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In 2016 on voters, now paying attention to democrats in texas and latino voters. We will get an update from her at the end of this program, and at least at the end of the interview with dr. Navarro. A few headlines to get you up to speed. The big thing to Pay Attention to is travel, travel reveals a lot about politics. Why are people making decisions to go certain places . The midwest is the battleground. We hear about the deep south, the sunbelt,a nd there is no doubt those are competitive areas, but when you look at today President Trump, the democratic nominee joe biden, they are going to the midwest today. Both of them will be in minnesota and wisconsin. Biden will also be in iowa. President trump will be in michigan. Vice president mike pence will be in arizona, and the democratic Vice President ial nominee will go to texas, again, the sunbelt. You have the nominees in the midwest, the v. P. s in the sunbelt. One headline that stood out to me is in the final stretch, the Biden Campaign seeking the voters that stayed home in 2016. We talked about senator harris reaching out to the bernie voters. They do not need just the moderates or traditional democrats, it needs to have the voters who may sat on their hands in 2016, the sanders voters, to come out. You have seen them for months trying to balance overtures to the center with those from the left. One headline is the president is superstitious. He will have its final rally on election day, election eve, monday night, in grand rapids, michigan. If you are a political junkie, you will remember he went there in 2016. It looks like the white house will be the setting for the where the president is. He will not be in new york city , or the trump hotel in washington. It is a fluid situation, based on his comments this morning, but it looks like the white house, just like it was for the Republican National convention, could be the setting for election night. Now we will bring in dr. Peter navarro. Trade is one of the keys to unlocking the midwest battleground states. Example, across, for michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, you understand, if you are a bluecollar worker, that joe biden footed for nafta in 1994. Joe biden voted for the wto. You have institutional memory from you and your family of how we lost over 5 Million Manufacturing jobs to joe bidens nafta, joe bidens courtship of china. The president has, as you know, been the toughest president ever to stand to china. We have the banking of the the backing of the rankandfile. On there are other things going on over and above that. You said he has been tough on china. I spoke to larry kudlow yesterday. If he is so tough, why havent further tariffs been announced due to the academic . I will let you and larry have your conversations. What i know about donald trump 25e have tariffs on billion of chinese goods. We put sanctions on china for human rights abuses. We took away all favorable treatment for hong kong after the Chinese Communist party brutally crushed dissent. We have run freedom on navigation patrols in the south china sea. We worked closely with japan to solidify alliances there. Workeo solidify alliances there. President a that the has not been tough enough on china, i think that that is, that is a nonstarter and i think that the people of america know that. , this is the time for Closing Arguments and i think you want to know, boots on the ground, what our expectation is. Trade and manufacturing is crucial to winning the midwest. And there are other things going on. You have been a fierce critic of dr. Fauci. Dr. Navarro every time i try to talk about what we are doing and what we are thinking about, youre interrupting me. I do not mean to interrupt, i just want to cover some ground. Dr. Navarro let me cover this ground and and then you can give me another question because for your viewers, this is what is important. We have a six pillar strategy for growing the economy that dates back to 2016, deregulation tax cuts, defense spending increases, Strategic Energy dominance, things like that. Trade, of course, is crucial to winning michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania. But if you go to defense spending, obama and biden cut the defense spending by 16 , a tremendous blow to combat readiness. We have increased defense spending. You go across the battlegrounds. I went to a shipyard in wisconsin days ago. Very vibrant. Oshkosh, they build combat vehicles. That is the kind of thing that will draw strong support for the president. You go to michigan, the stryker plan. You go to pennsylvania, we literally saved a combat vehicle plant when they basically tried to put it in the ground. And my office really played an Important Role in reviving the philly shipyard. That is a beautiful thing. So trade, manufacturing and to Strategic Energy dominance, the cornerstone is fracking. U look at michigan and pennsylvania, you have got 18,000 fracking wells across the shale formation in michigan, and the shale formation and pennsylvania. , atop of that, frack sand critical element of the process, is mined in the western part of wisconsin with hundreds of thousands of jobs there. I got your point. Energy and trade. Dr. Navarro it all shows that energy, trade, defense spending, deregulation. Peter what about the pandemic . I want to turn to the house democrats, who are investigating you and your own efforts, in terms of the pandemic, and getting ppe. It is under investigation. What is your response to that investigation . Dr. Navarro [laughter] the democrats investigate whatever. I really do not care what they do. I want to finish one thing. And then i will address the pandemic issues. Do you think that you are in legal jeopardy . Dr. Navarro no. The sides that should change it besides at the Strategic Energy dominance, we are looking at Strategic Mining dominance. Wisconsin recently. I was at the duluth complex. It has the largest resources, untapped of copper, nickel and cobalt. Obama and biden shut it down effectively, during their administration. But we are opening that backup. Nickel is could go to electrification of cars. They call them lithium batteries, but the largest ingredient really is nickel. Minnesota has highgrade nickel. We know that the virus kills people. We know that when you go to a lock on it kills people in different ways, whether depression and suicide or and isle of therapy or anything in between. What we have done and this goes back to my memos, fed very night, i started writing a series of memos which outlined february 9, i started writing a strategy of four vectors to defeat the buyers. That coronavirus. It is that a mystic on shoring of ppe, gloves, august, n95 respirators. Shoring ofstic on ppe, gloves, masks, and 95 respirators and id fight masks and respirators. And then second, testing. Steadily reduce the amount of time it took to get the results and extend our reach to pointofcare. And we are at the point. The third factor i think is the most important, therapeutics. In many ways therapeutics are as or more important than a vaccine in the short and medium run. This is a way of drastically driving down the mortality rate if you get sick. That twohings like things the president took, remdesivir and monoclonal antibodies. But there are also things like convalescent plasma and we have done that really well. Finally, i remember on february 9, i wrote a memo to the task force. It said among other things, if a five company horserace on Vaccine Development that we, we could have a vaccine by the end of november or early december. And we are tracking that. We have got a good chance of doing that and there is people, and this is something, bob, doctors i do not think really understand how the truck the administration works. The doctors are skeptical about whether we can get large quantities of this vaccine to the american people. But what we have done is turn the standard paradigm on its head. , youly you go sequentially go phase i, phase ii, phase three, you got a vaccine. Then you start your investment in production capacity. And it takes a year or two or more. That is not what we did. We did a simultaneous process where, for all five vaccines, we put in place mass production techniques so if that vaccine becomes viable, we are ready to deploy. So i believe getting back to january 31, when the president closed the flights from china. Over time will, what have we done . We have implemented the four vector attack strategy and filled the Strategic National stockpile. And made it smarter. In the stockpile. What happened to the hydroxychloroquine the administration acquired under your watch . That is a great question, bob. The first thing that happened was, was, publications like the Washington Post and the new york created whatn cnn was unfortunately a hydroxy hysteria. Most readers. Peter, peter, it was the food and drug administration. The food and drug administration. Bob, do not interrupt me on this, let me finish this point. The latest study that has come out on this has shown unequivocally that hydroxy clerk when works in early hydroxychloroquine works in early treatment to save lives. Heres what i can tell you. We have 63 million tablets of hydroxychloroquine sitting in that Strategic National stockpile. That is enough for 4 million americans treated in early treatment. That is enough to cut the death rate of people infected by 20 20,00030,000 american lives. And to be one of the biggest tragedies of this whole politicization of the pandemic has been the suppression of the use of a 12 drug that could have saved countless lives. So if youre asking me about the hydroxychloroquine, it is setting there not saving lives. Because the Mainstream Media created a hysteria about it. When the science now, bob, the science is unequivocal, it works in early treatment to save lives. Acknowledgeuld you that, and you can say what you want, critical of the Mainstream Media. And i just did. And that is fine. But, peter, it was the food and drug administration. Not a newspaper. That decided to keep away from patients, due to concerns. Is that right or wrong . It is more subtle than that. With thehat we have food and drug administration, is a response in many ways, to that hydroxy hysteria. There was an interaction. They maintain that people can still use hydroxychloroquine. What happened was, they just created a climate where it made it much more difficult. People became afraid to use it. Here, im telling you and the american people, that this is a medicine that the latest Scientific Evidence shows it is safe and that it can help save lives. And so we will see. Look, we have a couple of days until the election and we can keep having this debate but i will guarantee you that you and i can sit down and three or six or nine months, when the science is fully in, and maybe there is a randomized clinical trial, and you will see, bob, that we could have saved probably hundreds of thousands of americans at the end of the day if we had sibley deployed that early in early simply deployed that early in early treatment. And look, people can or should be agree about it look, people can disagree about it but that is the way i see it and there is evidence to support the. Do believe the president will keep stephen hahn as the fda commissioner after the election . You know, all i focus on now tuesdayaser beam is from a policy perspective. I really fear, bob, looking at the possible outcome, with the bidenharris ticket coming in. We could have a Great Depression. What is your evidence for that . Im going to give that you. What we do here is those points in the policy compass. We believe that tax cuts stimulate growth. Joe budden will raise taxes. Joe bidenwhen you welt raise taxes. We believe when you deregulate that helps us grow. We believe the Strategic Energy dominance we have attained where we are the Largest Petroleum producer in the world and a net exporter. Clearly under time that is going to go away. Bt will create national that will create National Security issues as well as diminish our growth. If you look at the issue of the fence spending, defense spending. Do not underestimate this. In a lot of ways this is help stabilize our economy. The places i have visited, they are still producing. And these are great paying jobs. Bidenharris will cut defense spending and that will harm states like michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, so that is no good. Last of all let me finish it. You know that biden was responsible for voting for nafta. He voted for china getting into the world trade organization. He has been very sympathetic to china. He does not think they will eat our lunch. Will he rollback the china tariff . Will he rollback the steel and aluminum tariffs . If he does any of that, forget about manufacturing in this country. Tariffs . If he does any of that, forget about manufacturing in this country. They lost 200,000 manufacturing jobs on their watch. Before the china virus hit, we were up to 500,000. 500,000. Elections have consequences. And this is what i did for years before i got here, i was a forecaster. And i believe joe bidens dark winter is ahead. You peter, dark winter used the term Great Depression. Can you name one economist, be on yourself, can you name anyone else using that term Great Depression with any kind of seriousness about the Biden Economic plan . Dr. Navarro let me turn that around. When i was the top Economic Advisor in the campaign for the president , i said we would have growth way above estimates. And i predicted the day after the election, 25,000 on the dow. I was absolutely correct. What was the nobel prize laureate doing . He was writing if donald trump got elected, we would have a Great Depression. I stand by my forecasting. I predicted, i had investment newsletter, and in november of 2007 i told everybody to get out of the market, because it was going to crash. I predicted the housing bubble. Called, i wrote a book the coming china wars, and i predicted that communist china would create a pandemic that could possibly kill millions. I wrote a book in 1984 that predicted widespread electricity shortages in 2000. Guess what, that is exactly what we had. So, ignore my forecasts at your peril based on my track record, but i am telling you, we are in for hard Economic Times ahead of joe biden is elected. He will raise taxes, turn off the oil wells, he will regulate us out of business, and he will go back to the old globalist ways of shaping our supply chains offshore appeared why do i know that offshore. Why do i know that . That is what he did for over 40 years. You know that and i know that. Bob dr. Navarro, i appreciate you being here. Those are your points, and people can take them as they are. I would urge our audience and viewers to check out the Washington Post reporting on President Trumps economic agenda and plan, and a Vice President s economic proposals, lowering the Corporate Tax rate and other things that go beyond the issues that peter mentioned, but to also read fully about President Trumps record as well. You are always welcome to be here. I appreciate you coming by. Dr. Navarro you take care of yourself. We will see what happens on tuesday. We are all friends. One country. Bob thank you for being here. We will not be joined by my colleague, jenna johnson, political reporter for the Washington Post. It is great to have you. So great to see you. Bob you have been reporting on texas and the democrats for years now. Remember your stories on beto orourke in 2018 when he was running for senate. He narrowly lost a ted cruz. Now it is two years later, what has changed for democrats in a place like texas . I have been fascinated by texas for quite a while now. And the big thing that has been happening for years there, is there is a demographic change happening. There are people who are moving to texas. Peopleestimate, 1000 moved to texas from california, new york, florida, illinois, and many of them are democrats and bring those beliefs with them. It is also a young state. You have people who are turning 18 and qualifying devote, vote,ing a lot of to including young latinos. And they can be a force. For a Long Time Coming democrats a thought maybe in 2024, we could win statewide in texas. It has been the year they were looking at, but beto orourke sped that up. As well as donald trump. As well as the demographic changes, you have a number of republicans, or rightleaning independents, who are willing to vote for a democrat right now, who are fed up with this president and willing to do something different. Bob bob what about latino voters in texas and elsewhere . When you look at President Trumps Closing Argument at the debate, he talked about the obamabiden record on immigration, trying to share the burden of immigration policy with Vice President biden. Is Vice President biden breaking through with latino voters in the way he needs to to win the election . Months, latino activists, lawmakers, and organizers have been yelling at the Biden Campaign, saying you need to do more to reach out to latino voters. They were on track to be the second largest voting group after white voters this election. Has reachedmpaign out, but in these final months, final weeks of the campaign, meanwhile you have the Trump Campaign that has heavily focused on latino voters for months, for years. It is not that he things he will win the latino vote, a majority of latinos are still siding with biden and democrats. But states decided by small margins, like florida, pennsylvania, President Trump can pick out a few more latino voters there. That can be the deciding thing. Again, one of the big things with biden in the Latino Community is immigration. Immigration isnt the only issue latinos care about. It isnt necessarily the top issue they care about. But this was a really big problem for the Obama Administration. There were a lot of people deported during that time. While the Obama Administration did create daca and do other things, there are lasting bad feelings about what happened. A lot of questions about if biden has addressed that or not. 2016 and yourk to chronicles of trump voters across the country, you kept tabs on them for nearly four years, over four years, going back to the campaign of 2016. In a collective sense, where is the trump loader that you met voter that you met who was maybe at a diner or rural area, or workingclass town . Where are they today as we head into this final weekend . What have you learned over the past couple of years . Jenna thats a great question. A majority of those Trump Supporters are still with the president. There is something about supporting this president that is bigger than politics, it is cultural, in a way. I talked with a lot of Trump Supporters over the years who said they voted for him on a are excited, but to vote for him in 2020. They really believe hes gotten a lot done. They really believe in him. Sometimes, those conversations can be a little uncomfortable, because as a reporter, you are asking for specific examples of how their lives have gotten better. For Trump Supporters in rural areas, there not necessarily a lot of evidence. Theres been a pandemic coming through, but they love him. They really believe in him. Johnson,a congratulations on another terrific cycle of reporting. Thanks for stopping by to share your insights. By thenow joined national cochair of the Biden Campaign, delaware representative, lisa blunt rochester, great to have you here on Washington Post live. Lisa thank you, excited to be here. Looking forward to the conversation. Far fromew up not delaware, in pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is just across the state line. In that area, delaware and pennsylvania, what do you see as bidens chances of winning that state . Lisa we have a good chance of delaware. I think youve got a good chance winning delaware. Pennsylvania is the state where he was born, as well as i was born. I had an opportunity to actually visit philadelphia twice this past week. The excitement and enthusiasm is there. I went to one of the polling places. One of the early locations. There was a line that stretched three sizes ofk, the city block of enthusiastic voters. They even brought lawn chairs. They took Michelle Obamas advice and said i am wearing my comfortable shoes, packing a chair and a lunch. Andhere to do my civic duty vote for joe biden and Kamala Harris. I think pennsylvania will be a stellar win for us. We are working as hard as we can, to the very last minute. We will be working to make sure every vote is cast and every vote is counted. Bob i wanted to start with pennsylvania. It will be quite surprising if President Biden and Kamala Harris do not win delaware. Man in death of a black a police shooting, how did that affect the president ial campaign in philly, in pennsylvania, in the final few days . Lisa i had an opportunity on behalf of the Vice President to sit at a roundtable conversation with some community members. It had been the morning after the tragic passing of walter wallace. First of all, it points to the fact that we still have so much work to do as it pertains to the issues of policing, the issues of race, accountability, and transparency. Fact thatints to the what joe biden has said from the beginning, we support peaceful protests. People are marching because they want to see action. I love the line Kamala Harris says, bad police are bad for good police. Bad cops are bad for good cops. Of on day one in this administration being able to look at the issues of justice and policing, just like kamala has put forward a bill in the senate, which we passed in the house, it looks at a commission that digs deeply into these issues and addresses them. Unfortunately, we have a president right now that doesnt really want to deal with these issues. And it does is exacerbates further add fuels to the fire and doesnt cause the healing we need. We both need healing and action. And we are not getting it from this administration. Bob if Vice President biden wins the white house, what is the first legislative priority he should do in terms of the healing and action you speak of . Mentioned, he is calling for, on day one, to be able to focus on a commission that brings folks together to talk about how we address this systemically, how we deal with the systemic issues of race, justice. Known joe biden for over senator, ourmy Vice President , and now me as his congressperson. He is a person who doesnt just talk about things. He wants to understand, he wants to constantly have things get better and improve. This being a priority is key. Theveryone else knows, number one priority for this administration is going to be getting this pandemic under control. I think in the conversation you had with mr. Navarro, it points to the challenge that we have that the contrast between these two candidates, one wants to pretend it doesnt exist, the other is saying we have to address it head on. The pandemic is so much connected to our economy, the jobs, our physical and mental health, and all of the trauma that we are all facing. Be dealing on multiple tracks on day one. Lets stick with the pandemic. President trump in the closing days is casting Vice President biden as the nominee who will push her a shutdown in another country, another lockdown of the country. What is your response to the president s pitch, his final appeal . Wouldthe first thing i say is even if you just look at how he is campaigning, the difference, the dichotomy, one is campaigning in a way that is still getting out to the people in safe ways and effective ways, but responsibly. The other is creating superspreader fears events, not encouraging people to wear masks, not following the signs. I think that clearly, we have to follow the science and listen to what the experts tell us. President trump is actually denigrating the scientists. It is important we follow the science. The sooner we can get the pandemic under control, the sooner we can have a bright, vibrant economy. So its really important, they are tied to each other. The health and wellbeing of our citizens is tied to the health and wellbeing of our economy. In a Biden Administration, you will see a focus on getting the pandemic under control. Everything from contact tracing, testing, treatment, and making sure we have a vaccine people can be confident in, to dealing with the defense production act and finding ways we can have states not competing against each other, but having a National Comprehensive strategy. With theat is lacking trump administration. Everything is piecemeal. And we need leadership from the top. Bob take me inside the biden. The delaware inner circle, you are part of that political world in a deep way. The final few weeks in this campaign have been rough. President trump has gone after Vice President bidens mental acuity. Hes gone after his son, hunter biden, and the familys business relationships in the past. What has that been like. Do you believe Vice President biden has said enough to defend himself . Aboutthe incredible thing joe biden and this entire campaign, i have been there since day one. I started off with a conversation with him before he decided to formally announce. In that conversation, the things he talked about, first of all, at the advent, it was after charlottesville happened. Core, ithaken to the caused him to say i want to step up and be a part of uniting this country. Then as we went into the pandemic, it really became clear, and he said it on the first debate stage, which i was in the audience. I will never forget, he looked at the camera and said its not about trumps family, its not about my family, its about your family. That has been the anchor of everything we do. How does this keep us safer as a country . Internationally, are we safer . Locally, are we safer . How can we be healthier as a nation . Our economy, physical, and mental health, and lastly, how can we be united . Thats the focus. We dont Pay Attention to the namecalling. We dont Pay Attention to the sleightofhand. And look over here while we do this to you over here. We are laser focused on making sure number one, we win on tuesday, and that it be decisive. Thats my call to everyone. Please make sure that you and your family members are voting. That is number one. We must win. Secondly, it is really important we govern. Thats what has been lacking. Office,t just run for you dont just run to the base of people we were talking about it isr in your interview, you become the president of the u. S. Thats the focus. You can throw darts at us, this is about the people. Bob on that point of governing, do you approve or disapprove of the way Speaker Pelosi has handled the stimulus negotiations . Lisa let me tell you, i get to be on all of our caucus calls, i get to hear the amount of work, energy, effort, and negotiating skills, but also her willingness to say we started here rumor, we started with the heroes act, it has been over 100 days that we put forward a bold plan to deal with the issues hurting the american people. We put that out there. We put out what needed to be done. Even jerome powell, the head of the federal reserve, said the risk of doing too much of doing too little is greater than the risk of not doing enough. Thats number one. We are in an unprecedented time. Everybody has heard that word 100 times. But its true. The response needs to be big and bold. I feel the speaker has done a good job advocating for the principles we know americans need. We see americans on food lines. She has been fighting for food. It doesnt make sense. We see people wondering how they will pay rent. We put that in our legislation. The state and local government, the fact teachers, firefighters, paramedics, it is a need. We need to be bold. Im proud of our caucus and the work we are doing. Unfortunately, the administration has even flipflopped on whether they want it to be a big package, small package, or no package. We need to get something done. I feel our caucus has done an incredible job fighting and advocating for the people. Bob your colleague in congress, senator chris coons, has been a biden supporter like you, for a long time. Theres a lot of talk in washington, based on my own reporting, that senator kunz could end up in the Biden Administration if Vice President biden wins the white house, in a cabinet slot or highranking post. That means he would have to leave the senate. If he left the senate in the coming years or so, would you run for his open seat . Some are you trying to do breaking news story here or something . First of all, chris coons is an incredible legislator and leader. Secondly, my middle name is blunt, so i dont have a problem being blunt with my intentions and what im focused on. I am really focused on joe biden getting elected. Im hopeful i will be reelected by delaware on tuesday. I worked really hard to get on the energy and Commerce Committee in the house and those subcommittees. Subcommittee,alth Consumer Protection and commerce. I believe in a Biden Administration, in my role in the congress, and also as the whip. Im part of the whip operation with jim clyburn. I could be very helpful moving things like dealing with the pandemic and climate change, which are two of the issues we hear about. Im also a person of faith. Faith, i listen to go where you are called. Right now, the thing i hear is your plan. My focus, my goal is to get joe biden elected. Hypothetical or down the road, but right now, my focus is to win, joe to win. Bob it seems to be blunt to steal your phrase based on your answer, you would lean more towards staying in the house then mounting a Senate Campaign. Lisa what im saying is you go where you are called, you go where you are needed. This is where im needed. So i am running for congress. Im hoping i will win. Lets deal with hypotheticals when they become reality. Right now, we need people to vote for joe biden and win the white house. That is my focus, thats all i care about. I appreciate anybody who is praying for me, but otherwise, im focused on making sure joe biden wins. Bob as a reporter to our audience, the representative did not rule anything out. We will leave it there. Lisa i will have to come back. You will have me back. Bob breaking news this program. We get great ratings in delaware. Wilmington loves us. Lisa thats where i am, and we do love you. Thanks. Iwillvote. Com. Make sure you have a plan. Bob we appreciate it. Thats all the time we have today. Thank you for joining us for election daily, our Program Running through the election and after the election for a few days to have these fascinating discussions with people like representative bluntrochester, dr. Navarro, a conversation that was lively. We love lively. And jenna johnson, my colleague offering her insights on the campaign. Really great conversations this friday afternoon. Monday, i will interview Democratic House member, Pramila Jayapal from washington state. Senator todd young, running the Senate Campaign for the republicans in the senate of indiana. Thats monday. The eve of the election. President trump heads to grand rapids and Vice President biden goes around the south and midwest. So much to cover in the final few days. Appreciate President Trump traveled to North Carolina today. We will have live coverage at 5 45 eastern on cspan

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