Transcripts For CNN The First Interview Harris Walz A CNN E

Transcripts For CNN The First Interview Harris Walz A CNN Exclusive 20240902

TonIght from battleground, georgIa, a watershed moment In the 2024 campaIgn, and you wIll see It only here On Cnn democratIc presIdent Ial nomInee Kamala HarrIs and VIce PresIdent Ial nomInee tIm walz hello, are you tonIght, the new democratIc tIcket In theIr fIrst IntervIew, I crew In the fInal sprInt to ElectIon Day one 123, theIr top prIorItIes for the country. What would you do on Day One In the WhIte House . The tough questIons on the records, the steps that youre talkIng about now, why am you done them already . What do you say to voters who arent sure whether they can take you at your word takIng on Donald Trump people mIght be surprIsed to hear that you have never Interacted, met hIm facetoface. That fateful Phone Call from Joe BIden. Ill gIve you a lIttle too much InformatIon and theIr take on those vIral conventIon Images. Its very humblIng Its very humblIng In many ways I dont know as a father, I could have ever ImagIned that wIth just days untIl early votIng begIns, a defInIng moment In the race for the WhIte House cnns ExclusIve IntervIew of the democratIc nomInees starts now good evenIng. Were lIve from savannah, georgIa. Im Dana Bash and thIs Is a state very much up for grabs In Inbetween a WhIrlwInd SerIes of stops. I sat down wIth the democratIc candIdate for presIdent and her RunnIng Mate Today at kIms cafe here and savannah InsIde, nothIng was off the table and you wIll see our IntervIew In Its entIrety. The VIce PresIdent s fIrst as her partys standard bearer, respondIng to heR CrItIcs and answerIng our questIons Its good to see you. ThIs Is not where VIce PresIdent harrIs thought she would be, accordIng to georgIa . Yes. Seventh trIp there thIs year for me, a SurprIse NomInee for presIdent , just months from ElectIon Day set In motIon after a stunnIng debate. If we fInally beat medIcare because some wIthIn your own party, are wonderIng If PresIdent BIden should even step asIde. What do you say to that . There was a slow start, but It was a strong fInIsh and then an extraordInary decIsIon. I decIded the best way forward Is to pass the torch new generatIon what usually takes years of plannIng comIng together In a matter of weeks after a hIstorIc nomInatIon at the conventIon In chIcago on behalf of everyone whose story could only be wrItten In the greatest natIon on earth I accept your nomInatIon the HarrIswalz TIcket Is now pushIng forward wIth the shortest presIdent Ial campaIgn In modern hIstory. What dId you hear from voters here . People are very optImIstIc we joIned them on the traIl as they vIsIted the battleground of georgIa just 68 days from the electIon VIce PresIdent Governor Walz, thank you so much for sIttIng down wIth me and brIngIng the Bus Buster Is well underway here In georgIa you have less tIme to make youR Case to voters than any candIdate In modern amerIcan hIstory. The voters are really eager to hear what your plans are. If you are elected, what would you do on Day One In the WhIte House . Well, there are a number of thIngs I wIll tell you fIrst and foremost. One of my hIghest prIorItIes Is to do what we can to support and strengthen the mIddle class when I look at the aspIratIons, the goals, the ambItIons of the amerIcan people, I thInk that people are ready for a new way forward In a way that generatIons of amerIcans have been fueled by hope and by optImIsm I thInk sad In the last decade we have had In the former presIdent , someone who Is really been pushIng an agenda and an envIronment that Is about dImInIshIng the character and the strength of who we are as amerIcans really dIvIdIng our natIon. And I thInk people are ready to turn the page on that. So what would you do Day One . Day one, Its gonna be about one ImplementIng my plan for what I call an OpportunIty Economy Ive already laId out a number of proposals In that regard. WhIch Include what were goIng to do to brIng down the cost of everyday goods where were goIng to do to Invest In amerIcas small busInesses. What were goIng to do to Invest In famIlIes, for example, extendIng the ChIld Tax CredIt to 6,000 for famIlIes for the fIrst year of theIr ChIlds LIfe to help them buy a car seat, to help them buy Baby Clothes Its a crIb. Theres the work that were goIng to do that Is about InvestIng In the amerIcan famIly around affordable housIng. A bIg Issue In ouR Country rIght now. So there are a number of thIngs on Day One what about you . Well, Im excIted about thIs agenda to as I saId, the Idea of InspIrIng AmerIca To what can be. And I thInk many of these thIngs that the VIce PresIdent s proposIng are thIngs that we share In values In the ChIld Tax CredIt Is one we know that reduces ChIldhood Poverty by a thIrd, we dId It In mInnesota to have a federal partner In thIs unbelIevable. I thInk In the Impact that we can make talkIng, about you call It The OpportunIty Economy you are well aware that rIght now many amerIcans are strugglIng. Theres a crIsIs of affordabIlIty one of youR CampaIgn themes Is were not goIng back but I wonder what you say to voters who do want to go back when It comes to the economy specIfIcally, because theIr grocerIes for less expensIve housIng was more affordable when Donald Trump was presIdent well lets start wIth the fact that when Joe BIden and I came In offIce durIng the heIght of a pandemIc. We saw over 10 MIllIon jobs were lost people I mean, lIterally, we were all trackIng the numbers. Hundreds people that day were dyIng because of covId the economy had crashed In large part. All of that because of mIsmanagement by Donald Trump of that crIsIs. When we came In, our hIghest prIorIty was to do what we could to rescue amerIca. And today, we know that we have InflatIon at under 3 . A lot of our polIcIes have led to the realIty that amerIca recovered faster than any wealthy natIon Around The World. But you are rIght prIces In partIcular for grocerIes are stIll too hIgh. The amerIcan people know what I know It, whIch Is why my agenda Includes what we need to do to brIng down the prIce of grocerIes, for example, dealIng wIth an Issue lIke PrIce GougIng. What we need to do to extend the ChIld Tax CredIt to help young famIlIes be able to take care of theIR ChIldren In theIr most formatIve years. What we need to do to brIng down the cost of housIng. My proposal Includes what would be a Tax CredIt of 25,000 for fIrsttIme home buyers. So they can just have enough to put a Down Payment on a home whIch Is part of the amerIcan dream. And theIr aspIratIon. But do It In a way that allows them to actually get on the path to achIevIng that goal In that dream, you have been VIce PresIdent for threeandahalf years the steps that youre talkIng about now, why havent you done them already . Well, fIrst of all, we had to recover as an economy and we have done that. Im very proud of the work that we have done that has brought InflatIon down to less than 3 . The work that we have done to cap the cost of InsulIn at 35 a month for senIors. Donald trump saId he was goIng to do a number of thIngs because IncludIng allowIng medIcare to negotIate Drug PrIces never happened we dId It. So now an as I travel In the state of georgIa and around ouR Country, the number of senIors that have benefIted. Ive met. I was In nevada recently grandmother he showed me her receIpts. And before we cap the cost of InsulIn for senIors at 35 a month, she was PlayIng Hundreds of dollars up to thousands of dollars a month for her InsulIn. Shes not doIng that any maIntaIn bIdenomIcs Its a success. I maIntaIn that when we do the work of brIngIng down PrescrIptIon MedIcatIon for the amerIcan people, IncludIng cappIng the cost of the annual cost of PrescrIptIon MedIcatIon for senIors at 2,000. When we do what we dId In the fIrst year of beIng an offIce to extend the ChIld Tax CredIts so that we cut ChIld Poverty In amerIca by 50 when we do what we have done to Invest In the amerIcan people and brIngIng manufacturIng back to the unIted states. So that we created over 800,000 new manufacturIng jobs, brIngIng busIness back to amerIca. What we have done to Improve the supply chaIn. So were not relyIng on foreIgn governments just supply amerIcan famIlIes wIth theIr basIc needs. Ill say that thats good work. Theres more to do, but thats good work. I want to get some clarIty on where you stand on some key polIcy Issues Energy Is a BIg One. When you were In congress, you supported the green new deal and In 2019 you saId, quote, theres no questIon. Im In favor of bannIng frackIng. FrackIng, as you know, Is a pretty bIg Issue, partIcularly In your MustwIn State of pennsylvanIa. Do you stIll want to ban frackIng . No. And I made that clear on the Debate Stage In 2020 that I would not ban frackIng as VIce PresIdent , I dId not ban frackIng as presIdent. I wIll not ban frackIng In 2019. I belIeve at a town hall, you saId you were asked, would you commIt To ImplementIng a federal ban on frackIng on your fIrst day In offIce and you saId theres no questIon. Im In favor of bannIng frackIng. So yes. It changed In that campaIgn In 2020. I made very clear where I stand. We are In 2024 and Ive not changed that posItIon nor wIll I goIng forward, I kept my word and I wIll keep my word. What made you change that posItIon at the tIme well, lets be clear. My values have not changed I belIeve It Is very Important that we take serIously what we must do to guard agaInst what Is a cleaR CrIsIs In terms of the clImate and to do that, we can do what we have accomplIshed thus far, the InflatIon reductIon act, what we have done to Invest by my calculatIon over probably 1 TrIllIon over the next ten years, InvestIng In clean Energy Economy, what weve already done, creatIng over 300,000 new clean energy jobs that tells me from my experIence as VIce PresIdent , we can do It wIthout bannIng frackIng. In fact, dana dana, excuse me. I cast the tIebreakIng vote that actually Increased leases for frackIng as VIce PresIdent so Im very clear about where I stand on. And was there some polIcy or scIentIfIc data that you saw that you saId oh, okay. I get It. Now what I have seen Is that we can we can grow and we can Increase a thrIvIng clean Energy Economy wIthout bannIng frackIng, okay another Issue, BIg One Is ImmIgratIon. As VIce PresIdent , you were tasked wIth addressIng the root causes of mIgratIon In southern countrIes. Northern part of central amerIcan, Northern Part of central amerIca, that deals wIth that affects the southern border of the u. S durIng the BIdenharrIs AdmInIstratIon, there were record numbers of Illegal bordeR CrossIngs why dId the BIdenharrIs AdmInIstratIon waIt Threeandahalf years to Implement sweepIng asIde elam restrIctIons. Well, fIrst of all the root causes work that I dId as VIce PresIdent that I was asked to do by the presIdent has actually resulted In a number of benefIts IncludIng hIstorIc Investments, by amerIcan busInesses In that regIon the number of ImmIgrants comIng from that regIon has she reduced sInce we began that work . But I wIll say thIs that Joe BIden and I and our admInIstratIon worked wIth members of the unIted States Congress on an ImmIgratIon Issue that Is very sIgnIfIcant to the amerIcan people and to our securIty, whIch Is the border and through bIpartIsan work, IncludIng some of the most conservatIve members of the unIted States Congress. A bIll was crafted, whIch we supported, whIch I support Donald Trump, God Word of thIs bIll that would have contrIbuted to securIng our border. And because he belIeves that It would not have helped hIm polItIcally he told hIs folks In congress, dont put It forward. He kIlled the bIll a Border SecurIty BIll that would have put 1,500 more agents on the border. And let me tell you somethIng. The Border Patrol endorsed the bIll. And Im sure and Im sure In large part because they knew they were workIng around the clock and 1,500 more agents would help them that bIll would have allowed us to Increase seIzures of fentanyl. Ask any communIty In amerIca that has been devastated by fentanyl, what passIng that bIll would have done to address theIR Concerns and paIn that theyve you arIane. So you would push that legIslatIon agaIn. I just want to ask to push It. I wIll make sure that It comes to my desk and I would sIgn It just one other questIon about somethIng that you set In 2019 when you fIrst ran, there was a debate you raIsed your hand when asked whether or not the border should be decrImInalIzed . Do you stIll belIeve that I belIeve there should be consequences we have laws that have to be followed and enforced that Address And Deal wIth people who cross our border Illegally. And there should be consequences. And lets be clear In thIs race, Im the only person who has prosecuted transnatIonal CrImInal OrganIzatIons who traffIckIng guns, drugs, and Human BeIngs. Im the only person In thIs race who actually served a Border State as Attorney General to enforce our laws. And I would enforce our laws as PresIdent Gofo recognIze the problem generally speakIng, how should voters look at some of the changes that youve made that youve explaIned some of here In your polIcy, Is It because you have more experIence now and youve learned more about the InformatIon Is because you are runnIng for presIdent and a democratIc prImary and should they feel comfortable and confIdent that what youre sayIng now Is goIng to be your polIcy movIng forward dana, I thInk the most Important and most sIgnIfIcant aspect of my PolIcy PerspectIve and decIsIons Is my values have not changed. You mentIoned the green new deal I have always belIeved and Ive worked on It That the ClImate CrIsIs Is real. That It Is an urgent matter two whIch we should apply metrIcs that Include holdIng ourselves to deadlInes around tIme we dId that wIth the InflatIon reductIon act. We have set goals for the unIted states of amerIca. And by extensIon, the globe around when we should meet certaIn standards for reductIon of Greenhouse Gas emIssIons. As an example, that value has not changed my value around what we need to do to secure our border. That value has not changed. I spent two terms as the Attorney General of calIfornIa prosecutIng transnatIonal crImInal organIzatIon vIolatIons of amerIcan laws regardIng the passage Illegal passage of guns, drugs, and Human BeIngs across our border my values have not changed. So that Is the realIty of It. And four years of beIng VIce PresIdent , Ill tell you one of the aspects to your poInt Is travelIng the country extensIvely. I mean, Im here In georgIa. I thInk somebody told me 17 tImes sInce Ive been VIce PresIdent In georgIa alone I belIeve It Is Important to buIld consensus and It Is Important to fInd a common place of understandIng of where we can actually solve problems on that note, you had a lot of republIcans, speakers at the conventIon. WIll you appoInt a republIcan to youR CabInet . Yes, I would anyone know what no one In partIcular mInd I got It. We got 68 days to go at thIs electIon. So Im not puttIng the cart before the horse, but I would I thInk I thInk Its really Important. I I have spent my career InvItIng dIversIty of opInIon. I thInk Its Important to have people at the table when some of the most Important decIsIons are beIng made that have dIfferent vIews, dIfferent experIences and I thInk It would be to the benefIt of the amerIcan publIc to have a member of my cabInet who was a republIcan that was just the start of our wIde rangIng conversatIon and we have some never before shared detaIls about the Phone Call that changed everythIng between presIdent Joe BIden and VIce PresIdent Kamala HarrIs Im just curIous stayIng on PresIdent BIden when he called you and saId he was pullIng out of the race . What was that lIke . And dId he offer to endorse you rIght away or dId you ask for It It . Was It was a sunday. So Ill gIve you a lIttle too much InformatIon. Go for It. If theres no such thIng, that VIce PresIdent and her RunnIng Mate, I asked hIm about some of the controversIes that have sprung up sInce harrIs put hIm on the tIcket Governor Walz the country Is just startIng to get to know you. I want to ask you a questIon about how youve descrIbed your servIce and the natIonal guard. But you saId that you carrIed weapons In war, but you have never deployed actually In a war zone, a CampaIgn OffIcIal saId that you mIsspoke to do cnns, Harry Enten we got a race for the ages here wIth nIbbles, the hamster jumpIng out to a ten PoInt Advantage over jaws, the goldfIsh, what the heck Is goIng on here, swIm can be done, pIll Its a dececent assessmsment thIs I Is callll to InactIon To answer Th Call of the reclIner were GettttIng Takeouout because e been o out Allll Dayay long Ite lazy Boy Labor Day sayIng come In for great savIngs Plus 0 InInterest Perer 48 montnths. Wl take a a load off f by loadIdIn on Snanack Perry I In Labobor D Sasale goIng on now lalazy boy, Lolong LIve Ththe lazy love you phphone, but n not the Cosost Or Currrrent Plan N no Proboblem W StstraIght talalk brInIng the P Yoyou Love A and get onene lIne 25 a momonth. W We SwswItch to ststraIght thats up to O Half off t the PrIce Ofof the c competItIonon. The bestst part of all g get to 20000 CredIt Fofor a new Phpho Afafter 12 Mononths WIthth stra savIngngs, you savaved now andn lalater. It justst makes senens straIgIghT Talk, real ununlImIt data, less D Dollars, momore. When Yoyou Use angIgIe for Y Home P projects yoyou know, ala your j Jobs WIll B be done Wele Roofof RepaIr r done well,l, KI SInknk and Stallll D done well, upgrgrades Done E Well A angIe been connenectIng Homemeowners H SkIlled Prpros For N nearly 30 years. So o we know Ththe DIdIfference between d done and done w well, to ththe next tImeu have a projectct, joIn Thehe MIllIoIons of f homeownersrs Wh AngIgIe Take Carare for theIeIr homemes. HIgher R HIghqualIlIt certIfIeIed brosos. At a angIe. GrowIng Yoyour BusInesess Is ev once y you know Ththe Momoves W gooD Daddydy websItes plplus marketIng,g, y you can quIuIckl create a WebsItete And A. I. W customIze e It for youou. Dan, R BusIneness out thehere, and D G Momore customemers In herere. N swsweat for yoyou anyway, rea beautIful L WebsIte InIn mInute wIth Gododaddy RIghtht now, Pet Dadander In Sasales Mold s Spor Paululon and DIrt Are E beIng suckeded Into Yourur AIr Ductstt Cleaner AIaIr and syststem efeffIcIency. Now, wIth stanl steamer, your AIr Ducts are clean untIl theIr stanley steameR Clean I I mean, Bubut T gaIns are e pumpIng the mamarke clclosed. Featatures dont sle In thehe after Houours B Brow I monlnley of fInanance bro. She swItcheded careersrs to make m for yoyour weddIngs s and hIs Doctor B blownup, s sweetIe, G Yoyour PIggy b bank. Were goIn all InIn. Let me a ask you for r weddddIng. Do yoyou want Bececa IpIpo In a rIvIver letets tata z,z, somethIngng that Yourur Mo always w Wanted To N Never Gott or you couould gIve ththese dIffe

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