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Stay. What you have to member joe biden have been forced out of the race in september 87 by a series of revelations, none of which individually were an almost laughable when you look back at them. But, by the time they were digested to the great long snake of the press corps seems to constitute an elephant of a character flaw. So biden had dropped out. He really did not come out speaking again until the turn of the year, 1988. It was february the first time that he had been out talking on the College Campus pretty went to the university of rochester as a matter fact periods see when did you go there . Guest no i was not there i was in New Hampshire with all of the good members of the pack. And joe gave his speech at the university of rochester. I then was questioned for several hours. When he got back to his motel room all the sudden bang, he got hit by a brick in the head. He was dizzy, he was nauseated he could barely see. He didnt know what was happening but it couldve been a heart attack but he did not know what it was. He just knew he could barely move. He didnt seem to have any will to do anything but he lay down on the bed, just thought if he get home he might be alright. He lay there awake in terrible pain all night. And finally dragged himself to the plane the next day. Got back to wilmington and they literally had to carry him up the stairs and wilmington. Send his brother called, fortunately, jimmy bidens got a nosed for trouble and a nose for his brothers need. He said look no more schedule, no more anything, put them in the hospital today. That very night through a terrible snowstorm that took them but ambulance out to walter reed where a surgeon, doctor george decided there is no time to delay there is an aneurysm in his skull. And they had to open his goal and get at this aneurysm. I dont know if the audience will know what an aneurysm is it is a weak spot in the wall of your artery. If it should first inside your skull, its not the loss of blood would kill you or anything like that. The force of the blood coming from the artery would literally start pulverizing your brain like a fire hose. And they did not have any time to waste. Doctor george said it before before and half hours and it turned out to be nine. See aneurysm first right there on the table and fortunately outward away from joes brain. It is a terrible mess and it critical time in this life they literally gave him last rites in the hospital. And fortunately, by the grace of god, got him back together. He woke up, being joe he counted the ceiling tile in his room, multiplied them to cackle at the area of the ceiling, spelled his name, spelled backwards, try to think how long he had been out. He felt he could think him he could talk he could move his limbs, and then it dawned on him that had he been campaigning in New Hampshire, which she certainly wouldve been had he not been forced out of the race. He would have been dead because he wouldve been up in the mountains. They never would have gotten back in time. What it did for joe it reawakened a sense of destiny that somebody up there had something for joe biden. We went you detailed the ambulance by going to the hospital. Guest yes i talked to his wife, joe into the kids and to ted kaufman who was his closest aide is his closest aide who was right there. Two but youve got Strong Language to that driver get this guest they got this ambulance from wilmington, theyre going to walter reed. The amlin sky did not know where walter reed was on the beltway. Theyre supposed to pick him up at the statewide and never met them in a middle of a snowstorm. Beau biden, the senator was riding shotgun. In the lead cop cars and had a ball cap on mimosa thoughts that bo was some kind of federal swat team geyer secret service guy or something. And they get there and they turned to bo and says where we going . Both that were were going. Youre the one that supposed to know. Until they just stopped by the side of the road. Finally joe biden, the senators wife is writing the back with joe darted hammering on the back wall that ambulance think i dont care what you know just get this damn thing going. She saw her husband in peril of his life where they were laying there will they were fooling around the radio and she was not going to have it. Smacked the Democratic National Convention Starting this week we are taking the seller to show you some programs about president ial candidate joe biden and the president ial candidates. Next joe biden reflects on the importance of her family and community. This is from may of 2019. So during one of the campaign, campaigning years people wanted joe to run for president. I was against it. And i told joe i was against it before these fighters came over to our house. And i knew what they were comin coming. They wanted to try to talk him into it. So i was down the pool on the lower level. I could hear them upstairs. They were like youve got to do the sheave got to do this. I was getting madder and madder i was so angry. So i walked into the house in the first thing is i was a magic marker. So had a twopiece bathing suit on. So i wrote know on my stomach. [laughter] and it walked through the meeting. [laughter] [applause] [applause] [laughter] so anyway they got the message. [laughter] the set i think you made your point. [laughter] we saw this in the video which was viewed beautiful, the beginning of the book quote the poem the child. The title of your book is taken from that problem. But theres one line in the book that i was just very curious about. Dont turn your head, keep looking at the bandage place. This is very significant to you and im curious what that means to you . Of the bandage place i think is making yourself, when you are vulnerable when you are hurting. When the experience loss like we have in our family, what that means is you are looking at the wound, the scar, and dont believe for a moment that you are healing yourself. And thats what i found through loss is that i never could have made it through without friends and family. Many, many, many of you in this room who supported me throughout and supported joe. And you know with your notes in your cards and your love and your caring. I think really, i you know i teach at a Community College. And i feel the same way about my school. About the Community College that really, it has a larger community. And thats also helping one another, get through the tough times. And whether that is your english class, or through law or illness or whatever you are going through. I think it is the sense of community that helps us. That we lean on one another and thats what helps us to get through. See mankiw also talk about your close relationship with your parents and your sisters growing up. And he referred to this is a circle of loyalty which i thought was beautiful. And then later you write about joe and the boys. And you say went all the others turned their backs and walk away you can count on me to it stay. That was their bond, one of shared memories of grief that absolute trust for it was them against the world. They were asking me to it join that sacred circle. And it seems like with joe and the boys you found something was very close to the relationship that you had with both your parents and your sisters. Seems like this is a very strong theme that runs through your life im just curious when were creating these types of relationships in your life, how did that inform you once you got to washington . Does it help you in terms of navigating . Speak it will sure when i met joe i thought joe and hunter had a very close circle. And then i felt that love is they opened up that circle and allowed me to it come in. And i think that our family we done everything together with sort of circled the wagons. I think when youre in public life you need that. You need that loyalty you need that love, that caring. As we go forward in the next journey we will do is weve always in will once again lean on one in each other support one another and i had that i had that growing up with my own sisters. I tell my own story in the book im the oldest of five girls. So my younger sister came home and said to me, shoots crying and she said jill, through always keep the reforms on me at the bus stop. And she was crying about it. And i said alright, come this was a bully in our neighborhood. So i went up the hill gray horse road, downtown bell and i went to his house and i knocked on the door. And he opened the door and might hold the back and i punched him right in the face. [laughter] [applause] that i said dont you ever throw worms on my sister again. [laughter] and then i was so scared iran all the way home. [laughter] and my father was home. Iran in and i said johnny i just punched drew and the nose and he said good for you. [inaudible] [laughter] so its that kind of loyalty i grew up with. We took care of one another. Cspan coverage of the Democratic National coverage starts this monday and book tv is taking a look at books about democratic president ial candidate joe biden. Next term 2010 author and columnist on joe bidens life an early political career. He met to tell you a little bit about each book you probably all of the stories about why the incredible beginning in politics running for county counsel in delaware at the age of 27 and winning. Then three years later running against an entrenched republican senator, for his seat and upsetting him. Two weeks after he was elected to the senate, before he was old enough to serve in the senate, he became at the age 30 and interim. It was a week before christmas when his wife delia, and three small children were in a terrible car accident outside of wilmington when a huge truck plowed into their car. Biden was obviously totally crushed thinking of abandoning going to the senate at all. And had to be decided by members of the family and also by the Senate Majority leader at the time, Mike Mansfield with leading democrats like Hubert Humphrey who would come to the senate. It was also therapy for his grief. It was only by that treating and the members of the family to urgent that he did so. We could call stories about joe biden always commuting on amtrak trains filming ten in washington. This began at the time of the accident he was determined was going to be with the boys who were then toddlers. And so he did every night. Every morning you get on the train to washington and that night he would come back on the train to wilmington. Back to someone into the senate the hospital bed i will biden who is still the hospital at the time. He continued to do that incredibly for 36 years. Other members of delaware delegation all fell in line accompanying him. It was part of the reason they turned out to be so close even though as a split delegation within the delegation. As a result of this behavior, the scheduling he had, biden was not very well known in the senate by the other senators. For quite a while. He went home every night while the others would eat and drink together and socialize together. Its all during the week. And also fact that joe biden was comments bill is and didnt have much to do with that circuit. He didnt go to receptions. Its pretty much been the same now that he is Vice President part little more so hes been seen around washington a little bit more. But he and his second wife, jil jill, go back to their home in wilmington just about every weekend. What did the other senators learn from this, is what everyone in delaware do was that biden had an uncommon commitment to his state, to his family, and to his catholic religion. That was the second of his life as a kid in scranton, pennsylvania, a bluecollar tow town. Its not a cliche to say that his family saw biden through the early tragedies in his life. And kenyon continued to be a main clutch for him throughout his political career. Where taking looks at books about democratic president ial candidate joe biden in anticipation of next Week National convention. In 2019 book tb talked with the Washington Post Steven Livingston about the working relationships between Vice President biden and president obama. As we all saw their working relationship is pretty powerful. We have seen all the pictures of them messing around together, having a good time. But they also work very well together as a team. It was a unique relationship. The fact that they were a very strong working team, but they also developed into a friendship weve never really seen in the white house. Erodes they were wary of each other the beginning. Yes they were wary of each other barack obama came into the senate in 2005 as a shiny new item from the Democratic Party. He was a big celebrity before he was the man on the move. He was the coolest thing the Democratic Partys ever seen for a long time. Barack obama was joe biden was something complete different for he been the senate for more than 30 years. He was a man of the senate. He basically grew up there. And he believed in the hierarchy, he believe the way the system worked. And he was a little bit wary of obama because obama was the guy on the move. And he wanted to slow obama down a little bit and show some respect for the institution he had just entered. So they sort of circled each other a bit. House biden change the roles of the president . How did he expand it . Did what did he do for obama. Biden wanted to be a different kind of Vice President. He wanted to be obamas chief counselor. Wanted to be the guy who was the last guy in the whispering obamas room when decisions had to be made. He really fashioned his vice presidency on a prototype that Walter Mondale had created under jimmy carter were mondale understood the Vice President was the guy whos not somebody who worked at the discretion of the president that he was elected with the president s we could be fired. He was the man who had to stand up and tell the president the truth. His sense of power. In biden understood that as wel well. He wanted to follow in mondales footsteps but also expand the role. Host what did obama think of bidens media gap throughout the eight years . What did obama think of biden s media gap. The eight years . There were quite a few, the still occurring today. But i think on the whole, obama was very generous about that. It didnt really mean that much to obama, he was able to look past them. Obama was a was looking at the long game. Wasnt thing about the ups and downs of the day of the moment. He wanted to see what he could do for america longterm. So these little blips in the road that occurred because biden misspoke or biden got ahead of him a little bit on some issues were not really that important. Because the big picture, obama had some place he wanted to get any did not want to get distracted. See what was biden always eyeing the presidency from his seat as vp . Guest thats a hard question. I think it was probably in his mind all the time. It was in his mind before he became Vice President we know he ran before, he didnt do too well. The presidency has always been something that is been in his heart. He is always wanted to be president. It would almost be unfair to say he wasnt thinking about while he was Vice President. But he did not make that obvious at all. And it didnt distract him from doing the job he had to do is Vice President. It is very loyal, helpful, helpmate to obama. Stu and what he thanks president obama hasnt endorsed Vice President biden for present yet . Guest its really politics. While they both really adore each other and they have and they still do. There is a marriage of politics, political marriage. And obama wants to be sure i think that we elect a democratic president next time around. And for him to endorsed anyone at this point before theres an actual bona fide candidate would be sort of jumping the gun. He has one big shot. That bigshot has to be the biggest shout he would take. Since he endorsed biden or anybody before we have a true candidate, will me do have that candidate anything he says would be diminished a little bit and would not have the strength they would have. So he will do it for one final time. C1 was a barack obama and joe bidens relationship unique for president Vice President . Guest i think it was completely unique. I dont think weve ever seen a president and Vice President behave the way they did. They enjoyed each others company. They went out together. Their families were close. Bidens or almost children, bidens grandchildren spent time together, had overnights together went out together. I Vice President and a president dont normally have a very close relationship because the history the Vice President really only exist for the purpose of taking over the president for whatever reason. So that is not the most Fertile Ground to create an intimate relationship because you know that the bryce president is there for one reason and one reason only. Kennedy was always a little bit wary and nervous around lyndon johnson. I may have been johnsons personality, may have been other things. Johnson sort of knew that too. He summed it up one day in his colorful language or he said every time i am in the presence of john kennedy, i feel like a god damn raven hovering over his shoulder. Theres a sense of tension between the president and Vice President that always existed. Somehow barack and joe were good. Cspans Democratic Convention starts this monday. Book tv looks at president ial candidate joe biden continues with a portion of a recent program with symone and sanders, advisor to his campaign. She talks about why she decided to work for mr. Biden after working for senator Bernie Sanders in the primary. It came time to decide if i wanted to go back to the hill or not, for a long time i wasnt certain i wanted to go. But i did not want to spend the election cycle sitting on a panel thinking about what other people are doing. I am a habitual campaign staffer. I wanted to do everything i can to get donald trump out of office. I felt like everything i could was not sitting on a panel. I consider him a panel i will happily go back. [laughter] i would happily go back. [laughter] but you know, i wanted to go get in there and do the work. And so i knew a lot of people were running for president there are a lot of folks. But when i sat down and i said to biden it was like i had known him for years. And what he was saying he articulated the cyst not just attaching point for us to blur out america it was for him. And seeing from the white house and administration across administration, throughout is an abuse of power. You have to check an abuse of power. And like me, Vice President biden since i dont want to spend this election cycle thinking what if i wouldve ran for president. Im like me to it. I just want to elect somebody. So i feel like i believes what he was saying. I thought he was absolutely right. I feel like we got it right. He is a good nominee. But i will say that my values and a lot of joes have their political ideologies what they believe in their political values whether it senator sanders or joe biden or barack obama or kamla harris. I dont find that productive. We have to have something but we all believe doesnt change for who i work for. I still believe in equity. I believe in fairness, i believe we have to change our Justice System so its actually a system that serves young people. And it does not further harm them. I believe in equity. I believe we have to do some about the grotesque inequality in the country. I believe its the president needs to handle the converse pandemic coat and what was just a Health Crisis is now economic crisis because donald trump was complacent. Maybe he will let us know soon. My political ideology is wrapped up in my own values and the things i believe. So thats what i can work for senator sanders, corporate joe biden, aiken work for others. I know some people dont understand and thats confusing. So i have a peace of advice in the book is you cannot make decisions based on what other people are going to think about you. If iran my life learning about what other people would say i would never make a move. So the end of the day i think i made the right decision. I feel good. As you should. I want to touch on that last point a little bit. You need till good about yourself. And i get ive been in Democratic Politics a long time. I note the favorite storylines are candidates in disarray. There is sort of the storyline that there is still some lingering hesitation by people with senator sanders with senator warren signing out the Vice President , the former Vice President for the campaign for they dont feel like hes enough. Youve been on both sides of that. With senator sanders tonight with the Vice President. Mosher message under message b for those were still harboring doubts . How would you make sure the parties full unified . I would say three things. When i was a look at senator sanders pretty wholeheartedly endorsed Vice President biden pretty wasnt just a paper endorsement or a tweet. They had a very long and wide ranging conversation about the issues. But senator sanders said before like a lot of very lobbyist and told people why he was supporting Vice President biden. Why we need to get behind him, why we need to rally together and how we plan to Work Together thats very powerful. So the people who truly believe in what bernie is saying. If you believe Bernie Sanders, he is telling you why hes gotten behind joe biden. He believes like Vice President biden believes we are going to defeat donald trump builds on this bold progressive vision, that both senator sanders and Vice President biden have together. Secondly though i will say Vice President biden himself is said for a long time that he needs these young people that Bernie Sanders brought in. These folks that were maybe a little disingenuous, disconnected from politics. With senator warren, carol harris inspired that pride we need that vote. We need their ideas and that we cannot do this without them. Our campaign for anyone who is been down and out, we welcome you. I think that is really importan important. Good thing i will say is that our engagement to the specs is truly disciplined we talk about progressive engagement we have gone literally organization by organization, what i like the call meticulous surgical precision with our engagement. Because i battle it takes to truly show folks, after showing tobit to actively demonstrate to a number of our progressive friends we are in this for the long haul. We want to know where it is we are aligned and build upon that alignment. We are looking at young people , we are launching, weak or coming out with our branding for Young Americans program im very excited about its brought up breaking any news here tonight but look out for next week ladies and gentlemen. That is a culmination of a project that folks that are campaign up and working since last summer with the input of young people across College Campuses and High School Students from Young Professionals from young elected officials. Some have been with us from the beginning and some people who are like look, i care about not only beating donald trump progress. And whats happening now didnt have to be this way. To listen to everything we can so we can get on the roof to call a biden recovery. We do have to try and thats were doing. Similar last question before go to the students. Winning against an incumbent is hard. Theres a reason why not many are defeated, at least in the modern era. Its got to be really harder, much harder when you have to redefine what it means to campaign because were all stuck in our homes and your candidate cant go into rallies. Your canvassers cant go doortodoor. So im wondering how you guys are doing campaigning and how you tackle that real challenge and get the message out. One you heard Vice President biden say recently he was in annapolis he said they assess very question actually framed it as is it hurting you that you cant get out there customers Vice President biden says he has the notion the fact we are in a Virtual Campaign role right now because everyone is at home doing covid19 were doing good hard look at these polls because we are actively engaging the drink virtual travel days if you will and she was in pennsylvani pennsylvania. Regiment local media were still doing a media were doing around tables. We fasttrack for the snap traps show we doubled as a peace corps. We had to get creative. But we fully believe actually that Vice President biden wanted to break through. But two, his message of his campaign is a message that people are receptive to. Because joe bidens talk about a biden recovery benefits folks. Hes highlighting and elevating frontline workers. Not just talk about what he would do as president right now if he were president right now but talked about what he will do when people want to see a forwardlooking, for thinking vision, would be like to get out there and campaign out on the road, absolutely. I said that in the interview parties chomping at the bit to get out. He will go when it is states. Hell be going by what the scientists unlike the people working in the white house. Connection or look at the Democratic Party in the upcoming president ial election is nebraska Democratic Party chair james who weighs in on the parties engagement with rural voters. This was from february 2020 in lincoln, nebraska. As you know im chair of the Democratic Party. Being chair of a red state is not easy, right . Its not easy in nebraska, and its actually more difficult when you are in the room with fellow democrats. Especially democrats that are on the coast. Because i hear all the stereotypes, right . Why would you care about rural voters were going to die anyway. Who cares about rural voters because they are voting against their interests. And why should they have a say in our politics because there are less of them and more of us . In every book that i have picked up about Rural America, whats that . It was depressing. It was usually about people being drug addicted, racist, and coming from broken homes. And that exists in rural americ america, that exists in our big cities as well. Those pages never reflected the people i know in rural nebraska or in rural West Virginia or in South Carolina or in california because every single state has rural communities. And the reality is at the Democratic Party by 2040, 50 of the population will be electing 84 of the u. S. Senate. You may think well, thats messed up jane thats not fair. And maybe its not fair, but that is the u. S. Constitution, and that is not going to change anytime soon. But what can change is how the Democratic Party actually talks with, stands up for, and listens to rural voters. Because we used to win in Rural America. And not too long ago even in our state. Tender nelson was elected in 2006 and served until 2012. I talk a little bit about why he didnt run for office again in the book, after he passed obamacare and essentially the National Party completely left him behind. And then allowed the republicans false narrative that he was doing some kickback for our state. And the only thing he was doing, the only thing he was doing as a red state governor he knew the client have an Unfunded Mandate in obamacare. That he knew he needed to have language in their as a placeholder to say allstate should be able to expand medicaid but the federal government should also be putting money into that as well. And at the Democratic Party cared about rural and red states they would have said senator nelson and they didnt. And so i tell a lot of the stories in this book. And really the first half of it is about our journey of excel it is a decadelong fight that we are still fighting. And that we wont ever give up on. We wont ever turn our backs on the farmers, the ranchers, the tribal nations. And yes, the liberal progressive environmentalist in climate advocacy who became an Unlikely Alliance to stay together. The Democratic National Convention Starts this monday and we are taking the opportunity to show some programs about president ial candidate joe biden in the partys efforts to win in november. Now former Obama Administration weighs in on defeating President Trump. He was joining conversation by author and activist from a program in february of 2020. The reason i read the book is because theres nothing more important than winning this election 2020. Ive never been more convinced one of the main things it chose me to it write it its too Many Democrats in washington and around the country think that donald trump is an aberration. Ive come to the conclusion that he is a logical extension of the party over the past many, many years. Particularly since barack obama was elected. And those who allow someone for donald trump or president will still be present when he leaves. We have to beat them we have to take a very aggressive effort to fix the problems in our politic politics. To hunt and ban you talk about the difference between voters to put focus on ideology and those who focus on. [inaudible] guest i am watching the 700 democratic debates with ed. [laughter] and every one of them i think has been submitted sensitive about medicare for all, medicare for some, or Green New Deal was we need to get 50 . And i feel thats great because substance is important and its making progress for political conversations were having, substantive debate. Wednesday night debate was a little different. [laughter] i think that conversation went a little past the graveyard. Because i think our politics both the institution of politics that have been around for long time plus a very strategy put in place by republicans has politics rigged against the progressive use of majority in america. If we dont tackle political and democratic reform, it doesnt matter if you are a revolutionary bernie, your centrists in the middle it doesnt matter if you need medicare for all, medicare for some medicare for one single additional person america prayerfully dont deal with things with the senate, the structures in our politics. To push people we dont deal with bad it doesnt matter what politics we have. I want to focus on how to get things about what to do when we can. Host wanted things you talk about with trump being an aberration but an extension, im interested in the way you talked about the importance that racial politics is allowed trump to live in between. Can you talk about the racial grievances you have in the book . Guest sure. The way to understand politicians is much more simple than you would think. You have to understand political incentives, right . What they want to do stay in office. To the Republican Party is dependent upon a shrinking almost entirely white base. So the way in which the only way they can win is to get as much as supports as humanly possible. What they have discovered is the best way to do that is with racial grievance rhetoric. To scare white people about not white people. That is people taking their jobs, terrorism, to africanamericans all across the board. That has been going on thats meant the long history of the Republican Party since the passage of the rights act. I think you can see its the southern strategy you can see it with reagan going to mississippi giving a states race speech that was about as subtle as a hammer to the head. Because he and w bush running his Campaign Running which was an ad so racist that all future racist ads are referred to this ad. [laughter] and the reason why i think we have to be certain about this is with every passing day, the majority of the country becomes younger, more progressive. Which means republican seen more and more out of that white base. Which means that racial is going to get worse and worse. And so we have to, they can only get away with that because of things theyve done to reduce the political power of young people, people of color in this country. Until we address that there were and keep doing what theyve been doing. Strategy of elected people fight as hard as the trump before . As an argument you address but theres an argument that people should be on the other side of show positive people are interested in, what your take on that . I refer to it as the taylor orange strategy of politics. Should be white trump . I think the answer to that is definitively no. We want to be able to look in the mirror in the morning but also that is not work for democrats, right . The republicans are trying to get as i said as many people out of a group of people who are likely turn out to turnout. And they want to change people who dont often turn out to turnout. Democrats we hope and inspiration because we hope to get our standard based on the may also need to convince new voters to become voters and become democrats. We need to convince people who may be turned off by the proces process. So we adopt cynical strategies, we will reduce democrat turnout we will lose. Host a lot of people feel like the hope train ended and the obama moments. But people are worried that hope is a mobilizing strategy for people. Guest i think we have to recognize that a lot has happened since barack obama said yes and 2008. Late i described in the book is democrats have to be as john pending talk to his Foreign Policy but its ideals without i think we have to be helpful in the idea that the country can be more unified. But very clear on who the republicans in washington are. It doesnt matter the idea that the republicans what Mitch Mcconnells gonna do, that is not going to happen. I think we should believe in try to aspire to something better. But we have to be taught only have to be strategic about political power. And we have not been enough as strategic are tough enough in the past. When talking about that. What we do about the party . During the obama your speed lost a lot of governorships, we lost a lot of people of congress. Seems like something happened to the in the structure of the party that did not set us up while mcgettigan from. What can we do about that . And did the Obama Administration just dropped the ball . Did they not Pay Attention . Guest i think of all the above. I think the primary method obama years at the bottom of the bout, or two things one is the terrible economy. After the election it was a disaster. Unemployment was at 10 came to years after bipartisan bill with the banks. I think people forget which is very important was Citizens United decision happened in january 2010. Which meant the democratic ability to keep up and Campaign Spending in that election went away that day. And our candidates were washed away in a way to cope brothers incorporate founded money. Having said that they think and argue about in the book is the democrats need to be less obsessed with the white house. I know its a crazy thing to say as we sit here today. But, there was not a lot enough focus from with our congressionals with a donor base, democratic activist on the races that happen. Down ballots. The political power comes from down ballots. Right . If you control the state legislature and governorship you make it easier for people to vote. Republicans took over the state glaciers and governors of all the swing states after 2010. The very first thing they did was voter id laws, getting rid of. [inaudible] very specifically getting rid of these days on the calendar when they had to get represented randomly pick that one out of the hat. And so also policy, right . So the states what had democratic governors with medicated lives were saved. [inaudible] and people also eyes. Raise the minimum wage, attack more rights. Since more in the book that makes it easier for the party to focus on those things. Its a real mentality shift. I think theres one weve begun to see since 2016 and its in virginia in 2017 and 2018. Select the Democratic National convention errors this week on cspan beginning on monday and culminates with joe bidens acceptance speech on thursday. Next in both tvs look at books about the democratic president ial canon and the dncs efforts to win the white house is public strategist on what party needs to do to win the election he is joined in conversation by donna brazile. The presidency is just a job interview. And if someone is a horrible person but maybe they do a really good job. I didnt connect it up to the retiree and pennsylvania for the Office Worker in michigan or the farmer in wisconsin and tell them how their life would be worse for detailed story in the book is actually true. About three weeks after the election, and im not kidding it was the hardest election postelection of ever gone through periods i am usually a happy person for my joke as i sleep like a baby, i woke up every two hours crying about this or that. One night as i woke up i told my wife, who is an army brat. Her family is very firm in wisconsin but i figured out, figure this out. We run ads in wisconsin with chump talks about winning, veterans, if they saw that and that life in oi. Specht you know how we can vote for man like that because they are decent midwestern allamerican families. There should yet youre right we cant. Three days before the election harold turns back and said hes not going to grab you by the privates, but he said he can open up that factory where they laid off our son harvey. Maybe its worth a shot. So i didnt connect it up to harveys life to ethels life to Harold Lyford i simply left it at hes a horrible person. Which he is. I dont ever want to do that again. Not to excuse his abysmal appalling sewer level but to make not about trumpets the trump trap its referred to every narcissist once the conversation to be about himself. What i failed to do what i want democrats to do now is turn the camera away from trump and back to that farm family. The reason willie plugged it is because i read a whole chapter about Rural America and he loved it. And i love that. No one has fought harder for farmers and willie nelson. Weve got to connect with folks. By simply telling them trumps a pig i think now after four years people again i know that thats news from nowhere. But how does it affect me . So 88 days, you write the book that she trump to make this about him but we need to make it about the voters, the trump trap as you just mentioned. Still made an issue in the news, and the democrats learn anything from 2016 and really focus on issues that matter and not focus on donald trump . Guest covered changes everything. Think this is the First Political strategy since caliphate i did two things. I think its a lighting in your donna you know me. I was checking up that gray have it all over. Guest we go back 33 years we been friends. Guest is more important now. That is as stacey a brinson said and many others voters if your life depends on it because it does, it really does. Politics is not any longer when i call that show businesses for ugly people it is a real thing. It is your life. And today is a good example. Today. Donald trump is on said hey maybe ill give my Convention Speech from the white house. Right . We all get her panties and the one oh thats a violation, it is his criminal its appalling. But has no effect on how it handles like back in wisconsin. So think what democrats ought to say was that we should given to the white house, as a hundred 60000 there he should give it in a covid word. He should give it in an icu he should give it at a cemetery because thats really about his presidency far more than the white house. Get back to peoples lives. Its hard to do because he distracts us. All good people a reason they hear something stable will but i think he is a diversion a stop the fact that people are dying before their time on his watch. You write this diversion is superpower. What about kryptonite . Guest god help us covet makes it a lot less effective. Also turning the camera back. And i love him anyway but i went and really studied barack obama and joe biden. Both were subjected to terrible personal attacks. And in each case they refused to ride that arrives to debate. Barack obama ticket months, years before he released his birth certificate. Not because he wasnt born in honolulu, because he knew it was a trap. Theyre simply trying to steal the election away from healthcare, jobs and issues hes running on. And he explained that he think very well. This is the kryptonite. So why is transcendence . In joes case is going to come after son. We know that. Why is he attacking my family . Because he hasnt anything for your family. And believe me, hes going to be just fine but for your family be just fine . If he allows you being diverted about myself as a fine man, dont fall for. Keep focus on your son, your daughter, your granddaughter. I think this is the way to do it. I said only because i failed to do it last time president clinton was nice enough to read the book and thats what he reminded me. Politics is about people not about us. Simon 2018 you write in the books the democrats the President Trump won 12016 how did mcgrath do that . If there is a heroes book to hear explicit love that woman. I get all the big shots at oh shes terrible no hoe hope. She led us out of the wilderness but what she was so smart. She began with recruitment. In her recruitment account diversity. Again we have a lot of them i think its a blessing, think our memo to darcys about whom and touchyfeely, its not its about expanded talent pool. Ansi knew that from the top to recruit more democrats and he put on the field before. With Peoples National security background, intelligence background really cool interesting background with genders and race. That was the first thing recruiting. She also, she was a social work before she was a center set this to me once. Social work they say meet people where they live. Right . She met people where they live. She didnt run. Aoc ran in a occ district. Colin is a former fellow football player, civil rights leader paredes asking america with george w. Bush is rich texas white district thats terrific. He didnt campaign on mueller impeachment. He campaigned on prescription drugs. So diversity first, ive seen the districts moderates ran and moderates the streets, progressives rent and progressive districts. She funded them did all the nuts in both right to. And thats me was became a tidal wave. But she didnt make it about trump. In 2010 they all ran ads attacking president obama. And republicans of the house. Democrats didnt do that. They ran ads about you, about healthcare come about prescription drugs. Even though trump was popular they got elected with the mandate for change not just hating on trump. My thing, paul, you and i both know that because we argue about targeting the White Working Class versus mobilizing, in this book you address both of these issues pretty also talk about the rise of the american elective. Why is it so important we get it right this time . You have to do both. You have to do both. I think it was reverend jackson who first told me this that a plane has to have a left wing and a right wing. I have had arguments with reverent jackson but he is correct on that. That is part party needs. These primaries this week or the dynamic, fresh story i dont know anything about her but watch the interviews after the upset election against clay. She is amazing. My view is the party needs new blood. I dont really care for comes in the west centric or right center go, we get new fresh blood. But we have to do both. We have to energize people of color, people women young women and we need to reach out to people who are in pain and turned to donald trump because they wanted a wrecking ball. They didnt like they were represented anymore. We just have to lose a little less. If we can get back to the White Working Class, both level so we have is barack obama not even bill clinton just as well as obama did. It is because the truth is we have lost 71000 to Drug Overdoses. Some are in the suburbs summer in the country. This is not a thing that discriminates ideology or race. We have 38000 people last year. The death by Drug Overdose is highest as everyone of the highest years. Death by guns, 38000. Some insidious, some in suburbs psalm along the farm. The pain is the same. Sgt to stitch that back together whether it is a farmer, god for bid his kid is addicted to opioids or its a mom in the innercity its the same thing. Im looking for oasis stitch them back together. I dont think we should be at war. On that wraps up our look at democratic president ial candidate joe biden and his Party Strategy to win the 2020 election for all of the programs you have senior can be viewed in their entirety booktv. Org. A reminder that cspans coverage of the upcoming Democratic National Convention Starts this monday. Check cspan. Org for a schedule of events. Heres a look at some books being published this week at historian finishes his trilogy on the rise of modern conservatism and politics in reagan land. It doesnt hurt to ask attorney and former congressman trey gaudi of South Carolina provides his guidance on how to effectively communicate with others. And founder of the Public Defense organization, gideons promise gives his thoughts on how to change a criminal Justice System. Also being published this week and still write and am makes his case for how conservative principles can tackle todays political issues. Nation magazine contribute in writer Richard Greiner has a Secession Movement in the united states. And break it up. And political commentators lynette and rochelle known as diamond and silk reflect on their lives in uprising. Kamala Harris talk about the truths we hold an American Journey where she talks about her life and governing principles. Is

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