Transcripts For CSPAN Democratic National Cmte. Unity Reform

CSPAN Democratic National Cmte. Unity Reform Cmsn. Meeting December 10, 2017

We are going to be moving to the amendments that were tabled yesterday. We are going to start basically in the order they are in the document. The first ones we will discuss are in the unpledged section, specifically in reference to number five, recommendation number five. I first ask if there are no objections, i would like to take this off the table, the discussion. I see no objections. Can we please put this up on the screen . Focused one recommendation number five, under the unpledged section, because of some of the work that is done, there are some adjustments to recommendations number four, which was passed yesterday. Sk that we consider number i ask that as we consider number consider adjustments to number four and we will vote on a combination of the two. We will move forward and highlight the adjustments here. All right. Ok. I will just read through this quickly. You can paraphrase, you dont have to read. We read every other one, so we are going to read. Can you give me a little to the left on the screen . Ok. Im going to read this. I know these are long, this is the protocol we have used for every other one, so we are going to do that. We are at number four, if you want to refer to your hardcopies , number on page four four starts on page four and moves to page five. We will be focused on page five. Language,ment to the i will read it in total with the amendment that is in there. You can see the original version if you are looking at your hard copy. This is the full . Ok. Members, dnc dnc members elected as a state chair, vice chair, state Committee Man or woman who are not part of category 1 remain automatic delegates, however on the first element of the president ial vocal vote, their votes would be proportionately allocated based on the outcome of the primary or caucus of the state that elected them. Subject to the same threshold that apply for the awarding of at large pledged delegates. That is the new language. , officers at large and affiliated members not part of category 2 or three would remain automatic delegates, however on the first ballot of the president ial will call vote, vote would be reportedly allocated based on the National Outcome of the primaries and caucuses as measured by the National Allocation of print pledged delegates, subject to the same thresholds that apply for the awarding of at large pledged delegates. To whatnot new language was in number five, is which to number four but not something the commission has not seen before, it is just been moved. Im going to take us up of water of what appeared number five, with respect to the actual mechanism of how these new automatic but bound categories will be allocated, we provide two provisions. Pursuant to the mandate of the 2016 Democratic National convention, if the rbc adopts a different mechanism, the commission will review it to determine whether it constitutes a substantial adoption of the commissions recommendation. The commission anticipates that the deliberations of the rbc in this regard will be consultative in nature with the commission to ensure the joint goals of unity and perform and reform our chief. In drafting the two options, the commission considered it did not that alternate mechanisms while less complicated was substantially increase the number of delegates. For all of the purposes, the use of the word state shall include the states, the district of columbia, the territories and democrats abroad. The commission therefore provides the following mechanisms for first ballot voting for the president ial nomination to the rbc to review and adopt. 5a. Pooled vote option. The votes in category 2 and category 3 delegates would be allocated as defined above, the state parties shall announce these allocations for category 2 delegates no later than when the state party certifies their pledged delegates to the dnc secretary. The dnc fell shall announce 3. Candidates for category at the National Convention, the votes from category 2 and three delegates shall be automatically reported by the secretary of the convention at the time of the president ial roll call vote, entered into the state tally sheet and voted in the normal order without ascribing the vote to any specific delegate. Alternate voting options. No later than five days after the states primary or caucus, sell hold of the states category 2 delegates and each category 2 delegate must make his or her binding preference known to the state party chair within 24 hours. Proportion of category 2 delegates supporting each candidate matches the allocation to which it candidate is entitled, the state chair s hall collect the preferences and submit them to the dnc. If the proportion of category 2 delegates for each candidate does not match the allocation to which each candidate is entitled, the state chair shall pull category 2 delegates currently supporting a candidate who has too many delegates and determine who is willing to change his or her binding president ial preference to another candidate who has fewer category 2 delegates to that which he or she is entitled. If enough of these agreed to change preference to provide a match to the number needed, the shall party chair submit the changes to the dnc. If the state chair determines there is still an insufficient number of category 2 delegates supporting candidates proportionally, the state chair shall by law determine which category 2 delegate supporting a andidate or candidates with excess of delegates shall pass their vote at the National Convention to a credentialed alternate delegate willing to support the candidate and deficit on the first run of developing in the president ial nomination. Chosen by aelegates lot in this manner shall retain all their voting rights, including the right to vote on all their matters other than the first round of balloting for the president ial nomination. Following this determination, the state party chair shall collect and transmit to the dnc the written, binding president ial allocation of all category 2 delegates and alternates if applicable to the dnc. Shall make public of any alternate and convince applicable and the candidate from which they have written binding allocation. Those delegates in category 3 would be allocated and lonely to those in category 2 as follows. The dnc would announce category 3 delegates to president ial candidates no later than five days after the last nominating contest. If there are insufficient category 3 delegates to fill a president ial candidates position, alternate delegates would be elevated to provide the president ial preferences. Once the dnc h achievedas the requisite number of supporters to match the allocation to which each candidate is entitled,the dnc shall collect the written binding president ial preference from each category three delegates and alternate. Public the the dnc h shall make identity of any category 3 candidate and a candidate for which they have submitted a written binding preferential preference. If the state chair or dnc determines there is still an insufficient number of category 2 or 3 delegates respectively, supporting candidates proportionally after attempting allocate alternate allocate al, the state chair dnc shall determine by lot which category aor 3 delegates supporting candidate in excess shall pass their vote at the convention. However, instead of passing of all to the alternate, the delegates by lot would vote abstain on the tally sheet and during the roll call of the stat es. The secretary of the convention would announce a report a requisite number of additional zones to achieve the proportions required to achieve the president ial allocation of category 2 and 3 delegates. And that is it. Thank god i read to my kids every night so i can do that out loud. [laughter] [applause] madam chair . I feel almost as if when i sign up for something on my phone, and that little tiny print that goes on for pages and pages, there ought to be an agree button in the corner. That was amazing. We wanted to make sure that was not tiny print, but loudly spoken print. That is the amended language before us. Is there any discussion . Seeing no discussion, we are going to vote. Favor, raisein your hands. We are unanimous with an abstention. That passes. Thank you. We are now moving to our next table amendment on the ombudsman council, which is on page 14. Section. Party reform b in ourhe old document, and it is the new c. Are there any objections to taking it off the table . See no objections, i will read this updated version. Addition this is in substitution of the current b, which is now c. Okay. Is that correct . Okay. The Commission Recommends the rbc develop a process to address violations of the charter and bylaws. Any member of the dnc can bring a complaint alleging that dnc officers and staff are not adhering to the provisions of the charter and bylaws. Consists of complaints that are managerial in nature will not be not be heard, nor should challenges to a state delegates election plan. Of of thelegates 3. 4 regulation rules and bylaws, and challenges to the credentials to a dnc member. Article 2, section 10b of the charter and bylaws. We support the creation of an ombudsman counsel to partially review and address any complaints or improvements. The council should include the designee of the chair, the cochair of the rules and Bylaws Committee, the chairs of the regional caucuses or their representatives, with other selected as needed to ensure diversity. [chatter] chair dillon oh, recommended improvements. In the second paragraph. Thank you. So this is a replacement. Any discussion on this amendment . No discussion, we are going to move to the vote. [laughter] holdings in favor all those in favor please raise your hand. [laughter]in favor chair dillon so we are unanimous with an [laughter] chair dillon so we are unanimous with an abstention of jim roosevelt. Thank you. That is passed. We are now moving to the amendment that was tabled around the Budget Transparency and financial oversight council. On . Page is eight it is it on . And itstill on page 14, is the old 3c. So this is a replacement amendment for 3c, which is now e. Partye 14, section 3 of reform. So this is a replacement amendment. The commission was informed of consent about the level of transparency with the budgetary process of the dnc. As currently described in the bylaws, the budget and finance committee is charged with reviewing the budget, assisting in developing priorities, revealing major contracts and evaluating the performance of consultants senior staff. In addition to ex officio ,embers, ceo and coo of the dnc the composition of the finance and Budget Committee should be by election of qualified members, allowing for adequate representation of the partiess caucuses and counsel. No contract with the dnc or any Democratic Party affiliation should serve on a budget and finance committee. As call for in the bylaws, the budget and finance committee should provide the executive committee for discussion in a closed session its annual reports, and purposes and expenditures and results of expenditures and staff. The results of the report and the executive Committee Discussion should be sent to the full dnc membership. We specifically recommend that each election cycle, a published report on the focus of the dncs finances, including all major expenditures and vendors, be made available. So no discussion, i voteso thist amendment. Any discussion . Weng move to vote. All those in favor, please raise your hand. With anke unanimous abstention of jim roosevelt. We are going to stick in this section, adnd move to a new amendment on f in the party reform section, 3, operating in a manner that is open and transparent. And i am taking this off the table whatever i am supposed to say about that without objection, thank you. Recommend that the dnc prepare an annual budget that must be approved by the budget and finance committee and presented to the full Democratic National committee at each regularly scheduled meeting. The dnc officers shall be ex officio members of the budget and finance committee. Im just going to go and read g, and we can vote separately. G says any and all contracts expenditures exceeding 100,000 annually must receive prior approval from the dnc chair and officers, or their designees. As part of any proposal, all vendors shall be required to disclose the composition of leadership and diversity of their organization. We will go to discussion. I would like to thank assange forve working the representative for working with this on me. It is something that the dnc members have been discussing for a long time. If this moves forward, it will be a strong message to the dnc members and chairs that we are serious about the dnc finances, so thank you. Chair dillon any additional discussion on f or g . Seeing no discussion, we will go to the vote. Well vote first on f. Fl those in favor of the new as amended, please raise your hands. Unanimous with one abstention of jim roosevelt. [laughter] i know. Sorry. The small things that are funny should not be funny to the rest of the world. We will move to the vote on g. All those in favor, please raise your hands. We are unanimous, with an abstention. It is unclear who that is from. [laughter] just kidding. For the record, it is jim roosevelt. J,are now going to go to which is in the same section, 3, on page 15. Ormer 3g objection, i will move this off the table. This yesterday as we were working on the new amendments. J reads, any and all joint fundraising agreements or understanding shall be transparent and available to all official campaigns and used for the general election. To ensure the party has the resources to conduct an collection effort, the dnc is encouraged to take steps to ensure all Democratic Candidates take place in Fund Raising Events and solicit their own supporters to assist in fundraising efforts. The respective president ial campaigns will Work Together to determine the best ways to use resources raised under these agreements. The dnc will also take steps to ensure that state parties fully understand the financial terms of any agreements they enter into. Is there any discussion on j . Seeing no discussion, we will move to the front. All those in favor of j, please raise your hands. We are unanimous, with an abstention of jim roosevelt. Appropriately so, mr. Roosevelt. Not joking about it. Okay. Without abjection, the amendment dealing with services taken off the table. This is 6a on page 17. It is still on party reform, connecting oure values and actions section. This is a replacement for a that is in the current draft. This is a full replacement amendment. A reads, the Commission Recommends dnc develop a series oriented programming for the national and state parties that connects our values and actions. This can include trainings and events that demonstrate a commitment to serving our communities. We therefore propose working with the state chairs, dnc former committee to assess ways to evaluate voter Contact Programs in targeted areas, and then assess after a two year p eriod the impact on electoral growth and party performance. Based on this assessment, we can decide whether to fund and expand to other areas. Any discussion on this replacement amendment . Seeing no discussion, we will move to vote. All those in favor, please raise your hands. We are unanimous in support, with one abstention. Mine, as weree of communication, and the ombudsman. Yesterday when we had the table reading, i felt today a sense of relief that we were able to come to an agreement on the language. I appreciate congresswoman fudge and elaine, and you madam chair, who having come up with for having come up with language. I think, far from being intrusive, these are committees that become empowering of dnc and leadership to make real decisions to make this a governing body. I am glad we were able to come to language. I believe it will make a difference in the future of this organization. Chair dillon thank you so much, jim. Thank you for all the work. I think this highlights where we can together. There going to move to final section tabled from yesterday, which will take us to page 13 of your draft, section 2 , supporting and growing state parties and encouraging grassroots participation. We are making an addition, an amendment that will add to what you are seeing as formally b, no w currently c. ,he new c would read as follows the Commission Recommends the increased investment in state parties be maintained and possibly expanded over the cycle. The Commission Recommends the dnc maintain the 50 state strategy with financial goals by the leaders and members of asdc. Is there any discussion on this edition . Seeing no discussion, we will to a vote. All those in favor, please raise your hands. We are unanimous. No abstentions. [applause] chair dillon that is the last tabled amendment from yesterday. We have completed our consideration of the recommendations of the Committee Reform commission. We should all clap. [applause] chair dillon okay, we obviously still have some business to do. I want to thank everyone for their work. We are going to move right now to talk about the rbc process, and the next steps of the unity reform process, and make sure we have questions for Commission Members to take. The process we go through from here is we will both myself and vice chair and staff will go through the report as amended, make any grammatical changes consistent with the rest of the report. We will and in the rest of the sections add in the rest of the sections that will include the process that we came to here over the course of the next week. We will transmit that to Commission Members, then we will is we will bothtransmit thay january 1, 2019. That finishes the work of the report that we are required as a commission. Are expected to e for aloose formation period of 6 months while the rbc takes up the recommendations of our report. Roosevelt as the chair of the rbc will go through the process. They will go through their deliberations. We will stay as a roosevelt as f the rbc will go through the commission, invested in seeing this moving forward, invested in paying attention to when it is being discussed. Asks chairs, and we will Commission Members as needed, to speak on behalf of the report and elaborate context as needed. While we will not be formally goodness hank everyone should expect to be called on in ord

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