suspension. it was supposed to be confidential but it got out based on the balco investigation and then he admitted it. >> bill: so now let's just concentrate on now. is this human growth hormone? is that what we are talking about here? >> it could be or it could be other things that he has used that are masked. and they are always a step ahead of the procedure with the mask. >> bill: some kind of substance that this clinic in miami was giving to not only him but ryan braun of the brewers, he has been suspended. giving it to enhance their performance that major league baseball says is illegal, you can't take this kind of stuff; is that correct? >> correct. and there is at least 18 others that will probably be suspended or at least are being investigated now. >> bill: this is a crew down in miami working with this clinic getting this stuff. why hasn't major league baseball moved against rodriguez? it's taking them a long time to basically say you did it this is the founder of the clinic right there. it's taking them a long time to say rodriguez did it and this is what is