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And state coronavirus response. Former Trump Administration Economic Advisor Casey Mulligan on President Trumps economic record heading into the final days of campaign 2020. Is the washington journal for wednesday, october 21, less than two weeks until election day. President trump campaigns in gastonia, Kamala Harris in asheville, North Carolina today. President barack obama campaigning in philadelphia. We invite you to answer this question. What is motivating you to vote this year . Perhaps it is an issue you are passionate about, you do not like the other candidate, maybe it is due to who you think will handle the pandemic better. Heres how you can let us know this our what is motivating you to vote. 202 7488001 if you support President Trump and mike pence. 202 7488000 if you support joe biden and Kamala Harris. Areare decided undecided or supporting another candidate, 202 7488002. cspanwj. Cial media pew in august, it was the organization that took a poll on those issues important to voters making their decisions. The economy was at the top of that list. Care, supremealth court appointments, the coronavirus outbreak, crime, Foreign Policy, gun policy, race and ethnic inequality, immigration, Climate Change, and abortion. If you want to see that list, go to pew. Maybe it is one of those things on that list motivating you to vote this year, or perhaps other things, too. Those issues addressed on our facebook page. Going to thehe is polls because of republican corruption. Joe bowman says, the democrats. This is beth hodges talking about issues of health care and economy. Chuck says it is common decency. James fuller on her facebook republicans are motivating me not to vote. Those of the swath of issues there as far as voting is concerned. You can add yours to the mix. Facebook, twitter available. You can text us. Phone lines available too. We will start with a supporter of President Trump in britain wanted, california brentwood, california. This is todd. Go ahead. Caller i am excited about trumps impressive accomplishments, energy independence. That is a whole new world for us. His accomplishment in the areas choice, thede, v. A. Wall, usmca, nato paris accord, carbon emissions. We lead the world in carbon emissions. Isis, reform, solemani, ending wars. You have joe and ms. Harris, open borders, medicare for illegals. How about that combination . Open borders and medicare for illegals. Green new deal, lateterm abortion, court packing, ending the filibuster. Host ok. There is a list. Support for others from clairsville, ohio, we will hear from john. You are on. What is motivating you this year . Caller what is motivating me is to vote against both of these 2 candidates, because main two candidates, because i utterly i have so many things i disagree with both of them on that i voted for Howie Hawkins. The main thing on trump is the coronavirus. I thought he handled it horrible. On the biden thing is this story. Biden i think we lose either way. I did consider voting for both of them just to vote against the other one. First i considered voting for trump to vote against biden, then biden against trump. They are both horrible and Social Security. Host john, just to let you know, saturday, on this program, we will feature both of those candidates, or at least one of them, Howie Hawkins. The green Party President ial candidate. Be joined at 9 00 by libertarian candidate jo jordgensen. A supporter of joe biden from detroit. We will hear from gary. ,aller good morning pedro and greetings yet again for motown. And theulus bill stimulus bill, getting a hold of me, coronavirus, and, for the biggie of the mall, the bane of every White Conservative is racial justice. I am sure the people on the republican line will slam me for it. Certainly the white people on the republican do hate black people and that is all i have to say. How will biden change the issue should he become president . Caller i do not believe in defunding the police, but i do support reforming not only Law Enforcement, but the feckless court system that keeps letting racist Killer Police officers get away with it. Host what would you like to see joe biden do on that front . Caller well, three things. I hope you give me enough time to suggest them. Replace internal affairs with a Police Review board of civilian oversight. Thend, to either reform grand jury system, and if it cannot be reformed, then it should be abolished. Finally, as a mandatory part of police training, a racial sensitivity course for every white male who wants to become a route outnly way to potential racists in their ranks. T out potential racists and their ranks. Host that is gary. We will hear from mark in louisiana, a supporter of President Trump. By. Hi. Caller i love your show. Youre a good guy. I am supporting trump, because he can get the economy going andst, and i americans deserve a better economy. With biden, higher gas prices. Great deals. That will not help africanamericans. Africanamericans, hispanics. My dad picked crops with black americans. They picked each others crops. This is the south deep south. If he ever talked bad to an africanamerican, his mom would have lit his rear up and he would have remembered it for the rest of his life. I am voting for trump. You have the media, the democrats in congress. If you have biden, there are no safeguards. The media is all in for this guy. They will not even report on what he did when he was Vice President. That is who you want in office . No safeguards, none at all . You need to vote trump in. I am not for trump the way he talks and acts sometimes, but his policies. He says what he does. He helped hispanics, africanamericans. He will help them again. Zachary,t is mark in louisiana talking about his motivations for voting for President Trump. We are going to be joined by Casey Mulligan, the former chief economist at the council of economic advisers for the Trump Administration talking about the president s record economically in campaign 2020. Poll has a latest look. The democratic challenger reading the republican incumbent by 2. 3 points in a four way president ial poll of likely voters, registering the libertarian candidate with 2. 3 and Howie Hawkins with one with the. 9 . Flipped to a new low watermark. The president s numbers have gone the other way, to a high watermark. That is investors business daily. Maryland, amantown, supporter of joe biden, go ahead. Caller hi, pedro. Thank you for allowing us to speak. I am personally voting for joe biden because i believe he has the ability to restore our standing. I think he can bring us together in this country as well. I dont understand those who continue to undermine trumps behaviors and his rhetoric and his divisive tactics he has done to basically divide us against one another in political parties. They support him because his policies. Think thersonally i policies he has, we will not execute moreacy to policies the way we are going now. I think joe biden has the that we areake sure personally concerned about social justice, climate control. Those are things he can enact and we will still have a democracy for him to do so. Host you start off by saying standing in the global community. What does that mean and why is it important . Caller it is important because we have allies who are willing to support us and work with us on a global scheme. No country is standing by themselves. Donald trump, for him to take us out of all of these agreements, nafta, he is making us weaker peoplee vulnerable so can come in and re and wreak havoc. The only person he wants to listen to is him. Host ok. That is tammy in germantown, maryland calling us. You can continue calling us as well about what is motivating you to vote. 202 7488001 if you support President Trump, 202 7488000 if you support joe biden, 202 7488002 if you are undecided or support another candidate. We will get an update now on what is going on on capitol hill in regards to talks between democrats and republicans on another round of Coronavirus Relief. Joining us, mike liles of the hill. Good morning. Guest good morning. Thank you for having me. Host we have heard of these deadlines. Continuing deadlines. There are three different iscks we are on now, but it harder to determine if they are converging, diverging, moving in parallel, or going off the rails. You mentioned the house talks and nancytary mnuchin pelosi. They talked yesterday. They will talk again today. They are claiming progress, but it seems to be very incremental and they have not been able to announce a deal. Speaker pelosi set a deadline yesterday to come to some broad terms of an agreement, the contours of a deal, that might allow another stimulus package to get to trumps desk before the november 3 election, and today she seems to indicate that they met that threshold after talking to mnuchin. But there are differences that remain and it is unclear that they can iron those out by the end of the week, which is pull deadline. Ker pelosis with that in mind, let me show you a little bit. You mentioned the senate. Senator mcconnell on the senate floor talking about whether he the for deal for a vote on the senate floor. [video clip] i want to clarify something. Getancy pelosi and mnuchin considerent, you will bringing it to the floor . Sen. Mcconnell yes. Youas the president asked to move forward on that or to support it and get your members to support it . Sen. Mcconnell we would have to see what it was first. If a deal is announced, it will have to be written, and people will have a chance to take a look at it. Then it will have to clear the house. If all of that occurs, of course we would consider it in the senate. , that is whatlis the majority leader had to say. What is behind that . Guest something very important is behind that, and that while mcconnell is saying publicly he would bring something to the floor, it is important he said at some point. He would not bring something to the floor before the election. Number one. The second big thing yesterday was republicans have a weekly lunch. They had that around noon yesterday. Mcconnell told the republican conference that he has been pushing the white house not to cut a deal with pelosi and the democrats. Isdoes not think pelosi negotiating in good faith. He thinks she is stringing them along. There is also a lot of republican distrust in the treasury secretary, steven mnuchin, who has cut deals with Speaker Pelosi in earlier rounds in march, and there was a lot of grumbling on the republican side that mnuchin had given away the store. She was able to claim victory and the republicans had nothing to take home. So all those things considered, there are a lot of balls in the air, but as we get closer to november 3, the prospects for getting a deal just seem to be dimmer and dimmer and mcconnells comments yesterday in private not in public, but in private highlight how much work they will have to do to get this done. Trump of course is saying i will bring mcconnell along. He has been on the sidelines of this debate for the entire time. It seems like he is getting a little bit desperate and is now demanding a bill even bigger than Nancy Pelosis wants. He is the wildcard. Certainly mcconnell does not want an internal republican fight ahead of the election. He does not want trump tweeting at Senate Republicans bring this to the floor, 2 trillion. All of these are factors paired will have to see how this plays out. , thank you foris your time and updating us this morning. You can find the story at thehill. Com. Back to our question about what is motivating you to vote. Tonydecided voter, this is from phoenix, arizona. Go ahead. Caller you guys do a great job. I have been listening for years. Fantastic. I appreciate it. I am undecided, but i am leaning thirdparty, just because i kind of think it seems like things are so divided, our country, it is a case of divide and conquer the people. I think we are in a serious situation where everybody is so balkanized, there is no dialogue at the state level. There is no dialogue in washington. So i do not know what you could change, but it seems like a classic case of like, just, you know, i would like to call it an basese because we have all over the world. We are exerting power over the globe. It seems like another empire crumbling in on itself. Either theg towards libertarian or the green party just like a hail mary pass. That is basically host you can join us saturday morning for conversations and interviews with both of those candidates on our washington journal program. In illinois, wayne is a supporter of President Trump. Good morning to you. Caller trump, four years ago he was the underdog. Then he turns around and wins. That scared the Democratic Party. Way andwhats her wayr her her way in the amount of money she wents to spend. I am all for the ppp and the Small Business program, to keep them going, to keep employees on the rolls so they can draw. 300 a week, each week for unemployment, it seems like a pretty good deal, if not 600, but they are getting 300 over what they get from the state. States are still part of america. They are still part of our country. And we need to support them. And we need to learn to try to get together in bipartisanship with each others parties so that we can move ahead and get this problem behind us instead of malingering around like a festering sore. Host wayne. Teresa, athis is supporter of joe biden. I am a native american, ponca. The peace nobody is bringing up is the fact that the host nations we are the host nation, and we have been underrepresented for decades. The reason i am supporting biden harris is because biden is giving the native American Community a seat at the table. And if we get a certain act demolished by the Trump Administration, that will be devastating to the Health Service of the native American Community. The coronavirus as decimated many tribal nations. Has decimated many tribal nations. These things are very dear to me. Our health. Everything else is secondary. Host teresa in tulsa. We will go to arkansas. A supporter of President Trump, this is alan. Caller if you would allow me a brief criticism about cspan at the end of the call, but i am certainly supporting President Trump for reelection. Retiredou that as a. Merican history teacher argument. , i joined a debate team to recover the skill on some will. Never understood why a could not win an argument with my high with my brother. I have a lot of academic credentials and some other interesting engineering credentials that i could discuss at length and would be happy to put my academic credentials up againstanyone voting the president , or some of these other claims for academic credentials that people like to reference. Host so what is motivating you particularly . Caller when he first announced for office i noticed him during the years, in his career, and he had the reputation everyone recognizes that he has. I a history teacher, noticingy appreciated the broken families that have so ill affected students the last generation, wey cause these problems that exist in our country today. The loose behavior we had in the 70s that brought about social changes that we are looking at the terrible results of. The drug use that we brought in during the 70s, the abortion we brought in to cover up our loose behavior during the 70s and other Lifestyle Changes we thought were all just fine, no problem, but we brought all these problems into our country. It did not exist when i was going through high school and others listening who graduated during the 60s know that is true. Host and how does that factor into your motivation for voting for the president . Iller President Trump, respected the fact that his family loves him. He had such integrity within his family. I know there are the divorce issues and so on, but his family loves him. I thought that would be such a of how a family loves each other. And the rest of it. The fact that he did not drink alcohol i thought would be another great example for the country. Host ok, call her, what is your other caller, what is the other thing you want to bring to the table . Caller i wanted to draw a point to make. Next month is our 400th anniversary of the founding of our country, the pilgrims founding of our country. T620 as the founding, not 1619. Founding, not 1619. Slavery was illegal in massachusetts. Host we will leave you there. A supporter of joe biden in tennessee. Hello. Caller i am for biden and harris. The last caller got his history wrong. I want nancy pelosi to stick with this 600. Do not turn around and given to republicans. Give in to republicans. Y are sitting there with but Mitch Mcconnell and Lindsey Graham do not want to help the american people. Joe biden and Kamala Harris are for the american people. Trump lied about the coronavirus. He knew about this. He lied and people died because of this man. How can people promote someone like that . Backare trying to take us to what it used to be. Joe biden is for everyone. Republicans, democrats, and independents. Tennesseecaller from talking about motivating factors. This is our texter this morning, lee in florida, saying i am motivated to vote because i am fearful that democrats will continue to divide this country and limit our freedom. Plus they will take away school choice. Motivated byi am the fact that if President Trump is elected, the United States will cease to exist. Circus, thef the corruption, being laughed at by other countries. Brandon from facebook brings up the topic of children in cages. From facebookvan says it is keeping the democrats out of power, the motivating factor. Pennsylvania, a supporter of President Trump. Caller yes. Host you are on. Go ahead. Caller hello, pedro. Thanks for taking my call. I appreciate cspan. Trumpsupport president he has i believe that solely supported america. It is america versus china. When people talk about globalism, they are basically talking about chinas vision for this world, which is totalitarianism, which is a disregard for individual rights. And i think when you look at one of the people who i have admired is that fellow maybe you can help me with his name, i cannot remember offhand that he was instrumental in opening china for nixon. Since that time, he has come around, and is still speaking, writing books, and things like that, and he thought it was a very good idea at the time, and it was. It helped us bring down the iron curtain. Host of all those things, why is china the motivating factor to vote . Caller china is very expression expansionist. They are very aggressive. And they have been very aggressive in the south china sea. Hasody in the military agreed he has completely changed his stance and really thinks that china is a very belligerent power. You can see by what they have done with this coronavirus, i believe it did come from china, and they could have done a lot of things to prevent its to contain it, and they did not, except within china. Host ok. Caller and i think the thing we have to support is our constitution. It has become a dirty word. And that is not true. The constitution is so important and so important for our rights, for our ability to free speech, to protect ourselves by the second amendment, so many of the things host ok. Michael, we will leave it there. We will hear from shelby, tennessee, an undecided voter. Good morning. What is motivating you to vote . Caller hi, pedro. Appreciate it. I am voting mainly because we need to change. I hope all of congress have learned a hard lesson from the things trump has done wrong. He has lied through his teeth. He says one thing and then he says another. The thingsfulfilled from 2016 that he said he was going to accomplish. Inot think the man really think there is something sort of wrong with him upstairs, as i put it. Host you are an undecided voter. Is that the case . Caller i am not undecided. I am going for biden and harris. Host i will stop you there only because we have selected the lines, people are trying to get in. Either you support the president , joe biden, truly undecided, or supporting others. We asked people to pick the best line that represents them when they call us. When it comes to the issue of getting along, even in this election season, the wall street journal has a profile of two neighbors who live sidebyside in pittsburgh, one a supporter of joe biden, the other a devoted supporter of trump. It highlights them, saying the mitchells met 14 years ago in their suburban street on mount lebanon, pennsylvania. They quickly bonded. Theysay that although do not typically talk about politics, they know where they stand. Both families joked about an obama poster. They are pretty far left and we are pretty far right, says jill. They look for Common Ground and recognize that reasonable and good people can reach different conclusions. Respect, saysto chris. We have no illusion that we will change their minds. That is in the wall street journal. This is from marietta, georgia. Jose is next, supporter of President Trump. Caller i want your viewers to understand the facts are plain and simple. Lets talk about the country in the facts before the virus, where we were going with our veterans. We do not hear about our veterans dying anymore. Look at our military. It is stronger today. Look at foreign countries. They are paying more to support and defend themselves. We are trying to get our troops home. The facts are simple. People need to stop hating this guy. We need to look at how he has performed. We can argue about his attitude, the way his style is, but you cannot argue the facts about how latinos and blacks are no longer depending on welfare and food stamps. Before the coronavirus, we were not killing each other on the streets, burning buildings. We were a United Country before the virus. As long as there is hate, people will not see the progress. We have to stop hating one another before we kill ourselves and drown in our blood. Host we will go to windy in rose hill, michigan, a supporter of joe biden. Caller i am so sick and tired of trumps ads. They are lies. I just cannot watch them. Whenever i see a President Trump add it come i have to turn it or change the channel President Trump ad, i have to turn it off or change the channel, because i am sick and tired. I dont like him. Host your key motivating factor for supporting joe biden . How would you describe that . Caller the man is honest. He thinks about us. He does not think for the multibillionaires that trump is hanging around with. He has no respect for us Little People and trump has no respect for us at all. Biden wants us to move forward. Every time i hear somebody say, oh, he is going to raise your taxes. He has promised he is not going to raise our taxes. And you people do not listen. I am totally for joe biden. I say my prayers every night that he will be our president and i will be the happiest person in the world when he is elected president on november 3. Host ok. Lets go to roger in salina, kansas, a supporter of President Trump. Hello. Caller yes. I believe trump has been doing the right thing. Our last caller is angry the biden voters all seem to be so angry. Shocking. But i was going to bring it back to the sanctions. They have been working. I am anot realize farmer. Green markets. We have been watching china cheat us for years and years. It is easy to watch it is easy to watch. China our sanctions have been working corn hit the highest price ever in china. They need finally to come to america to start getting their grain. These are policies trump has pushed, endorsed, and i feel he is moving us in the right direction. He does not act like a politician. He is still leading with the right direction, i believe, and i think he does have the american peoples interests in his thoughts all the time. Host ok. That is roger in salina, kansas talking about farming issues and trade issues. We will show you some of the things going on in battleground states. Early voting in florida is highlighted in the Orlando Sentinel this morning. Turned out in record shattering numbers on that first day. Combined with mailin votes that have already been returned, 3 million floridians have already voted, two weeks before election day. That is nearly 21 of registered voters there in florida. On whatto milwaukee faces Election Officials on election day, from the journal sentinel this morning, they might want to bring some coffee with them. Counting ballots is expected to take much longer than usual this fall with so many voters casting absentee ballots. State law does not allow officials to stop their count and reconvene the next morning, so many will have to pull an allnighter. They issue guidance the state commission issued guidance, noting that they have little wiggle room and how they tally boats. They do not account for events like the pandemic, which has already upended the way elections are run. The clerks will have to find a way to follow the laws whale dealing with the unique circumstances. Ohio, ato cincinnati, story in the Cincinnati Enquirer the Biden Transition Team vetting republicans for cabinet positions, including joe kasich. The former Ohio Governor spoke in support of joe biden during the first night of the d c in august. Dnc in august. As thery is that biden team can piles names for positions, they include republicans, including kasich, charlie baker, and jeff flake. From red oak virginia red oak, virginia, a supporter of joe biden. Caller good morning. How are you this morning . Host good. We are talking to people about what is motivating them to vote . Caller i will tell you something. I voted for republican once in my life, ronald reagan. At that time, i was working in new york at the stock exchange. I felt the country was moving in the right direction, but now i am not a fan of donald trump. I was a fan when i used to look at apprentice, the show. But he is really not a very good president. The country is going in the wrong way. It is going the wrong way. There are always going to people be people that do not like each other, but donald trump has brought out the worst in all of us, and i think the country needs to get back on the right track. Host how will joe biden change that issue, then . Caller i believe that joe biden will make a great president. He seems to care about people. That is the difference between him and trump. Trump, he is more about money, you know, power and money, but biden seems to be more down to earth and seems like he would be a great president , and i do believe he would turn the country back and going in the right direction. At this time in our lifetime, we do not need anybody hating each other. All these racists coming out. You have the kkk coming back, the boogaloo boys. An donald trump, he brings them out and it donald trump, he brings them out. He brings these kinds of people out. Host carol in red oak, virginia, talking about a about issues important to her when it comes to election day. The president expressing concerns over the format and moderator and topics of the debate. This is a tweet from the commissioner of president ial debates. He sent several tweets taking a look. The same was true in 2016, when President Trump participated in the debate. The choice of topics was left entirely to the journalistic judgment of the moderators. The commission going on to say they announced topics before october 22 on the 16th. We agree with jason miller, who said that the moderator is a journalist to his fair. I think she will be a good choice. The Commission Also highlighting toa tweet, looking ahead thursday, the date, will be six segments of 15 minutes of major topics to be selected by the moderator. Thursday is the date for that final debate between President Trump and joe biden. Friday, you will have a chance to respond to what you heard on this program. Tune in on friday for that. Jason in port charlotte, florida, a supporter of President Trump, hi. Caller good morning. Thank you, cspan, for taking my call. I think the most thing we need to vote on his policy, and not emotion. Know a lot of the democrats supporters, like one caller, they seem to be really angry. And a lot of the other democrats are saying trump is dividing the country and everything like the, but, in my opinion, if democrats were not smear campaigning so much and have allegations, most people would not be divided like this. This guy has been constantly attacked since the day he won the election. What is he going to do when he is getting all this heat every day of his life . Host on the issue of policy that motivates you, what is the top issue, then . Caller i like that he has contributed to all black colleges. The first step back is very important. Chance,eserve a second especially since some of the stuff was a little ridiculous from the crime bill, and that is my main goal. Obviously, we are moving forward. I know people argue the fact that he is a businessman, but the way the world has been lately here in america, we needed a good businessman to take over and put us in the right direction to get out of deficit. We are finally reaching that goal. And this new agenda seems to be issue about our deficit they are not worried about our deficit anymore. Host a supporter of joe biden from connecticut. Good morning. Caller hi. People care so much about their 401 k that that is why they are thinking of voting for trump. To me, it is greed above this country. Host is that a top motivating factor to vote for biden . Caller yeah. Is it the money or country . People do not care about america. And the republicans, they have to get away from trump. Either he resigns for the good of the republican party, or they are going down. Host back to the money issue for a minute. What do you think joe biden does differently, then . Why do you support him particularly on that front . Caller the issue is there is a lot of people with 401 k s. Thathat is so important they are taking that above all the goofiness. They would rather have the money then have a decent country money than have a decent country. This place is a total mess. Host ok. We will go to paul in fort lauderdale, florida, a supporter of President Trump. Hello. Caller hello. When people asked me why am supporting trump why i am supporting trump, my answer would be, do you have an hour . That last caller insulted me and everyone with a 401 k . You called me greedy . I have news for you. You are greedy too. Everybody is greedy, so stop insulting people like that now, as far as biden, he is the most flipflopping, brain impaired, racketeering candidate we have ever had. The guy cannot even get out of his basement. His corporate contributors are huge. And Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, you should not even accept corporate money. My question for those two people is, do you live by the words you said, or are you a phony . Host as far as germain motivating factor for supporting President Trump, how would you describe that . Caller we could lose this country by letting the mob win. One thing that rings in my ear from the Republican Convention is the venezuela is the venezuelan, who said if we lose america, there is no place to go. If you let the mob win, that will be the beginning. People in nazi germany, venezuela, and cuba. They supported people because of emotional reasons, but when they took over, the thugs took over, and that is what will happen with this country. You think that will not happen . Talk to a venezuelan. Host ok. That is paul in florida. The New York Times highlights Joe Biden Campaign joe bidens campaigns fundraising efforts. He must disclose the contributors, and the donor roll include some of the wealthiest americans. Sean parker, the tech entrepreneur, his wife, gave 2. 1 million 1. 2 million. Million. Ings gave 1. 4 Venture Capital firms like blackstone, bain capital, also contributed handsomely. Much more to that story in the newer times. Some of the sound it taking place in the final weeks of the campaign. From the Joe Biden Campaign unveiled during the world series last night. [video clip] nothere is only one america, democratic rivers, no republican mountains, just this great land and all that is possible on it with a fresh start. Cures we can find, futures we reward,e, work to dignity to protect. There is so much we can do if we choose to take on problems and not each other, and choose a president who brings out our best. Joe biden doesnt need everyone in this country to always agree, just to agree we all love this country, and go from there. I am joe biden and i approve this message. Host again, that add unveiled during game one of the world series. Withresident continuing on rallies until election day. Erie, pennsylvania was the stop last night. That is where the president attacked joe bidens policies. [video clip] betweenis an election the trump super recovery, which is happening right now, and a biden depression. If he gets elected, you will have a depression the likes of which you have never seen. Double, hes going to triple, and now, what . Quadruple your taxes. I do not think so. I think the people do not like that. It is a choice between our plan to kill the virus or bidens plan to kill the american dream. And that is what he would be doing. Biden would delay therapies, postpone the vaccine, prolong the pandemic, close your schools, shut down our country. And by the way, pennsylvania has been shut down long enough. Open up pennsylvania. [applause] up. Your governor to open it he will massively raise your regulations,ou in dismantle your police departments, dissolve our borders, confiscate your guns second amendment. Oh, you are so lucky i am president. You would not have a second amendment. Eliminate private health care, religious liberty, destroying the suburbs. They were destroying the suburbs. I knocked out the regulation. You do not like projects being next to your beautiful house. American dream so much for the american dream. And joe biden will abandon fracking will ban fracking and abolish pennsylvania energy. Host by the way, in philadelphia this afternoon, president barack obama expected to campaign in that city in support of joe biden. At 5 45watch that this afternoon on cspan. Tina in alexandria, virginia, i decided. About motivations. Go ahead. Caller good morning, pedro. Im calling to firstdegree with the young man im calling first to agree with the young man. Policies to change things for the american citizen is the primary thing we should be focused on. The primary focus should be changing the policies, writing new policies to effect change for the american people. Think i do not host tina . Caller i do not think joe biden would be a bad president. Going, as io i am am sitting here listening to people talk, it is making me think that joe biden would be the best candidate. Host that is tina in alexandria. A supporterinois, of joe biden, this is william. Go ahead. Caller yes. Hi. I am definitely going to support joe biden and i am definitely motivated to support him. One of your previous scholars from georgia callers from georgia mentioned something about how, prior to covid19, the country was altogether and getting along, and that is a flat out lie. He obviously does not watch television. Host what is motivating you most to support joe biden . Caller my most motivation is that trump has to go, ok . The man is totally destroying the country of the United States. He is destroying it. Never in my lifetime as well as the u. S. Ve i ever seen in the way in which it is. If he is reelected, there will be a revolution, and that will destroy the country and our future. Host stephen hudson, florida, supporting President Trump, your motivations for voting . Hello. Caller good morning. My main motivation for voting for mr. Trump is to have the media, the way they are now, and the democrats, who, from the very beginning, have done nothing but try to slow everything down, make everything less positive, and nancy pelosi right now playing many games. She is wanting to drag this out until the election and blame it on trump. It has been a big bag of forts farts from the democrats and they never gave him the credit of winning this election. They never have and probably never will. Steve in florida. When it comes to counting those ballots on election day, ap has a story you can find, and in the Washington Times as well. What happens if a person casts a ballot, but dies before election day . States prohibit casting ballots for someone who dies before the election, but some allow it. Requireugh a law might such ballots to be rejected, it is likely some could count, depending on when the person dies and the Election Officials find out. The lame say that a ballot of a person lame say that about of a person who died cannot be counted. Forstory says it times records to be updated and there is a narrow window between when a ballot is cast and counted. Between 15 and 20 instances of voters who counted voted by mail and then died. They were all counted. A supporter of joe biden, good morning. Caller i listened to the gentleman before talk about trump. Evidently, he must not listen to the news and the media, because i listen to all of them. I dont just look at one station. But if you look at everything that has happened through the president , our trump, even though i dont like to call him president , because he has disgraced the office, we need to get joe biden in because we need to bring civility back to the white house. We are looking like. Everyone in the world we are fools to everyone in the world. I believe joe biden will bring the stability we need back into the office so we will not be looking so erratic. I understand people wanting to vote for trump because, you know, they have the right to their opinion, but when you really look at him, he is unstable. He is coming apart at the seams at this time and you almost want to feel sorry for him because something is wrong, but no one has ever said anything to him and always agrees with him. Host ok. That is pat in florida. Just a couple more things to read to you before we finish up. Phen brooklyn, steve in brooklyn, regaining the respect. People are worried about their 401 k s. The depression that is going to happen because of the president s failure is the darkest hour of our history. A lot of people have texted us and posted on the facebook page. Some tweeting as well. For those of you that have called, we appreciate your time. We are going to hear from the former acting director of the cdc, and president , chairman, and ceo of the Robert Johnson serndation, dr. Richard bes about covid19. Later on in the discussion, Casey Mulligan, a former trump economic adviser to talk about the president s economic record. That is coming up on washington journal. Announcer the contenders, about the men who ran for the presidency, lost, but changed political history. Tonight, the south dakota senator and u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations, george mcgovern. On americaners, history tv, on cspan3. Pres. Trump i had a choice to make. Do i let my people run it really well or badly . If i run it badly, they will probably blame me, but i want to help people. Mr. Biden he has already in fact cost 10 Million People their health care because of his recession. Announcer with less than two weeks before the 2020 election, watch the second president ial debate between donald trump and joe biden, thursday from Belmont University in nashville, tennessee. Live coverage begins at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Listen live on the cspan radio app. Go to cspan. Org debates, for live or ondemand streaming, a cspan debate coverage. With the Senate Confirmation hearings for judge Amy Coney Barrett included, watch the next steps in the confirmation process. Starting thursday live at 9 00 a. M. Eastern, the Senate Judiciary Committee Votes on judge barretts nomination. Friday live on cspan2, the full senate against debate on Amy Coney Barretts confirmation. Watch live on cspan and cspan2, more on cspan. Org, or listen live on the cspan radio app. American history tv come on cspan 3, exploring the people and events that tell the american story every weekend. Saturday at 6 00 p. M. On the civil war, a look at how historical interpretation has changed over the years, at national appomattox courthouse historical park. Unreal america come on the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, we will feature four films. Inferences have 1945. The United Nations. Seeds of destiny, army in action. Kober strikes. Sunday at 11 00 a. M. Eastern, the first president ial debate bush, billrge h. W. Clinton, and ross perot. Then the first president ial debate between senator bob dole and president clinton. And a discussion about the gym pro museum about the Jim Crow Museum. By the events of artifacts are being used as teaching tools to promote conversation, understanding. Exploring the american story. Watch American History tv, this weekend on cspan3. Washington journal continues. Is dr. Ur first guest Richard Besser, the current president and ceo of the Robert Wood Johnson foundation, also served as the former acting director of the centers for Disease Control and prevention during the Obama Administration in 2009. Thank you for joining us, d octor. Can you describe to folks what the Robert Wood Johnson foundation is and particularly with matters of health care . Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is the nations largest private philanthropy, focused on improving health and health care in america. We are a large foundation, we give out grants each year, over 500 million. Our focus is on what we call it a culture of health, and it is recognition that health is about what takes place where we live, where we work, where our kids go to school and play, that it is about more than just having access to highquality health care, and our big focus now is on what we call health equity, and that is ensuring that everyone in america has a fair and just opportunity to live their healthiest lives. Host when it comes to issues of the pandemic, you wrote a recent opinion piece for usa today, and one of the lines is that it is still really early in the lifecycle. We have been at this for several months now. Can you explain the reasoning for saying that . Beforea couple careers coming to the Robert Wood Johnson foundation, i worked at the centers for Disease Control and prevention. I was there for 13 years. I am an infections Infectious Disease epidemiologist. Whenever there is a new emerging threat like a pandemic, is clear that it takes time for us to learn the trajectory, to learn how it is going to impact society. One thing we know is that until a significant percent of the population has been vaccinated or has had the infection, a virus can still spread through society. The estimates by the head of the cdc are that no more than 10 to 15 of people in america have been infected by the virus that causes covid. So with that, that means 85 to 90 of us are still susceptible to this. That means we are in the early days. As much as we are all tired of doing those things that work Wearing Masks, keeping six feet apart from others, washing our hands, staying home if we are sick these kinds of things that work, we have to stay at it for a long time. Case, whenats the it comes to the vaccine issue, what are the questions that need to be addressed as this Government Works on a vaccine that could potentially be administered whether President Trump wins reelection or not . Guest so the word you used there that i think is important for people to remember is potentially. There is no guarantee that we will have a vaccine against covid. I am optimistic. This administration has put a lot of money into supporting development of vaccines. If one of these vaccines is to be effective, for several of them production is already underway and that is a good thing. But we have to be cautious and we have to recognize that the Public Health measures we are doing are the best tools we have right now. The reason i put so much emphasis on that is that over the course of my career in Public Health, there have been tremendous efforts to create vaccines to get some of the worlds biggest Infectious Disease threats hiv, malaria, dengue fever, zika virus. You dont have a vaccine for any of them. Despite the efforts of scientists putting hard work and a lot of money into those disease efforts, those control efforts, we dont have a vaccine. I remember when the hiv pandemic started. I was a medical student at the time. The word was, hang in there, within a year we will have a vaccine. That has been a long time. That was in the 1980s. So while we should be optimistic and excited about all the work going on around vaccine, there is no guarantee we are going to have one. Each week if we even have a vaccine, vaccines vary in terms of how effective they are. 95 asles vaccine is about effective. It is one of the best we have out there. Other vaccine, while they reduce your risk, like a flu vaccine, that may only be 30 , 50 effective. It varies by year. The fda this time has set a threshold of 50 , so any vaccine that would be licensed has to reduce your risk by at least half. ,ay a vaccine is 70 effective and 70 of the public gets it. That would leave half of the public, 50 of people, still at risk of this. So we will have to continue to do those measures to reduce transmission in addition to the vaccine. Host there are results of the pole when it comes to the results of the vaccine. Saying they would definitely or probably not take a vaccine until after the fda approval. In a stat harris poll of 2000 people, published on monday, 58 respondents said they would get vaccinated right away, down from 69 who its who said the same thing in august. They have to sell the public on the validity and the safety of the vaccine. What phase is the administration in on that front . Guest this i find really concerning. There are systems in place to make sure any drug, any vaccine, any medical advice put forward public, for use by the is to make sure it is safe and effective. If we dont allow those systems to work the fda has an intern has an external Advisory Committee to set the standards to set the scene of what will be approved for the covid vaccine. If we dont allow them to do the work unimpeded without political influence, trust goes down. What we have seen during this pandemic this time and time again to administration influencing directly what the cdc has done. And whenever you see that come , imports questions questions important questions based on whether something is being done for the Public Health or for political reasons. A committee advise the cdc, the Advisory Committee on immunization practices. Extremely important. Itn fda approves a vaccine, will come into this committee at cdc to make recommendations on who should get it, when it should be given, how it should be given. Very important process to make sure that there is no political aspect to that. Host Richard Besser joins us from the Robert Wood Johnson foundation. Obama on the cdc for the administration back into thousand nine. If you want to call him with questions, it is 2027488000 for the central and eastern time for the027488001 mountain and pacific time zones. We will take you back to your time at the cdc. The administration at that time had to do with h1n1. Could you compare and contrast what you learned during that process . I suppose the good things and bad things you learned, particularly kind of talk about how that applies with Coronavirus Relief today . At cdc duringd democratic and republican was intrations, and i charge of Emergency Response for the years at the end of bush administration. As the acting director. I was a civil servant, not a political appointee. A critical thing about Emergency Response and what we would consider the success factor, that we could keep it nonpartisan. We wanted to ensure that the response was seen as a national response, not the response of one party or the other. The reason that is so important for an Infectious Disease is that once things get politicized and someones behavior or actions are used viewed through a political lens, then you will start to see a large percentage of the population making their decision on what they do based on politics rather than on good science. Theyat infectious dont care what Political Party you belong to. If you have 30 or 40 of people not following publichealth guidance not Wearing Masks, not keeping socially distant from others, not washing their ands, that is going to be impact not just of those individuals, but on everyone around them. When you think about what freedom means, it means, yes, having liberty to make your own choices, but not where those choices harm other people. This is a situation that we are seeing right now, where peoples decisions are harming other people. , one ofhe h1n1 pandemic the things that was clearly stated by the administration and it gave great support to Public Health was that all of the decisions that would be made would be made based on the best available publicHealth Science. The guidance more, would change, but it would be based on new scientific evidence, not on the political whims. I was involved in a lot of conversations where i was able to draw the line based on the fact that the science doesnt support that come here is what the science says. One of the things that in this pandemic gave me hope early on is that congress came together and passed the cares act, which was passed almost with unanimous support across both parties. It gave the support that people needed in community. This pandemic is hitting every community right now. It is whipping through the midwest, whipping through rural america. But it is not hitting every community the same and every group the same. Black americans, latino americans, native americans have been getting infected and hospitalized and dying that large surpasses larger portions of the population. These are the groups getting hit the hardest due to the economic downturn, and the support that congress put in place early on, they have dried up, they have gone away. Congress has not come together to provide people with what they need to be able to make healthy choices and to lead even the basics of life. Host we have calls lined up for you, and was thought with betty and we will start with betty from kansas emma for dr. Richard besser. Go ahead. Caller those agencies that promote, contrary to Public Health, i fear people only get their information from their news source that aligns with their political beliefs. If we could have publichealth information that is nonpolitical , may be more people would listen to it. I have a degree in Public Health, and i just feel that people are following political bent rather than good health thank you. Caller guest betty, i believe you one hundred percent i agree with you 100 . The most powerful tool the public has is its voice. Upping the public understand why certain recommendations are being made, what is being learned. That has been taken away at the federal level. Normally what we would be seeing during a crisis like this is the director of the cdc or a high level cdc official briefing the media, or talking to the public every single day. It is what i did during h1n1. You see it in just about every publichealth response. If you think back to when we had the his ecocrisis in america. Directory is the director of the cdc. We heard from her every day. When you hear from officials who are scientists and not hearing those messages from political leaders, there is more credibility there. When you dont hear from those officials every day, from the Public Health officials, then when you are seeing your guidance, it can sometimes feel like it is coming out of left field. There is no expedition and understanding as to why things have changed. We saw that with the mask guys early on where the recommendation was that the public should not wear masks, then it switched to the public should wear masks. There was nothing opportunity for Public Health to say here is what we learned, here is why there has been a change in guidance come and this is why it is so critically important for everyone to wear masks. Host allen joins us from hawaii. Good morning. You are next up for the doctor. Go ahead. Caller thank you for letting me speak with you, doctor. Before, with an professor at ucs, dr. Monica gandhi, who has written a minute a letter and done work on the reasoning behind masks actually being utilized, lowering the inoculum, the dosage. A recent article in the new andand journal of medicine what they call a form of viral and. I see dr. Redfield had kind of been alluded to that and when in front of congress. Did not go into much detail. I would also like to know about what you think about moving forward in the way that we have to deal with it going up as far as other screening measures, other than using pcr and antigen tests, if you think that Something Like breathalyzers in saliva, kiosks at large facilities to screen people at least on a day by day basis to reduce individuals who are in transition stage. It may help until we do come if we do, find a successful vaccine. Host thank you very much. Guest thanks, alan. Let me talk about masks. One of the issues early on in terms of masks, the mask recommendations, is that the vast majority of the scientists the science that has been done on that is in the hospital setting. Looking at transmission in hospitals, where you have patients with Infectious Diseases. It meant for healthcare workers is that there is a special type of mass, an n95 mass, which totally steals your face so that air is coming in and out across the barrier of that mask and not around the sides. That was the most effective mask. Then surgical masks, which provide some air but air does get around the sides and provide a little less protection. Anything beyond that in the hospital setting was not very effective and wasnt recommended. That was the data. From that, there was the feeling that for the general public, if you recommended masks, navy peoples behavior would change. They would feel that they are safer maybe peoples behavior would change and they would feel safer than they otherwise would. Over time with this pandemic, we have learned a few things. One is that a significant number of people will spread this infection, will spread it before they have symptoms, or may spread it and never have symptoms at all. It is called asymptomatic spread. So wearing a mask helps protect other people from you, if you happen to be infected and did not know it. That is one piece of this. Another piece is that looking across country at countries that have been very effective at controlling covid, much more effective than we have been in the united days, a high portion of them have recommended mask wearing by the general public. Those are general factors, plus other Lab Studies Show that with a mask you are putting fewer droplets into the air, so even though there is still some, there are fewer that may go less far. That all lead to the change in recommendation in terms of Wearing Masks, so that now it is a very important part. It doesnt provide total protection. You still have to change her behavior and make sure that you are not in situations where you are putting other people at risk if you in fact are sick, and that you are not exposing yourself to people who are sick needlessly. But masks truly do help. Host a couple of questions from our online forums. This is elaine dunlap, who asks questions about the new vaccine. She is asking about the potential for the vaccines to be live vaccines. Guest there are a whole Different Number of approaches to vaccinations that are being tried. Some of them are bits of molecular material card called rna, which is a new technology. Some are using viruses that have been changed so that they dont cause disease. They are putting a little of the coronavirus into that virus, giving that virus to patients so the idea is a live virus. That virus is infecting cells that are responding to that little bit of covid material, and there is an immune reaction. There are a wide range of approaches that are being used here. And when you think about the current vaccines that we receive, that our children receive, some of those are live vaccines, like the measles vaccine, the chickenpox vaccine. Not liveof those are vaccines, like the polio vaccine. And so it is not clear at this point that any of these vaccines will be shown to be safe and effective. I am hopeful that some will be, but we will have to see whether those that come forward are live or not. And sometimes that will have an impact on who can receive those vaccines. Sometimes for some of the live vaccines, people with efficiencies, immune problems come immune disorders, are not able to receive those. It is one of the reasons that we talked about this concept of herd immunity. Herd immunity, when we talk about it in Public Health, we say, ok, what percentage of the population do we need to vaccinate in order to protect those people in the community who are unable to be vaccinated. So i am a pediatrician, and for some diseases, Young Children are too young to be vaccinated. There immune system is not developed enough to respond. They count on everyone around them being vaccinated in order to protect them. So it will be important to see with whatever vaccine comes forward what percentage of the population has to be vaccinated in order to protect those people who cannot be vaccinated or who forever who who for whatever reason do not respond. Host what is the potential for children . Because you brought it up, what is the potential for children to get a vaccine . Call guest there is a number of reasons why we cannot just be holding our breath for a vaccine to come this fall, this winter. The vaccines that are under trial have not been tested in children. Some of them are now extending to children down to age 12. But it is very likely that if there is a vaccine, it will be licensed initially for adults, and children will not receive that vaccine. We need to continue to take measures to protect kids. While children are at less of a risk of having severe disease, having hospitalization and death, we dont know the longterm impact. That manying to date people who have coded infections , symptoms, have symptoms that go on for a long time, and we are just learning about that. There are a whole number of online forums from people the ers has been used to describe people with ongoing symptoms fatigue, fogginess, longterm symptoms. From holly, pittsburgh, pennsylvania, your next up. Caller hello . Host you are on, go ahead. Caller thank you. I wanted to know with the cdc is doing about tracking the whether flu virus, and you believe that will eclipse the pandemic, and if you will be reporting on that consistently . That is a really important question, the cdc tracks flu every year all year, and there is a terrific website that they have that is called cue. There is also flu view. The interesting thing about flu for the season is that hopefully a greater proportion of the population will get the flu vaccine, because of all the attention around that and the encouragement to do so. Its important to get the flu vaccine for a number of reasons. It is the best way to reduce your chances of getting the flu, and the flu can be a very serious injury illness. A coupleme thousand get hospitalized and some people die. The root using the chances of people getting flu is important. Flu and covid can look a lot alike, and you want to do Everything Possible to try to reduce the chances. You have to have contact with the health care system. One thing that gives me some encouragement about the flu this year is that the flu is seasonal, so we get it here, november through march, december through april. It varies from year to year. But the southern hemisphere, their flu season is the opposite of hours. So when it is summer here, it is flu season in the southern hemisphere. Has been seen in australia and new zealand this past year with the flu is that it was a very mild flu season. The reason they think that may be the case is people got the vaccine, but two, because people are Wearing Masks and washing hands and keeping further apart, that will help reduce the chances not just a getting covid but of getting other respiratory viruses including the flu. So there may be a little bit of a Silver Lining with all of the hardship people are enduring to reduce the transmission of covid. It may lead to a mile or season, and that would be a great thing. From texas asks this question. Gettingabout antibodies against iesco guest there are so many coronavirus is in the the common cold is the coronavirus, as well as some viruses that make news out of the past 10 years. Sars, back in 2003. Mers, the middle east and respiratory syndrome. That is a coronavirus. There is a wide range of them. The situation here is we have a , and the way a lot of diseases emerge, it is an interaction with people, animals, and the environment. Everything being in close proximity. We have a virus that we have not seen before, and that puts us at great risk. In order for a pandemic to occur, you need a virus that your immune system hasnt seen or a large part of the population hasnt seen. You need one that causes significant disease and you need to be able to transmit easily persontoperson. Coronavirus come if you think about the common cold, they spread really easy persontoperson. This one is much more challenging than sars because sars tended not to spread until people were quite symptomatic, so when people started to develop symptoms, you could isolate them and recognize where that was taking place. This coronavirus is much more devious and can spread from people who dont have symptoms at all. Lexington,kentucky, alex is next. Caller i think we are doing too much. I think we are way too handson about the coronavirus and we are panicking too much. The reason why im saying this is that i was actually in japan during the entire lockdown while everybody here was huddled in their houses, and as much as the cdc director, whatever he is saying with wearing the masks, japan culturally wears the masks because they are concerned. The masks are a conceit the masks are a placebo. They actually ran out of masks and had to start reusing disposable masks. The mosttokyo, populated city in the world, and osaka, the second most populated city in japan. All it takes apparently is one to spread it to the amount that america got. In come it didnt go crazy japan like it did here . There are over 40 Million People , but in new york city, a city of 10 million, it just went crazy. Yeah, eat healthy, do what you got to do, stay clean. If you feel you are sick, stay home, but im not concerned anymore. If i was concerned, i wouldnt have traveled to japan and overseas during bubble pandemic. Host we will leave during global pandemic. Host we believe it there and let the doctor respond. I am glad you were able to travel safely, but i have to disagree with you. This is a very serious pandemic, a very serious illness. What we are seeing around the country right now is rising about everycross, state. What we are seeing in terms of reports from many miss with ash midwestern states is hospitals that are overflowing. What the cdc reported yesterday is that between january and early october, there were approximately 300,000 more deaths than the same time last year. Two thirds of those deaths directly attributable to covid. The rest of those deaths, some of them probably covid. Some of those were from people who could not get to the hospital. When your hospital is full of covid patient and you are scared and having chest pain, you may. Elay going to the hospital su some of those people may have Blood Pressure that was not under control and they could not get health care services. We are hearing that many people who get this infection have longterm problems with fogginess, in terms of their thinking. So please, please dont underestimate the severity of this infection. The good news is that the vast majority of people who get this will do fine. And i hear you on that. That is really important. You dont want to overstate the impact. But given the number of people who are at risk of getting this infection, if you were list if you were to let this spread rampantly, if people say forget about it, im not wearing a mask, going back to work, we would see hundreds of thousands of people who would die from this. Deaths that could be prevented. Japan, many other countries, the public is much more willing to follow the recommendations of government. So you will see every flu season , in many Asian Countries, many south american countries, people Wearing Masks. It is the cultural approach to those diseases. Ising people to wear masks something that is very acceptable. But the point that one person can spread it to the entire population is not true. If one person is infected and ,hat person is isolated at home and if the government ensures that everyone in america has the capability to isolate or quarantine, so that they are not infecting or exposing other people, than one case does not lead to widespread disease. That is why the Public Health approach is so important, to identify cases very quickly, do Contact Tracing so you can understand identify anyone who is potentially at risk, than providing people with the resources they need to isolate and quarantine. Right now that is not the case. Right now in america, the color of your skin and how much money you make will predict to a large extent how will you do with this. For many people who live in multigenerational households, many people who are lower income workers. There is not choice there is no choice whether to go to work or stay home and be able to isolate or quarantine. There is no choice if you are threatened with eviction. , the prospectse of what could happen this january with some of the protections for eviction and mortgage foreclosures expiring. There is going to be a bill estimated to be about 32 billion that has to be paid. There is not relief provided by congress, we will see millions evicted, millions losing their homes. That should not be. We have the resources to ensure that everyone has what they need to be safe, protect their families, and protect their communities. Host our guest, dr. Richard besser of the Robert Wood Johnson foundation. The the director for centers of Disease Control under the Obama Administration in 2009. You have probably heard the criticisms of dr. Fauci, including by the president. How would you describe your interactions with him during your time at the cdc . Guest i have had the privilege of getting to know dr. Fauci very well. We worked together when i was at cdc on a number of different outbreaks, including h1n1, the flu pandemic in 2009. Then i had the opportunity to work with him when i was the chief medical editor at abc news for eight years. I know dr. Fauci. Dr. Fauci is one of the worlds leading experts in Infectious Diseases. He was one of the leading experts in vaccines. Normally what you would be seeing during a pandemic like this, dr. Fauci Standing Shoulder to shoulder with the head of the cdc. Dr. Fauci talking about what we are learning about this virus, what we are learning about vaccines and drugs and treatments and therapies. The head of the cdc talking about Public Health control measures going on, and there would they would be the dynamic duo. We are not seeing that here. That anything that is out there that tries to undermine the , adibility of dr. Fauci global treasure, is really deeply disturbing. We have to listen to his advice. We have to listen to his concerns. When he says he is concerned that we could see 400,000 cases 400,000 deaths from this if we dont take action, we have to take that very seriously. We need to support and follow the lead of Public Health and our Health Science leaders, not undermine them. Host let me ask you, because during your time during the cdc, what role did Vice President biden take in the response . Position forin my the first few months of h1n1. Atriefed Vice President times as part of the cabinet. When i came to brief the president and the cabinet on the response. During the period when i was leading the response, the Vice President was in charge of the economic recovery work, and i remember briefing him and his staff as to whether he could be out and about, pulling people together for i remember a conversation. He was going to be going to delaware to give a speech about the economic recovery and steps that were being taken. I was asked, would it be safe to do that. I said from a Public Health perspective, we are recommending large gatherings be canceled, that they not happen. They canceled it. They decided we will follow the lead of Public Health science and we will not do that gathering. Host this is from david in tucson, arizona. You are on with dr. Besser. Besser. Hi, dr. I would like to state that early on when doctor for new g said dont wear masks, it was because he was trying to protect the nursing and medical staffs that were underprepared. Then when they had enough takeies, they recommended them, use them. In arizona, as an example, tucson, when we didnt have masks, was exploding. Took decisive action, make sure that the stores and everybody worked together in unison. Ratear masks, and our almost leveled off and dropped. Maricopa county does not take the same approach, and they have exploded. Their hospitals are at stress levels that are incredible. Neuroradiologist giving advice, instead of putting an epidemiologist or health care worker, giving advice to americans on how to survive, is just wrong. Hydro coding, bleach he says hes going to get rid of it, we will have a vaccine by the elections. This guy is walking on dreams. They are not facts. He needs to get back to the political professionals that know what theyre doing and get off the fox news. Host david, we will let the guest respond. Guest thank you, david. Your point about masks and being able to see the direct change in disease spread is so important. Thesummer, we all remember large spike in cases in florida, texas, arizona, california. Texas, florida, and arizona, places wear masks were not being recommended, or bars and restaurants were open. When they changed that and they allowed counties none of those states took the approach of requiring masks across the state, but they allowed counties to do so. What you are describing in were seeingwhat you in places across the board, putting in those mandatory requirements for masks was all declined. Saul declines. Closing bars, you saw declines. You are seeing some cities in north dakota, fargo, Just Announced that they are requiring masks because of the rise in the number of cases in their state. These are important things, and they work. The fact that politics has gotten so messed up with good Public Health science is really disturbing. Host i will just show you the headline which the doctor referenced about the mayor in fargo, north dakota, with the mask mandate over concerns of the spread of covid19. Jim in iowa, in wellman, your next. Caller good money. I often hear you leftist doctors discussing we need to stick with the science and follow the numbers, but you so very often dont. So lets point out some numbers. The cdc numbers, the ones you are constantly pointing to but never than elaborating in detail. Let me do that for you. Younger,e 49 years and the people that get covid, 99. 94 survive, which is virtually everybody. Older,are 49 years and 95 survive. The ones that dont survive have secondary conditions. You are not explaining this to the american people. We are not china. Our rights do not end where you pretend yours begin. This Walking Around mandating masks and shutting down churches but allowing liquor stores, pot dispensaries, planned parenthood if it is so dangerous to go everywhere, why do we not hear a bunch of cases about everybody that is going into walmart every single day . Everybody goes to walmart all across the country, but we hear no cases of people dying, getting sick, from walmart. The whole thing is nothing more than a power grab. Host we will leave it there and let our guest address this. Guest thanks, jim. I think there are two things that we have to keep in mind. One is that the vast majority of people who get this infection will do well with it. That is really important, jim, peoplember, because should not be Walking Around thinking if i get this infection i am going to die from this. We have to keep that in mind, but we also have to keep in mind that there are over 300 Million People in this country. Allowing this virus to run rampant will lead to hundreds of thousands of more deaths. We have lost over 200,000 people. Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, children. Numbers of our community. Those lives matter. Every life that we lose, from a preventable infection, absolutely matters. We dont know what the longterm impact is for people who have had this infection, though while it is important to look at mortality rates, what percentage of people die from this, it is also important to look at longer term consequences from this. A lot of that information is still coming in. What we are seeing across the country and we are seeing this in so many midwestern states right now, that hospitals are filling up. When hospitals fill up from this, even if the patients are going to survive from covid, it makes it very hard for people with other medical problems to get seen and taken care of. People with cancer and heart disease, diabetes and kidney disease, who cannot get access. It is so important that we dont let this pandemic overrun our health care system. If you remember early on, the pictures from new york, with patients lined up, it looked like a battle zone. That is what we are needing to prevent here as this disease spreads across our country. Host with that in mind, do you save do you foresee governors of states applying another round of flatten the curve strategies like we saw initially when we saw increases . Guest i think what we are able to do now is use a much more targeted approach. I hope that is what is able to occur. Yesterday, the university of michigan, students there were put under lock down. They were told that they need to stay in their residence except when going town to eat going down to eat. The reason was that the Public Health Department Analysis found 60 of the cases in that county were due to the activity of students. So rather than saying everyone in the county has to be under lockdown, they said students do. That is a kind of targeted approach. Jersey,ork and new where they are seeing certain communities, where the number are going up, you would likely want to see in those communities a change in what is allowed, whether it is in terms of Indoor Dining or gatherings or those types of activities. I think we know a lot more now, and the broadbrush lockdown strategy that was done early on one be necessary to get this under control. But it requires following the lead of Public Health, Public Health doing intensive investigation, trying to understand where transmission is occurring. There is a lot of transmission that is occurring in prisons. We are not paying enough attention to that. It is unjust that someone who is serving time is being put at risk for Infectious Disease. It also puts the community that in atrison is located increasing risk. We talked about the important of having widespread testing available, breaking the data by disability, by gender, so you can pinpoint where the problems are occurring and address them in a much more strategic way then we had to early on. Dr. Richard besser, thank you for your time this money. Guest thank you, its a pleasure. Host coming up, Casey Mulligan, the former president sen. Wetehouse advisor on the will have that conversation when washington journal continues. Announcer the competition is on. Be a part of this years cspans video competition. Middleton high school students, make a five to six minute documentary explore the issue you want the president and congress to address in 2021. Be bold with your documentary. 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Mulligan, is casey the author of youre hired untold successes of a president. 20 in thee Trump Administration 2018 and 2019. Guest good morning. Host are you currently advising the trumpet ministration on economic or any policy as of today . Guest no, i publish things in the newspaper. Mike pence retweeted some of my op bids, but there is no private channel that i have anymore. Host from your work at the council of economics advisors, which makes up the bulk of the book, you talk about the populist aspect of President Trumps policies, now almost at the end of his first term. How do you think this played out, particularly when it comes to Economic Policy . Guest he did a lot of things really under the radar. Regulation the deregulation has been especially important. There are a lot of regulations and continue to be that give special favors to big companies, and he took a lot of those favors away. There are others he did not take away. Some he tried and failed. I think a great example would be kind of the ring system that the fda had for approving the manufacturer of generic drugs, drugs that have been around a long time. They rigged the system so there is only one manufacturer of a generic drug, and they would charge a brand name price for a generic product, and President Trump ended that, and we saw Prescription Drug prices fall for the first time in 46 years. He did that industry after industry after industry. It really added up after three years of him doing that. General you think the puck elation that example and can related to, has the president improve my situation economically or not, and does he have to do a better job selling that idea . Guest deregulation is a tough sell because it has so many pieces. And it his favorite is important in its own right, would be the automobiles. He rolled back some regulations that were going to increase the price of automobiles by about 3000 per vehicle, due to very stringent standards on what they admit and how much fuel they could use. I know the president keeps coming back to it. And he has a good sense of what people appreciate and like to hear. Host when you hear him talk about what he was doing as far as what the economy was a and after covid, what do you think about those comparisons and what do you think people remember the most, particularly in the Current Situation we are economically . Guest a lot of the numbers he said we prepared for him. That was our job. He is really good at some of those numbers. He is really good at those sort of numbers. For the ears of president obama, they over predicted Economic Growth every single year except maybe one. In which they more or less were on. But then the for three trump ears, they under predicted. Something changed all of a sudden and we were outpacing the forecast instead of falling short of them. Sawn industry level, we those surprising results right at the places where the situation was being improved and reformed. Host Casey Mulligan, you talk about aspects of the book and the president s Economic Policy. If you want to ask questions, it is 2027488001 if you support President Trump. If you support joe biden. You can also text us at 2027488003. In these days of claims that each candidate is making in this campaign, the dbc and others are doing factchecks. One of the things they recently did talking about the president s view of the economy. The claim says that the president built the greatest every u. S. Economy prior to the coronavirus outbreak, saying that he claimed that generated historic Economic Growth. The reality check version from offers this it is true that the economies was doing pandemic, to the continuing a trend left over from the Obama Administration. With the highest Unemployment Rate in over 80 years, we hear those kinds of arguments, prichard really when a president is selling his version of the economy. What goes through your mind . That alwayshing cracks me up is the continuation of the obama economy. Atwas, at the end of the end of obama, they forecast very low growth going forward. They said it was very low growth and we beat those forecast every time. Im puzzled why they think this is all expected when data shows it was unexpected. Thiscussed in my book, is the greatest economy every echo i dont know, probably not. That is a pretty strong claim. I love how the dbc had lit, which is exactly what the president wants. First we give him a number and he says the exact number. Cdc and others do not pay attention, he starts wrapping it up. Then the cdc it acknowledges it is a pretty good economy. About theto talk subject that he wants them to talk about. Ist if you are saying he exaggerating the numbers and the like, isnt that just exaggerating the response . He views it as a trade, so he says i am the best for africanamericans since lincoln, and then they have to talk about, what has the president done for africanamericans . That is a victory for trump. The pleasure they got out of it is that i guess they get to call him a liar because he is nothing but since lincoln, he is the best since johnson. One of the criticisms from the campaign trail of joe biden, talking about the tax cuts offered, no is offering his own proposals when it comes to taxes. Guest when we saw this movie before, and a lot of the taxes in bidens agenda are hidden. Obama had a lot of taxes hidden as well. Congressional experts did not see them. The Congressional Budget Office revise thinking when it found that there are hidden taxes in obamacare. Obamacare, to expand and they are in the same old places. That has been the trick, that taxes under a very narrow definition will not go up when in fact there is a lot of hidden taxes that will go up. Remember the regulations we talked about earlier this morning. Other hidden taxes at the president calls them. They make you pay more for the product. You pay more for Prescription Drugs, for your internet. You pay more for your automobile. These are not hidden taxes but they are not legally taxes, so technically biden can say they are not taxes but they might as well be. Host so when you hear concerning taxes you do not have to be concerned if you make 400,000 and up, you dont have to be concerned, what you think about that . Dont have to be concerned if you dont buy Prescription Drugs, automobiles, internet services, and a long list of other problems. If you dont buy health insurance, that is another area where the president removes regulations and brought persons down. If you dont brought prices down. Host we have some calls lined up, so we will start with george, a supporter of joe biden. Your hired, the failures and successes of the president. Caller mr. Mulligan, i have heard over and over and over from many republicans how wonderful all the jobs are coming back from china. To tellwant you specifically come and i want this answered. I dont want you to dance around it. Tell me the companies from china that have come back. What i am reading and let me read this to you to give you a Reference Point a lot of companies are relocating out of china, but they are going to countries where they have where the rate where the really getting allare not these jobs back from china. This is a bunch of happy talk. Please explain that. Thank you. Guest thanks for your question. , in my work, we did not look at specific companies. We look at the aggregate at the department of labor. They aggregate the data from all the companies. I cant offer you that. Maybe the department of labor would have that. I agree, especially due to the tariffs, there was a lot of shifting from manufacturing in china to manufacturing and other Asian Countries such as vietnam. We saw that in the aggregate data that we looked at. There was also more here. Forecast obama people relieving and heres what they said would happen to employment overall and manufacturing. The results were way above that. I think the president delivered in many cases what he promised. We will hear from karen. Caller hi. I just have a question about the economics and what is going to happen if biden gets in because of course everyone knows he is so good at economics and business. How they already shown have done before, which isnt a good. Can you explain that . Karen is asking about the biden what will happen if biden wins. Part of it is unknown. We know what he promises to do. Are we supposed to take those promises literally we will have no fossil fuels to make electricity . Ideais such an expensive that i dont really see biden doing that. See we have plenty of studies from these from the department of energy. 80 Renewable Energy in electricity. That we think will cost Something Like 3000 of family in extra costs for energy and transportation like buying vehicles that i mentioned earlier. Host you were part of a study from the Hoover Institute taking a look at policies that joe biden is proposing. Aside from tax policy, what is the take away and what her concerns of yours . What are concerns of yours . Guest im an optimist so i dont think he will do them all because they are so expensive. If you did all these things, it would be like 8 less gdp. 7 Less National income. That is an average. At the median i think we found Something Like 6,500 less annual income for the median family, middleclass families. Through a combination of having lower wages and paying more for products they are used now being comparatively cheap. Host when it comes to tax policy, if joe biden doesnt install higher tax rates does that necessarily mean everybody is going to pay those rates . Guest if he doesnt install the higher tax rate . Host if he installs higher tax rates, are people going to automatically pay those rates or will they find ways around that . Guest he is pledging to eliminate loopholes. In other words he is planning to eliminate ways around the taxes. A lot of politicians have pledged that and not delivered. We assumed he would live up to the pledge. If there are loopholes, you have a big revenue problem. You feel like you are raising taxes but you really dont bring in more revenue. That is a scenario we are aware of as a danger. Loopholes are ubiquitous in tax policy. Host from washington state, sue, a supporter of joe biden. Caller no, this is frank, her husband. Odys said bidens plan to be a lot betters and better and support the economy. Making people people had health insurance. And these tax policies are more fair to working people. Host thanks. He does bring up the moodys analytics. Forbes saying to them it would be the best the biden and Democratic Victory could be the best outcome for the economy. Guest i am glad frank brought the study to our attention. They have a Pretty Simple model. Trump is terrible for the economy. Trump would depress the economy and trump going out would grow the economy. That is their model. This is a model they were using a 2016 when the president was running against mrs. Clinton. What would happen if trump won . They predicted an immediate and prolonged recession, which did not happen. By the end of 2019, actual income for real family and the actual United States with 6,200 predicted. Moodys now theyre are using the same approach. We should remember they were completely backwards the first time. Jen off ofis twitter. When you talk about the economy, she specifically asks if youre thinking about wall street. Guest no. Wall street has always been a mystery to me. The types of numbers i look at are for people as a whole. Very few of us work on wall street or visit wall street. Employment, about health care would be a major employment area much more important than finance. Finance can be glamorous and exciting to people but it is a small part of what regular people are experiencing. The Statistical Analysis id tries to capture everyone, not just a select few. Aboutthe president talks wall street and the stock market in terms of 401 k s. What you think about that is a message and what could happen in a Biden Administration . Guest i cannot predict the stock market. Connected i think to the real economy we experience. I cant get four votes at a faculty meeting. I am not an election winner. That is mr. Trumps job. Why does he focus on that . There would be some electoral considerations. The value of the stock market is important to Senior Citizens who are not working anymore and living off their investments they accumulated when they were younger. Maybe the Senior Citizens are more interested in their 401 k s and that is who he is talking to. I am not sure. We would have to ask him or maybe mr. Pence. Those of the guys whose job it is to win elections. Host mr. Biden has proposed some tax changes when it comes to 401 k s. I wanted to see if you had any thought on the impact of that. Guest that was part of our study. Literally a dozen different tax changes in our study biden was proposing. That was one of them. Im sorry i dont remover the particular one, how much it moved the needle. Host claude in riverview, florida. Supporter of joe biden. Good morning. Caller my name is claude. I would like to ask you a few questions. How does godfearing, god loving. This countryoss embrace the mountain of lies donald trump has told . He will build the wall and mexico is going to pay for it. The fact that this president is telling people dont wear a mask. Dont let the covid dominate your life. How do you square the fact so many people in this world in the United States here are dependent upon the government, the president to do the right thing but he is continually doing the wrong thing . Host do you have a specific economic question . Caller yes. 54,000 jobsquare lost in this country and the president is not offering any help the people . Thanks claude. I dont work in the white house anymore so im not uptodate on whats going on. I did see that this summer he tried to negotiate with congress. It did not work out so we did executive orders to provide Unemployment Insurance and payroll tax relief for the workers and the people out of work. That was the approach he was able to do on his own without getting the house and senate to go along. I think he really wants that. He has put some action behind that. We will see what happens in the latest negotiation. Host what about the impact of those negotiations . We have of you are off of twitter asking about a new stimulus bill and how it could impact the economy. Is a tradeoff between equity and efficiency. You want to help out the people who have you are not working. If you subsidize not working, you will get more people networking. It will help the people not working so that is the tradeoff. Again, i dont, have private Communications Channels anymore. I hear there is talk about having more assistance for the unemployed. Bonus10 times the type of president obama gave the previous recession. That will have a noticeable effect on keeping unemployment high and employment low. It may be worth it to help people. I hear that but we have to be honest about the cost of that help. Michigan, a in supporter of President Trump. Caller yeah. In mr. Trump. I went brain dead. Bye. Host we will hear from lewis and saulsberry, North Carolina. Supporter of joe biden. Caller top of the morning to you guys. I have a couple of questions. I know that i dont know how much you know because when he gets sent to certain areas you dont have anything to do with it. I would like to know why you are no longer with the administration, the Trump Administration. Is it true that trump also went into peoples military retirement and other finances of the military to help to pay for the wall . And, did the farmers ever get that 50 billion trump was talking to buy big trackers and stuff like that . Did they ever receive money from those tariffs . How do you get money from tariffs . Guest thanks. I am a professor. I took an Academic Year off of my classes to work in the white house. That year came to an end and i came back to the university. This is a democracy. Anyone in the white house is there temporarily, including myself. Lewis, u. S. A good question about the tariffs you asked a good question about the tariffs. For a long time lots of president s, including reagan and many others have tried to protect our Domestic Industries by interfering with international trade, if i can put it that way. What reagan did was a quota system. There are only so many cars you can send here. Back then japan was the country we were after rather than china. The result of that was Japanese Companies made more money. They did not have to compete for our consumer anymore. But quota system gives money to the foreign companies. The tariff approach is a tax that goes to the treasury. The money does not go to forward companies. It goes in our treasury. As i remember, we were working on that. What are we going to do with the tariff money . It was Something Like 13 billion. Producey of agriculture set up purdue set up assistance to the farmers and they were using the 13 billion towards that. Im sure they have dug into it more, although i have not seen the balance of that account lately. Who was inmike, houston, texas. A supporter of President Trump. Caller i think 3. 5 unemployment back in february is the most generous thing a government or president can do. When you have low unemployment, it forces employers to compete for the same employees that got, much less the ones on the market. Wages go up. Black Household Income has gone up under trump from 39,000, five times and under obama in five years. Unemployment could not drop much more than whatever rate it was when trump took office. How much lower can it ever go . Historically it doesnt. When you look at health care, health care she will not lower the cost on health care unless people own their decisions or own the health care plans. We can help the people who cannot help themselves. I am all in on that. When the left government gets out of the way, the two industries where inflation goes beyond the means of the average american is health care and college education. In both cases government intrudes itself and separates the buyer from the provider. That is why costs go up. Inflation is always the highest there. Look at a bag of groceries. In 1990 it cost less out of your annual pay that a bag of groceries today because the beautiful market of the invisible hand. The free market is the best thing for americans. Donald trump is exactly why we have a better economy. He gets government out of the way and lets people, the individual prosper. Regulations pull us back. Host thanks, caller. Guest mike, thanks for your question. I work at a university so please dont ask me to explain the special favors my industry gets. There are some, im afraid. Hes right about that. We had a set of principles. If you were to google choice and competition, those of the principles the president had for trying to deal with regulations. We put that report in the Health Care Area because like mike said, restraints on competition are the greatest in health care because of so many different government interferences. The president tried to follow those principles. He did many times. There are other times i explained in the book when he failed to enhance choice and competition for various Industries Like coastal shipping. Our consumers are still paying extra. Host when it comes to Health Issues and the Affordable Care act there is a discussion about the individual mandate. A Supreme Court case yet to be heard. There were discussions during Amy Coney Barretts hearing. What has it cost americans and what does the future hold in a Different Administration dependent depending on what happens at the Supreme Court . Guest i have an interesting story about the individual mandate. The individual mandate is maybe the worst tact and history. In history. The reason it is so unusual because it attacks the government had to pay for. Was to sayolicy was to people who turned down heavily subsidized obamacare plans, if they said no to those, we punished them for saying no. We should send them a thank you note because they are not taking taxpayer dollars. The president got rid of that. It was one of the worst things ever. Months theyirst few are studying that and getting together the information for the president about that mandate. Wasother things we found the story behind the mandate that it was needed for obamacare would not work without the mandate is just wrong. We got rid of the mandate and obamacare continues and got somewhat better. I was excited that maybe the department of justice would take the economic inclusion into that court case and not oppose this case. The basis of the case is obamacare was built on the individual mandate. The mandate is gone and therefore there is no more obamacare. The individual mandate was not needed. Hit was needed to be ejected. In the whitene house was saying the same thing, especially when we came to the economic conclusion. The president said no, we will go ahead with that case. There is a legal basis for that because it matters what Congress Things and not what economists years later think. The president had a good reason for that. That is that we shouldnt have obamacare be the default. We have medicare for all or obamacare. No, there should be a choice between whatever the number cats are proposing and something democrats are proposing and something good. That is the choice and competition report. That is the republican plan, the trump plan. That should be the baseline for comparison, not obamacare. Host fort edward, new york. This is paul. Caller how are you . Guest good morning. Caller i live in upstate new york. 1990s, we had plenty of bluecollar jobs of here. I worked for general electric. Year after year we got the vote on for bill clinton. Bill clinton repaid us by passing nafta, along with republicans too. Did basically gutted the updated the upstate economy. I have to hand it to trump. He came along and said, listen, i feel your pain. We will take care of china. We will do tariffs and that type of thing. You know, he really didnt follow through. I found it interesting you could not name even one factory that returned to this country. Its incredible. Reallypoint is he didnt make a difference. China did not deal these companies. These Companies Went to china and i dont see our president really following through. He is still serving the same wall street masters that previous administrations have. I dont see him saying tax these profits that are held overseas. Where is the job . That is what i dont think trump will be reelected. Host we will let our guest respond. Guest the nafta area i think has been in some of the ways paul talks about more rhetoric than result. There is the usmca that replaced it. Usmca is similar in a lot of ways to nafta. If you want to call it a rebranding, i think thats an oversimplification but in the right direction of understanding with the usmca is about. Nafta thepart of president give attention to would be the drug trade, the heroin and fentanyl coming to our country. Its a very wellkept secret. Clinton buried some of this evidence. Hiller went got much cheaper when we got nafta because that truck was able to pour over the border. Was able to pour over the border. The president needs to do a lot more, as i explained in my book. That is a factor after aspect of nafta and the china trade that does not get talked about. Host ohio, middletown. Supporter of the president. This is roger. Caller thanks for taking my call. I went to school with one of the pence people a long time ago. Nicest people. Honest. My position right now is that this is going to be the greatest runaway of any election. Mr. Trump and mr. Pence are going to win. There are jobs, jobs, jobs. I went to pennsylvania. Jobs in every corner. Went down to nashville. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Mr. Trump is in everything he said. Every time i talk to a democrat they say the same thing. Trump lied, trump light. He didnt lie. I woman that knew him since he was 17 said she never knew him to tell a lie. A democrat said hes not a good businessman. He owns a lot of property and stuff to not be successful. We have to understand the democrats are living in 1947. They are not living today. The Democratic Party is no longer the Democratic Party i i voted for democrats until mr. Clinton turned the white house into a w hore house. They can come after me. Im a korean veteran. Im not afraid of anything. Host if you want to respond to anything of that, go ahead. Guest i appreciate rogers comment and that you take the calls. I explained this in my book. I was in washington. Washington is not the country. It is a small sliver of the country. It is too easy for people in washington to be unaware of what is going on in the country. It is good you have people call in. It is good of roger to relay what he learned when he traveled around the country. Host Casey Mulligan is our guest. Thank you for your time. Guest my pleasure. Host we are going to take your calls taking a look at your motivations when it comes to who you decide on for voting for president and tell us why you are motivated to do that. You can call us at 202 7488001 if you support donald trump or mike pence. 202 7488000 if you support joe biden or Kamala Harris. An undecided voter, 202 7488002. We will take those calls when washington journal continues. American history tv on cspan3, exploring the people and events that tell the american story every weekend. Coming up this weekend, saturday at 6 00 p. M. , a look at help historical interpretation has changed over the years at appomattox courthouse. On the 75thastern, anniversary of the United Nations we will feature four films. That is on sunday at 11 00 a. M. Eastern, the first president ial debate between georgies of you bush, bill clinton, and ross perot. The firstm. Eastern, president ial debate between bill clinton and senator bob dole. 6 00 p. M. Eastern on american artifacts, a discussion about the Jim Crow Museum of racist memorabilia in big rapids, michigan, and why they are being used as teaching tools to promote conversation and understanding. Exploring the american story. Watch American History tv, this weekend on cspan3. President s, available in paperback, hardcover, and ebook. Presents biographies of every president. Inspired by conservations about the leadership skills that make for successful presidencies. As americans go to the polls to decide who should lead our country, this collection offers perspective into the lives and events that forged each president s leadership style. To learn more about our president and the books featured historians, visit thepresident s. Contenders, about the men who ran for the presidency and lost but changed political history. Tonight, senator and u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations george mcgovern. The contenders, this week at 8 00 p. M. History on American History tv on cspan3. Continues. On journal host we are asking about what is motivating you in the upcoming election. Maybe it is the people involved, specific issues involved or other factors. 202 7488001 giphy support President Trump. 202 7488000 if you support joe biden and senator, harris. If you have another candidate in mind or undecided at this point, 202 7488002. You can text and tweet us and post on her facebook page. When it comes to actual events involving the candidates for todayent, North Carolina for one of the many rallies he will hold up until election day. 7 00 tonight is where you can see that on cspan, cspan. Org, and our radio lab. While joe biden is preparing for thursdays debate, barack obama will be in philadelphia in support of his former Vice President. You can see that event at 5 45 this afternoon. On cspan, cspan. Org. The radio app is available. What motivates you is november . We started connecticut, a supporter of President Trump. Bob, good morning. Caller my big issue is related to income taxes. It affects the entire economy. I think there is a tremendous misunderstanding about who pays what. We are always hearing about the infamous top 1 . Essentially what happens is we get a bill as individuals from the government for military, for social benefits, for roads, for highways. We pay that bill through our income tax. Not Social Security or medicare, income tax. Nearly 50 of the people that file taxes pay zero income taxes. Its like 48. 6 . Earned those people get income tax credit so they get money back even though they did not pay anything in. Under the trump plan they get child credits. Nearly 50 of the people paying zero income tax. Thats ok because we are a generous nation. The top 50 share of the bill. How do they share it . That brings us to the top 1 . Years, andover the you can go to the irs website and see these numbers. They pay anywhere from 37 to 40 of the bill. 1 of the people. Host you are concerned about joe bidens approach to that top 1 . Caller im concerned about the misinformation being given as to how we pay taxes and that the rich are always getting the benefit. The top 1 pay more than 90 of the bottom taxpayers. Host that is bob in connecticut. John in pennsylvania, a supporter of joe biden. Caller yes. The obamaBiden Administration saved the car industry. A lot of people forget that with his stimulus package. By saving the car industry, it saved the Steel Industry and the robert iger industry rubber tire industry and the Trucking Industry and the railroad industry. Basically you have an administration that took us out of the hole. A lot of people forget about the george w. Bush administration and how bad it was. Some type of amnesia there. The thing of it is and this thing about tax cuts. Never trust anyone that tells you they will cut taxes. That is a lot of baloney. Host you brought that up because we were looking at this issue. It goes back to the george w. Bush administration saying this is from dr. James rubenstein. Used 17. 6ent bush billion in tarp money into thousand eight. That was applied to General Motors and chrysler. Caller they saved the car industry. Most republicans said let them go bankrupt. If you remember that. The Obama Administration said we will not let them go bankrupt. We will save the car industry. That is what i remember. Host bob in florida. Caller good morning. I am pleased to be talking with you this morning. There are so may reasons i can tie this in. First this is personal for me. I am retired military. Aboutall of the words aca, obamacare were focusing on all the good things it does you can keep your doctor and keep your plan and keep your kids on your policy at no charge until they are 26. Who did they exclude from that . Us. Those of us who earned our health care through military service. When our kids hit 21 or 23 if they were students, they were forced off of that. We had to than by a separate plan. Buy a separate for them to maintain the health care we had earned. Everyone who supported it in the administration, the folks they stuck at two in the back where those of us that they Pay Lip Service to every day. Does that relate to your motivation to support President Trump . Caller it was less supporting mr. Trump the not supporting mr. Biden and all the people that are counting on his policies to be resurrected in the next administration. Full me once, shame on you. Full me twice, shame on me fool me twice, shame on me. Caller good morning. How are you doing today . As ion i support cannot deal with the tantrums throws. Ident rose this should have ended after high school. He represents the United States. We dont need someone who throws tantrums. He has to learn to control himself by 73 years old. Theres a problem. Thank you for taking my call. Host linda and utah talking about motivations when it comes to the candidate of your choice in who you will support this november. Maybe it is the Supreme Court, particularly as the nomination process for the president s nominee Amy Coney Barrett are being considered this weekend and next week. She will be on capitol hill today to talk with republican senators. Thursday there will be the mark up it is known as, the vote to voted out of committee. Thats expected to be 9 00 on thursday. You can watch that on this network, the. Org, and the radio app. On monday potentially the vote of the full Senate Taking place concerning her. One story you will find in usa today as it looks at how the court could be impacted by her presence is the issue of things like same sex marriage. Bearing his name is the plaintiff. He and the man on the other side, richard hodges, former director of the Ohio Department of health developed a friendship. It is fun to surprise people when they find out we are friends. More surprising, they share the same community equal rights for all. The two litigants teamed up on tuesday with an urgent message, the confirmation of judge Amy Coney Barretts rushed and very threatening to the lgbtq community. That full story available at usa today. Katy, texas. We hear from chris. Caller my motivation for voting for trump is i believe people need to continue to use the democratic process to send a clear message to the world. Western political class, china, the party of davos, we do not support their efforts to sacrifice more of america for the global fantasies. President trump is the best chance, the best opportunity for us to send that message and begin to recover some of what we lost. The neocons, the neil lives neolibs have led this country. The culture in washington is so toxic, so dysfunctional, so corrupt it seems to be perfectly acceptable for our politicians to sell us out to the highest bidder. Whether that is a foreign sovereign power or a multinational corporation. And get rich doing so. They are going to get just as rich in americas decline as in coming up. The difference between donald trump and biden is joe biden is actually guilty of corruption and selling at america for selfish interests. There is zero evidence of trump polluting colluding with foreign powers or risking National Security for personal gain. Host that is chris in texas. Mason in dayton, ohio. A supporter of joe biden. Caller good morning. Listening to folks talk about them voting for trump makes no sense to me because the only two actual things that have been done is the biggest welfare plan conur history was the tax republicans slammed through. That really only benefited the rich and big business. It didnt pay for that plan. Yes, average americans get a protect get to participate by paying for it. That makes no sense to me. Income inequality has gotten worse under this president. The second thing he has done, along with his republican senate, is packed the courts. Just like right now. They had a choice to make. Continue to pack the court for conservative judges or get a plan together for covid relief. Host what is your key motivating factor . Caller i know what im getting the joe biden. He is honest as the day is long. We know his policies are. He has Actual Solutions that have feasible workings. We cant even get a health plan out of this president. He promised in 2016, elect me and i will tell you what i replacement plan is. He did not do it. Host one of the activities in the world other than politics concerning google. The wall street journal highlights the United States department of justice suing google, saying the government alleged google uses billions of dollars collected from advertisers to pay for carriers and browsers like apple and safari to maintain the google to preset creating a self reinforcing cycle of dominance. Google has pulled position on hundreds of millions of devices in the u. S. You can find it at the wall street journal. About akron, ohio motivating factors to vote. Good morning. Caller good morning, pedro. Thank you for a wonderful show. I wanted to focus on something very simple President Trump says on the stump that is sometimes overlooked. I think it is the crux of the situation and why he is an existential threat to washington. He says that he had taken the roads and the process if you want to build a highway from 10 to 15 years data to one to two years. That is what he is an existential threat to washington. Host are you supporting President Trump or not . Caller very much so. When they say he is an existential threat, he is a threat to their scams. 10 to 15 years, everyone who dips their beak during the process when you need to build a highway. Environmental groups, committees, archaeologists, everybody. He has put an end to that and that is why they are freaking out. We are ending this scam. Thank you very much. Im a simple guy and that is what i see. Host joe giving us a call this morning about motivations. One of the things going on behind the scenes on capitol ofl, talking about the issue another stimulus package. The debate is going on between the white house and house democrats. Senate republicans responding. One thing that came out yesterday. This was Mitch Mcconnell talking about the potential deal if it happens between the treasury secretary and nancy pelosi and what happens if it gets to the senate. [video] i want to clarify something you said earlier. If they do reach an agreement, you will consider the legislation. Does that mean bringing it to the floor . Yeah. If a president ially supported bill clears the house, at some point we will bring it to the floor. Has the president asked you to move forward on that or support it . We would have to see what it was first. There has been no deal announced. If a deal is announced, it will have to be read and people can take a look at it. Then i will have to clear the house. If all that occurs, the course we would consider it in the senate. Host from stephen new haven, connecticut. A supporter of joe biden. Caller how are you doing . First off, im not necessarily a supporter of joe biden. I am more opposed to trump. Primarily because you cant trust him, what comes out of his mouth. He lies too much. It is not that im really for biden. I will vote for biden but it is more as opposition to trump. Host whats joe biden your first choice or did you have another . I probably would have gone for buddha judge. Pete buttigieg when the primaries were going on. I would like to see someone younger get in. Their Sexual Orientation is nothing to do with it. That doesnt bother me. Host steve in new haven, connecticut. Next from cassandra, a supporter of President Trump. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. Yes, i am for mr. Trump. President trump. He has done a lot for us and for years. One time i was a democrat. I changed four years ago because the democrats did not have a good candidate. I switched over. He has done a great job. He has brought back jobs. The allete thing that stopped him was the virus, which came from china. Anyway, that is my thing. Host is there a specific motivating factor for supporting the president . Is it the economy or Something Else . Caller it is the economy. I dont ever getting a check from obama when there was a problem in this country. I dont remember getting 1200. I dont remember my kids get a good on employment when they were laid off, which happened with trump. He worked on that and he got it done. That is some of my motivations. It would make another wonderful for years and that is who i vote for. Host cassandra and ohio. There is a story looking at the role the National Guard might serve on election day. For the election, some guard units are preparing to deploy under state active duty status, meaning they will answer to the governor of their state and you state funds. Some could deploy outside their state after the election if i governor request help handling postelection unrest. The story goes on to quote a Lieutenant Colonel from the alabama National Guard. The Response Team is comprised of military police units specifically trained to support Law Enforcement. Their duties depend on the situation but many include area security, manning Traffic Control points, providing security, and escort for Emergency Personnel and equipment, and transporting Law Enforcement personnel. More on that story is that the washington post. We mentioned the president the former president barack obama and philadelphia today to support joe biden. Connected with that he released a get out the vote that he for the campaign. He did that on twitter. [video] in times as polarized as these your vote does not just matter. It matters more than ever before. And to change the game on any of the issues we care about, joe biden is your vote. I know joe better than almost anybody. I trust him to be a great president. He is different. He is on the right side of the issues. He will get the job done. Will want you to push them to get the job done. Participate and vote. It is not always pretty. Trust me, i know. But it is how bit by bit we have made progress over the generations. It is how your generation is going to change the game entirely. Host a supporter of President Trump from new york. Joanne. Caller how are you . I love your show. I just feel so bad for President Trump. How he has been treated. Noah has worked with him. He has sent everything on his own. Foreign policy, the taxes. He wants to do more. He wants to work on infrastructure. Over the years they have done nothing but raise taxes. Like that guy earlier said, but top 1 has been covering for the rest of the 90 . I dont think that is fair. We will get there. He and camila, they have flipflopped on everything. No fracking. Then they get before an interview and oh yeah, we will frack. Forget about it. He is worse than he is, joe biden. Mila was the worst thing he could do for his ticket. I just pray for President Trump. I feel with him everyone will come together once everybody is working and paying their fair share. Harris andor kamala president in North Carolina to engage in rallies leading up to election day. That was from the previous caller. Frederick in new haven, connecticut. A supporter of joe biden. Caller people keep saying everyone is picking on trump. Trump is picking on trump. The news media has been trying to expose him so they he get rid of this bum. He has taken this country to alltime shame. Putting kids in cages. This is not the american way. You have patriots and hatet riots. Host your motivating factor for voting for joe biden . What is the key motivating factor . Caller compassion, leadership, it is all in joe. I call him uncle joe, just like uncle sam. We need him to bring peace to this nation because we are not with this leadership. Come on. Host john in florida, a supporter of President Trump. Caller hi. Host are you there . Go ahead. Caller yes, i support trump because why is obama out n wheneverg for bide he says he knows more about biden than anybody else. He should know why biden has that all this coverup with all this money that hunter is getting. Trump is a businessman. He will do what he is supposed to do. I have no problem with trump. Than has done more any other president. Host to the comments about children, there have been several stories about the American Civil Liberties union saying they have been unable to locate the parents of 545 migrant children. The administration separated, the u. S. Mexico border. That was initially reported by nbc. A lawyer saying out of 1030 families separated by homeland security, they have contacted the parents of 485. Business insider is where you find that. A lot of stories playing that out. The Washington Times, a look at the latest from donald trump to his attorney general saying the president called on the attorney general on tuesday to appoint a special counsel to investigate a laptop reportedly owned by hunter biden in his overseas business deals. Got to get the attorney general to act fast. He told fox news he has to appoint somebody. This has to be known about before the election, saying the Justice Department did not respond to it. Also as the president ial nominee a day in spent seclusion and delaware without commenting on the matter. He has called the matter a smear campaign. Either mr. Biden or his son addressed whether the emails is legitimate. Oj, he supporter of joe biden. Caller good morning. I want to respond to this disinformation out there. It is ridiculous. There was a woman that called from ohio. You asked what was one of the things she gravitated towards trump. She mentioned the 1200 she is receiving. That a democratic was from the democrats. That is a reason why now with biden you get a similar package because republicans dont get about 1200. Dont want to give out 1200. Its amazing help trump can brand anything that goes on that as something for trump. He has done that his entire career, even before politics. Branded hotels and this or that. This is disinformation. Host your motivating factor for supporting joe biden . Isler my motivating factor to have a steady leader. I will be honest. I thought when the pandemic started i said my goodness, this is a win for donald trump. All he has to do is ride this out and listen to the medical community. I cant believe how he has distorted that. Everyone i guess new before he became president at a time of crisis what he would do if there was not a selfinterest, he would fail. He has done that and shown that time and time again. Host what convinced you that joe biden will handle it differently . Caller someone earlier talked about the previous recession we were in. The leadership he and obama although individuals dont want to given credit for pulling this country out of a crisis. Its amazing how eight years ago we dont remember how much of a crisis we were in then. The leadership that was shown then is the same type of leadership now. The other thing is to unify the country. Is 2020 andeve it we are at the state we are in now. Host jennifer in canton, ohio. A supporter of President Trump. Caller i am jennifer and i make College Educated masters degree black american. Hi support President Trump because he is helping the prisoners that joe bidens for smallut in jail crimes like marijuana and repeated crimes. That these people deserve a second chance. They should not have been put in jail for that long of a time to begin with. That is why i support President Trump and also because he is helping out the hbcus. Bill clinton cut off the funding to the hbcus but not the harvard and yale. Host california. A supporter of joe biden. Hello. Apologies for that. Go ahead. Caller i believe there is a fight going on between donald trump and biden. That there is a fight ng on host are you planning on voting for joe biden in the fall, in november . Caller yes, because joe biden is fighting for the poor. Donald trump is fighting for the rich. Host what do you think joe biden will do for the poor specifically . Well, i think that he stimulus. E the host you mean the current state of stimulus being debated on capitol hill . Caller yeah. Indiana, a in supporter of President Trump. Good morning. Caller i am a black man in indiana. We put trump and penson the white house pence in the white house. If you are black, you have to ask what joe biden will do for us in the next four years . Everyday you see stories about disparity with effective the difference between blacks and whites between housing and employment. They say more blacks and whites could coronavirus now. I dont believe that. Beenemocratic party has using us as pawns to win the election since the end of the civil war, which a republican ended. Every time i hear a black person voting for a democrat i lose respect for that person. Host as far as a specific motivating factor for supporting the president , what would you tie that to . Caller i believe the president will continue to do what he has done for blacks over the past four years. Increase employment, better housing. As far as education goes, more and more programs coming up for blacks during the Trump Administration. I think he will keep doing what he promised to do. The guy is just getting started. Host that is james in indiana. Maybe Foreign Policy is a thing. The wall street journal this betweenreported a deal United States and russia over nuclear treaty. On friday, besides appeared to be at odds over Vladimir Putins proposal of the 2011 new start treaty which cuts longrange arms and is due to expire in february to be extended unconditionally for your. Tuesday, the Foreign Ministry said moscow would agree to the demand for a warheadfree for the same period. Remaining issues need to be worked out including the warhead freeze and the definition of a warhead. From woodbridge, virginia. Katrinas next. Caller did you say katrina . Host i did. Caller hi. I will definitely support joe biden. Initially i was a Bernie Sanders supporter. But we only have two people on the ticket. I would never, ever vote for trump. As for the africanamericans they get on and say, well, im africanamerican. Im not sure why they have to announce that each time. We are not monolithic interviews. But overall i will say that, you know, trump has done nothing but destroy this country and also our basically has corrupted administration and i guess all the american establishment. Host you said you are a bernie supporter. You think of joe biden wins the white house he can satisfy the concerns that progressives have in supporting him and things like the new deal that has been explained or medicare for all . Will he be able to satisfy those desires from people like yourself . Caller you know what . I think that he is going to do the best for Climate Change to get a handle on that. I think that he is going to try to make sure that most of us get to go to college. Free, i guess under a certain dollar amount. I think he will be progressive on some issues and moderate on others. Host i have to end there because not only is it at the end of this program, we are going to send you to another event taking place. This is on the senate side, the Senate Commerce committee. A hearing on freight and Passenger Rail service, the pandemic. We will take you to that now. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] will testify remotely. The second panel will include the Vice President , global of thechain, on behalf american chemistry council, testify remotely. , theresident and ceo chairman of the National Cotton council testify remotely

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