Gov. Kemp good afternoon, everyone. Let me thank you guys for being here. I certainly want to thank the general who was with us today. Homer bryson. Last to my left. And behind the cameras. We appreciate all that they have been doing with these many press conferences we have had. Before i get started i want to thank the faith leaders across our state and the many georgians that which is a painted in our day of prayer. This went well and certainly appreciate that. In our fight debated against covid19 we let we must continue to pray for health care workforce, our front care frontline workers and Law Enforcement nfl the fellow georgians. Casestoday we had 23,773 2 fatalities and we continue to keep those folks as well as their families and communities in our thoughts and prayers. ,169ave given a total of 127 tests and through the leadership of the Public Health department, the National Guard, our gustaership with au university, walmart, walgreens and others are testing numbers are quickly increasing but we realize we have to continue to do more. As of this morning, georgia ranks 13th among states in territories in the total number for per capita testing we are now 36 overall. In less than one week, georgia has moved from 42nd in testing to 36. But we still have work to do and we will continue to keep fighting to improve testing access as well as capacity. Beginning, we have launched a Coronavirus Task force, and held our first press conference. We promise to lead with transparency and provide regular updates as we all fight this virus together. The department of Public Health has worked tirelessly to integrate information for testing, hospitalizations and transmission to keep the public informed. We realize that the team we can provide a more unified userfriendly platform for georgians in every corner of the state. Earlier today, we unveiled the new covid19 dashboard. It offers interactive reports that track emerging indicators, gross, rates of growth and outcomes of the covid19 interventions. Geo mapping supporter efforts to address hotspots. The dashboard also allows decisionmakers to evaluate to identifynarios vulnerable populations such as health care workers, the medically fragile, and communities with at risk populations. This data is prevented presented in multiple formats including an interactive maps consumers can see Key Statistics such as the incident rate for 100 thousand people in a countys population. Additionally charge and statistics display demographic information for individuals who have tested positive for covid19. Information will be updated hourly, but the total number of tests will continue to be updated twice a day. The new dashboard is accessible through the same website address but the format is easier to use. Have said many times, the expansion of testing is key in our fight against covid19. Has workedthe state closely with private labs and local Health Department to address the need for more testing and ramp up capacity in every region of our state. Withverage partnerships cvs, walmart in walgreens and open more testing sites. Last week we launched our new augustaship with university for free statewide screening and testing by leveraging the power of telemedicine. Since then the University Health 9 screeningsd 205 with its clinicians and referred 473 fornded georges covid19 testing or 73 for covid19 testing. We have the test, we have the physicians, we have the site and we have the bandwidth. What we need now is more georgians to participate. Right now all symptomatic georgians can take advantage of this resource. I am calling on anyone who is experiencing symptoms, consistent with covid19 to take us up on this offer. According to the center for disease control, the following symptoms are consistent with coronavirus infection. To to 14 daysr after exposure. They are fever, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing. Headache,scle pain, sore to get a free screening by augusta University Health system, a doctor there, please visit augustahealth. Org or download the a. U. Health express care app on your smart phone or call this number, which weve given before, which is 7067211852. 7067211852. If you meet the criteria for testing, staff will contact you to schedule a test at one of the states designated locations near your home. From there, we will leverage the power of several key academic institutions in the state to process tests, including Augusta University, Georgia State university and the georgia Public Health lab. In roughly 72 hours, you will be able to access your test results via secure payment portal and a medical provider will contact you directly if you are positive. Since the start of the Public Health emergency, local Public Health test sites across georgia have collected more than 32,000 specimens for testing. Last week alone, by aggressively pushing for more testing, local departments collected 12,086 specimens for testing, a 64 increase from the previous week. Georgias Public Health departments now have 49 test sites open across our state. Yesterday, we also announced a partnership with walmart, etrue north and state and local officials to set up drivethru sites in communities with limited testing access. Beginning today, a mobile testing unit will now serve augusta, millageville, tipton and surrounding regions on a rotating basis. This unit will test georgians with symptoms of covid19 and Healthcare Providers and First Responders can be tested, whether they have symptoms or if they do not. Georgians can make an appointment at www. Doineedacovid19test. Com. Again, www. Doineedacovid19test. Com. And on site scheduling will also be available. We are grateful to walmart, etrue north and Community Leaders for their help to get this operation up and running. To prepare for patient surge, our hospitals have worked around the clock to identify hundreds more general use and Critical Care beds for covid19 treatment. Hospitals were able to identify hundreds more and as of this morning, we have 1,023 Critical Care beds available for patients across our state. It is the highest number of Critical Care beds that weve had available since hospitals began tracking this data. Ventilator use has also declined over the past few weeks. There are roughly 1,000 ventilators in use across georgia with more than 1,800 ventilators available for a total capacity of 2,800. Currently, there are nine recovering covid19 patients at the alternative care facility at the Georgia World Congress center. They were transferred from grady, emery and well star to open acute Care Hospital beds for incoming patients. We continue to coordinate with our hospitals to monitor capacity and if needed to accept noncritical or nonintensive care patients. In southwest georgia as you know, weve partnered with local leaders to build out phoebe north and albany for use by nearby Phoebe PutneyMemorial Hospital. Of the 12 icu rooms completed on april the 20th, 10 are currently occupied. And out of 30 general patient rooms that we have built, 19 are currently occupied. By april 29th, we expect to have an additional 29 rooms with a minimum of 15 new icu rooms. Although we are seeing declining transmission in the community, we will continue to identify opportunities for expanded access to ensure that locals have what they need to fight this virus. As i have mentioned previously, the state purchased four temporary hospital units to deploy to albany, rome, macon and gainesville. By may 6th, we will complete installation of units at phoebe, putney Memorial Hospital in albany, Floyd Medical Center in roan and navsent health in macon. Phoebe putney hospital bill gain 24 hospital bleeds. Beds. Floyd Medical Center in rome will gain six Critical Care beds and 14 General Hospital beds, and nav in macon will gain seven Critical Care beds and 17 General Hospital beds. By may 14th, when installation of the fourth unit is complete, northeast georgia Medical Center in gainesville will gain 10 Critical Care beds and 10 General Hospital beds. As you know across the nation, the coronavirus has had a devastating impact on longterm care facilities, putting vulnerable populations at risk and causing alarm among Public Health officials, healthcare professionals, and our families. Georgias battle with covid19 in these facilities continues to wage on and we are fighting it literally with everything in our power to keep the medically fragile and elderly out of harms way. As you know, on april the eighth, i signed an order mandating strict sanitation protocols and changes in existing living arrangements, including a ban on visitors, except for end of life circumstances, to stop the spread and improve conditions. The department of community of health has been working day and night to check for compliance and hold facilities accountable. Surveyors are contacting facilities daily to ensure theyre utilizing appropriate resources to safeguard residents as well as staff. The department is also publishing reports every monday through friday to show covid19 cases and fatalities in license facilities, giving families the transparency that they deserve to protect their loved ones. The department has also launched a temporary Nurse Aide Training Program to address staffing problems in longterm care. This program was established with the assistance from the Georgia Healthcare association and allied Health Solutions to provide quick onboarding for nurses aides needed to care for residents during this emergency period. I commend commissioner frank berry and his team for developing the resources for our georgia families. For weeks now, my team has worked closely with the Trump Administration and our federal counterparts to mitigate the impact of this virus in georgia. Our decisions and directives are informed by data and Public Health recommendations. And we remain focused on protecting the lives and the livelihoods of all georgians. To slow the spread of covid19 and prepare for hospital surge capacity, we ask georgians to shelter in place and close specific businesses throughout our state. Most businesses remain open with restrictions to ensure Community Health and wellbeing. We were successful in our efforts to protect georgians as well as our States Healthcare infrastructure. With favorable data and approval from health officials, we looked we took a measured step forward by opening many shuttered businesses throughout Georgia Center limited operations. And starting today, theaters may reopen and restaurants and dining rooms, including those at private social clubs which are allowed to resume, dinein services if they meet certain mandated criteria that will help continue to prevent the spread of covid19. Bars, night clubs, operators of Amusement Park rides and Live Performance venues will remain closed, and the shelter in place order remains, in effect, through april the 30th, 2020. Medically fragile and elderly georgians must continue to shelter in place until at least may the 13th and as we assess the situation, we will continue to provide updates. I would like to ask all georgians to help us double down on protecting our fellow vulnerable citizens. As you know, this disease has a wicked effect on these individuals and weve got to continue to raise awareness and take care of those folks and continue to combat the issues that were seeing in the longterm care facilities. Over the weekend, the department of Public Safety was on call to respond to complaints regarding compliance with the executive orders for specific businesses that were reopening. On saturday, none of our nine Georgia State patrol command centers reported any sustained complaints of noncompliance. On sunday, the Georgia State patrol received 12 calls with only two sustained complaints, both of which involved large gatherings. Officers used these opportunities to raise awareness about social distancing rules, as they have been doing for weeks now across our state, and im proud to say that both groups voluntarily dispersed. Georgians have been heeding the advice of our Public Health officials and our Law Enforcement to ensure the health and wellbeing of customers and workers. But we will continue to monitor compliance in every region of the state. And before i move on, i want to take a few minutes to thank all those in our Law Enforcement community for their work through this pandemic. Like our healthcare workers, they have worked long hours to keep our citizens safe in every zip code, and we appreciate their sacrifices. I hope you all will continue to keep them in your thoughts and prayers as well as those that are supporting them while theyre away from home. And please pray for the loved ones of fallen Smyrna Police officer Christopher Ewing who lost his life in the line of duty just a few days ago. He was certainly beloved by his community and he will be missed by them and us. Working with the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of commerce president and ceo santiago marquez who serves on our Outreach Community and insurance commissioner john king, we are strengthening efforts to inform georgias Latino Community about the risks of covid19. Partnering with the mexican consulate, general king and mr. Marquez, we will continue to actively engage communities across the our state starting in hall community. As other areas of our states have seen reduced transmissions of the virus, the gainesville area has experienced an increase in cases and our Hospital Partners in the area are seeing more hospitalizations. General king is on the ground there today speaking with leaders in the poultry industry to ensure that their workers understand the Public Health guidance and that we continue to Work Together to stop the spread. Under the leadership of general cardon, the Georgia National guard as you know has worked tirelessly to assist Emergency Response efforts across our state. Currently there are 3,145 soldiers, airmen, and state Defense Force personnel engaged in the covid19 response with Infection Control teams, medicalling support teams, food bank support, school lunch delivery, and general support teams as needs arise. Right now there are 978 personnel working in 69 Infection Control teams, assigned to decontaminate georgias 790 longterm care facilities, including Nursing Homes, assisted living facilities, personal care homes, Community Living arrangements, hospice and similar facilities. To date, these dedicated teams have provided critical support by sanitizing the facility and Training Staff on enhanced Infection Control protocols to 710 facilities, which is 90 of georgias longterm care facilities, with some that have received multiple visits. Given the heightened risk of adverse consequences for the medically fragile and elderly, this work by the guard is truly life saving. Their efforts have been highlighted by the Trump Administration as well as national, state, and local media and they have started to train other states on their practices. Their hard work, as you know, does not stop here. Right now, the guard has 206 personnel in 20 medical support teams deployed to 20 hospitals in georgia. Lending a helping hand to our Healthcare Workforce and necessary medical care to our patients. They have 190 personnel and seven hospital entry support teams which are deployed to conduct patient arrival screening at healthcare facilities. 170 soldiers are supporting eight food banks, loading and unloading shipments and packaging containers for distribution and at the Atlanta Community food bank, supporting the movement of 6 Million Pounds of food, the equivalent of 5 million meals. There are over 55 Service Members helping with school lunch deliv