Shes readY To be on tHe Defense. I donT Think that is a difficult place for her to be. I think its easier for her to be prosecutorial and i believe isnT The Sparring Partner thaT Trump is preparing with tulsi gabbard, who has actually been toE TO Toe with kamala harris. So i dO Think you we are going to see an energetic conversation, but i do. But part of it is what is she like on the offense . We know what she is like on tHe Defense, everyone. Thank you very much. And thank you for watching Cnns Coverage continues righT Now welcomE TO THe Whole story. Im Anderson Cooper, since his defeat in 2020, former President Donald Trump has repeatedly and falsely claimed thE Election was stolen the results somehow rigged by democrats. There is no evidence of widespread Voter Fraud that hasnt stopped mr. Trump and his allies from relentlessly pushing these lies. Now, many of those same allies are gathering again, readY To claim fraud if the former president is one once again defeated in november, cnns donie osullivan spenT The past few months with some of trumps biggest promoters who continuE To spread doubts abouT The secucurity of ththE Election an are doing whatever they can to ensurE Trurump whehen it begins with the most famous Pillow Salesman in America Hohow are yU My name Isis Donie Osulliviva donie. E. D donie. Doninie o. Sullivan know not joni like joni mitchells, tony. Joni donie. Are you in Irisish Moix . Yes. God bless you. So me, as a joururnalist, i i spend d most timE Traveling across the countrY Talking to people on name is gulf herself. Had are you from ohio about whO They are committed to address later crusader, maybe 56 years ago . How they seE THe World. If you tell me E Yourere Gog Toto Release T the kraken, s sh the Freqequent Crackck and for crying o out lououd, Jfk Sr. Ser jesus garnrnet, iT All abouT Trying to keep an open mind its neveR Been insidE The White House. They are at Tyler Perry studios in atlanta. As conspiracY Theories hurt regular people. We will geT Through this its caused mE To lose my son and lies lead to violence, bring in live rounds righT Now and shooting People Well, i think We B better do beyond T This Policece Line in S Land of information, did that on my page im, waiting for the Mymy Pillow Guy its Hahappening Nonow other Thining Happenining now. The g great replalacemenT Theory, yoyou alL Knowow thaT N, right . Thehey want to o replace amamerican citizens s Whwho Lov Countrtry with peoeople who Haho Lolove for thehe country my pil sasandoval, wawant me 5 for t first t timE Ever,r, lasast Tim Sasaw Mike Inpersonon was abou three years its ago at his cyber symposium in South Dakota where he said He Was going to provE The 2020 election was stolenen theres a catch and cyber attacks every day. He didnt i donT Need your peoplE To go out and dr. The Evididence And P put out a Work Joseph C Conspiracy Y for your habits somehowow three Yeaears Lateter hes still doing whwhat hes doing g im ststill doing what i im Dodoing Neitither of arE Ththe better f fresh Thankn Thisis as him, a as this S Seeme Micscs Convoy mike how a are yo doing its been a l long time welcomE Toto las vegasas. D did Y You just laland Me H did youou ever Readad My Boo you knowow, i lived d here for awhilele. A bad ththing. W wed cocomE To las s vegas meet T The countryrys momost fs Pillow Salalesman what were going g to pay attttention to o sisigns. Ill try i ill T Try. D one e of T The Countryrys Bigg Elelection deniers M Mike was i Town Foror a cououple of Magaga Elelection was stitill seven m s awaway. But herere It Was alallt Getttting Trump P back into O T White House yeahah, My Husbaban has ththis one It T felt like E Ten Revival L because wewe were Jujust Talkingng to god are in sure. WhaT The guy does. Thank you for danilo. HavE Trump rally. Whehere Al Ththe Media Ththat Snake a and d herere you can c come right T Ue where it seems like E Everyone was s selling Sosomething Momov im going to shamelessly plug by Movie Number one on amazon of f all dvds that T Toln Amazonon a and Miracleles Babal the brain hemispspheres. Okay. Yeah. You allow w the cells s thE Talks s and come b back i c Go Harmonyny with the e bodydy. Feel l like im being abducted by alienens or sometething butue wawas hererE To sell M Morton pillows. He was on a crurusadE To sav amererica i can N Dedemocracy T Grgreat Michaeael Dell Up P her know weere notot going to o s wiwith an Infomercial Anand Lum pipillows or f free shshipping Cold War are youou go here i thinink last timime your intnte me, i lolost my boys. ReremembE That bacack in 2021 mic c its threree years Onon Herer still this . Yeah. H. No, to save our country has, theres a Lot Of people in this for cynical reasonsns, riright . To mamake Money T to g famous. You strikeke me as Somebody W whO TrulY Truly, believeses the 2020 0 election. Y you can see h him a griftf when Im M 40 Millioion In and Keepep Attackingng My Companany im dedecimated. M my Battle Iso Geget rid of the M Machines anat to Paper B ballots itts not T Coconspiracy T to overturnining 202020 Election N Bubut Mike Di to overtrturn the 2020 E Electi somemething He D doesnt like Function O out so failils tO Th worlrld. Were just inin about e 2020 elelection whaT Theyyre going toto learn herere are goi to learn Thahat Though Computet that a are used inin our elelec Hahave God Keieith descripiptios in thehere, They H had the P Pae insidE T them in thehere on the internet a and theyre using Software T that was Ilillegal A thats whaT Thehe s Supreme Cou will seE Themselves now, dont you Think K the judge shouould least opopen up so Y You guys Ga Bibig Problem M here and its connected to where china itts hahard to follllow what mimike actually believes,s, but ultimatetely hes convnvinced wrwronglY ThaT The 2 2020 elele was stolenen, True Hatat to vot machines. And now w He Wants get ririd of Them M was the Biby Ifif they pullll that in, itle 90. 0. T they will v vote. Weve met mikike a day bebefE The E Supreme Cocourt was dudue consnsider a casase. He had D F Agagainst electition officials arizona a in an Effort T to getd of Voting G machines. There L Onon breaks yeyeah. Were going t to let You U gs fillll much Youure Livive on , peoplele after M Mike and Ototh Trump Suppororters were kicked off Sosocial Mediaia Platforms following January 6 for spreading Election Conspiracy theories on soSocial Mediaia platform. Its s like a yououtube, Twititter Combinination mimike p His Own Social M Media and vide streaming platform, frankspeech. ThiS Thing over here and Frank Speech his saw in Liddell Tv has donE TwO Things. One is gave us a platform, just reach out to all of you wiwith my pillow productct. And Thenen Al to keep our voice going, its got its own slate of Tv Shows or guest is ben work what was going on here manY Times we love ben its great to be back with you good evening. Rudy giuliani with the Rudy Giuliani show i want tO Tell you when we all started winning and that was on january 7, and januarary8 of 2 2021, a real Process S and lost his twitter. Remember that . And showing evererybodY Thatat hE Even Spop Ouout abouT ThthE Electionon or questition, It Thehey were deee plplatform, bubut since E That are E Voice E stuck Getttting B and D Bibigger and B Bigger i s the caususe of america, my o ow nenetwork, Fraranks Page i i sa Got To Reaeach The Pubublic but mike wasnT The only one here with an Election Conspiracy theorY ThaT ThE Election was stolen six battleground states. Those six states were decided bY The votes of Illelegl Alaliens Who came inin through open border r these Fafalse Bels Abouout the Lastst Election N a beining used as s a Pretexext T Cause Chaos S and Confusion Abot Ththe next elelection and they spreadad faR Beyond Ththis Room vegas therees not t a fight between n dedemocrats versrsus republicicans. Demo O Ththis is a fifight at good andnd E Evil. And i i thin Itd D be a fair elelection. I thihink theyre goingng Toy And Yoyou are votiting. Was s a are you coconcerned if Trurump Loseses that T Therell be anotr January 6 no i think It Will be a little more buT Ththe gains ae pupumping. Thehe Markets C Clos Featutures dont sleep p in E Afafter hours. S. Bro Done E is y of finance b bro. She swswitche careerers to make E Money Fofor weddings and h his Doctor R Blowownup sweetetie Graphicic Thinink were going a all in. L Me Asksk you for Y Your weddinio yoyou want bececause ipo i in ar lets take a a z somethihing th Yoyour Mother r always wanted, never Gogot Or Youou could give Thesese Differenent Investmemen options s a shot. Ththe right my moves s arent as aggggressive yoyou think. Keeping T The best i i lovt my daughghters s still neededs but Sosometimes Ththat can heleE To b burning andnd Stabbing G Pn my hands. So w why Use Nererv Yourur vice clclinical Dosose O rereduces Nervrve Discomfofort s little as s Seven Daysys of now can helplp again, job a Didifference W with Nerveses Fi Whatats Mymy next Stepep Tradi any Y Phone in a any conditionO The new W Google Pixixel nine e gemimini give me a a Recipe Wiw Thesese ingredieients good o on horizon. D did you knonow that if F Y Shavave oneethird of w what Y Reremove is skiN New D Dove Hel repair It T so if Yoyou Shave i dove iT New Debrbris Replenishs your Skikin Afteter every shsha unlucky y i fofound the Onone T that i i was put o on this earao Dodo And Evevery day as i inchc Step Cloloser to my y vision, i reminds s mE That mamaking it i life i is all ababouT The Mamak And Ram are e Callings T to Bui Trucksks so whwhen you find you call nothing can stop you from answering righT Now, during the Ram Labor Day sales event, get 3,000 Cash Allowance plus no monthly payments for 90 days on Ththe Purchasese of most 2 2025 1,500 trucks we comE TO The southern B Border in calififorn to meet a rereligious Grgroup Cacalled Take E ouR BordereR Ba come o on come on. N. So all yoy Live Streamemer is this,s, i is this is whwhat its going totO Take action. A B Body in Mototion Tendnds Ststay in motition. Weve got t take Action One of i its leaead isis Kim Yaterer were at wawar it is s a spirituaual war again principapalities of F Darkness E on, Werere Appealingng to ha. Nextxt. Is that t right. D down The Bordrder to geT The messagei knknow, the Uk B boY You gotot E Name of Jesusus Love you craraze speak out to mexexico right T N we speak k out tO Thehe en the eartrth righT Nonow to P Pa Ovover st. Victory o over the ey lets Break K Bread and D Jesus Bebeen s so good. Are youou doing im dodoing tony kim is a a life coach. Dode are you a Human Doing or Human Being . Now an online influencer do yes. So my ive been censored in canceled well, im gonna go likE This Where E You Reallyly Politicalllly Involveded in 202 thats a great t question. D donie so i got t tO Tell l i am n not into polititics at a nor r do i have e an i interest politics. Im ininto a trutht i cacant sasay i got popolitic of all, i i got Truth H involvE This is thE Take ouR BordeR Back north america alliancE The Grououps Name maybE Take ouR BordeR Back border, border, border. Were here because of the bordeR BuT ThE Topics here while were dealing with today is an evil oliligarchy. Itits , the Peoplele Versus Ththe Deepse Brain from fighting communism. HE Told my mom, honey, ththeyrere Coming Fofor me and mom saidid, What Homome . The Commmmunist Cocommunism is herE Theyre Notot Practicining it Y Enenforcing it herE Too. Fifth Genereration Warfarare just Generation Warfare is basically anything thats nonkinenetic. V2 k K Voice to Skull L Technologygy andnd of C Electionons does the B Ballot B matter . Dodoes your Voice E Bei Hearard Mamatter . We all L Knowow what happppe Joe E Biden didnt t win. Many ofof the Peoplple At Th Event Belilieve americican elecections are e iN Some Waway Cocorrupt Likeke noel,l, regard of Thehe Problems S of thE Election, the procesess, the machineses our govovernment, y knowow, keeping g us in our R B and nonot being abablE To cocongregatE T together what wo you Descscribe Yoursrself has a activist in influencer . Are you in influencer . They say hey influencer, i dont know how truE That, that rings online. Shes known as Patriot Mom Doublele 07. There are somE Things in placace for the Illelegals Voti Anand being abablE To regigiste really s sneaky waysys. T this idea, Dais Undococud Immigrantsts who are C Coming i the Cocountry Todaday Will Voto Errol Elecection do yoyou think thats actuallyly going to o happen . . I i mean, i T Think the probability is better Thanan N. I mean, if w were b being rerealistic way yoyou noT Thini itits popossiblE ThahaT That goining to happepen. But just knowing what you doo woululd they wouould Need Citizensnship to votote well, idealllly, you i ideally, yes. I mean, if youre following the law, but if youre already a group of People Who dont follow the laws, saving the question anymore. Theres election perioiod, period,d, thereres soso much evididence see in 2 2020 My Votote was sto. SosO That was s the great T Awag for r mE To realalizE That My V had been taken kim says her interest in elections began when she claimed She W went to vovote in 202020 and was told D Someone e already had voted usug her identitity We E didnt We Hadndnt vovoted aT Allll. We had d mailed anynything, nothing. That was s the beginnng of somethings s not right. T. H arE TheyeY Thinking g that i vo whwho voted fofor me . We s star taking ourur electctions, But K was gigiven a provovisional Bab Anand was abablE To castsT The You Hahaving the i issue you Hao Vote i in 2020, yoyou donT Necessarilily Know Thahat that Ananything T to do with H Undodocumented i immigrants,s, so i perersonally dodo not knon ththat. Now, if w were g going tok Abouout The Illelegal Immigrant Cocoming in anand having T The abilitY To vote. Thats a questionon that we a all need t Ask Undocumentnted Immigrarantse noT Alallowed to vote e in Fede Elecections in the uniteted Sta And Mumultiple stutudies have sn it is extremely rare. Im concerned abouT The number of illegals that are in our countrY That are ablE To vote bus its ally. Thats being pushed over and over and over again by maga influencers. I cant imagine how many illegals are regegistered Toto E in a S State like californrnia,e u. U. S. C code, as ofof righT Nowow, wowould allow w illegal Alalien Vote in the upcoming president ial election. We dont havE To worry abouT The reliable Voting Box will just bring in 20 more million daybell and will givE Them Social Security nor its people some in the Maga World like Steve Bannon have huge followings warren the border, others like kim and noel havE The much smaller audience. But together, they form part of a huge and sustained chorus of election denialism, middle of nowhere,e, hot as hehell. But v vague. How w are you . Friend many of them have been shut down on major Social Media platforms for sharing conspiraracY Theorieies 95 of is jusT The rockefeller foundation, even if f hes s in jail, hell get elected president. Theyre part of a new world of Social Media sites ththat promotetE T themselves se speeeech platforms. Nicht apollo, brian calendar, hot twins, mr. Guns and gear. And of course, Alex Jones sleep like a baby. Be surE To gO To my pillow. Com a Lot Of them live below the only real or you can buy flights tyranny ececology, which sellll pillo