either the use of force or the number of injuries . Yeah im john when you see protesters locking arms like that, that typically means what theyre going to try to make it difficult for the police to haul them away. Well, typically theyre theyre Making A Stand and at this point in most places, and this would have been the rule in la and new york. Its probably similar in wisconsin is you give the legal warning, which is your being ordered to disperse you, are going to be arrested. If you do not disperse, and then you give them time to suss out. Do i want to actually get arrested today or is that my level of commitment to this . And then those people who remain after the order is given you move in and you separate them and weve seen tactics, locking arms is not a problem for the police. Theyll separate them and arrest them for whatever the charges are going to be likely criminal trespass or Something Like that but there are sophisticated measures that have been used before. Things like Sleeping Dragons where they chained themselves together, requires more equipment and more time. But its certainly increases the amount of time it takes to clear an area yeah. And john, i mean, you know, this i mean, this this terrain pretty well. I mean, what what are usually the Best Practices when Law Enforcement gets involved in Something Like this . This i mean, i suppose weve seen the gamut here. Were showing some video of what looks like Madison Police officers clashing with protesters, de like seeing that typically is that something that you think is effective here or does it just become necessary at some point . Whats your sensitive . Well, when it comes to police tactics, Disorder Control is a perishable skill. If youre not practicing it all the time, if you are not training it all the time, if youre not using it all the time it is one of those things that you might not be great at you know, you need to have strategies like forming a skirmish line, being able to move people back what youre seeing here is a lot of pushing and shoving as they tried to separate those who are going to be arrested from those who are going to interfere with those arrests. To do this perfectly, which is hard because its controlled or uncontrolled chaos. It involves training and team tactics, which is figuring out who is going to take an arrest and then having the team focused on lets protect the officer making the arrest so that they can complete that. So hes not im trying to arrest one person and fighting with five others were trying to pull that person away. And thats some of what youre seeing here all right. John miller really appreciate i want to go now to bend newman. Hes a senior there at the University Of Wisconsin at madison. Hes on the phone with us now bend what do you know about whats going on right now . Hi jim thanks. Thanks for having me. Yeah i think its been a challenging time for your students weve heard april chance to globalize the fatah for israel to go to el that israel excuse me, the university has to enforce their rules they set on april 26 that there cannot be an experiment on library mall are shared and im watching the news along with you right now. And so ben, what have we been watching is that basically what just occurred that the police theyre cleared out this encampment and when they did that, there were these clashes between some of the protestors and some of the police. And what do you know about are there folks coming in from the outside . Is that is that been a factor in all of this on your campus i not entirely clear that some people have said that there are potentially outside agitators are outside protestors. What i know is that there are students involved, there are faculty involved to a Ben At The Encampment De and night instead, they were warned to leave the encampment that there would be consequences if they stayed in the encampment. And that no protests or should physically assault an officer or resist arrest under a lawful order. And i mean, what what are your thoughts on this when you see students and professors and police getting into it, pushing and shoving like this. I mean, its gotta be hard to watch when youre a student there, right at the end of the semester, this is not the way you want the year down. You know, i think i think thats challenging. I think many students have felt that this is not the way they wanted the year to end. I think more broadly shows the breakdown in civil dialogue that group who puts out tense and makes they have their demands. They have an unreasonable set of six demands that goes from everything from the universitys divest from israel study abroad programs to police having to leave campus overall, those are an unreasonable set of demands. It or not in the spirit of civil dialogue. So its no surprise that when confronted with the police that they behave and waves that are also physically on civil all right. Then new and keep us posted if anything comes up, let us know. Well get back to you. Thanks a lot. Appreciate it. Thanks, jim. Our were also following an explosion of violence overnight at ucla that was the scene. Theyre just hours ago, two Dueling Protest groups clashed on campus pipes, tasers, pepper spray, all reportedly being used. Lets go straight to cnn correspondence seven elm at ucla . Yes. Stephanie, im sure youve had a long night. Really appreciate it. Hanging in there for us. What are you seeing right now yeah. So if you are looking at that video, you were just showing gem of what was going on, were standing where are we believe that was happening here. And if you take a look, you can see as the theres been this barricade was here. I was here all day yesterday. This barricade was up. That barricade on the other side was up to this was the place where they had this walkway and there were security overnight. This is where we think the barricade was broken down where from this sayyed, it looked like they were trying to pull away at the barricade. And when you look through here, i can tell you yesterday this walkway was completely clear. There is nothing there. It was evenly lined up on that side, but now you can see that has been torn apart in some places and some of the pie would put back up. We saw fireworks being thrown, some the Sayyed Projectile is being drawn from the side and also look like some sort of liquid or something being tossed from the other side over here of all of this happening, deteriorating as darkness fell on campus last night and it was not until after 1 00 in the morning or so when Law Enforcement came onto the canvas of ucla, thats when theyre karen bass said that what was happening here on campus was abhorrent and also, we heard from the chancellor last night saying that what was happening now on campus was unlawful and that students were being prohibited from moving around campus. And in fact, i walked around all of Campus Yesterday and i can tell you most of the campus completely normal kids are outside. Students are outside studying greeting on the grass, preparing it all a very normal until you get to this area, but i did see some students who are turned away from one part of campus that became a point of contention at this point though, there are some students who are reporters for the daily bruyne who put out an oped, basically saying that ucla is complicit in the violence because it took too long for Law Enforcement to be here on campus, even though they said there were increasing that presence yesterday. And you can see now that you still have Law Enforcement out there now, jim, as they are making their presence known, but obviously the timbre of things much calmer at this time of day now that the sun has come up. Yeah, we hope things calmed down there on the campus ucla, stephanie elam. Thank you very much. Ill lets head now to the other side of the country. Sarah sayyed are joins us live from Columbia University in new york. It was a wild night there as well. Sarah yeah, things com this morning, although there was much larger nypd presence outside of columbia as long were also seeing tons of barricades that have been put up that were not here, but that is because of what happened last night, Police Excusing really a Shock And Awe tactic. Here at Hamilton Hall, which youre seeing just to the right of me in that hall is where some of these propalestinian protesters broke in and occupy the space. Because a long tradition to use Hamilton Hall as a place where protesters go in and occupy it from the 1960s through to now. But they went in and put banners outside the said free palestine said intifada. And at some point this seems to have been the breaking point with the university who then sent a letter to nypd and hold them to come in and get rid of remove the protesters. They not only went in and shocking all with dozens of officers all at once going into that building and taking out dozens of protesters they got rid of the encampment that has been here for almost two weeks now. We also heard from the New York City mayor, the mayor over and over and over again. Although students judette, but the mayor over and over again said, look, there was a yes, the majority of students that were in that hall and they were taking part in these protests. They were students at columbia but that there was a small group of people potentially a Smaller Group that were from the outside that were as he called them professional agitators. And he spoke to them saying that they were the ones to influence these students and that the concern from the university became high enough for them to call police and listen there is a movement to radicalize young people and im not going to wait until its done. And all of a sudden acknowledge the existence of it. This is a global problem that young people are being influenced but those who are professionals radicalizing our children. And im not going to allow that to happen as the mayor of the city of new york now, i have talked to students who have been on campus one in particular, a Graduate Student who was part of the encampment, a jewish student who said to me that he said this was studentled, it was grass roots lead, but the mayor saying there were some people theyre trying to be agents of chaos. I want to go now to my colleague gabe cohen, who is over and closer to the university right now, there has been no class on campus. This has been a virtual class. What are you hearing from students who are coming to the gate every day trying to get in, as well as professors sarah, there seems to be a lot of confusion this morning. I want to actually yeah its in faculty who are trying to enter the campus. Theres been a lot of confusion though where people dont seem to know if theyre allowed on which students are allowed in which faculty are allowed in, were also seeing a lot of this, a lot of nypd officers here. We know that the school has requested that assistance from the nypd even after last night where officers are going to be here until may 17 after graduation. And what youre looking at here is Hamilton Hall. This is the building that was really the focal point of this Police Operation last night where we saw dozens of officers entering through a second floor window of this building they arrested protesters inside, as well as dozens that were in the encampment outside the building. More than 200 and all as you mentioned, and look, i spoke with a Student Journalist on the campus who im actually going to try to grab now hes he happens to be walking by magno. You were talking to me before your grant ed student here, a Journalism Student at north excuse me, at columbia, you were covering the protests last night. You had some concerns about how the nypd handled the student media. Who was there . Talk about that. Yeah, thats right. Because i was inside right. Inside these Gates Of Amsterdam covering the arrest that took place outside the gate of properly this time protesters who are trying to block the nypd from coming in shortly after that, once the nypd moved in, i tried to go to outside Hamilton Hall where the Police Action was going to happen, but the police barricaded all of us including Student Journalists, and denied us access anywhere close to Hamilton Hall. Whats more . There were several of my colleagues and fellow Student Journalist who outside Hamilton Hall, even before the police came in unfortunately, most of these students, journalists were pushed out of campus by the officials before the Police Action really happened. So they couldnt get to bear witness to the Police Action that happened in a sensitive environment like a University Campus as a result of which the footage that we have from last night is very spares and that footage already raised some troubling questions about the nypds conduct on the campus. If we add more journalists, their Student Journalist, we would have known much better what actually unfolded in front of Hamilton Hall and based on what you were seeing last night, you think you could have kept a safe space away from the protests and still been able to witness and viewing but look, youve got footage of outside Hamilton Hall as a lawn right outside of Hamilton Hall at a short distance away, Student Journalists could have been kept there. It was a fair distance away. It wouldnt have interfered in the Police Action that took place, but it would have still allowed them to capture even from a slight distance away what was going on. But unfortunately, that one wasnt allow apart from a couple of journalists that we saw most of my colleagues and fellow Student Journalists were removed from the campus. Make no. Thank you so much really appreciate your time and sarah, as you know, as a result of that, so many of the videos, the images that were seeing, were either captured by the nypd and tweet it out or sent out by the Police Department . Men or captured by the protesters who were involved in this. Of course, both sides have interests here. So a lot of concerns there. Ive also spoken with students here who have not been involved. I spoke to a freshmen who was leaving campus a little bit earlier trying to get food for the first time in the past 12 hours because of the lockdown on campus and he was saying last its night, there was really concerned on both sides from the students who he was surrounded by some did not want to see police on the campus. They were worried about the safety of the students who are involved in that protest. Others wanted to see the protests cleared away, fearing for their the jewish students on campus and the fears those students have been feeling sara lot, of mixed emotions here on campus this morning as this a quiet day continues game thank you so much for speaking to that Student Journalist. We are also hearing from a couple of my sources, two Faculty Members that have the same sentiment. There are concerned there was no one from the media was really allowed to witness what happened last night in hamilton in hall. And we are only getting sort of

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