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Jersey senator cory booker. This is chris from the dnc war room. Today, we will be talking about the trump chaos presidency in light of and with a focus on crisis formy in american families. With us today, we had governor gretchen whitmer, senator cory booker, and biden for president Deputy Communications director bill russo. A reminder to please raise your hand if you had a question, we will be doing that after we will have time for a few questions. If you come up with a question, please raise your hand. I will kick it to bill. Thanks. The American People did not need the darkness boat dystopian vision for our country on display last night at the Republican National convention. We are living through the reality because of Donald Trumps failures as president. We learned a lot about how Council Culture will ruin your life but little about how Donald Trumps mismanagement of the covid19 crisis might ended as it tragically has for most 180,000 americans. We heard about a great economy donald trump inherited but not a morsel of regret for how Donald Trumps failed leadership has squandered it started before covid hit. We heard the nearly in calc kibble number of lives lies about joe biden but not a single convincing reason that a voter on the fence should cast their ballot to reelect donald trump. We got to hear about the time donald trump joined his children on a trip to disney but all it accomplished is highlighting the smallness of the man himself. I will turn it over to the mission it michigan governor. To think backall to 2008 and 2009, the devastating crisis that was the great recession. When president obama and Vice President biden were sworn into office, they were handed the worst economic downturn the country had seen in generations. And president obama and Vice President biden did not let us down. They saved our Auto Industry here in michigan and across the country, saving countless jobs in the process. Vice President Biden helped pass the recovery act and he oversaw its implementation, running the most effective and fraud fee operations in recent memory. An economy and country in the midst of an historic recovery, the longest streak of job group job growth in history, raising wages and 16 million jobs created since the recession. Since that time 3. 5 years ago, donald trump has driven our economy into the ground. Even before the coronavirus struck, the job growth has slowed and the Manufacturing Sector was in farmers bankrupt under trumps failed leadership. We have 16 million workers, more than one in 10, who were unemployed. We have not even regained half of the jobs lost during the pandemic. Than 6nomy lost more million jobs since donald trump took the wheel, including more than 250,000 factory jobs and more than 100,000 Small Businesses closed for good. Smalld of helping businesses and working families, he gave aid to big corporations and pushed big tax breaks to the wealthiest 1 . He does not care about americans struggling to make ends meet or put food on the table. He is not working half as hard as struggling families are. Unemployment workers are desperately looking for jobs, trying to figure out where their next meal will come from. Dog. , that is my i was going to let him out. So manyt risk of seeing americans evicted because of trumps mishandling of the covid19 pandemic. We know that the way out of the crisis is to get the virus under smalll, to give relief to businesses and working families, and produce testing supplies right here in the u. S. , encourage mask wearing and social distancing. Donald trump failed to put together a National Strategy to help us reach the goals. There is stillnd not a National Strategy. Other countries got the virus under control and safely reopen, but trumps failed leadership nearlylayoffs spiking in one third of recalled workers have been laid off a second time. Making a huge sacrifice and orally returning after weeks donaldafter the job, trump severely worsened our countrys economic crisis. Hurtailure to act has michiganders and americans everywhere. Workers and families cannot afford four more years of this. I want to introduce you to my friend, the phenomenal senator from the great state of new jersey, senator cory booker. Senator booker i am grateful for your words and i want to. Hare bluntly with everyone last night was really surprising they completely distorted a lot of the facts. That was the thing most frustrating to me. Even before the covid crisis, donald trump was really mismanaging an economy and having challenges with the economy inherited from the obama administration. Almost exactly 1. 5 billion fewer jobs were created during trumps three years in office than during obamas final three years. Trumps giant tax cut for the wealthy and wellconnected showered almost 85 of benefits to businesses and those with incomes over 75,000. But tax breaks went more to stop buybacks then higher wages. Again, so Many Americans are not involved in it. Economic growth slowed in each year of trumps in office. Trump was ranked the seventh amongst predecessors in terms of the economy, while building up massive deficits in a trump tax cut he said would pay for itself but clearly racked up the biggest deficits we have seen. All before Donald Trumps massive mishandling of the crisis, with chaotic and impetuous responses to the challenges going on. We know that people across new jersey are hurting and need relief and they are not getting it from the president , who calls himself a dealmaker, but is not old has not only failed to make deals, but failed to address one of the biggest economic downturns in the last century. We are seeing the blackwhite wealth disparity grow while billionaires are getting richer, notl businesses are also getting the protective equipment they need to stay afloat. Working families know that the president is not looking out for them. That relief isow on the way. It is unfortunate that every step of the way, donald trump made the crisis worse, ignored experts. He failed to implement a National Testing strategy. Advisors tohe told slow down the testing. He said the virus would miraculously disappear. That has clearly not been the case. The consequences of his missteps have been devastating. Deadly with the rates of death in this country making us an outlier on the planet earth, and to the economy, which so Many Americans are now suffering through. Not only did trumps mismanagement of covid19 tank the economy, but it is also clear that the financial hardship, he is not acting as a leadership. 40 million americans are at risk of being kicked out of homes but trump was slow, dragged his speed, and 30 million americans are not getting not getting enough food to eat. Trump slashed Unemployment Benefits in half for tens of millions of workers and cut Supplemental Benefits to zero for more than one million lowwage workers. Five point 4 million americans have lost their health care because of this crisis as he continues through his legal actions to try and stop, undermine, and take away the Affordable Care act. 100,000 Small Businesses are closed for good in our country now. Send aid to large and foreignowned companies. This is not a president who handled these crises well. This president compounded the crisis tos and failed to step up for the American People. Signed executive orders that do little to nothing and do not remotely meet the scale of the crisis we face. Lets be honest. Fighting for testing businesses, for this is a minimum. Administration has failed to put forward a concrete agenda for back better aild strong economy. Working families need a president and Vice President who will take on the inequalities and jet injustices Holding People down and keeping them on the sidelines. Joe biden and kamala, this is their guiding principle. They will put workers first and their leadership will siesta the crisis and help us build our economy back better than before. I am ready to have steady and confident leadership in the white house. We are ready for a president getting the pandemic under. Ontrol we are ready for a president who will keep promises to american workers, who will raise the minimum wage and then make paid family leave and sick leave, programs that make american competitive,g and and who will strengthen the unions, and make it easier and not harder. Forgive me. I know what the focus of this is. I was about to get in trouble with my good friends but as a guy who sits on the Foreign Relations committee, i was stunned last night to hear the patent lies. Nuclear threatn has not been any in any way been reduced. Actions have expanded under this president. Iranians influence in iraq, syria and the influence there, this president has been disastrous in forest debt foreign policy. That is why you are seeing so many generals break protocol and come out against the president. He made the world a more dangerous place and cannot be trusted to keep us safe, if he is one tweet or one impetuous from the crisis on planet earth. It is really america retreating withhis role of leadership our allies. America first is really america alone and isolated. Pandemic hasof the made this more isolated. Curtailed because we are not welcome. Me for going a little over. We have endless debates right now. Thank you, senator booker and governor whitmer. We will have time for a couple of questions if folks would please raise their hands. Right now. Up, awe are queuing it reminder from the war room today, you have a fax sheet in your inbox about the presidency, specifically about the economy in crisis. If you are in d. C. Today, you will see mobile billboards driving around that talk about trumps covid failure. Stop and they will be going throughout the day. Let me see if we have hands raised. Lets start with trevor. Can you hear me . Yes. My question was around the night. The rnc last they previewed an event that would be optimistic and hopeful, and a lot of people saw something else. What was your thinking around how they positioned the tone of that . I will start and then senator booker, you watched walltowall coverage. A few quick observations, from what we saw last week, the , it was optimistic and inclusive and representative of our country. These are real people talking about what the election is really about and what it means our homes and on behalf of our families. Spitefult was grim and and fear inducing. They all a lot of things to worry about and they all emanate from what is coming out of the white house. Theys such a surprise would surprise decide to take this path. What americans want more than anything is good people who know how to get the job done and who will do what they say they will deal and look out for the American People. Agenda deed biden and harris team runs on i will handed over to my friend, senator booker. Senator booker you described it well. Next point. O the jessica. The campaign put out a statement about the secretary of state pompeos remarks that he will make from jerusalem. We had a spokesperson from the state department saying he was doing this on his private time, the taxpayer funds will be used no taxpayer funds will be used. I am curious what you all think. You mentioned earlier some thoughts. The fact that a sitting secretary of state would give a speech like this is flatout disgraceful. It is an abuse of taxpayer money. This is part of official travel. Taxpayer money got him there. Taxpayer money is paying for his protection. What this does is fundamentally undermine the incredibly important work done by the state department edit politicize is the historic bipartisan support we have had. It is the latest example of a president and administration that puts politics ahead of anything else, even when it undercuts alliances and weakens our understanding abroad. As far as i have read, it violates his own policies with the state department and the state department confirmed officials should not be involved in politics. It is directly counter to what i own memosfrom his about instructions. Put ak it i think bill fine point on the fact hes doing this from the state of israel at a time when israel is facing a lot of challenges and that we have a lot of bipartisan support for. For him to do this partly shows that the administration is willing to politicize the state of israel and use it as a political wedge as opposed to a rallying cry for us to come together and continue the traditions of bipartisan support for the state of israel. To me, it is reckless encounter to the traditions of our country. It is counter to the mandates for the state department personnel. It is unfortunate that this president seems like from of the venue he seems to be trampling ideas that are certain places that are sacrosanct not for politics and a Political Convention in this way. Do we have jonathan . Senator booker he is one of new jerseys finest reporters even though he is occasionally mean to me. I am in new jersey, too. You, senator booker. Four years ago, you also have the response to the republican convention. I do not remember what the topic was but i have all of the questions about governor quick governor chris christie, who had spoke spoke the night before. He is not in the agenda today. What do you make of that. I am not sure the reasons why. That is less of an issue to me than all of the other people who have chosen not to speak at this convention. You have significant republicans who went out of their way to say publicly they want to know part of this convention. It is stunning. This is a convention with no former president or president ial nominees that are taking part. This is a convention where you have dozens and dozens of Republican People from the Intelligence Community coming out and saying they want no part of it. This is a convention where you have some of the more prominent stars in their party, from a former rnc chairman, to people i serve with in the senate like jeff flake, coming out and openly endorsing joe biden, if i have that correct. So, i just think that this is its surprising to see the absences here, and the people that are openly working against donald trump from the Republican Party. If anything, that should be telling to republicans that they have a convention that is lacking so much unity, while our convention, on the contrary, you saw a significant amount of our former president s, from jimmy carter to barack obama to bill clinton. You saw a whole host of people who actually ran against joe biden, including myself, from all corners of our party, coming out and endorsing him. And you had, again, republicans, surprising republicans come out and endorse. So, i just think that this is a convention that if you look at just the support on both sides, clearly shows that donald trump has distorted the Republican Party in a way that many people have run away from it. And then just the final thing, the governor carried this very well, but this convention, i remember four years ago, jonathan, your bringing it up to me how disturbed i was that you had chants of lock her up, these kind of authoritarian chants that we are not a nation of due process, that we are not a nation where the rule of law is important. And it is a shame. I remember how sort of feeling sad i felt at the darkness was being preached four years ago. You are reminding that in relation to last night watching walltowall coverage, and just being surprised that, again, i found authoritarianlike culture around this convention. The one thing is the frontal assaults on just truth i mean, theres one way you might hear some politician say things that you can argue with or that are debatable, but this was just categorical lie after categorical lie, that Fact Checkers from numerous organizations i had seen this morning are calling them out for the level of mistruth we are seeing coming. If there is anything we know from authoritarian figures, one of the first things they want to do is obscure what is truth and what is fact. And that is something that we are just not going to allow them to do as a democratic party, and remind the American Public the degree to which this presidency has been a failure. It has failed the economy, it has failed the response to the pandemic, and it has failed to deliver on promise after promise that they made, from our health care all the way to the ridiculous things, like mexico was going to pay for a wall. Mr. Hayden thank for joining, everyone. If you have other followups, feel free to email bill or myself. Thank you to all our speakers. Tomorrow, we will be at noon eastern time. We will be joined by speaker nancy pelosi. And i am happy to announce here that we will also be joined by majority leader chuck schumer. So, it should be a really great call tomorrow. Cant miss there. So, thank you so much, everyone. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] announcer cspans live coverage of the Republican National Convention Continues tonight at 8 30 p. M. 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