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Live and we will get to audience questions with the governor before we wrap up the conversation. We also want to hear from you watching on politico. Com. What we are asking is what should congress be doing to respond to National Unrest and protests against Racial Injustice and why. You can type your answer on politico. Com. At the end of our interview, we will check out your responses. Before the governor joins us again, i want to talk about a few things we are watching this week. Number one is a state of Police Reform. That we couldint be surprised in the coming weeks and months, that Police Reform could pick up some momentum. His hopeful signs from republicans who believe congress should ban choke holds. They should be fun statutes that allow cops to escape liability liability limitations, in other words, and frankly, i think a lot of politicians right now have reached a moment where they believe there has been a National Reckoning on Police Violence and racially targeted Police Violence. I think it will be interesting to see in the next couple of weeks what happens, especially leading up to an election. I have been skeptical. We both have. You have senator tim scott and mitt romney saying they are working together on a package. They want to have something potentially come this week on that. House democrats yesterday put forth their kind of topline proposals, but the wood the real question is going to be what happens in the middle . Right now, we know congress has not been doing a lot of work, certainly not a lot of beyondsan work, coronavirus. Less than five months before an election, to address a hot button issue would be really historic. The big question is what can we find compromise on, and will they be able to get over that hurdle getting the president on board . This morning he was tweeting some pretty controversial things, when you look at if he will be able to put out his political message or his views, his Political Capital with voters who say this is the time, we need to do this now. He was putting skepticism around the attack that happened in former where two officers have been arrested for pushing down a 75yearold man. The president saying that did not happen the way it appeared to. Our eyes were lying to us, in other words, the man was not bleeding on the ground. We have another minute before the governor joins us, but coronavirus recovery, theres new reports weve had over the last couple of days, we believe it will happen sometime in july if it happens at all, which i believe it will. Perhaps the Paycheck Protection Program needs a refresh. I think that will happen after july 4 in the month of july, before Congress Takes off for the entire month of august. We kind of forget since most of us are in our homes, and we forget that we are fewer than 150 days from a National Election in which the senate, house of representatives, and presidency are up for grabs. August is going to be a time when a lot of people are going to want to be on the campaign trail talking about what they have done and we are going to see a coronavirus stimulus bill sometime in july. I think that makes sense. If you are up for reelection, you want to go back to constituents who may have had issues related to coronavirus. You definitely want to be able to have something. I think the question is going to be where the rubber hits the road between republicans and democrats. Obviously, the house passed its own bill. Republicans have been very skeptical about how big it needs to be. The economy appears to be doing better. Up obviously yesterday quite a bit, but i think as long as they feel like the package does not have to be big, you will see Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell try to narrow the contours of the bill so that his members can go back and say they did something, but not necessarily of the size and scope of the first couple of packages. We are seeing in real time the capital kind of readjust for the times of coronavirus. For the first time, the capital is becoming filled again. The senate is in session for the first time. I wear my n95 mask, which i have somewhere. I wont put it on for you, but i wear this every day when i go to because we are in close quarters even though we are social distancing. We are next to each other and talking to members of congress and their staff. A lot fewer of us than perhaps usual, but we are up there. The house of representatives is itnshifting at schedule s schedule. They will be out of session all of june doing committee work, and if you are on capitol hill you will see the Committee Rooms that many of us have seen in person, have been converted to covid safe Committee Rooms with plexiglas between members of congress, seats spaced out, and all sorts of adjustments made for this time when we are trying to stop this disease. That is Perfect Timing because we have been joined by the governor of new jersey, governor phil murphy. We are very happy to have you. Thanks you for joining us. Gov. Murphy honor to be with you, thank you for having me. Jake we will start off with a news of the day question. Obviously, the big question right now is around the protests around the country, the black lives matter protest. I am curious about your take on the substance and the defund the police movement, which is catching steam around the country. What your view on that is and what your view is on changes that need to be made statewide in new jersey and in municipalities. Gov. Murphy i would say that is, in new jersey i am incredibly gratified to say that we have had literally hundreds of protests overwhelmingly, 99 plus percent peaceful and done exactly in the spirit that you would hope. I speak as a governor and former National Board member of the naacp. The state of racism is sadly alive and well in our country, and this is year one of the fifth century since slavery came to our shores. People are angry. They are outraged. They are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore, and who can blame them . I myself participated with my wife and one of our children in two of these peaceful protests, and the energy and anger is raw, but it is constructive. It is screaming for action. The only thing i would say about defund, it is not as a simple yes or no question. When you are in year 400 one of a legacy of slavery and racism, this is a lot more complicated. To be at the has endpoint that we have got relations between Law Enforcement and communities that work, that are respectful, that are deeply engaged, that look out for the safety and security not just of some what for everybody. I think we have made a decent amount of progress in our state, and you never pat yourself on the back because this is a work in progress, but i signed a law saying any shooting involving a member of Law Enforcement has to be adjudicated and investigated in an independent fashion. It is one of the most forward leaning laws in america. Our attorney general is updating our use of force which has not been updated in 20 years. We are now going to license each member of Law Enforcement at all levels. I think it is a mosaic that needs to be properly put together, and the anger and outrage is completely understandable. Its high time for action. Anna thank you so much for joining us. You are clearly focused at the state level, but what are you going to ask the new jersey delegation that should happen at the federal level . Gov. Murphy good to be with you, thank you for having me. We have an outstanding delegation led by two exceptional senators. Bob menendez and cory booker. And 12 members of the house. I think it will be in the spirit i have not had a chance to go through the details of what is being proffered in the house bill today, but i think it will be in a similar spirit to what i just mentioned a few minutes ago, to give people not just words, although i think words matter, right . I do not want to underweight the fact that when you are in a position of leadership as i am, people do look to you, and they do care about what you say, so i dont want to suggest this is all action and no words, but it cannot be just words. In the spirit of what i discussed in the terms of deepening engagement between Law Enforcement and communities in our state and across our country, the reinstalling of the trust that Law Enforcement is fore not just for some but every person, regardless of race, ethnicity, etc. I think it is in that spirit that we are trying to pursue that in new jersey, and i think that congressional piece of this, in a similar light. Anna your attorney general has fought giving civilian complete review boards giving more authority to investigate civilian complaints on Law Enforcement officers. Do you think it is time to reexamine that . Gov. Murphy i think almost everything has to be on the table, anna. The civilian review process in newark has worked and has been a game changer, to pick one example. This independent prosecutor bill is a big game changer in our state. It is a law that i signed last year, and it was something that folks up and down our state and communities, but particularly communities of color, wanted it. It is a great example of a step in the right direction. I think, as we said, we have to have a strategic objective and then have all the pieces of the potential puzzle on the table for consideration. Jake you have gotten some criticism i have seen about this on twitter, which is a horrible thing to read, but we all do it from time to time. There is a question, a legitimate Public Health question on protests during this era. You have been fighting a disease in your region i am from connecticut, so i am familiar with the tristate region. Should anyone go out and protest during these times . You went out to protest. Is that a good Public Health example for people who have been fighting this disease in such a strong way in your state . Gov. Murphy it is a legitimate question but i do not think you have any choice right now, as long as you do it peacefully. Please wear a mask. I am taking my mask off only because i am speaking to you. Mask up and trying keep social distancing. I was at two on sunday and that part is hard. I will be tested again with my wife tomorrow morning. Our son who was with us is getting tested today. I do not take any of this lightly. New jersey knows this from connecticut, this region has been crushed. New jersey has the secondhighest death toll, the secondhighest cases of any american state. We are finally for the last several weeks in a meaningfully better place. We want to keep it that way. I said yesterday when i was asked this question, literally the two protests i went to had numbers in the thousands. So i would ask rhetorically, what is the alternative . We need you to stay inside. You cant step out of your house, gather, and protest against systemic racism in america . I do not want to see what that looks like. While i know this is not a clearcut answer, the fact of the matter is people are angry and deserve to be heard. They need to do it peacefully and as responsively, as a health care matter, as humanly possible. Anna last week you extended the Public Health emergency another 30 days as new jersey prepares to enter phase two of the reopening on june 15, just a few days from now. What metric do you need to hit to continue loosening restrictions . Gov. Murphy it is the ones we are looking out and the ones we care most about include total hospitalizations, new hospitalizations is a big one, icu bed use, ventilator use. We also look at spot positivity. We are now testing, we are number one in america in terms of testing per capita. We look at spot positivity rates. Right now it is in the three to the 3 to 4 rate. For folks who are not familiar, it means that these are samples collected as of friday. We probably had 25,000 or 30,000 people get tested, if i had to guess. I dont have the number in front of me. This is daily. Of that amount, 3 or 4 were positive. Thats a big one. We also look at a variable called rt, rate of transmission. As long as that is meaningfully under one, the virus is headed to the ground. If it gets above one, and you will know this from connecticut, at the height of this in midtolate march, the rt was 5. 5 in new jersey, meaning that if you are symptomatic, everyone every person you were in contact with, you were infecting on average 5. 5 people, so the thing was exploding. That is now. 7 or. 8. Those are the data points we look at. They are getting better. Because they are getting better, we are able to take more steps this coming weekend, and monday is a big step forward. Jake for example, largescale gatherings, weddings, partings parties. When do you expect to give people in your state the guidance they are looking for on events like that . Gov. Murphy today. Jake ok. [laughter] gov. Murphy not with you all, but today this afternoon. Hows that for an answer . I have an answer for you. Jake amazing. I think a lot of people will be interested in that. That was such a short question, i can move right on. What has surprised you in your dealings with the white house . Here in d. C. It is a firehose of news at all times. I am curious what has deviated from your perception of the president . Gov. Murphy as a governor, you already have some sort of relationship with the white house in a normal peacetime, and i do not need to stipulate that i am not going to if you look at what i stand for and what the president stands for, there is a significant amount of disagreement on a range of issues. I am not sure it is a surprise, but we have been able to find Common Ground consistently, and we need that. We need to continue to do that. Even at the same time, i dont pull any punches. I certainly dont think he does. And we will not start doing that now. Whether it is testing or in the heat of the crisis bed capacity with the army corps or personal protective equipment, ventilator usage, ventilators period. Money is now an issue. We need federal cash assistance direct to states. We are going to continue to try and find that Common Ground. We have succeeded so far, and no matter who the administration is, what the name of the president is, there is only one president at any moment in time in any administration, and the federal government plays an existential, singular role. For instance, it can print money and we cant, to pick one example. I hope we will continue to find that Common Ground. Anna speaking of that, last week 26,000 more new jerseyans filed for unemployment and there is a total of 1. 2 Million People in your state unemployed since the pandemic started. Talk about the money that you are going to need. Right now congress is starting to slow walk a package. There is a lot of disagreement between republicans and democrats about how much money, if money should even be directed towards state and local governments. How much are you going to need . Gov. Murphy we are going to need a lot. It is smart at every level, including smart politics on both sides of the aisle. The last thing we need right now is for unemployment to go any higher, and you pointed out that we have been crushed in new jersey, and we are not alone. What would happen if we did not get this direct cash assistance . We would have the extraordinarily unfortunate step to take to lay off people like firefighters, police, ems, healthcare workers, and educators. At the moment when we need them the most, in the Biggest Health care crisis and biggest economic crisis in our States History and our countrys history. The numbers are large. We extended our fiscal year to give you a little bit of a sense of the numbers. I think this understates it. We extended our fiscal year by three months and we did it a month in advance, so we had a four month window. We cut or made deferrals of 5. 2 billion of expenditures. That is four months. Multiply that by three. You are up to 15. 6 billion for new jersey alone just to get us back to park, and i think that understates the case. I think governors lamont, cuomo, and myself at one point not long ago said we thought we needed 150 billion into our regional alone. So these numbers are big. It is not blue versus red, it is not managing legacy issues. Those are talking points. This is reality. I personally think it is the number one lever we can pull as a country to stabilize our economy and get as close to that v recovery as possible. Anna it sounds like some creative accounting to defer the problem as long as possible. What is the dropdead date you need the money for new jersey . Gov. Murphy it is not a whole lot of creative accounting, it is actual cuts. These layoffs are happening as we speak. This is not theoretical. We need it now. I dont want to marry myself to it, but i would say certainly by july. This is not a theoretical exercise. People at the municipal level are already getting pink slips as we speak. Jake the question we have been trying to ask everybody is, do you see any longterm societal changes coming out of this pandemic. It seems like it has accelerated that were trends coming our way for years, perhaps, and it seems as if governments and companies will have to adapt. I wonder if you have given that any thought for your state and for the country . Gov. Murphy there is no question. I think this is a can akin, maybe even on a bigger scale, but certainly akin to life before 9 11 and life after 9 11, and things we never imagined. That we would be taking our shoes off before we got on the airplane in the summer of 2001 are part of our daily habits. I think there are a lot of things that will be changing. I think face coverings will be more prevalent, social distancing will stay with us, regular, hyper hygiene, particularly surfaces, etc. I think work from home, assuming that that is compatible with the type of job you have got and the type of business you work for, is going to be much more prevalent. I think it will have a big impact on mass transit. I think you will get a big urbansuburban rethink of where folks see themselves and not just where they are raising their family, but where they might be doing their jobs. We have a restart and Recovery Commission that we established a couple of months ago, wise women and men with both new jersey and national perspectives. Shirley tillman, former president of princeton. Ken frazier, ceo of mark, are the coshares. Ben bernanke, lisa jackson, among others, are serving on it with them. We are spending a huge amount of our time. We live dual lives here. Putting the fire out in the house, and we are still not there yet. We are going to announce more fatalities today, tragically. And at the same time, preparing for what the new normal will look like. And i think the changes the short answer will be that life will be different. My guess is we will get used to it. It will be a new normal, but it will never be the same. Anna we are quickly running out of time, but before we do, we want to get to an audience question. It is right in your wheelhouse in terms of the changes that are happening to society. You are a big sports fan and a lot of people are wondering, will there be live sporting events to watch it person with the giants and the jets this fall . Where do things stand on that . Gov. Murphy i think there will be, definitively live sports. I do not see a scenario, unless all hell breaks loose again, and please god it doesnt. Part of the reason we have as much Testing Capacity and Contact Tracing capacity and plans for isolation. We know no matter how good a job we do, the virus will come back. The question is, what are we going to do about it when it does . Can you surround it and quickly take it to the ground . That is the reason why that infrastructure, we have spent so much energy, time, and money to get that up and running. No question there will be live sports. It is too early to determine yay or nay on fan attendance. I still think we can hold out hope. It will clearly be at much lower capacities with protocols that folks would have to pass through, but i have not given up on that yet. We have the jets and giants. We also have pro soccer, men and women. The 76ers are headquartered and trained in camden. The Philadelphia Flyers train in new jersey. We have college and obviously high school and youth sports. This is a huge sports state and we want to safely, responsibly there is no question about that but we want to get back to some normalcy as soon as we can. Anna governor, we will let you go on that note. We appreciate your time this morning. Gov. Murphy thank you so much for having me. Anna before we go, we want to give our audience members answers to the question we asked at the beginning, which is what should congress be doing to respond to the unrest from ongoing protest about Racial Injustice . One of the answers was the bill the democrats introduced in the house is a good start. Eliminate choke, reduce military equipment, improve recruiting and training. This needs to be a total makeover. Thats from jeff. James also says, hold hearings to get insights from those being discriminated against. Last is eileen. She said mandatory training and education for Law Enforcement professionals. Jake interesting answers. If you enjoyed this briefing and dont already receive playbook, we invite you to describe to subscribe. We will be back next week for another installment of our inside the recovery series. Stay tuned for details and have a great and safe week. Cspans washington journal. We are taking your calls live on the air. We would discuss policy issues that impact you. The Washington Examiner discusses the prosecution of former National Security advisor Michael Flynn the conversation and paul with joseph rosenstein. Watch cspans washington Journal Wednesday morning and be ate to join the discussion your facebook comment, text tweets. And live, wednesday on the cspan network, the House Judiciary Committee holds a hearing on policing practices and accountability. The committee will hear fund George Floyds brother and other witnesses. That is 10 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan. Billenate returns for a for National Parks and public land on cspan two. On cspan three, treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin testifies about implementing the Small Business provision in the cares act. John Charles Fremont brought the Pacific Coast into the u. S. U. S. Did not have a Pacific Coast. There was territory in oregon that was just with written and california belonged to mexico. Fremont included encouraged settlement, justintime for the gold rush. He did play a real role in changing the map of the u. S. Look imperfect wests, how they mapped the. Sunday night at 8 00 eastern on q a. Cspans a hearing on the procurement and division strategies in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Aboutmmittee questioned supply chains and readiness for a second wave of covid19

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