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Question time. Each week the house of commons is in session we bring you Prime Minister Boris Johnson with questions from the house of commons. We invite your participation via twitter using hashtag pmqs. Prior to questions i members are finishing other business. Now live to the floor of the british house of commons. Is it necessary for this government from the businesses in Northern Ireland . What a pleasure it is to see the right honorable gentleman, and welcome him back. In the last 3 months we published operational guidance, announced 200 million support fees to support traders in Northern Ireland to meet the requirements, 150 million of investments to operate the requirement it made progress to operate it but recognize the need to do that through Business Engagement and our work on the joint committee. We now come to questions for the Prime Minister. And we start with andrew jones. The whole house is talking about the result of the heavily contested election. It is a year ago to the day that you were elected speaker. I wish you a happy anniversary and thanks to you for making this great again. This morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others and will have further meetings later today. In liverpool friday the tests cut to get results, cut the spread of the virus by identifying people who were infected but not showing symptoms and the number of people and time involved, the benefits to the nhs, when does the Prime Minister think the results will be available in the benefits extended across the uk . The plans will last approximately two weeks and we will keep the house updated on the results they are evaluating. Leader of the opposition. Will the Prime Minister join me, what votes do or dont count or when to stop counting. The next must be the fair choice of the american people. The terrorist attacks in vienna, i am sure i speak for the whole house, our thoughts are with those who are affected and congratulations on your one year anniversary. Turning from covid19, the 21st of september when scientific advisors indicated the circuit rate would bring the virus back under control, the number of people who lost their lives was 11. The Prime Minister ignored that but on monday, 42 days later the number of people who lost their lives was 397. That is a staggering number. Does the Prime Minister understand the human cost of his delay in acting . In answer to the opening question, the democratic processes of our friends and allies and in all seriousness he would expect otherwise. Turning to the point about covid19 and the difficult decision this house has 2 face i speak for many honorable members, i dont think any government would want to impose these measures lightly or any parliament would want to impose these measures lightly on the people of this country and it was always right to pursue local and regional approaches. That approach was showing signs of working and still is showing signs of working. It got the transmission rate lower than it would have but we have to face the reality in common with many countries in this part of the world, we are now facing a surge in that virus that this virus must tackle, those honorable members know december 2nd. I hope the members opposite will support them tonight. Nobody wants a lockdown but it is a question of timing. Had the decision been taken a few weeks ago to put in place a Circuit Breaker could have been done for 3 weeks, with the advantage of schools being close half a term. Now the Prime Minister as proposed lockdown will at least four weeks which means businesses will be closed longer in the clinical run up to christmas. Does the Prime Minister understand the Economic Cost of his delay in acting . Precisely because we understand the Economic Cost and understand the psychological standards of lockdowns that it was right, for the regional solution. And by the right honorable gentleman, useful to him for a while. That was the right approach but what i can tell you is at the expert he of this period on december 2nd, my honorable friend earlier on, we will be rolling out across this country new types of testing on a scale never seen before, beginning in liverpool. And a bowling us to detect enabling us to detect transmission that is taking place between people who have no symptoms. That will enable us to find new ways to break the chains of transmission. I will thank the labor leadership for their cooperation. That i commenced to the benchs office. The delay is a failure in leadership and he well knows i look to the evidence and make a decision 3 weeks ago that the circuit break, i dont buy the argument that the facts suddenly changed this weekend. The direction of travel and the number of hospital admissions have been clear. We are where we are. People across the country are concerned about restrictions in midnight tonight, we have a duty to try to make this lockdown work. I want to ask basic direct questions. Will the lockdown end on the second of december come what may or will it depends on the circumstances of the time . The support he is offering, i can answer him very simply, these measures to combat the surge will expire automatically on december 2nd and we will i hope to be able to get this country going, get shops open again in the runup to christmas but that depends on doing our bit now, i have no doubt that we can and the we will go forward with a friend approach. It will be up to the house of commons to decide what to do. That doesnt tell us anything but i want to press the Prime Minister, if he is saying by the second of december the infection rate has not come in below one on the second of december, the infection rate is still rising, on the second of december is he saying come what may we will come out of lockdown with infection rates going up on the second of december . That doesnt seem sensible to me. Thanks to the efforts of the british people, only just about one as it is. To get that infection rate down, these measures will expire, they expand beyond the second of december and make the position clear. This is serious. If the infection rate, if the infection rate is still going on it is madness to come after the tiered system, the one thing it cant cope with is plus one. That is the point. We can come back on the second of december but that is the point i am making. The lockdown buys time. To fix test and trace and talk about the capacity of what is going on in liverpool, we have been going round and round in circles. The latest figures show 130,000 contacts were not reached and that is one week. Only 20 of those who should be isolating doing so, the majority of people dont get results in 24 hours. What do we do in the next four weeks to fix this. If it doesnt we will be back here again. With greatest respect to the right honorable gentleman who stood up and said i will brag about nhs testing, and i am willing to accept the failings, the frustrations people have experienced with that system but to go through 3000 test today, 500,000, is a quite remarkable feat. The biggest exercise ever carried out and they are helping drive down, absolutely invaluable, the difficulties they face. What we need to do is come together and put aside Party Political wrangling and point scoring and Work Together as i think he will tonight to support this package, get the are down and allow us to go forward in a different way with mass testing that i have outlined. Those who are not being contacted being contacted, we have a problem that needs to be fixed. They were hit so badly in the first wave of this pandemic, working in care homes, dedication and commitment, we owe it to them not to repeat the mistakes of the first wave. As we face the second wave theres increasing concern about the Emotional Wellbeing of care homes and their families. It must be possible to find a way, dedicated Family Member scheme of some sort to allow some safe visits to alleviate huge despair across the coming months those were the primacy were cross party to find a scheme that will work for those in care and their families. The new guidance, visiting relatives safely because the point he makes is important announced today to strike the balance between needs to see their loved ones, whether publishing guidance how that could be done today and i am grateful to his offer to work collaboratively but the house will generally have noticed he has used this crisis as an opportunity to make Political Capital and have our shadow spokesman called a good crisis. Can i commend a different approach . He attacked the Government Strategy because of the former member, what he once was or should be, not with all of it, a piece in todays daily mail in which he probably supports the Government Strategy. And supporting mass testing in liverpool which he deprecates and take a leaf out of the blair book. By the way, tony blair would not have spent four years in the same shadow cabinet as Jeremy Corbin shoulder to shoulder with him. I understand the position the government is in. However, in this period, my right honorable friend, in the southeast, to flow through the country following the transmission theory. My honorable friend is right. I can tell him the department of transport is already engaged on this matter to represent what he describes. The leader of the s p, ian blackburn. I like to take the opportunity to send my best wishes to my friend in the us. Donald trump claims unsupported victory and major fraud with millions of legitimate ballots left. I hope the Prime Minister will join me in condemning his actions this morning. The Prime Minister agreed 80 for scotland is lockdown restrictions, subsequently a number of his ministers hold back on the progress, have not received any detail what the commitment means. It is the Prime Ministers opportunity to clear up this mess. Will scotland receive selfemployed payments on eligibility is requested by the Scottish Government in the month ahead . I hesitate to accuse the right honorable gentleman of failing to listen to what i said on monday but i think he heard what i said. In no way budgeted from that commitment, a uk wide scheme helped save 10 million jobs in this country including 1 million in scotland. What the Prime Minister said is if the administration asked for it would be granted and gives that question. Can i ask the Scottish Government, waiting to see if scotland would receive additional money as a result and is it also clarity on whether the unlimited payments will be made available on a similar demand basis, will the Prime Minister clarify and commit to confirm that access to the furloughs scheme will be there if they need it . I can tell the right honorable gentleman that the chancellor will be making a general statement about all the provisions we are making in this latest surge of coronavirus tomorrow and i can tell him, to repeat the point i made, already 10. 2 billion gone 10. 2 billion for scotland and support people in scotland and throughout the uk during this crisis. Does the Prime Minister recognize the importance of places of worship to my constituents, does he agree they should open as soon as possible and commend the work done in these places to make them chloroquine chloroquine 7 secure . I think my honorable friend, i am deeply sorry these restrictions have to be placed right now, but we will work as hard as we can to make sure we allow them to come back, to worship the way they want through december 2nd. That is why i hope the house will pass the package tonight. Mister speaker, if every vote is counted in the us election it is likely joe biden will be the victor. The Prime Minister had a challenge to build relationships to the Incoming Administration so therefore, joe bidens analysis of the impact of the agreement of the internal market, how quickly will the primaries to recognize the clauses . The uk internal market has cross party support, is a vital part of the armature, structure of the uk economy, the European Union and that services placed are available throughout the uk. It is vital for our country. With the uk terrorist threats of the year following the horrific attack in paris and vienna by cowardly Islamic State terrorists the whole house joins the Prime Ministers heartfelt solidarity with our friend and austrian ally. Does my right honorable friend agree with me that here in the uk we must redouble our support for antiextremism program is does the primaries to share my concern the ukbased tv channel like islam the witch this week was on viacom for giving airtime to extremist preachers who justify antisemitism, wifebeating and sgm . My honorable friend is absolutely right and we stand shoulder to shoulder with france and austria, a joint war against this abominable ideology and to gather we will defeat it. I hope the Prime Minister and chancellor regret their decision not to extend preschool meals and will join the richly deserved race for community groups, councils and businesses who stepped up to stop our nations children going hungry last week so will the Prime Minister commit to do the right thing at christmas i congratulate the voluntary organizations. I am proud this government helped to fund them to the tune of billions of pounds not just universal credit but 1. 1 billion going to help. This government will ensure no child goes hungry this christmas, this winter thanks to any inactivity. Never forget it was the conservative government instituted preschool meals for 5, 6 and 7yearolds all the years labor was in power. Watching the constituency, the companies this week started predicting a van, manufacturing at the lowest level for 25 years. It would benefit massively from the certainty of knowing the components of vehicles will move free of tariffs between the uk and countries of the European Union for the new year. Can he provide good news about concluding a deal with the eu to the sector, its workers and their families. I believe such a deal would be massively in the interest of friends and partners but what i can tell him, is we are supporting Green Technology of all kinds particularly hybrid battery vehicles and 49 million pounds, the kind of vehicles inspected and driven together so that our country can bounce back. The government will be aware of the staggering increase, 50 increase in the use of the hotline. The Employers Initiative warn of huge risks to many people facing Domestic Abuse. It has no borders. Can the Prime Minister ensure the uk government before the lockdown begins produces a well resourced plan for Domestic Abuse and will he join me and members from across the house, himself becoming a member of the Employers Initiative on Domestic Abuse sending a clear signal that no one should have to live with that . He is entirely right, going up in the way we feared what we are seeing is repeat victimization in domestic context. It is intolerable, the house as we set up help lines to tackle it. We are investing in refugees and domestic balance. Its crucial we tackle the scourge of Domestic Abuse, and the Mental Health consequences for the victims and investing massively in Mental Health and Mental Health charities as well. An independent Study Suggests the writing ability of some people is 22 months behind expectations. My right honorable friend will know the most disadvantaged and hit hardest when schools close. Quite rightly we set our absolute priority for this government. Can i ask the Prime Minister for an assurance that first we will do what it takes to make up for lost ground and never again contemplate closing our schools . My honorable friend is right about the paramount importance of keeping our schools open. I will also say to him, one idea that can really help the people, though we have been able to support with catch up premiums and we come out of this pandemic, keeping up with one on one because it can make a huge difference to the confidence of children. And thanks to so many, mister speaker, over 6 weeks, the Prime Minister has not listened to scientific or medical advice for 6 weeks, what will the Prime Minister say to 12,000 peoples families who will die by christmas, forecast what will you say, mister Prime Minister . I listen to a huge range of scientific advice and their eminent scientists who say you shouldnt do any kind of lockdown at all. The world health organization, you have to take a judgment about whether the right moment, balance the effect on peoples lives. Make a balanced judgment about the effect on peoples Mental Health, the prospects of younger people and the importance of saving lives, that is the balance we are trying to strike and hope he will support it. In a few weeks we end the transition period with the European Union. The Transition Team will endeavor to clear traffic gridlock and the work will continue pace on the upgrades between whitfield and the east end. I think my honorable friend and congratulate her on the campaign and i can tell her thanks to her lobbying developing plans to develop junction and access into dover, cashmere sections. To scotland. Thank you, mister speaker. I asked for distant nations and regions as required. Repeated today, the scheme, understands that but he responded if other parts go into measures that require that scheme it is available to them. Millions need clarification on this. Will 80 be available to specific regions if they need to lockdown because of rising infections . I hesitate to enclose the honorable lady of not listening to what i said but i want to repeat the furlough is a uk wide scheme that will continue to be available to the people of scotland and any further elucidation on the details of these packages the government is bringing 2 people of the entire uk, what my right honorable friend the chancellor will say tomorrow. Potential vaccine for covid19 gives us hope that thanks to investments in research and development the Prime Minister has pledged more money for research than any of his predecessors put together to deliver on his vision of the United Kingdom as a global science superpower. Does he agree that maintaining this governments commitment to spend 2. 4 gdp on research will be essential for that . You asked for speed, yes, i can reiterate we are committed to the 2. 4 by 22 billion. My constituent wilson is one of the excluded. He filled the business with 18 employers and 1 million in turnover until covid19. Tourism or leisure with grants accepting assets for loan guarantees. To the Prime Minister they matter in the north, will the Prime Minister do the same, how he can protect those . I am interested in what the honorable lady says because this government is investing in 5000 what type of coaches shes talking about and interested to hear the details of the company she rightly represents but that company should be eligible for all sorts of sports it is shaking her head. Can i invite her to write to me about details . I will do my best to oblige. My constituents have been subject to restrictions about disproportionate affects, the importance of this agenda has never been i ask you to fasttrack in the north and a new train station and Business Leaders formulate an economic Recovery Plan to make sure the pandemic is stronger than ever. We will go with Northern Powerhouse rail and to receive 500,000 pounds to support your local high street and local community. Mister speaker, in the hall, welcome the Scottish Government last week for the rest of the remaining state. There are Unanswered Questions for the uk government including interference, undertaking a review to assure the experiences of labor are clearly understood to try to heal the wounds of the past. I am grateful to the honorable gentlemen, the early 1980s. Send further detailed particular is of the concern and i will do my best to address it. I think the teachers for keeping schools open and does he share my frustration that half of the battle for distribution to the most vulnerable in the storeroom, what can be done to get the Labor Council to do that . I am grateful to my honorable friends, the laptops and cabinets, delivered to the city council, 10yearold pupils and i will do what i can to spring those laptops as fast as i can. Lets go to manchester with jeff smith . On monday the Prime Minister was asked why Greater Manchester offered life supported available under the new restrictions. He said these are different measures that provide different support packages. The workplace closed on tier 3 restrictions, you lose your income, places closed under the national lockdown, why should people receive less help from the government going into tier 3 after december 2nd . They are not going to, the furlough scheme was extended until october, we are putting in measures for people across the whole of the uk, to the second of december and that is the right thing to do, putting our arms around the people of this country to get them through the pandemic and beyond. I understand the Prime Minister will receive recommendation from the department of health and transport to enable these periods to be cut for passengers tested negative for covid19. When is a decision likely to be made and will he look favorably on the proposal to allow the Aviation Industry to get back to a place in this country . My honorable friend is right to lobby for the Aviation Industry, currently having a terrible terrible time and my sympathies are with all the employees involved. One of the benefits of getting pcr testing up to 5000 today as we have new possibilities, we will bring forward further measures and further proposals. In my short time is mp the city of durham, they fiercely undermines Public Health messages, historic violations exposed and shortchanged us with 50,000 pounds. Will the Prime Minister condemn the continued flouting of the rules or does he have a blind spot that even a trip to the castle cant fix . What undermines peoples confidence and understanding of what the government is trying to do is constant political point scoring and attempts to obscure what we are trying to do by the labour party. The best thing is to advise her constituents what to do to follow the guidance and get the virus down. Simon clark. Reporter leveling up will matter more than ever as we emerge from the pandemic. The deal announced last week delivering transformative investments to darlington. Will my right honorable friend prioritize places like middlebrook or stations pending. Yes, congratulate him for lobbying the way he does. 126 million from the growth fund, the extra transport fuels, they will get 500 pounds, thankfully, to his lobby. Congratulations to you on your one year anniversary. In my constituency they are closing to to financially unviable. Especially during the pandemic it is full of risk. Will the Prime Minister commit to additional funding specifically to social care to help local authorities meet statutory responsibility and prevent further shes right to draw attention to the issue. In addition to the 600 million pounds, the plan we announced earlier this year putting further funding into care homes, making sure we have longterm reform of that sector, we will be bringing out guidance to enable people to visit loved ones the ways they should and they must. My honorable friends and i, the decisions he is taking, they have the biggest opposite, the best in recent times, other reviews of antisemitism from the hrc report, does my right honorable friend believe theres more for the conservative member . The comments i would make on that, i was genuinely amazed the of the unite union would make a remark of the kind he did. The labour party should remain in receipt of funding, taking steps to dissociate themselves, i find it astonishing. Happy anniversary. The chair of the Health Select Committee Said Contact Tracing will always be less effective. Given the track and trace was ahead by local authorities, 1700 times ahead. When will the Prime Minister introduce a more effective track and trace system driven by local authorities . Im not going to pretend every aspect of test and trace his work to the way i wanted but it has achieved very considerable things that work it is done throughout the pandemic, has worked with local authorities and local people and what we will be doing now as we rollout the mass testing in liverpool and elsewhere will be led by local people and we are working with local authority to deliver those programs. Mister speaker. I seek guidance to summon witnesses to answer questions on their businesses involvement in uk matters because theres a public concern about disney who made the film mulan at the labor camp that implicated a massive human rights abuse by the Chinese State and may be profiting from them. You might think disney would want to come before the select committee to explain the decision that disney and its representatives, with substantial footprint in the uk using to attend can you advise the steps taken to assure that disney fulfill their obligations to parliament and the public. Can you confirm this house can require disney to attend and refusal could be a blatant test of parliament on what the committee should do next. It is very important for select committees have access to witnesses to assist in their important work and represent disney. What i would say to disney, they are good at communication so i expect them to reflect what they do is a business. If a witness refused to attend when invited, to summon them forward, if a witness fails to appear i would expect after reporting to the house consideration could be given to how that mattered but as i understand, if the committee has not taken the first step, it is a matter for the chair of the committee i dont think it will rest here today. The change it has been raised on the floor of the house the suggestion that in the current pandemic we should have a special coronavirus select committee. I want to be helpful that the science and technology of health and social care are embarking on a large inquiry into the pandemic and the lessons that need to be learned and on a particular issue of whether we should have locked down to the scientific basis for those lockdowns we will have a session later this month to which we will invite health and social care. Thank you for giving me notice, not really a point of honor for the chair but you made the point and it does follow the deck of order, i dont want to connect to a debate between the two, there is no notice. Here at cspan2 we leave the british house of commons as members moved to other business. You have been watching Prime Ministers question time at 7 am eastern when parliament is in session. You can see this we session sunday night at 9 00 eastern and pacific on cspan. Go to cspan. Org to view everything we had a from the british house of commons since october of 1989 and invite your comments on twitter using hashtag pmqs. Weeknights this month we are featuring booktv programs, available every weekend on cspan2. Tonight we focus on biographies and memoirs. We look at White Supremacy through the lens of his greatgreatgrandfather. A member of the ku klux klan in the years after the civil war, biographer larry tie reports the life of joe mccarthy. Later, the yellow house. Watch tonight beginning at 8 am eastern. Enjoy booktv this week and every weekend. Your watching booktv, the latest nonfiction books and authors. Cspan2 created by americas Television Company as Public Service and brought to you by your television provider. Greetings in new orleans. The distinct pleasure welcoming our two guests today, jack davis, author of our book today, eric dolan, author of the furious sky, a history of the hurricanes in america. It is a very timely book as louisiana got blasted by hurricane laura. Our thoughts and prayers go

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