Transcripts For CSPAN SQZ Gov. Cuomo Coronavirus Response Ne

CSPAN SQZ Gov. Cuomo Coronavirus Response News Conference July 13, 2024

This is an evolving situation. Numbers ramp up, that is the experience in every country this has visited. We want to make sure you understand that as the facts change, our strategy changes. We have a plan and we are sticking with the plan, it adjusts or moves as the facts move. Was always testing, the testing is now the first step was testing and the second step is containment, and they Work Together. Andtesting has ramped up will be in the thousands per day, that is going very well. The state is managing its testing capacity, we are working with the federal government bringing automated testing, that is going very well and the numbers are going up. Containment, we have taken a number of significant measures, and that is working very well. On the containment side we had a tristate strategy which is highly unusual, but highly effective. We worked with an etiquette and new jersey and announced we worked with connecticut and new jersey. You do not want people shopping different states because different states have different rules. You do not want people driving orconnecticut or new York New Jersey for a different set of rules. Uniformity works. It is hard to do but when you can do it uniformity works. We did that yesterday with restaurants, bars, gyms, all closing at 8 00 last night and staying closed today. With the caveat they can sell off premises by delivery, and the state Liquor Authority changed the rules to make that possible. We closed all schools, schools two weeks, and a 180 day requirement is waived. All schools have the same period, because once again you need uniformity. You do not want a business having some employees and one School District that is open and one that is closed. In all this disruption and change, try to keep it as uniform as possible, and the rules as uniform as possible as to the extent businesses can operate and people can live their lives and keep it uniform. My phone has been ringing off the hook with local officials saying people are very upset. Gym beinget about the closed, who is upset about the restaurant being closed, who is upset about the bar being closed. At the highest number of calls, complaints are about bars being closed. I do not think that is statistically representative, it is anecdotal. Some people are upset about schools being closed. I said to the local officials and i want to say to the people of new york that if you are upset by what we have done, be upset at me. County executives did not do this. The village mayor did not do this. I made these decisions. These were all state ordered rules. It is not your local elected officials. I made them because i believe they are in the best interest of the state. I know they cause disruption and people are upset. I know businesses will be hurt by this. I do not feel good about that, i feel very bad about that because we will have to deal with that publics soon as this health issue is over, but my whatever isdo necessary to contain the virus. Then we will manage the consequences afterwards. Buckld expression, the stops on my desk. Your local mayor did not close your bars are your schools, i did. I assume full responsibility. Again, these are statewide rules because we do not want people among different jurisdictions. You close the bars in new york city but keep them open in nassau, all you would see is a flood of cars going to the bars nassau. It is important no local government puts any rules in place without first checking with the department of health so the department of health and make sure they are consistent with the rules we are about to put in place. Continuing, and is ramping up. There are many rumors, part of peopler, the anxiety, spread rumors. Maybe you are going to quarantine new york city. We hear new york city will quarantine itself. That is not true. That cannot happen. It cannot happen legally. No city in the state can quarantine itself without state approval. Whatsoevernterest and no plan whatsoever to quarantine any city. We contained new rochelle, we did a containment zone on new rochelle which was misunderstood. In newwas contained rochelle. Around newo cordon rochelle. You could come and go as you wanted. The containment referred to the virus. All we did in new rochelle was close the schools and close places of large gatherings. Nobody was contained within new rochelle and nobody will be contained in any city in the state. That is a deep breath moment. Strategy ist of the dealing with the Health Care System. This is where we are going to shift our emphasis. I want people to understand what we will have to do with the Health Care System because that topow our priority. There is a curve, everyone is talking about the curve and the height and speed of the curve, and flattening the curve. I have said that curve is going to turn into a wave, and the wave is going to crash on the hospital system. I said that from day one because that is what the numbers would dictate. This is about numbers and about facts, this is not about prophecies were Science Fiction movies. We have months and months of data as to how this virus operates. You can go back to china, that is 5, 6 months of experience. Just project from what you know how might you do not have to guess. Bed in 53,000 hospital new york, 3000 icu beds. Right now the rate is running between 15 and 19 from our sample of the test we take. We have 19. 5 Million People in the state of new york. We have spent much time with many experts projecting what the goingcould actually do, back, getting the china numbers, south korea numbers, italy numbers, looking at our rate of spread, because we are trying to determine what is the apex of that curve, what is the consequence so we can match it to the capacity of the Health Care System, that is the entire exercise. And by the way there are no phenomenal experts in this area, they are using the same data the virus has shown over the past two months in other countries but they are extrapolating from that data. The expected peak is around 45 days, that can be plus or minus depending on what we do. Asy are expecting as many 55,000 to 110,000 hospital beds will be needed at that point. That, my friends is the problem that we have been talking about since we began this exercise. You take 55,000 to 110,000 and compare it to the capacity of 53,000 beds, and you understand the challenge. As many as 18,000 to 37,000 icu beds, ok . Is different, it has additional equipment, most notably ventilators, and that is why you hear on the news that the leaders are very hard to get. Lobally why ventilators . Because we are talking about acutely ill mainly Senior Citizens who have an underlying illness. They have emphysema, they are battling cancer, they have heart disease, and then they get pneumonia on top of that. That is the coronavirus. They need to be incubated them are they need an icu bed, and that is the challenge. That remains the challenge. The numbers are daunting. What are we doing . Everything we can. First, flatten the curve, continue to flatten the curve so you reduce peak demand. We announced dramatic closings yesterday to reduce the density. It is possible we will do more butatic closings, not today i am talking to the other governors in the other states, showing that expected flow into the hospitals. It is clear we cannot manage that flow. How can you reduce the flow . You reduce the spread. How do you reduce the spread . You close down more interaction among people. How do you close down more interaction . Close the bars, the gyms, etc. , and you continue to close down things such as businesses. Italy got to the point where the only things they left open Grocery Stores and pharmacies. Those were essential services, but they closed everything else. We are not there yet but we have to get down that rate of spread because whatever we do on the hospital side, we cannot thatmodate the numbers demand on the hospital system. We just an active rules yesterday. We are not enacting any of the rules today, but it is possible because the numbers are still going up. Whatever rules we come up with will be statewide rules, hopefully it could be done with our surrounding states because the best way to do this is , amongity, no shopping states, among cities, among counties, everybody lives under the same rules so we do not have people on the road going back and forth trying to game the system. At the same time you were trying to reduce numbers coming into the hospitals, you are trying to increase the capacity of the hospitals. How do you do that . The hospital Surge Capacity. What is the Surge Capacity . Hospitalse existing to hold more people. There are rules and regulations how many people can be in a room, how many square feet per bed, that is normal operating conditions. These are not normal operating conditions. The entireining hospital system, what is the Maximum Capacity per hospital . If the department of health waves their spatial rules, how many people can you get into hospitals . There is a meeting today with. Ospital administrators Michael Dowling is a former deputy secretary, former health commissioner, he worked for my father as a health commissioner. I have known him 30 years. Represents the hospitals, sitting down with the hospitals. This is not about how you normally do business. Forget the economics, what is the maximum number of people we can get into your hospital, and what do you need to do and what equipment do you need and what staff do you need to do that . We are going back to retired staff, and we are asking them to. Ontact us at this website , to get former nurses, former doctors to sign up to be on call. We are going to medical schools, Nursing Schools to try to get additional medical personnel. Then we are talking about temporary construction of medical facilities. Obviously, when you talk about 45 days, you have limited capacity of what you can get done, but i am working with governmental organizations across the state right now. How do we set up temporary hospital facilities, even if they are not intensive care units, you can take people in the hospital beds, move them and a temporary facility then fill the bed. We are working with fema, the Army Engineers and the National Guards and Building Trades and unions to help us on this issue. , total people tested today, we are up to 10,000 people. Exponentiallyght higher than it was and continuing to grow. Positive cases up to 1300, new. Ositive, 432 number of counties with cases continues to grow. Added. S have been our cases are number one in the nation. Our number of deaths is up to 12. Of the cases are hospitalized, a hospitalization rate of 19 , higher than the normative hospitalization rate which is about 15 . The 19 is higher. Keep this all in focus with what we know, the facts we know what this disease does and what the impact is, which is the john hopkins study which has tracked every case since china. A couple of other points, then we will take questions. County, an today msi drivethrough Testing Office. We opened one in new rochelle that worked very well. Suffolkopen a drivethrough Testing Office and a Staten Island drivethrough Testing Office. We will set up the paid family leave bill to the legislature today. I believe we have a threeway agreement, and the provision for people quarantined. Also. L be doing that we will be opening a rockland drivethrough testing facility. Two other points. One, this is an extra ordinary. Ime in this nations history it will go down in the history books as one of those moments of true crisis and confusion and chaos. I lived through 9 11 and remember the fear in the panic that existed on 9 11, where a single moment your whole concept of life and society can be shaken, where you need to see government perform at its best, and people at their best. Verybody is afraid and nervous how you respond, how you act, this is a character test for all of us individually. It is a character test for us collectively as a society. What did you do with the moment . When all around you lost their head . Rudyard kipling. Hat is this moment what does government do in this moment . It steps up and performs. It does what it is supposed to do. Better than it has ever done it before. What does it not do . It does not engage in politics or partisanship, even if you are in the midst of an election season, even if you are at a moment in time in history where you have hyper partisanship, which we now have. The president of the united states, donald trump, it is essential that the federal Government Works with this state and this state works with the federal government. We cannot do this on our own. I have built airports and bridges, we have made this government do things it has never done before. This government has done somersaults, it has performed better than ever before. I am telling you this government withouteet this crisis the resources and capacity of the federal government. I spoke to the president this morning again. He is ready, willing, and able to help. He is speaking to members of his staff late last night, early this morning. We need their help especially on the Hospital Capacity issue. We need fema, it has tremendous resources. I know what they can do. I know what it army corps of engineers can do. They have a capacity we do not have. , who iso the president a new yorker, who i have known for many years, i put my hand out in partnership. I want to Work Together 100 . I need your help, i want your , and new yorkers will do everything they can to be good partners with the federal government. I think the president was 100 sincere saying he wanted to Work Together in partnership in the spirit of cooperation. The actions he has taken, evidence that his team has been on it. I know a team when they are on it and when they are not on it. His team has been on it, responsive late at night, early in the morning, and they have thus far been doing everything they can do, and i want to say thank you and i appreciate it, and they will have nothing but cooperation and partnership from the state of new york. We are not democrats or republicans, we are americans at the end of the day, that is who we are. That is who we are when we are at our best. This hypersensitivity about politics and reading every comment and wanting to pit one against the other, there is no time for this. The president is doing the right things in offering to step up with new york, and i appreciate it. New york will do the right thing in return

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