Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 05042020 20240713 :

CSPAN Washington Journal August 20, 0505

Central part of the country. 202 7488001 for the Mountain Time zone. Send us a text, tell us where you are texting from and your name at 202 7488003. We also welcome your comments on twitter and on facebook, facebook. Com cspan. In many parts of the country, decent weather over the weekend, drawing people out, combined with looser restrictions in some states. An Associated Press story and the Washington Times, wellbehaved crowds coming to beaches and parks. Everyoneweather to seemed to cooperate at an oceanfront park on saturday as new jersey reopened its state parks, people itching to get sand between their toes after months of being cooped up. Island beach state park was among the parks to reopen, drawing several hundred to a beach that routinely handles thousands during the summer. Hours, almost all of the crowd stated six feet apart. They also right that the new jersey governor said he was pleased with the initial reports, not only from the beachfront park, but other state resorts and that opened on saturday. Donald trump of the Lincoln Memorial in washington, some reporting on that from the Washington Post. The headline, the president reassures the u. S. It is safe for the states to open. The president sought to reassure americans it is safer for states to reopen among amid the pandemic, offering support to protesters who rallied across the country. He said it is possible to satisfy both the antilinktone lockdown on protesters and there afraid to resume public life. He noted americans were wearing face masks and said that you will have to do that for a while, even as states reopen. Your thoughts, your situation in your state has your state reopened or loosened restrictions . Give us a call at 202 7488000 in the eastern and central time zones. 202 7488001 for mountain and pacific. Here is what the president said last night in that fox interview. Clip] new jersey is opening up golf courses, beaches are opening, parks are opening. At some point we have to open our country and people will be safe. We have learned a lot, we have learned about the contagion. We have no choice, we cannot stay closed. We will not have a country left. Host part of the call with fox last night. Additional reporting on that from the Washington Times, trump told congress not a big deal. U. S. Deaths of his 66,000. In the Washington Times, President Trump received his first intelligence briefing on the virus on january 23, and his advisors told him it was not a big deal. I was told there could be a virus coming in, but it was no it was not of real importance, he said in a townhome meeting posted by hosted by fox news. It was a brief conversation. They said it was not a big deal. Critics have accused mr. Trump of being slow to recognize the dangers of covid19, writing the democrats are making a Campaign Issue at over handling of the pandemic, saying he acted too slowly. Mr. Trump said that more than one Million People could have died if he had not taken the actions he did. The president noted he closed air travel from china on january 31, except for u. S. Citizens returning from that country. He said the white house released at the details of the Intelligence Briefings on the virus on monday, today. To your calls, first to joe in georgia. Good morning. Caller i love cspan. I want to say thank you. Larry kudlow, he got off fox Business News and he said that georgia was going to lead the way in the recovery. And brian kemp of georgia, the fifth best governor and i agree with that, he is a great governor. He opened up georgia this weekend and people are going out, but they are keeping their distancing. We just feel great in georgia about everything and we are i say all, but most people think that trump is the best person in history, so we are really fired up and we appreciate the job that cspan is doing. And we are real happy in georgia. We think that brian kemp is the greatest governor. And, anyway, we are excited and we appreciate the job that cspan is doing. Host cnn is tracking the states and where they are in the process of opening up. Governor kemp started to ease restrictions on the 24th, gyms, barbers, hair salons, massage therapists, etc. , were allowed to open on the 24th, theaters and restaurants on the 27th. Caveats included social distancing, screening employees. Now a call from teresa. Caller hello. Host good morning. Caller thank you for taking michael. Call. A for taking my i have a comment. Illinois is not opening up at all. I three appointments for physicals. m not allowed to see my doctor. They canceled my appointment three times. I am not allowed to see my dentist. The last thing that happened, i tried to get my car serviced, a nd they told me that at the age of 80 i had to stand outside and wait for them to do that in a neighborhood that is not safe. Do i want to get the virus or do i want to get mugged . When they make laws that are so dangerous to senior citizens, i and we have no choice. Our doctors are ordered not to let us in. Our dentists are ordered not to work. Our car dealers are told that we cannot wait indoors in a comfortable waiting room, we have to wait outside in a dangerous neighborhood. I just think that this is about the most ridiculous laws that they are imposing on us. Host on cnn, a report they are tracking the governor of illinois who issued a modified order that went into effect on may 1, and extends until the end of the month, allowing more flexibility for where it is safe to do so. According to the governor, this is what people are saying on facebook. ,teve says stan says Governor Wolf relaxed restrictions in pennsylvania, but threatened to punish people for not wearing masks. You are wearing a mask, does it matter if i am . Nebraska never closed. Restrictions are lifted for hair salons and restaurants. We have seen the largest bike in positive cases these past couple days, she says. Opening and exposing more people makes good sense. Really, i hope people protect themselves, as by doing so others are protected. Chuck says georgia has completely open, god help us all. And another reviewer says, the restrictions are for your health and for your neighbors. Also astounding how, many people want to march toward death by opening prematurely. Jim says the traffic on the lake yesterday looked like memorial day weekend. Everybody was out. There was bright sunshine and temperatures in the 80s. Baltimore sun piece that rain over the weekend about Governor Hogan. Representative harris, the headline, he compares marilyn deter north korea. They protest the restrictions. Zens demonstrated again on the stayathome order, with a caravan from western maryland into the eastern shore. They plan to the protest against the governors mandate after holding one in annapolis last month. The stayathome order is part of the governors measure to deter the spread of the virus. , in america have been told i cannot practice my religion in the state and it has decided that my religion is essential or nonessential. The speech was broadcast on facebook, the Facebook Page of patriot picking. I did not wake up in communist china or north korea, and tomorrow morning i should be able to go to the church of my choice and worship the way i choose. Governor hogan yesterday, on one of the sunday shows, responded. [video clip] i think everybody has a right to protest and express their feelings. A couple dozen people did so yesterday. And they have every right to do that. Sadly, we had more people died yesterday in maryland than protesters. Congressman harris, i am not sure where he woke up yesterday, but maybe he confused north korea and south korea. South korea is doing a great job on testing. We just save the lives of thousands by getting those tests from korea. I do not have a further,. He obviously has the right to say whatever he wants to say, but i do not really need to respond to him. Host that was governor larry hogan of maryland yesterday on state of the union. Congress returns today, at least half of it, returning for legislative work this afternoon. We are joined by alex bolton. Alex bolton, why the senate and not the house . The house was supposed to return today. Guest that is right, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the House Majority leader changed their minds after getting advice from the attending physician, who said it is not safe. And noted the differences between the senate and house in 435 houseize, with members coming back. Llawmakers would be forced to be in closer proximity than in the senate. The senate with 100 members, precautions can be taken and will be taken to lengthen the votes, to have senators at meetings with three at a table for instance. So they feel social distancing can happen there, but with a larger body it cannot. Host your headline reflects what we will see when the senate comes back. The senate faces a floor fight over judges and pandemic safety concerns. Back to the nominations today then . Thet there is a lot on schedule, nominations. The will be voting on Inspector General for the regulatory commission. Level,the community there will be a hearing on tuesday for brian millers nomination to be special Inspector General for pandemic recovery. Nomination for assistant secretary of department of housing and urban development. To be the commissioner there. On tuesday, the senate will hold a hearing on the director of National Intelligence position. And there will be other nominations. The Judiciary Committee will have a hearing on nominees, we do not know who is coming up yet. The chairman has not said. The suspicion is justin walker, circuitnee to the d. C. Court of appeals will have his hearing, if not this week, soon. This is thecond second most powerful court in the land and the Bar Association has said he is not qualified because of his lack of litigation experience. He does support Mitch Mcconnell and he is a protege of the house. Host back to the coronavirus may see discussion over additional aid. They have been talking about it while the senate was away. A call for additional aid for state funding to help bailout the states in the midst of the crisis. You say it underscores the difference between Mitch Mcconnell and Chuck Schumer, what are the two views that are competing against each other . Guest they are quite fire part far apart. Nancy pelosi came out with a 1 trillion request for state aid last week, during the cares act negotiation. The democrats asked for more than 700 million. And Mitch Mcconnell only agreed 150 150 billion in billion in the first care act. April, negotiated, in when Chuck Schumer pushed hard for state funding and Mitch Mcconnell refused to budge. While Mitch Mcconnell said we will consider more state funding down the road, it is possible he is requiring that that package include Liability Protection for all employers. That will be a major fight on capitol hill. Chuck schumer has dismissed that. Ane thing he raised is if employer requires workers to work within six feet, in violation of social distancing and do not have proper equipment, they should be subject to being sued. That is something he will not give ground on. So i think that is why we can expect the negotiations in the next round of Coronavirus Relief legislation, cares act ii, will take a while. Ppp, kudlow says that the the Popular Small Business program, and paycheck protection funds, food need another infusion. It has already gotten more than 600 billion from congress, but that money is fast going out the door. That may perhaps inspire talks from smaller of a smaller package focused on just Small Business lending program, but anything along the lines of 2. 0, which pelosi has talked about, would include state aid it will probably take weeks to put together, given the differences. , about house safety on capitol hill. The senate is obviously a body with an older average age of members, so has there been discussion from members indicating they would feel unsafe coming back to take part into the abrasions . In the deliberations . Guest Mitch Mcconnell has been the strongest in pushing for members to come back. He wants them to be physically present, not virtually present. Senate republicans will hold everything in person this week, although in a larger room, three senators to a table. Democrats will have to continue to do with they did in march, which is take their calls via Conference Call, so they will not be gathering for lunches as they did before the pandemic. N it comes to voting, everybody has to show up to vote. Just how Many Democrats show up for a trump nominee, we will see. But if it is Something Like just a walker, i bet all the democrats or almost all of them will show up, unless they have health conditions. You will see more republicans than democrats on the hill this week, but with the big votes you will see a vast majority of the chamber show up. Host alex bolton, we appreciate your insight. Guest thanks. Host back to your calls and comments. Over the weekend, states loosening restrictions. What is the experience in your state . Has it loosened restrictions . Has it reopened . 202 7488000 for eastern and central time zones. 202 7488001 mountain and pacific. We go to cleveland to hear from dan. Caller good morning, how are you . Host fine, thank you. Caller i wanted to let you know how things are going in ohio. We are starting to loosen up things. I still cannot get a haircut. It has been two months. We deal with it. Governor dewine is doing a good job and i give him a a lot of of credit. He tried to go by the federal guidelines, along with making his own decisions. Think it is amazing how you see other states, how things are going. It seems like that is closer to democratic communism to me. People have to take responsibility for your own lif e. Do what you think is right. We are in thist predicament, but that is all i have to say. Int mike in apollo mary apollo, pennsylvania. Caller good morning. Let me reply to the guy on the phone. Next door,nsylvania, and this is how crazy the situation has been. We do not have we have more restrictions. Im in an area where i can get in a car and i could be in ohio in an hour and a half. It is no wonder we are all over the place in terms of a device from state governments. The federal government should be leading in a case like this and they should be leading on advice from the cdc, which they probably would have if they had not gotten rid of the Rapid Response force, if donald trump had not early on. It is no order states are all over the place and confuse. Donald trump said even in february that younger people could go back to work. He had a hunch it was not going to be as bad as it apparently is. And that guy who says people have to do with they think is right, you know, based on what . This is a decision for medical experts. Why do we have experts if we are not going to listen to them . Donald trump thinks he is an isert on everything, that why he recommended household cleaner as a possible solution, as a possible drug to get rid of the pandemic. He just you cannot talk off the top of your head and like the guy before me said, do what you think is right. You have to Pay Attention to statistics, to the death rate. Seemld and the poor just to be disposable, they are the ones getting ill. They are the ones showing up in the morgue. If we hadt, you know, had better leadership i think both democratic and republican governors would not be so much all over the place. Host we go to russ in connecticut. Caller i am going to prove it a little bit pivot a little bit from my original,. Comment. Ginal i was going to talk about the governor in michigan who said she saw swastikas. I do not understand how anybody in a crowd, the people in the crowd would not have looked at anybody carrying a swastika and say, get out of here. Whats far about reopening, i wish he would have for a segment, get three people there a black person, asian person and hispanic person who cannot pay their bills, lost their jobs. Get them in as guests and restricted segment to just people who lost their jobs and find out how frustrating your life has to be, because they are the forgotten people here. Have 30le who we Million People now who cannot pay even their rent or mortgage, somehave gone months and of them will continue. They are forgotten. I wish he would have a whole segment with people like that and give them a chance to talk about how frustrating their lives have become. And restrict the calls, not the people like me, who are all set and most of the callers who are doing fine. Let them call. Host we appreciate that. We have done that segment, and given the nature of the shutdowns across the country we will continue to do that. Russ mentioned protests in michigan at the state capital. Asked about that on sunday by chris wallace. [video clip] some of the outrageousness of what happened at the capital this week depicted some of the worst racism and awful parts of our history in this country. The confederate flags and nooses, the swastikas, you know, the behavior you have seen in the clips, is not representative of who we are in michigan. The fact of the matter is, we are in a global pandemic. This is not something that we negotiate ourselves out of it and it is a political matter. This is a Public Health crisis that has taken the lives of 70,000 americans. It has put 30 Million People into unemployment. We have lost in the last 24 hours almost the same number of americans killed on 9 11, that is the last 24 hours. We need to

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