We have a duty to set rules at our border. To enforce them. But critics say it's a stunt on the stump. Plus he's called volodymyr zelenskyy, nasty salesman. And now with ukraine's fate in the balance, donald trump praises the country's invader to zelensky's face relationship. As you know, with president putin. Also gazans mayor gets his mug shot and eric adams suggest the charges are president biden's payback and days before his vp debate j. D. Vance is set to appear with a maga pastor who claims kamala harris engages in witchcraft live at the table, chocolate rocha, erinperrine, lima, gowin, shermichael singleton, and jamil hill with 38 days to go. Americans with different perspectives aren't talking to each other but here they do good evening. I'm abby phillip in new york. Let's get right to what america is talking about this friday. Kamala harris suddenly sounding like a hawk on one of her weakest issues in her first visit to the southern border as the democratic nominee and her first in three years, the vice president said has but she is going to be tougher on the border than her boss. It is a direct challenge to donald trump and two republicans who spent the last several years criticizing her for not making more visits to the border vp kamala harris crisscrossing the country, but failed to visit the border. She's been to the border a total of one time in her four years kamala harris also has no plans to visit the southern border. I don't think she knows where the border is without making a single trip. To the southern border, the vice president harris has refused to visit the border all right. Well, she's there, but now, fox and republicans are upset that she actually did go to the border gets a huge strategic mistake for kamala harris to go to the border. This is just a photo op to act like she cares. This visit four years late. Now she's headed to the border for a campaign photoop with 39 days to go. And i'm sure it has nothing to do with the election so do we want the photo op? we don't want the photo op. I mean, which one is it? i mean, she's doing this because of the election. I mean, our poll came out. Donald trump is double digits ahead of the vice president on this particular issue. You stated in your monologue that the vice president said she's going to be tougher than her boss. Well, she's the vice president. Why not try it? this, wade, your boss after threeandahalf years to be tougher on this particular issue. That's what republicans are going to say then is released. They released some numbers. The numbers are insane, 10 million plus recorded illegal entries into the u. S. In 2022, we saw the highest number of illegal immigrants coming into the country under the bidenharris administration. Now, look some people may criticize some of donald trump's policies on this particular issue, but if the administration would have left some of those policies in play, this probably wouldn't be that big of an issue to be that big of an issue honestly, if we had passed a border bill back in 2013 when the gang of eight had there, which is what vice president harris said, right? i mean, literally it wouldn't be a big deal if we had passed the border bill back in 2013 but the baner house decided not to take it up. It wouldn't be a big big deal if we pass the border bill in january, but the house refused to take it up. We're in this position right now because we refuse to keep taking up the position. The issue is better off being unsolved for the republicans. And you can't win for winning. She's not at the border. She goes to the border. This this is bad. This is bad. She can't do what? she can't do anything, right? and really, of course it's about campaigning, right? just can't she's going to go do the things we know. We kiss babies, we do go to the border that's be clear the previous immigration bill that was put up under senator lankford, republicans have policy disagreements with that. It's true that donald trump came out against it, and that was part of the calculus as well. But letting in certain number of illegal immigrants every day and then deciding to close the border with something republicans pershep, they had paris you disagreeing what you're saying, but there are policy disagreements every single day. But donald trump, like donald trump agreed, it they still passed it. Bakari is not here, so do the whole conjunction the whole point of congress is that they have policy differences and the compromise is where one party has policy differences. The other one has policy differences, and they pass a bill in which they don't all agree and that is functionally what but in the senate, they didn't have the votes because of the policy disagreement. And there wasn't a policy conversation i've been in the senate. I've been there for hard legislation getting past. I worked in senate leadership. I know what this looks like firsthand. There wasn't a broader conversation, more more parties were brought in? yes. Lankford is a conservative senator. Nobody is going to argue the fact of the matter i don't think james lankford of oklahoma. It's a conservative center, but he is not the conservative voice for all the conservative senator. He didn't bring more on board because they had the policy, don't you think that if donald trump had sent to tweet or a truth social that said, let's let's take this deal because it's going to build more border wall that's going to do whatever it's going to tighten up. You know, it's going to close down the border at a certain point. Don't you think that republicans on capitol hill would have agreed and would have passed it. You might have had more, but this was still a bill coming out of the senate and going to the house. And so even if it had passed the senate getting it through the house, where there are much more conservative hardliners than there are in the senate still would have been a problem. And if by some fabrication of the world, they had passed it in the house, it still would have had to go to conference between the senate and the house. But as you bring the two bills together before i was there through for final passage, this would not have been the final piece of legislation, the way it was written that democrats that's are putting it out there and to say that this would have solved everything and to be clear, saying it a little selfdeprecating, no one segment that's going to be in that bill a compromise with you think republicans are better on the issue that democrats have done better on an issue happening here on an issue when we let us all about exactly deadly and people over this is the language that is the language that they're using as they tried to present this issue to the american people. I mean listen, whether she went to the border or not, people were still going to have that perception anyway, there was a guy that when i worked at espn, he used to coach all of us about how to do good interviews. And the one thing that he said, john, so ascii, the one thing that he said was everybody always thinks the tougher you sound into question that that measure you're really holding your interview subject to their feet to the fire. Donald trump just sounds tough. That's really what this is about. He sounds like, hey, you know, i'm going to close the border day they want i'm doing this. They want it's about the language and the rhetoric around this. And i don't know that she can fight against and i just make one note before you jump in check. I am because one of the interesting things is that you're right, erin the american people right now, 53% say that donald trump is more trusted on this issue. But if you look at this, this is going back to when joe biden was the candidate. He is basically in the same place. This was supposed to be vice president harris is weakest issue, wouldn't you imagine that those numbers would be better than they are? you would and that's why she's there. I think everybody has made a point that brings this home as a resident thanks god redneck here, whose families and we're going to mexico here. I'll tell you this piece is i know person just came from washington does here anyway listen the thing about being tough is exactly what i cannot stand that we left them have this issue when immigration is at an alltime low when we're trying to do something, when there's bills where they've got passed or not got passed, at least by god, we was doing something. The thing about this as she goes down there and she takes on a bully facetoface as somebody won't shock nobody here. But maybe a prior life, i was a bouncer in a bar. First thing is a bully lacks to run their mouth all the time and they like to poke. And when you count, were now that's playing coming into the bully. They're being tough when she goes down or she's picking it right to them, it may not be perfect, but she's not going to i'm going to stick with you for a second because i want to play this. This is, this is the evolution of vice president harris on this issue. Listen we had a very spirited debate on this stage last night on the topic of decriminalization of the border if you'd be so kind, raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross the border without documentation can we keep their hands up so we could see them? those who cross our borders unlawfully will be apprehended and removed and barred from reentering for five years. We will pursue more severe criminal charges against repeat violators that's that's a complete and total shaft and smart politics today, she put out an ad talking about the border policy that she was sent to millions of people. Absolutely. People change their positions on different positions today, 38 today's out. She's running an ad saying, look, i've been in this administration, i've seen what's going on at the border and now we're going to do something about it in politics, you have all a master's degree and talking about all the policy you want, it's about where you are today when folks are voting and folks started voting about finish your thought. Yeah. I'm not offended by her changing her however, this is reeks a lot of what we see often when it comes to crime, right? you have republicans accusing democrats of being soft on crime soft on crime. And what happens if democrats then start to move closer to what the republican positions are and they wind up doing things out of reaction, and they wind up doing things on the defense as opposed to sitting there and think am i actually solving the problem? and so while i understand why she moved the way that she did the park, there's a part of me that says see, that's why you don't become the dog chasing the tailpipe. That's why you don't do that. Aaron. I completely agree that this is the thing. This is what democrats don't believe is that all of a sudden, kamala harris is now this fence hawk on the southern border. Now she in her ad the ad you're talking about, she says i'm going to hire more border agents, selves secure. The border. Was it that was born in that bill me finish. She also said that when there was that photo of it of an agent on a horseback at the border where he was not whipping people. She had kinda that chu slavery in the united states. So all of a sudden we're supposed to believe that there has been this big dynamic heart believing policy shift because she's running for president of the united states. Now, she wants to hire more agents, but she never apologized to the agents that she vilified who were dragged through the mud for doing their job riding on horseback with which what are called splitbrain well, as a western style writing thing. I wasn't whipping immigrants at the southern border hiring more. Do you get at the border has always been part of the plan. It was part of the plane, wasn't where she was caught, but it was part of planning january. She is evolved her position and i think that's what we want politics, we want we want them to listen to the people and the people are saying here very upset and we are very nervous about the border. And she said, i'm hearing you, i'm going to make it more i'm going to do this. I'm going to change this. We're going to do this because i'm listening to the people. Is that not what we want our politics and the share, listen to us share politics of it, shermichael maybe, maybe it's i mean, it's a clear 180 degree show it is. But she's doing it because they think that there's an opportunity to bring undecided people into her column, drove trump is maxed out. That's kind of what the polling shows. They're looking at voters who may have this issue as a top four, top five, and are wondering if the vice president can speak with some level of command on this issue with some suggestions of what she would do if elected, they will potentially vote for her. I think the risk it's going this is a risk. I would argue. Chuck, do you run the possibility of turning off some progressives who may say this is too far to the center. This is two republican light. We don't like this. What do those voters do if they feel that this is not going to go farther to exact but run some of them potentially saying, you know what? i really don't like her as the candidate. This will demonstrate her right look, i don't know. I think you're right. Leave it there, but listen in the conversations that i've had with democratic voters right now, something tells me that they're willing to give her a lot of rope on this issue and on a lot of issues, but everyone stick around family got a lot more ahead, more breaking news tonight, a potential game changer in the middle east, did israel just kill the leader of hezbollah? plus a surreal photo op between donald trump and volodymyr zelenskyy in which trump repeated old grievances and praised vladimir putin, how these two stories could ultimately impact this election you didn't sit back like this and watch shot like that this show was the highest rated oprah winfrey show of all time all these years later, we're still talking about it oprah really open the door for us to have discussions about way in a way that we had not before she added this confessional intimate aspect, making television feel like a friend. Tv on the edge, moments that shaped our culture. 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