Place. Quality, we have to do a number of things to keep it special. Gettingthird element is active. Madison has more organizations than you can imagine, in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Stems from the fact that it is a special and requires work from citizens to keep it that way. 1836 and 1837. In there was a twoyear time where the legislature picked madison to be the capital. The location of the capital turned out to be very important for the future of the city, located on the southern part of the state, with rich farmland. Later, this became the area where we had roads coming into the city from all directions. What those things meant is that medicine madison could be an agricultural city, a place where you could manufacture agricultural implements, commerce could be here. Those are some factors that shaped what the city became. The Natural Beauty is very important. People typically come here and they say, oh my gosh, what a beautiful place. Therefore, they try to keep it that way. Quality, itthird was instrumental in shaping this city. The location was very important, because it was located in exactly halfway between Lake Michigan and the mississippi. And when you try to locate a capital out of unorganized land, being in the center was important. That was a key fact in locating the city, because the legislature picked this location. Madison is a rare city on an isthmus. It is a narrow place surrounded by lakes. Very few places in the world have this to. The man who laid out madison, had seen washington, d. C. Many times. He wanted to copy the design he saw in washington. So he did. By that, the streets came together and focused on a public building, such as the capital. That was the key idea. The fact that madison was laid , surrounded byus two lakes, had profound implications for the future. People who came, visitors, settlers, they said this is beautiful. Because it is beautiful, we have to keep it special. Ofi studied the sweep madisons history, that perception probably played a role in thea larger history of the city than any other. They wanted to build on the Natural Beauty, with buildings that they created, so there is no question that the Natural Beauty placed a High Standard on the human construction. That has been a theme to their history. The relationship between the city and the university is fascinating. The concept of having a university here in madison occurred very early, 1837. It wasnt until 1848 that the university had money and was able to get started and was able to start building. The university of wisconsin was very small during almost all of. He 19th century it was in the 1890s that it began to grow. From that point on, it continue to grow rapidly throughout most of the 20th century. So when the university suddenly got a growth spurt, Business Leaders said, this is an economic interest, this is the way to grow madison. It was a fascinating revelation leaders place, because had not thought of the university as economic development. One of the most interesting stories in madison, the history of the progressive movement. To a very large extent, it was about the relationship between the president at the university and the governor of the state. To have something called a saturday lunch club, it meant that they and their aides would get together and they were trying to find ways that the university could help the state. One interesting way that the university could help, later called the wisconsin idea, a very big idea, that people in wisconsin are proud of. I will give you an example, it was sewage. One problem that cities have is getting rid of sewage. Madison, there are links lakes. They thought, we will put the sewage in the lakes. But that has terrible consequences. They thought, why cant we do it . Well. Not work out it was a huge problem. A problem for every city. However, at the university of wisconsin, there were professors who specialized in Sewage Treatment and they offered expertise to the city a new charge. It caused a madison have one of the most sophisticated Sewage Treatment systems in north america and that is an example of this wonderful relationship that occurred between the university and madison. Statewideory that has significance. It helped farmers and agricultural sophistication. This was all under the wisconsin idea. Madison had many ways to grow. It could be a city of business, it was already a home of the university, it was the capital, serefore the legislature center. So a question about the city, what shall it become, in addition to the things i mentioned. One was to be a northern resort, where people would come in the summer from st. Louis and new orleans and enjoy the beautiful lakes. Another option was, we can have factories here. That was a fight starter question. If you wanted to start a discussion, you throughout the idea of turning madison into a factory city. This is a place where that was rejected, because leaders at and time, the 19th century 20th century felt very strongly that they wanted to keep madison beautiful. This doesnt mean they would not be interested in business. They wanted something they called highgrade factories. People who would come with skills, fancy machines, hightech in todays terminology. That was a huge debate. Ultimately it settled after about 60 years of discussion. Madison would be both a university town, capital of the state, and a place where very specific types of highgrade and hightechnology factories would be accepted. When the First Organization started here, one thing that they wanted to do was attract factories. About 24 factories said they wanted to come to madison, only two of them were selected by Business Leaders to come, because they were the right kind. Factories that the Civic Leaders sought were ones that required skill. The reason they wanted people with skills was because they would get paid more money, they could buy houses, and they would send their children to the university of wisconsin. That was not the image that many people had of the grinding worker in the steel mills or that type of industry. The leaders in a madison sought a pattern that is evident today. That pattern was, we have a very special place, we need to keep it special. Run all three madison history. Through madison history. It has caused a phenomenon. The four come to fore of key junctures and they have said, we need to take the more difficult road, we need higher standards, visionary ideas, and we need to achieve them. These are the things that all flowed from the fundamental perception that madison was special and we need to do everything we can to keep it that way. The society of American Indians was the first Advocacy Organization founded by native americans. We close out the city tour of the madison with the author of a book about the 1914 conference of the group held in madison to discuss land and treaty rights. Today we are on the campus of the university of ago inin where 100 years 1914, the society of American Indians conference took place. The society of American Indians was the first secular indian led Rights Association that sought to impact policy and to help indian people on the reservations. It was made up of professional people, educators, lawyers, members of the bureau of indian affairs, 52 of them actually gathered here to set the agenda for the future. What was happening at the time, for American Indians, the reservation system was appearing to be a failure to many different parties

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