contempt of court charges. so, we don't know exactly who's coming up but the prosecution has been mirroringing what they did in in the preliminary hearing. after cross-examination and redirect of dr. cooper, we could possibly hear later on today from some experts, from some of the phone chops will be analyzing phone records. also this week, we are expected to hear from at least three girl friends of dr. murray, one of whom the prosecution claims was on the phone with him, craig, when he discovered that michael jackson wasn't breathing. >> crisp dal glenn live outside the courthouse in los angeles for us this afternoon. kristen, thank you. >> you belt. joining me here in the studio, ricky kleman, legal analyst, former sex crimes prosecutor. we have been having you in here to talk about all things jackson, all things knox as well. talk about michael jackson and the murder trial. we will start there the girlfriends that kristen just alluded to there, perhaps as many as three, what do we expect to hear from them and how significant could that be? >> well it is not that we are