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[singing] [organ music] [singing] [choir singing] [organ music] [choir singing] this is a celebration of life for george floyd. We are in celebration of life for our brother. [singing] [singing] [choir singing] [choir singing] [organ music] [applause] [organ music] please be seated at this moment so that the family may enter. As you are seated, please respect social distancing. Appreciated. Ly god bless you and thank you. [organ music] please move to your seats swiftly so the service may begin to honor the memory and legacy of mr. George floyd. Your presence here is greatly appreciated. We are asking everyone please be seated at this time. Lived up thine eyes into the hills. My help comes from the lord. Suffer he they keep its made shall not slumber, behold he they keep its israel shall not slumber nor sleep for the lord is the keeper. The lord is the shade on my right hand. Lord shall preserve the from all evil. He shall preserve thy soul. The lord shall preserve thy going out and coming in. From this time forward even forevermore. In the sick is sacred place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. He is my refuge and my fortress. He is my god. In him will i trust. Me. Ly, he shall deliver hishall cover me with brothers and underneath his wings shall i trust. History shall be my shield. The shall not be afraid of the arrow by day nor the pestilence that walked in darkness nor the destruction that wasted as noonday. Thousands shall fall by the side. 10,000 by the right hand. But it shall not come near you. Oh lord you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth even though has formed the earth and of the world, thou art god. I will bless the lord at all times. Phrases shall continually be didactic. Thy bounty. For god is our refuge and strength. A very present help in time of trouble. ,herefore, we will not fear though the earth be removed, though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea, though the waters be raw and troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof, there is a river streams shall make glad the city of our god. Holy places of the tabernacle of the most high. God is in the midst of earth. She shall not be moved. God shall help her. [singing] for the earth is the lord. World that dwell therein, he has founded upon the city and established it. Ascend, whoshall shall stand it is holy place. He who has clean hands and a pure heart. He shall receive the blessings of the lord. Righteousness from the god of his salvation. This is the generation of them that seek him. That seek by faith in jacob. Lift up your hands. Lord. Ted up everlasting king of glory shall come in. Who is this king of glory . Lord strong and mighty. The lord mighty in battle. Lift up your hands. Be lifted up. The king of glory shall come in. Who is this king of glory . The lord of hosts, he is the king. For god is our refuge and strength. A very present help in a time of trouble. Therefore, we will not fear. Though the earth be removed and the mountains be carried into though the sea,. Ountains shake bless him lord. Strengthen him lord. [singing] [singing] [choir singing] george floyd [choir singing] [choir singing] [choir singing] [choir singing] [choir singing] [choir singing] [organ music] [organ music] [choir singing] [choir singing] [choir singing] we have a lot of people still getting in here, we have been asked so much for social distancing today. Obviously, there are a lot more people than i thought. If you are in the house today without a mask, you need to get a mask or you cannot stay in the house. Amen. [applause] i say this all the time. I believe that the church is an essential place of worship, but our people are not expendable. We need to be sensitive to that. If you can, keep some space between you or someone else, especially if you did not come in a family setting. We ask that you keep moving right on through. He is the keeper of my soul. [choir singing] [choir singing] [choir singing] men, you may be seated. We give honor to god who is the head of our lives and we greet each other everyone of you who are watching by way of television and stream on those of you who are here. T observe the ongoing celebration of brother george floyd and certainly let me say that his family, our hearts and prayers are with you, we trust that god will strengthen you. In times like these, we need a savior in times like these, we need an anchor. Be very sure that your anchor holds and grips the solid rock. We want to bring greetings to everyone who is within the sanctuary walls as well as those watching via stream or some platform today. I am reminded of the Summers Family and a time of trouble and he said, this poor man called out. And he lord heard him saved him out of all of his troubles. Those whoamps around fear him and he delivers them. His word is what helps me and blesses me in such a manner that i can never move out of my pain without remembering this, that the lord is close to the brokenhearted and he saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 37 giving hope to the floyd family and all that are here, to our of the people, to the clergy and the leaders of faith in our committee and dignitaries on elected officials who are here and everyone who has taken time to join us by stream. We are all connected. This is a moment of conductivity. God hasa moment which gathered people are all around the world to connect us around the life of brother george harry floyd. Listen, today there is a few things we want to encourage you to expect. Can we help you today . We ask you to keep your mask on within the sanctuary. If anyone is in distress, you can stop raise your hand and our ushersules will help you. In the tradition of an advocate american church, this will be an ongoing celebration. I want to say it again, this will be an ongoing celebration of brother George Floyds life. That means footstomping, toetapping and praising god. We are celebrating his life. Just before we begin this homegoing celebration, let me thank publicly all of those people that helped make this come to pass. I want to begin with esquire benjamin crump. Thank you for watching over this family. In times of devastation, someone has to stand up and take the lead and thank god you have done just that, brother. And also the reverend al sharpton, thank you through North Carolina and minneapolis, continuing to sound the trumpet and let people know that this is about injustice and we want to see justice served. And then locally come i want to thank our mayor and mayor pro tem who have done a wonderful job in making all of the resources of this city available to have the viewing yesterday. We had a viewing yesterday with tens of thousands of people that came through these doors. And it came off without a hitch because we made sure hpd was here and the Fire Department and people were here who were emt specialists. We had people from everywhere giving out water for all of those that donated your services, your resources, we want to thank you on behalf of this family. We thank you, thank you, thank you. To brother george anderson, our chief operating officer of the church and brother dallas jones working together in tandem to make sure everything was pulled together, thank you. This is an enormous task. This is a gigantic responsibility. And for people that look at it and think i would not have done it this way, you dont know how you would have done it if you had this many people. [applause] this many people funneling through your doors but thank god we did not have any problems. Everybody was respectful, everybody was sensitive to what the family is facing and we are just glad to know that we have such a great team here in houston. I think we are ready to have some church. Its time for us to celebrate his life. We may weep, we may mourn, but we will find comfort. We want to follow the program that has printed but for those who do not have programs, the musical selection will be less led by pastor kim burrell and the singers have blessed us already. Reverend Arthur Rucker will do a part of the scriptural reading, the Old Testament. Of greater st. Matthew Baptist Church in houston will read from the new testament. Reverend dr. Mary white will lead who leads the prison ministry, she will offer prayer of comfort to the family. After which, there will be a Video Montage that i think all of you will enjoy. In that order, we are asking you to say amen. As historical as this is, we recognize this is a real family with real feelings. There are a lot of us in here who are in that position and it hurt. We want you to know the moment the world announced that george floyd had left the earth physically. We became family. Everyone in this room just center our love around this family because no one needs to her to live it, to have a loved one leave. We stand here and celebrate his life. But i want to leave you with these words do not dismay , whatever be time. He will take care of all of you. God bless you floyd family. Giving honor to the family, george floyd, to the dignitaries in the house and all of the clergy and to the great pastor of this house, we offer you the reading of the word in the Old Testament according to the book of amos. Verser five, beginning at 16. Therefore the lord, the god of hosts will come of hosts, the lord saith thus whaling shall be in all the say in on the shell all all the highways, alas, alas. And they shall all call the farmer to morning and such as are skill over our skillful lamentation to whaling and all the vineyards shall be wailing for i will pass through these, saith the lord. To you who desire the day of the lord, to what end is it for you, the day of the lord is darkness and not light. Man flee from alliant in a bear met him or went into the house and leaned his hand on the wall and a serpent fit him. Shall not the day of the lord be darkness and not light even very dark and no brightness in it. I hate and despise your feast and will not take the light in your solemn assembly. Though you offer me burnt offerings and your meal offerings, i will not accept them. Neither will i regard the piece. Take away for me the noise of your song for i will not hear the melody of your harps but let justice run down like waters in righteousness like a mighty stream and this is the word of the lord. Thanks be unto god. , Pastore Floyd family ronnie booker, want you to know we are still praying for you. God hasyou to know that the himself available to in person of jesus christ to help you in times like these. God bless you. Thessalonians, chapter four, beginning at verse 13 but i would not help you to be ignorant, brethren and consigning them that are asleep that ye sorrow not given that others who have no hope. For we believe that jesus died and rose again. Even so also them which sleep in jesus will god bring with him. For they say unto you, by the we remain untod, the coming of the lord shall not event them which are asleep. For the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout , with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of god and the dead in and christ will rise first. Then we reach our lives and remains shall be called us together to meet the lord in their so shall we ever be with the lord. Comfort one another with these words. God bless you. To all of the dignitaries and our pastor in the sanctuary for the celebration. Acknowledge sherita who was a valued member of our prison ministry. We had letters coming from those who are incarcerated and as far away as angola, louisiana because of what shes done for the kingdom. In a momentou love of prayer, gather with me, lets talk to god for a minute. My hands toretch father, no other help do i know and god, if you withdraw yourself from us, where shall we go . We acknowledge you as the master, the creator, the sovereign god, the ruler, the god that is higher than high, more majestic than majesty, greater than great, more loving than love itself. God, you were god and your sovereign. We welcome your presence thats already in this place. Master, we thank you for the celebration, we thank you for the life of george floyd, that at a moment when he called out for his mama, we believed the ears of mamas across the nation, that the ears of mamas across the world heard him cry even though for one mama, all mamas begin to weep. Begin to wail for our grandchildren. We wailed for men across this world because of one mamas call, god thank you. Thank you, god today, master. We thank you for what you are doing in this place, father. I ask that you would ignite upon us cloven tongues. Because cloven tongues of fire were to and declared righteousness. But fiery tons come out in anger, ignite in tongues of fire. God, right now, we are in a singge land and how can we in a strange land . I can sing because i know who rains. We can sing because we know who god is, where god is and what. God is about thats how we can sing in a strange land. God, its a strange land when we have to make a law to have empathy for her brothers and sisters. The empathy is not self mende vetted but it has not become motivated. God help us in this place today. We pray for the family of george hasd who time after time borne private grief in public places. I remember you said you bore our grief, you bore our sorrows. The name of jesus, remind him of your everlasting arms, remind him that this shall be in ebenezer, a time of remembrance, the shall be up to everybody to remind the nation that this is our ebenezer. We speak and we decree and we declaim that right now, lord, there shall be justice. Right now, there shall be a remnant you have raised up. Lord god, give them strength of this time of sorrow, encourage them and put your arms around them and let them know that my god is here, that my god is a we willr and above all, celebrate, we will remember these days and we will call on god because our god shall come with a vengeance. Will avenge us. Our god will come. Hail to king jesus. We believe it. In, we lay hands on it jesuss name amen. [choir singing] god bless us all. Brother, that shows true skills right there. Thank you, amen and for that wonderful selection. At this time, we are going to have resolutions read by one of the daughters of this house. She has gone on to do some phenomenal things for god and gods blessing her all over the world i speak of not other than iv mcgregor. Greet her with a hearty amen right now. [applause] you, pastor wright and copastor me aright and certainly to this family, to reverend sharpton and for all dignitaries and to all officials. To the family, on behalf of the fountain of praise church, our prayer for the family in this season and this unexpected time is to draw comfort from the fact that while this incident in the untimely incident, it is no surprise to the heavenly father, the bible says in psalms 46 and one, god is our refuge and strength. In trouble. Help we stand fast in our faith that in her bracesyou to prop you on every leaning side. May you feel the closeness of his comfort in the warmth of his presence as you cope with his heart rendering transition. We are praying for you. We are interceding on your behalf and want each of you to know that our love extends to you from houston to all parts of the world. Mcgee tate, a spiritual daughter of this house, or family members and all of the family members, we await the joy that comes in the morning after the weeping season. The bible says that our god will wipe away all tears from your eyes and soon, your sorrow shall be swallowed up in joy. This is given on behalf of mia right. Us and in his own way and for his own purpose, god has reached down into his garden to pluck one of his fair flowers. Recently, god called the spirit of a recently departed george home to be with him throughout eternity. Whereas, we the officers and the members of the greater st. Matthew Baptist Church, desire to express our love and respect to our departed brother. We make these resolutions a copy which will be kept in our records. Butte also resolved that even as we mourn his departure, we resign to the will of an allknowing and kind heavenly father. We sure the family of the deceased that they have everlasting, heartfelt sympathies. This is on behalf of the greater st. Matthew Baptist Church, reverend Ronald Booker senior, senior pastor. On behalf of jack yates, senior high school, the resolution is 1993. Orge floyd, class of where as we are deeply saddened by the passing of our beloved jack yates lien, george floyd, whom the father has called from labor to reward. Where as george floyd was a member of the legendary jack ates class of 1993, was respected leader among all liens, served with character and distinction as an athletic, gifted member of the mighty lyons, 19 92, runnerup state Championship Football Team as the starting tight end and was a member of the highperforming mighty lyons Basketball Team who inch at a six foot, six power forward, able to dunk with both hands and whereas, george floyd lovingly known as big floyd and the gentle giant, was steadfast in his kindness and devotion to helping his fellow jackie eights liens succeed ofough his genuine example love, faith and generosity. Floyd has left a legacy of love, loyalty and service to dear old Jackie Jack Yates high that will live on forever in our hearts. Be it resolved that Jack Yates Senior High School embraces the floyd family because of the love that we share. George floyd and his big smile and sense of humor can never be replaced but his legacy as a , as aa father, a brother friend will be honored each time his family jack yates alumni are gathered. His beloved Third Ward Community and friends and all other standup and fight for justice in his name, humbly submitted on the this ninth day of june by the Jack Yates Senior High School. [applause] the family of george floyd like to acknowledge the message of solidarity resolution and visual excellency, the president of ghana. During the memorial yesterday, a video produced by the people of ghana was broadcast for thousands of mourners as they pay their final respects to mr. Floyd. The family is honored by the president , the decision to have mr. Floyds name permanently mounted in the historic wall at the Diaspora African Forum and Dubois Center in africa. They are grateful that the country of ghana stands with the floyd family on the struggle of all families to change the status quo of racism and prejudice. The family is deeply moved by the generous act of the ghanaian government to solidify George Floyds legacy. There have been countless other acknowledgments and resolutions. Naacpsenator west, houston branch, rodney ellis, commissioner harris, the Church Without walls, the seventh day the louisianach, state senator, michael q biz, texas state university, state representative ron reynolds, Los Angeles Police department, city of los angeles, Houston Community college, poem submitted by melinda woods, houston city councilmember, mila countyna judgea and countless others. , and we hope on behalf of pastor wright and copastor mia right in the fountain of praise church, we hope that the words that have been spoken in the words that have been written will bring you comfort in the days to come and while the world has been shaken and awakened by three words that your dearly beloved george floyd spoke, i leave with you one word, his final words which was breed and breed is not passive. Breed is active. Accel, is inhale and to be alive and so we stay with his family as you breathe, we breed with you, god bless you. [applause]. This is a promise, i will not leave you. I will not leave you. Even if you are feeling alone right now, that is a lie. I will not leave you. Said, i will not leave you. Neither will i, god said to you. You. L not forsake god is with us. Now, sayingight that last line with me. Us. With [applause] come onrch church, say amen. I tell her all the time, she is houstons modernday mahalia jackson. She empties churches across the country with her anointed gift. Tothis time, we are honored have our dignitary speak. Ifore i ask them to come up, would ask all of the political dignitaries to stand, just for a moment. Ellis commissioner rodney and many others. Yes. Yes, the former mayor, his father, and so many others. Let me let us thank god for your service, each and every one. At this time the program calls for a video by Vice President joe biden, and then we will hear and ourgreen, congresswoman, Sheila Jackson lee, and finally the mayor of the city, in this in that order. God bless you. Hello everyone, in this day of prayer when we try to understand our day of pain. We know the deep hole in your heart when you bury a piece of your soul, deep in this earth. , weso, i will said to you know, we know that you will never feel the same again. What you feele, now will turn day after day, season after season into purpose of the memory of the one you lost, but for you, that day has come before you can fully grieve. Grieveike most, you must in public, and it is a burden. A burden that is now your purpose to change the world for the better, in the name of george floyd. Like so many others, i have watched in awe as you summon the courage to channel gods grace and show the good man that george was. To move millions to act peacefully and purposely. Among all the people who feel connected to this tragedy, are the ones who lost something that can never be replaced. To georges children and grandchild, i know you miss your dad and granddad. As i said when i saw you yesterday, you are so brave. Daddy is looking down so proud theou, and i know you miss bear hug that only you can give, the pure joy of riding on his shoulders so you can touch the sky. The countless hours that he spent playing any game that you wanted because your smile and laugh was the only thing that mattered. I know you have a lot of questions, no question no child should have to ask questions that too many black children have had to ask for generations. Why . Why is daddy gone . We should also be asking ourselves why is the answer too cruel or painful. Must to many black americans know that they will get little for life in the course of living their life. Why does not justice roll like a river or righteousness like a mighty stream. We cannot gentlemen, turn away, we must not turn away, we cannot leave this moment thinking that we can once again turn away from racism that stings at our very soul. From systemic abuse that still plays plagues american life. As Thurgood Marshall employed, america must descend from indifference, from fear, hatred, and mistrust. We must descend because america can do better, and america has no choice but to do better. I grew up with catholic social doctrine which told me the state that you would know us by what we do. Ladies and gentlemen, we have to deal with the denial and the promise of this nation to so many people for so long. Are, and whoho we we want to be. Womenure that all men and are not only created equal, but are treated equally. Pain, notr the callous the heart and forget. I want you to speak to to everything there is a time and a purpose, and a season under the heavens, but today, now is the time, the purpose, the season to listen and heal. Now is the time for Racial Justice, that is the answer we must give to our children when they ask why. Because when there is justice for george floyd, we will be on our way to Racial Justice in america, and then, as you said, then daddy will have changed the world. God be with you, george floyd and your family, in the words of church, may he wings,ou up on eagles bare you on the breath of don, make you shine like the sun, breath of dawn, make you shine like the sun, and hold you in the palm of his hand. God bless you all. [applause] to this family, the floyd reverend al sharpton, hopeless, helpe for the helpless and power to think you merit some love for all the things that you do. [applause] to the attorney who takes on the cases that many people were conclude our loss causes, but becauset, and you win you fight, i think you deserve some love. Just a few more. We are honored here today in the ninth Congressional District to of thee chairperson conscience of the congress, the honorable karen bass is with us and she has conversed some traversed some distance. Would you please stand . I would like all the congresspeople who are here to stand. Show them some love. My colleague, jackson lee is here. Thank you. , my dear friend and fraternity brother. To judge haldol go, the Commission Held although commissioners, and all members of the council, and i want to say a special word about another Great American meanss, one whose name help her of humankind. King,o was there with dr. One who is the father of the civil rights Route Movement in houston, texas, one that we knew know and love. Alexander loveland, is in the house today. Alexander,le william lawson. I missed commissioners ellis and garcia, to you as well, dear brothers. To the friends and family, again. I am not here today as a democrat. We are not here is republicans, we are not here because we are rich, poor, conservative, or liberal. We are here because, pastor remus wright was said was right when he said we had no expendables in our community. George floyd was not expendable, this is why we were here. Bornrime was that he was black. That was his only crime. Deserved the dignity and the respect that we accord all people simply because they are children of a common god and it is very unfortunate that we have to be here, so you will sell up so we will celebrate the life of george floyd today. To the family, it is important that i say this to you, we who are here today are here to say that we stand with you. You, let ushere for let them know that they are not alone. Let us give them some love. Let us say to this family, we are here to stay. Say it to the family. Give them some love, the family. [applause] i believe you can do better than that. If you love them, and know it, stand up and show it. Let it be clear that we are there for them and we will make it clear to the world that they are not going to suffer, because we are going to support them. [applause] finally, this. Theers of congress have privilege of having flags flown over the capitol, we do it for important in cages occasions and people. I had you to know this, this flag flown over the capitol because i want the United States of america to respect george floyd. [applause] that is why this flag was flown. I want the United States of america to show him the respect that he regionally richly earned simply because he was born in this country, he is a human being, and because he is not expendable. That is why this flag was flown. And, i have a resolution that will be presented to the family. This resolution will become part of the records of the congress of the United States of america. [applause] is going to say to those who look through the vista of time that at this time there lived one among us who was a child of god, who was taken on timely, but we are going to make sure that those who look through time will know that he made a difference within his time because he changed not only this country, not only the United States, change the world, george floyd changed the world. The worldng to make know that he made a difference. Dear brothers and sisters, we have a duty, responsibility, and obligation not to allow this to be like the other times. We have a responsibility to not floyd, but to all of those other persons, Breonna Taylor [applause] yes. We have a responsibility to each that wehem to make sure after walk away today having celebrated his life, and not taken the next step to commemorate and ensure that future generations that this will not happen again. It is time. Ancestors, the Congressional Black Caucus thehers and sisters, Congressional Black Caucus has done something. We have now a law that makes it against the law to put your foot on the neck of a person. It is against the law. [applause] law,nnot have a no knock it is against the law. You will have to wear your body cameras, it is against the law. The Congressional Black Caucus is making a difference. But i believe there is one thing we ought to do to make a difference. We have got to have reconciliation. This country has not reconciled its differences with us. Foot we survived segregation and we did not reconciled. It is time for a department of reconciliation in the highest land, and the highest office to have someone who will make it his or her business to seek reconciliation for black people in the United States of america every day in this life. That is what this is about. It is time for us to reconcile. We need a department of reconciliation. God bless you, god bless the United States of america. Just before Sheila Jackson lee comes, we have a great time at the cemetery for 3 00, and i want us to be conscious of the fact that we have a long, drawnout program and i want to give the guest speaker an opportunity to have what he has to say, i want to give the family the opportunity to say what they have to say, and the preachers on program to say what they have to say, so i am asking all of you if you will be brief, brothers and sisters. Amen, amen. We have to get through this. We have to get to the cemetery before 3 00, and that is a long entourage going that way. I am asking you to be sensitive to everybody coming behind you. Let us try and keep it to the two minute rule. I am going to forgo my remarks today. I can speak to the family at a later time and encourage them, and i want to give an opportunity to make sure that all of the familys requests are met. When i ask you to come forward, please be sensitive to two minutes. Ok. God bless you, and god bless your courage yall. This is a time for the family. For the healing pain thatnd, of the no one else in this place can walk and feel at this time. Methe floyd family, let acknowledge your pain. Servantome as a humble and toble to respect give dignity. To the ages that the exslaves descendents have faced in this ofion, let me heal the wound the majority of africanamerican suffered at the hands of a wrong mindset, a warrior mindset instead of a guardian of peace mindset in the practice of law enforcement. Today, andtime keeping with in keeping with that moment, allow me to offer these words. We know that centuries ago, they took a man, wicked men and put him on the cross. They did not understand that though they were intending wickedness, that out of much intention of wickedness came goodness. , george floyd, the secular world failed in its duty to intervene. Act, and its duty to failed in its duty to aid. Answered theloyd question in death, when it was whod in isaiah, lord, should i send . Oh god have mercy on us. There was a tall man by the name of big floyd who stood up and said, lord, send me. [applause] today, as we come those whotatutes, humble themselves before god, we a man whoy tribute to said, send me. Acknowledge those young martyrs in the streets, many of them could not be in ,his place, they are black brown, asian, white, they are protesting and marching and i am saying as a mama, i hear your cries. Wanted what george floyd us to know. And, i guess he wanted us to about jackie eights jack yates. Somebody might have said what good comes out of nazareth, and somebody else might have said what good comes out of the third ward. To beo grateful today able to say a man by the name of big floyd walked amongst us down those blocks, went up bonds that red, and began to make a legacy that no one can deny. I want you to know, my friends, that as these members of me a moment,ive chairwoman karen bass, the Congressional Black Caucus, leadership, barbara lee, congressman hank johnson, congresswoman lizzie fletcher, congressman vincente gonzales, congresswoman sylvia garcia. Congresswoman dead hot deb haaland from new mexico. Are are here because they honoring a brother that came out world art of third ward and jack yates. They are here to honor that leadership. As i conclude, george floyd was here on an assignment. It is painful to be able to accept that. I am so sorry i know him and death, but he was here on an assignment. Some folk on assignments only get to stay 30 years. When the wicked men thought that they had done something, george Floyd Tuckett 46 years he walked this journey. He left behind sisters and brothers who could stand up against the adversity of life when the camera came and people asked to pj and others, what do you want . We want justice. We want justice. [applause] friends, i do not know if i will ever get eight minutes and 46 seconds out of my dna. I do not know if i will ever be able to overcome the words i cannot breathe. Mother, Trayvon Martins mother, and all the mothers. Robbie coleman, i cannot breathe. But, what i will say is that the assignment of george floyd, and the purpose will mean that there will be no more eight minutes and 46 seconds of Police Brutality. There will be no more eight minutes 46 seconds of injustice and mistreatment of africanamerican men at the hands of the laws of this nation. There will be no more eight minutes and 46 seconds that you will be in pain without getting justice. His assignment turned into a purpose, and that purpose was around the world that there are people rising up that will never sit down until you get justice. And so, i say to all of those who are here, said that, from senator miles, from grant malone, who works in this venue. All of these pastors, what we say is we will not sit down like rosa parks said, until justice comes. Let me make it clear as i go to my seat, what was done for mourn thatthose who day that we know came to a day where man rose. Floyd,i say, to george it will be up to us that his purpose in his assignment for the justice of this nation, for the fact that they will never be the brutality faced by a man that says i cant breathe, and calls to a mama who loved him so. Us, is the call for all of and so, as the lord and scriptures said, when asked who should i send, the first who said send me was george floyd. Are they going to be able, or is he going to be able to have each and every one of you say send me . Two glottal to god be the glory, for the great things he has done. May god bless his family, george floyd, and the United States. I honor you and pray for you. We have a flag that will be given on behalf of the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. This family will receive president ial letters from former president barack obama, and former president bill clinton. Reverend, thank you for all you do, god bless you. To reverend al sharpton, and all of the other clergy that are garner, brown,e arbery, and martin families, and to this family. Let me in koeppel incorporate all that what you have already heard into this presentation. , onme just briefly say behalf of the city of houston, let me think this family for standing in the gap for your brother, father, cousin, and family member, and let me thank you for your courage and andngth in representing him representing yourselves extremely well. To thank you on behalf of the city for seeking justice for george, while at the same time asking people all around the world to do it respectfully and peacefully. On behalf of this city, i think we are a great deal of gratitude we owe a great deal of gratitude to this family, and i want to say thank you. You, thatt say to people all over the world, and elected officials on all levels are doing things that they otherwise might not have done, had not had done because of george. You know, i announced that in this city i would be creating this task force on policing time, but at the same that will work 3 things through and get that done within a 90 day period. Now, the cityht attorney is drafting an executive order, and order i will sign when i get back to city hall. What that order will say is that in this city, we will ban choke holds and stranglehold. In this city, we will require deescalation. To give aty, you have warning before you shoot. Duty tocity, you have a intervene. In this city, we will require comprehensive reporting. Exhaustcity, you must alternatives before shooting. And there will be other things in this executive order. I want you to know that it goes beyond policing. Talking i have been with Business Owners and ceos over the last several weeks, and what i have said to them, when we invest in communities that and underunderserved, invested in, when we have not done the investments, then you do not have to spend as much on policing if you can take the necessary funds. I want you to know and appreciate that everything you lastly, i will say this. George and his family, in houston, the third ward, coming thought thatd have his name would now be mentioned in south africa, canada, nairobi, berlin, south korea, europe, a person who may not have been known on many before. People olkman for people for people, turned for good. We honor him not because he was perfect, but because when he took his last breath we will we were able to breathe. We proudly recall we proudly aslare june 9 2020 day george perry day. May god be the glory. To god be the glory. To god be the glory. Evil, godhing that is be to glory. Floyd celebrating george today, and we will be able to celebrate a man who lived on this birth on this earth and god used him in death to expand his name around the worth the world. God bless you to all of our dignitaries, to mayor turner, i think you are a preacher. You have a job when you are finished your term here in the city of houston. We thank god for his leadership, amen, amen. The program calls for another Video Montage, and we thank god for the young lady who put them together. Amen. Somebody is still celebrating. Oh yes. Amen. Angie hill says a video artist who put together these montara just, but i want montages, but i want to ask the members of the family who want to speak if to make their way to the stage. Kathleen mcgee, travis kings and mr. Cyril right white. And as they come up, there is a tribute that will be sung by neo. Oft will be followed by one the jack yates alumni authoring a poem, and then another musical selection, my soul has been anchored in the lord. Mr. Michael todd. My may god bless you. Show me your face, feel fill up the space. My world needs you right now, my world needs you right now. Escape being afraid. Now, mywith you right world needs you right now. Face, fill upour world myine world needs you right now. My world needs you right now. I cannot escape. Being afraid. You, right now. Now. Rld needs you right. Will fall down to you, right now, it raised us right now. See, and god youses me, my world needs right now. Now. Ee you right me your face, fill up the space. Now,orld needs you right my world needs you right now. Is, that is where the power you have all of the authority, the kinghe great i am, of kings, the lord of lords. Come tow me your face, this space. Now, my needs you right. D needs you right now [applause] welcome, everyone. Aunt. Eorge floyds also, just give me a minute. Everybody, to thank and i would like to thank the whole world. For what it has done for my family today, especially george, but i want to make this statement, the world knows george floyd. I know perry jr. [applause] rascal, pesky little but we all loved him. And, i just want to thank all of the mothers that are here today, uncle. Have a nephew, an and let themm know. We are for all these young black men that are coming up in this world today, just hug them, and love them because we do not ever know when the time will come. I want to thank each and every one of you, i have gained such a huge family, all over the world. I have so many sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, and i want to thank you all. There are too many names to remember, but god knows. In his heart, that i love the floyd family, i love my sister, and i cannot talk about george, perry jr. , unless i bring up his mothers name. [applause] miss sissknows her as y, in the third ward. [applause] you, iwant to say i love love all the support and my family knows that ideal. All are one. Thank you. [applause] i just want to say that i will miss my brother a whole lot. [applause] i love him. And, i thank god for giving me my own personal superman. God bless you all. [applause] first off, i want to say my name is brooke williams, George Floyds knees, and i can breathe, as long as i am breathing, justice will be served. To thanku to i want you for coming out. My uncle was a father, brother, cousin, and activist, he always move people with his words. Remorsecers showed no while watching his uncle my uncles soldiers to leave leave his body. Up,leaded with you to get why must your system being broken. These laws need to be changed, no more hate crimes, please. Someone said make America Great again, but when has america ever been great . Those four officers were leaning on him for nine minutes and let him choke. It was not just murder, but a hate crime. I shared many happy memories with my uncle, now that is all i have, memories. I cannot pull myself together when i hear him calling my grandmothers name. I believe here she was there with open arms. My first memory of my uncle was paying me to scratch his head when he came home from long days of work. After that i knew he was a comedian. He always told me, baby girl, you are going to go so followup far with that beautiful smile and brain of yours. Myther was when me and mother was so worried, and i would say that we were going to find a way. We had no way to get to his wedding. But my uncle busted through the door like super way. I was probably 10. My grandmother was also handicapped, and he had this big truck we had to ride in. I was wondering how my grandmother would get into the truck. Like itplaced her in was light work. It was unbelievable how my uncle and grandmother broke their backs to make their children smile in ways that did not seem possible. Im sorry. You see the old way was not working, we have to do what we have to survive. Aerica, it is time for change. No justice, no peace. My brother and mom tells me that they saw tells me this all the time, god says high and we look low. [applause] i really do not know what to but she toldniece, the whole story. Up in the middle of the night thinking about my because wer lives, could not believe it at first. But, i see it now, all i think about is when he was yelling for mama. I know our mama is right here, with her arms open, i know every mother felt that. When he yelled please, please, i i stoppedathe, wearing ties, i did not want to wear a tie. Tie, i memorials, no couldve had one on, but right now i want justice for my brother, my big brother. Everybodyg floyd, knows who big floyd is now. Ward, that is where we were born. But, we are going to be remembered, everybody is going to remember him around the world. He is going to change the world. My mom, if she was here today, i honestly can say this, that she would be on that casket right now. Trying to get in there with him. She is a real mom. Not going tohe is separate from anybody, she is just like animals, they cling to their mom. I love you all, and you will showed a lot of support. I love you all, and i am speechless right now. [applause] good afternoon. I amme is cyril white, and the director of god be the glory sports. Before i came before i became the director, i met big floyd and spent so many of my college summers playing basketball with him. He had a good friend named mike riggs, and i would pick him up and we would get big floyd and we would be at mcgregor park, sunnyside park, or whatever we could go and find a good game. I startedrd to 1998, a College Exhibition tour team going to play different colleges and exhibition games, and big floyd was my first power forward. I would be trying to get contracts with different schools and people would ask me who was your big man, and they would say who have and i would say it george floyd. And then we would go off and play. Not only did george play on the brought recorded many from the third ward. Many of those guys got College Scholarships and went to play professionally overseas. It has been established how he was all about sports. I was sharing earlier this week at all that i have already ancert preserved gotten commitment of three acres of land for a george floyd memorial schools sportscenter. Kept inking about what could i do, and i lot of support had around the world, and i one guy step up and say i can definitely provide the real estate, we just work on the vertical improvement. That is where we are with that. One thing that we did, and to god be the glory sports, we raised with proverbs, that was our spiritual exercise to grow in practical wisdom. Everybody would read two verses out loud and pass the bible to the next guy. Right . That our mayor said that today is george floyd day, so i will read proverbs chapter six, verse nine to 11, and this is big floyd speaking that said how long will you lie there . When will you get up from your sleep . A little sleep, slumber, folding of your hands to rest and poverty will come upon you like a thief. Big floyd has woken us up out of our sleep. We are not slumbering anymore. Scarcity, thatd is how we treat each other, humanity. We are poor inhumanity and empathy. Rise and rise against injustice and make sure that all human beings are treated the same. To the family, thank you for allowing me to speak and share this memory, and to god be the glory to you all. Thank you very much. You know, hearing everyone speak thus far about big floyd, great brother, and has a great family on stage, great family in this church today, the whole extended family, thank you everybody. Thing, i am being strong for my family, one thing floyd,ig floored big be strong. And, be thankful for the day today, and just celebrate his life and happiness, he would not want us weeping so hard, i am trying, but it is very hard. I have great memories and stories to tell, but you know that this will be stuck inside. Know, no, i got it. One of the best things on my mind, we have to suggest is out for my brother and we will get it together. Everyone in this church, great city councilman and women. Thank you very much. Sheila jackson lee, thank you, eric green, and the rest of you guys for helping us the last couple of days and we have given you our major support, and everyone in the world for the major support and love you guys are sharing and giving, sharing your beautiful pictures, thank you guys. We will keep this fight on and do it together. We will finish it together, united we stand, and again we are standing for george floyd, and thank you everyone who came to show love. [applause] one more time, his life matter, all our lives black lives matter, his death will not be in name invade, what was his name . George floyd. All, i want to give all honor and praise to god. For giving me a chance at life. Forgiving him his First Security job four giving him his First Security job. Was a friend,her , a basketballther , butr, a Football Player most of all he was a human being. Youth, i could never say no to this kid, and all of the flaws, trials and tribulations that all we went through. All the times he made me mad and everybody mad, we still love him. I could not say no. So when the family came to me and asked me are you going to speak . I will speak and keep on speaking, i will fight, i will fight, because i have been fighting for him and i will keep on fighting for him. Ourselves whosk we meet, and who we encounter with in life. Encountered with him, and angel. Knew him, a ghetto a brother. People, youu hate love good. You hate people, and you love good. My little brother was good. You cannot slander his name to me, you cannot talk bad about him to me. , youu knew floyd understand the words coming out of my mouth. , fight for my brother, help me fight for my brother, and help the family fight for my brother, because he was someone. , the family thanks you, and i will not give up on you, bro. I love you little brother, and i have got you. [applause] you should be on your feet, giving the glory to god, get on your feet, give them the give him the glory. Give him the glory. Give god the glory. Give his kids the glory. Give his family glory. Pastor, i love you, mia, i love you too. Floyd, brothers, george anybody in here played football went yk ayes yates or to jackates. Went to jack yates. Stand up. Was an allamerican tight end. He was a power forward, my power forward, so i am speaking on behalf of my brother. Sweat, and tears every single day. It is hot outside, and in the gym. Not one time did i ever see george floyd complain. Not one time. Was saying, cast singing cast the first stone. I hear everybody talking, you want the real, or do you want to the fake . He wants the real today, right . My brother is sitting here. He did not have to be sitting here today. Those men that stood on my brothers neck change to the world, they took somebody from us that was great. When i say great, i never heard him complain, not one time. 66, any rain, came our way, he made sure that he covered with ash covered for us. From the journey on to jack yates, he was everybodys shelter. I do not care what george floyd did, i do not care. Let me tell you something. Ofwas a human being, first all, i could not sleep monday night, i do not know why. I could not sleep, i was tossing and turning memorial day in my id, i do not know why, as woke up, the next morning and got texts, and i said, what . I havent even seen the whole tape. It hurts my heart, we all hurt in america right now, am i right or wrong . , but god, because all we need right now in this world today is what . Love. Turn to your neighbor and tell them that you love them, right now. Turn to them and tell them that you love them. That is all we need. You see how that feels . George floyd told me that he loved me, he told everybody out here that he touched he loved them. , that isoyd is love who george floyd is. This is for him, we love him. If you love george floyd, and you know how he was, you know you want to always be george floyd. I am george floyd. You are george floyd. It could have been anyone of us in here, but god said well done, floyd. So as i sit here and tell you all, george floyd is in the bosom of god. He is in the bosom of god, he is all right. All, am here to tell you stay positive, america. There is a debt you have to repay, but god says, not this debt. You will have to repay it. This is the last. As i see so many people coming together, so many races, i say, because of the love of george floyd, we are all here together, today. So make sure that you turn because you never know how long we have got. You never know. The key is love, i love you all. [applause] i will tell you what is going on, everybody. Much love and a strength to the family. Much love to the family members that are here, anybody that has been lost. All protesting at the same time. This man changed the world for the better. I want to personally thank george floyd for his sacrifice so that my kids could be all right later on. I appreciate the sacrifice, my brother. I genuinely do. Say goodbye to what we had had . The good times i thought we would get to sing awayer, but forever gone goodbyehard to say [applause] yesterday to two yesterday where this road is going to lead been know is where we have and what we have been through we get to see you tomorrow, paine it is worth all the goodbye tord to say yesterday and i will take with me the memory rain sunshine after the to say goodbye to sterday [applause] god bless you. Good afternoon. A dangerfield. Ici i monitor i am honored to stand before you today. I am honored to share what george floyd meant to our alumni, our community, of course his children, family, his friends, and now the world. 3260 truckillo is where it began. You do it with your bare hands. Your giftway out, helps to create your vision and infiltrate a plan. And now beyond the streets of third ward, your legacy will stand. Tor children will be honored witness your contribution firsthand. Excuses, butake stood tall and accepted your responsibilities like a real man. Such a gentle giant. 66 statue could smiledate some men, your always was a way town. Ing repping h calling. He is old heads to take still so inspiring and filled with so much hope. Everyone listened when you spoke. ,amiliar faces became family and not just blood made them kinfold. But there is a message in it all. The pinnacle for you is something we will never know. The seedsy, though, you have planted will manifest and fully grow. Worldou could bring the together, george floyd. A life, a vip to a soldout show. Condolences, and love to the family. We will forever honor george floyd. Thank you. [applause] to my nephew, tj, my niece, and the rest of the floyd family. There is peace behind this. There is love behind this. Idea. D no changed thejust world will forever be in your family. I have sung this song so many funerals atny so many funerals. This is one that really touched me. Though the storms keep on raging in my life it is hard to tell the nights from day us hope within upon thep my eyes distant shore if the wind keeps blowing, i know the lord storms keep on raging in my life hard to tell it is the nights from day still that hope that lies within us in your soul upon thep my eyes distant shore lead to thatl ace prepared yeah, yeah keeps blowing in my life if the wind keeps on blowing in my life now yeah you can do better than that. My soul has been anchored. Hello yeah hallelujah. There i introduce all pastors and preachers that are here, let me thank minister Robert Mohammed in the brothers from the nation of islam, which it such a wonderful job on our working with the Houston Police department. We thank god for them. I want all the pastors and preachers in the congregation to stand. Those of you that are pastors and preachers. Amen. We are think over all of them. I know that sometimes people have their problems with preachers, but in times like these teachers can be a major support. They are needed and we thank god for these brothers and sisters who work in the work of god. We have three preachers that are going to speak today. He is an icon in this city and has been a civil rights leader and activist for many years. You,not wait to hear from and the person of reverend bill wallsend. We are a city of diversity. We are striving and endeavoring every way we can to make sure all people are represented and we can continue to fight the injustices throughout this country. We also have pastor stephen wells. He does a wonderful job in midtown houston. We have my friend dr. Ralph douglas from the Church Without walls. They will speak in that order. To this family, who hopefully has been comforted by the many people who have come today, and who have given to us a portrait of the man we only knew through knowews, but who we now not only as a human being but it a great human being. We are glad to have known george floyd. To all those who have come out today, and i am personally proud that you have come. Many more came, but could not get in. But that many people wanted to come. Have destroyed all laws of social distancing. [laughter] thank you to pastor remus right who said lets just forget that right now. We are christians. [applause] to stand two minutes. Lets work on it. Say that it iso marvelous that this young man, done what he has has done to let us know who george floyd was. That in his know last moment of breath he called for his mother. That means something about who he was. He came up in a family that was close and that loved each other. I heard from people who knew him as a student, a fellow student, and athlete, who realized that he also was a team player. Finally, he was a person who knew the lord. And who believed in him. And who trusted him. Wonderinge been whether or not this is going to be like other movements. In 1955, this city which was the year that the body of emmett till was found in the body of water in mississippi. The same year that rosa parks refused to give up the back seat on the bus. It was that year that i came to houston. Seen anyt time, i have number of struggles against racism, and they have all ended up with relatively little outcome. So the question is valid. It is a reasonable question. Is this going to be like so many , a moment ofts anger and rage, and then back to business as usual . That because the prejudiced and the bigoted are not going to change, but we can do some things to change them. That is why i hope we will do. All, we can make sure we do not stop the fight, that we stay with it, and that we make sure that somebody knows that we are not going to stand for this to keep on going. Obviously, the first thing we have to do is to clean out the white house. [applause] that has to come closer to us than washington. Our states, counties, and cities have to have good leadership. That means we have to go and vote. [applause] you know, a young man from Humble Beginnings can change the world. How do i know that . Floyd cameuse george from Humble Beginnings and now, as many speakers have said, everybody on earth knows who george floyd is. No rank orn of title. He was a man who came from god haseginnings, but done some things, even through this tragedy, that has let the floyd, bigabout big george. Who was humble, came from Humble Beginnings. A stable in nazareth. That man did not have a home. Wife was about to have a baby. Home,he did not have a there was no bed for her to have that baby in. But in that stable, there was a manger. Andhe went to that manger that manger gave forth a baby, and that baby did not have any title either. When theat a time roman government was making it very hard for jews. Legally,s murdered, but he was murdered. Is thatresting thing comes ourdeath churches. Supper the lords lords supper, ever how often we do that, we remember his flesh and his blood. How long are we going to say, i cannot breathe . As i look at marches all over the world, protests filling up the streets, and back in the days when i used to be part of marches, all of the marches were black. People, there are white who know the story. There are hispanics who know the story. There are asians who know the story. [applause] today, there are preachers back muslimand at least one minister who is here. I brought with me a jewish fellow. And all of the cultures, all of the races throughout the world, all the nations throughout the world, all the continents throughout the world, they know man who wasthis manger,a stable, in a leave the can question can any good thing come out of a tragedy like this . We have lost a loved one and the pain is almost unbearable, but good can come out of that. Well, out of the murder of the come ofhe cross has Movement Come of movement worldwide. From the muslim faith, every preacher from the christian church, every rabbi from the jewish religion, all of us know the name of george floyd. We know the name because of a death. You think something good cannot come out of this . His death did not simply start a a bunch good speeches, of tributes. Out of his death has come a movement, a worldwide movement. [applause] and that movement is not going to stop after two weeks, three weeks, a month. That movement is going to change the world, which means that this born in ain a manger, holmes, bornjulie in a situation where he lived in the ghetto, lived in the hood, third ward. This boy is going to bring forth a demand for better government, for better policing. He is going to bring forth a multicultural, multinational, worldwide demand for change. My hope is that we will stay behind that demand. Will bee not everybody concerned about it continuing, at least the people from the its will be concerned about continuing. [applause] boysl not end with this death. He is 46, but i call him a boy. Shall continue. This movement will transform this corrupt world. Praise god for george fluid. George floyd. [applause] thank you for the invitation to be here. I am genuinely humbled to be here. What a privilege. The apostle john in his first epistle wrote this there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because god first loved us. God ande says i love yet hates his brother, he is a liar. Because, if you have not loved your brother, you have seen, you cannot love god, who you have not seen. He has given us this command that anyone who loves god must also love his brother. This is the reading of gods word. None of us wanted to be here today. You would have rather, we would have rather that george was home and safe, but racism murdered him. Racism is the reversal of the revelation of god. Racism is not perfect love casting out fear, it is perfect for your casting out love, which means over coming racism will require a love that is greater and stronger than fear, and only jesus offers us that love. Only living the jesus way offers as healing and we need healing jesus way offers us healing and we need healing. There is nothing any of us can say that will bring george back. We come here to say we grieve with you. Your grief has awakened the conscience of a nation. Because we are here in gods house, because we believe in the risen lord christ, we grieve and hope. In hope. We grieve in resurrection hope that god is at work in our nation rending hearts and changing minds and bending the moral arc of the universe toward justice. I hope you know that everyone would have understood if you any, we do not need to hear white people today. You have been silent long enough. You can be silent one more day. But i have to tell you, you asked the whole community to come together, and look what happened. [appla you have chosen the path that casts out fear. That is the path to your own healing and the path to the healing of the whole world. Path of partnering with god. It is a difficult path. You have been asked to carry a burden we have crushed that would have crushed most people. You have borne it with grace and courage. You called those who disrupted s lifes to honor george with love. Call those people whose perfect fear casts out anything that looks like love with a perfect love that casts out fear and you have been a model for america and the whole world and now we must follow your good example. Calling out anything that does not honor george or any of the rest of us, domination, oppression, racism. At Rice University has taught us houston, texas, is the most diverse city in america. Texas, is ethnically what america will be ethnically and demographically in 2050. It means we are the experiment in america for how races can get along. Are willingntil we to be as brave and truthful as you have been, nothing will change. Experiment will not yield new data. We will do over and over again what we have done over and over before until we get sick and tired of being sick and tired. It must be different this time. Church, it is easy to not talk about racism. Easy tourch, it is dismiss as politics, the of systemic racism but not talking and acting is the path to destruction. We can watch that on the news every night and ask if that is the future we want. Word tolike to say a white churches. Are better than we used to be, but we are not as good as we ought to be. That is not good enough. [applause] work of to take up the Racial Justice. In ourdid not start lifetimes, but it can end in our lifetime. [applause] ily if you and i ask what am going to do about it. While it is still bothering you what you are going to do on a note card and tape that on a mirror you see every morning and night and each night asked was i to the calling and every morning ask what can i do to bring gods kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Tv. Na, i saw you on a reporter asked you what was the best thing about your daddy. You said my daddy changed the world. If we will do our part, you will have been a prophet. From your mouth to gods ear, amen. [applause] [applause] thank you, steve, and dr. Lawson, and to this wonderful family that has demonstrated what it means to be faithful and courageous. Us in our lives begin with obscurity. We do not know how it would end in history. No one thought on that january of 1929,f the 15th day that that boy would grow up to be the liberator of the movement called the civil rights. Who, in august, 19 61, on the fourth day, in hawaii, of all places, in obscurity, the first africanamerican president would be born. , on october 14, obscurity, fayetteville, North Carolina,arents migrate into houston knew god had birthed someone who now belongs in a right to of history. Place of history. We all begin in obscurity. We do not know where we will land in history. The question of theology and theodicy is where was god in all of this . God was and is where god has always been. God did not cause it, but god can certainly use it. Have turned itwe into cliche, but it is christian bedrock belief that all things Work Together for the good of them who love the lord and are called according to his purpose. Isthis family today, god working his way and he will always be where he has been. I leave you now with these. We cannot understand the ways god would lead us to that lesson promise land, but he will guide us. We will follow him until we die and we will understand it better byandby. [applause] lordive you praise and we bless your name we lift our voices to say thank for your goodness and mercy towards us for your goodness and your mercy toward us your goodness and your mercy toward us praiser oh yes, we offer praise oh lord we give you praise oh lord we bless your name we lift our voices to say thank you your goodness and your mercy toward us for your goodness and your mercy toward us its for your goodness and your mercy toward us praise why are we offering praise today . Because you are worthy honorory and the the praise and its for your goodness and your mercy toward us its for your goodness and your mercy toward us for your goodness and your mercy toward us praiser we offer it because because glory of for the honor the praise you for hes been so good to us yes he has its for your mercy for your goodness your goodness and your mercy for your goodness your goodness your goodness your goodness goode been so goodness faithfulness your faithfulness your kindness kindness kindness your kindness your love dont matter the color dont matter the education for better or worse for rich or poorer to death do us part he loves us he loves us lord, your goodness yeah, yeah, yeah thank him for his goodness thank him for his goodness his goodness your goodness give up on me goodness and your mercy for your goodness and your mercy and your mercy we offer we offer can someone offer god praise right now . I know what were going through hes still worthy still deserving we thank you, lord, for the life of our brother we offer this praise, jesus praiser offer praise hallelujah somebody praise him hallelujah thank you jesus at the direction of pastor wright, the program has been altered because of the time factor. We appreciate the fact it was difficult for everyone to stay within their time limit. Thank you, dr. Wright for your auspicious leadership. Asprivilege and honor today, we give honor to the family of is to introduce a man who needs no introduction, but deserves one. Born october 3, 1954, al sharpton. [applause] grew up like most of us, raised like most of us in church. His sunday School Teacher had no idea what he was teaching. His pastor had no idea who he was preaching to. His teachers had no idea who they were teaching. Ance that time, he has become Civil Justice activist, a rights leader, a talk show host, a commentator, a leader of changer, aa World Freedom fighter, a preacher amongst preachers. Shaaban put hit when officer chauvin put his knee on the neck of george floyd, he had no idea that a man whose life he was taking would be important enough to have this preacher to preach his eulogy. He probably thought it would end quietly in some obscure funeral. Ome with a few people he had no idea president s of think and write about him and the preacher who would preach the service would be the greatest civil rights preaching voice of our time. How we talked much about change things. When god wants to change things, he brings a person to the earth. Birthed, preacher was god knew there would be moments like this, where it would take someones voice to speak truth , thater prophetically would change the world. I hope when we hear this preacher, all america understands, yes, we can change policies and legislation, but if we want to change the situation, white parents have to teach their boys to be brothers to black boys. We have to teach our daughters to be sisters whether you are black, white, or brown. When george floyd was gasping for breath, saying i cant breathe, he was speaking the language of 400 years of africans in this country. We could not breathe on the slave ships. We could not breathe in jim crow. We could not breathe through segregation, mass incarceration, we could not breathe for the last four decades. When Trayvon Martin, we cannot breathe. This preacher is here today in houston, texas, because george floyd died saying we cannot breathe. I want you to welcome the iconic reverend voice of the dr. Al sharpton. Our voice, our fighter, our leader, our freedom fighter. Because of him, one day all of us are going to breathe better. Lets stand and receive the honorable rev. Al sharpton. Rev. Sharpton first, to this family, the whole family that , i hearered this crime what happenedout to george floyd like there is something less than a crime. This is not just a tragedy. It is a crime. This is a time we need to understand that they are going to do everything they can to delay these trials and delay the accountability and try to wear this family down. Many that are standing and coming today and grinning in front of cameras will not be here for the long run. Commit to this family, all of this family, all five of his children, grandchildren and all, that until these people pay for what they did, that we are going to be there with them, because lives like george will not matter until somebody pays the cost for taking their life. [applause] cannot just act like this is some new way of teaching sociology. We cannot act like this is some us to addor some of social justice to our programs on sunday morning. There is an intentional neglect to make people pay for taking our lives. If four blacks had done to one white, if four black cops had done to one white what was done to george, they would not have to teach no new lessons. They would not have to get corporations to get money. They would send them to jail. Until we know the price for black life is the same as the price for white live, we are going to keep coming back to these situations over and over again. Ither a law will work or will not work. I want to give honor to the family and a commitment that we are going to be here for the long haul. When the last tv truck is gone, we will still be here. [applause] i have gotten to know some of the family over the last few days. I have seen them cry in private. I have seen them talk. In a black i grew up family, i know we do not always get along. I have cousins watching me now that better never call me. Thats what families are. I have also seen them in light moments. Last week, the family that was formeralked with president obama on the phone. They said we are not asking you to come because if you take the secret service stuff and all of that, but we want to thank you and your wife for calling and calling the name of our brother, our uncle, during the speeches you have been making. The president made the mistake of asking what is it you want me to do . Just tell me where i can be helpful. Two things we want justice and we are in minneapolis, can you send me some food down here. They only had the finger food. Everything was closed up. I want some food. We had some light moments. Give honorlso say, to dr. Wright and reverend mia wright, reverend mia for opening the doors of this and putting arms around sabrina and her family at this hour. They know this is going to be controversial in some circles. They opened the doors anyway. Happen,ing what would not knowing how people would behave. As i spoke with them on the phone and he welcomed his family, i think we are giving them a lot of we should not take them for granted. Of a lot oferving honor. He is a man and she is a woman of courage. [applause] i am al sharpton. I am going to say what i have to say. Pastor, remus our right remus wright. And i am going to get into my eulogy so we can stay on time. Attorney benize crump. [applause] i call him black and call his attorney general, probably because we dont feel like we have one. Then from has five ends ben crump has fought for many cases. Grantedd not take for when black lawyers take these arees like crump has, they targeted by their bar associations. They are targeted by people who are envious and jealous. We need civil rights lawyers that are there for civil rights, not for civil settlements. [applause] and thats why i give him recognition. I must also recognize several families are here that came at great sacrifice, but they wanted ,o be here, to be part of this because they understand the pain better than anyone, because theyve gone through the pain. And i think we should recognize the mother of Trayvon Martin where she stands. [applause] the mother of eric garner, where you stand. [applause] of bottom john botham jean, where you stand. The family of turner. Fromather of Michael Brown ferguson, missouri, where you stand. Arbery,er of ahmaud where you stand. All of these families came to , becauseh this family they know better than anyone suffere pain they will from the loss that they have gone through. I also want to thank all of this that helped to make as easy as they could for the family. Certainly, we thank, again, those in the financial and entertainment world that immediately jumped up and said to the family that they wanted that theyd make sure didnt have to worry about expense. Smith. Erry and robert [applause] champion floyd mayweather. [applause] and the others that have come. It means a lot because it shows the world the weight of this. Brother jamie foxx is with us today. Stand up, jamie. [applause] al b. Sure is in the house today. So, let me get into my everybody is sending me notes. Briefly toto turn the book of ephesians. Sixth chapter. Ephesians, the sixth chapter, because i think that we need to understand what we are dealing with here. Ephesians 6 tells the story of to reallyk we need look at the situation differently, because it talks about, in pauls letter to the lippines philippians ephesians. Im catching up with myself. It says in his letter to the ephesians, he says, finally, be in hisin the lord and mighty power. Put on the full armor of god, so that you can take your stand against the devils schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers and authorities, against the powers of the darkness and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in high places. Therefore, put on the full armor of god, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to withstand your ground. May god add a blessing to the reading of his word. Fighting some disconnected incidents. We are fighting and institutional, systemic problem that has been allowed to permeate since we were brought to these shores. And we are fighting wickedness in high places. Knee on aan put your it therek and hold eight minutes and 46 seconds, that is not even normal to a civilian, less to a police officer. Try when you go home to put your knee down on something and hold it there that long. Youve got to be full of a lot of venom, full of something that really motivates you to press down your weight that long and not give out. And to think that you are certified by the state to carry a badge and a gun and you have all of that in you means that we have permitted people to become officers of the law that ought to be somewhere else in society. Imagine you pressing down on something eight minutes thats telling you i cant breathe, thats breathing for their life begging for their life. And you keep pressing. What kind of mentality is that . How do we screen who Police Officers are . How do we get to this place over and over again . , put him eric garner in a chokehold, he said, i cant breathe. Those three cops walked, no prosecution. Until the law is upheld and people know that they will go to jail, they are going to keep doing this because they are protected by wickedness in high places. [applause] prevent crime in the hood . If scare others by saying, you do that, you are going to jail. Why are you going to scare a bad cop if bad cops dont go to jail . How are you going to tell them that your fate is going to be bad if you go on the others of the line when everybody else got away with it . That they these cops were those to george that let the cops get away with this before this. And when they had the highest that excusesrnment wrongly startkids violence that this family dont the and none of us do president talks about bringing in the military, but he has not said one word about eight minutes and 46 seconds of Police Murder of george floyd. He said, the family has my sympathy and all of this. He didnt give those in other situations his sympathy. He challenged china on human rights, but what about the human right of george floyd . [applause] sendingals that we are is that, if you are in law enforcement, the law doesnt apply to you. And im telling you that the law ought to especially apply to you , because you are giving given special powers that others dont have. We dont have a badge representing the states. We dont have a gun we are carrying. We have not gone through training. We should expect more from you. And if you break the law, you ought to be expected to pay an even higher price, because you know better and you saw sworn not to do that. [applause] yeah, its nice that everybody wants to now study the problem. Its nice big corporations said we are going to throw money to study equal justice. But if we went out here and did that to a young white kid, you wouldnt need no study. You would know what to do. And you know what to do now. The same bible said, do justice. All this family wants is justice. Its nice to see some people. Hange their mind the nfl said, yeah, maybe we was players maybe they did have the right to peacefully protest. Well, do not apologize. Give Colin Kaepernick a job back. [applause] some emptywith apology. Take a mans livelihood, strip a man down of his talents, and, four years later, when the whole world is marching, all of a sudden, you go and do a face time, talking about you sorry. Minimizing the value of our lives. You sorry . Then repay the damage you did to the career you stripped down. When colin took a knee, he took it for the families in this building, and we dont want an apology. We want him to play. [applause] equal justice. Antianybody. We are trying to stop people from being antius. [applause] we want the law to apply equally. And you dont need a whole lot of studying about that. Yes, we need new laws. Yes, congress has stepped up the Congressional Black Caucus. Yes, we need to close these no knock laws. Yes, we need to stop where policemen can just say based on what they thought, they can use lethal force. Yes, we need residency requirements. All of what they propose is what we need, but we have enough right now to prosecute policeman that hold somebody down eight minutes and 46 seconds. [applause] me i think a lot of people are confused. I was working out. Go work out in the mornings man said to me, white fellas in the place im working ou white fella in the place im working out, reverend al, i see you on tv. You are always talking about race. I say yeah. Havent we come a long way . I said, but you have to understand how far we have to go. You have to understand how deep it is. He said, what do you mean . I said, about 8, 9 years ago, a newspaper in new york did a background on my family, and they found out that my greatgrandfather was a slave in south carolina. I went down there with the newspaper. And my to the graveyard greatgrandfather was owned by the family of strom thurmond, the segregationist. I went to the white church, the first Baptist Church. In the graveyard, there was a about 1 4 of the cemetery was sermons thurmond s. The plantation your greatgrandfather was about a mile away. They buried the slaves there. They only put pebbles over their graves. It occurred to me that every sir, thatte my name, is not my name. Thats the name of who owns my greatgrandfather. Thats how deep race is, that every time i write my name, i am writing American History of what happened to my people. It, what my about greatgrandparents did. , and we areslaved still being treated less than others. And until america comes to terms with what it has done and what it did, we will not be able to heal, because you have not recognized the wound. [applause] floyd could have been anybody. Reaction was not anything, because somewhere i read in the bible, god said he would price his spirit among prod his spirit among all flesh. Thats why, when i heard them talking about theyd never thought theyd see young whites marching like they are marching iveall over the world, seen grandchildren of slavemasters tearing down slave masters statues in england and put it in the river. Ill pour ou t my spirit among all flesh. Ive seen whites walking past curfews saying, black lives matter, no justice, no peace. You have now lived to where youve sown wickedness, and now you have to reap the wrath of those who dont want to be wicked no more. Man sows shall he also reap. We become we come because god, in his own way, one of the ministers said it right, god always uses unlikely people. To do his will. If george floyd had been an ivy and onechool graduate of these ones with a long title, we wouldve been accused of reacting to his prominence. If hed been a multimillionaire, they wouldve said that we were reacting to his wealth. Athlete, been famous as he was on the trajectory to be, we wouldve said we were reacting to his fame. But god took an ordinary brother from the bad wall, from the housing projects, that nobody thought much about but those that knew him and loved him, he took the rejected stone. The stone that the builder rejected. They rejected him for jobs. They rejected him for positions. They rejected him. God took the rejected stone and made him the cornerstone of a movement thats going to change the whole wide world. [applause] im glad he wasnt one of these polished bourgeois brothers. Because we wouldve still thought we was of no value. But george was just george, and oneyou have to understand of us is of value to all of us. [applause] if you would have any idea that all of us wouldve reacted, you have taken your knee off his neck. If you have any idea that inrybody from those showwood to those which up in minneapolis and fayetteville, North Carolina, you wouldve taken your knee off his neck. If you had any idea that preachers white and black were going to line up in a pandemic, when we told we are told to stay inside and we come out and mark march in the streets at the risk of our health, you have taken your knee off his neck. Because you thought his neck didnt mean nothing. But god made his neck to connect his head to his body, and you had no right to put your knee on that neck. [applause] genesis chapter two said that god formed man, and they say he breath ofreath, the life to make him. A live human being. Which means that breath comes from god. Breath is how god gives you life. Coincidental some kind of thing that happens. It is a divine decision that god makes. Some babies are born stillborn. God decides to blow breath in them. Breath is sanctified. Breath is sacred. You dont have the right to take gods breath out of anybody. You cant put breath in their body. [applause] look at it that way because of your wickedness. Darkness. Ties, you are sitting now trying to figure out how you are going to stop the protests rather than how you are going to stop the brutality. You are calling your cabinet in, trying to figure out how its going to affect your books, rather than how its going to affect our lives. You are scheming on how you can story, rather the than you can achieve justice. Wickedness in high places. [applause] you take rubber bullets and tear gas to clear out Peaceful Protesters and then take a bible and walk in front of a church and use a church as a prop. Wickedness in high places. [applause] you aint been walking across that street when the church didnt have the boards up. You wasnt holding up no bible when arbery was killed in brunswick, when taylor was killed in louisville. Wickedness in high places. Some people thatll stand up me tell you this. Jesus told the story that there was a man laying by the side of the road. He had been robbed and beaten. They said one man came by that was the same race. His fellow brother, and he kept walking. Then another man came by that was steep and well read in the scriptures. Knew every scripture, knew how to quote the book back and forward, but he only quoted the book. He never lived by the book. And he kept walking. But jesus said a third man came by. And he stopped and looked at the man. He wasnt the same race or the same religion, but he picked the man up and he took care of restoring the man to his rightful being. And jesus called him the good samaritan. The problem is, too many of you have been walking by the eric garners, the Trayvon Martins, been walking by. And now weve stopped for george floyd. And im in houston today because i dont want nobody to call me a pacifier. Jamie here cause he not a passerby. Passersby. We are going to be back in minneapolis when the trial starts. You may pack the police union on one side, but the righteous is going to be on the others of that courtroom. [organ hit] [applause] riffs] its time that we reclaim, the righteous in this country. Reverend, we dont know if weve got the money or the political power. Well, weve got the vote. And weve got something that we had before we had the vote. We had god on our side. Thats why, when they was even in slavery, they used to have checks out in the slave quarters, because they understood that if they called on god that god would answer prayer, and the same god that slaveryus from chattel is still on the throne. The same god that brought us from the back of the bus is still on the throne. The same god that brought us from jim crow is still on the throne. And if were right, hell fight our battles, and well put georges name in history. They will say thats the one that shouldnt have touched. Thats the neck they shouldnt have bent down on. And if my people called by nine my name would offer themselves and pray, seek my face and turn from your wicked ways, then you will hear from heaven, and i will heal the land. [organ riff] [applause] say we have said we are going to keep marching, keep protesting. August 28, we are going to washington, by the tens of thousands. We are going to have a National March on the anniversary of i have a dream. The floyd family and other families are going to lead it. I want to say this before i leave, to the floyd family, dont ever forget, in your darkest hour, the not dismayed be not dismayed. God willbetides, take care of you. I can preach a little bit. Wingsath his love abides god will take care of you i would like floyd. I grew up with daddy gone. Mom i had to make it with welfare checks. I used to go and shop with the food stamps. A lot of folks say that, but the way i know it if youve been on food stamps, i ask you what color was your food stamps. Because if you dont know the different colors, you are just fronting. But i used to flip the little page so my friends wouldnt know i was on food stamps. But momma told me something i never forgot. She said, he may not be there when you want him, but hes al ways on time. The lord will make a way out of no way. And i can tell you, 40 years later, he walks with me. He talks with me. He tells me that i am his own. Hungry, food. Water, when i was thirsty. He is my rock, my sword and shield. My wheel in the middle of the wheel hes the lily of the valley the bright and morning star he woke me up this morning. Yes. Yes. Yes. [organ playing] let me say this. We got a go to the cemetery. Let me say this. I saw Michael Brown sr. Here. About, i told him this story. , congressman green , and we were all flustered in new york. They closed down the bridges. Closed down the street. Closed the trains. I had to walk all the way to my headquarters. Of National Action network. When we got there, there were people everywhere. Cell phones were down to her people came out to headquarters to see if we could tell them what was happening, if we were out of danger. And for the First Time Since i was a little boy i started bishop since a little boy, i always had something to say. First time in my life i could not find words to say. Went in my office. Trying to figure out what could i say. And i thought about this old preacher told me this story. Oneaid, i had to preach sunday at the Early Service and i started reading this novel about 8 00 that night. And i got so into it i cannot put the novel down. Wanted to go to bed but i could not put that novel down. I kept reading. 11 30 i said, lord i got to get some rest. I have to get up early up your i could not put it down. I kept reading. Finally, it was after midnight, and he said that i got a tell the truth. I decided then i would she. At, and i turned to the end of the book to find out how the story was going to end. 9 11, you to know on 2001, i want the family to know, like i told Michael Browns family that afternoon, i cheated. I said in my office and i took my bible out. And i turned to the end of the book, and i know how this story is going to end. The first will be last. The last will be first. And the lamb will lay down together. Care of hise children. We have difficult days ahead but i know how the story is going to end. There will be justice for george floyd. This story will not end like this. God will never leave us nor for sake us. Have been to the end of the book. Lets fight on. Lets stand together. Family lead this leave this family now the ceremony is over. This is the beginning of the fight, not the end of the fight. George, i read on the front page of the New York Times this morning, you said you wanted to touch the world. God has already made you for that. But you did not touch it in a basketball court. Or football court. God had Something Else for you to do. Because all over the world, george, they are marching with your name. You touched the world in south africa. You touch the world in england. 50 touched every one of the states, even in a pandemic. People are walking out in the , not even following social distancing. Because you have touched the world. You to rest the movement will not rest into we get justice. Have one standard of justice. Your family is going to miss you, george. But your nation is going to always remember your name. Yourneck was one the represented all of us. And how you suffered represented are suffering. You neare going to lay your mom and now. You call for mama. Bodye going to lay your next to her. I know obama has already embraced you, george. Fought a good fight i know your mama has already embraced you, george. Go on and see mom and now. We are going to fight on. We are going to fight on. We are going to fight on. We are going to fight on. [organ playing] praise the lord. I wrote this song 20 years ago and i never thought i would sing it for a game changer. Much tohave got so thank god for so many wonderful things and so many open doors a brandnew mercy along with this new day you is why i praise give you praise wave your hand if you know you are blessed. For waking me up this morning for taking me on my way for letting me see the sunshine get on your feet, get on your feet. It is a brandnew day day along with each new lord, that is why i praise you for this i give you praise you are jehovah that is why i praise you rescued me i want to praise you that is why i praise you gave me this day lord, that is why i praise you for this i give you in here ever had to praise god in the valley with tears in your eyes . For every mountain sing it for george. Sing it for george. You brought me over for every trial throughu have seen me for every prayer my soul says hallelujah for this take me to the valley. I give you you [low noye] i give you praise have you ever praise got on the mountaintop . [vocalizing] praise [high note] [vocalizing] for this, lord for this, lord i i give you praise mountain every you brought me over for every trial you bring me through you bring me through i say hallelujah for this, i give you praise for this, lord i give you praise [vocalizing] one more. I give you praise for every mountain you brought me over for every trial you have seen me through i sing hallelujah praise ive you i give you i i praise ive you thank you. [pnr playin playing] beloved, if you will maintain order for a few more moments. We have come to the termination of the celebration of life and to guide be the glory for the life of george floyd junior the singers have told us if we give god praise, the bible says that everything that has breath praise the lord. Let everything in this room on behalf of george floyd that has breath praise the lord. Even right now. Lets praise god for georges life, for his legacy. As you prepare to leave from this place there are a few matters of order that must be considered as we prepare to leave. I want to ask everyone to please take your seat at this time, everyone, please take your seat. Thank you so very much. As we take our seats now, we are going to terminate this service. Allowing the family to leave first. And then, because we must maintain order and get the family to the cemetery in the appropriate amount of time, the ushers are in the aisles and they will dismiss each section ularly. Orl we ask that we stay in your seat until the usher has made it clear that you can leave the sanctuary. It has been requested you go immediately to your cars, so we can allow everyone to clear off of the campus of the fountain of praise as expeditiously as possible. We must maintain order. We must get this done so that the family can get to the thisery, and we can lay body to the ground as we have celebrated his life in such grand fashion. Thank you, church, for being the church you have been throughout this time. Thank you, beloved community, for hearing what we asked of you and responding accordingly. We are going to leave from this place now, and as we do, we are going to celebrate what god has done by giving to us the life of george floyd junior. The bible says the lord giveth blessedlord taketh away be the lord. Help me bless the lord as the family prepares to dismiss from this place at this time. Funeral directions Funeral Directors we are following your directions and all other members of the congregation will remain seated until the ushers have dismissed you. Thank you so very much. Fort bend has something to percent. Please. Fort bend, will you make a presentation at this time . Fort bend funeral home. If everyone also please just remain seated . Just the family in this section right here in the center. We will ask the family to follow. The direction of fort bend funeral services. Crown shall wear a when it is all over overit is all oh, i facell see his facell see his one day i will i when it is over i cannot wait when it is over i shall wear a crown wear a crown i shall i shall wear a crown when when it is all over jesus when when it is all over see i shall e his face cant wait to see his face when it is all over when cant wait to see his when it is all over oh im going to put on when it is all over yes, i will im gonna put it on oh [vocalizing] i am going to put on my robe oh how i made it for everyone except the family. If we are exiting the building we ask that you ask it to the side doors. At the front. The family is going down the center aisle. Please do not crowd the family any further. Please exit through the side doors here. I do not see nobody moving this way. I need people to move this way. I need you to move that way. Towards the front. Amen, we will keep order. Thank you, lord. Thank you. Yes, yes. There we go. If you can come around to the front. Through to the lobby. Please exit, thank you. [organ playing] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] \ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] former president s jimmy bill clinton, george w. Bush and barack obama made statements surrounding the killing of george floyd in minneapolis. Here is what they had to say. The president carter, humanizing people debases us all. Humanity is infinitely diverse. Humanity of our common must overcome the divisiveness of our prejudices. 57 years clinton wrote ago dr. King joined of a day when his four little children would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Today that dream seems even more out of reach. And we will never reach if we keep treating people of color with the unspoken assumption that they are less human. Thisdent bush said tragedy raises a long overdue question how do we and the systemic racism in our society . The only way to see ourselves in a true light is to listen to the voices of so many who are hurting and grieving to those who set out to silence those voices do not understand the meaning of america or how it becomes a better place. President obama delivered his message on social media. It falls on all of us regardless of race or station, including the majority of men and women and lawenforcement you take pride in doing their tough jobs the right way every day, to Work Together to create a new normal in which the legacy of bigger tree and unequal treatment no longer since in fact our institution or our hearts. You can read the entire statements online at cspan. Org. The House Judiciary Committee hold a hearing on racial profiling and Police Brutality in the wake of the death of george floyd while in police custody. Watch live wednesday at 10 a. M. Eastern on cspan. , or listenspan. Org live on the free cspan radio app. George floyd. With the recent protests unfolding across the country, watch our live unfiltered coverage of the governments response with briefings from the white house, congress, governors, and mayors from across the nation updating the situation. Plus, efforts addressing the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and campaign 2020. Join in the conversation every day on our live callin Program Washington journal. Watch anytime ondemand at cspan. Org. Or listen on the go with the free cspan radio app. Cspan has unfiltered coverage of congress, the white house, the supreme court, and Public Policy events. Cspansatch all of Public Affairs programming on television, online, or listen on our free radio app, and be part of the National Conversation through cspans daily washington journal programs or through our social media feeds. Cspan, created by americas Cable Television companies as a Public Service and brought to you today by your television provider. Marc caputo is a political reporter covering the president ial campaign in florida. Hes been interviewed him on the issues motivating voters in the 2020 president ial race, and what the impact of the coronavirus and protests against Police Violence can have on the outcome in the sunshine state. Continue our battleground series today,part of cspans campaign 20 our focus is florida. Joining us as marc caputo at politico. Com. Give us an overall sense of the landscape in the state right now . Marc there were a few different landscapes. One is the broader picture coronavirus and protest gripping the state. This is president trumps home ad

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