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The u. S. Securities and exchange commission, testifies observe the House Financial Services committee on emergency lending during the covid19 pandemic. Watch live today at noon eastern on cspan3, online at cspan. Org, or listen live on the free cspan radio app. Now, the first of two house jushy Committee Members well e hear from, pennsylvania democra Madeleine Dean joins us on the i dayn the house will vote on a Sweeping Police Reform bill. Theres lot in this bill, but if you could point to just one provision that would make the biggest difference if it was passed, what would you point to . Well, there are too many to point to one, but ill start with banning of the choke hold. This is a very big day and a e and very big povote. Im proud i will be voting for the George Floyd Justice in policing act. Its a comprehensive reform bill to get at Police Brutality, police systemic racism, and so banning the choke hold that we saw so grotesquely used againstd another human being, george floyd, as an officer of the law put his knee on the mans neck, choking the life out of him for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. Thats an important part of this big piece of legislation. Ing i want to put on the screen u our viewers are seeing various provisions of the George Floyd Justice in policing act of 2020. As they read through all the various provisions, we talks to republican Tom Mcclintock p yesterday on the program. He said he would be in favor of several provisions in this bill qualified immunity, but its the larger bill that he cant get behind to support. An be as why not try to move these various 7hnwprovisions one by if you could be assured of getting bipartisan support on a few of them and move them through the house and senate and maybe get the president to signo them. We are at a civil rights had a moment. You saw two weeks ago we had a hearing with George Floyds brother. At that hearing, a chairman said to us were in a civil rights moment. This is not a time for beare res minimums or piecemeal action. This is a time for bold action. The question really is to the representative. What is he not in favor of . Timo why would he want to just take one piece at a time . Ainst. Its past time for bold action. A i wonder what the Republican Caucus could possibly be against. Is there anything in the bilu that would defund the police . No, thats been a fascinating thing. You heard in both the hearing and the markup this notion of defund. I think thats really a distraction by the republicans. Why did they not want to talk about the grievous harms that we know happen . Rican why did they not want to talk about the fact that africanamerican men are three times more likely to wind up dead than white men in terms of Police Brutality . Defund the police is not a part of this bill. What i believe we should be talking about is funding, but is thats for state and local governments. Thats for e was appropriators. Theres no defunding in the bill. That simply was not wthere, an. Dont know why the republicans wasted all their time and theire breath on that. Se do you think your democratic colleagues in the senate, the vast majority of them, made the right decisionde to not join b republicans in even opening debate on senator tim scotts Police Reform bill . An i do. I think it is a recognition that this is an important civil rights moment. A mom you dont do the bear minimum to get through a moment like this. That is not what america is calling for. Black, white, america of all colors, you have seen us in the streets. They dont want just some bear minimum, some veneer of reform and move on. Only to find more and more systemic racism. Ine im very proud that the democrats in the senate said no to that. Madeleine dean is our guest,0 taking your phone calls. Mocrat split by party. Republicans, 2027488001. Democrats, 2027488000. Democrats, 2027488002. As viewers are calling in, we now know that the attorney y general, william barr, says hex planning to testify before the . Judiciary Committee Later next month. What do you plan on asking him if he shows up . Hat. Well, we have a whole host ou questions, so i wont preview ze that for you, but well beege toor have him come h forward. D. Do you realize hes the only attorney general not to come before house judiciary every year, every congress and every o year . The attorney general is supposed ailed come and report. And of course, he failed to shoe up last year. S we had him scheduled finally during the pandemic, but that had to be postponed. And so now hes agreed to july 28th. Theres so much to ask him. But in plain sight, we see the wrongdoing. The firing of five inspectors e clearing of Lafayette Park for a photo op for the president of el the united states, the removal of Peaceful Protesters using Police Officers, secret service, pepper bombs, rubber bullets, whatever kinds of devices they used, to remove Peaceful Protesters. Imagine that. Much more, which is very insidious, is the pposed misrepresentation every single day by this attorney general. He is supposed to be the top lao enforcement independent of the president attorney for our country. Hes proven himself to just bea fixer for donald trump. Its very worrisome that he has been there and disregarded the rule of law. One thing thatat i noted way ear on was you remember when the Mueller Report was released. What did the attorney general da at that time . Within a couple days, i think about 48 hours, he submitted a m letter, an open letter, telling. Us what he believed the tota takeaways from this 400some page report were. Total misrepresentation of the report. And he stood by that for one month until we actually got the truth. Act misrepresentation of facts and law by the top Law Enforcement agent is incredibly grievous behavior. Did yesterdays hearing before the Judiciary Committee open up any new avenues of questions for you . Every single day, there are new avenues of questions. Think about what happened, rneyg attempted toen happen friday night. When u attorney general barr sa that u. S. Attorney berman had resigned. Berman had to say, no, i did not resign. That kind of insidious public misrepresentation and attempted firings by misrepresenting that Public Servants words and service, thats every single day. This attorney general acts on behalf of the political whims of the president , trying to help him create photo ops, and i guess future campaign commercials. He works at the whim of the president. Coron sadly, and very dangerously, is what he has done during ence o coronavirus. Taunting states to reopen. Not based on science or public health, but based on politics. This is a person who has no j credibility for the job that he holds. I wish he would resign. We have until the bottom of the hour and plenty of callers waiting to chat with you first. Randy is up first out of iron river, michigan. A democrat. Good morning, randy. Youre on with Madeleine Dean. Caller yeah, madeleine, i ri would like to know what you ths think about attorney barr saying he wants to put pressure on all the marijuana businesses that did this legally. How can they go against what we voted in . Its like having a ruler rule over us, i mean, the vote is the vote. How do you feel about that, madeleine . Thank you, randy. Maybe you heard some of the testimony yesterday by attorney elias saying, pointing out the inordinate amount of time and resources this attorney generaln put against thedustry marijuana industry, the cannabis industry. Entirely out of favor or the president and by the attorney l general. What do i think about it . I think its just wrong. I think it is against the law. Jim bow is out of bakersfield, california, an independent. Good morning, jimbo. Caller good morning. First comment is, if were going to have any statue of anyone, it should be of brian lamb, because hes the one who has contributed more to democracy inahs. My life than any other single people. Individual. So if were going to honor people, lets honor the right ad people. Him you said that if i see him around the office. R whats your question for the congresswoman . Caller my question for the congresswoman is this. There are components of this bill in which have 80 of the support of the American Public and could make it incredibly aw impalatable for the senate to not take an honest look at j2 ey why is the congressman letting n the perfect be thets enemy of t good . Why not just give us the three or four components of this bill, simple stupid for the American People to understand it, 80 support, and just run those up to the republicans and make theo shoot it down. Something about the choke hold, the information about Police Officers. 80 consensus es amongst the American People on most of this, on major t components. Four or five of them your question. Other congresswoman, let you answer. A really good and fair question. Let me just go through some of the other issues in the bill, t some of the other measures in the bill, and my question would be, which one of these are not acceptable . I would agree with you. I think about 80 of all of the. Measures that are in there, the American Public accepts. So i dont know why we would ou cherry pick abe couple because Mitch Mcconnell wont do his job. Heres what it does, it bans choke holds. Choke it stops noknock warrants. It ends the doctrine of qualified immunity that shieldsf Police Officers fromie civil poe rights of the victims, it polie combats racial profiling by new and important training for Police Officers, it mandates olt data d collection. Not please collect data and get back to us. It mandates data collection. It would mandate body cameras, l dashboard cameras. S. I do it would create a National Registry of misconduct of police. So i dont know what of any of those the republicans are against. I like your argument, why let the perfect be the enemy of the good, but i havent seen t we anything in this billll that is. Far out on a limb that we should be willing to scrap it at this time. We want to send to the American People, and congress, a bold rs measure to meet thism moment. Were talking about 400 years o. Racism in this country. Your we cant take half measures. I or quarter measures, or even c less. Ii appreciate your question. I understand where it comes whaw from, which is to try to get something done. Wee wanthat to pass. We put it over to the Senate Republican majority, and if they cant get it done, if they dont recognize the desperate need ina this country for racial equality, then maybe elections will make a difference. Publ ic cedar rapids, iowa, edwards a republican. Ning good morning. , re good morning, representative dean. Good morning. Caller i wanted to talk to you. You had made a comment on the statistics that blacks are more likely to be killed by cops than white people. Dences okay. In 2019, there were 41 instances of unarmed suspects being killed by cops. 41. Nine were black. I dont see your numbers matching the statistics. Also, with statistics, 13 of this population is black. Yet 53 of murders are committed by black. 60 of Violent Crimes are committed by black. The i dont see your statistics matching up with whats been puu out there. Congresswoman. Well, i disagree. E. People i question your data. You said unarmed. 41 unarmed people. Ot by po lets take a look atw w 1h people shot by Police Officers in a year. I hear what youre saying, edward. I question your data. The data is really irrefutable a population is africanamerican, africanamericans are far more l likely to be shot and killed by Police Officers. Lets take a look at the case of ahmaud arbery, and i dont believe that policing reform iso the entire answer. We have to have other social reforms. But when was it ever right to shoot a man dead for falling asleep in a wendys drivethrough line . F justic why would that ever have been the measure of justice that should have taken place . Ave to too often, we see black men shot in the back by Police Officers. We have to recognize that. Le we have to recognize that police stops for black people often ent up very different than white y people. Im the mother of three adult white sons. I worry about their safety all the time, and i certainly worried about it when they were younger. I did not have to have the talk, however, worried about the factt they might a end up dead if the have a traffic stop. So this is just a reality in america. And this moment is the recognition of that reality. Knoxville, tennessee, donna, an independent. Good morning. Caller good morning. I have a question and a comment. I watched that committee meetins for the george floyd bill. And i was just disgusted by the behavior on both sides. And my question is, how do these senators and our congressmen expect us to come together when they cannot even come together . They refuse to Work Together, wont even not one thing thaw the republicans put forward would they even agree to. So how do they want us to come together when they get on tv and call names, talk about trump c being name calling, but they do the same whthing. Togeth and so how can we come together when they cannot even Work Together for the American People . Donna, before you go, what was the one provision that been republicans put forward in that hearing that you watched that hy you think should have been included in this bill . Caller well, one of the things i think they were against is taking away from the bordersr i cant articulate right now because its been a few days or a week or whatever. But i know on the border security, some of that, it had nothing to do with george floyd. Some of those arguments. , he and when they left the room and came back and voted no on one of the amendments,s, he didnt eve hear the arguments, he just voted no. Not for and it just made me sick to watch. Ot s im nottoma for either side any. I cant stomach the government at all. Its just gotten to where its disgusting. Us thrcongresswoman dean, you in the room. Can you walk us through that a little bit andnd your response. I really appreciate donnas comments. S duri i worry greatly about what the American Public sees during or theseou hearings, during these markups, the behavior of our colleagues. Let me give her one piece of reason for hope. In terms of working together, i introduced a bill last year witi guy russiantholler, a republican member from the western part ofg pennsylvania. He and ito do wi introduced theh act, having to do with grants to Police Departments of all things, to help with mental health, to deal with suicide, i rising rate of suicide among Police Officers. We introduced that bill together. We got a markup. S workin it passed the house, the senate, and last july 25th, the ork president signed it. And i am that is working together. There are opportunities for us to Work Together, and im chronically looking for them. But i agree with you. Of there was a very disrespectful set of arguments that were being made. I have to say, and i ask you to please listen to the distinctiou between the democrats andt the republicans. In the very hearing youthin wer talking about, republicans chose to talk about anything but policing reform. So that was the troubling, absolutely troubling to us. Nowhere did they mention, i spei tried tong figure out how much f was used on speaking about the problem of racism in policing. Almost not at all. George floyd, almost not at all. So its the measures we were talking about, almost not at ung all. What the republicans kept doing is bringing up defunding, defunding, defunding, which wasu not in this bill. So i share with you your dismay and your dissatisfaction, but i will say to you that the democrats were actually working towardrd measures to make our tr communities safer and more e cov equitable. Theres isin t ahe distinction the conversations on the two caucuses. To new orleans, joe is on te line for democrats. B good ecausemorning. Caller good morning. Im calling because it disturbs me when we talk about Police Killing of unarmed black men, that individuals will automatically bring up blackonblack crime. That shows they dont understand the message of, in my opinion, what black lives matters means. It means that police are not held accountable when they blatantly kill individuals for t no reason or they are unarmed. Thats what, to me, thats what the message of black lives matter means. If you kill if a policeman kills an unarmed individual, they should be prosecuted and sent to jail just like anyone cn else. Because you best believe, with e black on black crime, the individual who perpetrates the crime will be sought after, wil be arrested, and will be sent to jail. That usually does not happen when a policeman kills a black person in the past. Matter. So that disturbs me, and i wanted to give my opinion abouto that matter. We want policemen, when they do something unlawfully, go to jail just like everybody else. Not age congresswoman. I couldnt agree with you more. That red herring, that ook at distraction of blackonblack crime, folks, statistics, we have to look at how we police la all llcommunities. How do we Police Communities of color . How do we police more affluent or more White Communities . Theres where the distinction lies. I absolutely share your dismay and your calling that out for what it is. In this bill, theres so much that gets at police training. When you talk about unarmed men, the two examples, george floyd, those Police Officers knew he was not armed. They had him on the ground in se handcuffs, and he was allegedly stopped over a possible counterfeit 20 bill. As his brother asked, is mise brothers life not worth more than 20 . The Police Officers stood thered and actgeied as judge, jury, an executioner. A unarmed black man. Ahmaud arbery. Look at him running down the street. Just extraordinary. Reets. The case of mr. Brooks. They knew he was unarmed. They had fully patted him down. He was possibly drunk behind the wheel. What do we do . We send a man with a gun to g shoot him in the back instead oe saying pull over, ill get you coffee, get you home safely . What have we become in this ho society in terms of how we treat black unarmed men . Dean about five minutes left with congresswoman Madeleine Dean, democrat of pennsylvania. Member of the house Judiciary Committee, taking your phone calls. This is lewis in oklahoma, a republican. Good morning. Caller good morning. Good morning. Caller my question is, okay. To representative dean. Im a vietnam veteran. Im 72 years old. And i would like to know how you feel about the veterans of thist country and what were seeing. We gave our time and our lives to the united states. Wh my dad also did world war ii. What were seeing in this presid country right now,en it doesnt look good. And i will say this for president donald trump, he has h gave more to this country for the veterans than anybody that. Has ever sat upup there at the white house. He has supported the veterans. So i hope that you do, too. Thank you. Oh, im pleased to talk to you, lewis. My own eldest Brother Robert lewis dean is going to be 74 to years old, a vietnam veteran. He served in the navy and did two tours of duty in vietnam. We honor his service. My other brother harry served ir the service stateside. Ilift up absolutely admire youc service. I am inn awese of our veterans,d i lift up any chance i get, yous service, because very often, you all came home and continued to , serve. Whether its teachers or Police Officers or in health care, firefighting, all kinds of community service. I absolutely honor and lift up the veterans in your service. Ant i am in awe of you. I wish we would go back to a time when we all served in some way, that we gave of ourselves. V tooe shar few of us, and i incli myself among that, too few of us have shared in that sacrifice o military service. So thank you very much for your service. Know that i always admire and honor you. Caller last call, angie, greensboro, north carolina. Line for democrats. 8,odc good morning. Caller good morning. I just wanted to say that its disheartening in this country because, like, with the covid situation, everybody was locked up in their homes. And then george floyd happened. And before george floyd ng the happened, its like people are looking at their tvs and theyrc seeing the true disparities, the true systematic racism that has been going on in this country for over 400 years. Every de okay. The in Police Department is roo in it. Every department in government is rooted in this. And finally, everybody sees it. This is not even a white or wro black situation anymore. This is like right and wrong now. And people see it for what it is. Hor you have a government that is hy failingng horribly. I mean, it is ridiculous the way they acted in that judicial ust. Meeting. Its like kids in a playground. It is disgusting. This country looks crazy. And the president is just throwing fuel on the fire. Ho what are we going to do as a country, as a government . How are yall going to get us. Out of this . Thanks for the call. Congress bp woman, ill give yo. The final minute or two. I appreciate your outrage. T i share it. I really do. But what you can do is look to c elected officials who believe that we have to make incredible, powerful, bold, systemic changei it isnt just about policing, as important as the policing reform bill is. On but it is systemic. As a s we have to make sure that education is equal. I was a state representative for 6 1 2 years. In myip opportunity to people of every color, especially folks who are black and brown. Housing, health care,oko mentao health, all important, and we aa have to make sure we provide pi accessca to adequate, good heal care, both mental and physical. I so we have to do both things. We have to reform policing, but we have to invest in our , reco communities in agn much more e robust and equitable way, recognizing the inequality thate is there. Ad youre absolutely right. ,ovid only exposed what is already there. Y in he systemic racism, systemic disparity in Health Outcomes and educational outcomes, in economic outcomes for black andi white america. W we have to do something about it. And i would argue that the en Democratic Caucus in the house is trying powerfully to do something about it, even thoughf we dote wind up up against a; o circus attitude by republican congresswoman Madeleine Dean, democrat of pennsylvania, joining us via zoom this morning. We do appreciate the time. Thank you very much for having me. Jay clayton, chair of the u. S. Securities and exchange commission, testifies before the House Financial Services committee on emergency lending during the covid19 pandemic. Watch live today at noon eastern on cspan3, online at cspan. Org, or listen live on the free cspan radio app. First ladies, influence and image, on American History tv, examines the private lives and public roles of the nations first ladies, through interviews with top historians. Monday night, we look at Edith Roosevelt and helen taft. Edith roosevelt, along with her husband, theodore, became the first president and first lady to travel abroad while in office, when they made a trip to panama. And helen taft was the first first lady to ride with the president in the inaugural parade. Watch first ladies, influence and

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