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Congressman james clyburn, republican from South Carolina and the majority whip for the democrats in the house. Lets begin with the weight representative john lewis. As you bid farewell at the Memorial Service this week in the rotunda what was going through your t head practice share your thoughts with us. Thank you very much for having me. I was thinking of our early daysoh together when john and i first started in 1960 to help organize the student nonviolent coordinatingvi committee the city and started february of 60 and two weeks later and then to organize citizens and march 515 and so spontaneous to come together so april of that year in raleigh north carolina. And then we decided to meet again. And to organize ourselves. Thats when i met john that same evening and it was that night 10 00 oclock in the evening to 4 00 oclock the next morning. We had been in and out with each other ever since. When he was ousted as chair we got active i was in charleston South Carolina he was in georgia we interacted throughout all of those years and then finally congress in 1986 i got here in 1992 and then we spent 27 years together here in congress. When he was lamenting with the black lives Matter Movement to be so effective that he was so proud of and just happy to see thepy breakthrough and then to defend the police that this kind of headline could ruin like burn baby burn. If anybody knows anything about history knows in the 19 sixties they started to yell burn baby burn so john and i out against so that the time that slogan could give you a good headline but would not make much headway. So sitting there in the rotunda. Of course both of you have served in the Democratic Party for many years. And over those years in the house as you have seen each other in rooms across the capital what did the two of you discuss about the movement from so many decades ago . He was an ordainedni minister. Into the ministry which i decided against doing we were very active in politics right after the shooting in charleston five years ago john and i along with senator scott faith and politics people and out west. To march across the bridge with him. And from brown chapel and we taught scripture a lot. I told some people that i thought john more than anybody i everha met had internalized. And no one ever met to fill that scripture like john lewisd. Did. We talk about those kinds of things a lot. And to internalize it. But i have not lived at the way john lewis has. He continues to lie in state this morning on capitol hill. His Departure Time moments from now. He will lie in stay in georgia as well. What you think about President Trump skipping the celebrations in washington this week . T im not all that concerned about that. And he has said what he thinks about people of color are people like john lewis. Look, john lewis and the soldiers on a sunday afternoon about 600 of them were met by Law Enforcement officers and they were beaten and brutalized and what we see today at the behest of this president people being tutalized in portland the navy veteran and then had his arm broken for where his head was be in an. So to me it would be very hypocritical to be what you are. Good morning new york. Caller. Nobody has ever confronted him on that saying the federal agents are gestapo agents but they were the gas chambers i would it be quick to compare him to that. This guy gets away with everything because hes black. Is ever been confronted on that is an antisemite. Congressman . What are you talking about . You must be listening to some other program. I have no idea what hes talking about. Indiana democratic color. Caller i good morning. I consider it a distinguished honor to speak with you. A couple of points. And then with your outward appearance its that simple. Charles manson. So that being said the government should be running under people first. And to disregard other people if they are working like the previous guest talked about that the people keep their jobs. I do agree with you. That is the first order of business for families. And i said with all of my experience and that i talked about my experience in South Carolina where my motto is if i breathe i hope. And then to give hope to families. That you are the fabric is all about. What is the urgency in that . Lets give people some hope by giving them unemployment insurance. To give them 400 at the same time with a new headquarters for the fbi. That doesnt make sense for those who are unemployed. Yes talk about building were aircraft carriers that is what they bill into the bill. We need to secure the families by giving them hope. Georgia republican line. Caller. Donald trump is like a superhero. Hes the only one fighting for the people the democrats are doing nothing but sitting there to destroy him as such a shame. I am voting republican all the wayti down the matter what color they are. Thank you. I dont think there was a question. Do you have a reaction. My mother and father both republicans but what they needed to do. Im sure in 1864 when they came out because of the act of 1964 they did not vote for goldwater that year they voted for the democrats and i suspect they voted that way because of their own civil rights and Voting Rights they believe in taking care of people in the golden years of medicare and low income people of medicaid any educated young people the secondary education act they believe to be a part of Johnsons Great Society program and by the way they all still existt today. These people who say democrats are not doing anything i hope her children and grandchildren would not need that elementary or secondary education act. I call that nothing. Congressman clyburn democrat from South Carolina serving his leadership in the house of majorityy whip also the chair of the select subcommittee onn coronavirus. Our guest this morning. Ahoma city. It democratic color. Caller caller. Caller hi, joe. [laughter] im a little nervous but i would like to get an answer. If we are looking at the life of john lewis and i have to think about what happens to people that start off wonderful, fighting the good fight, and kind of morph because they get involved in the political system. For example, if the candidate has been arrested for fighting to stop black housing discrimination, marched with Martin Luther king, and campaign for jesse jackson. And another candidate wrote the crime bill, attacked anita hill, and embrace racist, so you have Bernie Sanders who did these things, and joe biden who did these things, how can you in good conscience endorse joe biden . That is what i think happens. You guys start the great fight, but want to get involved with the dnc, corporate money, and wall street, suddenly you have no conscience. I think the first 30 years of john lewis was wonderful, and i think he sold his soul like you did, because you endorsed joe fit towho isnt even walk in Bernie Sanders shadow for fighting for equality and rights. Host congressman . Guest i think the gentleman is pretty selective. I supported joe biden. I remember the 1994 bill. I supported that and joe biden wrote it. Bernie sanders voted for it as well. I would ask him, when was the last time you have seen a boat to ban assault rebels vote to ban assault weapons . Also, the violence against womens act was in that bill. We had community policing, all of that was in the bill. I would say to the gentleman, we voted for the crime bill in 1994. I would ask them to remember what happened in november of 1994. That is when we lost the majority, when they took over the house and took the good stuff we put in the crime bill and took it out. The 1994 crime bill reduced mandatory minimums. Changed,94 crime bill are we responsible for that change . No. We lost the election in 1994. The republicans took over the house and gutted the bill. The same thing they are doing with the secondary education act. You may call it anything you want to call it, but that was the bill created as part of the Great Society program. When republicans came in, they changed it. You might remember they gave it a pretty name. George w. Bush called a no child left behind. My daughter is a Public School teacher. Program has ais great name but is leaving all of our children behind. So just because you changed the name doesnt mean you are getting rid of the program. The same thing is reverse. You keep the name and you put in this bad stuff. That is what happened to the 1994 crime bill. The gentleman ought to take a look at what really happened. I would say in conclusion, i do not compare joe biden to the almighty. I compare him to the alternative. The alternative today is donald trump. Host tom in california, independent. Caller hello. Host tom, good morning. Go ahead. Caller how are you doing . Thanks for taking my call. I have a couple questions on this black lives matters deal. I am an independent. , and howou blame trump can i take how did they take breaking targets and looting the stores, burning them down, acting like savages, and i have to pay out of my taxes to clean these peoples crab up talking black lives matter. Host congressman, a little difficult to understand him but he was talking about the people that do the looting, the destructive behavior, not the peaceful protests, and taxpayers having to pay to clean it up. Guest i will say to the gentleman this, i was out there back in the 1960s, and i know. Like i see it happening today. I saw a former congressman, now the attorney general there in minnesota, chief ellison, i saw him on tv last night. He was talking about White Supremacists who are dressed up in black, camouflaged themselves to look like somebody black and going around knocking out windows. Investigating it and i will tell them, there are against theple black lives Matter Movement. Movement is trying to show this country the way to go when it comes to Law Enforcement. When it comes to health care, education, the environment. The black lives Matter Movement is simply saying, my life as a black person should matter these for you not to put environmentally challenged industries in my district, in my community. Thats what the black lives matter move is about. I shouldnt have to suffer as a neck person, a need to my knee to my neck and snuffed the life out of me. That is what it is all about, so dont tell me some foreign people, some of whom i will believe will be financed by sinister forces. We all know the russians are doing things to spread this information throughout disinformation throughout. I would say to that gentleman, you are the subject and victim of a lot of disinformation as well as subversion. Dont tell me im responsible, protest andve a someone is coming to subvert my protests, that is what is happening, and happening to the black lives Matter Movement. Host next is a democratic caller. Caller hello . Host we are listening. Caller i know everyone is talking about their special subject. My subject is, to tell you the 15 judges, they are trying to embezzle my house. Judges, 15 of them, and i did not get restitution. Now, the tenant is trying to embezzle my house. Something needs to be done about operates,e d. C. Court because this has been very unfair to me. Number two, in the d. C. , the Real Property taxes keep going up. And they charge 9,000 for a two story house, just because all around it has been built up. That is very important. Host beverly, congressman, those are local issues, but if you could take them on broader scope, do you have any reaction . Guest i feel strongly we must do what is necessary to have Affordable Housing for people in this country. Inespective of decisions life, we should make housing affordable. That is the way most low income people, most poor people deal with wealth, is in houses. I dont know exactly what the situation is, but i would contact the office of the delegate for the district of columbia, and her office would be glad and im sure her office would be glad to be of assistance. It may have to be delegated down to the district of columbia with mayor bowser and some of her people, but the fact of the matter is we ought to do what we can to make sure that housing is accessible and affordable for all americans. Host congressman, you are the chair of the select subcommittee on the coronavirus crisis. Doing, the committee what is its role, and what have you found so far about the federal response . Guest we are working to make sure that all expenditures by the federal government, in this instance the cares act and two ask before it, what we have cares two, we passed the house heroes act. If you add up what we have already appropriated, 2. 5 trillion, what we have in the heroes act, three trillion,llars, 3 another act is 1 trillion. We have no idea what the total appropriations will be, but my committees job is to make sure that all of the federal resources are utilized efficiently, effectively, and equitably. One of the things, i just sent out letters. We know we may be on the verge of getting a vaccine. Part of my job will be to make im that the vaccine sending out a letter today on that subject make sure the vaccine was made available to andybody in a efficient effective manner, and equitably. Im old enough to remember the polio vaccine and other vaccines. Arm,accine was shot in the another was a drop of serum on a lump of sugar. What community has the shots and what community has the lump of sugar . We need to make sure that whatever the vaccine is, and theres probably more than one, that it is handed out efficiently, effectively, and equitably. We have already returned to our coffers five times more than we have ever been appropriated. Host will democrats in the house agree to a number less than what was in the heroes act . Could you compromise with republicans . Guest that is what politics is all about, about to find a level of comfort that will be called common ground. Common ground is somewhere between where you are and where your opponent might be. It is all about. We get into trouble if people saying it has to be my way or the highway. Democrats do not operate that way. We want to come to the table, we want to sit down with the leadership in the senate and try to find a way to find common work, on select Community Fee itd19, be it covid19, be it justice in be it justice ine policing. It doesnt have to be my way or the highway. We do say though, if you cannot give a tip people that need food stamps, and rather you want to build a new fbi headquarters, that is not where we are. That, to me, is a nonstarter. Host what else will democrats not agree to . Agree to newl not f16s, new jets. When we need to do something with state and local governments. There is not one city i would be able to find in the proposal of the heels act to do anything to protect state and local governments. Do you know how many small towns keep their if they local governments open . How many states will become for my eyes, how many people will be laid off of work . Along, thecoming only place i could find a job was public employment. We had to find a job at the now, all of a and sudden, youre going to tell me we are going to let the cities and states dry up and lay off people . They are trying to close on the post office. Host unfortunately, i have to interrupt you because the house is about to gavel and so we had to say goodbye. Says federal law requires the secretary of commerce to report, quote, the total population, on both, of each state and it requires the president to transmit this information to congress. In the history of the census, no president has ever tried to manipulate the census count in this way. Ano

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