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I isa, right. He says and shes crying for a second. But my cb1 did the song is when he says lai lie ross. I added every time. So thank you for having that in there. I appreciate it, harry enten. Thank you all. As well for watching the whole story with Anderson Cooper is next. I love that song welcome to the whole store. Im Anderson Cooper. We are less than seven months away from the next president ial election. But even now for years after joe biden one, there are a number of down trumps supporters who dispute those results. And thats not all they dispute. The january 6 attack was an insurrection the dispute, the idea of separation of church and state in america. Some even dispute that the last super bowl was played honestly, n by speaking directly to those who believe in conspiracies and those who are trying to battle them. [music playing] Donnie Osullivan this event today is at a church but [laughs] not entirely clear what kind of church it really is. One of the Guest Speakers there today is a man by the name of Derrick Evans. He spent three months in prison for his role in the attack on the us capitol, and now hes running for congress. [rain pattering] singing for the land of the free and the Home Of The Brave [applause] supporter that was excellent. Thank you so very much. Thank you. We are honored to have with us today a gentleman that has extremely interesting stories. Derek evans is a j6 survivor, and hes running for congress as well. So lets give him a warm welcome. [applause] Derrick Evans awesome. Thank you guys for coming out here today. I really appreciate it. I spent eight days in Solitary Confinement because i refused the Covid Vaccine while they were holding me hostage. [applause] im calling for a prisoner exchange. We need to release the january 6 Political Prisoners and lock up the criminals who stole the election to begin with. [applause] Donnie Osullivan National Media headlines about you is, january 6 insurrectionist now hes running for congress. What do you want people to know about you beyond that big headline . Derrick evans well, first of all, im husband and a father. Ive got four beautiful children. I love my family very much. I love my community. I love my country. And i think its despicable that the media and particularly cnn has helped paint this false narrative of insurrection. Donnie osullivan how would you characterize what happened on january 6 . Derrick evans january 6 was the most patriotic day of my life. Trump whoo insurrectionist were not putting up with this tyrannical rule. [shouting] Donnie Osullivan [screaming] help i did nothing wrong that day. We have natural godgiven rights in this country. I know a lot of people out there, a lot of your viewers, who are probably a lot of good people, but they believe that our rights come from the government. Thats simply not true. Our rights come from god. Calm down, guys. Come down in the back. Im heard reminding people to be peaceful and nonviolent and nondestructive. Were in were in insurrectionist usa Derrick Evans Derrick Evans is in the capitol. No vandalizing property. I did more to control the crowd than the police did that day, and im the one that goes to prison. Donnie osullivan so why were you sent to prison . Derrick evans because this is a political charges right now. Im a political prisoner. All these people in prison now are Political Prisoners. Donnie osullivan you did decide to plead guilty. Derrick evans yeah. Donnie osullivan was that just out of practicality . Derrick evans well, i mean, when youre facing 24 years in prison, what options do you really have . I was ready to move on with my life. And the constitution was written for one reason and one reason only. It was written to prevent the government from infringing on our natural godgiven rights. What i was doing that day was not only protected by the constitution was protected by those natural godgiven rights of free speech. Donnie osullivan but also, of course, theres a separation between church and state. Derrick evans no theres not. Theres no separation of church and state. Thats another lie thats been portrayed by the left. Theres no separation of church and state. Theres not one, ever. Donnie osullivan invoking religion to promote our politics and justify our actions is nothing new. Indeed before he was running for congress, Derrick Made A name for himself harassing women outside abortion clinics. [interposing voices] Derrick Evans i told you were growing in numbers, i told you were growing in numbers better get used to it Donnie Osullivan but what was happening here Marjorie Talor Greene ive got two pronouns, trump won Donnie Osullivan in this church, it felt different. Marjorie talor greene all right. Well, i guess we got the fake news here, you might as well get The Real News because [cheering] Donnie Osullivan here Conspiracy Theories reign supreme. Ann vandersteel seven, eight years. And i have a very high level source who contacted me the other day and said, ann, you need to get this out because this is the playbook. You look at oklahoma. You look at 911, and you realize the reason planes flew into buildings, and bombs have gone off in certain places is because theyre destroying evidence. Donnie osullivan youve been labeled an extremist. Derrick evans falsely, yeah. Donnie osullivan you would say falsely . Derrick evans yeah. The stuff you posted on christmas day. Derrick evans what about it . Donnie osullivan the democrats being lynched Derrick Evans ok. Donnie osullivan you probably shouldnt have done that, should you . Derrick evans i want to see fauci in handcuffs. I want to see mayorkas in handcuffs. I want to see them standing right now in front of a jury shackled. Donnie osullivan you want to see them hung . Derrick evans i want to see them in front of a jury shackled in a military tribunal. And whatever the jury decides, we accept that outcome. Keep in mind that this is spiritual warfare. This is a Battle Of Good Versus Evil right now. Marjorie talor greene youre the deplorables, the secondclass citizens thats supposed to not have freedom of speech. Ann vandersteel the dod, by the way, is behind the development of the covid shots, behind the development of this horrific killing machine. Reverend everybody have a candle . All right, welcome. We had a good day, huh . Donnie osullivan later that evening, some of the congregation gathered nearby at a sister church. Siri this is a free call from jeremy brown on phone jeremy. Siri an incarcerated individual at Citrus County florida. Jeremy brown on phone for the last 826 days i have served as a political Prisoner Of War in my own country. Donnie osullivan jeremy brown was a member of the oath keepers militia and was seen outside the capitol on january 6. He called into the church and began preaching Conspiracy Theories that Trump Supporters werent really responsible for the attack. Jeremy brown on phone january 6, 2021 when the clandestine compartmentalized Unconventional Warfare operation planned, coordinated, and executed by compromised elements within the department of Defense Intelligence community and federal law enforcement. Donnie osullivan wow, this is gorgeous. How are you . Rachel powell good Donnie Osullivan nice to meet you. Rachel powell you too. Good morning. Donnie osullivan thanks so much for having us. Rachel powell yep. My name is Rachel Powell. And ive had eight kids, so ive been busy. And i have my seventh grandchild coming up to be born this year. Donnie osullivan this is your last weekend before you go in to prison for the next four or five years. How have you been spending the weekend . Rachel powell i know its not a funeral procession, but it reminds me of that my friends, my family theyve been coming in and its just been really busy, which is good because when it gets quiet for a minute thats when the emotions set in. Donnie osullivan do you remember where you were when you heard that biden had won the election . Rachel powell i do. I was at my house, and i got a phone call saying that biden won. And i was like, what . Donnie osullivan you couldnt believe it . Rachel powell no, absolutely. And people around me couldnt believe it either. Donnie osullivan you still cant believe it. Rachel powell i still cant believe it. Donnie osullivan why did you decide to go to dc on january 6 . Rachel powell well, how often does a president ask you to come to a rally . Doesnt happen. Donnie osullivan at some point this goes from peaceful protest to you having an ice ax in your hand. Rachel powell like, magically. Donnie osullivan did somebody give you the ice axe . Rachel powell yeah. Donnie osullivan who . Rachel powell i dont know. Donnie osullivan you dont remember. [noise] youd admit this is a bad look, obviously. Rachel powell oh, totally. Donnie osullivan [chuckles] yeah. Rachel powell you know how dumb i feel when i look at this picture. Like, oh, my goodness. Like [sighs] [crack] [shouting] Donnie Osullivan you had an axe in your hand. You broke a window. You were shouting over a bullhorn to tell people to take the building. [clanking] Rachel Powell yep. Donnie osullivan why should people believe that you werent trying to overturn the election and do something illegal and commit insurrection . Rachel powell its ridiculous. If we wanted if we went there with a plan to take that building with as many people as were there, and we were coordinated, wed have been in there in 30 seconds. Donnie osullivan have you ever had a moment where youre like, maybe im wrong. Maybe biden actually won the election. Maybe im the conspiracy theorist. Rachel powell no. Not at all. Nope. Donnie osullivan so in a few days, youre going to be reporting to federal prison. Rachel powell right Donnie Osullivan how have you talked about that to your children . Rachel powell yeah. Im sorry, its like my last weekend before i go in. But like, i love my children so much. And so its like the last thing that they can take from me, and thatll be the hard part. And i dont deserve this. And my kids dont deserve it. Like, have we not been through enough . Like its the last thing that we have to lose is each other. [sniffles] Donnie Osullivan it had been just three years since the capitol attack. A day that costs lives. [shouting] insurrectionist lets go Donnie Osullivan and ruined lives. [shouting] but the truth of what happened that day has been so twisted reporter lies about january 6, which have been relentless, almost like it was a coordinated operation. Donnie osullivan so warped. Alex jones 20 confirmed incidents that dozens of feds, fbi agents, and State Operatives who infiltrated the trump crowds on january 6 the us capitol. We have total on top of all the other proof more proof. Donnie osullivan that those who took part in the attack are being lauded in churches. Derrick evans well talk about all the corruption that happened surrounding january 6, the feds direction because we know that the federal government was involved. Donnie osullivan and the man who incited it all hes still the hero. Rachel powell so this hat says, rachel we love you, trump. Donnie osullivan are you hoping trump will pardon you . Rachel powell i know hell pardon me. Thats not a hope. I know that trump will pardon me. Donnie osullivan rachel, still had faith in trump, even facing the election lies that were sending her to prison. But how wide are these lies among the wider trump base . I went to vegas to find out. Do i put it all on red or all on black tonight . Supporter put it on 21. Donnie osullivan 21 . Supporter 21. Donnie osullivan ok. Supporter yeah. [audio logo] supporter because im the only person in history to win cars in both the Wheel Of Fortune and the price is right. Donnie osullivan i came over to you because i saw your shirt. Supporter uhhuh Donnie Osullivan thats trump being arraigned. Supporter yeah. Supporter we should all be united to stand with this man. Supporter i was better off four years ago. Donnie osullivan i believe trump is the only hope right now on the earth. Donnie osullivan what happens if trump loses . Supporter were in a whole lot of trouble. Supporter all right Donnie Osullivan who are you guys with . Deejon lackey i feel like the Mainstream Media makes me feel like my views are im wrong for having my views. I was a lifelong democrat until 2019. Donnie osullivan until 2019 . Deejon lackey yes. Donnie osullivan what changed . Deejon lackey donald trump. Joe black who are you guys with . Donnie osullivan cnn. Joe black thats what we thought. Donnie osullivan yeah. Joe black are you guys going to cover it accurately . Donnie osullivan you dont think its accurate . Joe black not really. I think you guys do soundbites. Donnie osullivan where do you get most of your news and information now . Joe black i go to multiple different sources like telegram. I try to stay off the main sites like facebook and stuff like that. Its all got algorithms and stuff like that are designed to hide your post. Donnie osullivan you get fact checked on facebook . Joe black well, but fact checked by who . Some guy thats 30 years old living in his moms basement. Julianne i would love to speak to you. Donnie osullivan all right. Julianne you dont have to put it on the camera if you dont want to. Donnie osullivan sure. We might as well put it on camera. Julianne the job of the journalist is to ask the questions, allow the person to speak, and just report the facts. What was spoken. Would you like for me to pull up the definition of journalist . Donnie osullivan thats ok, but thank you, julianne. Julianne ok. Donnie osullivan i met julianne, a diehard trump supporter from texas who was in vegas for a gun show. Julianne i have a godgiven right to speak my own truth. Donnie osullivan she Still Believes the 2020 election was stolen. But there are facts, right . Julianne the facts have shown that the election was stolen. Whether youre willing to look at that and accept that and really show whats going on, thats your issue not ours. We want the godgiven freedom that our constitution and our bill of rights is based on. Donnie osullivan godgiven constitutional rights. Julianne yes. Donnie osullivan there are two different things, right . Julianne no, sir. Theyre not. Read, read the constitution. Read it out loud to yourself so that you hear what the words of the constitution. Say. Donnie osullivan god isnt mentioned in the constitution. Julianne sir you had to learn the constitution to become a us citizen. Donnie osullivan no, i didnt. Julianne you didnt . Donnie osullivan no. Julianne you did not have to learn the constitution or the bill of rights to become a us citizen . Donnie osullivan i was born a us citizen. My mom was american. But this isnt about me. Julianne you just made a statement. You tried to make what youre considering as a factual statement that god is not talked about. Donnie osullivan in the constitution and bill of rights. Julianne ok. Ok. Hold on. Donnie osullivan i can pull it up on my phone too if we can do it. Julianne ok, sure. Go ahead. Im trying to i might have just gotten something wrong, which theyll probably use that to Donnie Osullivan ok, you have the what you have there . Julianne let me say this. Donnie osullivan all right julianne and this is probably why i get it. In the united states, the Federal Constitution does not make a reference to god as such. Although, it uses the formula the year of our lord, which is capitalized in article 7. Theres only one lord capitalized lord. So there is a reference to god in our constitution and in our bill of rights. In article 7, go read it. Donnie osullivan one reference that states the date. Julianne one reference is enough. It refers to the year of the lord, capital lord. Theres only one lord. Donnie osullivan religion has always played a role in american politics. Pope pius xii said, into the hands of america, god has placed and afflicted mankind. singing Amazing Grace how sweet the sound Donnie Osullivan but whats happening now is different. Chrisitan nationalist jesus christ, we invoke your name. Chrisitan nationalist amen. Im to the place right now if you vote democrat, i dont even want you around this church. You can get out. You can get out you, demon. You can get out you, baby butchering, election thief. You cannot be a christian and vote democrat in this nation. Chrisitan nationalist we are going to have one nation under god, and one religion under god. Chrisitan nationalist and im tired of this separation of church and state junk. Donnie osullivan it has a name. Its called Christian Nationalism. Julianne i say it proudly. We should be christian nationalists. Dennis jacobsen january 6, crosses everywhere. Huge poster of a white jesus with a make America Great again red hat on. As a christian, it just grabbed my guts and got me furious. [shouting] Chrisitan Nationalist were going to reclaim america for christ, retake america for christians. Chrisitan nationalist so we hold up President Trump before the creator of the universe. Chrisitan nationalist this is an explicitly christian country. Chrisitan nationalist the bible says those that truly follow jesus christ take it by force. Donnie osullivan this perversion of patriotism and fate has pastors across the country worried that their flocks are being led astray. Pastor i see in American Christian nationalism toxic anxiety and rage. And i see it tearing families apart pastor Christian Nationalism is not christian at all. Pastor i started getting called names by people that i loved and had known for over a decade. I was called a Fascist A Communist and that i had a luciferian spirit of fear. [audio logo] and theyre all coming . Those who are still with us, yes. Grandpa whats this . Your wings. Light em up gentlemen, its a beautiful. Day to fly. Chrisitan nationalist there is a demonic hedge of protection around joe biden. If this nation is going to succeed, they better put christians into office. You vote for the person who holds closest to a biblical worldview value. Donnie osullivan they preach Christian Nationalism, and they pray for trump. But this pastor says they are leading their flocks in a dangerous direction. Caleb campbell and so father, we give you this time. As we think about how we manage our common life together, as we think about government and politics. Pastor our concern today is political extremism on the right side of american politics. Pastor so thats what we have tried to do this event today is organized in a response to Christian Nationalism. Caleb campbell weve recognized that theres a deficiency in Training Pastors how to actually engage scripture, and then apply that into the political life. And so it is an answer to what we saw as an aberration from the teachings of jesus, which is American Christian nationalism. Donnie osullivan pastor Caleb Campbell knows a lot about extremism. He used to be a neonazi skinhead who played the drums. Caleb campbell when i was a teenager, i fell in with a group of neonazi skinheads and did that. After high school, we had a woman from the church was dialing drummers and called me and said, can you come play at the church . Donnie osullivan he began playing here at the Desert Springs bible church 23 years later hes still here. So its in this room where you had your awakening . Caleb campbell yeah and our tradition we call it like a conversion experience. And i was baptized in this room. Its been quite a ride i definitely didnt expect to be a pastor, much less a pastor in a church like this. Donnie osullivan do you know how many times god is mentioned in this, in the constitution. Caleb campbell zero. Donnie osullivan yeah, it gets mentioned once, i think, our lord in terms of in the year of our lord. Caleb campbell evangelical christians of which i am one. Im a theological evangelical they are generally operating under the assumption that the Christian God is all over. The declaration of independence, the constitution. And then ill just invite them to read it. Lets read it together. And lets just highlight all the spaces that anything uniquely christian shows up. And youll notice that we have not had to pull out our highlighter. There are certainly ideas that have been shaped throughout Human History by the christian tradition. Its not power that dominates or seeks Donnie Osullivan pastor caleb is not alone in his fight against Christian Nationalism. In milwaukee, where trump will officially be declared, the republican candidate at the rnc this summer pastors jackson, jacobson, and shaw are also sounding the alarm. Dennis jacobsen can you really with a straight face look at the life teachings, way, and Death Of Jesus and line that up with the correlates of Christian Nationalism, antimuslim, racist, antiimmigrant. I mean, it just doesnt work. Donnie osullivan what ill hear at events is the Founding Fathers were christian. America was built off Christian Values, therefore, this is a christian country, and we should have christian government. Richard shaw why then is jesus nor christianity mentioned in the constitution. Why would you even place in that freedom of religion . So to me, the argument is silly. Its nonsense. Im going to really have a problem with christianity if you say that it was found off of Christian Values with the things that took place right here on american soil. What was done to the native americans, then what was done to my people and others. Donnie osullivan dennis, i can sense that youre particularly. Angry. I mean, this really gets to you. Dennis jacobsen yeah, it does. Ive had it up to here with distortion of one of the most astonishing revolutionaries into a white jesus wearing a red maga hat. Its just unbelievable to me. I think one reason that younger people are walking right past the door to church is because of the idiocy they see in this movement. singing whose broad stripes and bright stars. Donnie osullivan so a lot of americans believe that god views america as special. We tell ourselves that. Thats part of how we have justified things like warfare. George walker bush this crusade [explosion] this War On Terrorism is going to take a while. Caleb campbell weve said were the good theyre the evil, so god has this relationship with us. Richard Milhous Nixon the past few days when ive been at that window upstairs, ive thought a bit of the shining city upon a hill. Caleb Campbell Reagan invoked that america is the city on a hill. Well, thats jerusalem. Thats biblical language use of jerusalem. Donnie osullivan in 2020 pastor campbell began losing congregants. Caleb campbell so as an evangelical preacher, ill alliterate. It was floyd, fauci, and the federal election. Donnie osullivan so what were they angry about . Caleb campbell oh, the way we navigated global pandemic. Our response to floyd and his murder. Just the fact that we called it murder was met with resistance. And then the federal election, and i was accused for the blue team because i didnt from the Stage Advocate for the red team. I dont tell people how i vote and by taking that posture is viewed as a betrayal of what god had chosen. Donnie osullivan some of his congregants left for Dream City Church, a place steeped in Christian Nationalism. Pastor it is the duty of our christian nation to select and prefer christians for their rulers. [applause] donald trump a very special thank you to the Dream City Church for hosting us. Donnie osullivan pastor caleb has spent months attending christian nationalist events, something he documents Caleb Campbell most of the folks that ive met like on the ground, im not talking about the leaders and the purveyors of American Christian nationalism, they truly believe that this is what god wants. I honor their patriotism. I share much of their sentiments. But they are afraid, theyre anxious about being erased. I think at the heart of this movement is the anxiety of ethnic erasure, that our way of being in the world is under imminent threat. Donnie osullivan do you see similarities there in what you were looking for . Caleb campbell yeah, its what all of us are looking for. Were made as communal creatures. Were made for each other. So for me, an angry, ragefilled teenager, i found those things in this community. In American Christian nationalist circles, many people are finding safety, belonging, and purpose. The problem is that youre not actually truly safe. If you ask a critical question in a christian nationalist circle, you will be tossed out. Youll be viewed as one of the phrases a rhino, a republican in name only. Donnie osullivan but this isnt just about christians and churches. Its about how distrust and fear is affecting our understanding of reality. Joe black i think you guys do sound bites. Donnie osullivan my conversation with joe back in vegas had been brief, but he had given me his number to stay in touch. Joe black on phone hello. Donnie osullivan hey, joe. How are you doing . I thought our conversation the other day was very interesting. So i wanted to see if youd be open to chatting about that a bit further. Maybe id come to colorado to visit you . Joe black on phone sure. Come on down. Donnie osullivan lets go to colorado. [audio logo] [plane engine whirring] [music playing] joe black here we are in grand junction. Donnie osullivan in grand junction. What happened to What Happens In Vegas Stays in vegas. Joe black yeah, why didnt you stay there . Donnie osullivan some Guys Come Home From Vegas with a new bride, you come back from vegas d a bunch of cnn guys. Joe black everybody makes mistakes. [laughs] supporter trump 2024 lets get excited. All right. Donnie osullivan after meeting him outside a trump rally in Las Vegas Joe black are you guys going to cover it accurately . Donnie osullivan i wanted to understand better why joe doesnt trust someone like me, a journalist from the socalled Mainstream Media. He let us hang out with him for a couple of days here in grand junction, colorado. [music playing] have you always been interested in politics . Joe black since obama ive been pretty interested in politics. Donnie osullivan ok. So 2008. Joe black yeah. What was it about obama that got you interested . Joe black it was just all the talk around it. Man the president of the united states. Joe black hes a very smooth talking character. Barrack obama hope is that thing inside each of us. There is no challenge too great, no mission too hard. Joe black he gets up there, and hes very articulate. The words just flow right out of his mouth. Barrack obama obama out. Joe black you got to be for smooth talkers, you know. Donnie osullivan so if you want to find out whats going on in the world just right now today, what do you do . Joe black i check out different platforms that i feel that i can trust. Donnie osullivan one being telegram. Joe black telegram is definitely one. Donnie osullivan yeah. Telegram is a platform first developed in russia that has few rules, few moderators, and no Fact Checkers. Joe black they made their big rise to fame after the 2020 election. Donnie osullivan so explain that to us, telegram gets big win. Joe black when twitter and facebook and even google, like, youtube and stuff were censoring a lot of the information that they were callng misinformation. Reporter this is cnn Breaking News. Reporter i already got some more Breaking News in the Situation Room right now. Reporter the president s twitter account been suspended. Joe black i feel like thats an insult to people to not be able to look at information and to discern it themselves youre calling that person stupid. Donnie osullivan joe says his facebook account was banned for sharing a meme about january 6. Joe black so i turn on my phone one day, and all of a sudden, its been deactivated. Donnie osullivan hows that feel . Joe black it was horrible. I like facebook. It got social marketplace. You can do business. You can find things. So its like being cut off of a part of life. Its like, thanks a lot mark or whoevers in charge. Donnie osullivan so whats a channel you follow on telegram if i wanted to see some of the news for today. Joe black my favorite one its called patriot memes. Its a lot of memes. Donnie osullivan lets clear up a couple of myths joe black not a woman, not a hero. Donnie osullivan not a woman. Thats a bud light person. Woman hi, impressive carrying skills, right . Donnie osullivan not a hero, george floyd. Crowd hey, taylor. Donnie osullivan i visited joe a couple of weeks before the super bowl. It was just as the Conspiracy Theory that taylor swift was helping rig the game to help biden started circulating online. It was one of the first things that popped up on joes feed. Joe black lets go to something thats like news, though. Donnie osullivan yeah. So this is from benny joe black this is from benny johnson. Donnie osullivan johnson. By now, everyone knows taylor swift is a government pysop, and this is exactly why Corporate Media is having a meltdown about it. You dont believe taylor swift is a Government Psyop . Joe black i dont know what to believe about taylor swift. Its good to keep your mind open. Could she be . Could she not be . Donnie osullivan and now shes dating a pfizer and bud light agent in the nfl because were a few weeks from the super bowl. Joe black yeah. And theyre seeking the endorsement from taylor swift. They, biden administration. And then whos going to win the super bowl . Donnie osullivan but you dont think the super bowl is rigged . Joe black whos going to sing at the Donnie Osullivan do you think theyre joe black i think football is rigged, yeah. Donnie osullivan ok. Theres a cnn clip in here. Watch, cnn has a meltdown over our coverage of the taylor swift pysop. Reporter have you heard the latest Conspiracy Theory making the rounds that the super bowl will be rigged for kelce and the kansas city chiefs, and the end game is swift endorsing biden after the big game. Here are some of the messages im trying not to laugh circulating on social media. Vivek ramaswamy, i wonder who is joe black see what she did there . Reporter going to win the super bowl. Donnie osullivan what did she do . Reporter trying not to laugh. Joe black im trying not to laugh kind of thing. So why isnt it ok to take that in and to let it register and think about it for a minute. Could that be possible that there could be some funding going to taylor swift or stuff like that that could lean her into a certain direction so that she would support somebody. I mean, that could be totally possible. Donnie osullivan i call that a Conspiracy Theory, ok . Joe black sure. Yeah. Donnie osullivan what i find most difficult to believe about the taylor swift, travis, kelce, super bowl Conspiracy Theory is that you think the democrats could be so organized to pull all this off. Joe black very organized. Donnie osullivan do you think . Joe black i do. Yes. Donnie osullivan were going to get together as well as rigging the super bowl, and taylor is going to back biden for president. Thats just so much stuff. Like, that is so much organization but joe black its not that hard to do. Donnie osullivan you dont think . Joe black no. Donnie osullivan yeah. Rigging the election, thatd be a lot more complicated. Donald trump this is a fraud on the american public. We know there was massive fraud. It was a rigged election. [channting] Donnie Osullivan it seems that trumps convincing of millions of americans at the last election was rigged has opened some kind of gateway. Julianne the facts have shown that the election was stolen. Derrick evans theres not a separation of church and state. Thats another lie thats been portrayed by the left. Theres no separation of church and state. Marjorie talor greene trump won [applause] supporter theres one party. Its called the swamp. Its controlled by the illuminati. Supporter theyre lying to us. Its the elites, and theyre attacking the children. Theyre pedophiles. Insurgents stop the steal Donnie Osullivan a gateway to an alternate reality where anything is possible, where january 6 was some kind of inside job. Insurgents Freedom Freedom Donnie Osullivan and where taylor swift had rigged the super bowl. Are you a q fan . Joe black i like them. I like watching them. Donnie osullivan joe had been generous in sharing his news habits with me, so i showed him some of the news that i read. I bet you never see these shared around your telegram channels. And while i wasnt there to change his mind, he was pretty surprised to find out that cnn fact checks president biden. Ok, so joe biden said, Gun Manufacturers are the only industry in america exempt from being sued. Joe black and then it says, this is false. Donnie osullivan and we lay it out there as to why what he said is false. Joe black yeah, i like that. Donnie osullivan and look, theres a lot more. Joe black you should do that more often. Donnie osullivan so we have these fact checks here biden, right . But we, obviously, have way more trump. And thats just because trump says more stuff thats false. Trump had Manufacturing Jobs. Trump claimed in november speech in texas we created an incredible 1. 2 million new Manufacturing Jobs. The us actually lost 170,000 Manufacturing Jobs during trumps presidency. Joe black i dont know if its right or wrong. Again, its on your site so [laughs] Donnie Osullivan but its so if we go, as you say, go do our research. We click in. Its from Economic Research organization. We do put in the source material. Were not plucking it out of our ass. This is from the Federal Reserve bank of saint louis. Its from the fed. You dont trust the fed . Joe black i do not. Not really so [laughs] Donnie Osullivan we are at an impasse, my friend. Look, i appreciate your willingness to sit down and talk to me. The kind of Conspiracy Theories joe is seeing every day on telegram might seem harmless, even silly, but theyre not. Theyre corroding trust in american democracy. Man on phone you are the scum of the earth. Donnie osullivan how did they go from you Fact Checking to you being a pedophile . Alan duke i dont know. Man on phone i only hope you people get whats coming to you, and it will come to you. [shouting] Donnie Osullivan they are inspiring and being used to justify Violent Attacks on american institutions. Crowd [chanting] Geraldine Roll it never has been like this before. Donnie osullivan did you ever think being an election official would make you Public Enemy Number One . Geraldine roll no. Dennis jacobsen we really do think that democracy is at stake in this election. [audio logo] and theyre all coming . Those who are still with us, yes. Grandpa whats this . Your wings. Light em up gentlemen, its a beautiful. Day to fly. [clattering] Donnie Osullivan theyre saying, whos this strange irishman coming to feed us . You come to arizona expecting to talk about the decline of american democracy, but you end up watching deer. Its great. Geraldine roll [laughs] look at all of them right there. Theyre like, i dont know whats going on today. Donnie osullivan and its a big contrast to politics in this state. Supporter a lot of our faith is going to swallow up all of the theft that theyre trying to bring upon us here in arizona. We got to save our state. [cheering] man bamboo in the paper. People were making their own ballots. Supporter they want to destroy trump. They want to destroy us. Donnie osullivan what is it about arizona that has made it really become this ground 0 of Election Craziness . Geraldine roll i think it becomes a battleground because its verging on losing its redness. Donnie osullivan they want to keep it as red as those rocks . Geraldine roll yeah. Donnie osullivan gerry roll spent most of her life working in the court system Geraldine Roll good morning, mr. Chairman and members of the board. Donnie osullivan but nothing prepared her for becoming the Election Director of a small county in arizona. Geraldine roll in my career, ive done a lot of things. I have been treated better by murderers, child molesters, thieves, rapists. The defendants have treated me far better than the Political Parties and the elected representatives. Crowd Freedom Freedom supporter Military Step in and redo our election. Donnie osullivan gerry is just one of hundreds of Election Officials that have been driven out of their job because of hate and intimidation. In her resignation email, gerry said that she had been subject to ridicule, disrespect, attacks on her reputation and not just from voters. Geraldine roll i had the party chair in my office and four other people, and they were yelling. Theyre threatening. Theyre veiled threats. The republicans in our county they want their party to be on top, to maintain control. Donnie osullivan and you voted for trump in 2016 . Geraldine rolls i sure did. Donnie osullivan you were a registered republican . Geraldine roll i was. Donnie osullivan all your life. Geraldine roll yes. The first guy i ever voted for was richard nixon. Im not proud, but its true. Donnie osullivan you said you heard all sorts the things that people believe. What have you heard them believing . Geraldine roll i had a guy tell me that he could hack into our election equipment through the power outlet. He could come in through the 110 power outlet. They believe that all of those folks that are volunteering or being paid to handle the ballots are somehow, i dont know, sleight of hand, they believe that were somehow doing something with them, not counting them. Supporter i dont care what anybody else says, our election was stolen. Donnie osullivan superstition or superstitious . Geraldine roll superstition. Donnie osullivan gerry lives at the foot of the Superstition Mountain range in arizona. She says the intimidation that forced her to quit her job was fueled by misinformation. Some of the stuff you just said there about what people believe hacking through a power outlet, everything else. Geraldine roll nonsensical. Donnie osullivan people watching want to say, you know what . Theyre just stupid. Theyre just stupid people. But its never been like this before. Geraldine roll it never has been like this before. And its not stupidity. What they are saying is nonsensical. No, theyre not stupid people, but they have a drive and an agenda. And so they will craft that message to serve their own purposes. And they really dont care about truth or integrity. They just want the outcome, their outcome. I think thats it. Donnie osullivan so why all this hate . Why all this vilification of you . Geraldine roll i wish i knew. I really dont know. I just know that i became a target. And i began to feel very unsafe. Man on phone yall will end up in gallows. Are you even humans . Probably not. I have a right to research and do my own research. And yall third party checkers, all yall do is be is b. S. Donnie osullivan allan duke is one of those Fact Checkers. I had heard about. Joe black like, whos Fact Checking, you what i mean . You dont know whos Fact Checking. Donnie osullivan allan regularly receives threatening voicemails like these. Man on phone you are the scum of the earth. I really hope you people get whats coming to you, and it will come to you. Donnie osullivan hes a former cnn journalist. His Fact Checking company has worked for the likes of facebook where his fact checks appear over false posts. Its a Program Facebook introduced a few years ago to try and curb the spread of misinformation. What do you think people imagine Fact Checkers to be . Allan duke that im part of some conspiracy or conspiracies. That im this evil plotter whos trying to steal their voices from them. Donnie osullivan how do people feel when they get fact checked . Allan duke i imagine just like if i were to walk up to you and tell you that youre wrong about something. Donnie osullivan so you can understand why people are pissed off at you. Allan duke i understand this. And be pissed off at me, but that doesnt make our work false or unimportant or negative or a conspiracy. Donnie osullivan allan, gerry, and pastors caleb, jackson, jacobson, and shaw are all on the front lines of the fight against disinformation and division in this country. Theyre standing up for community, for integrity, for truth. Allan duke if you believe a lot of this misinformation, youre going to believe that our country is on the brink of extinction or destruction. It can lead you to take action that you really wouldnt otherwise do and that can be very dangerous. Dennis jacobsen i think we are at risk of terrible violence, increasing violence in this country. Geraldine roll whatever is going on right now, its not fair to the people who work in elections department, and it is ruining what is the cornerstone of our democracy. Pastor the biggest threat for me is losing our church, our way of worship. Allan duke i dont really know what the big solution is. Were doing what we can. Caleb campbell ive noticed in the public conversation a lot of despairing and a lot of division and a lot of theyre too far gone. I dont believe that at all. I believe that every person can see the way of truth. The bible is full of stories like that, and our church is full of stories like that, and our history is full of stories like that. So dont give up. Anderson cooper in the remaining months of this years president ial campaign, donnie will continue to investigate and report on the misinformation hes seeing in politics on both sides thanks for watching the whole story. Ill see you next sunday

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