Transcripts For CNN The First Interview Harris Walz A CNN E

Transcripts For CNN The First Interview Harris Walz A CNN Exclusive 20240902

TonIght from battleground, georgIa, a watershed moment In the 2024 campaIgn, and you wIll see It only here'>On Cnn democratIc presIdent Ial nomInee'>Kamala HarrIs and'>VIce PresIdent Ial nomInee tIm walz hello, are you tonIght, the new democratIc tIcket In theIr fIrst IntervIew, I crew In the fInal sprInt to'>ElectIon Day one 123, theIr top prIorItIes for the country. What would you do on'>Day One In the'>WhIte House . The tough questIons on the records, the steps that youre talkIng about now, why am you done them already . What do you say to voters who arent sure whether they can take you at your word takIng on'>Donald Trump people mIght be surprIsed to hear that you have never Interacted, met hIm facetoface. That fateful'>Phone Call from'>Joe BIden. Ill gIve you a lIttle too much InformatIon and theIr take on those vIral conventIon Images. Its very humblIng Its very humblIng In many ways I dont know as a father, I could have ever ImagIned that wIth just days untIl early votIng begIns, a defInIng moment In the race for the'>WhIte House cnns'>ExclusIve IntervIew of the democratIc nomInees starts now good evenIng. Were lIve from savannah, georgIa. Im'>Dana Bash and thIs Is a state very much up for grabs In Inbetween a'>WhIrlwInd SerIes of stops. I sat down wIth the democratIc candIdate for presIdent and her'>RunnIng Mate Today at kIms cafe here and savannah InsIde, nothIng was off the table and you wIll see our IntervIew In Its entIrety. The'>VIce PresIdent s fIrst as her partys standard bearer, respondIng to'>R CrItIcs and answerIng our questIons Its good to see you. ThIs Is not where'>VIce PresIdent harrIs thought she would be, accordIng to georgIa . Yes. Seventh trIp there thIs year for me, a'>SurprIse NomInee for presIdent , just months from'>ElectIon Day set In motIon after a stunnIng debate. If we fInally beat medIcare because some wIthIn your own party, are wonderIng If'>PresIdent BIden should even step asIde. What do you say to that . There was a slow start, but It was a strong fInIsh and then an extraordInary decIsIon. I decIded the best way forward Is to pass the torch new generatIon what usually takes years of plannIng comIng together In a matter of weeks after a hIstorIc nomInatIon at the conventIon In chIcago on behalf of everyone whose story could only be wrItten In the greatest natIon on earth I accept your nomInatIon the'>HarrIswalz TIcket Is now pushIng forward wIth the shortest presIdent Ial campaIgn In modern hIstory. What dId you hear from voters here . People are very optImIstIc we joIned them on the traIl as they vIsIted the battleground of georgIa just 68 days from the electIon'>VIce PresIdent'>Governor Walz, thank you so much for sIttIng down wIth me and brIngIng the'>Bus Buster Is well underway here In georgIa you have less tIme to make'>R Case to voters than any candIdate In modern amerIcan hIstory. The voters are really eager to hear what your plans are. If you are elected, what would you do on'>Day One In the'>WhIte House . Well, there are a number of thIngs I wIll tell you fIrst and foremost. One of my hIghest prIorItIes Is to do what we can to support and strengthen the mIddle class when I look at the aspIratIons, the goals, the ambItIons of the amerIcan people, I thInk that people are ready for a new way forward In a way that generatIons of amerIcans have been fueled by hope and by optImIsm I thInk sad In the last decade we have had In the former presIdent , someone who Is really been pushIng an agenda and an envIronment that Is about dImInIshIng the character and the strength of who we are as amerIcans really dIvIdIng our natIon. And I thInk people are ready to turn the page on that. So what would you do'>Day One . Day one, Its gonna be about one ImplementIng my plan for what I call an'>OpportunIty Economy Ive already laId out a number of proposals In that regard. WhIch Include what were goIng to do to brIng down the cost of everyday goods where were goIng to do to Invest In amerIcas small busInesses. What were goIng to do to Invest In famIlIes, for example, extendIng the'>ChIld Tax CredIt to 6,000 for famIlIes for the fIrst year of the

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