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Talks about the primary history and the state of politics there. After that, Prime Ministers questions from the british house of commons. Forum withs iowa president ial candidates talking about money in politics. Host joe mcquaid, longtime publisher and editor at large of the New Hampshire union leader. We will spend an hour talking but the history of the New Hampshire primary. Before we get into history, lets talk with the current one. Michael bloomberg is not competing in iowa or New Hampshire in the early primaries and committing lots of money later on in the process. What does that do to the relevance of your primary . Guest there are all these questions about the relevance of the New Hampshire primary, dating back to its mundane beginnings. People are not going to campaign, they are going to spend a lot of money or they are not. The short answer is i dont know. There are 10 or 11 serious candidates for the democratic nomination, and he is blowing by the early ones and thinks he can get street cred by buying it, which i think is probably not going to work for him. Even if heently that does not win the nomination, he will spend money to help whoever wins the nomination get elected. But i think that just underlines, i have all the money in the world, i am going to spend it. People asked about the relevance of the primary when these televised debates, which i hate to call them debates because they arent, they are reality shows. And the dnc in cooperation with the various networks have already sliced the field down based on money and whole numbers, right and poll numbers. The most recent one will have six people in it. They have had fewer or close to that in the past when there are more candidates than that. I think that hurts the relevance of the primary nominating process entirely, not just New Hampshires role as the first primary. Guest as host as you said, there is a debate about whether these first primary states should continue to have the role they do. Make the case for our viewers. Why should they continue . Guest first, and you corrected yourself about the primary and the caucus. Say,e governor likes to iowa picks corn, New Hampshire picks president s. I love that. I was stuck up on New Hampshire a few years ago. Caucus, what is that . A bunch of people in a living room . That doesnt count. Now even the candidates say it counts. Relevance of the early states is the ability of candidates to come in and tried to convince voters to vote for them. I dont know if i have answered your question. Host why is it the demographics and the counterarguments are to it continuing. Guest i think you cited bloomberg and a lot of money, and i cited the networks. I think it is the first and last place where a candidate is upfront and personal if he or she chooses with voters, and voters get to kick the tires on them. Having said that, that is not always the history of the New Hampshire primary. I hate to be the naysayer, you got to be there, you got to shake hands, jimmy carter did it. In 1952, which was the first time that the names were on the ballot, the guy who won on the republican side was not in the state, did not campaign here, wasnt even in the country, eisenhower. The same thing happened in 1964, with a republican who won the primary not only not in the state or in the country, he wasnt on the ballot. He won on a right in on a writein. New hampshire is always different. I think it appreciates being first, and people turn out. It is one of the highest turnout states in primaries in the country. Wide and not representative of the country, then with the exception of bloomberg who has not cited that as a reason, why are all these other candidates coming to New Hampshire . Why arent they just saying, it is too white and i am not going there . Host your secretary of state is the longestserving secretary of state in the country. How important has he been to the process . Guest he has been important because he gets it. And the law was changed years ago to have the secretary of state and just the secretary of decision, and he or she makes it when they determine that nobody else is going to have a similar event before them. He is important to it because he has street credibility. He is a democrat, and he actually was challenged in his last election. He was elected by the state legislature, and a really partisan democrat tried to make it into a really partisan office, and bill gardner hung on by the skin of his teeth. But he is honest as the day is long. He knows the history, and he thatt do anything to mire history or give the idea that this is anything other than a straight shooting event. Host political relevance a side, how much does the primary mean to New Hampshires image and its economy . Than economy wise, other pete dupont was the guy who built the wmu are tv studios wmur tv studios in manchester because he spent so much money in the day. With 11wise, even they spentdidates, some time here, sometime in iowa, i have not seen a recent dollar figure on how much that is. I am sure the state would say it is worth 8 billion. But it is a point of pride for the people. The local public Radio Station in New Hampshire did a podcast this year called stranglehold. And it is a series about the New Hampshire president ial primary. But it is very negative about the primary, and i am wondering, all the people in New Hampshire who support and listen to that station, what are they getting for their buck . It was astonishing to me. I listened to two episodes and stopped listening because i was no longer interested. Maybe they said some good things about it. The unveiled one of first towns to vote, does not have a lot of people in it and they have to find people to have enough to vote. This time, they got a fifth guy to come in and register. He happens to own the mothball hotel, and he is trying to revive the place. He moved from another town just to be the fifth guy in there. There are other early towns that have done it in the past. But it is pride. You wont get maybe this is the exception but you wont get a lot of people in New Hampshire dissing the New Hampshire president ial primary because they know how much it has meant in the history of the country. Host in addition to the traditions, the tiny towns voting first, a couple other things that distinguish it is the low filing fee. In past years, it has brought dozens of candidates into the process. Does that still happen and does it impact the process . Host guest it may be heftier now. Supreme runs every few years. The man with a boot on his head. His campaign has something to do with ponies for everybody. He manages to come up with the dollars. It used to be hundreds of people on the ballot. All kinds of wood, people who just wanted their name on the ballot. I think the secretary of state did bump up the fee to something a little more credible. But you still get a lot of offthewall candidates who are here just to get a little attention, are very upset if a newspaper or the tv or the radio doesnt give them the same attention as it gives others, but you have to draw the line somewhere. Host the other thing that distinguishes it is that it is an open primary, that you can cross party lines. How does that impact the ultimate outcome . My latehe independence, buddy don tibbetts was the Statehouse Bureau chief for many years, and he did not like that term, independents. He called them undeclared voters. It was not like they were in the independent party. But they were at least a third of the electorate. They can walk into the polling station on election morning and say, i want a democratic ballot, and vote for the democrat. Backcan come right out, go up to the people at the Registration Office and say, switch me back to undeclared or independent. They can do it on the republican side. Beent know if there has any really good analysis of how much of an effect that was. But i think you can see it over the years in certain races. Barry goldwater, mr. Conservative republican, versus Nelson Rockefeller, new york eastern establishment. They lost to a guy with a writein, and i think that was because people were upset with the choices, and people who may have not had a particular Party Affiliation decided they were going to do that. Was certainly on antiwar vote and 1972 on antiwar vote. You have people going on one side or another as a result of that. Is the 64t trump million question. Just what has been trumps effect on the electorate . He has the Republican Party in his pocket, but are a lot of undeclareds upset with trump going to go into the democratic primary to vote for one of those people, hoping they can beat trump . Or are they going to go in a republican field and it is pretty much governor wells, the only one running on that side. He thinks he is going to do better than i think he is going to do. I think the republicans are going to go for trump. The trump people and a lot of undeclareds will go democratic because they want to pick somebody who they think has the best chance of beating trump. Host another mainstay of the primary has been your newspapers editorial. Famously in the last go around, you did not support donald trump as a candidate. What are you going to do this time . Trump first, i honest to god did not know when i compared him with the grownup two in back to the future that the screenwriter of that movie had based the grownup biff character on donald trump. I didnt know it. It was just kismet. What are we going to do this time . I think we will endorse on the democratic side. We have done that in the past. We endorsed Joe Lieberman years ago. Side, i dontcan think it is worth much because the trump people have the party, etc. We are not going to endorse trump. Dont like if you trump, there is another guy in the race, bill wells. I dont know if that will be an endorsement. I think the real play is on the democratic side, and it is a year where there are so many candidates that even the conservative Union Leaders voice might have some difference. Host speaking of bill wells, this time around on the democratic side, there are at least three candidates with geographic proximity. How much has proximity mattered to New Hampshire voters . Guest i was asked a question the other day, and i dont think a lot. I think Bernie Sanders won the primary in 2016 because he wasnt Hillary Clinton, and it should have been a wakeup call to the democrats that maybe she wasnt the best candidate. He was known to them. Ed muskie won the democratic primary in 1972. He was from the neighboring state of maine, but he did not win it to the expectations that he was supposed to. I am not sure how much paul bill paul tsongas beat clinton by in 1992, but i dont think it has a lot of play. Youve got warren, youve got to vow, youve got wells, youve got sanders. There are a lot of ways to split it up. I dont think it makes any difference. Host you have been covering the primary as a journalist for all of your career. What is the very earliest New Hampshire primary memory you have in your life . Guest goodness. Primary, i dont know. General election is 1960, when my mother said they should have run eisenhower again. He would have beat kennedy and nixon. But probably 1968. I was in college. It was mccarthy versus lbj on that side, nixon on the republican side, and william loeb and the paper were in nixons corner that year. On the democratic side, i dont think i was as aware of it then as i am now. But the guy who ran Eugene Mccarthys campaign had started our sunday newspaper with my dad in 1946. A gentleman named blair clark, who was later president of cbs news and editor of the nation magazine. How those two guys politically ever got along they didnt for long. But mccarthy did not win in 1968. Johnson beat him on a writein. But mccarthy beat the expectations game, which is what this is all about. Reallyessional memories jump more i didnt cover a lot of 1968, but in 1972, i was the editor of the sunday paper and mr. Muskie pulled up in front of the paper. Host we are going to talk about that. I want to start with the 1952 race. Guest why not start at the beginning . Host one thing we should note, New Hampshire is celebrating its centennial, 100 years of this. When did it actually become what we know today, the relevance . Guest we are celebrating more than our centennial. We are celebrating the centennial of being first in 1920. Andoined the fray in 1916, the guy who owned the union to do with had a lot the whole primary system and was a buddy of teddy roosevelt. 1948 was the last time the candidates names were not on the ballot, and that was changed by a couple of people on the legislature and governor adams, sherman adams. I dont know if when he did it he had in mind getting eisenhower to run. But even then, the modern primary, the names were on the ballot, but that didnt mean anything because the delegates names were on the ballot, and those were often separate. Host confusing. Guest confusing as hell. I am not, truman said, going to run in the primaries. What the hell are the primaries about . But it made a difference. Host in 1952, candidates were on the ballot for the first time. You started to tell the story about the gop side with eisenhower, who was serving as nato chief in europe. Talk to me about the relevance of that on the democratic side with president truman and the republican side. Guest like a good interviewer, you ask a question and i ignore it and tell you a different answer. Host [laughter] ok. Guest i dont want to forget that trivia that few people know is eisenhower came to New Hampshire before the president ial primary in 1948, at the invitation of the partner of the paper. Leadere at the union speaking series. He was in uniform. He spoke in front of city hall. Finder was trying to get him to run for president. Loeb in 1948 was for thomas dewey. Eisenhower goes back to the military and writes a famous letter that is that military people should not get involved in politics, im out. 1952, he was not out. But on the democratic side, truman had completed his first elected term as president and had won that stunning race in 1948 against dewey. And it was assumed he would run again. Hisid not consent to having name put on the New Hampshire ballot until just a little bit before the election. Primaried, which is a word that has become a verb now. He was primaried by a senator, who a lot of people outside of cspan do not know. And he campaigned in New Hampshire wearing a chrome skin cap. This was before Davy Crockett appeared on disney. He was not really a senator. He was a very sophisticated guy. He had gotten some National Visibility because of some racketeering hearings his Senate Committee has held. He came up here and beat harry truman. In a several weeks announced he was not running for president again. Host before we move on, why has Harry Trumans stock going up so much in the years when he was clearly not possible in the time he was in office . Guest i think that happens with most president s. It has happened with nixon in terms of his worldview and getting us out of entanglements in vietnam. Will it happen with donald trump . That one is a real question mark to me. But harry truman was a plainspoken guy. Hadot in trouble because he some people in the cabinet who were making personal gains out of their positions when 1952 rolled around. He was not as tough on communism as you needed to be in 1952. But his stock has gone up since then because in the closing days of world war ii, a guy who had not been plugged in on anything on fdrs people until fdr died, then they said, harry, here are the keys to the place. By the way, we have something called the abomb, and truman had to deal with that and deal with the end of the war and deal with a warravaged europe. I think historians now, especially with mcculloughs great work, assess him higher than he was at the time and higher than my brother assesses him. Host that is important. In 1968, we were in the throes of vietnam. We did not know how that year was going to unfold with the king assassination, the kennedy assassination, the tumult was conventions. But in the primary, what happened in 1968 . Guest kennedy wasnt in yet. He had been talking about it. Host robert. Guest correct. What happened was that kennedy saw what Jean Mccarthy Gene Mccarthy was able to do in terms of young people. A lot of young people from out of state coming in because mccarthy was clear about it. He was forgetting out of vietnam, he was the antiwar candidate, he was a bit of a poet, and people came in and slept on peoples floors and basements and walked around campaigning for mccarthy. Up of fewn, who ended weeks afterwards not running at duplicatenk it was a of what happened to truman in 1952. Truman loses the primary and several weeks later says, im not running. Johnson, even though it was a writein, it was well organized by the state democratic party. He gets more than 40 of the vote, which is unheard of. Johnson sees that, and he is not running. So that was huge. On the republican side, it was pretty much nixon. He had a couple of people who were toying about it. Rockefeller was toying about it. Did not get in. Romney did get in, famously took a tour of South Vietnam by the generals. Since the mood was changing, said, i guess i was brainwashed, in saying he was for the war. So nixon rolled up a substantial victory. You mentioned editorials in the union leader. Loeb was running the paper at that time and was famous for his front page editorials about many things, including president ial politics. And i always remembered the alliterative headlines of his editorials. And one in 1968, when rockefeller was thinking about it, was entitled nells the kni fe. It was all about how Nelson Rockefeller was stabbing his friends in the back, including so he could substanc move him out of the way and run against nixon. It was not a surprise when acknowledged to me and the world in his autobiography, or his book on nixon, that you can and wrote nells the knife, not william loeb. It is extraordinary. Host why would mr. Loeb take something from a political operative . Guest because he loved pat buchanan. When he decided he was going to come back, his first hire was a young editorial writer from st. Louis. Actually, from washington dc, named patrick buchanan. Among his first assignments was to go up to the north shore of massachusetts and become friendly with one william loeb, because we are going to need this guy. And buchanan did, drove up in a snowstorm, and william and loeb, they loved him. They became very close. Ithough the image is have not found another one that loeb did not write. He was happy to take that from pat. Manchester,fly into buchanan and nixon, for a campaign visit. Plane, runs up to the and nixon says to buchanan, how come you cannot write like that . Host that is a funny story. [laughter] we will fastforward to 1972. Vietnam still raging. This is the year when mr. Loeb became nationally known. We have video from this. We will watch and have you tell the story. [video clip] attacking me, attacking my wife. He has proved himself to be a gutless coward. I will find a way to say that they dont like his kind of journalism here in New Hampshire, and they say it in a way that they can make it stick. That is the only way that he can understand that in northern new england, we respect each other. That is something i dont expect of him. Guest wow. I think it has been two hours on that whole thing. Very briefly, i think what muskie was attempting to do and failed colossally at, was something another candidate in 1960 successfully did, attacking william loeb in front of his paper. This is the night before the general election, and across the street from the union leader building. The candidate before quite a bigger crowd, and im paraphrasing, but he said, there may be a worst newspaper and worst publisher in these United States than william loeb and the union leader, but if there are, i cannot think of them right now. John f. Kennedy. That is on the front page the next day, that kennedy has called out william loeb. William loeb gets space to respond. William loebs response is to the effect that a spoiled brat like that, you dont want him in the white house running world affairs. Fastforward to 1972, muskie. Muskie is losing traction to mcgovern. Mcgovern is the clear antiwar message. Muskie is trying to be because of how well kennedy had done in this, he decided he would call the guy out. But it isnot bogus, overthetop in several senses. One is it is a snowy saturday, loebhere is no way william is going to be in that building. Muskie shakes his fist and says, come down here. And lived in massachusetts came into New Hampshire once a month to have his Advisory Board meetings. Secondly, muskie says, attacking my wife. The attack on his wife was a think itdigest item, i was in newsmakers or some political thing, of two paragraphs which were condensed down from a long article in womens wear daily by a reporter named candice trout. A few weeksstroud ago. Her peace was produced by newsweek and run. I did not see muskie going into new york on a flatbed trailer and calling out the editors of newsweek for this attack on his afe, which was merely firstperson account by messes stroud of being on the ca campaign bus and how she liked to kick back, smoke a cigarette, have a drink in the evening, say her husband was cute. It was harmless. There had been some editorial that went along with it. There wasnt. It was just that. The big thing that muskie should have been upset about and should have spent more time at and wouldnt have choked up if he wasnt talking about his wife. If he was talking about something called the canuck letter, he would have had a better case. Have to go back. Nixon tried twice to get loeb on his side in 1972, but the big break was when loeb said he was going to china. Loeb had a long history with china, and there was no way he was going to support a guy who was breaking bread with the chinese. Loeb gets a letter. I have to back up. Nixon twice to get nixon to get loeb on his side. He sends up two guys. Klein is the Communications Director for the white house, klaussen is his assistant. Loeb is in town for this one. They have lunch at the Manchester Country club. I am there, my father is there, a couple of the other editors. On their way out, loeb says to these guys, i think you will be interested in what is in the paper tomorrow. The dailynvolved in paper, and my father, who was, didnt know either. The next day, there was a front page by william loeb. Muskie insults franco americans. And it is an editorial about how muskie has been in florida at a drug rehabilitation house and two people who were there, young to mr. William loeb at the Manchester Guardian in this scrawl, and i am paraphrasing, but they say they went to see candidate muskie at the drug rehab house, and they asked him if he had a problem in s. Ine with knenegroe muskie said, no, we have a problem with canucks. Can you tell us what a canuck is . Signed paul something, florida. Loeb got hundreds of letters a week. In those days, he ran on the letters. I would think that particular letter, he would want to verify it. And would certainly want to get a reaction from muskie, because he runs the thing on the editorial page and calls attention to it from his editorial. I believe the letter was bogus. Watergateduring the not hearings, but in all the stories that woodward and bernstein think that a guy named donald to graddy had written Donald Segretti had written it. Nixon said he did not write it and doesnt know who wrote it, but they all loved it in the paper because that was absent of a stencil bleak the reason. I think the guy spoke about this. Wasck by that time, it still a slur that some people in manchester, but was also the name of a National Hockey league team in canada. It did not have the bite it did before. Muskielost because choked up about his wife. The Associated Press reporter saw tears. The post said he choked up. Our reporter didnt see tears. Hadreporter, though, if i made her call william loeb to get his reaction, she teared up. He wouldnt do it. I had to call william loeb. What do you think william loeb says . He says, a guy like that gets upset about it, i dont want him in the white house with his finger on the nuclear button. I didnt know that. I was nine in 1960. Headline, i write a and i still have the job the next day, muskie calls loeb liar. Big story, and sidebar, loeb says muskie is getting upset and he shouldnt be president. And that was the end of ed muskie. It was an editorial, the canuck one. But what muskie got upset about was this attack on his wife. It really wasnt much of an attack. I just read it again the other night. Today, it would not rate running in the paper. It would be not even a paragraph. It was just a lady on the campaign bus. Host 1980, the iran hostage crisis. This was jimmy carter reelect challenge from kennedy on the democratic side. We had quite a group of candidates on the republican side in 1980. We have another video to watch, a famous one. Lets watch. [video clip] i would like you to make an announcement. [indiscernible] [shouting] mr. Green you asked me i am paying for this microphone. [cheering] host on the republican side, we have Ronald Reagan, george h to be bush, bob dole, john connolly, john anderson. What did that moment do for Ronald Reagan . It made him remember in old movie. Union,state of the starring Spencer Tracy and katharine hepburn. Came out in 1948. Sorry i am going so far off field, but i find politics interesting. Tracy is running for president in this movie, and he gets coopted by the wall street types. He goes off his progressive script. Is denouement of this movie a Live Television broadcast in his living room in 1948, in which he speaks from the heart. He is trying to win hepburn back. Signalscampaign manager to the technician running the mic to shut off either the or the tv camera, and tracy sees that. What do you think he says . He says, dont touch this show. I am paying for this show. Was a movie actor before he was a president ial politician, and a very good one. Rightthink while he had a to be upset because he was paying for this microphone and it was not mr. Green, the way john green from the national showraph, but he wanted to he was in charge. And that showed he was in charge. All those guys in back of him, they didnt get to say anything at that event. It was just reagan and bush, because that is all bush wanted, was him against reagan. And bush sat there on his hands and didnt say a word during this back and forth between the National Newspaper and kennedy, reagan, and reagan was said to have really he is not too old for the job. Bernie sanders could be his grandfather, but reagan at the time was late 60s, early 70s. But it showed that he was more than a match for whatever was thrown at him. Including hise, New Hampshire campaign guy, said that reagan already had it won. Is still talk about what really did it for him. I think reagan showed himself throughout that campaign to be a sharp guy and not too old for the job, and people underestimated him. But i think he watched that movie. I asked Marlon Fitzwater once, the press secretary, if he had heard that story. Fitzwater said, yeah. Ia side, has anyone asked the president about it . Fitzwater said, no. If i were you, i wouldnt. And i did not have the guts to ask him. But it is in a couple books. Host 1984 was cspans first New Hampshire primary. Guest wasnt it a day in the life of the union leader . Host it was. I remember it well. It was Ronald Reagan reelect. Senator gary hart defeated walter mondale. Our piece of video from the video library. I will show you a bit from our first visit to New Hampshire. [video clip] i cannot believe you are endorsing Ronald Reagan with your newspaper. I think it is an insult to the democrats. Even if you pick the worst democrat, i would feel a lot better about it than i would feel picking a republican. Apologizet going to for the paper endorsing reagan. Really, i apologize for the democrats who cant come up with anybody better than the pack of eight to nominate. Guest wow. Who was that . Host minus the mustache these days. Guest is that steve scully . Host the reason i showed that clip is when we were there in 1984, we would go into the diners and we were the only camera there. Now, it is a scrum and cameras from all over the world and all kinds of media. When did that change, that so many people started covering it . Host i think it was a little earlier than 1984, but not to the degree that it is now. I couldnt put a date on it. Beforethat in 1980, reagan paid for the microphone in nashua, he had a lot of cameras following him around, including in my mothers living room one snowy saturday the week before. The networks, but there were only three, and they would only come up for the very end of it. One au have from day candidate with the name shows up in New Hampshire early. Withill find camera crews him from boston as well as the cable nationally. Recentlyve a friend, back from the west, and we had lunch. And i think of myself, we will go to the red arrow. No, not the month before the New Hampshire president ial primary. You dont know which of 400 candidates are going to be in theirre but there will not be room, for them and their camera crews and regular people too. There were times you talk about the economy of the state and how good it is. It is good, but sometimes for the restaurants, especially the diners and the coffee shops, gets in the way of serving their regular crowd and you can sometimes see in those many camera shots some of the regular patrons being a little put out by all these people around them. But it goes away. Host 1988 is the next piece of video. It happened on the night of the New Hampshire primary. Lets watch this. [video clip] he looked down at that monitor, you will see senator bob dole, who is standing by in his headquarters. Anything you would like to say to him at this point . I wish him well. Senator dole, is there anything you would like to say to the Vice President . Stop lying about my record. Guest that is on extraordinary these days, saying everything on tv. A lot of the candidates as well as a lot of the backers. But back in that day, wow. One candidate, a u. S. Senator, against a Vice President , accuses him of lying about his record. He should have said it a couple of days earlier because bush beat him there. Bush beat dole in part because of governor johnson ne john sununu, who was good about getting george bush out of the limo and into the streets to show the everyman thing. I think in iowa, dole had done better. Arranged for a great camera shot of bush driving a snowplow around. And he also prevailed upon the tv station to run a fresh set of ads on the weekend of the primary, which apparently you dont it is difficult to do unless you know the station. It was quite a moment. Dole came back. Host senator dole had won the iowa caucus, and president bush had come in third. Side, and ourtic time is going to run out quickly, that was the year of joe bidens plagiarism issue, 1988. Does that still have residence for him residence for him as a candidate . Guest i dont think a lot of people know about that, but it has resonance because it was in response not from a nosy news man, but a guy who was holding a coffee in his house for biden. And he asked innocently something about bidens curriculum vitae. Biden started inventing things. He took offense to the question. I dont think that is bidens problem today. I think biden comes across as a real guy, but he liked bernie and the others are pretty long in the tooth. A videor next is 1992, once again. Thats watch. Lets watch. [video clip] [cheering] let me say that while the evening is young [laughter] and we dont know yet what the final tally will be, i think we know enough to say with some certainty that New Hampshire tonight has made though clinton the comeback kid. [cheering] you wonder about those soundbites, like reagan with the microphone, how long they had that in the can. A nice tone to it. 1992, the other candidates laid off him on the vietnam question. Who was abob carey, decorated vietnam soldier. I asked him at the newspaper shortly before it came out about how clinton had circumvented the draft and all these letters. And he wouldnt touch it. I thought it was fair to ask about a possible next commander in chiefs veracity on whether or not he did or didnt serve in the military, but he wouldnt touch it. He said he was the comeback kid. Clinton could say, how could i beat the guy from nextdoor . As i said earlier, i dont think the guy from nextdoor thing cuts much in New Hampshire. Host we talked about pat and the and loeb endorsement of pat buchanan. Lets watch. [video clip] on this program friday, pat buchanan called you the godmother of New Hampshire politics and his campaign. That is what i understand. I think that is my favorite name. I will buy that anytime. Why did you endorse pat buchanan . Buchananm endorsed pat we endorsed him before we endorse him now. I think he is the only person who really stands for what we believe in. The nass thin nice thing about t buchanan, he has a paper trail going back 20 something years. What he said 20 some years ago is what he is saying now. Host the history books look at pat buchanan. What was it like . Tost he was a forerunner trumps version of republicans noterms of america first, foreign entanglements, no Foreign Trade agreements. That upset republicans from 1976, doing stuff with tariffs. But he will be seen as an on the ground campaigner who told it as he saw it. The headline that he held up the night he won said read our lips, which is a line from george bushs convention speech, something in which pat turned into a tv commercial because bush said read our lips, no more taxes. Then he went back on that in the white house. And that made a big difference. Reminds me of a lady she tried to get to run earlier for president , ambassador jean kerch Patrick Jeanne kirkpatrick, who we had a big dinner for, a lot of people pleading with her to run. I think in 1988 against bush. But she wouldnt do it. But pat is the real deal. That is what i think his legacy is, as both a candidate and a political commentator, and i am still running his column. And that8 is our next, was in the midst of the financial meltdown. We have two wars going on in iraq and afghanistan. Barack obama was the leader going into New Hampshire. A bit of video again. This is Hillary Clinton at the cafe express. [video clip] he is very likable, i agree with that. I dont think i am that bad. You are likable enough. Thank you. [laughter] i appreciate that. I have so many opportunities. I just dont want to see us fall backwards. [applause] this is very personal for me. It is not just political, it is not just public. I see what is happening, and we have to reverse it. And some people think elections are a game. They think it is about who is up and who is down. It is about our country, it is about our kids futures, and it is about us together. Some of us put ourselves out there and do this against some pretty difficult host the first part from the debate, the leading candidate saying you are likable enough, then an emotional moment for Hillary Clinton. Guest i think carl cameron asked the question at the debate. He used to be with wmur and then fox. Was a little less than genuine. Hillary, i think, was being there. In her tears she was at the late stages of a campaign that was not going as well as she thought it was going to go, and opened up about it. Did not do ay who lot of on the ground campaigning in New Hampshire that year and i think he won, didnt he . Host he did. Guest but he was not on the ground as much or as accessibly. Host sorry, actually he did not. Hillary clinton defeated him by 2. 6. Guest it is the expectations game. Same thing with mccarthy. Mccarthy did not beat lbj, expectations game. Host on the republican side, that was john mccains second time. He won over met romney. A sentence or two about john mccains legacy in president ial politics . Guest i think his legacy is bigger than president ial politics. I think mccain is one of the real heroes of this country for the ages, in many ways. Like pat, although they did not agree on a lot of political stuff, but a straight shooter. He was not a politician in that sense. He called them as he saw them, and his service in vietnam is just extraordinary. To leave thed cage, and he wouldnt do it. He said, first one in, first one out. And he was junior to a lot of other captives. And he came back here and in New Hampshire, he came back from two o zip. Onstaff, no poll numbers, the ground convinced people. You could see it in their eyes that they bought his campaign because he was telling the truth. And i gave him a penny. I read that he was superstitious, and i found a penny in the parking lot of the union leader the morning of the election, and i picked it up. He came in just to say thanks for supporting him and i said, i found a penny. Can i have that . I dont know where it is now, but it is cool he took it. Host we only have three or four minutes left, and i want to spend half of that on 2016. Bernie sanders defeating Hillary Clinton by 22 points, and Donald Trumps doubledigit win. What were the New Hampshire voters saying to the candidates that year . Wast in both cases, there enough with washington. We want something completely different. Voters in the democratic primary were saying to the Democratic National committee, enough with you telling us and stage managing this campaign. They didnt want to have debates. They wanted hillary chlorinated. They wanted hillary coronated. We had a lastminute debate at unh, which did go off, although the dnc said they would not do it if the union leader was one of the sponsors. But they just wanted it for hillary. Voters said, no. That was a signal they were sending. And on the republican side, they were saying, no, we dont want any politicians. Here is this guy trump. He is a businessman, he is not a politician. At least, we dont think he is. What the hell . We will roll the dice and give him a shot. Host as we close this and the voters make their choice, what is at stake going into the election . Guest i think it is tough to read. On the democratic side, it is very energized, and the democrats and independentminded are looking for somebody that they think can beat donald trump. And on the republican side, they are saying, he has his faults, but we have a great economy going and we are going to stick with him and shut up and we dont need impeachment or anything like it. New hampshire is a microcosm of the United States, which is the most divided it has been since about 1861. Host a final question, the union leader throughout the history has been part of the story. What in this digital age is your papers role . How has it changed . Guest we still have about the same readership, but a lot of it is online. That does not bring in the revenue that offline does, but we are still covering these races. We do not have as many reporters as we had back in some of those years as you showed, but we still feel our obligation to readers to report on what these candidates are saying in various parts of the state. From am one step removed it now and dont have to worry about it, but what i see in the paper and online is pretty good coverage. As soon it is, out there, it is online. It is incredible, and it is a balancing act for the editors. What do we put in the print version versus what do we put online . And breaking news goes online, and a lot of what the candidates say. And you can tell that the candidates are reading it because they are questioning anything they think is not fair to their candidate, or why cant we come in for an Editorial Board meeting . Because we dont have an Editorial Board, but you are welcome to come in. And they do. Host this could have easily been a two hour conversation. Guest guest i told you you did not have enough time. Host we will see you once again this year. Thank you for spinning an hour with us. Guest thanks to speak sam. Youre doing on its ordinary job in president ial politics and in the country. And you have a nice editorial the other day. Host we appreciate it, and we will see you in New Hampshire. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] all q a programs are available on our website or as a podcast on cspan. Org. Next week, david next week, david yedsen joins us to talk about the iowa caucuses, which will be held on february 3. That is next sunday night. Next, british Prime Minister Boris Johnson answers questions from members on domestic and foreign issues in his weekly question time in the house of commons. He is asked about access to broadband, Cancer Research funding come along hospital waiting times, and scottish independence. This morning, i had meetings with ministerial colleagues. I shall have further meetings later today

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