voted to move forward on a mouthful of the bill called the quote repealing the job killing health care law act. they're pointing to a new preliminary report from the nonpartisan congressional budget office saying their bill would save $540 billion in spending over nine years. what they're not saying is that according to the same congressional budget office repealing health care reform would also cost $770 billion in lost revenue. in other words, according to the cbo, this bill killing health care reform would increase the deficit by the difference, $230 billion. those are the numbers the democrats of course are trumpeting. here to talk about it and talk about that and who knows what else, guitarest gourmet and author ted nugent. >> gourmet. i like that, anderson. aren't you tired of me yet? >> you did a cookbook a couple years ago. >> kill it and grill it. didn't you make a donation to that? >> i've seen it. also paul begala and some part-time hunter himself. >> absolutely. >> hey, paul. >> hey, ted.